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1 在奶牛饲料中的应用   研究证明,用大豆皮替代奶牛混合精料中的63%的燕麦,对奶牛4%乳脂率校正奶产量没有影响.在以苜蓿青贮和混合精料为奶牛日粮的试验中研究发现,大豆皮分别替代奶牛精料中27%和48%的玉米,各处理组之间的产奶量没有明显差异.还有人指出,用大豆皮替代奶牛混合精料中部分谷物饲料,对产奶量和产奶效益没有明显的负面影响,甚至反有提高.以大豆皮替代产奶牛精料中25%和50%的玉米和小麦麸,奶牛日产奶量、4%乳脂率校正产奶量、乳蛋白、乳糖、无脂固形物及产奶饲料成本分别降低0.045元和0.057元.……  相似文献   

<正>1在奶牛饲料中的应用研究证明,用大豆皮替代奶牛混合精料中63%的燕麦,对奶牛4%乳脂率校正奶产量没有影响。在以苜蓿青贮和混合精料为奶牛日粮的试验中研究发现,大豆皮分别替代奶牛精料中27%和48%的玉米,各处理组之间的产奶量没有明显差异。还有人指出,用大豆皮替代奶牛混合精料中部分谷物饲料,对产奶量和产奶效益没有明显的负面影响,甚至有提高,以大豆皮替代产奶牛精料中的25%和50%的玉米和小麦麸,奶牛日产奶量、4%乳脂率校正产奶量、乳蛋白、乳糖、无脂固形物及产奶饲料成本分别降低0.045元和0.057元。用大豆皮替代奶牛精料中玉米的试验结果显示,随着大豆皮替代比例的提高,奶牛产奶量逐渐降低,但乳脂率逐渐升高,4%乳脂率校正奶产量基本不变。综合大量实践结果表明,用大豆皮替代奶牛混合精料中30%以下的谷物类能量饲料(玉米、大麦、燕麦等)能有效提高乳脂率,对产奶量和饲料转化效率等均不会有负面影响,因此用大豆皮替代反刍动物部分混合精料是完全可行的。  相似文献   

用产奶牛饲喂试验(试验1)和尼龙袋消化试验(试验2)研究了大豆皮替代产奶牛日粮精料中玉米与小麦麸对产奶性能和干物质及纤维消化特性的影响。试验1条件下,以大豆皮替代精料中25%和50%玉米与小麦麸饲喂奶牛,每千克产奶的饲料成本平均减少0.045元和0.057元。试验2利用2头装有永久性瘤胃瘘管的本地黄牛测定了大豆皮及5种饲粮大豆皮替代水平(分别替代精料中玉米和小麦麸的0、25%、50%、75%和100%)的干物质(DM)和中性洗涤纤维(NDF)的尼龙袋消化率与动态消化参数。随着大豆皮替代玉米与小麦麸比例的提高,饲粮NDF中慢速消化组分的比例呈线性(P=0.002)和二次线性曲线(P=0.001)上升;快速消化组分趋于线性上升(P=0.082);NDF总体可消化组分呈线性上升(P=0.001)。  相似文献   

用产奶牛饲喂试验(试验1)和尼龙袋消化试验(试验2)研究了大豆皮替代产奶牛日粮精料中玉米与小麦麸对产奶性能和千物质及纤维消化特性的影响。试验1条件下,以大豆皮替代精料中25%和50%玉米与小麦麸饲喂奶牛,每千克产奶的饲料成本平均减少0.045元和0.057元。试验2利用2头装有永久性瘤胃瘘管的本地黄牛测定了大豆皮及5种饲粮大豆皮替代水平(分别替代精料中玉米和小麦麸的0、25%、50%、75%和100%)的干物质(DM)和中性洗涤纤维(NDF)的尼龙袋消化率与动态消化参数。随着大豆皮替代玉米与小麦麸比例的提高.饲粮NDF中慢速消化组分的比例呈线性(P=0.002)和二次线性曲线(P=0.001)上升;快速消化组分趋于线性上升(P=0.082);NDF总体可消化组分呈线性上升(P=0.001)。  相似文献   

根据上海地区奶牛场所用饲料种类情况与平均产奶水平,参照NRC(2001)奶牛营养需要和中国奶牛饲养标准(日产奶25-30千克),配制出大豆皮替代精料中玉米(30%)的混合精料。日粮配比(%)为:玉米31.5、大豆皮13.5、大麦10.0、小麦麸10.9、芝麻粕8.0、  相似文献   

随着大豆皮产量的不断提高,各国学者已进行过不少研究,以期用大豆皮替代产奶牛淀粉类精料。Conrad和Hibbs(1961)证实,用大豆皮替代奶牛混合精料中62.7%的燕麦,对奶牛4%乳脂率校正奶产量没有影响。Macgrcgor与Owen(1976)用大豆皮替代0%、27%和48%玉米的混合精料与苜蓿青贮一道饲喂奶牛,发现日粮处理间的产奶量没有显著差异。在另一些用大豆皮替代奶牛精料中玉米的试验中,随着大豆皮替代比例的提高,  相似文献   

选用36头产奶牛,按产奶量、泌乳月和胎次配对的原则随机均分为对照组和试验组。试验处理为大豆皮替代饲粮30%的玉米。正试期90天。结果表明,奶牛日产奶量、4%乳脂率校正奶(FCM)产量和乳脂率均较对照组有明显提高,处理组日产奶量提高1.5千克;由于乳脂率的差异,4%FCM产量提高2.7千克(P<0.08)。乳脂率提高0.32个百分点(P<0.05)。结论:在奶牛饲粮中用大豆皮替代30%玉米时,可以提高产奶量和乳脂率;大豆皮可作为奶牛较好的精料替代成分。  相似文献   

用大豆皮替代奶牛精料中的玉米和麸皮,替代水平分别为25%和50%,研究其对产奶量和乳脂率的影响。试验结果表明:试验组与对照组相比,产奶量差异不显著(P>0.05);随大豆皮替代水平的增加,乳脂率呈上升趋势,与对照组乳脂率相比,差异显著(P<0.05);以25%和50%大豆皮替代奶牛精料中的玉米和麸皮,生产每千克标准乳,分别可节省饲料成本0.04,0.06元。  相似文献   

世界上发达国家的大豆制油工艺正在由带皮浸出转向去皮浸出。该工艺生产的豆粕蛋白质含量高,质量稳定,且扩大了加工能力。采用去皮浸出工艺加工大豆的一个副产品是大豆皮。大豆皮的主要成分是细胞壁或植物纤维,可以通过瘤胃微生物的作用被反刍动物有效利用。在用大豆皮替代精料饲喂奶牛方面,证实用大豆皮替代日粮中一定比例的玉米或小麦对产奶量没有不利影响,并可以提高乳脂率。在我国,尚未见饲喂大豆皮对奶牛产奶性能方面影响的报道。为此,我们进行了大豆皮替代玉米与小麦麸的饲喂试验。1 材料与方法1.1 试验饲粮 根据北京地…  相似文献   

2结果与讨论2.1产奶牛饲喂试验2.1.1大豆皮化学成分及饲喂情况观察经实验室测定,大豆皮(%,DM基础)中CP12.15、NDF62.26、ADF48.08、Ca0.53、P0.18。尽管大豆皮的NDF含量高,但木质素含量低于2%(NRC,1996),这使得大豆皮具有较高的DM和纤维消化率(Quicke等,1959)。大豆皮的CP含量为12.2%,高于玉米(10%),低于小麦麸(17.1%,NRC,1989);但产奶净能值(1.77Mcal/kg)高于小麦麸(1.6Mcal/kg),低于玉米(1.96Mcal/kg,NRC,1989)。这说明大豆皮以一定比例替代玉米与小麦麸在营养价值方面是可行的。在整个试验期间,产奶牛饲喂不同比例大豆皮饲…  相似文献   


The effects of including wheat in the total mixed rations of dairy cows were evaluated using a 4×4 Latin square dose response experiment with 28 dairy cows (Swedish red). The animals were averaging 150 days in milk at the start of the experiment. Diets consisted of mixtures of maize and grass silage with wheat grain at four levels (8, 16, 24 and 32% of dry matter (DM)). The animals consumed 17.8, 19.7, 21.1 and 23.8 kg of DM and produced 28.1, 29.1 29.6 and 30.2 kg of energy corrected milk, respectively. Digestibility of DM and neutral detergent fibre (NDF) was determined using indigestible NDF (iNDF) as a marker. DM digestibility, feed intake and milk and protein yields increased with increasing wheat content while the milk fat concentration, the digestibility of NDF and the feed efficiency of the diets decreased.  相似文献   

The aim of the present trials was to determine the effect of an experimental Brown‐midrib (Bm) corn hybrid in relation to a commercial corn hybrid (Con) on digestibility in wethers and on dry matter intake (DMI), milk yield and milk composition in dairy cows. Digestibility of crude fibre (CF), neutral detergent fibre (NDFom) and acid detergent fibre (ADFom) were higher for Bm (CF Con: 57.8%; Bm: 67.2%; NDFom Con: 56.8%; Bm: 64.8%; ADFom Con: 52.0%; Bm: 63.9%), but concentration of net energy for lactation did not differ (Con: 6.4 MJ/kg DM; Bm: 6.3 MJ/kg DM). A total of 64 lactating German Holstein cows were assigned to one of the two dietary treatments Con or Bm according to milk yield, lactation number, days in milk and live weight. In Trial 1, cows were fed a total mixed ration consisting of 50% corn silage (Con or Bm) and 50% concentrate on dry matter (DM) basis. In Trial 2, the same animals were fed the respective silage for ad libitum intake and 5.3 kg of concentrate DM per animal per day. In Trial 1, DMI and milk‐fat content were decreased significantly for the Bm‐treatment (DMI Con: 22.5 kg/day; Bm: 21.5 kg/day; milk fat Con: 3.8%; Bm: 3.3%). In Trial 2, milk yield and fat‐corrected milk (FCM) were increased significantly, whereas milk‐fat% was decreased significantly (milk yield Con: 25.8 kg/day; Bm: 29.4 kg/day; FCM Con: 27.2 kg/day; Bm: 29.6 kg/day; fat Con: 4.4%; Bm: 4.0%). Diets did not influence ruminal pH or temperature. Diets, furthermore, did not influence rumination in either trial. Additional research on digestibility and rumen fermentation should, however, be carried out using dairy cows at respective intake levels as trials with wethers cannot be transferred to high‐yielding ad libitum fed cows.  相似文献   

Two finishing experiments were conducted to determine the effects of concentration (Exp. 1) and composition of wet corn gluten feed (Exp. 2) in steam-flaked corn-based diets on feedlot steer performance. In Exp. 1, 192 English x Continental crossbred steer calves (299 +/- 0.6 kg) were used in a completely randomized design with six dietary treatments (four pens per treatment). Treatments were six concentrations of wet corn gluten feed (Sweet Bran, Cargill Inc., Blair, NE; 0, 10, 20, 25, 30, and 35%) replacing steam-flaked corn (DM basis). All diets contained 10% corn silage, 5% supplement, and 3.5% tallow (DM basis). Gain efficiency and ADG were similar (P > 0.25) among treatments. Dry matter intake was lower (P < 0.10) with 0% wet corn gluten feed than with concentrations of 20, 25, and 35% WCGF. Dry matter intake did not differ among treatments containing wet corn gluten feed. In Exp. 2, 160 English x Continental crossbred steer calves (315 +/- 0.6 kg) were used in a completely randomized design with five dietary treatments (four pens/treatment). Treatments were assigned based on four ratios of steep to corn bran/germ meal mix in wet corn gluten feed plus a negative control (CON). Wet corn gluten feed was fed at 25% of the dietary DM and was made by mixing steep and corn bran/germ meal into the diet. The four concentrations of steep in wet corn gluten feed that comprised the ratios were 37.5, 41.7, 45.8, and 50% (DM basis), with the remaining proportion being the bran/germ meal mix. Bran/germ meal mix was comprised of 60% dry corn bran, 24% germ meal, and 16% fine-cracked corn (DM basis). All diets contained 10% corn silage, 5% supplement, and 3.5% tallow (DM basis). Daily gain did not differ (P = 0.18) among treatments. Gain efficiency did not differ between CON and 50% steep; however, G:F was decreased (P < 0.05) for concentrations of 37.5, 41.7, and 45.8% steep compared with CON. A linear improvement (P < 0.05) was observed for G:F as concentration of steep increased as a proportion of wet corn gluten feed. These data suggest that wet corn gluten feed can be used at concentrations up to 35% of the dietary DM without adversely affecting performance, and that steep has more energy than bran/germ meal in steam-flaked corn-based diets.  相似文献   

A 36-cow study was conducted to evaluate the effects of lasalocid on feed intake, milk production and composition, and various blood metabolites in early lactation. Multiparous Holstein cows were assigned at parturition to a total mixed diet containing 33% corn silage, 17% chopped alfalfa hay, and 50% concentrate mix on a DM basis for 10 wk. An additional 2.3 kg of alfalfa hay was fed during the first 7 d in milk (DIM). Diets were supplemented with 0, 180, or 360 mg/d of lasalocid in a completely randomized design. Covariant-adjusted mean (the covariate was mature equivalent milk production from the previous lactation) DMI; milk and fat-corrected milk (FCM) production; percentages of milk fat, protein, and solids-not-fat; milk somatic cell count; BW; body condition score; and concentrations of glucose, β-hydroxybutyrate, and non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) in blood were unaffected by supplementation with lasalocid. A dose of 360 mg/d of lasalocid may not be enough to significantly affect high-producing cows consuming >20 kg/d of DM.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to determine the effects of feeding different levels of alkaline hydrogen peroxide-treated wheat straw (AHP-WS) in the diet on feed intake, nutrient digestion, ruminal fermentation, and production responses in mid-lactation dairy cows. Eight Holstein cows, averaging 147 d postpartum, were used in two replications of a 4 x 4 Latin square design. Complete mixed diets consisted of 70% forage and 30% concentrate (DM basis) with various levels of AHP-WS, alfalfa haylage, and corn silage as forage sources. Treatments contained 0 (control), 20.0, 40.1, or 60.0% AHP-WS in the diet. A quadratic effect (P = .08) of AHP-WS level on DMI was noted, with values of 2.16, 22.3, 20.8, and 18.9 kg/d for the control, 20.0, 40.1, and 60.0% AHP-WS treatments, respectively. Apparent digestibilities of DM, OM, CP, and ADF were not affected (P greater than .10) by replacing haylage and corn silage with increasing amounts of AHP-WS in the diet, but there was a linear increase (P = .03) in NDF digestibility (44% for control vs 59% for the 60.0% AHP-WS diet) and a parallel decrease (P less than .05) in cell content digestibility (82 vs 70% for these two diets). Yields of milk and 4% fat-corrected milk (FCM) were decreased (quadratic; P = .0001) as the level of AHP-WS increased in the diet. The addition of AHP-WS to the diet decreased the milk fat percentage from 3.72 to 3.60% (quadratic; P = .05) and decreased milk protein percentage from 3.27 to 3.13% (linear; P = .0001). Cows fed the higher levels of AHP-WS had linear increases (P = .0001) in ruminal concentrations of total VFA (128.0 mM for control vs 136.0 mM for the 60.0% AHP-WS treatment) and molar proportion of acetate, resulting in a quadratic effect (P less than .0001) on the acetate:propionate ratio. These data indicate that feeding the 40.1 and 60.0% AHP-WS diets lowered digestible DM and OM intakes, which resulted in reduced 4% FCM yield as nutrient intakes were decreased compared with cows fed the 20.0% AHP-WS diet or the control diet containing alfalfa haylage and corn silage. Although substituting AHP-WS for haylage and corn silage increased NDF digestibility and tended to increase digestible NDF intake, milk production was depressed because digestible DMI decreased.  相似文献   

Twelve multiparous Holstein dairy cows were used in a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square changeover design to evaluate the effects of graded inclusion of soya bean hulls (SHs) in replacement of diet forages at 0%, 10%, 20% and 30% of dietary dry matter (DM) basis on peNDF > 8 and peNDF > 1.18 contents of diets and their resulting effects on chewing activity, nutrient digestibility and milk production of dairy cattle. The control diet contained 50% forage, 50% concentrate and no SH. In the other three diets, SH was substituted for alfalfa hay, corn silage and wheat bran to supply 10%, 20% and 30% of the dietary DM. Increasing SH concentration in the diets resulted in decreasing concentrations of forage neutral detergent fibre (NDF), physically effective NDF (peNDF) and mean particle size (p < 0.01). Chewing activity per kilogram of daily dry matter intake (DMI) was not affected by the different diets tested. However, chewing activity significantly decreased for kilogram intake of NDF, but increased for peNDF > 1.18 when SH was included in the diets (p < 0.01). Total tract apparent digestibility of nutrients significantly increased for DM, organic matter (p < 0.05) and NDF (p < 0.01) but decreased for crude protein (p < 0.05) as the proportion of SH was increased in the diets. Rumen pH value of cattle was not influenced by the diets. Including medium and high amounts of SH in the diets decreased DMI of the animals (p < 0.05) without any significant effect on their daily milk or 4% fat‐corrected milk production. In conclusion, the results of this study showed that the NDF from a non‐forage fibre source like SH had a lower potential for stimulating chewing activity than did forage NDF. Despite this, the small size of dietary particles increased not only the chewing activity per kilogram of peNDF intake but also saliva secretion as well as the potential for rumen to neutralize acids. The findings of this study demonstrate the greater differences in peNDF > 8 among the diets and that these differences are better reflected in terms of DMI, chewing activity and nutrient digestibility, but not in rumen pH.  相似文献   

The replacement value of undecorticated sunflower meal (SFM) in the diets of dairy animals was assessed on-station and on-farm. Eighteen primiparous crossbred (Bos taurus×Bos indicus) cows (350.4±8.84 kg), randomly allocated to three groups, were used in the on-station study. The animals were fed on either a conventional concentrate supplement (control) or on an experimental concentrate, in which SFM replaced 25% (SFM-25) or 50% (SFM-50) of the CP in the control supplement. Green oats (Avena sativa) were supplied ad libitum. A metabolism trial conducted following 60 days of experimental feeding revealed that the intakes of DM, DCP and TDN were similar among the groups. The digestibilities of OM, CP, EE, NDF and ADF were also without significant differences. All the groups were in positive nitrogen balance. Inclusion of SFM at either level had no effect on the intake, excretion or retention of nitrogen. The daily milk yield and its composition did not differ among the dietary treatments. Moreover, the efficiency of utilization of DOM and TDN for FCM production tended to reflect, although non-significantly, increasing levels of SFM inclusion. In the on-farm study, seven multiparous milking buffaloes belonging to six farmers were used to assess the effect of replacing 20% of the CP of the conventional supplement with SFM, in a predominantly crop residue-based diet. The study continued for 4 months and revealed that the average daily feed intake and milk production was similar in the control and SFM-fed groups. It was concluded that SFM can be effectively utilized as a cheaper replacement for costly oil cakes and wheat bran for economic milk production by smallholder farmers.  相似文献   

Two finishing trials were conducted to determine the effects of adding different types of corn bran, a component of corn gluten feed, on cattle performance. In Trial 1, 60 English crossbred yearling steers (283 +/- 6.7 kg) were used in a completely randomized design with four dietary treatments. Treatments were diets with no corn bran, dry corn bran (86% DM), wet corn bran (37% DM), and rehydrated dry bran (37% DM). Bran was fed at 40% of dietary DM. All finishing diets had (DM basis) 9% corn steep liquor with distillers solubles, 7.5% alfalfa hay, 3% tallow, and 5% supplement. Gain efficiency and ADG were greater (P < 0.01) for cattle fed no corn bran compared with all treatments containing corn bran; however, no differences were detected across corn bran types. In Trial 2, 340 English crossbred yearling steers (354 +/- 0.6 kg) were used in a randomized block design with treatments assigned based on a 2 x 4 + 2 factorial arrangement (four pens per treatment). One factor was the corn processing method used (dry-rolled corn, DRC; or steam-flaked corn, SFC). The other factor was corn bran type: dry (90% DM), wet (40% DM), or dry bran rehydrated to 40 or 60% DM. Bran was fed at 30% of dietary DM, replacing either DRC or SFC. Two control diets (DRC and SFC) were fed with no added bran. All finishing diets contained (DM basis) 10% corn steep liquor with distiller's solubles, 3.5% alfalfa hay, 3.5% sorghum silage, and 5% supplement. Corn bran type did not affect DMI (P = 0.61), ADG (P = 0.53), or G:F (P = 0.10). Dry matter intake was greater (P < 0.01) by steers fed bran compared with those fed no bran, and was greater by steers fed DRC than by steers fed SFC (P < 0.01). Interactions occurred (P < 0.01) between grain source and bran inclusion for ADG and G:F. The ADG by steers fed the SFC diet without bran was greater (P < 0.01) than by steers fed SFC diets with bran, whereas the ADG by steers fed DRC diets with or without bran was similar. Daily gain was 15.2% greater (P < 0.01) by steers fed SFC without bran than by steers fed DRC without bran. Gain efficiency was 16.9% greater (P < 0.01) for steers fed SFC without bran compared with steers fed DRC without bran. In DRC and SFC diets, feeding bran decreased (P < 0.01) G:F by 5.2 and 13.8%, respectively. The moisture content of corn bran had no effect on finishing steer performance, and drying corn bran did not affect its energy value in finishing cattle diets.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to investigate the influence of ground date seed (GDS) on intake, digestibility, and milk yield and milk fatty acid (FA) composition of lactating Holstein cows. The experimental design was a 4?×?4 replicated Latin square with eight lactating dairy cows with an average milk production of 35.5?±?1.5 kg and 75?±?5 days in milk (DIM). Dairy cows were fed one of the four treatments contained 0, 2, 4, and 6% of diet dry matter (DM) GDS in replacement of wheat bran. All diets contained the same amount of forages (alfalfa hay and corn silage). Dietary treatments had no effect on DM intake (DMI), total tract apparent digestibility, milk yield, and milk composition. Increasing GDS linearly decreased concentration of C13:0 and increased cis-9 C14:1 and trans-11 C18:1 (vaccenic acid) (P?<?0.05). A linear tendency for more C16:1 content in milk fat was observed with increasing GDS (P?=?0.06). Feeding GDS resulted in a linear decrease (P?<?0.01) in saturated FA (SFA) but increased milk fat monounsaturated FA (MUFA) and trans FA (TFA) (P?<?0.05). Therefore, low levels of GDS (up to 6%) in the diet of Holstein dairy cows can beneficially modify milk FA composition without any adverse effects on intake, digestibility, and milk yield.  相似文献   

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