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We conducted underwater surveys using SCUBA gear to examine habitat and microhabitat competition between the Ponto‐Caspian racer goby Babka gymnotrachelus and native European bullhead Cottus gobio to assess the potential for competitive displacement of the native species by the invading species. In summer, 88 surveys were made in a tributary of the River Vistula within defined benthic areas across the entire width of the river bed. The occurrence of fish by total length class (small: <6 cm; large: >6 cm) and environmental conditions (depth, water velocity, substratum type, plant cover, shelter type) was recorded. We found a substantial separation between the species and size classes in relation to substratum, shelter type and water velocity. European bullheads were limited to lotic areas with stony bottoms, whereas racer gobies also occupied lentic areas over sand or mud. European bullheads usually took refuge under stones in contrast to a wider range of shelters used by racer goby, including tree roots and rubbish. In general, the breadth of habitat used by the racer goby was wider than that of the European bullhead, although habitat overlap between the species was not statistically significant except for the type of shelter occupied by small fish, selecting smaller stones. An inverse relationship was observed between small European bullheads and all racer gobies in areas where they co‐occurred, suggesting that invader may be having an adverse effect on the distribution and habitat use of small native bullheads, particularly in areas of moderate water velocities over small stones and gravel.  相似文献   

In 2012, brown bullhead (Ameiurus nebulosus) with large, raised, black growths were first reported from multiple areas within the Vermont portion of Lake Memphremagog. Subsequent surveys conducted from 2014 to 2017 at two sites within the lake indicated a prevalence of 30% in adult brown bullhead 200 mm and above total length. These lesions ranged from slightly raised smooth black areas to large nodular areas on the body surface and fins and within the oral cavity. Microscopically, these lesions were determined to be malignant melanoma with invasion into surrounding hypodermis, skeletal muscle and bone as well as metastases to gill, ovary and intestine. Liver neoplasms were also observed in 8% of the bullhead collected from Lake Memphremagog in 2015. Neither skin nor liver neoplasms were noted in Ticklenaked Pond, a site used for comparison.  相似文献   

We quantified trophic overlap between the invasive, non‐native catfish brown bullhead (Ameiurus nebulosus) and the New Zealand native shortfin eel (Anguilla australis) in four peat and riverine lakes using stable isotope (δ13C and δ15N) and gut content analyses. Across all lakes and fish sizes over the austral spring–summer period, shortfin eel guts were dominated numerically by fish prey (57% occurrence cf 42% in brown bullhead), while Diptera larvae were most commonly encountered in guts of brown bullhead (45% cf 14% in eels). Significant differences in % composition of animal contents in guts were detected between fish species and sampling occasions (= 4) but not between lakes. In contrast, stable isotope signatures of brown bullhead and shortfin eel did differ significantly between lakes but not between sampling occasions, indicating enduring sources of nutrition despite apparently differing ingestion patterns over time. The R mixing model MixSIAR indicated that shortfins likely assimilated higher proportions of fish prey carbon compared to brown bullheads, which appeared to show greater assimilation of invertebrates, consistent with the results of gut content analyses. Isotopic niche regions, calculated in nicheROVER using probabilistic ellipses, indicated that shortfin eels occupied at least c.60% of brown bullhead trophic niche, which occupied less than 30% of eel trophic niche in all but one lake. These estimates suggest that brown bullhead has higher potential to influence shortfin eel nutrition than vice versa, or that a broad trophic niche occupied by eels provides resilience to the effects of overlapping consumption patterns with invasive omnivores.  相似文献   

Abstract –  The effectiveness of a pool-and-weir fish pass in the regulated river Laarse Beek (Belgium) was assessed for bullhead ( Cottus gobio ), perch ( Perca fluviatilis ) and roach ( Rutilus rutilus ) from August 2002 to April 2003. Fish were caught by electrofishing downstream, within and upstream of the fish pass. They were marked with visible implant elastomer tags and released downstream of the fish pass. Our results suggest that the fish pass is ineffective for the bullhead because none of the 1270 tagged bullheads were recaptured in the upstream study area. Passage failure most likely resulted from excessive water velocities in the fish pass. On the contrary, 8% of the tagged perch and 29% of the tagged roach were recaptured in the upstream study area. Several management strategies are proposed to allow free upstream passage of the endangered bullhead at the fish pass under study.  相似文献   

The life‐history traits and population dynamics of the black bullhead Ameiurus melas (Rafinesque) were studied monthly from August 2009 to December 2012 in Lake Sava in Belgrade (Serbia). This period included a mass mortality event in May 2011 and subsequent population recovery during 2012. Available evidence suggests the mass mortality was caused by European catfish virus that only affected the black bullhead. Changes in key life‐history traits and the recovery potential (increase in catch‐per‐unit‐effort, doubling of young‐of‐the‐year to adult ratio, earlier maturation and increased fecundity) following the mass mortality event suggest population resilience typical of a recurring boom‐bust pattern and demonstrate the species’ capacity to recover rapidly and re‐establish following disturbance. Repeated systematic mass removals of both juveniles and adults (using fyke nets) will be required if future fishery management measures aimed at limiting the population size are to be effective.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify a signal that could be used as an androgen exposure indicator in the European bullhead (Cottus sp.). For this purpose, the ultra-structure of the kidney was characterized to identify normal structure of this organ, and histological changes previously described in the kidney of breeding male bullheads were quantified using the kidney epithelium height (KEH) assay previously developed and validated for the stickleback. In the next step, the effect of trenbolone acetate (TbA), a model androgen, was assessed to identify potential androgenic regulation of bullhead kidney hypertrophy. Measurement of KEH performed on adult non-breeding male and female bullheads exposed for 14 and 21 days to 0, 1.26 and 6.50 μg/L showed that kidney hypertrophy is induced in a dose-dependent manner, confirming the hypothesis that the European bullhead possesses a potential biomarker of androgen exposure. Combined with the wide distribution of the European bullhead in European countries and the potential of this fish species for environmental toxicology studies in field and laboratory conditions, the hypothesis of a potential biomarker of androgen exposure offers interesting perspectives for the use of the bullhead as a relevant sentinel fish species in monitoring studies. Inducibility was observed with high exposure concentrations of TbA. Further studies are needed to identify molecular signals that could be more sensitive than KEH.  相似文献   

Abstract – Passive integrated transponder tags have been successfully applied in Cottus spp. and have enabled researchers to gather more information about the movement patterns of individual fish in the wild. In two succeeding years during springtime, a portable antenna was used to determine diel movements of bullhead (Cottus perifretum). In 2007, bullhead (N = 26) moved significantly farther distances at night (mean, 0.42 m·h?1) and dawn (mean, 0.35 m·h?1) than during daytime (mean, 0.11 m·h?1; mixed model, P < 0.001, respectively; P = 0.001), which may be due to foraging activities for Gammarus spp. Irrespective of diel period, smaller fish covered significantly longer distances (P = 0.001). In 2008, similar diel movement patterns were observed, but the differentiation between daytime (mean, 0.12 m·h?1) and night periods (mean, 0.18 m·h?1) was not significant (mixed model, P = 0.087; N = 49 bullhead). It is discussed that longer tracking intervals used in 2008 (three times per 24‐h instead of every two hours) were not suitable to detect the sheer magnitude of distances covered during a diel period. It is shown that this may be due to ‘site fidelity’ of some individuals: after swimming several metres at night, they returned to the exact location they previously occupied during daytime. In 2008, sex and body size were not related to diel movement. The present study is the first to present a quantitative differentiation between diel distances covered in a Cottus spp.  相似文献   

The spread of invasive species is one of the major environmental concerns which can have negative effects on biodiversity. While several life history traits have been identified as being important for increasing the invasiveness of introduced species, the physiological factors that allow certain species to become successful invaders remain poorly understood. It has been speculated that good invaders are thriving in disturbed environments. In unfavourable conditions, as during hypoxic events, invasive species might be better adapted in their physiological and behavioural responses towards this stressor. We compared physiological and behavioural traits between two freshwater fish species: the European bullhead (Cottus gobio), an invasive fish species in Scotland, and its native competitor the stone loach (Barbatula barbatula) over different dissolved oxygen concentrations (DO). Contrary to expectations, bullhead displayed a reduced hypoxia tolerance as compared to stone loach, indicated by a higher threshold (Pcrit) for the maintenance of standard metabolism. Avoidance behaviour during progressive hypoxia was similar between bullhead and stone loach. When given a choice between an open normoxic zone and a shelter located in hypoxia, both species spent most of their time hiding under the shelter in hypoxic conditions (bullhead: 100%; stone loach: 93.93%–99.73%), although stone loach showed brief excursions into normoxic conditions under 25% DO level. These results suggest that stone loach might be more resistant to hypoxia as compared to bullhead, and thus that increased hypoxia tolerance is likely not a trait by which bullhead have been able to expand their range within the United Kingdom.  相似文献   

Ictalurid herpesvirus‐2 (IcHV‐2) is a pathogen of cultured black bullhead, Ameiurus melas (Rafinesque), and has been shown to produce high mortality in experimental exposures of channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque). During acute infections, the virus grows readily in cell cultures but produces a cytopathic effect (CPE) similar to that of Ictalurid herpesvirus‐1 (IcHV‐1) and the channel catfish reovirus. We have developed a quantitative PCR assay that can be used to detect IcHV‐2 in fish tissues and cell culture supernatants. The assay does not amplify other fish herpesviruses tested or host DNA. It is quantitative over a range of eight logs, and the limit of detection is <10 copies per reaction. In replicate assays carried out on different days, the coefficient of variability was 10%. The best organs for the detection of acute IcHV‐2 infections by our assay are the spleen and kidney. This assay should be useful for the diagnosis of IcHV‐2 disease, the identification of syncytial CPEs in cell cultures, and for the detection of latent infections in carrier fish.  相似文献   

Abstract. White sucker, Catostomus commersoni (Lacépède), and brown bullhead, Ictalurus nebulosus (Lesueur), populations throughout the Great Lakes examined for evidence of pollution associated neoplasia exhibited a variety of morphologically distinct skin lesions. Three types of skin lesions affected white suckers: (a) focal on the lips, (b) discrete on the body, or (c) raised mucoid focal lesions on the skin and fins. Histologically, all three types featured a continuum between mild epidermal hyperplasia and benign papillomata. Brown bullheads exhibited a single variably shaped raised lesion on all body surfaces and within the oral cavity in addition to focal lip lesions. All bullhead lesions exhibited a continuum between mild epithelial hyperplasia and papillomata. Some skin lesions in both species were invasive but most abnormalities represented some stage in the development of epidermal papillomas. These papillomas superficially resemble papillomas common in many fish species and which are associated with viruses, but sucker and bullhead papillomas exhibit a unique range of histopathological and gross morphological appearances. The high prevalence of these papillomas, affecting up to 60% of some populations in polluted areas, supports the possibility that carcinogenic chemicals in the sediments are influencing papilloma development.  相似文献   

The racer goby is an invasive Ponto‐Caspian fish spreading throughout Europe. They threaten a native species of similar biology, the European bullhead, by displacing them from shelters. These shelters are necessary for reproduction as well as for protection against predators and hydrodynamic forces. However, abiotic conditions may strongly modify the outcome of an interspecific competition in the wild. Nevertheless, little is known of the effect of flow velocity on the competition between these rheophilic species, although this factor is crucial for their distribution in the field. We video‐recorded fish behaviour for 2 h in single‐species and mixed‐species pairs in the presence of single shelters at three flow velocities: 0, 10 (a velocity preferred by the racer goby) and 30 cm·s?1 (a velocity greater than preferred by the racer goby) to determine whether the invader can deprive the native species of its shelter. At the flow of 0 and 10 cm·s?1, the racer goby exhibited aggressive behaviour towards bullhead, and this restricted the time spent by the bullhead in the shelter. Moreover, although the flow of 30 cm·s?1 inhibited racer goby aggression, the time spent by the bullhead in the shelter in interspecific competition was still reduced when compared to intraspecific controls. Our results suggest that under natural conditions, the racer goby displace bullheads from their shelters even at flow velocities greater than optimal for the racer goby.  相似文献   

A newly introduced species, the bullhead, Cottus gobio L., was observed for the first time in the River Utsjoki, a tributary of the River Teno, in 1979. The River Teno is one of the most important Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., rivers in Northern Europe and its tributary the River Utsjoki is an important salmon spawning and nursery area. The densities of bullhead were lowest in the areas to which the species has spread most recently and highest in the areas downstream of its introduction point. Densities were markedly lower upstream. Statistical analysis showed that the presence of the bullhead had not affected juvenile salmon densities in the River Utsjoki.  相似文献   

The bullhead, Cottus gobio L., was observed in the River Utsjoki in the far north of Finland for the first time in 1979. This river is a tributary of the sub-Arctic River Teno, which flows into the Arctic Ocean and is one of the most important salmon rivers in northern Europe. The bullhead does not belong to the natural fish fauna of the Finnish river systems flowing into the Arctic. It was probably introduced by anglers as bait or accidentally during the water exchange activities as salmon fry were transferred from Finnish hatcheries to northern Norway. A viable bullhead population has dispersed through the River Utsjoki catchment. In 1995 its range extended from the lowest part of the river to a point 43 km upstream. It is highly probable that it has also entered the mainstem of the River Teno.  相似文献   

  • 1. Five side‐channels and small tributaries of the River Avon (Hampshire, UK) were examined between spring 1999 and spring 2000 using point abundance sampling by electrofishing to determine the status of fish listed in Annex II of the EC Habitats Directive prior to habitat management works to enhance spring feeding habitat of wading birds.
  • 2. Seasonal patterns of abundance and microhabitat use of bullhead Cottus gobio and accompanying fish species were examined. Parr of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar were sufficiently abundant for microhabitat analysis at one site only. Only two specimens of brook lamprey Lampetra fluviatilis were observed, one at each of two sites. Bullhead was amongst the most abundant fish species at all five sites, 0+ bullhead predominating.
  • 3. Bullhead microhabitat preferences were generally similar at all five sites, but seasonal variations were observed, as was the case for the accompanying fish species, which included dace Leuciscus leuciscus, chub Leuciscus cephalus, stone loach Barbatula barbatula, roach Rutilus rutilus, and threespine stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus.
  • 4. Bullhead conservation status is discussed, in particular the possible exemption of British bullhead populations, such as already granted for those of Finland, from Annex II of the Habitats Directive.
© Crown Copyright 2004 Reproduced with the permission of Her Majesty's Stationary Office. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

For two decades, fish tumour surveys have been used to monitor habitat quality in the Chesapeake Bay (USA) watershed. Tributaries with sediments contaminated with polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), known to cause liver neoplasia, were frequently targeted. Here, we compare surveys in brown bullhead Ameiurus nebulosus conducted in 2009–2011 in the tidal Potomac River watershed (including the Anacostia River) with previous surveys. Using logistic regression, we identified length and sex as covariates for liver and skin tumours. We reported a statistically significant decrease in liver tumour probabilities for standardized 280 mm Anacostia bullheads between the 1996 and 2001 samplings (merged collections: female–77.5%, male–43.0%) and 2009–2011 (female–42.2%, male–13.6%). However, liver tumour prevalence in bullheads from the Anacostia, Potomac River (Washington, DC) and Piscataway Creek (17 km downriver) was significantly higher than that for Chesapeake Bay watershed reference locations. The causes of skin tumours in bullheads are uncertain, requiring further research. The similar liver tumour prevalence in these three locations suggests that the problem is regional rather than restricted to the Anacostia. To monitor habitat quality and the success of pollution control actions, we recommend conducting tumour surveys on a 5‐year cycle coordinated with sediment chemistry analyses.  相似文献   

  • 1. The North American signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus has been widely introduced throughout Europe where it is expanding its range and in many areas replacing the native white‐clawed crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes. There is concern with regards to the impact of this species replacement on benthic fish. Interspecific behavioural interactions and competition for shelter between the benthic fish, bullhead Cottus gobio and A. pallipes and P. leniusculus were measured to assess the comparative impact of native and non‐native crayfish.
  • 2. Both white‐clawed crayfish and signal crayfish were dominant over bullhead. Bullheads moved away from approaches of crayfish, left shelters on entry of crayfish and rarely entered an occupied shelter. Signal crayfish made significantly more aggressive approaches towards bullheads than white‐clawed crayfish.
  • 3. Alone, bullheads spent most of their time by day under shelter (median 96%), reflecting a highly entrained behavioural response, which was relaxed by night (median 60%). Both crayfish species reduced shelter use by bullheads although the extent of shelter sharing by bullheads was higher in trials with white‐clawed crayfish than with signal crayfish.
  • 4. Sampling in the River Wharfe, northern England, where signal and white‐clawed crayfish and bullhead currently exist, demonstrated a negative relationship between the densities of signal crayfish and bullhead, with high bullhead abundance where crayfish were absent or where white‐clawed crayfish were present at low density.
  • 5. Assuming that shelter is sometimes limited under natural conditions, crayfish are likely to displace bullheads from shelters, which may increase predation risk for bullheads. Although the effects of signal crayfish on bullhead shelter use were more intense, the pattern was highly evident for the native white‐clawed crayfish. The higher fecundity and densities attained by signal crayfish may be more significant than differences in the behaviour of the two crayfish species in determining the impact of crayfish on bullheads.
Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Introduction of flathead catfish, Pylodictis olivaris (Rafinesque), in waters of the USA has been widespread and often with negative impacts. Flathead catfish have been collected in Florida waters since the 1980s, and this study documents their impact on native fishes shortly after establishment. Four sites in the Choctawhatchee River, Florida, were sampled from 1997 to 2011, a time period spanning several years before and after the presence of flathead catfish at all sites. Flathead catfish expanded more than 91 river km in 2 years. The population increased rapidly and became the numerically dominant ictalurid at each site within 3 years of first detection at the site. Concurrent with the increases in flathead catfish was the precipitous decline of the native spotted bullhead, Ameiurus serracanthus (Yerger & Relyea). Electric fishing catch rates of flathead catfish significantly increased (< 0.03) over time at all sites, while spotted bullhead catch rates significantly declined (< 0.03) at three of four sites. Catch rates of flathead catfish and spotted bullhead were negatively correlated at all but the last site to be colonised by flathead catfish. This study provides evidence that introduced flathead catfish can quickly and significantly impact native ictalurids.  相似文献   

The channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus, Rafinesque) ovary (CCO) cell line is the standard cell line used for channel catfish diagnostics. Next‐gen sequencing studies of a virus cultured in the CCO cells revealed mitochondrial sequences matching those of brown bullhead (Ameiurus nebulosus, Lesueur). Therefore, we systematically performed partial cytochrome oxidase 1 gene sequencing of several sources of the CCO cell line and all matched the brown bullhead and not the channel catfish.  相似文献   

Half-sib ictalurid families were produced when eggs from three channel catfish, "Ictalurus punctatus," females were fertilized with a mixture of sperm from channel catfish, blue catfish, "I. furcatus," black bullhead, "Ameiurus melas," and flathead catfish, "Plyodictis olivaris." Sperm from all four species successfully fertilized channel catfish eggs, although individual families contained different percentages of the various crosses. The enzyme glucose phosphate isomerase distinguished the different hybrids and parental groups, and confirmed sorting of offspring based on morphology. At 1 month of age, channel catfish ♀ X flathead catfish ♂ hybrids (0.36 ± 0.07 g, mean ± SD) were heavier (P ≤ 0.05) than channel catfish ♀ X black bullhead ♂ (0.12 ± 0.03 g), channel catfish ♀ X blue catfish ♂ hybrids (0.11 ± 0.03 g ), and channel catfish (0.10 ± 0.4 g). By 8 months of age, channel catfish ♀ X black bullhead ♂ hybrids (36.4 ± 21.9 g) and channel catfish ♀ X blue catfish ♂ hybrids (34.5 ± 24.2 g) were similar in weight, and each was significantly heavier than channel catfish ♀ X channel catfish ♂ (26.9 ± 16.1 g), while channel catfish ♀ X flathead catfish ♂ (17.0 ? 6.8 g) weighed the least. Morphometric ratios of channel catfish ♀ X blue catfish ♂ were intermediate between channel catfish ♀ X channel catfish ♂ and blue catfish for four of 16 features and were similar to either or both of the parental species for 10 others. Ratios for channel catfish ♀ X black bullhead ♂ hybrids were intermediate between channel catfish ♀ X channel catfish ♂ and black bullhead for seven of 16 features. Ratios for channel catfish ♀ X flathead catfish ♂ hybrids were larger than channel catfish ♀ X channel catfish ♀ for eight of 16 features and smaller than channel catfish ♀ X channel catfish ♂ for five of 16 features. All channel catfish ♀ X flathead catfish ♂ hybrid offspring were female, based on examination of the urogenital region or gross appearance of the gonands, while other groups had normal sex ratios. Production of half-sib interspecific hybrid families provides a unique opportunity to evaluate genetic influences on commercially important traits and to evaluate the potential of these ictalurid hybrids in aquaculture.  相似文献   

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