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Pancreatic pseudocysts were diagnosed in 4 dogs and 2 cats based on ultrasonographic and clinicopathologic findings. All 6 animals had a clinical diagnosis of pancreatitis. Five of 6 pseudocysts were in the left pancreatic limb, and in 1 cat the pseudocyst was in the pancreatic body region. Cyst size ranged from 2 x 2 cm to 7 x 6 cm. All pseudocysts had anechoic regions that were aspirated using ultrasound guidance for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. No morbidity was associated with the aspiration procedures. Cytologically the pseudocyst fluid was aseptic in all patients and had low numbers of inflammatory cells in 5 of 6 patients. All animals had high lipase activity in the pseudocyst fluid and in 2 dogs and 1 cat the lipase activity in the fluid was greater than in serum. Three of the 4 dogs were managed medically. In the 1 dog that had long-term follow-up ultrasound examination, the pseudocyst persisted for several days following aspiration and had disappeared 8 months after diagnosis. All 3 of these dogs were clinically normal 1.5-4 years after presentation. The 4th dog underwent surgical exploration and was euthanized shortly thereafter because of bronchopneumonia and chronic pancreatitis. The 2 cats died 10 days and 2 months, respectively, following initial diagnosis of the pseudocyst, but necropsies were not performed in either case. Ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration of pancreatic pseudocysts and clinicopathologic evaluation of cystic fluid are useful for diagnosis of pancreatic pseudocysts.  相似文献   



Remission occurs in 10–50% of cats with diabetes mellitus (DM). It is assumed that intensive treatment improves β‐cell function and increases remission rates.


Initial intravenous infusion of insulin that achieves tight glycemic control decreases subsequent insulin requirements and increases remission rate in diabetic cats.


Thirty cats with newly diagnosed DM.


Prospective study. Cats were randomly assigned to one of 2 groups. Cats in group 1 (n = 15) received intravenous infusion of insulin with the goal of maintaining blood glucose concentrations at 90–180 mg/dL, for 6 days. Cats in group 2 (n = 15) received subcutaneous injections of insulin glargine (cats ≤4 kg: 0.5–1.0 IU, q12h; >4 kg 1.5–2.0 IU, q12h), for 6 days. Thereafter, all cats were treated with subcutaneous injections of insulin glargine and followed up for 6 months. Cats were considered in remission when euglycemia occurred for ≥4 weeks without the administration of insulin. Nonparametric tests were used for statistical analysis.


In groups 1 and 2, remission was achieved in 10/15 and in 7/14 cats (P = .46), and good metabolic control was achieved in 3/5 and in 1/7 cats (P = .22), respectively. Overall, good metabolic control or remission occurred in 13/15 cats of group 1 and in 8/14 cats of group 2. In group 1, the median insulin dosage given during the 6‐month follow‐up was significantly lower than in group 2 (group 1: 0.32 IU/kg/day, group 2: 0.51 IU/kg/day; P = .013).

Conclusions and Clinical Importance

Initial intravenous infusion of insulin for tight glycemic control in cats with DM decreases insulin requirements during the subsequent 6 months.  相似文献   



Information regarding cardiac changes in domestic cats with acromegaly is limited.


The objective of this study was to describe the echocardiographic findings in cats with acromegaly.


Eighteen cats diagnosed with acromegaly at Colorado State University between 2008 and 2012. Of these 18 cats, 11 had echocardiography performed.


A retrospective review of medical records was made to identify cats with acromegaly that also had echocardiography performed.


Of the 11 cats identified, 7 had left ventricular concentric hypertrophy, 6 had left atrial enlargement, and 7 had evidence of abnormal diastolic function. All 11 cats had evidence of structural or functional cardiac disease.

Conclusions and Clinical Importance

Cardiovascular abnormalities frequently are present in cats with acromegaly, and a complete cardiac evaluation should be considered in these patients.  相似文献   



Hypertension is a common problem in older cats, most often associated with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Cross‐sectional studies have suggested that blood pressure in cats increases with age.


To determine whether blood pressure in cats increases with age and whether this occurs independently of the presence of CKD. To investigate risk factors for developing hypertension.


Two hundred and sixty‐five cats with CKD and 133 healthy cats ≥9 years were retrospectively identified.


Four groups were created according to status at initial evaluation (CKD or healthy) and blood pressure at the last included visit (normotensive [NT] or developed hypertension [DH]): Healthy‐NT, Healthy‐DH, CKDNT and CKDDH. Systolic blood pressure (SBP) over time slopes were compared with 0 and between groups. Risk factors for the development of hypertension were investigated, and associations of biochemical and clinical variables with SBP were examined.


Cats that were hypertensive at CKD diagnosis (n = 105) were not included in further analyses. Twenty‐seven cats with CKD and 9 healthy cats developed hypertension ≥3 months after diagnosis of CKD or their first visit. Systolic blood pressure significantly increased with age in all cats (P < .001). Healthy cats were at less risk than cats with CKD to become hypertensive (hazard ratio 0.2, P < .001), with creatinine being an independent risk factor for the development of hypertension.

Conclusions and Clinical Importance

The high prevalence of hypertension in azotemic cats in this study shows the importance of monitoring of SBP in elderly cats, and in particular in cats with CKD.  相似文献   



Cats with diabetes mellitus can have subclinical pancreatitis but prospective studies to confirm this are lacking. Metabolic control of diabetic cats with pancreatitis is difficult.


Subclinical pancreatitis occurs in diabetic cats at the time diabetes is diagnosed or might develop during the follow‐up period, hampering diabetic remission.


Thirty cats with newly diagnosed diabetes without clinical signs of pancreatitis on admission.


Prospective study. On admission and 2 and 6 months later, serum Spec fPL and DGGR‐lipase were measured and the pancreas underwent ultrasonographic examination. Pancreatitis was suspected if serum markers were increased or ≥2 ultrasonographic abnormalities were detected. Cats were treated with insulin glargine and diabetic remission was defined as euglycemia ≥4 weeks after discontinuation of insulin. Nonparametric statistical tests were used for analysis.


Subclinical pancreatitis at the time of diagnosis was suspected in 33, 50, and 31% of cats based on Spec fPL, DGGR‐lipase and ultrasonography, respectively; and in 60% when diagnostic criteria were combined. During the follow‐up period, suspected pancreatitis developed in additional 17–30% cats. Only 1 cat had transient clinical signs compatible with pancreatitis. Seventeen of the 30 cats (57%) achieved remission. Frequency of abnormal Spec fPL and DGGR‐lipase and abnormal ultrasonographic findings did not differ in cats achieving remission and those who did not. Cats achieving remission had significantly lower Spec fPL at 2 months (P < .001).

Conclusions and Clinical Importance

Based on laboratory and ultrasonographic measurements, many cats with diabetes might have pancreatitis, although without clinical signs. Cats with high Spec fPL might have a reduced chance of diabetic remission; however, this topic needs further studies in large cohorts of diabetic cats.  相似文献   

Background: Insulin detemir and insulin glargine are synthetic long‐acting insulin analogs. In people, insulin glargine is longer acting and has a relatively flat time‐action profile, while insulin detemir has significantly less within‐subject variability. Insulin detemir is also associated with less undesired weight gain and decreased frequency of hypoglycemic events. Objectives: To compare the pharmacodynamics of insulin detemir and insulin glargine in healthy cats. Animals: Ten young, healthy, neutered, purpose‐bred cats. Methods: Randomized, cross‐over design. Pharmacodynamics of insulin detemir and insulin glargine were determined by the isoglycemic clamp method after a 0.5 U/kg SC injection. Results: The only significant difference in the pharmacodynamics of insulin detemir and insulin glargine was onset of action (1.8 ± 0.8 and 1.3 ± 0.5 hours for insulin detemir and insulin glargine, respectively, P= .03). End of action of insulin detemir was reached at 13.5 ± 3.5 hours and for insulin glargine at 11.3 ± 4.5 hours (P= .18). Time‐to‐peak action of insulin detemir was reached at 6.9 ± 3.1 hours and for insulin glargine at 5.3 ± 3.8 hours (P= .7). The time‐action curves of both insulin analogs varied between relatively flat curves in some cats and peaked curves in others. Conclusion and Clinical Importance: Insulin detemir and insulin glargine have shorter durations of action than in people when assessed by the clamp method, but in some cats these insulin analogs could be useful as once‐a‐day drugs. Peak effects of both insulin analogs are pronounced in some cats.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to evaluate reference ranges for systolic blood pressure (SBP) in cats under conditions mimicking a clinical setting. SBP was measured in 50 healthy adult cats of various ages (range, 1.5-16 years) and body weights (range, 2.2-6.1 kg) by Doppler ultrasonic sphygmomanometry. A cuff width of 2.5 cm was used, placed on the left antebrachium, and this represented a mean cuff width of 35% limb circumference (range, 31-42%). The mean (+/-SD) SBP in the 50 cats was 162 +/- 19 mm Hg (range 124-210), with only 1 cat having a SBP > or = 200 mm Hg. No significant difference (P > .05) in SBP was found between male and female cats, and no significant correlation was found between SBP and age (r(s) = 0.075) or body weight (r(s) = 0.007). Further studies in some of these cats indicated that allowing a period of 10 minutes for acclimatization to the environment where SBP was recorded resulted in a significant decrease in SBP from 176 +/- 17 to 157 +/- 21 mm Hg (n = 7) and that use of a 3.3-cm-width cuff resulted in a significant decrease in measured SBP from 168 +/- 13 to 164 +/- 13 mm Hg (n = 10). Reproducibility of SBP measurements was evaluated in 7 cats by assessing SBP 7 times at intervals of > or = 24 hours over a 10-day period. These 7 cats had a low intraindividual coefficient of variation of SBP measurements (CV < or = 7.9%) although 2 of the 7 cats had SBP values > 200 mm Hg on at least 1 occasion.  相似文献   

Background: Systemic arterial thromboembolic events are a serious complication of cardiac disease in cats.
Objectives: To determine if enoxaparin induces an antithrombotic effect in cats at a dosage of 1 mg/kg SC q12h and if this antithrombotic effect is predicted by anti-Xa activity.
Animals: Fourteen clinically healthy cats were divided into 3 groups: control (4 cats), treated and assessed at 4 hours (5 cats), and treated and assessed at 12 hours (5 cats).
Methods: A venous stasis model was used and the extent of thrombus formation estimated by measuring thrombus weight and accretion of 125I-fibrinogen. Plasma anti-Xa activity was measured in treated cats.
Results: There was a significant reduction in thrombus formation in the 4 h group compared with control (median weight, 0.000 versus 0.565 mg/mm, P < .01; median %125I-fibrinogen accretion, 0.0 versus 42.0%, P < .01). There was a reduction in thrombus formation in the 12 h group (median weight, 0.006 mg/mm, P = .09; median %125I-fibrinogen accretion, 3.83%, P = .09) but this reduction was not significant. The median percent thrombus inhibition for treated cats was 100.0% at 4 hours and 91.4% at 12 hours. Plasma anti-Xa activity was not significantly correlated with thrombus formation.
Conclusions and Clinical Importance: This pilot study demonstrates that enoxaparin, when administered at a dosage of 1 mg/kg SC q12h, produces an antithrombotic effect in a venous statsis model in clinically healthy cats. Furthermore, this study demonstrates that anti-Xa activity is a poor predictor of enoxaparin's antithrombotic effect.  相似文献   

Background: The Guardian REAL‐Time is a continuous glucose‐monitoring system (CGMS) recently developed to provide instantaneous interstitial glucose concentrations; the system does not require a monitor being fixed to the animal. Hypothesis: The CGMS provides accurate and reproducible real‐time readings of glucose concentration in cats. Animals: Thirty‐two diabetic cats, 2 cats with suspected insulinoma, and 5 healthy cats. Methods: Prospective, observational study. CGMS accuracy was compared with a reference glucose meter at normal, high, and low blood glucose concentrations using error grid analysis. Reading variability of 2 simultaneously used CGMS was determined in diabetic cats by calculating correlation and percentage of concordance of paired data at different glycemic ranges. The time interval between increasing glycemia and a rise in interstitial fluid glucose measured by the CGMS was assessed in healthy cats receiving glucose IV; the time point of maximal increase in interstitial glucose concentrations was calculated. Results: The CGMS was 100, 96.1, and 91.0% accurate at normal, high, and low blood glucose concentrations. Measurements deviated from reference by ?12.7 ± 70.5 mg/dL at normal, ?12.1 ± 141.5 mg/dL at high, and ?1.9 ± 40.9 mg/dL at low glucose concentrations. Overall, paired CGMS readings correlated significantly (r= 0.95, P < .0001) and concordance was 95.7%. The median delay after IV administration of glucose to an increase in interstitial glucose was 11.4 minutes (range: 8.8–19.7 minutes). Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Although some readings substantially deviated from reference values, the CGMS yields reproducible results, is clinically accurate in cats with hyperglycemia and euglycemia, and is slightly less accurate if blood glucose concentrations are low. Rapidly increasing interstitial glucose after a glycemic rise suggests that the CGMS is suitable for real‐time measurement under clinical conditions.  相似文献   

The medical records of 11 cats with histopathologic findings consistent with central nervous system (CNS) Cuterebra larvae myiasis were retrospectively examined to determine if clinical features could identify this disorder antemortem. Young to middleaged indoor-outdoor domestic shorthaired cats presenting with acute neurologic signs from July through September predominated. Many cats recently had clinical signs consistent with upper respiratory disease. Most cats presented for depression, lethargy, or seizures. Almost all cats had abnormal rectal temperatures, either hyperthermia or hypothermia. Peripheral leukocytosis and eosinophilia were not characteristic of cats with CNS cuterebriasis. Cerebrospinal fluid analysis did not consistently disclose evidence of inflammation. Common neurologic deficits included blindness, abnormal mentation, and signs of unilateral prosencephalic disease. No specific clinical or clinicopathologic test was diagnostic for CNS cuterebriasis.  相似文献   



Acid suppressant drugs are a mainstay of treatment for cats with gastrointestinal erosion and ulceration. However, clinical studies have not been performed to compare the efficacy of commonly PO administered acid suppressants in cats.


To compare the effect of PO administered famotidine, fractionated omeprazole tablet (fOT), and omeprazole reformulated paste (ORP) on intragastric pH in cats. We hypothesized that both omeprazole formulations would be superior to famotidine and placebo.


Six healthy adult DSH colony cats.


Utilizing a randomized, 4‐way crossover design, cats received 0.88–1.26 mg/kg PO q12h fOT, ORP, famotidine, and placebo (lactose capsules). Intragastric pH monitoring was used to continuously record intragastric pH for 96 hours beginning on day 4 of treatment. Plasma omeprazole concentrations at steady state (day 7) were determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with ultraviolet detection. Mean percentage time that intragastric pH was ≥3 and ≥4 were compared among groups using ANOVA with a posthoc Tukey‐Kramer test (α = 0.05).


The mean percentage time ± SD that intragastric pH was ≥3 was 68.4 ± 35.0% for fOT, 73.9 ± 23.2% for ORP, 42.8 ± 18.6% for famotidine, and 16.0 ± 14.2% for placebo. Mean ± SD plasma omeprazole concentrations were similar in cats receiving fOT compared to those receiving ORP and in a range associated with acid suppression reported in other studies.

Conclusions and Clinical Importance

These results suggest that both omeprazole formulations provide superior acid suppression in cats compared to famotidine or placebo. Fractionated enteric‐coated OT is an effective acid suppressant despite disruption of the enteric coating.  相似文献   

The pathologic changes associated with hyperthyroidism (adenomatous hyperplasia, adenoma of the thyroid gland) have been well characterized in cats, but the pathogenesis of these changes remains unclear. In this research, we undertook a case-control study to search for potential risk factors for this disease. Owners of 379 hyperthyroid and 351 control cats were questioned about their cats' exposure to potential risk factors including breed, demographic factors, medical history, indoor environment, chemicals applied to the cat and environment, and diet. The association between these hypothesized risk factors and outcome of disease was evaluated by conditional logistic regression. Two genetically related cat breeds (ie, Siamese and Himalayan) were found to have diminished risk of developing hyperthyroidism. Cats that used litter had higher risk of developing hyperthyroidism than those that did not. Use of topical ectoparasite preparations was associated with increased risk of developing hyperthyroidism. Compared with cats that did not eat canned food, those that ate commercially prepared canned food had an approximate 2-fold increase in risk of disease. When these 4 variables (breed, use of cat litter, consumption of canned cat food, and use of topical ectoparasite preparations) from the univariate analysis were selected for further study as candidate risk factors and analyzed by multivariate conditional logistic regression, a persistent protective effect of breed (ie, Siamese or Himalayan) was found. In addition, results suggested a 2- to 3-fold increase in risk of developing hyperthyroidism among cats eating a diet composed mostly of canned cat food and a 3-fold increase in risk among those using cat litter. In contrast, the use of commercial flea products did not retain a strong association. The results of this study indicate that further research into dietary and other potentially important environmental factors (eg, cat litter) is warranted.  相似文献   

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