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稻瘟病主效抗性基因对广东省籼稻稻瘟病菌的抗性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对来自不同抗源的30个抗稻瘟病单基因系进行了小种专化抗性及田间抗性的分析和评价。30个单基因系对163个广东省稻瘟病菌株的抗谱介于0.6%~89.6%,大多数单基因系对测试的病菌表现出较窄的抗谱,在病区表现为高度感病,但含有Pikh 和 Pi1(t)的单基因系表现出广谱抗性,抗谱分别为89.6% 和 82.2%,在病区表现出较好的田间抗性。基于抗性基因与163个稻瘟病菌的抗感互作聚类分析,将30个单基因系的小种专化抗性划分为15个类型。主成分因子分析结果表明,其中9个类型的小种专化抗性表现出较大差异,可解释总变异的81.3%。含有Pik、Piz5、Pi9、Pish的单基因系在小种专化抗性上有别于广东省骨干亲本,这些基因在今后抗性育种中可重点引入。Pikh\[或 Pi1(t)\]、Pi9(或 Piz5)及Pish(或 Pita2)的基因聚合有利于提高广东省水稻品种对该地区稻瘟病菌的抗谱。并就稻瘟病抗性基因的研究及利用策略进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Roll-leaf-1 (rl-1) and spot-leaf-1 (spl-1) were two near-isogenic lines, which were obtained after 3 to 4 backcrosses with early season indica rice Zhefu 802 as recurrent parent. Henna macro-lesions, referred as physiological or morphological markers, began to appear on leaves at 4.5- to 6.0-leaf stage. The rice seedlings were inoculated at 3.5-, 5.0- and 7.0-leaf stages with high pathogenic races Zhong A1 and Zhong B1 of Magnaporthe grisea, respectively. The resistance of rl-1, spl-1 and Zhefu 802 against blast was significantly different. The seedlings of Zhefu 802 at 3.5- to 7.0-leaf stage were susceptible to races Zhong A1 and Zhong B1 of M. grisea, whereas those of rl-1 and spl-1 at 3.5-, 5.0- and 7.0-leaf stages were susceptible, moderately resistant and resistant, respectively. These results suggested that the enhanced resistance of rl-1 and spl-1 related to the appearance of their morphological marker lesions. The experiment provided a basis for studying lesion mimic and hypersensitive response in association with disease resistance.  相似文献   

Six isolates of Magnaporthe grisea were selected to inoculate on 10 Chinese leading maintainer lines (B-lines), 14 restorer lines (R-lines) and their F1 hybrid plants. In the tested rice materials, R-lines were proved to be more resistant to blast than B-lines.The resistance frequency of about 25% F1 hybrid plants was less than their parents. In addition, 26 isolates of M. grisea collected from different rice growing areas of China were inoculated on 13 new improved hybrid rice combinations. The resistance frequencies of 5 improved hybrids were better than those of the controls and leading varieties in rice production of China.  相似文献   

沈瑛  徐同 《中国水稻科学》2003,17(3):260-264
 2001年9月在湖南省3个稻瘟病的主要发病县采集分离了57个稻瘟病菌株,与法国国际农艺研究和发展中心提供的4个标准菌株于稻谷粉琼脂培养基上对峙培养。结果表明,30% 和12% 的测试菌株分别为交配型1.1和交配型12,其余60% 的测试菌株与4个标准菌株中的任何一个均不能产生子囊果,即便是与田间新获得的两性菌株之间的对峙培养也不能产生子囊果。在所获24个能育菌株中只有5个为两性菌株,占9%。各菌株在中国7个鉴别品种上的测定共获5群20个小种,其中ZA 和ZB为优势群,ZB15为优势小种。还就稻瘟病菌有性世代在田间存在与否进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Molecular screening of major rice blast resistance genes was determined with molecular markers, which showed close-set linkage to 11 major rice blast resistance genes (Pi-d2, Pi-z, Piz-t, Pi-9, Pi-36, Pi-37, Pi5, Pi-b, Pik-p, Pik-h and Pi-ta2), in a collection of 32 accessions resistant to Magnaporthe oryzae. Out of the 32 accessions, the Pi-d2 and Pi-z appeared to be omnipresent and gave positive express. As the second dominant, Pi-b and Piz-t gene frequencies were 96.9% and 87.5%. And Pik-h and Pik-p gene frequencies were 43.8% and 28.1%, respectively. The molecular marker linkage to Pi-ta2 produced positive bands in eleven accessions, while the molecular marker linkage to Pi-36 and Pi-37 in only three and four accessions, respectively. The natural field evaluation analysis showed that 30 of the 32 accessions were resistant, one was moderately resistant and one was susceptible. Infection types were negatively correlated with the genotype scores of Pi-9, Pi5, Pi-b, Pi-ta2 and Pik-p, although the correlation coefficients were very little. These results are useful in identification and incorporation of functional resistance genes from these germplasms into elite cultivars through marker-assisted selection for improved blast resistance in China and worldwide.  相似文献   

Six isolates of Magnaporthe grisea were selected to inoculate on 10 Chinese leading maintainer lines (B-lines), 14 restorer lines (R-lines) and their F1 hybrid plants. In the tested rice materials, R-lines were proved to be more resistant to blast than B-lines. The resistance frequency of about 25% F1 hybrid plants was less than their parents. In addition, 26 isolates of M. grisea collected from different rice growing areas of China were inoculated on 13 new improved hybrid rice combinations. The resistance frequencies of 5 improved hybrids were better than those of the controls and leading varieties in rice production of China.  相似文献   

八个抗稻瘟病基因在华南籼型杂交水稻中的分布   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
【目的】已克隆的稻瘟病抗性基因Pi1、Pik-p、Pik-h、Pi2、Pi9、Piz-t、Pita、Pii对不同稻区的稻瘟病菌表现较广谱的抗性,被广泛应用于水稻抗瘟性育种。为了明确上述抗性基因在华南稻区杂交稻组合中的分布及其组合的抗病有效性,【方法】利用上述8个抗病基因的功能标记,对华南328个杂交稻组合进行了抗瘟基因型分子检测。【结果】抗性基因Pita和Pii分布频率最高,在测试组合中检出率分别为84.76%与67.68%;其次是Pi2与Pik-p,分别为22.87%与13.72%;检出频率较低的是Pi1、Piz-t和Pik-h,分别为5.18%、3.35%与2.13%,检测的品种都不携带抗性基因Pi9。在单个杂交稻组合中,检出的抗瘟基因数量最多是4个。抗病性评价结果表明,杂交稻组合中检出的抗病基因数量越多,其表现为抗病品种的频率就越高;含4个抗病基因的杂交稻组合中,抗病品种所占比率达91.67%。含有不同抗瘟基因的组合表现出不同水平的抗瘟性,其中Pi2与Pi1对华南稻区稻瘟病的抗病性贡献最大,其他抗病基因的贡献大小依次是Pik-h、Pik-p、Pita、Pii与Piz-t。【结论】本研究为华南稻区杂交稻抗病品种基因型的合理布局以及抗瘟基因的应用提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

稻瘟病是水稻生产上最为重要的病害之一,可引起大幅度减产.水稻—稻瘟病菌互作机制是目前研究植物与病原物互作的模式系统.关于稻瘟病抗性基因、稻瘟病菌无毒基因的研究取得显著进展,为水稻抗稻瘟病分子标记辅助育种、基因工程育种及稻瘟病绿色防治提供了广阔的前景.对稻瘟病菌侵染机制、稻瘟病抗性基因定位与克隆、抗病基因和无毒基因的互作...  相似文献   

By using 304 recombinant inbred lines derived from indica rice cross Zhong 156/Gumei 2, a linkage map consisting of 177 marker loci and covering 12 rice chromosomes was constructed and employed for mapping genes conferring blast resistance in rice. Genomic location of gene Pi25(t) conferring neck blast resistance to the Chinese isolate 92-183 (race ZC15) was verified to be located between markers A7 and RG456 on chromosome 6, with genetic distances of 1.7 cM and 1.5 cM to A7 and RG456,respectively. Leaf blast resistance of Gumei 2 to the Philippine isolate Ca89 (lineage 4) was found to be controlled by a single gene. The gene tentatively designated as Pi26(t) was located between makers B10 and R674 on chromosome 6, with genetic distances of 5.7 cM and 25.8 cM to B10 and R674 respectively. Resistant alleles at both gene loci were derived from Gumei 2,indicating an existence of resistance gene cluster in Gumei 2.  相似文献   

中国稻瘟病菌种群分布及优势生理小种的研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
 着重概述了中国主要水稻产区稻瘟病菌的种群分布与生理小种的组成状况。目前东北稻区稻瘟菌主要种群为ZF、ZD、ZE和ZA,出现频率分别达到23.2%、22.2%、15.6%、12.3%。西南稻区以强致病力菌株ZA和ZB为主,四川省内ZB种群频率高达53%,ZA为22.3%;贵州省的优势种群为ZB、ZA和ZG,出现频率分别为41.4%、18.5%和10.7%。华南稻区主要种群为ZB和ZC,出现频率分别为28.0%和37.0%。华北稻区以致病力较弱的ZE、ZF和ZG群体为主,出现频率分别达到21.5%、22.1%和44.3%。华东稻区主要种群为ZB、ZG、ZC和ZA,出现频率分别为43.3%、25.0%、13.9%和123%。华中稻区主要是ZA、ZB、ZE和ZC,出现频率分别为34.9%、28.8%、21.4%和14.1%。西北地区水稻种植较少,但以致病力强的ZA和ZB群为优势种群。  相似文献   

太湖流域粳稻地方品种黑壳子粳抗稻瘟病基因的分子定位   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
以广谱、高抗稻瘟病的太湖流域粳稻地方品种黑壳子粳与感病品种苏御糯杂交,产生F1、F2、F2∶3及F5∶6重组自交系群体,用日本稻瘟病鉴别菌系北1接种鉴定。黑壳子粳对北1的抗性是由1对显性主效基因控制的,定名为Pi hk1(t) 。根据不同杂交世代群体对北1的抗、感反应,结合SSR分子标记,将黑壳子粳中的Pi hk1(t) 基因定位在水稻第11染色体长臂末端,与RM7654和RM27381两个标记的遗传距离分别为0.9 cM和1.6 cM。  相似文献   

水稻稻瘟病菌胁迫应答cDNA片段的表达及定位   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
以抗稻瘟病品系G205为材料,应用cDNA微阵列分别获得了一个受稻瘟病菌诱导的含NBS LRR的cDNA克隆(暂命名为RIM1, rice induced by Magnaporthe grisea)和一个受稻瘟病菌抑制的编码腈水解酶(Nitrilase)的cDNA克隆(暂命名为NIT),并通过Northern得到证实。RFLP分析将RIM1和NIT分别定位于水稻第2和第3染色体上,它们均位于控制水稻稻瘟病部分抗性QTL区间。  相似文献   

稻瘟病抗性基因的鉴定及利用进展   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:24  
20世纪60年代中期,日本率先开展了水稻品种抗稻瘟病基因分析的研究工作,鉴定了最初的8个抗性位点上的14个基因,并建立了一套抗稻瘟病基因分析用的鉴别体系(JDCs, Japanese differential cultivars),随后,国际水稻研究所和中国等产稻国也逐渐开展了水稻稻瘟病抗性遗传的系统性研究。截至2007年12月,已至少报道了58个抗稻瘟病位点共67个主效基因。这些基因成簇地分布于除第3染色体外的所有水稻染色体上,其中,66个为显性基因,1个为隐性基因,包括Pi b、Pi ta、Pi z5、Pi zt、Pi 9、Pi d2、Pi 36和Pi 37等8个已被克隆的基因(Pi z5、Pi zt和Pi 9同为Pi z基因位点上的复等位基因)。还讨论了合理利用抗性基因等问题。  相似文献   

以表达水稻白叶枯病菌(Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae)编码harpin广谱抗性激发子的hrf1基因的转基因系为材料,在温室和田间病圃鉴定它们对稻瘟病菌的抗性,分析转基因水稻抗稻瘟病的作用机制。研究结果显示,转hrf1基因水稻对稻瘟病菌ZC3、ZD1和ZG1小种表现高抗,对ZB13表现中抗,表明hrf1基因在水稻中表达可以产生非小种专化抗性。在稻瘟病圃中对水稻稻瘟病抗性鉴定结果显示,转hrf1基因水稻在T1、T3、T5和T7代对稻瘟病菌都表现很好的抗性,表明转hrf1基因水稻对稻瘟病菌的抗性能稳定遗传。 转hrf1基因抗病水稻中防卫反应基因OsPR1a、OsPR1b、PAL和Chia4a以及正向调控水杨酸介导信号传导的NPR1基因的表达显著增强。转基因抗病水稻中硅含量显著提高。Harpin编码基因在水稻中表达,可能通过激发水稻中防卫反应基因的表达,提高水稻中硅含量等,从而使水稻产生对稻瘟病菌的广谱抗性。  相似文献   

我国稻瘟病菌群体多样性研究   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:17  
利用Pot2-rep-PCR技术对收集自我国14个省水稻产区的324个稻瘟病菌株进行了DNA指纹分析。稻瘟病菌在DNA水平上的变异比较高,具有很丰富的多态性;在20%的遗传距离水平上,170个单型被划分成20个遗传系谱,其中CL20是绝对优势系谱;对病菌系谱的地区分布分析发现,不同地区之间稻瘟菌的群体结构差异是明显的,但是也有部分菌株属于相同的系谱甚至是同一单型;14个省稻区的菌株指纹图谱可以分为明显的两类,江浙、北方等省稻区菌株的DNA指纹相似程度比较高,南方9省稻区菌株DNA指纹相似程度比较高,这可能与两类地区的主栽品种类型不同有关。  相似文献   

The gene Pi-d2, conferring gene-for-gene resistance to the Chinese blast strain ZB15, was isolated from a rice variety (Digu) by the map-based cloning strategy. Here, we constructed a control plasmid pZH01-pi-d2tp309 (pZH01-tp309) and three different expression constructs, pCB-Pi-d25.3kb (pCB5.3kb), pCB-Pi-d26.3kb (pCB6.3kb) and pZH01-Pi-d22.72kb (pZH01-2.72kb) of Pi-d2, driven by Pi-d2 gene's own promoter or CaMV35S promoter. These constructs were separately introduced into japonica rice varieties Lijiangxintuanhegu, Taipei 309, Nipponbare and Zhonghua 9 through Agrobacterium- mediated transformation. A total of 150 transgenic rice plants were obtained from the regenerated calli selected on hygromycin. PCR, RT-PCR and Southern-blotting assay showed that the gene of interest had been integrated into rice genome and stably inherited. Thirty-five transgenic lines independently derived from T1 progeny were inoculated with the rice blast strain ZB15. Transformants exhibited resistance to rice blast at various levels. The lesions on the transgenic plant leaves were less severe than those on the controls and the resistance level of transgenic plants harboring the gene of interest from three vectors had no difference. The own promoter of Pi-d2, about 2.2 kb or 3.2 kb, had the similar promoter function as CaMV35S. Field evaluation for three successive years supported the results of artificial trial, and some lines with high resistance to rice leaf blast and neck blast were obtained.  相似文献   

By using 304 recombinant inbred lines derived from indica rice cross Zhong 156/Gumei 2, a linkage map consisting of 177 marker loci and covering 12 rice chromosomes was constructed and employed for mapping genes conferring blast resistance in rice. Genomic location of gene Pi25(t) conferring neck blast resistance to the Chinese isolate 92-183 (race ZC15) was verified to be located between markers A7 and RG456 on chromosome 6, with genetic distances of 1.7 cM and 1.5 cM to A7 and RG456, respectively. Leaf blast resistance of Gumei 2 to the Philippine isolate Ca89 (lineage 4) was found to be controlled by a single gene. The gene tentatively designated as Pi26(\) was located between makers B10 and R674 on chromosome 6, with genetic distances of 5.7 cM and 25.8 cM to B10 and R674 respectively. Resistant alleles at both gene loci were derived from Gumei 2, indicating an existence of resistance gene cluster in Gumei 2.  相似文献   

籼型水稻中稻瘟病抗性基因分布及抗性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
稻瘟病严重威胁着水稻的安全生产。目前,培育抗性品种是控制稻瘟病危害最经济有效的途径之一。本研究利用11个主效稻瘟病抗性(R)基因(Pi2、Piz-t、Pi9、Pi54、Pik-m、Pid3、Pib、Pit、Pi5、Ptr和Pita)的分子标记对48个常规稻、15个不育系和129个杂交稻进行了检测。结果表明,在常规稻中,Ptr和Pi5的分布频率均为35.42%,Pib、Pi2、Piz-t、Pit的分布频率介于20.0%~30.0%之间,其余均在15%以下;在不育系中,Pita的分布频率为40.0%,其余均在20%以下;杂交稻中,Pita、Pib、Pi54、Ptr和Pi5的分布频率在40.31%~55.04%之间,其余均在20%以下;Pita在各个品系中均广泛存在,频率介于35.42%~51.16%。田间抗性评价表明,R基因较多的品种具有较高的抗性。综上所述,在参试的水稻材料中,不育系中存在抗性基因较少,所有类型材料中广谱抗性基因分布较少,抗性基因聚合可以有效提高稻瘟病田间抗性。  相似文献   

云南地方品种子预44中一个新的抗稻瘟病基因的定位   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
【目的】子预44是具有广谱持久稻瘟病抗性的云南地方粳稻品种。为了揭示子预44广谱持久抗瘟机制并在抗稻瘟病育种中进行有效利用,【方法】利用江南香糯与子预44杂交构建的遗传群体及分离自云南罗平的稻瘟病菌株LP36进行子预44的抗性遗传分析和抗性基因定位。【结果】子预44对LP36的抗性为单显性基因控制,暂定名为Pi-zy4(t),它位于水稻第4染色体长臂上SSR标记RM5503与RM3276之间约318 kb区间内。【结论】Pi-zy4(t)为新的抗稻瘟病基因。研究结果为子预44的育种利用和Pi-zy4(t)基因的克隆提供了重要信息。  相似文献   

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