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An unusual form of congenital intrahepatic portosystemic shunt was identified in a 3 1/2-month-old female Labrador Retriever with neurologic signs. Ultrasonography and contrast-enhanced computed tomography were used to characterize the shunt morphology. An unusual, looping right-divisional shunt connected back to the portal vein that formed an ampula in the right-central portion of the liver. An irregularly shaped window-like opening connected the combined right-divisional loop and aneurysmal portal vein, and the caudal vena cava, while this vascular pool gradually fused more cranially. Imaging features of this complex vascular anomaly, which has not been previously reported, are presented.  相似文献   

A 1-year-and-3-month-old, male standard poodle dog with intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (PSS) was autopsied. Nineteen regions of the liver were prepared for detailed examination, and the distribution of hepatic lesions caused by PSS was studied in the liver of this dog. Histopathologically, the liver revealed a variety of hepatic lesions including lipogranulomas in the hepatic parenchyma, and a ductular reaction and microvascular proliferation in portal areas. The distribution of the lesions was not significantly different among liver regions. It is concluded that, in the present case, hepatic lesions caused by PSS are independent of shunt location, and are distributed equally in the liver.  相似文献   

Examination of a 2-month-old male golden retriever presented to the hospital revealed malnutrition, ascites, cardiac murmur and hyperammonemia. Identification of subaortic stenosis and hepatic arteriovenous fistula was made through ultrasonography and angiocardiography. In addition, intrasurgical mesenteric portography showed an intrahepatic portosystemic shunt. The dog did not show portal hypertension and secondary multiple extrahepatic portosystemic shunts. Surgical correction was attempted after medical treatment. The hepatic artery branch which was connected to the hepatic arteriovenous fistula was separated, and completely ligated using silk ligature. However, the separation of the intrahepatic shunt blood vessel was unsuccessful and the dog died 15 hr postoperatively.  相似文献   

A Miniature Dachshund, 3-month-old, 3.1 kg, was diagnosed as an intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (PSS) with the shunting vessel in 6-mm diameter. Percutaneous transvenous coil embolization (PTCE) was performed with a stainless steel coil in 8-mm diameter. Intraoperative portal pressure elevated about 2.5 times after one-stage coil occlusion. Two weeks after the PTCE, serum bile acid levels reduced within the normal range. The portogram showed complete occlusion of the shunting vessel 4 months after the PTCE. Approximately 3 years after the PTCE, the patient has shown no clinical signs. PTCE could be performed more easily and less invasively in a small-breed dog. It is therefore suggested that PTCE is a promising therapeutic technique in canine intrahepatic PSS.  相似文献   

A 4-month-old male domestic shorthair cat was evaluated for intermittent tremors, ptyalism, and signs of depression. The cat was small, thin, and unthrifty. Clinically important serum biochemical abnormalities included low blood urea nitrogen concentration and high baseline bile acids concentration. Abdominal ultrasonography and jejunal portography identified an intrahepatic portosystemic shunt. The cat was anesthetized, and a transjugular approach was used for percutaneous coil embolization of the shunt. Guidewires, catheters, and coils were inserted under fluoroscopic guidance to locate the shunt and define its anatomy, measure portal vein pressures before and after temporary balloon occlusion, and place thrombogenic coils to completely attenuate the anomalous vessel. The cat recovered without complications and was weaned from medical management. Ten weeks following the procedure, clinical signs had completely resolved, and baseline bile acids concentration was near reference range. Results in this cat illustrate that interventional radiology techniques can be safely used in small animals and may reduce the morbidity and mortality rates associated with traditional surgical procedures.  相似文献   

An unusual portosystemic shunt in a dog   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An unusual portosystemic shunt was diagnosed in a 4-month-old male Miniature Poodle examined because of stunted growth and episodes of dementia characterized by hysteria, ataxia, and staggering. Operative splenoportography revealed a portosystemic shunt. Exploratory surgery to identify and correct the shunt was attempted. Evidence of any portal circulation was not detected, and the dog was euthanatized. The possible embryologic basis for this vascular anomaly is discussed.  相似文献   

A 3-month-old sexually intact male German Shepherd Dog was evaluated because of signs of depression, ataxia, and collapse. Clinicopathologic abnormalities included low serum BUN and albumin concentrations and high serum liver enzyme activities and plasma ammonia and serum bile acids concentrations. Abdominal ultrasonography revealed an intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (PSS). The dog was anesthetized; via a transjugular approach, guidewires and catheters were directed with fluoroscopic guidance to locate the shunt and determine its anatomic features. Minimal changes in portal vein pressure during temporary shunt balloon occlusion enabled complete shunt attenuation, which was performed by use of a self-expanding septal occlusion device that is typically used for treatment of atrial septal defects in humans. Following initial misplacement of the device, the procedure was repeated successfully 2 months later and resulted in complete shunt occlusion. One year after this second procedure, the dog was clinically normal and serum bile acids concentration was within reference limits. In certain dogs with intrahepatic PSSs, treatment with minimally invasive interventional techniques involving fluoroscopy may reduce the morbidity and mortality rates associated with more invasive surgical procedures.  相似文献   

A 6-month-old, intact male Great Dane dog fed a veterinary therapeutic liver diet was evaluated after diagnosis of an intrahepatic portosystemic shunt and hind limb angular limb deformity to determine appropriateness of diet. Evaluation of the current diet revealed it to be inadequate to meet the nutrient requirements of a large breed puppy. The dog clinically improved following a change in diet. There was no longer any angular limb deformity and no reported neurological signs. This report highlights the importance of appropriate feeding management during growth and demonstrates that although veterinary therapeutic diets may appear to be an appropriate choice initially, they may not be ideal for growing puppies as a long-term feeding option.Key clinical message:An individual approach is key for nutritional management of complicated canine veterinary medical cases and includes consideration of the patient’s life stage requirements when modifying nutrient intake to manage clinical disease.  相似文献   

BackgroundCircumcaval ureter is an anomaly in the development of the caudal vena cava, rarely reported in ferrets.Materials and methodsInclusion criteria for ferrets were circumcaval ureter confirmed on surgery or post-mortem examination. Data collection of ferrets with circumcaval ureters presented between January 2014 and January 2021 included signalment, medical history, clinical signs, laboratory diagnostics, diagnostic imaging results, treatments, and clinical outcomes.ResultsTwo ferrets met the inclusion criteria. One presented following diarrhea, and one was found on routine examination that revealed a right nephromegaly. Abdominal ultrasound revealed severe unilateral hydronephrosis associated with hydroureter in both ferrets. No obvious cause of obstruction was identified. Biochemical results were unremarkable in both patients. Hydronephrosis was investigated through CT scans, revealing Type 1 circumcaval ureter in both ferrets. Section and relocation of the right ureter by uretero-vesical anastomosis was performed in one ferret. This ferret died 48 hours later following a nephrectomy performed due to persistent hydronephrosis. The second cas underwent right nephrectomy andd ureter resection due to severe hydronephrosis and stenosis of the circuncaval segment. This ferret has remained healthy on followup with no abnormalities found in biochemistries or ultrasound examination.Conclusion and case relevanceFindings suggest that circumcaval ureter should be suspected in ferrets with unilateral hydronephrosis and associated hydroureter without any identified cause of obstruction on abdominal ultrasonography. It should be confirmed with CT scan and/or urography and treated surgically.  相似文献   

Vertebral physitis with bone sequestration and a portosystemic shunt were diagnosed in an 18-month-old female Pekingese dog. The latter was determined by the presence of low blood urea nitrogen, elevated serum bile acids, microhepatica and an increased portosystemic shunt fraction. It was managed with a home-cooked low protein diet. Vertebral physitis and bone sequestration was diagnosed by the presence of thoracolumbar hyperaesthesia, radiographic and scintigraphic changes, isolation of Staphylococcus intermedius from blood and the third lumbar vertebra, and histopathological examination of a surgical biopsy. A partial sequestrectomy was performed and a six-month course of amoxycillin-clavulanate was prescribed. The dog was pain-free and showed partial resolution of the radiographic signs four months after the discontinuation of antibiotics.  相似文献   

A 6-year-old ShihTzu presented with tonic-clonic cluster seizure. T2-weighted magnetic resonance (MR) images showed bilateral diffuse hyperintense lesions at the cerebral cortex with enlarged sulci. Computed tomography revealed a portosystemic shunt (PSS) and azygos continuation. Based on the clinical signs, blood examinations and diagnostic images, the dog was diagnosed with hepatic encephalopathy secondary to PSS. The neurologic signs were gradually improved after medical therapy for hyperammonemia. This is the first report of hyperintensity of the cerebral cortex on T2-weighted MR images associated with acute hepatic encephalopathy in a dog.  相似文献   

A bichon frise puppy was presented with generalized pruritus. At 22 weeks, a portosystemic shunt was diagnosed. Correction of the shunt led to resolution of the pruritus. Pruritus associated with hepatobiliary disease is well documented in humans; this case suggests that hepatobiliary disease may be associated with pruritus in dogs.  相似文献   

Ventriculo-peritoneal shunting is a surgical treatment for hydrocephalus. Complications of this procedure are not well described in dogs. The most common complication in humans is infection, which can be fatal if not diagnosed and treated quickly. We describe the magnetic resonance (MR) imaging characteristics of a shunt-associated cerebral infection in a dog. The MR features of the infection included hyperintensity of the lining of the ventricular system visible on a T2-weighted FLAIR sequence and marked linear contrast enhancement of the ependymal layer on T1-weighted sequences, similar to that described in people.  相似文献   

An adult cat with vague signs of gastrointestinal dysfunction was found to have a congenital portosystemic shunt. There were no signs of hepatoencephalopathy, which is in contrast to what has been reported in other cats with the disease.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether breed, sex, country of origin, and age are associated with anatomic location of intrahepatic portosystemic shunts (IHPSS) in dogs. STUDY DESIGN: Multi-institutional retrospective case series. SAMPLE POPULATION: Dogs (n=125) with IHPSS from the veterinary teaching hospitals of the University of Florida (21), Sydney University (44), and the University of California-Davis (60). METHODS: Dogs with surgical/necropsy confirmation of single IHPSS were identified. Data were analyzed using logistic regression for associations between age, breed, sex, and country with the anatomic location of IHPSS. RESULTS: Right (34%), left (34%), and central divisional IHPSS (32%) were prevalent with approximately equal frequency in Australia; in the United States, the prevalence of right (24%) and central divisional (26%) combined was similar to left divisional IHPSS (51%). Country (P=048), sex (P=.016), and Australian cattle dog ([ACD], P=.025) were significantly associated with IHPSS location. Dogs in Australia had 2.5-fold higher odds of having right versus left divisional IHPSS. Males and ACD had 2.8- and 5.6-fold higher odds of having right versus left divisional IHPSS. Australian dogs were significantly older than those in the United States (P<.0001) and ACD were significantly older than other breeds (P=.0067). CONCLUSIONS: Although country of origin, breed, and sex had significant associations with anatomic location of IHPSS, signalment does not appear to be a strong predictor of shunt location when used alone. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: For the common breeds in this report, signalment is only occasionally helpful in predicting likelihood of anatomic division in IHPSS. Australian cattle dogs and male dogs have a statistical association with right (versus left) divisional IHPSS. If advanced imaging techniques are not available, veterinary surgeons should be prepared to locate and address any anatomic configuration of IHPSS in a dog.  相似文献   

This report details a bubble echocardiographic study carried out during the surgical treatment of a congenital single extrahepatic portosystemic shunt (PSS) in a Labrador Retriever. After celiotomy, agitated saline was injected through a jejunal vein and microbubbles appeared rapidly in the right cardiac chambers. The test confirmed the presence of a PSS, helping the surgeon to identify the vessel concerned and to rule out a second shunt. Successively, portography confirmed what the exploratory celiotomy had revealed before with the aid of the bubble study: a single shunt was located between the portal vein and the right renal vein. It was completely ligated, as all the criteria for this solution were met. Intraoperative contrast echocardiography (ICE) was easy to perform, helpful and undemanding. It is proposed here as an intraoperative ancillary test to diagnose all PSS and to confirm successful treatment when complete shunt closure is possible.  相似文献   

A 4-year-old, 1.8 kg, male, castrated Maltese was presented for evaluation of urolithiasis. Urinary calculi were composed of ammonium biurate. Preprandial and postprandial bile acids were 44.2 and 187.3 micromol/l, respectively (reference ranges 0-10 and 0-20 micromol/l, respectively). Single-phase contrast-enhanced computed tomography angiography (CTA) with volume-rendered imaging (VRI) was obtained. VRI revealed a portocaval shunt originating just cranial to a tributary of the gastroduodenal vein and draining into the caudal vena cava at the level of the epiploic foramen. CTA revealed a 3.66 mm-diameter shunt measured at the level of the termination of the shunt and a 3.79 mm-diameter portal vein measured at the level between the origin of the shunt and the porta of the liver. Surgery was performed using cellophane banding without attenuation. Follow-up single-phase CTA with VRI was obtained 10 weeks after surgery. VRI revealed no evidence of portosystemic communication on the level of a cellophane band and caudal to the cellophane band. CTA demonstrated an increased portal vein diameter (3.79-5.27 mm) measured at the level between the origin of the shunt and the porta of the liver. Preprandial and postprandial bile acids were 25 and 12.5 micromol/l, respectively (aforementioned respective reference ranges), 3 months post-surgery. No problems were evident at 6 months.  相似文献   

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