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Mating and calving records for 51,084 first-parity heifers in Australian Angus herds were used to examine the relationship between probability of calving to first insemination (CFI) in artificial insemination and natural service (NS) mating data. Calving to first insemination was defined as a binary trait for both sources of data. Two Bayesian models were employed: 1) a bivariate threshold model with CFI in AI data regarded as a trait separate from CFI in NS data and 2) a univariate threshold model with CFI regarded as the same trait for both sources of data. Posterior means (SD) of additive variance in the bivariate analysis were similar: 0.049 (0.013) and 0.075 (0.021) for CFI in AI and NS data, respectively, indicating lack of heterogeneity for this parameter. A similar trend was observed for heritability in the bivariate analysis, with posterior means (SD) of 0.025 (0.007) and 0.048 (0.012) for AI and NS data, respectively. The posterior means (SD) of the additive covariance and corresponding genetic correlation between the traits were 0.048 (0.006) and 0.821 (0.138), respectively. Differences were observed between posterior means for herd-year variance: 0.843 vs. 0.280 for AI and NS data, respectively, which may reflect the higher incidence of 100% conception rates within a herd-year class (extreme category problem) in AI data. Parameter estimates under the univariate model were close to the weighted average of the corresponding parameters under the bivariate model. Posterior means (SD) for additive, herd-year, and service sire variance and heritability under the univariate model were 0.063 (0.007), 0.56 (0.029), 0.131 (0.013), and 0.036 (0.007), respectively. These results indicate that, genetically, cows with a higher probability of CFI when mated using AI also have a high probability of CFI when mated via NS. The high correlation between the two traits, along with the lack of heterogeneity for the additive variance, implies that a common additive variance could be used for AI and NS data. A single-trait analysis of CFI with heterogeneous variances for herd-year and service sire could be implemented. The low estimates of heritability indicate that response to selection for probability of calving to first insemination would be expected to be low.  相似文献   

Functional alterations within the reproductive system and in other supporting systems may limit the reproductive capacity of geriatric patients; however, the age of onset and degree of compromise show wide individual variation. Aging of the hypothalamopituitary-ovarian axis in the mare manifests as delayed entry to the breeding season, prolonged follicular phases, reduced response to ovulation induction, irregular cycles, oocyte defects, increased early embryonic death, and, eventually, persistent anestrus. Aging of the reproductive tract may increase her susceptibility to endometritis, compromise placental formation with long-term effects on the fetus and viability of the resulting foal, increase her risk of ascending placentitis, alter gestation length, and make her more prone to catastrophic rupture of the uterine arteries at the time of parturition. Effects on the stallion are less well documented but include a reduction in sperm output associated with progressive testicular degeneration and potential compromise of libido and mating ability that is often associated with degenerative conditions of the musculoskeletal system.  相似文献   

An overnight double antibody RIA, employing a rabbit antiserum raised to bovine 31 kDa inhibin (rAs-#1989, NICHD) and purified bovine 31 kDa inhibin (bINH-I-90/1, NICHD) as trace and standard, was validated to measure immunoreactive inhibin (iINH) concentrations in equine peripheral plasma, follicular fluid (FF), ovarian vein (OV) plasma, testicular tissue extracts (TTE) and testicular vein (TV) plasma. The dynamic relationship of iINH and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) was investigated during the estrous cycle of the mare and the annual reproductive cycle of the stallion.In the RIA, parallel dose-response curves were observed between the bovine inhibin standard and serial dilutions of equine FF, OV, TTE, TV and plasma. The average recovery of a known amount of purified bovine inhibin added to gelding plasma was approximately 100%. In the inhibin bioassay, serial dilution of equine FF and TTE were observed to be parallel to the bovine inhibin standard. A five-fold difference (p<0.05) between jugular and gonadal vein plasma iINH concentrations was observed in the mare and an eight-fold difference (p<0.05) was observed in the stallion. Plasma levels of iINH in ovariectomized mares or geldings were undetectable in the RIA.Concentrations of FSH, estradiol and iINH changed significantly in the mare during the estrous cycle (p<0.05). Immunoreactive inhibin levels were highest (0.54 ± 0.06 ng/ml) on the day of ovulation, declined rapidly following ovulation and reached a nadir (0.21 ± 0.03 ng/ml) on day 7 post-ovulation. Plasma iINH and estradiol concentrations followed a similar profile and were found to be positively correlated (r=0.7064; p<0.01), whereas iINH and FSH levels demonstrated an inverse relationship (r=−0.7359, p<0.01) throughout the estrous cycle. Concentrations of FSH were also inversely related (−0.8498, p<0.01) with estradiol during the cycle. In the stallion, plasma iINH and FSH levels changed significantly during the year (p<0.05). The iINH profile reflected seasonal changes in testicular activity, with highest concentrations in late spring (3.37 ± 0.44 ng/ml) and lowest concentrations in the fall (2.21 ± 0.33 ng/ml). Plasma concentrations of iINH were positively correlated (r=0.7691, p<0.01) with FSH concentrations throughout the year.In conclusion, a specific and sensitive RIA for iINH has been validated for plasma and biological fluids in the horse. Furthermore, the gonads appear to be the source of bioactive and immunoreactive inhibin as observed in other species. The dynamic relationship between iINH and FSH that is present in both the mare and stallion suggests that iINH may be a useful marker of gonadal activity in this species.  相似文献   

Many normally fertile stallions harbour bacteria in and on the genital organs. Many mares served by such stallions are unaffected by the bacteria to which they are thus exposed; however, some mares so exposed will become infected and diseased. Presumably, the genital defenses of such mares had been compromised. Strain differences in pathogenicity of bacteria do exist. Some mares affected with pyometra had irregular ovarian activity and some had normal ovarian cycles. In the former group, destruction of the endometrium many have prevented the production of endogenous luteolysin. The leukopenia which occurs in both groups is due to neurtropenia.  相似文献   



Pseudomonas aeruginosa may cause venereal disease and infertility in horses. A Pseudomonas aeruginosa - carrier stallion, often unresponsive to artificial vagina collection, was used to naturally breed mares. Semen collected from the same stallion was also used to perform artificial inseminations. Pregnancy rates, embryo quality and incidence of uterine infection were compared between inseminated or naturally-bred mares.


P. aeruginosa was isolated from swabbing of the penis, prepuce and distal urethra of the stallion. Before being bred or inseminated, clitoral/vestibular samples were collected from all mares, and cultured for isolation of P. aeruginosa. At the first observed estrus, endometrial swabs were also collected. All mares subjected to natural mating (NS) were re-evaluated for P.aeruginosa by culture of clitoral and endometrial swabs. Artificial inseminations (AI) were performed either with fresh-extended semen (11 AI/7 mares) or frozen semen (10 AI/7 mares). The stallion was also used to breed 3 mares (4 services). For embryo collection, 2 mares were inseminated with fresh-extended semen (1 AI/mare), and 2 additional mares were inseminated with frozen semen (2 AI/mare). Two mares were naturally-bred with a total of 9 services, for embryo collection. All mares were examined after AI or natural service (NS), for uterine pathologies. Embryo recoveries were attempted passing a catheter with inflatable cuff connected to a sterile flexible 2-way flushing catheter, through the cervix. Flushed media was recovered into an Em-Con filter, and embryos searched using a stereoscope. Embryos were graded from 1 (excellent) to 4 (degenerated/dead).


Pregnancy rates obtained after NS was 50% per cycle. However, more than half of the NS resulted in uterine disease, while uterine pathology was seen only in 22% of the time following AI. Half of the mares bred by NS got positive to P. aeruginosa. Percentage of embryo recovery rates was identical after AI or NS (66.7%). The 4 embryos recovered after AI were classified as Grade 1, while after NS only 2 out of the 6 recovered embryos were Grade 1.


a) there was no evidence of reduced fertilization after AI or NS, b) a numerically higher incidence of uterine disease was noticed after NS, c) venereal transmission of P. aeruginosa after NS was confirmed, d) a lower percentage of G1 embryos may be obtained after NS. Overall, the data supports the indication for P. aeruginosa-carrier stallions to be bred by AI rather than by NS, and raises the possibility that P. aeruginosa may affect embryo quality.  相似文献   

人工授精成功的合格水平是公母比应在1:100以上.受胎率应达85%,分娩率达80%,窝产总数和活仔数与自然交配相当.优秀的水平应达到1头公猪配250~350头,受胎率95%-97%.分娩率89%-90%产活仔数.比自然交配时高0.5~1头。  相似文献   

Three experiments were designed to evaluate methods to optimize the use of sex-sorted sperm in timed AI (TAI) programs for suckled beef cows. In all 3 experiments, suckled Bos indicus cows were synchronized using an intravaginal progesterone (P4) device during 8 d and a 2.0-mg injection of intramuscular estradiol benzoate (EB) at device insertion. The females received PG and eCG (300 IU) at P4 device removal and 1.0 mg of EB 24 h later. The cows were inseminated 60 to 64 h after P4 device withdrawal. All cows had their ovaries scanned by transrectal ultrasound at TAI to indentify and to measure the largest follicle (LF) present. In Exp. 1, a total of 853 cows had their LF classified as <9 mm or ≥9 mm at the time of TAI; these cows were then randomly assigned to 4 groups according to their LF diameter (<9 mm or ≥9 mm) and the type of sperm used (sex-sorted or non-sex-sorted). There was an interaction (P = 0.02) between the type of sperm and LF diameter beginning at TAI[non-sex-sorted ≥9 mm = 58.9%a (126/214); non-sex-sorted <9 mm = 49.5%b (106/214);sex-sorted ≥9 mm = 56.8%ab (134/236); and sex-sorted <9 mm = 31.2%c (59/189), a≠b≠c = P < 0.05]. In Exp. 2, suckled cows (n = 491) were classified immediately before TAI as having displayed estrus or not (estrus or no estrus) between P4 device removal and TAI. These cows were randomly assigned to 4 groups according to the occurrence of estrus and the type of sperm (sex-sorted or non-sex-sorted). There were effects of the occurrence of estrus (P = 0.0003) and the type of sperm (P = 0.05) on pregnancy per AI [P/AI; no estrus, non-sex-sorted = 43.6% (27/62); estrus, non-sex-sorted = 58.5%; (107/183); no estrus, sex-sorted = 33.9% (21/62), and estrus, sex-sorted = 50.0% (92/184)]; however, no interaction between the occurrence of estrus and type of sperm was observed (P = 0.87). In Exp. 3, a total of 200 suckled cows presenting LF ≥9 mm at TAI were randomly assigned to receive sex-sorted sperm deposited into the uterine body (n = 100) or into the uterine horn ipsilateral to the recorded LF (n = 100). No effect of deeper AI on P/AI was found (P = 0.57). Therefore, the LF diameter at TAI and the occurrence of estrus can be used as selection criteria to identify cows with greater odds of pregnancy to receive sex-sorted sperm in TAI programs. In addition, performing TAI with sex-sorted sperm deeper into the uterus did not alter the pregnancy results.  相似文献   

Some stallions produce ejaculates of low quality and/or low fertility when used for artificial insemination (AI). The purpose of these five case studies was to use Single Layer Centrifugation (SLC) to select the best spermatozoa from 'problem' ejaculates for subsequent use in AI. Sperm quality, in terms of motility, morphology and chromatin integrity, was improved in the SLC-selected samples compared to the corresponding uncentrifuged samples, with the exception of one stallion thought to have ampullary stasis. In this stallion, neither the incidence of spermatozoa with detached heads nor the proportion of damaged chromatin was decreased by SLC, in contrast to previous results. Pregnancies were obtained after using SLC-selected spermatozoa from the five stallions for AI, indicating that the spermatozoa were functional after SLC. Overall, the results suggest that SLC may be useful when preparing AI doses from some 'problem' ejaculates.  相似文献   

Although the act of breeding is instinctive to the stallion, the use of a phantom mare and AV represent an unnatural element to this act. The use of these devices, as well as proper breeding manners and etiquette, must be taught to the stallion. The novice stallion usually learns these techniques rapidly and is quite manageable if proper restraint is used during training. Positive reinforcement for good behavior is essential. The ultimate goal in training the novice stallion is to develop an individual that will enter the breeding area with controlled enthusiasm, develop an erection and gracefully mount the phantom or mare in a quiet manner, and rapidly ejaculate into an AV.  相似文献   

4.能够提高人工授精潜力的遗传生物工程4.1猪的最新基因图谱由于微卫星标记的发现(Weber J.L.和May P.E.,1989)和全世界对猪基因图谱研制的重视,猪基因图谱的研制在上世纪九十年代早期得到迅速发展。截至1994年,大约已经绘制了500个遗传标记(Ellegren,等1994;Rohrer等,1994;Archibald等,  相似文献   

郭荣  柴英 《饲料广角》2007,(14):40-43
采用1200只健康的海兰褐种鸡,随机分为4组,即A、B、C和D组。试验1分别在下午3:00~3:30、3:30~4:00、4:00~4:30和4:30~5:00进行输精,每组750枚种蛋,结果C、D组种蛋受精率显著高于A、B组(P<0.05),A、B组之间及C、D组之间无显著差异(P>0.05)。下午4:00以后输精种蛋的受精率最高。试验2分别用生理盐水将精液按1:1、1:2、1:3稀释和原精液对海兰褐种鸡进行人工授精,每组750枚种蛋,结果显示,1、2和3组的受精率显著高于原精液对照组(4组)(P<0.05),1、2和3组之间无显著差异(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

为探讨有无初情期和不同定时输精程序处理对后备母猪发情及妊娠的影响,随机选择182头有初情期和193头无初情期的后备母猪,其中将182头有初情期后备母猪分为3组,对照组(C1组,62头)、烯丙孕素组(A1组,60头)、烯丙孕素+孕马血清促性腺激素(PMSG)+促性腺激素释放激素(GnRH)组(APG1组,60头);193头无初情期后备母猪分为对照组(C2组,63头)、烯丙孕素组(A2组,65头)、烯丙孕素+PMSG+GnRH组(APG2组,65头),并且比较不同组间后备母猪的发情集中度、发情率、妊娠率等。结果显示:无初情期A2、APG2组经程序处理后分别于停药后第5~9天、第6天集中发情,有初情期A1组、APG1组母猪于停药后第6~9天、5~6天集中发情;烯丙孕素可显著提高有初情期后备母猪A1组发情率与妊娠率(P0.05),APG1与APG2组的发情率与妊娠率极显著高于C1组、C2组(P0.01),且APG1、APG2组间差异极显著(P0.01);隐性发情后备母猪妊娠率APG1、APG2组间无显著差异(P0.05)。结果表明:有无初情期显著影响后备母猪定时输精处理的效果,利用定时输精程序处理后可使母猪发情集中度、发情率、妊娠率均显著提高。  相似文献   

There are myriad problems that can arise when training the novice stallion for natural service. Many problems can be avoided by proper early training of the novice stallion. In the final analysis, common sense should prevail. The major ally of common sense is patience. One should keep in mind that the goal is to have a stallion behave in a disciplined manner, allowing for his expression of libido and effective mounting, intromission, and ejaculation. This is accomplished through judicious training and, as with any training process, takes some time and work. Proper training will help circumvent many potential problems and make the ultimate goal of impregnating mares more efficient.  相似文献   

The birth rate and fecundity of 92 bitches of 32 different breeds mated naturally or following artificial insemination of fresh or frozen semen were compared. The birth rate after natural service was 92 per cent compared with 84 per cent when fresh semen was deposited in the uterine body. When frozen semen was inseminated intra-uterine a birth rate of 67 per cent was obtained whilst a figure of 25 per cent was obtained following intra-vaginal insemination of fresh semen. There were no differences in litter size.  相似文献   

Four bulls that produced spermatozoa with a high percentage of abnormal acrosomes were individually placed in pens with females for 21 days. Frozen semen from 2 of the bulls was used for artificial insemination. One of the bulls was placed in a competitive mating situation with normal bulls at pasture. First service pregnancy rates were determined by transrectal ultrasonography 28 days after bull removal from breeding pens, or after the last artificial insemination. The results of competitive mating at pasture were determined from breeding observations, the phenotypic characteristics of calves sired, and blood typing for parentage. The results of these studies suggest that bulls that produce a high percentage of spermatozoa with indented acrosomes may have normal fertility when used in artificial insemination or in single sire mating; however, their fertility may be low when breeding competitively with bulls with normal spermiograms.  相似文献   

笼养种鸡人工授精技术经验总结   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我厂饲养种鸡 1 0万套左右 ,自 1 996年以来 ,大部分种鸡逐渐改为笼养 ,采用人工授精。经过探索与努力 ,培养了一批技术熟练的工人 ,使种鸡的人工授精率平均达到 94%以上。根据本厂的生产实践 ,现将种鸡人工授精技术总结如下 :1 技术人员的管理和培训首先应挑选责任心强 ,有一定专业技术 ,最好是职业中学毕业的 ,身体健壮的饲养员 ,经技术培训后用作种鸡人工授精的技术员。其次是制订出一整套奖罚分明的管理制度和措施 ,把受精率与报酬挂钩 ,充分调动他们的劳动积极性。只有如此 ,才能确保种鸡高的受精率。2 种公鸡的选择2 .1 笼养种公鸡…  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted on the metabolism of stallion sperm. In experiment 1, whole and washed sperm were incubated under aerobic and anaerobic enviroments and analyzed before and after controlled incubation for motility, pH, lactic acid, glucose, fructose, and O2 comsumption. In experiment 2, whole and washed sperm were incubated aerobically and anaerobically with and without uterine tubal fluids. Experiment 3 was the same as experiment 2, except added substrates of glucose and lactic acid were studied. The same examinations were made in experiments 2 and 3 as for experiment 1. Motility decreased significantly during incubation for all treatments, with the greatest decrease occurring for whole semen where only trace amounts of substrate (fructose) were present. Exogenous glucose plus uterine tubal fluid maintained sperm motility better than did added lactate. However, sperm respiration rates were highest when exogenous lactate was the only substrate in the incubation medium. The mean pH values for gel-free stallion semen at the start of controlled aerobic and anaerobic incubation were 7.08 and 7.34. Lactic acid accummulation for 1 hour increased from 0.05 mg to 0.09 mg/10(9) sperm when uterine tubal fluid was added to the incubation medium. Washed spermatozoa incubated in 0.03 M glucose plus uterine tubal fluid utilized less glucose than did sperm incubated in the glucose medium. These results, along with the increased oxygen utilization (ZO2) values produced by adding uterine tubal fluid to the incubation mediums, might indicate utilization of a uterine tubal substrate. Added uterine tubal fluid resulted in increased ZO2 values (expressed in mul of O2 utilized by 10(8) sperm in 1 hour at 37 C) for whole semen from 10.45 to 12.63. Washed spermatozoa also respired at a significantly greater rate than whole sperm. Respiration rates were greater for sperm incubated with 0.01 M lactic acid than for any other substrate or experiment.  相似文献   

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