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Forty yearling calves were assigned to four equal groups; three of the groups were treated with oxfendazole at dose rates of 6.75 mg/kg, 4.50 mg/kg, or 2.25 mg/kg bodyweight while the fourth group served as an untreated control. The calves were native to north-east Mississippi, USA, and harboured natural infections of gastrointestinal nematodes. The study was conducted during July when inhibited early fourth-stage larvae may be found in large numbers after their acquisition in the spring. The calves were maintained in separate groups on concrete-floored pens for 17 days before the intraruminal administration of oxfendazole. Seven days after treatment, the calves were slaughtered and the gastrointestinal parasites counted. At all the dose rates examined oxfendazole exhibited an efficacy of at least 99.4 per cent against adults of Haemonchus placei, Trichostrongylus axei, Bunostomum phlebotomum, Cooperia species, T colubriformis, Oesophagostomum radiatum, and Trichuris ovis. The efficacy against adult Ostertagia ostertagi was at least 99.4 per cent at dose rates of 6.75 and 4.50 mg/kg bodyweight, but decreased to 93.7 per cent at 2.25 mg/kg. The efficacy of oxfendazole against inhibited larvae of O ostertagi decreased with dose rate from 78.8 per cent at 6.75 mg/kg, to 58.9 per cent at 4.50 mg/kg and 20.3 per cent at 2.25 mg/kg bodyweight.  相似文献   

The efficacy of ivermectin against inhibited early 4th-stage larvae of ostertagia ostertagi and other nematodes of the abomasum and intestinal tract was determined in naturally infected yearling beef cattle. The time when large numbers of inhibited larvae were acquired was determined by monthly slaughter of monitor cattle, beginning in January. In April, 12 animals were removed from pasture and maintained free of further helminth exposure until slaughter (21 days). At 9 days after the cattle were removed from pasture, ivermectin was administered to the principals by subcutaneous injection (200 micrograms/kg); the other 6 animals were given subcutaneous injections of the ivermectin vehicle. both groups were klled and necropsied at 12 days after treatment. Mean numbers of O ostertagi in the 6 controls were: adults, 41,906; developing 4th stage, 73,813; and early 4th stage, 334,965. The mean proportion of early 4th-stage larvae was 73.7%. In the 6 principals (treated with ivermectin), the following reductions were observed: O ostertagi adults, 100%; developing 4th stage, 99.8%; and early 4th stage, 99,9%. Small numbers of dead and degenerated O ostertagi of all developmental stages were recovered from abomasal washings before fixation; few viable worms were recovered.  相似文献   

Oxfendazole was administered to pregnant cows at 2.5 and 5 mg/kg body weight to determine the anthelmintic efficacy against naturally acquired larvae which became inhibited at the early 4th stage. The experimental design included three groups of orally-treated cows, that is, 10 placebo treated control cows, 11 cows treated with 2.5 mg/kg of oxfendazole and 10 cows treated with 5.0 mg/kg of oxfendazole. Oxfendazole at 2.5 mg/kg body weight was 82 and 94% effective against EL-4 and adult O. ostertagi, respectively. At 5 mg/kg, Oxfendazole was 95 and 99% effective against EL-4 And adult O. ostertagi, respectively. The results suggested the use of a field dosage level of 5 mg/kg body weight oxfendazole where inhibited larvae may be encountered.  相似文献   

Efficacy of fenbendazole, at doses of 7.5 and 10.0 mg/kg of body weight, against inhibited early 4th-stage larvae of Ostertagia ostertagi and other nematodes of the abomasum and intestinal tract, was investigated in naturally infected yearling heifers in late May 1982. In Louisiana, this is near the end of the period (March to May) in which maximal numbers of inhibition-prone larvae are acquired. The mean numbers of O ostertagi in 10 untreated control cattle were: adults, 4,880; developing 4th-stage larvae, 12,546; and inhibited early 4th-stage larvae, 167,931. At the 7.5 mg/kg dose level (10% liquid suspension) in 10 cattle, percentage reduction of O ostertagi in comparison with controls was: adults, 95.7%; developing 4th stages, 91.1%; and inhibited 4th stage, 55.0%. Percentage reductions of other genera were as follows: abomasum--Trichostrongylus axei, 99.6%; Haemonchus sp, 95.1%; intestinal tract--Cooperia spp, 97.8%; Trichostrongylus colubriformis, 100.0%; and Oesophagostomum radiatum 4th stage and adults, 100.0%. At the 10.0 mg/kg dose (10% liquid suspension) in 11 cattle, the percentage reduction of O ostertagi in comparison with controls was: adults, 98.6%; developing 4th stages, 92.9%; and inhibited 4th stage, 80.0%. Percentage reductions of other genera were: abomasum--T axei, 99.9%; Haemonchus sp, 98.8%; intestinal tract--Cooperia spp, 99.3%; T colubriformis, 100.0%; and Oes radiatum 4th stage and adults, 100.0%. Variability of efficacy against inhibited larvae was observed, particularly at the 7.5 mg/kg dose; at this dose, 7 of the 10 heifers in the group yielded in excess of 54,000 surviving larvae.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The efficacy of fenbendazole (Panacur, Hoechst-Roussel) against inhibited early fourth-stage larvae of Ostertagia ostertagi and other nematodes of the abomasum and intestinal tract was investigated in naturally infected, yearling cattle in April 1978. The time when peak levels of inhibited larvae occurred was determined by epizootiologic study which began in November 1977. All animals were removed from pasture and maintained free from further helminth infection until slaughter (19 to 21 days). The fenbendazole liquid suspension was administered as an oral drench at dose level of 10 mg/kg to 10 animals and then at dose level of 15 mg/kg to an additional 10 animals at 10 days after removal from pasture. Eleven animals were maintained as untreated controls. In cattle given the dose of 10 mg/kg, the following reductions were observed: O ostertagi adults--100%, developing stages--80%, and inhibited larvae--97%; other worm genera in the abomasum and nematodes of the intestinal tract--100%. In the cattle given the larger dose, the following reductions were observed: O ostertagi adults--100%, developing stages--98%, and inhibited larvae--99%; other worm genera in the abomasum and nematodes of the intestinal tract--100%.  相似文献   



Sir — I am grateful for the opportunity to reply to the criticisms raised by Mr Vincent (5) Vincent, K. 1977. (Correspondence). N.Z. vet.J., 25: 226226. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]. It seems to me that the bulk of his argument is concerned with the statistical treatment of the data that I presented (3) Elliott, D. C. 1977. The effect of fenbendazole in removing inhibited early-fourth-stage Ostertagia ostertagi from yearling cattle. N.Z. vet. J., 25: 145147. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]. However, he has apparently misunderstood the purpose of statistical analysis of results, and also seems to have missed the point of my paper. For example, he states that my results “are contradictory to all previous trials (sic) results”. My interpretation. arising from the method of analysis chosen, is that under the conditions of my trials, any apparent effect of fenbendazole could be due to chance.  相似文献   

The anthelmintic efficacy of ivermectin (IVM) delivered from a sustained-release (SR) bolus was evaluated against natural infections with gastrointestinal tract nematodes in 12 crossbred beef heifers in spring. The 12 calves were randomly allotted to 2 groups of 6 calves each. Group-1 calves were treated with an SR bolus designed to deliver 8 mg of ivermectin/d. Group-2 calves were nontreated controls. Cattle groups were kept in separate concrete-floored pens (grass hay nutrition) and slaughter was performed at 35 days after treatment. Fecal egg counts for group-1 calves remained zero after treatment, except for detection of less than 1 egg/g of feces in 1 calf at the time of slaughter; counts in nontreated calves increased. Mean and range of Ostertagia ostertagi inhibited larvae in nontreated calves were 27,093 and 10,622 to 56,368, respectively. Efficacy of the IVM SR bolus was 100% against O ostertagi developing fourth-stage larvae (L4) and inhibited early L4, Haemonchus placei adults, Cooperia punctata and C spatulata adult males, Cooperia spp adult females, Cooperia spp L4, Trichostrongylus colubriformis adults, Bunostomum phlebotomum adults, and Oesophagostomum radiatum adults. Efficacy for O ostertagi and T axei adults was 99.9%. Numbers of nontreated calves infected with C pectinata adult males and Oes radiatum L4 were too low to evaluate efficacy. Calves treated with the IVM bolus gained 10.2 kg, whereas nontreated calves lost 1.8 kg. Abomasal lesions were clearly greater in nontreated calves on the basis of index comparisons of abomasal weight and total live weight and gross pathologic features.  相似文献   

The efficacy of an albendazole feed premix formulation was compared with that of an albendazole drench suspension for control of gastrointestinal nematodes in 31 beef cattle. The premix (11 cattle) and drench suspension (9 cattle) were found to have similar efficacies at a dosage of 7.5 mg/kg of body weight. When compared with controls (11 cattle), both formulations caused significant (P less than 0.05) reductions in worm counts with an efficacy of 98% or greater against adult Haemonchus placei, Ostertagia ostertagi, Trichostrongylus axei, Cooperia punctata, and C pectinata. There was no significant effect against arrested 4th-stage larvae of O ostertagi. Adverse effects of albendazole treatment were not observed, and the premix formulation was readily consumed by cattle.  相似文献   

Plasma pepsinogen levels became elevated in groups of recipient calves immediately after transplant with adult Ostertagia ostertagi. These rises occurred in both previously parasite-naive calves and in calves which had experienced prior infection terminated with an anthelmintic either seven or 21 days before transplant. From the results it appears that adult O ostertagi play a significant role in the elevated plasma pepsinogen levels associated with bovine ostertagiasis.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to compare the anthelmintic efficacy of albendazole (ABZ), levamisole (LEV) and fenbendazole (FBZ) against inhibited early fourth stage larvae (EL4) of Ostertagia ostertagi during April in Louisiana. Forty cross-bred beef heifers (average weight 165 kg) were acquired during winter and grazed on pastures contaminated with O. ostertagi and other nematodes until early April. The cattle were weighed and randomly allotted into four groups of ten animals on 6 April and treatments were administered on 7 April. Experimental groupings were: Group 1, non-treated controls; Group 2, ABZ by oral drench at 10 mg kg-1; Group 3, LEV by topical, pour-on administration to back midline at 10 mg kg-1; Group 4, FBZ by oral drench at 10 mg kg-1. Equal numbers of cattle from each group were slaughtered daily between 10 and 13 days after treatment. Mean numbers of O. ostertagi developmental stages present in untreated controls were: adults, 13,714; developing L4 (DL4), 6487; inhibited EL4, 21,719. The mean percentage of inhibited EL4 was 51.8. Smaller numbers of Haemonchus placei, Trichostrongylus axei and Cooperia spp. were recovered uniformly in control cattle. Percentage reduction values for the three compounds against O. ostertagi adults, DL4 and EL4, respectively, were: ABZ, 99.0, 95.3, 84.9; LEV, 1.0, 21.8, 32.1; FBZ, 99.2, 97.2, 97.5. Differences between ABZ and LEV EL4 counts were not significant, but in all other cases worm counts in ABZ and FBZ-treated cattle were significantly lower (P less than or equal to 0.05) than in LEV-treated and control cattle. Both ABZ and FBZ were 98-100% effective against Haemonchus adults and L4, T. axei adults, and Cooperia spp. adults and L4. LEV was 100% effective against Haemonchus adults and L4, 85.6% against T. axei, and 94.6% and 89.59% effective against Cooperia spp. adults and L4, respectively.  相似文献   

In order to determine the usefulness of the goat as a model host for Ostertagia ostertagi, a series of experiments was conducted in which young goats and calves were experimentally infected with L3 of calf-source and goat-source isolates. The goat-source isolate was derived from a continuous passage of the bovine parasite in goats. Patent infections resulted in 73 out of 86 inoculated goats (85%). The largest number of patent infections was observed when inoculation consisted of a single dose of goat-source larvae. Percent establishment of infection was generally low in goats inoculated with either larval source. Time taken to achieve patency in goats was frequently within the range normal for cattle infections, but was often extended (21-67 days). With the exception of the generally higher level of establishment of goat- or calf-source isolates in calves and the low frequency of the vulval flap in adult female worms established in goats, little difference was observed in percent establishment or worm population characteristics of the two isolates in goats as based on source of larval inoculum, inoculation course, and age of host at inoculation. Prolonged passage of infection in goats did not result in stabilized isolate more adapted to the goat or less adapted to calves. Fecal egg counts were generally minimal or negative in goats during the first 30 days of infection, but were often increased and not substantially lower than counts in calf infections after 60 or 90 days. Low level egg counts in goats were observed to persist for up to 17 months. During the spring of 2 years, goat kids grazed on a cattle pasture acquired O. ostertagi infections which included adult worms, but a larger number of early L4. The latter were presumed to be inhibited in development just as such inhibition occurs in cattle during spring.  相似文献   

The effect of stocking rate on the acquisition of Ostertagia ostertagi infection and performance of yearling calves grazing a marshland area in the southwest of Jutland (Denmark) was examined. During the early part of the grazing season, when grass growth was high and pasture infectivity low, there was little stocking rate effect on performance. However, during the late part of the grazing season (characterized by poorer grass growth and high pasture infectivity) gains were significantly lower at high, compared with moderate stocking. At both stocking rates, the beneficial effect of moving animals to aftermath in mid-summer was significant, but was most pronounced at the high stocking rate. Interactions between stocking rate and acquisition of parasitism are discussed in the light of grazing behaviour and climatic factors.  相似文献   

Slow release from intraruminal capsules of 0.48 mg/kg oxfendazole per day for 5.5 days gave percentage efficiencies of 99 +/- 0.6, 86.6 +/- 6.3 and 93.1 +/- 4.5 for the removal of adult worms, developing 4th stages and inhibited larvae of Ostertagia ostertagi respectively. These efficiencies were not significantly different from those obtained from a single oral dose of 2.5 mg/kg. Peak plasma levels of oxfendazole were similar for the 2 types of administration but high levels were maintained longer in cattle given capsules.  相似文献   

Levamisole (LEV) was tested in four experiments to compare efficacy values against Ostertagia ostertagi when larval maturation was occurring (September), following inhibition and also when populations were expected to be largely adult (winter). A primary objective was to determine the importance of developing fourth-stage larvae (DL4) and inhibited, early fourth-stage larvae (EL4) in replacing adult worms lost through treatment and the effect of this on reduced efficacy against adult worms. Young crossbred beef calves ranging in weight from 150 to 230 kg were used in the first (September 1981), second (September 1983) and third experiments (January 1987). Jersey calves of 110 kg average weight were used in the fourth experiment (December 1988). Calves were randomized to groups according to weight and group sizes ranged from three to five calves. All parasite infections were naturally acquired, but a mixture of nematode third-stage larvae (L3) (22,500 per calf), including 20% Ostertagia ostertagi, was inoculated into Jersey calves of Experiment 4 following a 2 week exposure to natural infection. All LEV treatments were by subcutaneous injection at dosages of 6 and 8 mg kg-1. Treatment with ivermectin was used only in Experiment 3 as an efficacy reference. All calves were killed at 8-10 days after treatment. The efficacy of LEV against all developmental stages of Ostertagia ostertagi was consistently low in all experiments and a dose-dependent response was not evident. Large numbers of all Ostertagia ostertagi developmental stages were present in non-treated calves in both September experiments. Percent reduction of adults, DL4 and EL4 at the 6 mg kg-1 and 8 mg kg-1 dosages, respectively, were adults, 51.7 and 23.6 (1981), 8.7 and 51.3 (1983); DL4 40.3 and 13.2 (1981), 37.9 and 33.1 (1983); EL4, 19.6 and 0 (1981), 59.6 and 42.9 (1983). Smaller numbers of Ostertagia ostertagi were present in winter experiments and adult worms greatly outnumbered larval stages. Percent reductions of adults, DL4 and EL4, respectively, were (1987) LEV 6 mg kg-1, 40.2, 0 and 0; ivermectin 200 micrograms kg-1, 98.7, 97.7 and 100.0; (1988) LEV 6 mg kg-1, 62.4, 100.0 and 100.0; LEV 8 mg kg-1, 49.1 65.0 and 74.1. Too few larval stages were present in the latter experiment for valid efficacy values.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Calves harboring patent Ostertagia ostertagi or Cooperia punctata were given intradermal injections of O ostertagi 3rd-stage larval antigen. The initial injections were followed 30 days later by a 2nd series of injections. Skin thickness was measured at injection sites for 72 hours after injection. Selected injection sites including saline solution control sites were biopsied at 30 minutes, at 3, 24, 48, and 72 hours, and at 30 days after injection. After the 1st series of injections, there was a clear distinction in dermal reactions between O ostertagi-inoculated calves and C punctata-inoculated calves; after 24 hours, reactions were not seen in the C punctata-inoculated calves. Marked dermal reactions occurred in the O ostertagi-inoculated calves. The reactions at 30 minutes and 3 hours were characterized by slight-to-extensive infiltration of neutrophils and dermal edema. The 24-hour cellular reaction was principally due to neutrophil and eosinophil infiltration with edema and necrosis. Reactions at 48 to 72 hours were due to eosinophils and perivascular accumulations of macrophages and lymphocytes. Necrosis, neutrophils, and edema were present in foci where fragments of nematodes were located. On reinjection, a clear distinction in dermal reactions between calves was not seen based on the type of nematode infection. Thirty days after dermal inoculation, large nodules developed at the site of the initial antigen injection. The nodules were characterized by marked intradermal proliferation of lymphocytes in a follicular pattern with occasional macrophages and rare multinucleated giant cells.  相似文献   

The anthelmintic efficacy of abamectin (avermectin B1) was evaluated against gastrointestinal nematodes, including Ostertagia ostertagi inhibited larvae and lungworm, in yearling crossbred beef heifers during late spring. The calves were grazed on contaminated pasture for 10 weeks and then held under conditions free of nematode infection for 3 weeks prior to allotment and treatment on 5 June. Thirteen calves were randomly assigned to two groups of six by restricted randomization on body weights; the extra lightest calf was assigned to the non-treated control group. Group 1 calves were treated with abamectin at 200 micrograms kg-1 body weight by s.c. injection and Group 2 calves were not treated; all were killed at 14 days after treatment. Ostertagia ostertagi was present in all controls; arithmetic mean numbers of adults, developing fourth stage larvae (L4) and inhibited EL4 were 7683, 605 and 36,102, respectively. Other nematode genera present in controls in sufficient numbers for the experiment were Haemonchus placei adults, Trichostrongylus axei adults, Cooperia spp. adults, Oesophagostomum radiatum adults, Bunostomum phlebotomum adults, Dictyocaulus viviparus adults and E5 (immature adults). Abamectin was highly effective (consistently greater than 99% efficacy and P less than 0.05) in removing all nematodes present in treated calves as represented in non-treated controls, including the primary target of Ostertagia ostertagi inhibited EL4. The lowest efficacy was 93.8%, against D. viviparus E5.  相似文献   

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