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土壤不仅是一个分散体系,而且其高度分散部分还带电荷。因此,它能与土壤溶液中的离子相互结合,形成双电层。大部分土壤的无机胶体是带负电的,所以主要吸附阳离子。当它在盐基不饱和时就呈酸性,形成所谓胶体酸,胶体酸的缓冲性能既取决于交换性酸的本性,也取决于土壤胶体的本性。因此,了解胶体酸的缓冲性能不仅有助于对土坡酸度本性的认识,也可了解土壤胶体的本性。本文仅就我国几种土壤及其无机胶体部分进行电位滴定与热分析,并与粘土矿物比较以探讨各土壤胶体的缓冲性能与粘粒矿物组成的关系。 相似文献
土壤胶体中氧化物表面性质的初步研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
我们以蒙脱石为对照,测定了以水合氧化物型表面为主的试样四个方面的表面性质:电荷零点(ZPC)、滴定曲线、羟基释放量及不同pH条件下对NH4+和Cl-的吸附。结果表明,在pH 4—9范围内,氧化物型表面提供可变正电荷1—8 meq/100g,提供可变负电荷3—15meq/100g;三二氧化物使土壤的ZPC升高,而永久负电荷和有机质使土壤的ZPC降低。作为粘土酸,氧化物表面的酸性较弱,其表面质子逐步解离,使滴定曲线不出现突跃。氧化物表面的羟基和水合基密度很高,增加了土壤对离子的专性吸附能力。土壤中常见的氧化物型表面主要来自Fe,Al氧化物及非品质矿物,就它们的化学式而言,主要有Si—OH、Fe—OH及Al—OH,它们可存在于同一土壤中,在土壤常见的pH范围内,具有低ZPC的Si—OH亚表面提供可变负电荷,具有高ZPC的Fe—OH和Al—OH亚表面提供可变正电荷。 相似文献
土壤有机-无机复合体是土壤肥力的物质基础之一,不仅依随成土过程而发生变化,人类耕作利用也可产生影响。 相似文献
我国几种地带性土壤无机胶体的表面电荷特性 总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6
研究了用返滴定法测定我国七个不同地带土壤无机胶体的表面电荷特性。结果表明 :( 1 )返滴定法测定的供试土壤无机胶体可变电荷量随纬度升高而逐渐上升。这主要与供试土壤粘土矿物、铁铝氧化物组成及含量有关。一般来说 ,土壤层状硅酸盐粘土含量越多 ,永久负电荷量和其可变负电荷量越大 ;铁铝氧化物含量越高 ,可变负电荷量越低。( 2 )七个地带性土壤无机胶体的Qv pH曲线上在pH5左右有一峰值 ,这可能与供试土壤胶体中铁铝氧化物的ZPC及供试土样层状硅酸盐的边面Si OH基吸附H 及Al OH基离解H 有关 相似文献
磷酸盐对土壤胶体和矿物表面吸附酸性磷酸酶的影响 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
研究了系列浓度磷酸盐体系中 ,酸性磷酸酶在黄棕壤、砖红壤胶体和高岭石、针铁矿及δ MnO2 表面的吸附特点。结果表明 :随着磷酸盐浓度升高 ,磷酸酶在土壤胶体和矿物上的等温吸附曲线类型逐渐由L型向C型转化 ,等温吸附方程由Langmuir方程向线性方程转化 ,这种转化可能与磷酸和酶在胶体矿物表面对不同点位的利用及其能量特点有关。随着体系中磷酸盐浓度的增加 ,酶吸附量呈现先急剧下降后逐渐稳定的趋势。磷酸盐对土壤胶体和矿物上酶吸附的影响决定于矿物表面的类型特别是羟基的数量、体系中磷酸盐浓度及酶的加入量。针铁矿及含铁铝氧化物较多的砖红壤胶体对酶的吸附受磷酸盐的抑制作用最为显著。 相似文献
分别从黑土、黄绵土、黄棕壤、红壤和砖红壤提取<2nm的胶体,测定去有机质前后土壤胶体比表面;并用猪粪中提取的胡敏酸与上述5种土壤胶体相作用,由泥炭中提取的胡敏酸与蒙脱石、伊利石、高岭石相作用,测定其复合胶体的比表面;研究了粘粒矿物类型和胡敏酸对土壤胶体比表面的影响。结果表明,土壤胶体比表面大小与其所含主要粘粒矿物类型密切相关。5种土壤胶体比表面大小为:黑土>黄棕壤>黄绵土>红壤>砖红壤。砖红壤胶体去游离氧化铁后,胶体比表面明显降低;但黄棕壤胶体去游离氧化铁后比表面反而增加。有机质对土壤胶体比表面的影响因土壤类型不同而异,去除有机质后,黑土、黄绵土和黄棕壤胶体的比表面增加;而红壤、砖红壤胶体的比表面无明显变化。黑土和黄棕壤胶体与猪粪胡敏酸复合后,比表面降低;而砖红壤胶体与猪粪胡敏酸复合后反而增加。泥炭胡敏酸与蒙脱石、伊利石胶体复合后比表面降低;而高岭石却增加。 相似文献
P. H. NYE 《European Journal of Soil Science》1966,17(1):16-23
If an exchangeable ion in soil diffuses along a liquid and solid pathway, its diffusion coefficient may be expressed as where D, v, f, C are diffusion coefficient, volume fraction, impedance factor, and concentration terms and the suffixes l,S refer to liquid and solid. The self-diffusion coefficient of the ion is then where D′, D′t, and D′s, are self-diffusion coefficients. D and D′ will vary with concentration. In diffusion out of the soil to a zero sink, the appropriate average diffusion coefficient is, approximately, the self-diffusion coefficient in the undisturbed soil. Diffusion of one ion species is influenced by other ions diffusing in the system through the diffusion potential set up. When ions are diffusing to plant roots, the diffusion potential is likely to be small. A more likely, though more complicated, expression for D than the first equation above is derived by assuming the ion to follow solid and liquid pathways in series as well as in parallel. 相似文献
几种土壤胶体电荷零点(ZPC)的初步研究 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
研究土壤胶体的性质有着重要的意义,在许多土壤胶体的特性中,电化学性质是一个重要方面。大家知道,被分散在电解质溶液中的胶体颗粒,在与电解质溶液接触时,便产生了双电层,根据胶粒和溶液界面间游离电荷分布的机制,可以把土壤胶体区分为两种基本类型:(1)完全极化界面的胶体称为恒表面电荷胶体;(2)可逆界面胶体称为恒表面电位胶体[10,14]。 相似文献
E. TZIMAS 《European Journal of Soil Science》1979,30(3):529-534
Soil water properties of an undisturbed uniform soil monolith were studied under laboratory conditions. Water content, hydraulic conductivity and soil water suction were measured simultaneously on a full cycle starting from saturation, drying to a small water content and then wetting until saturation was reached again. The results showed clearly the hysteretic nature of the relations between water content and suction and between hydraulic conductivity and suction, but not between hydraulic conductivity and water content. 相似文献
土壤胶体表面羟基释放的初步研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
土壤中铁、铝、硅等氧化物及其水合物表面属可变电荷表面,或称恒电位表面。层状硅铝酸盐边缘裸露的铝醇基(Al—OH)和硅醇基(Si—OH)也具有氧化物的表面性质[10,21]。这些胶体表面的特点是含有羟基(—OH)和水合基(—OH2),其表面吸附或解离质子都受介质的pH所决定。 相似文献
Design, calibration, working precautions and field use of a soil-moisture meter are described. The probe carries a source 241Am-Be and a detector 10BF3 in an Al case, 3.4 cm diam and 17 cm long. Source and detector are as close to each other as possible, so giving a desired linear relationship between thermal neutron count and the volumetric water content around the probe. The portable sealer incorporates some new features of circuit design that lead to ease of operation and small size: it weighs 5 kg. Factors involved in calibration or the interpretation of a calibration curve are: resolving time of the sealer, the volume of soil explored by the neutrons, the effect of a moisture gradient, and the possible effect of elements other than hydrogen. Field trials were in two groups. In 1962 and 1963 frequent measurements were made in bare clay soil and under a nearby barley crop: from the profiles, the extraction of water from the bare soil was limited to the top 30 cm, but the barley roots took water out at least as deeply as the maximum depth of measurement then possible, 90 cm. In 1964 similar measurements under first-year Timothy and Meadow Fescue, irrigated and non-irrigated, showed that the total water abstracted by each was nearly the same, but the Timothy took most of its water from the top 40 cm of the profile, whereas the Fescue took more water from the lower depths. Combining the estimated deficits with known rainfall gives values of periodic evaporation in good agreement with aerodynamic estimates based on temperature, humidity, and wind profiles above the crop, and in fair agreement with potential evaporation-rates calculated from routine weather records. 相似文献
D. J. CAMPBELL 《European Journal of Soil Science》1973,24(2):239-243
A flotation method for the rapid measurement of the wet bulk density of soil clods is described in which the clods are sprayed with a waterproof coating of a resin and then immersed sequentially in liquids of different specific gravity. It is compared with the wax coating method for a selection of soil textures and moisture contents and shown to be ten times as rapid when used to measure wet bulk density with an accuracy of ± 0.05 g cm-8. The flotation method was used to show that, for three contrasting soils, clod wet bulk density is independent of clod size. 相似文献
The adsorption of methylene blue and the accompanying colour change appears to be a fairly specific and sensitive reaction for colloidal soil clay, especially when used with chromatography paper as a supporting medium. Thus minute amounts of clay in migrating soil solutions can be detected, and stability and electro-phoretic mobility of very dilute suspensions evaluated. 相似文献
D. R. GRANT 《European Journal of Soil Science》1975,26(2):124-129
Correction factors for neutron moisture meter measurements near the soil surface have been established from readings at several depths taken before and after the removal of 10 cm of surface soil. In determining the factors it is assumed initially that a uniform soil moisture profile exists. The factors are then applied to the measurements and, from calibration of the neutron meter, the soil moisture profile is established. If large variations with depth are revealed, the initial assumption of uniformity of moisture profile does not apply. A method of determining corrections to the computed factors to allow for the variations in the soil moisture with depth is described. This requires a knowledge of the variation of the correction factors with moisture content and methods of determining this are discussed. 相似文献
~(14)C-氟乐灵在土壤中的迁移和降解 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在实验室条件下,用放射性同位素示踪技术研究了~(14)C-氟乐灵(Trifluralin)在土壤中的吸附、迁移和降解。结果表明:氟乐灵在土壤中的吸附性很强,在不同土壤中的吸附率为73.89%~90.66%。土壤有机质含重对吸附有重要影响。氟乐灵在有机质丰富、粘粒含量较高的草甸黑土中淋溶很低,而在砂土中淋溶较高,易向下迁移。在厌氧条件的土壤中,氟乐灵降解较快,30天在土壤提取态中有60.2%~64.2%降解,610天有90.0%~94.7%降解,主要降解产物为R_f值等于0.06,0.15和0.42的化合物。 相似文献
I. D. HILL 《European Journal of Soil Science》1981,32(3):461-464
A method is described to measure the total amount of anisotropic plasma visible in soil thin sections. The proportion occurring within 15μm of void and skeletal grain surfaces is also measured. The results can be presented as an orientation index. 相似文献