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大豆油制备生物柴油的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
大豆生物柴油是一种对环境友好的、可再生的生物质燃料。大豆生物柴油的应用可以减少人类对矿物燃料的依赖,而且可以大大减少对环境的污染。研究了大豆油和煎炸废油在碱催化剂(KOH)的作用下,与甲醇发生转酯化反应而制备生物柴油的工艺条件,并采用气相色谱法,测定了生物柴油中脂肪酸甲酯的成分及含量。试验利用精制大豆油和煎炸废油,成功制得符合国内外现有质量标准的大豆生物柴油。  相似文献   

采用浸渍法制备CaO/MgO固体碱催化剂,并应用于菜籽油与甲醇的酯交换反应制备生物柴油。考察了镁钙比对CaO/MgO催化活性的影响。试验表明,用质量分数22.6%的乙酸钙浸渍MgO,镁钙摩尔比为3~4时最接近等体积浸渍,镁钙摩尔比为1~2时为过量浸渍。镁钙摩尔比越低,催化剂活性越高,但镁钙摩尔比低于3时,催化剂活性组分分布不均匀,且活性增加不明显。所以最佳镁钙摩尔比为3~4。  相似文献   

研究了大豆油在碱催化剂(KOH)的作用下与甲醇发生转脂化反应,制备生物柴油的工艺条件,并采用气相色谱法,测定了生物柴油中脂肪酸甲酯的成分及含量。探讨了醇油摩尔比、催化剂用量、反应温度和反应时间等工艺条件对生物柴油得率的影响。正交实验结果表明,最佳反应条件为:反应温度50℃,醇油摩尔比为6∶1,催化剂添加量为1.3%,反应时间为40min,在此反应条件下,生物柴油得率高达92%。  相似文献   

生物柴油作为燃油替代品可以从食用油中大量获得,从而解决将来石油匮乏问题。针对菜籽油制备生物柴油酯的交换反应中,甲醇与菜籽油呈两相不互溶的主要问题,研究了添加共溶剂,使反应体系均相来提高反应速率与效率。以所选溶剂与甲醇的混合液为溶剂,菜籽油作溶质,分别在常温和60℃下做三元溶解度试验,选出乙醇、乙醚、四氢呋喃、1,2-环氧丙烷进行下一步比较;以普通菜籽油为原料,以甲醇为酰基受体,在加入不同共溶剂的条件下,进行碱催化酯交换反应,以酯化率和反应时间为考察指标,对共溶剂进行优选,发现以乙醇为共溶剂时,酯化率比空白提高了21.0%,且高于其他溶剂。研究结果表明,甲醇与乙醇的最佳摩尔比为3∶1。  相似文献   

在碱性条件下采用改良化学共沉淀法制备具有超顺磁性的Fe3O4纳米粒子,并用红外光谱仪、X射线衍射仪、透射电子显微镜和振动样品磁强计对所制得Fe3O4粒子进行表征。结果表明,该试验条件下制备的样品其红外光谱图和XRD谱图与标准Fe3O4粒子的物态和晶相结构基本一致;透射电镜表明制备出Fe3O4粒子成球性好,且大部分粒径在14 nm;磁化曲线也表明制备的Fe3O4粒子无剩磁和矫顽力,具有超顺磁性。  相似文献   

胡子昭 《种子》2005,24(5):46-49
本文初步研究了以新型阴离子表面活性剂--矽力康复合肥制成的新型种衣剂对棉花种子的生物效应.研究结果表明:采用矽力康复合肥型种衣剂包衣后种子的发芽率由空白的92.2%提高至96.7%,种子在3、7 d后的呼吸速率分别由空白的1.072 mg/g·h、0.575 mg/g·h提高至1.296 mg/g·h、0.821 mg/g·h;在盐碱土中,用矽力康复合肥包衣后的种子出土时间比对照早5~9d,在第20天包衣种子出土率由空白的64.2%提高至87.5%.新型种衣剂不仅具有强的生物活性和表面活性,而且还是一个工业废物再利用的绿色环保产品.  相似文献   

利用电子克隆结合RT-PCR技术克隆获得陆地棉(Gossypium hirsutum L.)S-腺苷蛋氨酸脱羧酶(S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase,SAMDC)基因家族3个基因,分别命名为Gh SAMDC2、Gh SAMDC3和GhSAMDC4。序列分析显示,该基因c DNA包含的upstream ORF(u ORF)和main ORF(m ORF)为植物SAMDC基因特征ORF,其中m ORF长度分别为1068 bp、1110 bp和1032 bp,分别编码355、369和343个氨基酸。聚类分析表明,Gh SAMDC2/3蛋白与可可树(Theobroma cacao)SAMDC聚为一类,且Gh SAMDC2与GhSAMDC3蛋白亲缘关系最近;Gh SAMDC4与拟南芥At SAMDC4聚为一类。实时荧光定量PCR分析表明,Gh SAMDC2在茎中表达相对较高,随着纤维发育其表达量不断增加,在纤维发育后期其表达量达到最高;Gh SAMDC2/3/4在不同的胁迫条件下表现出不同的表达模式,Gh SAMDC2受低温和干旱胁迫诱导最强烈,Gh SAMDC3响应盐胁迫显著,Gh SAMDC4受ABA诱导强烈。上述结果为进一步研究棉花SAMDC基因功能奠定了一定基础。  相似文献   

Novel 2-amino-4-(4-methoxyphenyl)-6-(piperidin-1-yl)pyridine-3,5-dicarbonitrile is synthesized using malononitrile, 4-methoxybenzaldehyde and piperidine as starting material in methanol by one-spot. The yield is 40% with three-component reaction at room temperature. The structure is confirmed by 1H NMR, MS and X-ray single crystal diffraction.  相似文献   

(2R,3S)-3-amino-2-methyl-4-oxo-1-azetidinesufonic acid is synthesized from L-threonine by esterification with methanol,ammonolysis of ester with CH3OH·NH3,protection of amino group with benzyl chloroformate, hydroxyl group by forming methanesulfonate with methane sulfonyl chloride,subsequently sulfonation with chlorosulfonic acid, cyclization under alkaline conditions and deprotection by hydrogenation. The product’s chemical structure is confirmed by the H-NMR, the purity is 98.2% by HPLC detection and the overall yield is 54.6%. The synthesis process is less demanding on equipment, with higher total yield and more suitable for industrial production.  相似文献   

选取川、渝两地典型、具有代表性的砂岩黄壤、灰岩黄壤、酸性紫色土为供试土壤,进行了连续5年的试验.研究了钾肥(硫酸钾)对茶园土壤钾库及钾素平衡的影响,旨在为茶树合理施肥提供科学的依据.研究结果表明施用钾肥显著提高土壤钾库中的各类钾素,且土壤中各类钾素的变化因土壤类型而异,在3种土壤中,土壤钾库的增量均为灰岩黄壤>砂岩黄壤>酸性紫色土.在不施钾肥(CK)的情况下,茶树每年从土壤取走0.08g/kg土钾素,3种土壤的钾素流失量分别为0.18g/kg·土年(灰岩黄壤)、0.09 g/kg·土年(砂岩黄壤)、0.07 g/kg·土·年(酸性紫色土).推测幼龄茶园土壤的钾素流失量与之类似,施用K肥很有必要.  相似文献   

稻田是大气CH4和N2O的重要排放源,减少稻田CH4和N2O排放对缓解全球气候变暖具有重要意义。生物炭具有含碳量高、难分解、比表面积大、疏松多孔等特性。利用生物炭可改善稻田土壤理化性质及微生物学性质,减少温室气体的排放,提高水稻产量。在现有相关研究的基础上,结合国内外研究进展,回顾了国内外生物炭的研究历史及特性,全面评述了生物炭影响稻田温室气体排放的作用机理,以及对稻田温室气体CH4和N2O排放、综合温室效应(GWP)、温室气体排放强度(GHGI)、净生态系统经济预算(NEEB)的影响等国内外研究进展,提出了未来生物炭在稻田温室气体排放方面的研究方向。  相似文献   

The degree of heterosis for total tuber yield (TTY) and total solids (TS) in 4x‐2x crosses was estimated by comparing the performance of 12 families with their respective parents in two locations in Wisconsin (USA). The parental 2x clones were Phureja‐haploid Tuberosum hybrids with 2n‐pollen production by first‐division restitution. The general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) were estimated for TTY, TS, vine maturity (VM), length of tuber sprout dormancy (LD), and tuber eye depth (ED). Family performance for TTY ranged from 74 to 146% at Hancock (E#1) and from 77 to 287 at Rhinelander (E#2) when compared with that of the 4x parent group. For VM, the families were late maturing, but a few precocious ones were identified. For TS, the families had heterosis of 5.1% over the 4x parent group. The families had slightly higher ED values than the 4x parents, but families with values within the commercial range were identified. The family average for LD (54 days) was closer to the 2x group (51 days) than to the 4x group (88 days). The direction and magnitude of the parent‐family relationships were variable. The 4x parent TTY was correlated with progeny in E#1 but not E#2. The 2x parent VM had correlation with the offspring at E#2 but not at E#1. The type of gene action had a trait‐specific expression. Significant SCA and GCA variances were observed, suggesting that additive as well as non‐additive genetic effects were operating. The 4x‐2x crosses were able to generate heterotic families for TTY and TS in combination with other useful traits. However, no promising results were found for LD because of the apparent dominance of the short‐dormancy phenotype. This result indicates the need of additional selection and breeding efforts for some specific traits when using S. phureja‐derived germplasm.  相似文献   

In order to shorten the term for the identification of asparagus super-maleplants, a method usingN-(4-chloro-2-trifluoromethylphenyl)-N'-pro-poxyacetamidine (AM12) toinduce flowering was developed. This method is conducted as follows: seedsfrom andromonoecious flowers are treated with AM12 to induce flowersto form on the seedlings, the new male flowers are crossed with normalfemale flowers, and the progeny seeds are again treated with AM12 toidentify super-male plants from the sex ratio of the seedlings.Asparagus officinalis cv. `UC157' seeds were treated with AM12.The seedlings were induced to flower at a high frequency in 25 days. Thesex ratio of the plants was 1:1 and the male flowers had the pollengermination ability. One male flower induced by AM12 was crossed withfemale plant. This cross produced many progeny seeds. The seeds weretreated again with AM12, and induced to flower. Two super-male plantswere found among the progeny of andromonoecious flowers of the all-malecultivar `Gijnlim' within six months by this method. This method thusshortens the time for identifying super-males. Since the female flowers werefertile as well, AM12 treatment would also be effective for cross breeding.  相似文献   

利用Mudgo/武育粳3号F2群体分析水稻抗灰飞虱QTL   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
灰飞虱是我国水稻生产上的重要害虫。Mudgo是一个高抗灰飞虱的籼稻品种,对灰飞虱具有强的排驱性和抗生性抗性。利用Mudgo/武育粳3号F2群体,构建了含有177个单株的F2群体的遗传连锁图谱。该连锁图包含104个SSR标记和3个Indel标记,覆盖整个水稻基因组1 409.9 cM,每两个标记之间的平均距离为13.2 cM。采用改进的苗期集团筛选法对177个F2:3家系进行了抗性鉴定,通过Windows QTL Cartographer 2.5进行复合区间作图分析,在第2、3、12染色体上分别检测到抗灰飞虱QTL Qsbph2b、Qsbph3d和Qsbph12a,分别位于标记RM5791~RM29、RM3199~RM5442和I12-17~RM333 1之间,单个LOD值分别为3.25、3.11和6.82,贡献率分别为17.3%、15.6%和35.8%,各QTL增强抗性等位基因效应均来自Mudgo。其中Qsbph12a与标记RM3331和I12-17紧密连锁。结合表型鉴定的结果,Qsbph12a应为抗灰飞虱主效QTL,与该位点紧密连锁的标记可用于抗灰飞虱快速选择辅助育种。  相似文献   

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