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The present and past population status of oak (Quercus robur) in the Bia?owie?a National Park preserve (BNP) was analyzed with respect to the historic use of the ecosystem. I assessed average parameters (density, dbh distribution, differences between habitat categories) of the oak population in the whole BNP preserve, and performed detailed analyses of local populations on three 26.5-ha and one 3.5-ha plots, representing eutrophic sites of deciduous forest (3) and a mesotrophic site of mixed forest (1). Based on the tree ring data, I reconstructed the historic dbh distribution back to 1750–1825. The results of the reconstruction confirm the early 1800s expert account and the 1889 forestry survey report. The high oak concentration in eutrophic habitats are legacies of either active game management (e.g., bison habitat improvement measures, supplementary feeding), forest recovery after the ban on forest industries (baking potash, tar, charcoal), or abandonment of inner small farms. The emergence of oak on poorer sites in the mid 1800s coincides with the ban on use of fire—a common practice that earlier had perpetuated the dominating position of fire-resistant pine. The present oak regeneration in declining spruce stands is a further step of the forest natural adaptation to environmental changes. The study supports the view that BNP is a remnant of an ecosystem substantially shaped by human uses. Modern forestry, as practiced in the managed part of the Bia?owie?a forest, does not mimic either natural processes (as observed in BNP) or historic forest uses.  相似文献   


? Key message

Long-term strict protection of woodland communities may lead to their compositional simplification and homogenisation.

? Context

In the past, it has often been postulated that structures and processes typical for natural forests should be mimicked by silvicultural activities in the case of managed tree stands.

? Aims

To determine which features and traits of natural woodland communities (alongside typical old-growth attributes) should be imitated in managed forests, as well as which should not (and for what reasons).

? Methods

Tree data from five permanent study plots (of a total area of 15.44 ha) established in 1936 in the core area of the Bia?owie?a National Park (NE Poland) are used to calculate several quantitative indices describing the temporal dynamics (in terms of stand structure and composition) of eight major woodland community types.

? Results

Most structural attributes revealed rather high stability over time. In contrast to these, during the observation period, noticeable changes in the composition of particular Bia?owie?a woodland communities have been taking place, related to declining occurrence and reduced roles characteristic for a large number of tree species.

? Conclusion

In many ways, natural forests can serve as an important model for managed forest stands. However, in certain circumstances, silvicultural treatments counteracting natural developmental trends may appear to be indispensable, especially when more diverse and stable tree species composition (at a given spatial and temporal scale) is indicated or desirable.

The assemblage of fungi occurring in the sapwood of Norway spruce (Picea abies) and in bark beetle galleries following attack by the Eurasian spruce bark beetle Ips typographus was investigated in the Bia?owie?a forest in north‐eastern Poland. Fungi were isolated from blue‐stained sapwood of beetle‐infested spruce trees in June 2002, and a few isolates were also obtained from ascospores and conidia taken from perithecia and asexual structures occurring in the gallery systems of the insects. The mycobiota of I. typographus in the Bia?owie?a forest was dominated by ophiostomatoid fungi, which were represented by seven species. Four species, including Ceratocystis polonica, Grosmannia penicillata, Ophiostoma ainoae and Ophiostoma bicolor were isolated at high frequencies, whereas three other taxa, Ceratocystiopsis minuta, Ceratocystiopsis alba and a Pesotum sp. were rare. The anamorphic fungus Graphium fimbriisporum and yeasts also occurred occasionally. In addition, the basidiomycete Gloeocystidium ipidophilum was relatively common. The pathogenic blue‐stain fungus C. polonica was the dominant fungal associate of I. typographus in the Bia?owie?a forest, which is consistent with a previous study at this area in the 1930s. Ceratocystis polonica was the most frequently isolated species at the leading edge of fungal colonization in the sapwood and had on an average penetrated deeper into the wood than other fungal associates. This suggests that it acts as a primary invader into the sapwood after attack by I. typographus in the Bia?owie?a forest, followed by O. bicolor, O. ainoae, G. ipidophilum and G. penicillata. Thus far, the Bia?owie?a forest is one of the few areas in Europe, where C. polonica has been reported as a dominate fungal associate of I. typographus.  相似文献   

Tree defoliation by winter moth Operophtera brumata L. (Geometridae, Lepidoptera) caterpillars was quantified in the Białowieża Forest (E Poland) during the recent outbreak (2002). To assess effects of forestry management on defoliation, comparisons were made between mixed species (TilioCarpinetum) old-growth stands of natural origin in strictly protected primeval and managed fragments. This forest type was continuous in the primeval part, but highly fragmented in the managed part. The old-growth remnants in the latter part were usually surrounded by younger tree stands (often coniferous plantations). We predicted the winter moth densities would be reduced in fragmented stands due to dispersal mortality incurred by the early stage larvae.As predicted, all species of host trees suffered greater defoliation in the primeval forest. Hornbeam Carpinus betulus L. was the heaviest defoliated host. Other trees, which developed leaves synchronously with hornbeam – maple Acer platanoides L., lime Tilia cordata Mill., and pedunculate oak Quercus robur L. – were strongly affected as well. While we do not show a causal mechanism, greater dispersal mortality in fragmented stands is a most plausible explanation for the observed patterns of defoliation.  相似文献   

Tree dwelling bats select cavities in large, old, dying or dead trees. This inevitably brings them into direct conflict with the interests of forest managers, who are trained to fell such trees. Therefore the identification of forest stands providing optimal roosting opportunities for bats is crucial, in order to provide appropriate guidelines for forest management. It is also important to identify the extent to which the roosting ecology of bats changes in response to habitat modification. Bia?owie?a Forest (BF) offers a unique opportunity, in the temperate zone, to observe differences between areas with no direct human intervention and managed areas and in particular to reveal the effect of forest management on the roosting ecology of forest dwelling bat species. We used GIS techniques to evaluate bats’ spatial response to changes in forest structure and to test the hypotheses that the forest dwelling bats Nyctalus noctula and Nyctalus leisleri prefer roost sites within old deciduous or wet woodlands over young and coniferous ones and that roost site preferences reflect the extent to which dead and dying trees are removed. There was a significant difference in the selection of roosting habitat between the managed and pristine areas of the forest. Within the pristine forest, both species displayed a strong preference for roost trees located within old deciduous stands (>100 years), whereas in the managed part of the forest old wet woodland was preferred while all medium and young forest stands were avoided. Our data reveal a high degree of lability in the selection of roosting habitat by bats. It appears that bats are able to respond to changes in their environment by changing their roost site preferences and could therefore occupy habitat previously considered less suitable.  相似文献   

The search for indicators to monitor management impact on biodiversity is a crucial question because management practices promote changes in community structure and composition of different animal groups. This study explores the effect of widely conducted management practices (forest logging and livestock) in Pinus uncinata forests in the Pyrenees range (NE Spain) on the structure and composition of ground ant communities compared to those of old-growth stands. Forest structure clearly differed in stands with different forest managements. These stands managed for different uses also showed marked differences in structure and composition of ground ant communities. There was a great dominance of a single species, Formica lugubris, which accounted for 99% of ants collected in pitfall traps. Rarefaction curves indicated that species richness was highest in old-growth stands and lowest in even-aged ones, with woodland pasture stands showing an intermediate value. Classification methods allowed us to identify two groups of species: six species related to old-growth plots and three species (including F. lugubris) associated to managed stands. Habitat structure played an important role in determining the structure of ant communities: forests with high tree density but low basal area were the most favourable forest type for F. lugubris, while the abundance of the remaining ant species was negatively affected by the abundance of F. lugubris and by tree cover.  相似文献   

Jack pine (Pinus banksiana) forests in parts of northern Lower Michigan have been managed with 30 years of extensive clearcut harvesting followed by planted stand establishment in order to maintain habitat for the endangered Kirtland's warbler (Dendroica kirtlandii). We used two, parallel chronosequences to study how this management has affected the structural development of jack pine stands relative to the historically dominant disturbance regime of stand-replacing wildfire. Each chronosequence consisted of three young stands (age range 3–6 years), three intermediate-aged stands (age range of 12–17 years) and three mature stands (age range of 39–69 years). Average stem density in young plantations (2300 stems/ha) was lower than the average for young, fire-origin stands (11,000) and varied over a much narrower range among stands (1403–2667 for plantations and 1552–24,192 in fire stands). In addition, within-stand patchiness of stem density was also much higher in the wildfire sites for young and intermediate ages. Plantation sites possessed very little dead wood at young ages (averaging 3 snags/ha and 12 m3/ha CWD) compared to young fire-origin stands (averaging 252 snags/ha and 49 m3/ha CWD). In contrast, mature plantations had similar levels of dead wood (averaging 269 snags/ha and 22 m3/ha CWD) as mature fire-origin stands (averaging 557 snags/ha and 12 m3/ha CWD). Differences between the plantation and fire-origin chronosequences were driven mainly by young- and intermediate-aged stands, whereas mature stands were typically quite similar in all structural features. Our results show clearly that forest management aimed at preserving and enhancing the population of a single endangered species results in greatly simplified habitat structure at the stand level, and suggest that this simplification is perpetuated across the landscape as well. Of particular concern are the effects of extensive harvesting and planting on the availability of snags and CWD.  相似文献   

We investigated an upstream area of the 1926 Taisho Mudflow that occurred at Mount Tokachi, a volcano in central Hokkaido, Japan, to clarify the relationship between natural forest succession and mudflow-induced sediment characteristics. The study area was divided into three parts, i.e., undisturbed, deposition, and scoured areas, based on disturbance regimes. The deposition area was further divided into three different forest stands for a final total of five forest stand types. We assumed that the mudflow regimes created sediment edaphic heterogeneity and undisturbed and island forests supplied seeds for natural revegetation. The undisturbed forest stand comprised pioneer species, whereas a mosaic forest consisting of almost pure stands characterized by Betula ermanii and Picea glehnii developed in the mudflow. This indicates that each plant species has a characteristic ability to establish and adapt initially and later develop into a mosaic forest according to sediment edaphic conditions, particularly depth, grain size distribution, and water and nutrient gradients. The differences in forest species composition and a 30-year time lag between the development of forest stands at the distal edges and the center explain how the cross-sectional sediment edaphic heterogeneity created by the mudflow regimes affected succession and forest development. Furthermore, plants are specific to sediment depth and texture, as well as moisture and nutrient availability, which play important roles in their growth and development; thus, forest stands with contrasting species and age structures developed in the mudflow.  相似文献   

The tree structure and regeneration was studied in the buffer zone area comprising lowland evergreen and semi-evergreen forests in the Namdapha National Park, one of the largest remaining tract of pristine rainforests in the Eastern Himalayan biodiversity hotspot in India. The investigations were conducted in the three forest stands, viz. Altingia-mixed species, Shorea-Dipterocarp, and Albizia forests that are most dominant forest types in the lowland areas of the park. A total of 98, 54 and 20 species have been recorded at tree stratrum, while 87, 44 and 15 species at regeneration stratum for three stands, respectively. The cumulative regenerating density (seedlings + saplings) was estimated 17,648, 16,110 and 768 individual ha−1 for respective stands. It was interesting to note that of the total regenerating species, 44–47% species were new to different stands, which mainly comprised middle storey species. Low-dominant and rare species also contributed significantly in the regeneration of the forest stands. The expanding population structure of forest stands indicated higher survival of the mid- and the low-canopy species than the top-canopy species. The data revealed that the future composition of these stands will highly depended on the potential regenerative status of species in each of the stand and such information would be crucial for forest management. Since the park contributed significantly to the regional biodiversity by depicting species assemblages for both wet evergreen and semi-evergreen biomes, such last remnants of rainforest should be integrally protected from anthropogenic disturbances.  相似文献   

In the modern forestry paradigm, many factors influence the amount of coarse woody debris (CWD). The present paper analyzes the effects of both local (national) programs (special functions of forests) and European programs (Natura 2000 sites), as well as the individual characteristics of forest stands. The study was conducted on 2,752 sampling plots distributed over an area of about 17,500 ha and located in lowland stands having a species composition typical of large areas in central Europe. Natura 2000 areas contained significantly more CWD (8.4 m3/ha) than areas not covered by the program (4.8 m3/ha). However, this is due to the fact that Natura 2000 sites involve well-preserved forest areas, such as nature reserves (26.6 m3/ha). In the managed forests that have been covered by the Natura 2000 program over the past several years, the volume of CWD has not increased. Forests with ecological and social functions differed slightly in the amount of CWD. More CWD occurred in protected animal areas (8.7 m3/ha) than in stands damaged by industry (3.9 m3/ha). Intermediate CWD levels were found in water-protection forests and in forests located around cities and military facilities. In managed forests, the lowest CWD volume was observed in middle-aged stands. The species composition of the stand had little effect on the volume of CWD. Only stands with a predominance of ash and alder had higher CWD levels (13.5 m3/ha). More CWD was found in stands whose species composition did not represent the potential site quality (6.4 m3/ha) than in habitats with the optimum species composition (3.8 m3/ha). CWD volume should be systematically increased taking into consideration local natural conditions. Such efforts should be focused on particularly valuable regions, and especially on Natura 2000 sites, where the threshold values reported from other European forests should be reached. Leaving some trees to die naturally and retaining reasonable amounts of such trees ought to be incorporated into CWD management practice in Poland.  相似文献   

A previously unknown association of ants with birds breeding in tree holes is described. Ants Lasius brunneus Latreille (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) were found in c. 15% of nests of Parus major L. and Poecile palustris L. (Paridae) breeding in tree holes in the primeval deciduous forest located in the Bia?owie?a National Park (Poland). The ants preferably used holes located higher above the ground. As such holes are warmer than the unused holes or other nest sites, it is suggested that the ants cohabit holes utilized by the tits to gain thermal benefits.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine bird communities in regenerating (5–25 years) and mature (40–100 years) jack pine (Pinus banksiana) forest in boreal Ontario. The study area was located near White River in north central Ontario with an area of 187,800 ha. We explored the response of bird community structure to stand age, and the influence of stand age on the distribution of individual species. We were interested in two principal questions. The first was how unique are the bird communities to specific age classes. If bird communities are highly specific to age classes then alterations to the age class distribution of the forest can have important impacts on the overall bird community composition and structure. The second question was how specific are individual species to age classes. Species that are highly specific to a single age class are expected to be highly sensitive to the amount and potentially the configuration of that age class on the landscape. We sampled birds for three breeding seasons. The number of bird species increased with stand age. Tree species composition did not change as stands aged, but there were distinctive changes in vegetation structure through succession. For example, the total amount of vertical vegetation structure increased significantly with age. More than half of the bird species examined were significant indicators of individual age classes. Blue-headed vireo, brown creeper, black-throated green warbler, golden-crowned kinglet, ovenbird and red-breasted nuthatch were all significant indicators of the mature age class. The bird assemblage of mature stands was significantly different from that of regenerating forest and within regenerating forest, 3–5-year-old stands contained a significantly different bird assemblage to that of 8–25-year-old regenerating forest. These results suggest that the distribution of forest age classes on the landscape is a critical element in determining habitat availability and therefore the viability of boreal bird populations in managed forests.  相似文献   

Tree plantations of native and exotic species are frequently used to compensate for forest loss in the tropics. However, these plantations may support lower species diversity and different communities than natural forest. We therefore investigated bird communities in stands of natural forest, different types of tree plantations and secondary forest in Kakamega Forest, western Kenya. We compared birds differing in habitat specialisation, i.e. forest specialists, generalists, and visitors. We recorded significant differences in mean species richness and number of individuals among the different forest types. Stands of natural forest and plantations of indigenous tree species comprised more species and individuals than plantations of exotic tree species and secondary forest. This was caused by a significant decline of forest specialists and generalists from natural forest and indigenous plantations to exotic plantations and secondary forest. Species composition of the bird communities did not differ between natural forest stands and plantations of a mixture of indigenous tree species, but clearly changed between natural forest and plantations of single tree species. These findings demonstrate that natural forest areas are needed for the conservation of forest bird diversity, but that plantations with a mixture of indigenous tree species can have similarly high conservation value.  相似文献   

We conducted a study in a spruce forest, grown on a sub-acidic bedrock, in the Italian Alps in order to assess whether (1) forest dynamics influences animal communities, and in particular whether the richness of zoological groups peaks during the regeneration phase, (2) the diversity of zoological groups is correlated to C mineralization, considered as a measurement of soil functioning, (3) aspect influences the above relationships. We compared soil animal communities, soil physico-chemical features and nutrient mineralization in three developmental phases of spruce, with increasing tree cover (clearing, regeneration and mature trees) and two sun exposures (North, South). Animal communities changed with spruce dynamics. Mature spruce stands were characterized by higher densities of Acari, while regeneration stands and clearings were mainly characterized by higher densities of Collembola and most groups of macrofauna. As hypothesized, the richness of zoological groups was highest in regeneration stands, especially in the south facing site, probably because of the simultaneous occurrence of a dense herbaceous cover and spruce litter, leading to higher local soil heterogeneity. However, zoological group diversity (Shannon index), which was lowest in mature stands, was better explained by the herbaceous cover, i.e., by the quality of food resources, in both south and north facing sites. Variations of soil characteristics with the developmental phase of trees, reflecting a higher litter input and slower litter decomposition rate beneath mature trees, are in line with the distribution of zoological groups. As expected, the diversity of zoological groups was positively correlated to C mineralization. Changes in animal communities with phases of the forest cycle were much more pronounced in the south compared to the north facing site. In light of previously published results, we discuss how the diversity and composition of soil animal communities are plant driven.  相似文献   

霍妍  郑云龙 《防护林科技》2013,(1):15-17,20
以大黑山水土保持生态修复工程示范区为研究区域,运用典型植物群落物种组成和群落物种多样性指数方法,对大黑山水土保持生态修复区典型植物群落物种多样性变化特征进行了研究,结果表明,生态修复区内天然次生林植物群落形成了乔灌草相结合的稳定的植物群落结构。人工林植物群落按生长型可以划为明显的乔木层和草本层2层群落结构类型;典型植物群落物种多样性指数的排序为:蒙古栎+蒙椴植物群落(Ⅱ)>山杏+黄榆植物群落(Ⅰ)>蒙古栎植物群落(Ⅲ)>油松+山杏混交植物群落(Ⅴ)>油松纯林植物群落(Ⅳ)>油松+沙棘混交植物群落(Ⅵ)>油松疏林植物群落(Ⅶ)。天然次生林植物群落的物种多样性要大于人工林植物群落。天然次生林植物群落由于远离人类活动区,长期以来受人为干扰较小,逐渐形成了相对比较发达的草本层植物群落。  相似文献   

Tree plantations are often used to compensate for the destruction and conversion of natural forests in the tropics. An important question is whether these plantations allow for the regeneration of indigenous tree species and are expected to transform into more natural forests in the future. To evaluate the potential of differently managed forest types for seedling recruitment of indigenous tree species we studied structural characteristics as well as tree and seedling communities in stands of natural forest, different types of tree plantations and secondary forest in Kakamega Forest, western Kenya. Forest types differed considerably in structural characteristics and tree composition with stands of natural forest significantly differing from all other forest types in vertical foliage height diversity and number of late-successional tree species. By contrast, total seedling species richness and number did not differ among the forest types. Yet, number of seedlings of late-successional species decreased from natural forest and plantations of a mixture of indigenous tree species towards monocultures and secondary forests while number of seedlings of early-successional species increased in the same order. A joint Principal Component Analysis (PCA) corroborated higher similarity among seedling communities than among tree communities. Our results indicate a convergence of recruiting seedling communities in different forest management types suggesting that tree plantations might buffer forest loss to a certain extent and may have the potential to develop into more natural forest over time.  相似文献   

Changes of carbon stocks in bamboo stands in China during 100 years   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Bamboo stands are one of the most important forest types in China, covering an area of about 4.99 million hectares, and estimation of their carbon stocks is vital for China's national carbon accounting. Bamboo biomass and carbon fraction, as well as soil bulk density and soil organic matter content, data were collated from 40 publications describing conditions at 35 sites in 10 Chinese provinces where most bamboo stands are distributed. Carbon stocks and its changes in the living biomass and soil organic matter in bamboo stands in China in the past five decades were estimated based on these collated data together with the area of bamboo stands and number of bamboo culms derived from the National Forestry Inventory (NFI). Our estimates indicate that the carbon stocks in bamboo stands in China have been increasing since the 1950s with estimated values of 318.55 Tg  C (1950–1962), 427.37 Tg C (1977–1981), 463.80 Tg C (1984–1988), 493.00 Tg C (1989–1993), 548.79 Tg C (1994–1998) and 631.58 Tg C (1999–2003) accompanying the increase of bamboo stand area. Based on correlation between forest area and bamboo area, as well as the trends of forest area predicted in government strategy documents for forest development over the next five decades, the carbon stocks in bamboo stands for 2010, 2020, 2030, 2040 and 2050 are estimated to be 727.08 Tg C, 839.16 Tg C, 914.43 Tg C, 966.803 Tg C and 1017.64 Tg C, respectively.  相似文献   

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