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Comparisons of seven different individual assignment methods based on likelihood and distances were carried out with four different sets of data, which varied both in number of populations and genetic divergence. Based on 27 microsatellites genotyped in eight cattle breeds (Icelandic and seven Norwegian), 28 hybrid populations were simulated. Factors affecting individual assignment success, such as number and divergence of populations, sample size and number of loci, were assessed from actual and simulated data. The Bayesian, frequency and Nei-minimum methods performed more or less similarly. Individual assignment success depended mainly on population number and divergence (FST). Higher success was observed at high level of divergence among populations and at low number of source populations considered. With eight pure breeds and 27 loci considered the assignment success rate ranged from 55 to 70%. Generally, assignment success increased with increasing number of loci and/or sample size.  相似文献   

从2012年1月起,欧盟将在其区域范围内禁止产蛋母鸡采用笼养方式生产鸡蛋。这需要一个与现有生产不同的管理方法,尤其是对采用大鸟笼式饲养系统的鸡场(图1),因为产蛋母鸡的行为对管理方法的选择起了一定的作用。特定性状(如产蛋箱接受性、产蛋时间和产蛋箱内停留时间)的选育,对避免产生地面蛋是一类极为重要的特性。  相似文献   

为了满足消费者的喜好,育种目标时常进行调整.许多与产蛋性能、蛋品质量、饲料转化率以及产蛋母鸡健康和行为有关的特性均被考虑.为了持续改善蛋鸡的生产性能,超过20项遗传特性被作为选择指数,组成了每一个育种方案的基础.  相似文献   



To define the relationship between journal impact factor (JIF) and citation distribution in veterinary journals. Citation distribution is a summary of the number of citations of individual papers published in a defined period, and JIF is said to represent the mean number of citations received by a paper published in a given journal. JIF is criticized for promoting unimportant differences between journals, exaggerating small differences in journal citation distributions by misrepresenting a skewed citation distribution. The hypothesis was that veterinary journals have a skewed citation distribution and that median citation rates between journals would be smaller than that indicated by JIF.

Study design

Bibliometric study.




A published method was used to generate journal citation reports from a commercial database, with search limits set for document (‘article’ and ‘review’) and the 2 year citation window of interest. Citation distributions [median (range)] and cumulative citations were calculated for Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia (Vet Anaesth Analg, 2007–2017), 11 preselected subject- and species-specific and general veterinary journals (2016) and veterinary journals from the top (n = 10) and bottom (n = 10) of the Veterinary Sciences category ranking (2016) with a 10 year publication record.


Citation distributions were right-skewed for all journals, with 15–20% of papers contributing approximately 50% of citations. For Vet Anaesth Analg, the median citation distribution [1 (0–2)] did not change despite JIF ranging from 1.044 to 2.064 between 2007 and 2017. Calculated median citation rates revealed minimal differences between journals, with only three groups identified: bottom (median citation 0), preselected (median citation 1) and top (median citation 2) journals. These groups represent over 100 places in the JIF (0.316–3.148) ranking.


Ranking veterinary journals according to JIF is misleading, exaggerating differences while concealing minimally different citation distributions.  相似文献   

如今,任何国家或地区在疫病爆发期间,其家畜的流动和国际自由贸易都会受到严重的影响。创建生物安全区的理念通常被看作是未来发展的方向。这一方法是建立在高要求的基础上,以确保健康家畜在疾病爆发期间正常地生产,这样能使家畜贸易在这一阶段得以持续进行。  相似文献   

A study was conducted to measure water acceptance and intake in Quarter Horse mares after transportation (4 h) to a new location, Armstrong Equine Service (AES). Another objective was to increase that water intake by means of a flavor additive (apple or clover). Twelve mares were randomly assigned either New Mexico State University (NMSU) water or AES water then switched in a crossover design and repeated. Mares wore heart rate monitors to measure an indication of stress pretransit for 45 min, in-transit to AES for 4 h and post-transit for 1 h. Mares were weighed pre-and post- transit. Blood was drawn pre-transit and 4 days later before return to NMSU from AES. At AES, water intake was monitored for 4 days in both experiments. During experiment 1, water intake was similar (P=0.5) for both sources of water, except on day 3 when mares consumed more AES water than NMSU water (35 vs 301). Serum Na values in these mares ranged from 127 to 129 mEq/ 1 (132-146 is normal), while serum C1 ranged from 92 to 94 mEqfl (99-109 is normal). In experiment 2, mares were subjected to the same protocol as experiment 1, except that water was from AES. After 4 h transport, six mares continued to AES, where three received clover-flavored water and three received apple-flavored water. Six mares remained at NMSU after transportation, with three receiving apple and three clover flavoring. Flavored water intake was monitored for 2 days. Mares showed clear preference for apple on day 1 (P<.05) and day 2 (P<.07). Without flavoring, mares con- sumed more (P>.05) water at NMSU than AES. Mares adjusted to a new water more easily in a familiar, rather than unfamiliar, environment.  相似文献   

为探究高寒灌-草交错带土壤呼吸动态及影响因素,应用LI-8100A土壤呼吸自动测定系统,对东祁连山典型灌丛-草地交错带土壤呼吸动态及土壤因子进行测定,分析呼吸速率与土壤因子的相互关系。结果表明,整个交错带内土壤呼吸速率的均值介于2.3~7.2 μmol/(m2·s),各样地间土壤呼吸速率大小顺序为珠芽蓼草甸中心(S1)>草甸-金露梅灌丛交错区(MSC1)>金露梅灌丛中心(S2)>金露梅-杜鹃灌丛交错区(MSC2)>杜鹃灌丛中心(S3),S1和MSC1样地的土壤呼吸日变化呈单峰型,峰值出现在14:00,S2、MSC2、S3样地峰型不明显,且日变幅较小,仅为0.3~1.1 μmol/(m2·s);交错带内土壤物理性质和养分储量呈明显的垂直分异规律,土壤呼吸速率与土壤温度、全磷储量呈极显著的正相关(P<0.01),与土壤含水量极显著负相关(P<0.01),与0~20 cm土壤有机碳储量呈显著负相关(P<0.05);拟合分析显示,土壤温度、含水量和全磷储量是土壤呼吸速率的主要限制因子,土壤呼吸与土壤温度拟合系数最高,可解释土壤呼吸空间变异的79.9%。  相似文献   

To determine sensory preference and value of fresh beef steak differing in aging technique, strip steaks were evaluated by consumers in Denver (n = 132 consumers) and Chicago (n = 141 consumers). Wet-aged Choice strip loins were matched with dry-aged Choice strip loins, whereas wet-aged Prime strip loins were matched with dry-aged Prime strip loins. Dry-aged strip loins were commercially aged in air in a controlled environment for 30 d and vacuum-aged for 7 d during shipping and storage. Wet-aged strip loins were vacuum-packaged and aged for 37 d in a 1 degrees C cooler. Pairs of strip loins were matched to similar Warner-Bratzler shear force values and marbling scores. Twelve sensory evaluation panels (of 12 scheduled panelists each) were conducted over a 3-d period in each city. Individual samples from a pair of steaks were evaluated by the panelists for sensory traits. Bids were placed on the samples after sensory traits were obtained utilizing a variation of the Vickery auction with silent, sealed bids. No significant differences for sensory traits of flavor, juiciness, tenderness, or overall acceptability were detected between wet-aged Choice samples and dry-aged Choice samples. Although wet-aged Choice samples were numerically superior for all sensory traits, consumers placed similar bid values (P = 0.12) on wet- and dry-aged Choice samples ($3.82 per 0.45 kg and $3.57 per 0.45 kg, respectively). Wet-aged Prime samples were rated more desirable (P < 0.001) for flavor, tenderness, and overall acceptability than dry-aged Prime samples. Wet-aged Prime samples were valued at $4.02 per 0.45 kg, whereas dry-aged Prime samples brought $3.58 per 0.45 kg (P = 0.008). Consumers (29.3%) who preferred the dry-aged Choice samples over the wet-aged Choice samples were willing to pay $1.99/0.45 kg more (P < 0.001) for dry-aged samples. The consumers who preferred the wet-aged Choice over the dry-aged Choice samples (39.2%) were willing to pay $1.77/0.45 kg more (P < 0.0001). Consumers who preferred wet-aged Prime over dry-aged Prime samples (45.8%) paid $1.92/0.45 kg more (P < 0.0001). Consumers who preferred dry-aged Prime samples (27.5%) were willing to pay $1.92/0.45 kg more than for the wet-aged Prime samples. Although more consumers preferred wet-aged samples, markets do exist for dry-aged beef, and consumers are willing to pay a premium for this product.  相似文献   

Consumer acceptance of calcium chloride-marinated top loin steaks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study, a multi-city, retail consumer survey was used to determine whether marinating in calcium chloride at 72 h postmortem improves consumer and trained sensory panel evaluations of beef loin steaks, Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBSF) values, and the value of CaCl2 marinades to improve tenderness in a national consumer market. Boneless strip loin subprimals (n = 8) were obtained from eight, not electrically stimulated, USDA Standard-grade carcasses, halved, and alternating ends were marinated with 200 mM CaCl2 at 5% (wt/wt) or not injected (controls). Strip loins were then aged for 7 d in vacuum packages at 2 degrees C before WBSF, trained or consumer evaluations. Four trained research teams traveled on the same 7-d period to collect the consumer data. Consumers (n = 393; minimum of 10 consumers/panel, three panels/store, three stores/city, and four cities) varying widely in income level, education, and gender evaluated the steaks for tenderness, beef flavor, juiciness, and overall quality in each of three supermarkets in major cities (Los Angeles, CA; Baltimore, MD; Chicago, IL; and Dallas, TX). The average improvement (P < 0.05) in WBSF for steaks marinated with CaCl2 was 1.39 kg. Trained panelists scored marinated steaks higher (P < 0.05) than control steaks in sustained juiciness (6.00 vs. 5.09), beef flavor (6.31 vs. 5.64), and overall mouth-feel (5.98 vs. 4.93). Consumers also rated marinated steaks higher (P < 0.05) than control steaks in juiciness (5.98 vs. 5.45), beef flavor (6.70 vs. 6.05), tenderness (6.75 vs. 5.89), and overall quality (6.68 vs. 6.20). Consumers in this study would pay dollar 0.95/kg more for steaks marinated with CaCl2, adding dollar 21.64 to the value of a loin from tough carcasses. These results indicate that consumers can differentiate tenderness levels and are willing to pay a premium for calcium chloride marinating to effectively improve the quality of beef loin steaks.  相似文献   

2009年饲料质量安全工作会议的主要任务是,以科学发展观为指导,深入贯彻中央农村工作会议、全国农业会议和全国农产品质量安全工作会议精神.落实党中央、国务院领导同志关于加强饲料质量安全监管工作的批示精神,总结2008年饲料质量安全监管工作成绩和经验.分析当前饲料质量安全形势,进一步统一思想,提高认识,研究部署2009年重点工作,启动饲料质量安全执法年行动.  相似文献   

目的 :监测和评价某医院两台CT正常运行时对周围环境及公众的辐射影响。方法:依据国家相关标准规定的限值及监测方法为评价标准和监测方法。结果:开机状态时,两CT室周围X-γ辐射剂量率范围分别为93.3n Gy/h~108.4n Gy/h与82.3n Gy/h~95.7n Gy/h。结论:开机状态时,该医院CT室外环境符合国家标准要求,公众可正常活动。  相似文献   

Three surveys and a sensory evaluation of goat meat were conducted in Japan to examine the current needs and future possibilities of goat meat consumption. The experimental results of the present study lead us to conclude the following: (i) improving the smell of goat meat and combining the sale of goat meat with recipes may increase goat meat demand among housewives; (ii) it seems to be difficult to disseminate Okinawa goat cuisine to non‐Okinawa residents because of the typical odor of goat meat, which is unlikely to be preferred by the public; (iii) the “chewiness” of goat meat is rated highly by young participants according to a sensory evaluation, and loin meat is rated highly compared with hind leg meat; and (iv) there is a rapidly increasing interest and a tremendous purchasing drive towards goat meat among university students. However, these facts call for further investigation of the goat meat demand in Japan. The following three further experiments are needed to solve this issue: (i) breeding to improve the taste of goat meat; (ii) expanding the marketing of goat meat combined with the invention of Japanese‐style goat recipes and tie‐in sales supermarkets; and (iii) implementing further sensory analyses to compare goat meat with other meat and carrying out market analysis in Japan.  相似文献   

To determine US consumer acceptance and value of beef from various countries, 24 taste panels of consumers (n = 273 consumers) were conducted in Denver and Chicago. Two pairs of strip steaks were evaluated for flavor, juiciness, tenderness, and overall acceptability on eight-point hedonic scales. One pair consisted of an Australian grass-fed strip steak and a domestic strip steak, whereas the other pair included Canadian and domestic strip steaks. The pairs were matched to similar Warner-Bratzler shear values and marbling scores to decrease variation associated with tenderness and juiciness. A variation of the Vickery auction was used to obtain silent, sealed bids on steaks (0.45 kg) from the same strip loins sampled in the taste panel. Consumers gave higher (P < 0.001) scores for flavor, juiciness, tenderness, and overall acceptability for domestic steaks compared with Australian grass-fed steaks. Domestic steaks averaged 3.68/0.45 dollars kg, whereas consumers placed an average value of 2.48/0.45 dollars kg on Australian grass-fed steaks (P < 0.001). Consumers rated Canadian steaks numerically lower for juiciness (P = 0.09) and lower (P < 0.005) for flavor, tenderness, and overall acceptability than domestic samples. Consumers placed an average value of 3.95/0.45 dollars kg for domestic steaks and 3.57/0.45 dollars kg for Canadian steaks (P < 0.01). Consumers (19.0%) who preferred Australian grass-fed steaks over domestic steaks paid 1.38/0.45 dollars kg more (P < 0.001), whereas consumers (29.3%) who favored the Canadian steaks over the domestic steaks paid 1.37/0.45 dollars kg more (P < 0.001) for the Canadian steaks. A majority of US consumers seem to be accustomed to the taste of domestic beef and prefer domestic steaks to beef from Australia grass-fed and Canadian beef.  相似文献   

第一章 总则 第一条 为推动《兽药生产质量管理规范》(以下简称兽药GMP)的实施,规范兽药GMP检查验收工作,制定本办法。 第二条 农业部负责全国兽药GMP管理和检查验收工  相似文献   

Samples from 717 sheep of 11 Austrian sheep breeds were genotyped for 25 microsatellite loci. Twenty‐one loci showing no deviation from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium were used to calculate pairwise genetic distances (Nei's minimum distance and Reynolds’ distance). All breeds could be clearly distinguished through these genetic distances. The shortest genetic distance was found between Alpines Steinschaf (AS) and Waldschaf (WS). Within the so‐called ‘Steinschaf’ group [AS, Montafoner Steinschaf (MS), Krainer Steinschaf (KS) and Tiroler Steinschaf (TS)] the MS adopted an extreme status with the largest distance to the other breeds in the group. This finding resulted in the decision to consider the MS no longer as subpopulation of Alpines Steinschaf but as an independent breed. A correct breed assignment using a Bayesian approach was possible for only 66% of all individuals belonging to Alpines Steinschaf, but for at least 90% of individuals for all other breeds investigated.  相似文献   

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