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Carbon dioxide, water vapour and energy fluxes were measured above and within a maritime pine forest during an atypical year with long-lasting reduced soil water availability. Energy balance closure was adequately good at both levels. As compared with what is usually observed at this site the ecosystem dissipated less energy via latent heat flux and more via sensible heat flux. The understorey canopy was responsible for a variable, significant component of the whole canopy fluxes of water vapour and carbon dioxide. The annual contribution of the understorey was 38% (154 mm) of the overall evaporation (399 mm) and 32% (89 mm) of the overall sensible heat flux (274 mm). The participation of the understorey reached 45% of the overall evaporation and 30% of the daytime overall assimilation during significant soil water deficit periods in summertime. Even during winter, understorey photosynthesis was consistent as it compensated soil and understorey respiration. The ecosystem behaved as a sink of carbon, with a negative annual carbon budget (−57 g C m−2). However, due to high soil water deficit, the annual ecosystem GPP was 40% less than usually observed at this site. This budget resulted from a sink of −131 g C m−2 for the overstorey and a source of +74 g C m−2 for the understorey. Moreover, on an annual basis the overstorey layer contributed to almost two-thirds of the ecosystem respiration. Finally, the effect of long-lasting soil water deficit on the maritime pine forest was found more important than the effect of the heat wave and drought of summer 2003.  相似文献   

In an incubation experiment with flooded rice soil fertilized with different N amounts and sampled at different rice stages, the methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) production in relation to soil labile carbon (C) pools under two temperature (35°C and 45°C) and moisture (aerobic and submerged) regimes were investigated. The field treatments imposed in the wet season included unfertilized control and 40, 80 and 120 kg ha?1 N fertilization. The production of CH4 was significantly higher (27%) under submerged compared to aerobic conditions, whereas CO2 production was significantly increased under aerobic by 21% compared to submerged conditions. The average labile C pools were significantly increased by 21% at the highest dose of N (120 kg ha?1) compared to control and was found highest at rice panicle initiation stage. But the grain yield had significantly responded only up to 80 kg ha?1 N, although soil labile C as well as gaseous C emission was noticed to be highest at 120 kg ha?1 N. Hence, 80 kg N ha?1 is a better option in the wet season at low land tropical flooded rice in eastern India for sustaining grain yield and minimizing potential emission of CO2 and CH4.  相似文献   

We apply a high-resolution atmospheric model to assess the influence of mesoscale advection of CO2 on the estimation of net ecosystem exchange (NEE) using eddy-covariance CO2 flux measurements at a Fluxnet-Canada forest site located on sloping terrain on Vancouver Island, Canada. The numerical simulation is performed for fair-weather conditions over an idealized two-dimensional mountain bounded by water. The model is enhanced to include a CO2 budget with a treatment of canopy photosynthesis and soil respiration.The simulation captures the transport of CO2 by nocturnal drainage flows and weak land breezes. The resulting vertical profiles and time evolution of CO2 concentration show a significant variation near the ground, associated with stability changes in the atmospheric boundary layer. The simulated vertical CO2 gradients are found to be large around sunset and sunrise. The decrease of CO2 concentration over land after midnight and the CO2 accumulation over the neighboring water surface indicate CO2 advection.A CO2 budget analysis of the numerical-model output shows that the mean horizontal and vertical advection have significant fluctuations and opposite signs during daytime, with the net result that they largely counteract each other. At night, mean advection results in the underestimation by 20% of the nocturnal respiration. The estimated NEE at night is dominated by sub-grid-scale vertical flux in this simulation. Further evaluation using 3D simulations with higher resolution is needed to see if our results hold where vertical fluxes are much better resolved.  相似文献   

典型菜地土壤剖面N2O、CH4与CO2分布特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探究菜地土壤剖面N2O、CH4与CO2时空分布特征,利用地下气体原位采集系统与气相色谱法,周年动态监测3种典型菜地,即休闲裸地、轮作地Ⅰ(芹菜?空心菜?小白菜?苋菜)以及轮作地Ⅱ(菜心?芹菜?空心菜?大青菜)7 cm、15 cm、30 cm与50 cm土层N2O、CH4与CO2浓度变化。结果表明,0~50 cm土层范围内,N2O、CH4与CO2 3种气体浓度周年变异性较大,变幅分别为0.63~1 657.0μL(N2O)?L?1、0.8~72.5μL(CH4)?L?1和0.41~36.6 m L(CO2)?L?1。轮作地Ⅰ与轮作地Ⅱ的N2O平均浓度随土壤深度增加而增加,休闲裸地则呈现先增加(0~30 cm)后降低(30~50 cm)的变化趋势。两种轮作菜地4个土层N2O平均浓度均显著高于休闲裸地,二者氮肥施用量不同并未造成相同土层间N2O平均浓度的显著差异。3种菜地CH4与CO2平均浓度均呈现50 cm30 cm15 cm7 cm的梯度特征。轮作地Ⅰ与轮作地Ⅱ0~15 cm土层CH4平均浓度均大于休闲裸地,而在15~50 cm土层则分别大于和小于休闲裸地。CO2浓度呈现明显的季节性变化,除轮作地Ⅰ50 cm土层外,两种轮作菜地其他土层CO2平均浓度均小于休闲裸地对应土层。可见,蔬菜地高氮肥施用、多频次耕作等复杂管理使得N2O、CH4与CO2表现出较大的时空变异特征,其中氮肥施用对N2O的影响大于CH4与CO2,CH4受施肥与耕作的影响均较小,CO2显著受土壤温度与耕作措施的影响,在此基础上需进一步探究N2O、CH4与CO2的其他影响因素。  相似文献   

The mechanism of SO2 inhibition of photosynthesis in intact leaves of tomato and maze was studied to evaluate SO2 inhibition of photorespiration. Leaf tissues were fumigated with SO2 under photorespiratory (low CO, and/or high O, concentrations) and non-photo-respiratory conditions. When tomato leaf disks were fumigated with 10 ppm SO2 at 2, 21 and 100° o O., SO2 inhibited photosynthesis at 2% O2 in the same degrees as at 21% O2. SO2 inhibition of photosynthesis was depressed at higher CO2 concentrations when the disks were fumigated with SO2 at different CO2 concentrations. High CO2 concentrations also reduced the photosynthesis inhibition of maize leaf disks. These results suggest that SO2 inhibits photosynthesis through other mechanisms than photorespiration inhibition and confirm the view that SO2 competes with CO2 for the carboxylating enzymes in photosynthesis  相似文献   

In boreal forests, canopy-scale emissions of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) are rather well characterised, but knowledge of ecosystem-scale BVOC emissions is still inadequate. We used adsorbent tubes to measure BVOCs from a boreal Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forest floor in southern Finland and analysed the compounds with a gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer. The most abundant compound group was the monoterpenes (averaging 5.04 μg m−2 h−1), in which α-pinene, Δ3-carene and camphene contributed over 90% of the emissions. Emissions of other terpenoids (isoprene and sesquiterpenes) were low (averaging 0.05 and 0.04 μg m−2 h−1, respectively). BVOC emissions from the forest floor varied seasonally, peaking in early summer and autumn, with most of the compounds following similar patterns. The emission pattern was sustained throughout the measurement period, suggesting that the main sources of the emissions remained more or less stable. We compared the BVOC fluxes with environmental parameters such as temperature, precipitation and PAR, and with fluxes of other trace gases (CO2, CH4, N2O), as well as with ground vegetation photosynthesis and with litter input. Several of these parameters were correlated with the presence of BVOCs. The sources of soil BVOC emissions are very poorly understood, but our results suggest, that changes in litter quantity and quality, soil microbial activity and the physiological stages of plants are linked with changes in BVOC fluxes.  相似文献   


Since a rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration is expected to lead to global warming, it is important to quantify the global carbon circulation. The CO2 evolution rate from soil has usually been measured by one of three methods: 1) CO2 absorption (Anderson 1982), where the evolved CO2 is absorbed in an alkali solution and the content subsequently determined, 2) closed chamber (Rolston 1986) in which the CO2 evolution rate is calculated from the increase of the CO2 concentration in a closed chamber covering the soil surface, and 3) flow-through chamber (Rolston 1986) in which a fixed rate of ambient air is pumped through an open chamber and the difference in the. CO2 concentration between the inlet and the outlet is measured. Although the CO2 absorption method is very simple in terms of apparatus and procedure, the determined CO2 evolution rate tends to be underestimated in cases where the evolved CO2 is not fully absorbed in the alkali solution (Ewel et al. 1987; Sakamoto and Yoshida 1988), or overestimated in cases where the CO2 concentration in the chamber is too low to stimulate microbial activity (Koizumi et al. 1991; Nakadai et al. 1993), In the closed chamber method, when the gas concentration in the chamber is higher than that of the ambient air, gas diffusion from the soil to the atmosphere is restricted (Denmead 1978). At this point, the flow-through chamber method seems to be most suitable for measuring the CO2 evolution rate, because the rate is determined under nearly natural conditions. However, this method has a disadvantage in that the apparatus is composed of an infra-red CO2 analyzer, air pumps, mass flow meters, a recorder, and other items, which are too large, heavy, and complex to use in the field (Freijer and Bouten 1991). Hence, in spite of the above limitations, most of the studies on CO2 evolution in situ have been carried out using the CO2 absorption method (Kowalenko et al. 1978; Seto et al. 1978a, b; Ewel et al 1981, 1987; Gupta and Singh 1981; Reinke et al. 1981; Edwards and Ros-Todd 1983; Grahammer et al. 1991) or the closed chamber method (Naganawa et al. 1989; Mariko et al. 1994). The flow-through chamber method has been used only at sites where electric power supply and other types of equipment were available (Mathes and Schriefer 1985; Ewel et al. 1987; Nakadai et al. 1993). In the present report a flow-through chamber method using a portable CO2 analyzer system was examined, for the determination of CO2 evolution from soil without an electric power supply or other special equipment.  相似文献   

CO2 has been predicted to increase in the future, and thus leading to possible changes in precipitation patterns. The objectives of this study were to investigate water use and canopy level photosynthesis of corn plants, and to quantify water use efficiency in corn plants under two different CO2 levels combined with four different water stress levels. Corn plants were planted in sunlit plant growth chambers and a day/night temperature of (28/18 °C) was applied. From 21 days after emergence (DAE), the eight treatments including two levels of carbon dioxide concentrations (400 and 800 μmol mol−1) and four levels of water stress (well-watered control, “mild”, “moderate”, and “severe” water stress) treatments at each CO2 level were imposed. Height, number of leaves, leaf lengths, and growth stages of corn plants were monitored from nine plants twice a week. Corn plants were separately collected, dried, and analyzed for the biomass accumulation at 21 and 60 DAE. Soil water contents were monitored by a time domain reflectometry (TDR) system (15 probes per chamber). The “breaking points” (changes from high to low rates of soil water uptake) were observed in the bottom of soil depth for the water stressed conditions, and the “breaking points” under ambient CO2 appeared 6-9 days earlier than under elevated CO2. Although approximately 20-49% less water was applied for the elevated CO2 treatments than for ambient CO2 from 21 DAE, higher soil water contents were recorded under elevated CO2 than under ambient CO2. However, corn growth variables such as height, leaf area, and biomass accumulation were not significantly different in CO2 or water stressed treatments. This result may be explained by considering that significant differences in canopy level gross photosynthesis among the water stress treatments was observed only toward the end of the experiment. The higher soil water contents observed under elevated CO2 resulted mainly from less water use than under ambient CO2. WUE (above ground biomass per water use since 21 DAE) at the final harvest was consistently higher and varied with a smaller range under elevated CO2 than under ambient CO2. This study suggests that less water will be required for corn under high-CO2 environment in the future than at present.  相似文献   

Forests play a significant role in the global carbon (C) cycle. Variability in weather, species, stand age, and current and past disturbances are some of the factors that control stand-level C dynamics. This study examines the relative roles of stand age and associated structural characteristics and weather variability on the exchange of carbon dioxide between the atmosphere and three different coastal Douglas-fir stands at different stages of development after clearcut harvesting. The eddy covariance technique was used to measure carbon dioxide fluxes and a portable soil chamber system was used to measure soil respiration in the three stands located within 50 km of each other on the east coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. In 2002, the recently clearcut harvested stand (HDF00) was a large C source, the pole/sapling aged stand (HDF88) was a moderate C source, and the rotation-aged stand (DF49) was a moderate C sink (net ecosystem production of −606, −133, and 254 g C m−2 year−1, respectively). Annual gross ecosystem production and ecosystem respiration also increased with increasing stand age. Differences in stand structural characteristics such as species composition and phenology were important in determining the timing and magnitude of maximum gross ecosystem production and net ecosystem production through the year. Both soil and ecosystem respiration were exponentially related to soil temperature in each stand with total ecosystem respiration differing more among stands than soil respiration. Between 1998 and 2003, annual net ecosystem production ranged from 254 to 424 g C m−2 year−1 over 6 years for DF49, from −623 to −564 g C m−2 year−1 over 3 years for HDF00, and from −154 to −133 g C m−2 year−1 over 2 years for HDF88. Interannual variations in C exchange of the oldest, most structurally stable stand (DF49) were related to variations in spring weather while the rapid growth of understory and pioneer species influenced variations in HDF00. The differences in net ecosystem production among stands (maximum of 1000 g C m−2 year−1 between the oldest and youngest stands) were an order of magnitude greater than the differences among years within a stand and emphasized the importance of age-related differences in stand structure on C exchange processes.  相似文献   

Northern wetlands are critically important to global change because of their role in modulating atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases, especially CO2 and CH4. At present, continuous observations for CO2 and CH4 fluxes from northern wetlands in Asia are still very limited. In this paper, two growing season measurements for CO2 flux by eddy covariance technique and CH4 flux by static chamber technique were conducted in 2004 and 2005, at a permanently inundated marsh in the Sanjiang Plain, northeastern China. The seasonal variations of CO2 exchange and CH4 flux and the environmental controls on them were investigated. During the growing seasons, large variations in net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) and gross ecosystem productivity (GEP) were observed with the range of −4.0 to 2.2 (where negative exchange is a gain of carbon from the atmosphere) and 0-7.6 g C m−2 d−1, respectively. Ecosystem respiration (RE) displayed relatively smooth seasonal pattern with the range of 0.8-4.2 g C m−2 d−1. More than 70% of the total GEP was consumed by respiration, which resulted in a net CO2 uptake of 143 ± 9.8 and 100 ± 9.2 g C m−2 for the marsh over the growing seasons of 2004 and 2005, respectively. A significant portion of the accumulated NEE-C was lost by CH4 emission during the growing seasons, indicating the great potential of CH4 emission from the inundated marsh. Air temperature and leaf area index jointly affected the seasonal variation of GEP and the seasonal dynamic of RE was mainly controlled by soil temperature and leaf area index. Soil temperature also exerted the dominant influence over variation of CH4 flux while no significant relationship was found between CH4 emission and water table level. The close relationships between carbon fluxes and temperature can provide insights into the response of marsh carbon exchange to a changing climate. Future long term flux measurements over the freshwater marsh ecosystems are undoubtedly necessary.  相似文献   

利用自行设计的试验装置,充入CO2气体使储粮害虫(谷蠹与米象)窒息死亡,以达到杀灭粮食害虫的目的。试验分为两个部分,一是在实验室里进行,试验温度分别在15~18℃和23~28℃;试验的CO2气体浓度分别控制在25%、30%、35%、40%、45%、50%、55%和60%左右;试验时间分别为24、48、72、96、120、168 h。通过多次试验,找出了实验室试验的最佳参数:温度为(25±3)℃;CO2气体浓度为25%~35%;谷蠹杀虫保持时间为72 h以上;米象杀虫保持时间为48 h。二是在实验仓进行试验,将传感器通过管道分别布置在仓的各个部位,并每隔12~24 h,测取温、湿度等。 实验仓的试验验证了实验室的试验结果,但杀虫的持续时间为10 d以上,研究成果为实仓应用CO2气调防治储粮害虫提供了可靠的依据。  相似文献   

超临界二氧化碳萃取蒜汁中大蒜油的研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
利用超临界二氧化碳对蒜汁中大蒜油的萃取进行了研究,结果表明:萃取釜中添加填料可以大大提高萃取速度;一次压榨汁大蒜素含量高,萃取速度快,但通过延长萃取时间,两次压榨汁可以得到较高的萃取率;超临界CO2萃取蒜汁中大蒜油的最佳萃取条件为萃取压力15 MPa,萃取温度40℃,CO2流量11 kg/h。该方法得到的大蒜油成分与从破碎大蒜固体中萃取得到的大蒜油成分基本相同,大蒜素含量在40%以上。  相似文献   

Enhancement of soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks through mulching has been proposed, and although this practice can alter several soil properties, its impact on the temporal variability of carbon dioxide (CO2) emission from soils has not been widely investigated. To that end, we monitored CO2 fluxes from a central Ohio Luvisol (fine, mixed, mesic Aeric Ochraqualf) amended with wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) straw applied at rates of 0 (M0), 8 (M8) and 16 (M16) Mg dry matter ha−1 per year and supplemented with fertilizer (244 kg N ha−1 per year) or without. The experimental design was a randomized complete block design with three replications. The intensity of CO2 emission was higher in the late winter (mean: 2.79 g CO2-C m−2 per day) and summer seasons (2.45 g CO2-C m−2 per day) and lowest in the autumn (1.34 g CO2-C m−2 per day). While no significant effect of N fertilization on CO2 emission was detected, soil mulching had a significant effect on the seasonal variation of CO2 fluxes. The percentage of annual CO2 emitted during the winter and spring was similar across treatments (17–22%); however, 43% of the annual CO2 loss in the M0 plots occurred during the summer as opposed to 26% in the mulch treatments. A close relationship (F=0.47X+4.45, R2=0.97, P<0.001) was found between annual CO2 flux (F, Mg CO2-C ha−1) and residue-C input (X, Mg C ha−1). Litter and undecomposed residue amounted to 0.32 and 0.67 Mg C ha−1 per year in the M8 and M16 plots, respectively. After 4 years of straw application, SOC stocks (0–10 cm) were 19.6, 25.6 and 26.5 Mg C ha−1 in the M0, M8 and M16 treatments, respectively. The results show that soil mulching has beneficial effect on SOC sequestration and strongly influence the temporal pattern of CO2 emission from soils.  相似文献   

We examined the potential of a subsoil to denitrify nitrate under optimal anaerobic conditions in a laboratory-based incubation when supplied with a range of C substrates of increasing recalcitrance. Both topsoil and its associated subsoil were supplied with nitrate and either glucose, starch or cellulose. Microbial respiration and the evolution of N2O and N2 were measured. The subsoil supported low amounts of microbial activity and responded only to the glucose treatment; with less than one-fifth of the N2O production measured in the top soil. Overall, our findings demonstrated that the denitrification potential of this particular subsoil is relatively low and that only simple carbohydrates could be utilised readily by the resident microorganisms.  相似文献   

Fluctuations in atmospheric CO2 density can arise from static pressure fluctuations but their effect on the long-term eddy covariance (EC) CO2 flux measurement is poorly known. In this paper, we report the results of a 1-year direct measurement of the static pressure fluctuations and the velocity-pressure covariance over a mixed forest in Northeast China. The results show that the pressure-vertical velocity covariance was primarily controlled by friction velocity and air stability. Without the pressure correction, the open-path EC measurement of the nighttime ecosystem respiration was biased low and that of the daytime photosynthetic CO2 uptake was biased high. Over the 1-year measurement period, the cumulative pressure correction was 40 gCm−2, which was about 20% of the annual net ecosystem production of this forest. Using the friction velocity data found in the literature, we estimated the magnitudes of the pressure correction for the major ecosystem types in the long-term global EC network (FluxNet).  相似文献   


Climate change has a negative impact on crop production by inducing several stresses throughout plant growth. As the germination is one of the critical stages, this study was to assess the impact of elevated carbon dioxide (eCO2) and associated temperature stress on germination of rice. The study was conducted using the rice genotype CO 51 in artificially induced eCO2 condition using open-top chamber (OTC). The efficiency of seed priming treatment with salicylic acid (SA), citric acid (CA), ascorbic acid (AsA) and distilled water (hydropriming) to alleviate stress due to eCO2 and temperature were also studied. SA 25 mg l?1 and AsA 100 mg l?1 enhanced germination, other seed quality parameters along with α- amylase activity. Also, the activity of antioxidant enzymes like catalase, peroxidase and superoxide dismutase was increased. These parameters positively affected the germination and growth by mitigating the effect of oxidative stress induced under eCO2 conditions. So, SA, CA and AsA can be effectively used for maintaining seed quality parameters and seedling growth during the stresses.  相似文献   

Continuous half-hourly measurements of soil CO2 efflux made between January and December 2001 in a mature trembling aspen stand located at the southern edge of the boreal forest in Canada were used to investigate the seasonal and diurnal dependence of soil respiration (Rs) on soil temperature (Ts) and water content (θ). Daily mean Rs varied from a minimum of 0.1 μmol m−2 s−1 in February to a maximum of 9.2 μmol m−2 s−1 in mid-July. Daily mean Ts at the 2-cm depth was the primary variable accounting for the temporal variation of Rs and no differences between Arrhenius and Q10 response functions were found to describe the seasonal relationship. Rs at 10 °C (Rs10) and the temperature sensitivity of Rs (Q10Rs) calculated at the seasonal time scale were 3.8 μmol m−2 s−1 and 3.8, respectively. Temperature normalization of daily mean Rs (RsN) revealed that θ in the 0–15 cm soil layer was the secondary variable accounting for the temporal variation of Rs during the growing season. Daily RsN showed two distinctive phases with respect to soil water field capacity in the 0–15 cm layer (θfc, 0.30 m3 m−3): (1) RsN was strongly reduced when θ decreased below θfc, which reflected a reduction in microbial decomposition, and (2) RsN slightly decreased when θ increased above θfc, which reflected a restriction of CO2 or O2 transport in the soil profile.Diurnal variations of half-hourly Rs were usually out of phase with Ts at the 2-cm depth, which resulted in strong diurnal hysteresis between the two variables. Daily nighttime Rs10 and Q10Rs parameters calculated from half-hourly nighttime measurements of Rs and Ts at the 2-cm depth (when there was steady cooling of the soil) varied greatly during the growing season and ranged from 6.8 to 1.6 μmol m−2 s−1 and 5.5 to 1.3, respectively. On average, daily nighttime Rs10 (4.5 μmol m−2 s−1) and Q10Rs (2.8) were higher and lower, respectively, than the values obtained from the seasonal relationship. Seasonal variations of these daily parameters were highly correlated with variations of θ in the 0–15 cm soil layer, with a tendency of low Rs10 and Q10Rs values at low θ. Overall, the use of seasonal Rs10 and Q10Rs parameters led to an overestimation of daily ranges of half-hourly RsRs) during drought conditions, which supported findings that the short-term temperature sensitivity of Rs was lower during periods of low θ. The use of daily nighttime Rs10 and Q10Rs parameters greatly helped at simulating ΔRs during these periods but did not improve the estimation of half-hourly Rs throughout the year as it could not account for the diurnal hysteresis effect.  相似文献   

Intensification of grazed grasslands following conversion from dryland to irrigated farming has the potential to alter ecosystem carbon (C) cycling and affect components of carbon dioxide (CO2) exchange that could lead to either net accumulation or loss of soil C. While there are many studies on the effect of water availability on biomass production and soil C stocks, much less is known about the effect of the frequency of water inputs on the components of CO2 exchange. We grew Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon L.) in mesocosms under irrigation frequencies of every day (I1 treatment, 30 d), every two days (I2 treatment, 12 d), every three days (I3 treatment, 30 d), and every six days (I6 treatment, 18 d, after I2 treatment). Rates of CO2 exchange for estimating net ecosystem CO2 exchange (FN), ecosystem respiration (RE), and soil respiration (RS) were measured, and gross C uptake by plants (FG) and respiration from leaves (RL) were calculated during two periods, 1–12 and 13–30 d, of the 30-d experiment. During the first 12 d, there were no significant differences in cumulative FN (mean ±standard deviation, 61 ±30 g C m-2, n = 4). During the subsequent 18 d, cumulative FN decreased with decreasing irrigation frequency and increasing cumulative soil water deficit (W), with values of 70 ±22, 60 ±16, and 18 ±12 g C m-2 for the I1, I3, and I6 treatments, respectively. There were similar decreases in FG, RE, and RL with increasing W, but differences in RS were not significant. Use of the C4 grass growing in a C3-derived soil enabled partitioning of RS into its autotrophic (RA) and heterotrophic (RH) components using a 13C natural abundance isotopic technique at the end of the experiment when differences in cumulative W between the treatments were the greatest. The values of RH and its percentage contributions to RS (43% ±8%, 42% ±8%, and 8% ±5% for the I1, I3, and I6 treatments, respectively) suggested that RH remained unaffected across a wide range of W and then decreased under extreme W. There were no significant differences in aboveground biomass between the treatments. Nitrous oxide (N2O) emission was measured to determine if there was a trade-off effect between irrigation frequency and increasing W on net greenhouse gas emission, but no significant differences were found between the treatments. These findings suggest that over short periods in well-drained soil, irrigation frequency could be managed to manipulate soil water deficit in order to reduce net belowground respiratory C losses, particularly those from the microbial decomposition of soil organic matter, with no significant effect on biomass production and N2O emission.  相似文献   

Temperature fluctuations are a fundamental entity of the soil environment in the temperate zone and show fast (diurnal) and slow (seasonal) dynamics. Responses of soil respiration to temperature fluctuations were investigated in a root-free soil of a mid-European beech-oak forest. First, in laboratory we analysed the efflux of CO2 from soil microcosms exposed to seasonal (±5 °C of the annual mean) and diurnal fluctuations (±5 °C of the seasonal levels) in a two-factorial design. Second, in field microcosms we investigated effects of smoothing diurnal temperature fluctuations in soil (simulating a possible global trend) on CO2 efflux. Third, the natural temperature regime was simulated in laboratory microcosms and their CO2 efflux was compared to the one in the field. The experiments lasted for 1 year to differentiate seasonal and annual responses.Dynamics of CO2 efflux, microbial basal respiration, biomass and qO2 varied with seasonal temperature regime. However, in the laboratory the annual cumulative CO2-C production did not differ between treatments and varied between 10.9% and 11.7% of the total microcosm C, disregarding seasonal and/or diurnal fluctuations. The similarity of cumulative C production suggests that the availability of microbially mobilisable carbon pools rather than the temperature regime limited soil respiration. Diurnal fluctuations generally did not affect CO2 efflux and microbial activity, though winter Q10 values were increased in their absence. Simulation of the natural temperature regime in the laboratory resulted in CO2 efflux similar to field microcosms. In the field, rates of CO2 efflux and microbial activity, seasonal and annual cumulative CO2-C production were significantly higher at smoothed than at natural temperature conditions (annually 13.1% and 11.0% of total C was respired, respectively). Facing global climate changes the mechanisms regulating responses of soil respiration to temperature fluctuations need further investigation.  相似文献   

Land-use type and nitrogen (N) addition strongly affect nitrous oxide (N2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) production, but the impacts of their interaction and the controlling factors remain unclear. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of both factors simultaneously on N2O and CO2 production and associated soil chemical and biological properties. Surface soils (0–10 cm) from three adjacent lands (apple orchard, grassland and deciduous forest) in central Japan were selected and incubated aerobically for 12 weeks with addition of 0, 30 or 150 kg N ha–1 yr–1. Land-use type had a significant (p < 0.001) impact on the cumulative N2O and CO2 production. Soils from the apple orchard had higher N2O and CO2 production potentials than those from the grassland and forest soils. Soil net N mineralization rate had a positive correlation with both soil N2O and CO2 production rates. Furthermore, the N2O production rate was positively correlated with the CO2 production rate. In the soils with no N addition, the dominant soil properties influencing N2O production were found to be the ammonium-N content and the ratio of soil microbial biomass carbon to nitrogen (MBC/MBN), while those for CO2 production were the content of nitrate-N and soluble organic carbon. N2O production increased with the increase in added N doses for the three land-use types and depended on the status of the initial soil available N. The effect of N addition on CO2 production varied with land use type; with the increase of N addition doses, it decreased for the apple orchard and forest soils but increased for the grassland soils. This difference might be due to the differences in microbial flora as indicated by the MBC/MBN ratio. Soil N mineralization was the major process controlling N2O and CO2 production in the examined soils under aerobic incubation conditions.  相似文献   

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