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本文研究了大叶桃花心木(Swietenia macrophylla King)一年生幼苗在经过夜温处理后的光响应曲线和在饱和光强下的CO2反应曲线。结果表明:在大气CO2浓度下,叶片的最佳光合作用温度在25-31℃之间,而在饱和CO2浓度下为31-35℃。在25℃以下光合速率开始降低,主要是由于羧化效率的降低,而当温度超过31℃时,光合速率下降,是因为羧化效率的降低和呼吸速率的增加。CO2浓度对光合的促进作用在低温下受到抑制,这意味着未来在CO2浓度增高的情况下,高浓度的CO2对热带常绿植物光合的促进在冬天低温情况下表现不十分明显。图4参23。  相似文献   

城市污泥对杨树幼苗光合生理特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市污泥是指城市生活污水、工业废水处理过程中产生的固体废弃物.近些年,随着城市化迅速发展和人口的急剧增加,每年排放的污泥量在不断增加(马娜等,2004).如何合理、安全有效地处置数量巨大的污泥已成为紧迫的任务.  相似文献   

在孟加拉国吉大港大学林业与环境科学院苗圃内,评价了污泥对大叶相思种子萌发以及幼苗生长的作用。播种前,将污泥与营养匮乏的自然林土壤按不同比率混合,分别在播种后的第1,2和3个月时,记录种子萌发情况和幼苗生长参数(枝条和根系的长度、直径、枝条的鲜重和干重、根和总的干物质量)。在播种前和幼苗采收后,分别测定各个处理的污泥-土壤混合物的理化参数(pH值、有机碳、氮、磷、钾),以及重金属含量(铬、镍、锰、镉、锌)。结果表明,与对照相比,污泥-森林土壤混合物中播种的种子萌发率和幼苗生长参数发生显著变化。土壤-污泥按2:1混合时,种子萌发率最高(90%),幼苗生长速率和生物量最大,有机碳和氮磷钾含量也最高。混有工业污泥的土壤中重金属含量要高于混有住宅污泥的土壤。在工业污泥土壤中,污泥-土壤按1:1混合时,重金属含量最高。据此推荐,在退化森林土壤中,土壤-污泥以2:1混合较适合大叶相思种子萌发和幼苗生长。  相似文献   

为揭示大叶丹参对林下不同生境的适应性,研究大叶丹参在不同林下生境中叶片发育及光合特征,以马尾松(Pinus massoniana)人工林林缘(LY)、林隙(LX)和林内(LN) 3种生境种植的大叶丹参为研究对象,测定了3种生境中大叶丹参的叶表型参数、光合色素含量及光合参数。结果表明:不同生境大叶丹参叶长、叶宽、叶柄长、叶周长和比叶面积的大小均表现为LX>LY>LN;不同生境大叶丹参叶绿素a(Chl a)、叶绿素b(Chl b)、总叶绿素(Chl t)和类胡萝卜素(Car)含量具有显著差异,且含量高低均表现为LY>LN>LX;不同生境中大叶丹参叶片的净光合速率(Pn)日进程均呈“双峰”型曲线,有明显的“午休”现象,LY与LX的“午休”现象主要是由气孔限制引起的,LN则为非气孔限制。LX大叶丹参的光补偿点(Lcp)较低,光饱和点(Lsp)较高;同时暗呼吸速率(Rd)低,日平均Pn和最大净光合速率(Pmax)较高,对光利用能力更强。以上结...  相似文献   

【目的】研究杨树光合作用和碳氮分配对CO2浓度和温度升高的响应,探讨气候变化下杨树的生理生态适应机制,以期为我国北方杨树人工林生产力和生态效益的长期提升提供理论依据。【方法】以盆栽群众杨当年生扦插幼苗为试验材料,在开顶式生长室内模拟研究了空气CO2浓度和气温升高(分别比室外大气升高200μmol mol-1和2℃)及其共同作用下的功能叶光合特性、叶解剖结构、器官间干物质和碳氮分配的响应,并探讨了苗期群众杨对CO2浓度和气温升高的生理生态响应。【结果】1)在CO2浓度升高处理下,群众杨叶片气孔密度降低,蒸腾速率减弱,瞬时水分利用效率显著提高;光合潜力和氮利用效率增加,并通过叶肉组织增厚、叶和根碳氮比增加、比叶重增大以及根冠比增加等途径维持单位叶面积氮含量、瞬时光合特性和叶绿素荧光特性不变,而单位质量暗呼吸速率降低,并使单株总干质量和总碳量显著增加。2)增温2℃下的群众杨叶气孔密度显著增加,但瞬时气体交换和荧光参数、光合特性变化不显著,株高和单株总氮量略低,器官间的干物质和碳氮分配...  相似文献   

大叶白蜡又名亚生(维吾尔语)、美国白蜡,是木犀科白蜡属的一种落叶乔木。花期4-5月,果期10月,喜光,抗寒,适温暖湿润气候,喜湿耐涝,不耐干旱,对土壤要求不严,可耐低度盐碱,用种子或扦插繁殖。大叶白蜡原产北美,在我国适生于北纬35°-48°,主要生长于新疆天山南北、塔里木盆地及东疆的哈密、吐鲁番等地区,其木材坚硬、纹理通直、富有弹陛,是重要的用材树种。又因其树形美观、叶色翠绿、萌孽能力强、耐修剪,有较强的抗病虫能力,而成为城市绿化的优良树种。但在新疆由于生长期短、气候条件差、土壤贫瘠,致使白蜡苗生产周期长、质量差、苗木供不应求。  相似文献   

文章采用随机区组试验设计,应用盆栽土培试验方法,用GGR、IBA、PP333分别配制成20×10~(-6),40×10~(-6),80×10~(-6),160×10~(-6)4种浓度的溶液,对大叶栎幼苗进行定期的整株喷施,以清水喷施为对照。定期测定其地径,并记录数据。试验结果表明:GGR20×10~(-6),GGR40×10~(-6),IBA20×10~(-6)处理对大叶栎幼苗地径生长影响较为显著。  相似文献   

Two-year-old seedlings ofPinus koraiensis, Pinus sylvestriformis andFraxinus mandshurica were treated in open-top chambers with elevated CO2 concentrations (700 μL·L−1, 500 μL·L−1) and ambient CO2 concentrations (350 μL·L−1) in Changbai Mountain from June to Sept. in 1999 and 2001. The net photosynthetic rate, dark respiration rate, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxlase (RuBPcase) activity, and chlorophyll content were analyzed. The results indicated the RuBPcase activity of the three species seedlings increased at elevated CO2 concentrations. The elevated CO2 concentrations stimulated the net photosynthetic rates of three tree species exceptP. sylvestriformis grown under 500 μL·L−1 CO2 concentration. The dark respiration rates ofP. koraiensis andP. sylvestriformis increased under concentration of 700 μL·L−1 CO2, out that ofF. mandshurica decreased under both concentrations 700 μL·L−1 and 500 μL·L−1 CO2. The seedlings ofF. mandshurica decreased in chlorophyll contents at elevated CO2 concentrations. Foundation item: This paper was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30070158). Knowledge Innovation Item of Chinese Academy of Sciences (KZCX2-406) and “Hundred Scientists” Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Biography: Zhou Yu-mei (1973-) Ph. Doctor, Assistant Research fellow Institute of Applied Ecology. Chinese Academy of Sciences. Shenyang 110016. P.R. China. Responsible editor: Song Funan  相似文献   

The performance of the leaf mulches ofLeucaena leucocephala, Gliricidia sepium andFlemingia macrophylla in weed control has been tested in two trials. The length of the period during which a mulch layer yields significantly less weedbiomass compared to the control plots is called the effective life-span of the mulch.Of the three mulch materials only that ofF. macrophylla shows promise in retarding weed development.In the second trialF. macrophylla leaf mulch was applied at rates of 3, 6 and 9 tons dry matter per ha. The effective lifespan of a mulch layer of 3 tons is between 12 and 13 weeks. The treatments 6 and 9 tons have effective life-spans of over 14 weeks.For moderate quantities (up to 5 tons of dry leaf mulch per ha) the effective life-span is estimated at about a 100 days.The value of mulching in weed control is limited to the control of weed species that multiply by seed. Regrowth originating from roots or stumps from former vegetation is unlikely to be checked by a mulch layer.The subject of this paper is part of a broader study, presently conducted in Southern Ivory Coast, on the production, agronomical value and use in alley-cropping systems of the species mentioned in the title of the paper. A final report is scheduled for publication in 1988.  相似文献   

The performance of the leaf mulches ofLeucaena leucocephala, Gliricidia sepium andFlemingia macrophylla in weed control has been tested in two trials. The length of the period during which a mulch layer yields significantly less weedbiomass compared to the control plots is called the ‘effective life-span’ of the mulch. Of the three mulch materials only that ofF. macrophylla shows promise in retarding weed development. In the second trialF. macrophylla leaf mulch was applied at rates of 3, 6 and 9 tons dry matter per ha. The effective lifespan of a mulch layer of 3 tons is between 12 and 13 weeks. The treatments 6 and 9 tons have effective life-spans of over 14 weeks. For moderate quantities (up to 5 tons of dry leaf mulch per ha) the effective life-span is estimated at about a 100 days. The value of mulching in weed control is limited to the control of weed species that multiply by seed. Regrowth originating from roots or stumps from former vegetation is unlikely to be checked by a mulch layer. The subject of this paper is part of a broader study, presently conducted in Southern Ivory Coast, on the production, agronomical value and use in alley-cropping systems of the species mentioned in the title of the paper. A final report is scheduled for publication in 1988.  相似文献   

One-year-old seedlings ofPinus koraiensis, Pinus sylvestriformis, Phellodendron amurense were grown in open-top chambers (OTCs) with 700 and 500 ώmol/mol CO2 concentrations, control chamber and on open site (ambient CO2, about 350 ώmol/mol CO2) respectively at the Open Research Station of Changbai Mountain Forest Ecosystems, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the growth course responses of three species to elevated CO2 and temperature during one growing season was studied from May to Oct. 1999. The results showed that increase in CO2 concentration enhanced the growth of seedlings and the effect of 700 (ώmol/mol CO2 was more remarkable than 500 ώmol/mol CO2 on seedling growth. Under the condition of doubly elevated CO2 concentration, the biomass increased by 38% in average for coniferous seedlings and 60% for broad-leaved seedlings. With continuous treatment of high CO2 concentration, the monthly-accumulated biomass of shade-tolerantPinus koraiensis seedlings was bigger in July than in August and September, while those ofPinus sylvestriformis andPhellodendron amurense seedlings showed an increase in July and August, or did not decrese until September. During the hot August, high CO2 concentration enhanced the growth ofPinus koraiensis seedlings by increasing temperature, but it did not show dominance in other two species. Foundation Item: This paper was supported by Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Open Research Station of Changbai Mountain Forest Ecosystem.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the effect of the leaf mulches of Leucaena leucocephala, Gliricidia sepium and Flemingia macrophylla on moisture content and temperature in the first 5 cm of the soil. The mulches were applied at a standard quantity of 5,000 kg ha–1 DM.In order to characterise a mulch material two parameters are distinguished; the initial impact (I i ) and the effective lifetime (T e ) of a mulch material. I is expressed in terms of percentage surplus moisture or degrees Celsius average temperature reduction. T quantifies the duration of the effect. Of the three mulch materials that of Flemingia macrophylla performs best in terms of moisture retention and lowering soil temperatures as well as in terms of longevity of the effect. Leucaena leucocephala mulch shows the smallest impact, over the shortest period.  相似文献   

The biomass and ratio of root-shoot ofPinus sylvestriformis seedlings at CO2 concentration of 700 μL·L−1 and 500 μL·L−1 were measured using open-top chambers (OTCs) in Changbai Mountain during Jun. to Oct. in 1999. The results showed that doubling CO2 concentration was benefit to seedling growth of the species (500 μL·L−1 was better than 700 μL·L−1) and the biomass production was increased in both above-ground and underground parts of seedlings. Carbon transformation to roots was evident as rising of CO2 concentration. This project is supported by Chinese Academy of Sciences Responsible editor: Chai Ruihai  相似文献   

We tested the effects of exponential nutrient loading and springtime carbon loading during nursery culture on the field performance of black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.). Seedlings were grown from seed with a conventional, fixed dose fertilizer (10 mg N seedling−1) or an exponential nutrient loading regime (75 mg N seedling−1). The following spring, seedlings were exposed for two weeks to either ambient (370 ppm) or elevated levels of CO2 (800 ppm) and then planted in the field; seedling growth was followed for the next six years. Exponential nutrient loading increased seedling height, stem diameter and leader growth, with the largest increases in height and leader length occurring in the first three years after outplanting. Carbon loading increased seedling height and leader length, but only in seedlings that had been exponentially nutrient loaded. A combination of carbon and nutrient loading increased shoot height 26%, stem diameter 37% and leader length 40% over trees that received neither treatment. These results demonstrate that the growth enhancement seen under exponential nutrient loading is maintained under field conditions for at least six years. Carbon loading just before outplanting was a useful supplement to nutrient loading, but was ineffective in the absence of nutrient loading.  相似文献   

Eco-physiological responses of seedlings of eight species,Pinus koraiensis, Picea koraiensis, Larix olgensis, Populus ussuriensis, Betula platyphylla, Tilia amurensis, Traxinus mandshurica andAcer mono from broadleaved/Korean pine forest, to elevated CO2 were studied by using open-top chambers under natural sunlight in Changbai Mountain, China in two growing seasons (1998–1999). Two concentrations of CO2 were designed: elevated CO2 (700 μmol·mol−1) and ambient CO2 (400 μmol·mol−1). The study results showed that the height growth of the tree seedlings grown at elevated CO2 increased by about 10%–40% compared to those grown at ambient CO2. And the water using efficiency of seedlings also followed the same tendency. However, the responses of seedlings in transpiration and chlorophyll content to elevated CO2 varied with tree species. The broad-leaf tree species were more sensitive to the elevated CO2 than conifer tree species. All seedlings showed a photosynthetic acclimation to long-term elevated CO2. Foundation item: The project was supported by National Key Basic Development of China (G1999043400) and the grant KZCX 406-4, KZCX1 SW-01 of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Biography: WANG Miao (1964-), maie, associate professor in Institute of applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016, P. R. China. Responsible editor: Song Funan  相似文献   

Pinus sylvestriformis is an important species as an indicator of global climate changes in Changbai Mountain, China. The water use efficiency (WUE) of this species (11-year old) was studied on response to elevated CO2 concentration at 500±100 μL·L−1 by directly injecting CO2 into the canopy under natural condition in 1998–1999. The results showed that the elevated CO2 concentration reduced averagely stomatal opening, stomatal conductance and stomatal density to 78%, 80% and 87% respectively, as compared to normal ambient. The elevated CO2 reduced the transpiration and enhances the water use efficiency (WUE) of plant. The project was supported by Chinese Academy of Sciences Responsible editor: Chai Ruihai  相似文献   

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