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R.B. Pillars D.L. Grooms C.A. Wolf J.B. Kaneene 《Preventive veterinary medicine》2009,90(3-4):223-232
Johne's disease (JD) is an incurable, chronic infectious disease prevalent in dairy herds throughout the US and the world. The substantial economic losses caused by JD have been well documented. However, information on the costs of controlling the disease is limited, yet necessary, if producers are to make sound decisions regarding JD management. The purpose of this paper is to describe a method for evaluating the cost-effectiveness of management changes to control JD on infected dairy farms. A 5-year longitudinal study of six dairy herds infected with JD was performed. Each herd implemented a JD control program upon study enrollment. Prevalence of JD within each herd was monitored with annual testing of all adult cows using fecal culture and/or serum ELISA. Individual cow production and culling information was collected to estimate the annual economic losses caused by JD. An economic questionnaire was developed and administered to each herd annually to estimate costs directly attributable to the JD control program. Based on the costs of the control program, and using the losses to estimate the potential benefits of the control program, the net present value (NPV) of the control program was calculated for each herd during the study and projected into the future for a total of 20 years. The NPV was calculated for four different scenarios: (1) assuming a linear decline in losses beyond the observed period of the study with JD eradication by year 20 of the control program; (2) assuming losses and JD prevalence remain constant at the rate equal to that of the last observed year while continuing the control program; (3) assuming linear increase in losses at rate equal to that in scenario 1 with no control program; and (4) assuming losses remain constant at same level as the beginning of the study with no control plan implemented. The NPV varied greatly across the herds. For scenario 1, only three herds had a positive NPV; and only two herds had a positive NPV under scenario two. In the absence of a control program, the NPV's were always negative. The costs of the JD control programs implemented on these herds averaged $30/cow/year with a median of $24/cow/year. The annual losses due to JD averaged $79/cow/year with a median of $66/cow/year. Investing in a JD control program can be cost-effective. 相似文献
Tiwari A VanLeeuwen JA McKenna SL Keefe GP Barkema HW 《The Canadian veterinary journal. La revue veterinaire canadienne》2006,47(9):874-882
Recent international developments in the area of infectious disease control and nontariff trade barriers, along with possible zoonotic concerns, have provoked a revival of interest in Johne's disease in Canada and elsewhere. The bacterium causing Johne's disease, Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis, is distributed worldwide and causes chronic granulomatous enteritis, also known as paratuberculosis, in domestic and exotic ruminants, including cattle. The subclinical form of this disease results in progressive weight loss, reduced milk production, lower slaughter value, and premature culling, with possible impacts on fertility and udder health. Eventually, infection can lead to the clinical form that manifests as chronic diarrhea, emaciation, debilitation, and eventual death. Currently, available tests to detect infected animals produce many false-negative results and some false-positives, particularly in subclinically infected animals, thus making their interpretation and utilization challenging in control programs. The objective of this 2-part review is to critically review the literature about Johne's disease in dairy cattle for bovine practitioners in Canada. Part I covers the clinical stages, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and prevalence of infection in Canada, while Part II discusses impacts, risk factors, and control programs relevant to Canadian dairy farms. By reviewing the scientific literature about Johne's disease, control of the disease could be pursued through informed implementation of rational biosecurity efforts and the strategic use of testing and culling. 相似文献
Since the detection of ovine Johne's disease in Australia in 1980, 578 flocks have been diagnosed as infected, with 442 of these still infected. The disease was initially believed to be confined to the central tablelands area of NSW, but has subsequently been shown to be more widely distributed. Sheep strains of M. paratuberculosis are known to infect sheep and goats in south-eastern Australia. Although sheep strains have recently been identified in some cattle in Australia, epidemiological evidence to date supports the distinction between ovine Johne's disease, caused by sheep strains in sheep and goats, and bovine Johne's disease, caused by cattle strains in cattle, goats and alpaca, as a basis for control and eradication strategies. Four national initiatives to control and better understand OJD are outlined. The Australian Johne's Disease Market Assurance Program for sheep was launched in May 1997. By December 1998, 548 flocks had achieved an assessed negative status. Three flocks assigned a flock status have subsequently been found to be infected. National standards for State control of Johne's disease through zoning, movement controls and procedures in infected and suspect flocks have also been developed. In addition, a $40.1 m National Ovine Johne's Disease Control and Evaluation Program was agreed to in August 1998, and is currently being implemented. It is jointly funded by National and State industries, and Commonwealth and State governments. Its objectives are to deliver, through research and surveillance, a solid basis for a future decision on the most appropriate course for dealing with OJD and to maintain control of OJD nationally. 相似文献
Cattle strains of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis are known to infect cattle, goats and alpaca in southeastern Australia, where there are also significant numbers of farmed deer. Although sheep strains have recently been identified in some cattle in Australia, epidemiological evidence to date supports the distinction (between bovine Johne's disease (JD), caused by cattle strains in cattle, goats and alpaca, and ovine JD, caused by sheep strains in sheep and goats) for the purposes of control and assurance programs. The National Johne's Disease Control Program is coordinated by the Australian Animal Health Council, working with the livestock industries and with the Commonwealth, state and territory governments. The council also brokers industry and government funding for the program. The National Johne's Disease Market Assurance Program for Cattle was launched in 1996 as the first of a suite of voluntary national market assurance programs (MAPs) to assess and certify herds as negative for JD. By December 1998, over 550 herds had achieved an assessed negative status. A MAP was also launched for alpaca in 1998 and a program for goats should be finalized in early 1999. National standards for state control of JD through zoning, movement controls and procedures in infected and suspect herds have also been developed. The paper covers factors affecting development and implementation, uptake of and improvements to national control and assurance programs for bovine JD in Australia. 相似文献
Raizman EA Wells SJ Godden SM Fetrow J Friendshuh K Michael Oakes J 《Preventive veterinary medicine》2006,75(1-2):22-33
The objectives of this study were to: (1) characterize Minnesota dairy herds participating in a Johne's disease control program (JDCP) based on herd size, milk production, and clinical Johne's disease (JD) history, (2) evaluate if change in farm management practices, expressed in risk assessment (RA) total score, is associated with the change between the first and most recent ELISA test herd seroprevalence or change in clinical JD culling rate, and (3) identify farm factors associated with ELISA seroprevalence. A total of 1234 RA, performed between January 2000 and February 2004, were available for analysis from 714 dairy herds. ELISA test results from herd sampling between 2000 and 2004 were obtained from the Minnesota board of animal health (MBAH) database, and were available for 474 herds. Both the first and the most recent ELISA test results for herds with more than one RA were available for 262 herds. Mean herd size and mean annual milk production per cow was higher in JDCP dairy herds (161 milking cows) than either all Minnesota dairy herds or Minnesota dairy herd improvement association (DHIA) herds. For herds with more than one RA available, the most recent RA total score was significantly lower (mean 11% less) than the first. The change in RA total score (and any RA subtotal scores) between the first and most recent RA was not associated with the change between the first and the most recent ELISA within-herd seroprevalence or the change in JD culling rate between the first and most recent RA. The most recent ELISA test results were positively associated with postweaned heifer score and JD culling rate. The RA score was not found to be an effective tool for the prediction of ELISA seroprevalence. 相似文献
Vanholder T Opsomer G Govaere JL Coryn M de Kruif A 《Tijdschrift voor diergeneeskunde》2002,127(5):146-155
Cystic ovarian disease (COD) is an important ovarian dysfunction in dairy cattle, especially during the early postpartum period. The endocrinology and the symptoms of this disorder vary widely due to the many different forms of cysts that exist. For these reasons, there is currently no clear and unambiguous definition of COD. When ovulation does not occur, a follicle may evolve into an ovarian cyst. Folliculogenesis and ovulation are regulated by the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. A dysfunction can occur at different levels of this neuroendocrine system, causing COD. The primary factor is thought to be a deficient luteinizing hormone surge prior to ovulation. What causes this alteration is not yet known. Many factors increase the incidence of COD and are involved in the very complex pathogenesis of this disease. 相似文献
Wraight MD McNeil J Beggs DS Greenall RK Humphris TB Irwin RJ Jagoe SP Jemmeson A Morgan WF Brightling P Anderson GA Mansell PD 《Veterinary microbiology》2000,77(3-4):429-442
Questionnaires were posted to 800 randomly selected registered Victorian dairy farmers in 1996. Five hundred and thirty-four responses were received and analysed. Johne's disease (JD) had been diagnosed on the farm of 13.2% of respondents in the last 5 years. JD was rated second only to neonatal diarrhoea in importance as a disease of calves, even though other diseases occurred more frequently. However, there was a low level of compliance with JD control recommendations by the respondents. There was no significant difference in the number of JD control recommendations adopted by farmers between the three major Victorian regions. There was a significant difference in compliance between farms having had a diagnosed case of JD and those that had not. Although there is awareness among dairy farmers of the importance of JD, there appears to be a poor implementation of measures by farmers to prevent the spread of the disease. Current JD control recommendations and the method of information transfer to Victorian dairy farms should be reassessed to ensure that dairy heifers are reared with minimal risk of transmission of JD. 相似文献
Naugle AL Saville WJ Shulaw WP Wittum TE Love BC Dodaro SJ McPhail IL 《Preventive veterinary medicine》2004,65(1-2):77-92
The purpose of our mail survey was to compare the adoption of management practices recommended for Johne's disease (JD) control between herds involved in whole-herd testing programs versus those that do not routinely test the entire herd for JD. A questionnaire consisted of 38 closed-ended questions that inquired about: general herd characteristics; management practices related to JD control; changes that occurred within the last 5 years regarding management practices recommended for the control of JD; producer knowledge of JD; the perceived infection status of the herd by the producer; and herd JD-testing history. The questionnaire was mailed to 810 Ohio dairy producers in September 2002; 266 questionnaires were returned (32.8% response). We used univariable logistic-regression models to assess the relationship between whole-herd testing status (TESTING versus NON-TESTING) and each management practice, each change in management practice and producer knowledge about JD. Because it is conceivable that only producers who believe their herds to be infected would be motivated to adopt the management practices recommended for control of JD, the comparisons were repeated with models that controlled for producer-perceived infection status. Of the 20 management practices recommended for JD control that we evaluated, 7 differed between TESTING and NON-TESTING herds. Additionally, TESTING herds more-frequently reported adopting changes within the past 5 years relative to NON-TESTING herds with respect to 7 of 9 management practices evaluated. Producers with TESTING herds also reported greater familiarity with JD than those with NON-TESTING herds. 相似文献
Effect of a test and control program for bovine Johne's disease in Victorian dairy herds 1992 - 2002
OBJECTIVE: To report on progress in Johne's disease (JD) control in infected dairy herds participating in the Victorian Johne's disease Test and Control Program (TCP). PROCEDURE: Clinical histories and JD testing data recorded by the Department of Natural Resources and Environment (now called Department of Primary Industries) were analysed for 542 dairy herds participating in the TCP. The herds were required to conduct annual herd tests of cattle 2 years old and older with an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), cull the reactors and manage the younger cattle to minimise infection. RESULTS: Testing of over 680,000 animals identified over 10,000 reactors giving an average prevalence of reactors at the first whole-herd test (T1) of 1.78%. There was a relatively rapid increase in the incidence of clinical disease before the TCP started and then it markedly declined. There was a slow and interrupted decline in reactor prevalence, with a marked peak occurring at the fourth herd test (T4). The average age of reactors and clinical cases was 5.7 and 5.9 years, respectively. Of the reactors and clinical cases detected during the TCP, 87% and 95% respectively, were born before the TCP started. Thirty herds completed the program by achieving three successive negative whole herd tests and 91 herds dropped out because of inability to comply with the agreed requirements of the program. There were no home-bred reactors born after the start of the program in 253 (47%) herds and of the 522 herds that were tested more than once, there were 319 (61%) herds in which no home-bred reactors were detected after the first year of testing. The number of ELISA positive animals detected at T1 appeared to be only about 26% of the animals from that round that subsequently became positive or developed clinical disease at later test rounds. CONCLUSION: The TCP caused a marked decline in the number of clinical cases, probably because animals in which clinical disease was imminent were detected by testing and removed. A reduction in prevalence of reactors occurred only when most herd members were born after the TCP started. The sensitivity of the ELISA appears to be low based on the large number of reactors that were negative at T1 but were positive at later tests. Low sensitivity of diagnostic tests and the long incubation period of the disease limits meaningful analysis of the program until it has continued for some years. Measures adopted in the TCP have not broken the cycle of infection in many participating herds. It is unsure if this was because of poor compliance with control recommendations or a poor understanding of methods of transmission by scientists. Eradication is not feasible in the short-term. 相似文献
The data collected by a postal questionnaire sent to 3772 randomly selected dairy farmers in England and the border regions in Wales were used to estimate the relationships between the presence of clinical Johne's disease and farm and management factors associated with that disease. Two binary outcomes (case reported in 1993, case reported in 1994) and 27 predictor variables were considered. Only two variables were consistently and significantly associated with clinical disease in multivariable analysis. Farms on which Channel Island breeds were predominant were associated with an increased risk of reporting disease (odds ratios (ORs) ranged from 10.9 to 12.9). The presence of farmed deer on the farm also increased the risk of reporting disease (ORs ranged from 15.2 to 209.3). There were other significant but inconsistent associations involving the source of replacements, age of first-offering hay, type of concentrate feed to calves, and calving in individual pens when the cows were at grass. Since Johne's disease is predominantly subclinical, these contributing factors may play important roles in switching subclinical infection to overt disease. 相似文献
This paper estimates the financial incentive to control paratuberculosis on dairy farms by establishing the level of expenditure that would minimise the total cost of the disease (output losses plus control expenditure). Given the late onset of the clinical signs and the lack of treatments, control was focused on minimising the financial impact of paratuberculosis by adjusting the dairy cow replacement policy. The optimum replacement policies for disease-free herds and infected herds were compared by using dynamic programming. At the standard settings, the disease justified adjusting the culling policy; under constant bioeconomic assumptions, it reduced the expected annuity from milk production under the optimal replacement policy by about 10 per cent (27 pounds sterling per cow annually), a considerably lower figure than for other major endemic diseases that affect dairy cows in the uk. The effect was even less at lower milk prices, suggesting that there is at present little incentive for dairy farmers to put more resources into controlling the disease. However, the incentive could be increased if more information were available about how best to manage the disease under specific farm circumstances. Any effect that paratuberculosis may have on the future demand for milk and hence on milk prices would also be an important consideration. 相似文献
Mel Pence Charles Baldwin C Carter Black 《Journal of veterinary diagnostic investigation》2003,15(5):475-477
Beef and dairy cattle serum samples, collected during 2000 at sale barns throughout Georgia, were obtained from the Georgia State Brucellosis Laboratory and were used to conduct a retrospective epidemiological study. Statistical samplings of 5,307 sera, from over 200,000 sera, were tested for antibodies to Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis, (Johne's disease) using a commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay test kit. An overall period seroprevalence in all classes of cattle tested was 4.73%. The period seroprevalence in dairy cattle was 9.58%, in beef cattle it was 3.95%, and in cattle of unknown breed it was 4.72%. It was concluded that the seroprevalence of Johne's disease in cull beef and dairy cattle in Georgia is economically significant. 相似文献
We conducted a cross-sectional study in 2004-2005 to investigate risk factors for ovine Johne's disease (OJD) involving 92 infected Merino sheep flocks in Australia. In each enrolled flock we collected pooled faecal-samples from 3- to 5-year-old sheep and cultured them for Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) to determine their OJD status. Based on pooled faecal-culture (PFC) results, three outcome variables representing different facets of disease biology were derived: pool OJD status (binomial: positive or negative), log pool MAP number (continuous) and cohort OJD prevalence level (ordinal: low (<2%), medium (2-10%) and high (>10%) prevalence). We used these outcomes in three separate multivariable analyses to identify risk factors, which were based on a questionnaire administered during a face-to-face interview with the farmer. We found higher OJD infection in sheep whose dams had been in poor condition and kept at a high stocking rate during lambing and in sheep which had experienced a longer period of growth retardation during their lifetime. Flocks that had vaccinated for >2 years (rather than only 1-2 years) with a killed MAP vaccine had significantly lower OJD infection. In addition, practices including culling low body weight sheep or selling sub-flocks experiencing high losses, sharing of roads between neighbouring farms, and greater frequency of application of super phosphate fertilizers were associated with higher OJD. Of the confounders investigated, infection was higher in flocks experiencing high mortalities; in wethers compared to ewes; and in 3-year-old sheep compared to 4-year-old sheep. 相似文献
Mee JF 《Veterinary journal (London, England : 1997)》2008,176(1):93-101
This review focuses on the case definition of dystocia, its current prevalence and recent temporal trends, the different types of dystocia and their associated risk factors in dairy cattle. The reported dystocia rates in dairy cattle internationally are generally <5%, apart from those in the United States, where they are higher. Given the skewed distribution of herd dystocia rates, average figures mask high prevalence herds. Phenotypic dystocia trends are generally increasing internationally and this trend has been partially attributed to the introduction of Holstein genes. The principal types of dystocia differ between primiparae and pluriparae, with feto-pelvic disproportion (FPD) predominating in the former and fetal malposition in the latter. In order of importance, the two major determinants of FPD are calf birthweight and maternal pelvic size. Abnormal fetal position is most influenced by the number of fetuses, parity and calf sire breed. Adequate weighting of dystocia in selection indices, achievement of heifer rearing targets prior to both service and calving, and appropriate periparturient management decisions are prerequisites for controlling dystocia in dairy cattle. 相似文献
Mounchili A Wichtel JJ Dohoo IR Keefe GP Halliday LJ 《Preventive veterinary medicine》2004,64(2-4):133-145
A sudden increase in the incidence of milk off-flavours in bulk tank milk from Prince Edward Island (Canada) dairy farms in the late 1990s prompted an investigation of potential herd-level risk factors. A prospective case-control study was conducted from 2000 to 2002. Data on herd management were obtained by questionnaire and field investigation from all the 62 identified off-flavour positive farms (cases) and 62 loosely matched (for data-collection convenience) off-flavour negative farms (controls). Forty-three of the 62 cases (69%) of milk off-flavours identified during the study period were classified as “transmitted” (feed) off-flavours, and 9 (15%), 6 (10%), and 4 (6%) as “rancid”, “oxidized” and “malty” off-flavours, respectively. Given this evidence and the relatively low incidence of other flavour defects in milk, only transmitted-flavour cases were considered in the analyses of risk factors. Poor air quality in the lactating cows’ barn (OR = 40.8), using baled silage as the main forage (OR = 10.6), as well as feeding roughage before milking (OR = 253.3) or as a free choice (OR = 3.2) all were significantly (P < 0.05) associated with the incidence of transmitted flavours in bulk-tank milk. Clipping the hair on the cows’ udder (OR = 0.07) and changing the bedding material more than once a day (OR = 0.12) were protective. The finding about feeding baled silage before milking has raised hypotheses about silage composition (in particular the off-flavour compounds or their precursors) and also about the process of silage making itself. 相似文献
Lugton IW 《Australian veterinary journal》2004,82(6):355-365
OBJECTIVE: To explore the environmental and management risk factors that promote the clinical expression of ovine Johne's disease on farms in New South Wales. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. PROCEDURE: A questionnaire about the farm, flock and their management was mailed to all farmers known to keep infected sheep in the area zoned residual for ovine Johne's disease in New South Wales. The resultant data were analysed by multivariate statistical methods, specifically examining the factors associated with farmers reporting some mortality due to ovine Johne's disease; the reported annual incidence of ovine Johne's disease-associated mortality; the youngest age at which sheep die from ovine Johne's disease; whether scouring was a feature of the disease; and the season of peak mortality from ovine Johne's disease. RESULTS: Fine wool Merino sheep were more likely to die from ovine Johne's disease than other sheep types. Mortality was higher on farms with light sandy soils and those with a high proportion of improved pastures containing subterranean clover. Winter shearing was also associated with clinical expression. The time that the infection had been present on a farm was not strongly associated with mortality. Higher stocking density, high rainfall and access to open water, factors that are believed to aid transmission, were not found to be influential. CONCLUSION: Clinical expression appears to be principally associated with light infertile soils and their associated pastures and pasture improvement practices which may lead to micronutrient deficiencies or imbalances. Genetic effects are also important and are likely to be exacerbated by physiological stressors, such as winter shearing. 相似文献
The health status of 2947 heifer calves born in 1998 and raised in 122 Swedish dairy herds was monitored from birth to 210 days of age. Disease occurrence was recorded by farmers and by veterinarians who visited the farms six times yearly, examined the calves clinically and auscultated their lungs. The incidence risks of diarrhoea, ringworm and clinical respiratory-tract disease (CRTD) in calves from 3 to 7 months of age were 2.7%, 5.6% and 5.7%, respectively. The herd-level incidence risks of the three diseases were zero in 63.1%, 76.2% and 48.4%, respectively, of the herds. In positive herds incidence risks were 2.2-46.4%, 2.6-47.0% and 2.2-53.3%, respectively. The associations between the potential risk factors age at first grazing, air quality, birth place, feeding of colostrum, hygiene, number of animals, age range within the pen or building, pen area, pen location, previous housing type, present housing type, previous disease and season, and each of three binary outcome variables (diarrhoea, increased respiratory sounds and CRTD) were evaluated using two-level (calf; herd) variance component logistic models. Predictors significantly associated (P<0.05) with diarrhoea were pen area, season and the interaction between pen location and previous CRTD. Previous CRTD, season and heart girth at weaning were significantly associated with moderately to severely increased respiratory sounds. Predictors significantly associated with CRTD were previous diarrhoea, previous housing and season. It was concluded that the incidence of diarrhoea and CRTD in 91-210-day-old Swedish dairy calves is higher than previously reported from dairy herds in Sweden and the USA, and that diarrhoea, increased respiratory sounds and CRTD are associated with season, a history of disease during the first 90 days of age and, to some extent, housing factors. 相似文献
The objective of our study was to evaluate risk factors for the loser cow state in Danish dairy herds. A loser cow was defined on the basis of a clinical examination of the individual cow. Recordings of clinical signs were converted into a loser cow score and all cows with a loser cow score of 8 or more were defined as loser cows. We used correspondence analysis to give a first indication of the associations between the proportion of loser cows in the herd and potential risk factors. Risk factors were evaluated both at the herd level (39 herds) and at the cow level (6451 cows) using logistic regression. Conventional herds with a high average somatic cell count, hard cubicles and no grazing seem to be associated with a high proportion of loser cows. Odds ratio for the loser cow state was 4.18 in conventional herds compared to organic herds. Odds ratio for the loser cow state was 1.87 for an increase in average weighted mean bulk tank somatic cell count of 100,000 cells per ml. We found a statistically significant interaction between stall surface and the use of grazing. Odds ratio for the loser cow state in herds with soft cubicles and the use of grazing was 0.09 compared to herds with hard cubicles and no grazing. At the cow level, odds ratio for the loser cow state increases significantly with increasing parity. Odds ratios for the loser cow state were 1, 2.59 and 6.74 for parity 1, 2, and 3 or older, respectively. Odds ratio for the loser cow state was significantly higher (3.38) for cows giving birth to twins at the last calving before the scoring. Additionally, cows scored on pasture had a significantly lower odds ratio (0.26) for the loser cow state compared to cows scored in the barn. 相似文献