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陕西关中地区土地生态价值时空动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探明土地生态系统服务价值的空间差异性,以关中地区遥感影像、气象气候、土壤植被及地形地貌数据为依据,借助格网插值技术和土壤潜力测算模型获取土壤潜力栅格图,运用土地利用栅格图及生态系统服务价值当量因子加权,生成土地生态系统服务价值栅格图;从而在栅格尺度上揭示土地生态系统服务价值的空间异质性。结果表明:1986—2007年间,关中地区土地生态系统服务价值总量由509.61亿元增加到561.02亿元,增幅约为10.09%,2000—2007年段增速约为1986—2000年段的33.65倍;周边山地和黄土梁峁区生态价值增加,增量最大的为周至县;中部平原区的生态价值量减少,减量最大的是西安市区;研究期内的土地利用结构调整取得了较明显的生态效益。  相似文献   

Water shortage is one bottleneck that limits economic and social developments in arid and semi-arid areas.As the impacts of climate change and human disturbance intensify across time,uncertainties in both water resource supplies and demands increase in arid and semi-arid areas.Taking a typical arid region in China,Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,as an example,water yield depth(WYD)and water utilization depth(WUD)from 2002 to 2018 were simulated using the Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs(InVEST)model and socioeconomic data.The supply-demand relationships of water resources were analyzed using the ecosystem service indices including water supply-demand difference(WSDD)and water supply rate(WSR).The internal factors in changes of WYD and WUD were explored using the controlled variable method.The results show that the supplydemand relationships of water resources in Xinjiang were in a slight deficit,but the deficit was alleviated due to increased precipitation and decreased WUD of irrigation.WYD generally experienced an increasing trend,and significant increase mainly occurred in the oasis areas surrounding both the Junggar Basin and Tarim Basin.WUD had a downward trend with a decline of 20.70%,especially in oasis areas.Water resources in most areas of Xinjiang were fully utilized and the utilization efficiency of water resources increased.The water yield module in the InVEST model was calibrated and validated using gauging station data in Xinjiang,and the result shows that the use of satellite-based water storage data helped to decrease the bias error of the InVEST model by 0.69×108m3.This study analyzed water resource supplies and demands from a perspective of ecosystem services,which expanded the scope of the application of ecosystem services and increased the research perspective of water resource evaluation.The results could provide guidance for water resource management such as spatial allocation and structural optimization of water resources in arid and semi-arid areas.  相似文献   

YU Yang 《干旱区科学》2021,13(9):881-890
Central Asia is located in the hinterland of Eurasia, comprising Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan; over 93.00% of the total area is dryland. Temperature rise and human activities have severe impacts on the fragile ecosystems. Since the 1970s, nearly half the great lakes in Central Asia have shrunk and rivers are drying rapidly owing to climate changes and human activities. Water shortage and ecological crisis have attracted extensive international attention. In general, ecosystem services in Central Asia are declining, particularly with respect to biodiversity, water, and soil conservation. Furthermore, the annual average temperature and annual precipitation in Central Asia increased by 0.30°C/decade and 6.9 mm/decade in recent decades, respectively. Temperature rise significantly affected glacier retreat in the Tianshan Mountains and Pamir Mountains, which may intensify water shortage in the 21st century. The increase in precipitation cannot counterbalance the aggravation of water shortage caused by the temperature rise and human activities in Central Asia. The population of Central Asia is growing gradually, and its economy is increasing steadily. Moreover, the agricultural land has not been expended in the last two decades. Thus, water and ecological crises, such as the Aral Sea shrinkage in the 21st century, cannot be attributed to agriculture extension any longer. Unbalanced regional development and water interception/transfer have led to the irrational exploitation of water resources in some watersheds, inducing downstream water shortage and ecological degradation. In addition, accelerated industrialization and urbanization have intensified this process. Therefore, all Central Asian countries must urgently reach a consensus and adopt common measures for water and ecological protection.  相似文献   

塔里木河流域水化学组成分布特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
于2010年6月对塔里木河干流及主要支流地表水进行水化学采样,共设25个点采集50个样品。分析表明:塔里木河干流水体中阳离子Na++K+>Ca2+>Mg2+,与南北侧支流Na++K+>Mg2+>Ca2+存在显著差异,但均以Na++K+为主,阳离子浓度分别占干流、南北侧支流的68.6%、62.6%和62.5%。与1965年对应采样点同月份水化学成分相比,塔里木河流域主要可溶性离子浓度增幅较大,整体平均增加8.0倍,尤其是Cl-达21.7倍,这可能是近年来塔里木河流域气温上升降水增加等自然因素,间接促进降水过程中水化学侵蚀地表可溶性物质所致。同时,流域内工农业快速发展,生活污水、工农业废水大量排放到塔里木河,这可能是影响塔里木河水质变化的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

WANG Shanshan 《干旱区科学》2021,13(12):1274-1286
The Tarim River is the longest inland river in China and is considered as an important river to protect the oasis economy and environment of the Tarim Basin. However, excessive exploitation and over-utilization of natural resources, particularly water resources, have triggered a series of ecological and environmental problems, such as the reduction in the volume of water in the main river, deterioration of water quality, drying up of downstream rivers, degradation of vegetation, and land desertification. In this study, the land use/land cover change (LUCC) responses to ecological water conveyance in the lower reaches of the Tarim River were investigated using ENVI (Environment for Visualizing Images) and GIS (Geographic Information System) data analysis software for the period of 1990-2018. Multi-temporal remote sensing images and ecological water conveyance data from 1990 to 2018 were used. The results indicate that LUCC covered an area of 2644.34 km2 during this period, accounting for 15.79% of the total study area. From 1990 to 2018, wetland, farmland, forestland, and artificial surfaces increased by 533.42 km2 (216.77%), 446.68 km2 (123.66%), 284.55 km2 (5.67%), and 57.51 km2 (217.96%), respectively, whereas areas covered by grassland and other land use/land cover types, such as Gobi, bare soil, and deserts, decreased by 103.34 km2 (14.31%) and 1218.83 km2 (11.75%), respectively. Vegetation area decreased first and then increased, with the order of 2010<2000<1990<2018. LUCC in the overflow and stagnant areas in the lower reaches of the Tarim River was mainly characterized by fragmentation, irregularity, and complexity. By analyzing the LUCC responses to 19 rounds of ecological water conveyance in the lower reaches of the Tarim River from 2000 to the end of 2018, we proposed guidelines for the rational development and utilization of water and soil resources and formulation of strategies for the sustainable development of the lower reaches of the Tarim River. This study provides scientific guidance for optimal scheduling of water resources in the region.  相似文献   

近20年渭干河流域土地利用与生态系统服务价值时空变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于遥感与GIS技术,选择地处天山山脉中段南麓塔里木盆地北部的渭干河流域为研究区,以新疆1990、2000、2008年遥感影像和地面实测数据为主要数据源,利用GIS空间分析、数学统计分析方法提取渭干河流域近20年各种土地利用类型的面积变化、净变化速度等动态变化信息;在总结生态系统服务价值国内外研究进展的基础上,参照谢高地等人的中国陆地生态系统单位面积服务价值系数和Costanza等的生态系统服务价值计算公式,结合当地粮食产量和粮食平均收购价格,分析渭干河流域生态服务价值的时空变化特征,揭示渭干河流域生态系统服务价值和时空分布的不平衡状态.结果如下:(1)草地和未利用地所占比重超过70%,其他土地利用类型所占比重不到20%,各种土地利用类型分布和面积变化存在时空差异.(2) 1990-2008年研究区的生态系统服务价值总量减少了59 633万元,其主要原因是草地、林地和沼泽面积的减少.流域生态系统服务价值结构变化较大,其提供的支持服务功能最强,供给服务功能相对较弱.(3)下游的单位面积生态系统服务价值大于中上游地区,研究期内流域中、下游生态系统服务价值减少较大,上游地区的生态系统服务价值略有增加.  相似文献   

SUN Chen 《干旱区科学》2021,13(10):1026-1040
Land use/cover change (LUCC) is becoming more and more frequent and extensive as a result of human activities, and is expected to have a major impact on human welfare by altering ecosystem service value (ESV). In this study, we utilized remote sensing images and statistical data to explore the spatial-temporal changes of land use/cover types and ESV in the northern slope economic belt of the Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China from 1975 to 2018. During the study period, LUCC in the study region varied significantly. Except grassland and unused land, all the other land use/cover types (cultivated land, forestland, waterbody, and construction land) increased in areas. From 1975 to 2018, the spatial-temporal variations in ESV were also pronounced. The total ESV decreased by 4.00×108 CNY, which was primarily due to the reductions in the areas of grassland and unused land. Waterbody had a much higher ESV than the other land use/cover types. Ultimately, understanding the impact of LUCC on ESV and the interactions among ESV of different land use/cover types will help improve existing land use policies and provide scientific basis for developing new conservation strategies for ecologically fragile areas.  相似文献   

以新疆焉耆盆地为例,利用从1964-2007年遥感影像中获取的景观数据,分析了焉耆盆地绿洲区域土地利用变化。在此基础上,采用中国陆地生态系统服务价值的测算方法,评估了焉耆盆地绿洲区域生态服务价值并分析了景观之间的转化所引起的生态服务价值的变化。结果表明:在过去的近50年间,焉耆盆地土地利用变化趋势是以农田取代草地而发展的。绿洲区域生态服务价值总量变化不大,2007年比1964年只下降了37570万元,但各景观生态服务价值变动很大,其中农田生态服务价值增加了9.8亿元,草地的生态服务价值减少了8.8亿元,其变化率分别达到350.14%和-76.77%。各景观类型中湿地景观的生态服务价值贡献系数最大,达到3.7;其次是水域,生态服务价值贡献系数为2.71。因此,在绿洲开发建设的过程应加强对湿地和水域的保护,以实现焉耆盆地的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Land use/land cover (LULC) change and climate change are two major factors affecting the provision of ecosystem services which are closely related to human well-being. However, a clear understanding of the relationships between these two factors and ecosystem services in Central Asia is still lacking. This study aimed to comprehensively assess ecosystem services in Central Asia and analyze how they are impacted by changes in LULC and climate. The spatiotemporal patterns of three ecosystem services during the period of 2000-2015, namely the net primary productivity (NPP), water yield, and soil retention, were quantified and mapped by the Carnegie-Ames-Stanford Approach (CASA) model, Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs (InVEST) model, and Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE). Scenarios were used to determine the relative importance and combined effect of LULC change and climate change on ecosystem services. Then, the relationships between climate factors (precipitation and temperature) and ecosystem services, as well as between LULC change and ecosystem services, were further discussed. The results showed that the high values of ecosystem services appeared in the southeast of Central Asia. Among the six biomes (alpine forest region (AFR), alpine meadow region (AMR), typical steppe region (TSR), desert steppe region (DSR), desert region (DR), and lake region (LR)), the values of ecosystem services followed the order of AFR>AMR>TSR>DSR> DR>LR. In addition, the values of ecosystem services fluctuated during the period of 2000-2015, with the most significant decreases observed in the southeast mountainous area and northwest of Central Asia. LULC change had a greater impact on the NPP, while climate change had a stronger influence on the water yield and soil retention. The combined LULC change and climate change exhibited a significant synergistic effect on ecosystem services in most of Central Asia. Moreover, ecosystem services were more strongly and positively correlated with precipitation than with temperature. The greening of desert areas and forest land expansion could improve ecosystem services, but unreasonable development of cropland and urbanization have had an adverse impact on ecosystem services. According to the results, ecological stability in Central Asia can be achieved through the natural vegetation protection, reasonable urbanization, and ecological agriculture development.  相似文献   

为定量研究具体区域土地整治前后生态系统服务价值的变化情况,本研究以庆阳市土地整治子项目为例,依据生态系统服务价值评估方法的局限性对其参数进行相应优化的基础上,对研究区内土地整治前后的生态系统服务价值变化进行实证分析。结果表明:①通过尺度推演,将宏观大尺度的生态系统服务价值评估方法进行了市场因素修正、特殊生态系统类型价值当量的制定以及针对区域内部差异的NPP修正,降低了当量因子法应用到具体尺度上的局限性,使其更具合理性。②基于优化参数的实证得到,土地整治前后4 a间生态系统服务价值由2.88×10^8元减少到2.76×10^8元,减少了4.31%。在一级分类体系下,只有调节服务的生态系统服务价值减少了1.84×10^7元,其余服务均相对增加;在二级分类体系下,多项服务较土地整治前均有所增加,且食物生产服务的增加量最大为8.35×10^6元,原料生产、生物多样性以及4项调节服务均相对减少。本研究的实证结果更符合具体区域实际情况,参数优化后的方法可用于坡耕地转变为梯田的生态系统服务价值评估,为区域内部残丘陵、沟谷、坡地等地貌类型的黄土丘陵沟壑区土地整治的生态系统服务价值评估可提供参考。  相似文献   

In recent years, the streamflow of the Laohahe Basin in China showed a dramatic decrease during the rainy season as a result of climate change and/or human activities. The objective of this work was to document significant streamflow changes caused by land use and land cover (LULC) changes and to quantify the impacts of the observed changes in Laohahe Basin. in the study area, the observed streamflow has been influenced by LULC changes, dams, and irrigation from rivers, industry, livestock and human consumption. Most importantly, the growth of population and gross domestic product (GDP) accompanied by the growth in industrial and agricultural activities, which led to LULC changes with increased residential land and cropland and decreased grassland since 2000s. Statistical methods and Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) hydrological model were used to estimate the effects of climate change and LULC changes on streamflow and evaportranspiration lET). First, the streamflow data of the study area were divided into three sub-periods according to the Pettitt test. The hydrological process was then simulated by VIC model from 1964 to 2009. Furthermore, we compared the simulated results based on land use scenarios in 1989, 1999 and 2007, respectively for exploring the effect of LULC changes on the spatio-temporal distribution of streamflow and ET in the Laohahe Basin. The results suggest that, accompanied with climate change, the LULC changes and human water consumption appeared to be the most likely factors contributing to the sig- nificant reduction in streamflow in the Laohahe Basin by 64% from1999 to 2009.  相似文献   

Water is the important resource to guarantee the existence and development of oases in arid areas. To improve the utilization efficiency of water resources in Manas River Basin, this paper investigated the trends and periods of runoff based on the runoff and climate data for the past 50 years. Subsequently, with the socioeconomic and water resources data, we studied a comprehensive evaluation on the water security in this area. The results indicated that the stream flows in the three hydrological stations of Hongshanzui, Kensiwat and Bajiahu have significantly increased and undergone abrupt changes, with periods of 18 and 20 years. According to assessment, water security in the Manas River Basin was at an unsafe level in 2008. In criterion layer, the ecological security index and the index of supply-demand situation are both at the relatively secure level; the quantity index and socioeconomic index of water resources are at the unsafe level and basic security level, respectively. Therefore, in order to achieve sustainable economic and social development within the Manas River Basin, it is vital to take a series of effective measures to improve the status of water security.  相似文献   

土地利用变化对松嫩平原腹地生态系统服务价值的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用1989年和2000年Landsat TM影像解译数据分析松嫩平原腹地土地利用变化情况,制定单位面积生态系统服务价值系数,计算松嫩平原腹地生态系统服务价值,研究土地利用变化对生态系统服务价值的影响.结果表明,在11 a间,松嫩平原腹地土地利用变化呈现耕地、城镇用地、碱地、林地、沙地迅速增加,草地、水域和湿地大幅度减少的"5增3减"趋势.土地利用景观格局的变化降低了生态系统的服务功能,使其生态系统服务总价值从1 366.070亿元/a下降到1 017.044亿元/a.  相似文献   

Weedy plants pose a major threat to food security, biodiversity, ecosystem services and consequently to human health and wellbeing. However, many currently used weed management approaches are increasingly unsustainable. To address this knowledge and practice gap, in June 2014, 35 weed and invasion ecologists, weed scientists, evolutionary biologists and social scientists convened a workshop to explore current and future perspectives and approaches in weed ecology and management. A horizon scanning exercise ranked a list of 124 pre‐submitted questions to identify a priority list of 30 questions. These questions are discussed under seven themed headings that represent areas for renewed and emerging focus for the disciplines of weed research and practice. The themed areas considered the need for transdisciplinarity, increased adoption of integrated weed management and agroecological approaches, better understanding of weed evolution, climate change, weed invasiveness and finally, disciplinary challenges for weed science. Almost all the challenges identified rested on the need for continued efforts to diversify and integrate agroecological, socio‐economic and technological approaches in weed management. These challenges are not newly conceived, though their continued prominence as research priorities highlights an ongoing intransigence that must be addressed through a more system‐oriented and transdisciplinary research agenda that seeks an embedded integration of public and private research approaches. This horizon scanning exercise thus set out the building blocks needed for future weed management research and practice; however, the challenge ahead is to identify effective ways in which sufficient research and implementation efforts can be directed towards these needs.  相似文献   

In recent decades, China has been experiencing rapid economic development, population growth and urbanization. These processes have stressed the shortages of water resources in China, especially in the arid re- gions of northwestern China. In order to sustain the expanding cropland, people increased groundwater exploitation in these regions. The purpose of this study was to quantitatively analyze the changes in land use and water re- sources, and their relationship in the middle reaches of the Heihe River Basin, a typical inland river basin in northwest China. The data of land use change were interpreted using aerial photographs(1965) and Landsat TM images(1986 and 2007). The data of irrigation water volume in the irrigation districts were spatialized in the middle reaches of the Heihe River Basin. The spatial variation of the groundwater depth was interpolated using the geo- statistical method. The results showed that the cultivated cropland area along oasis fringe increased by 15.38% and 43.60% during the periods 1965–1986 and 1986–2007, respectively. Surface water amount for irrigation had almost doubled from 1956 to 2010. The decrease of grassland area mainly occurred at the alluvial fan in front of the Qilian Mountains, with 36.47% during 1965–1986 and 38.56% during 1986–2007, respectively. The groundwater depth in front of the mountain constantly increased from 1986 to 2007. We found that the overuse of surface water and overexploitation of groundwater had direct consequences on the natural environments. We suggests that the efficiency of surface water resources use among different irrigation districts needs to be improved, which will sig- nificantly ease the conflicts between increasing water demand for irrigation and a shortage of water resources in the middle reaches of the Heihe River Basin.  相似文献   

In recent decades, China has been experiencing rapid economic development, population growth and urbanization. These processes have stressed the shortages of water resources in China, especially in the arid re- gions of northwestern China. In order to sustain the expanding cropland, people increased groundwater exploitation in these regions. The purpose of this study was to quantitatively analyze the changes in land use and water re- sources, and their relationship in the middle reaches of the Heihe River Basin, a typical inland river basin in northwest China. The data of land use change were interpreted using aerial photographs(1965) and Landsat TM images(1986 and 2007). The data of irrigation water volume in the irrigation districts were spatialized in the middle reaches of the Heihe River Basin. The spatial variation of the groundwater depth was interpolated using the geo- statistical method. The results showed that the cultivated cropland area along oasis fringe increased by 15.38% and 43.60% during the periods 1965–1986 and 1986–2007, respectively. Surface water amount for irrigation had almost doubled from 1956 to 2010. The decrease of grassland area mainly occurred at the alluvial fan in front of the Qilian Mountains, with 36.47% during 1965–1986 and 38.56% during 1986–2007, respectively. The groundwater depth in front of the mountain constantly increased from 1986 to 2007. We found that the overuse of surface water and overexploitation of groundwater had direct consequences on the natural environments. We suggests that the efficiency of surface water resources use among different irrigation districts needs to be improved, which will sig- nificantly ease the conflicts between increasing water demand for irrigation and a shortage of water resources in the middle reaches of the Heihe River Basin.  相似文献   

引入水权市场,可弥补单纯依靠行政调控模式调度成本高、协调难度大、水权主体缺乏参与积极性的缺陷。在塔里木河流域,水资源的宏观稀缺、初始水权的界定、管理机构的设立和水利基础设施的完善,为水权市场的建立创造了条件。从"流域级-地州级-县市级-用水者协会级"四个层次,探讨了水权市场的空间结构。提出了组建"源流与干流供水总公司-各团场、县市供水分公司-用水者协会"的水权市场主体结构、"塔里木河流域管理局-源流与干流管理处-水管所、水管站"的水权市场管理机构的设想。  相似文献   

The Manas River Basin in Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region,similar to other arid regions,is facing water constraints which challenge decision-makers as to how to rationally allocate the available water resources to meet the demands from industries and natural ecosystems.Policies which integrate the supply and demand are needed to address the water stress issues.An object-oriented system dynamics model was developed to capture the interrelationships between water availability and increasing water demands from the growth of industries,agricultural production and the population through modeling the decision-making process of the water exploration explicitly,in which water stress is used as a major indicator.The model is composed of four sectors:1) natural surface and groundwater resources;2) water demand;3) the water exploitation process,including the decision to build reservoirs,canals and pumps;4) water stress to which political and social systems respond through increasing the supply,limiting the growth or improving the water use efficiency.The model was calibrated using data from 1949 to 2009 for population growth,irrigated land area,industry output,perceived water stress,groundwater resources availability and the drying-out process of Manas River;and simulations were carried out from 2010 to 2050 on an annual time step.The comparison of results from calibration and observation showed that the model corresponds to observed behavior,and the simulated values fit the observed data and trends accurately.Sensitivity analysis showed that the model is robust to changes in model parameters related to population growth,land reclamation,pumping capacity and capital contribution to industry development capacity.Six scenarios were designed to investigate the effectiveness of policy options in the area of reservoir relocation,urban water recycling,water demand control and groundwater pumping control.The simulation runs demonstrated that the technical solutions for improving water availability and water use efficiency are not sustainable.Acknowledging the carrying capacity of water resources and eliminating a growth-orientated value system are crucial for the sustainability of the Manas River Basin.  相似文献   

新疆和田河流域土地利用及其生态服务价值变化   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
土地利用结构决定土地生态系统服务价值,生态服务价值也反映了土地利用结构的生态优劣.基于遥感和GIS技术及数理统计学方法,利用1990年、1999年、2002年和2005年遥感影像解译得到的4期土地利用数据,对和田河流域1990-2005年土地利用变化进行定量分析,估算出研究区15年间的生态服务价值变化量.结果表明:①耕地、林地和城乡建设用地面积增加,草地、水域和未利用地面积减少;研究区土地利用处于发展时期,土地利用综合程度日益提高;优势度没有发生明显的变化,未利用地一直最高.②土地生态系统服务价值量有所增加,土地利用总体生态效应趋良.但环境也存在着局部恶化,主要表现在上游山地生态系统冰川退缩、天然植被退化;中游绿洲生态系统耕地扩张迅速,土壤盐渍化,人工渠、水库增加显著;下游荒漠生态系统植被退化,水资源严重不足,土地沙漠化.  相似文献   

运用3S技术,并采用最大似然法分别对1989年和2010年渭干河-库车河绿洲两期Landsat-TM影像数据进行分类统计,获得了该区域22年来土地利用/土地覆被变化矢量图和定量统计数据,并利用不同时期该流域地表径流和地下水资源开发利用程度、农业种植结构、城市用水、天然植被用水,分析该区域土地类型变化和水资源的关系。研究结果表明:该地区耕地面积逐年增加,22年来增加耕地面积141 573.4 hm2,平均每年增加6741.59 hm2;天然植被草地面积急剧减少,平均每年减少7 682.38 hm2,城市用水由0.41亿m3增加至4.26亿m3,加之机电井数量骤增导致地下水位下降了2.34 m;导致地下水位下降,水质矿化度增高,天然植被大量减少,流域下游生态问题极其脆弱。  相似文献   

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