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The physical and physicochemical properties and morphogenetic characteristics of the buried soddy gleyic and gleyed paleosols developed from the glaciolacustrine loamy sediments on the southern coast of the Finnish Gulf in the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene (12–9 ka, calibrated) are considered. It is shown that the morphology and properties of these paleosols sharply differ from those of the enclosing gravelly sands deposited in the ancient basins. The latter substrates serve as the major type of soil-forming materials for the modern surface soils. The studied paleosols fill wedge-shaped structures dissecting the gravelly sediments. Their profiles are well preserved, though their normal horizontal orientation is disturbed; large soil blocks were displaced into the open wedges. The presence of these soils attests to the fact that the initial soil cover in the studied region was formed in the Late Glacial epoch soon after the retreat of the glacial sheet. The good degree of preservation of the paleopedogenic information recorded in the profiles of these paleosols is of great value for the paleoenvironmental reconstructions.  相似文献   

The mineralogical composition of the clay fraction and microfabrics of the cryogenic soil-loess sequences of the Middle and Late Pleistocene ages have been studied near the northern boundary of loess sediments on the East European Plain. Poorly ordered mixed-layered mica-smectitic minerals with different portions of smectitic layers predominate in the clay fraction; di-and trioctahedral hydromicas occupy the second place. The clay fraction also contains chlorite, clay-size quartz grains, and feldspars. Individual smectite is present in some of the samples. Interstadial chernozem-like paleosols are specified by the higher content of clay, the maximum concentration of smectitic layers in the mixed-layered minerals, and the presence of individual smectite. The clay fraction in the profiles of interglacial paleosols is sharply differentiated: in the eluvial part, it is depleted of smectite and enriched in kaolinite, hydromica, and clay-size quartz. These features allow us to suppose that interglacial paleosols were subjected to podzolization processes. According to the mineralogical indices, Middle Pleistocene paleosols can be differentiated into those subjected to lessivage (the Kamenskii interglacial paleosol) and podzolization (the Inzhavin interglacial paleosol).  相似文献   

The micromorphology of two late Pleistocene paleosols in the Paris Basin, St. Pierre-les-Elbeuf and Bois du Moulin were studied in order to characterize their pedogenicand sedimentary processes and to reconstruct and interpret the pedosedimentary history and climate of each profile. The micromorphological observations of greatest interpretive value were the types of clayey and silty textural accumulations (argillans and siltans), pedality and porosity; of lesser value were papules, bioactivity and concretions.During the last interglacial period on both profiles developed a sol brun lessivé, comparable to those developed during the Holocene. With the onset of cold conditions of the last Glaciation, the two differentiate pedologically and sedimentologically. At Elbeuf, in the Seine Valley, we observe colluviation of silts and the development of grey forest soils with strong textural degradation under cold and moderately dry local conditions. At Moulin, on the plateau the grey forest phase is very weak and probably brief and is followed by a marked phase of churning and eluviation of silt; conditions were wetter than in the valley, such that the upland position protected the profile from colluvial truncation.The advantages of micromorphology in interpreting pedo-sedimentary sequences is discussed.  相似文献   

Eurasian Soil Science - The results of studying stable carbon isotopes of the organic matter of Late Pleistocene and Holocene soils of the Baikal region are presented. The δ13С values in...  相似文献   

Red palaeosols of the late Pleistocene‐early Holocene, both buried and non‐buried, were studied recently in Sonora (NW Mexico) to reconstruct their pedogenesis as well as the palaeoenvironmental conditions. The alluvial palaeosol‐sedimentary sequence of the La Playa archaeological site is a key locality for the buried San Rafael palaeosol, which exhibits a 2Ah‐2Bw‐2BCk‐3Bgk profile and was defined as a Chromic Cambisol. Radiocarbon dates from pedogenic carbonates and charcoal set the soil formation interval between > 18 000 and 4300 calibrated years before present (cal. year BP). Micro‐morphological observations together with profile distribution of clay, carbonates, organic carbon, pedogenic iron oxides and rock magnetic properties indicated a strong eluvial‐illuvial redistribution of carbonates, moderate silicate weathering and gleying in the lower horizon. Although this soil was much more developed than the overlying syn‐sedimentary late Holocene Fluvisols, clay mineral composition and stable carbon isotope signatures of humus and carbonates were similar in both soils. We suggest that pedogenesis of the San Rafael palaeosol took place under a slightly more humid climate and relative geomorphic stability. This agrees with the regional palaeoclimate reconstruction, which indicates a moister climate during the Late Wisconsin glaciation (MIS 2). An abrupt termination of the San Rafael pedogenesis marked by disturbance and aridization features in the Ap horizon of the palaeosol could be linked to a global drought around 4200 years cal. year BP. Surface Chromic Cambisols in northern Sonora show similar pedogenetic characteristics to the buried red palaeosols of La Playa. They appear to be a relict component of the present day soil mantle.  相似文献   

The Andean piedmont of eastern Bolivia is situated at the southern margin of Amazonia characterized by an overall humid climate regime with a marked contrast between the rainy and dry seasons. The nearby Subandean foothills deliver abundant sandy sediments to the piedmont, leading to a complex array of sediments and paleosol horizons. Within this setting, the presented study analyzes four profiles of paleosol-sediment-sequences along incised ephemeral streams near Santa Cruz de la Sierra with a focus on past pedogenic variability in the context of the regional late Quaternary geomorphic and environmental evolution.  相似文献   

Colluvial deposits consisting of silts and loams were detected in several climatologically different areas of NE Tibet (3200–3700 m a.s.l.). Layering, distinct organic content and low content of coarse matter as well as location in the relief revealed an origin from low-energy slope erosion (hillwash). Underlying and intercalated paleosols were classified as Chernozems, Phaeozems, Regosols and Fluvisols. Fifteen radiocarbon datings predominant on charcoal from both colluvial layers and paleosols yielded ages between 8988 ± 66 and 3512 ± 56 uncal BP. Natural or anthropogenic factors could have been the triggers of the erosional processes derived. It remains unclear which reason was mainly responsible, due to controversial paleoclimatic and geomorphic records as well as insufficient archaeological knowledge from this region. Determinations of charcoal and fossil wood revealed the Holocene occurrence of tree species (spruce, juniper) for areas which nowadays have no trees or only few forest islands. Thus large areas of NE Tibet which are at present steppes and alpine pastures were forested in the past.  相似文献   

Eurasian Soil Science - The taxonomic structure of microbial communities in the Late Pleistocene paleosols of different ages in the Central Russian Upland formed under contrasting climatic...  相似文献   

The paper describes Late Quaternary pedosedimentary sequences of the alluvial fans from the Kangra basin of NW Himalayas for tectonic and paleoclimatic implications. In the proximal part of the Kangra basin three coalescing alluvial fans, namely Rait-Rihlu fans (~ 65 km2), Kangra fans (~ 200 km2), and Palampur fans (~ 170 km2) from west to east evolved due to reactivation of longitudinal and transverse faults and climatic changes during the Late Quaternary. The fans are characterised by subsidence of Rait-Rihlu fans, uplift of Kangra fans and tilting of Palampur fans. The thick (~ 90 m) pedosedimentary sequences exposed along the rivers characterise the dominant formative processes over the fans. The stream flow sediments dominate the Rait-Rihlu fans, whereas the debris flow sediments dominate the Kangra and Palampur fans. The fan sequences are also marked by the formation of strongly developed paleosols on loess (L1–L3 loess paleosols) and weakly developed paleosols on fluvial deposits in response to the tectonics and climate change in NW Himalayas.  相似文献   

The study of soils of different ages in different physiographic regions of the Crimean Peninsula made it possible to reveal the main regularities of pedogenesis in the Late Holocene (in the past 2800 years). With respect to the average rate of the development of soil humus horizons, the main types of soils in the studied region were arranged into the following sequence: southern chernozems and dark chestnut soils > mountainous forest brown soils > gravelly cinnamonic soils. In the newly formed soils, the accumulation of humus developed at a higher rate than the increase in the thickness of humus horizons. A sharp decrease in the rates of development of soil humus profiles and humus accumulation took place in the soils with the age of 1100-1200 years. The possibility for assessing the impact of climate changes on the pedogenetic process on the basis of instrumental meteorological data was shown. The potential centennial fluctuations of the climate in the Holocene determined the possibility of pulsating shifts of soil-geographic subzones within the steppe part of the Crimea with considerable changes in the rates of the development of soil humus horizons in comparison with those in the Late Holocene.  相似文献   

Computer simulation of the soil water regime was used to calculate moisture deficits for Pleistocene and fluvial Holocene clay soils for a 30-year period. Hydraulic conductivity (K-h) and moisture retention (h-θ) data were derived for major horizons in both soils as well as functions to characterize bypass flow and effects of horizontal planar voids on upward unsaturated flow of water from the water-table to the root zone. Calculated moisture deficits in Holocene soils occurred earlier during the year and were more pronounced during the summer period. Differences between the two soils could be attributed to more pronounced formation of horizontal planar voids in the Holocene soil, which was associated with more pronounced swelling and shrinkage of the undisturbed soil material. The relatively low swelling and shrinkage of the undisturbed Pleistocene soil material was attributed to very dense packing of the elementary soil particles.  相似文献   

晚更新世小江流域泥石流沉积特征及发育规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
泥石流沉积物作为晚更新世一种特殊沉积类型,是在特定的地质过程和地理环境中形成的。由于特殊的地理环境,泥石流沉积成为晚更新世小江流域主要的沉积类型,本文在研究了青藏高原东缘小江流域蒋家沟附近晚更新世不同时段泥石流沉积剖面沉积特征、化学元素及可溶盐成分的富集规律、CaCO3含量、pH值、有机质含量及植物花粉组合特征后发现,自末次间冰期到末次冰期,沉积物基质中可溶性盐在增多,花粉从以木本为主转变为草本为主,同时泥石流沉积层有变薄的趋势,反映了随气候变冷,泥石流有减少的趋势。  相似文献   

晚全新世渭河西安段河道变迁与土壤侵蚀   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
据地貌特征、地质资料、文献记载、考古资料等综合分析 ,确定了渭河西安段春秋战国、唐代的河道位置 ;分析了春秋以来河道北移的平均速率为 1 .74~ 2 .71 m / a,并具有加速趋势 ,以及东西部河道北移速率差异的原因 ;计算了咸阳 -梁村 2 2 km长的河段春秋后期以来 (2 3 0 0 a B.P.- 0 a B.P.)、春秋后期至唐 (2 3 0 0 a B.P.- 1 2 5 3 aB.P.)以及唐以来 (1 2 5 3 a B.P.- 0 a B.P.)河流侧蚀形成的年均土壤侵蚀量分别为 2 4 1 1 87,1 4 2 1 4 9,3 2 3 94 2 t  相似文献   

In this paper the role of time and late Pleistocene to middle Holocene climate changes in the Somma‐Vesuvius volcano foothill (southern Italy) is investigated with a multidisciplinary approach. Four volcanic soils inter‐layered between five well‐known and well‐dated primary tephra layers were characterized. Chronological constraints were provided by the pyroclastic layers identified in the field (Pomici di Base, Pomici Verdoline, Agnano Pomici Principali, Mercato and Avellino), ranging between 22 and 3.8 thousand years (ka) before present (BP). These represent products of explosive eruptions of Somma‐Vesuvius and the Phlegrean Fields. Another pyroclastic layer (Agnano Monte Spina) from the Phlegrean Fields was also identified, and other ash layers previously unknown in the Somma‐Vesuvius stratigraphy. These were characterized with SEM‐EDS analyses, and correlated with other eruptions from the Phlegrean Fields (Soccavo 4‐5 and Tufi Biancastri) around 12 and 21 ka BP, respectively, thus resulting in further time constraints for phases of soil development. A detailed characterization of the four pedons integrated morphological, physical, chemical, mineralogical and micromorphological analyses. Soil features were interpreted in terms of dominant genetic processes and environmental conditions. The extent of soil development, assessed with pedogenetic indices and the degree of weathering of primary pumices, was only in part consistent with time‐spans of soil formation, suggesting a more important role of climate than soil age. The different extents of expression of andic properties, pumice weathering and varying clay mineralogy allowed us to relate changes to the main climatic phases that occurred during the late Pleistocene to the mid Holocene.  相似文献   

The study of Upper Permian paleosols in the eastern part of the Russian Plain enables us to consider general problems, like interrelation of pedogenic and lithogenic memory, the development of Pre-Quaternary loess-paleosol series, the use of red beds as a paleogeographic archive, the paleoenvironmental reconstructions based on the study of paleosols, pedostratigraphy, and the relationships between pedogenesis and sedimentation.  相似文献   

Peter Kühn   《CATENA》2003,54(3):537
In the German soil science literature, Luvisols formed in Weichselian sediments (except from the Early Weichselian) are normally regarded as purely Holocene soils with the main period of development assumed to have been during the Atlantic phase. Although debated at some length since the 1960s, the genesis of the widespread albic Luvisols, with a simplified Ap/Bw/(Eb)/(EBtb)/Btb(g)/C horizon sequence and developed on the flat and slightly undulating till plains of the north German Mecklenburgian Stage (deglaciation 14 000 BP), has yet to be clarified. Periglacial climate during the Late Weichselian led to the formation of sand-filled wedge-shaped structures penetrating Bt horizons. Systematic micromorphologic investigations of soil profiles with sand wedges revealed the occurrence of numerous fragments of rounded limpid clay coatings within periglacial formed lenticular microplates as well as in and at the margins of the sand wedge infillings. Assuming the Younger Dryas as the latest possible phase of formation, the lenticular microplates and the undisturbed sand wedges postdate clay illuviation. Undisrupted clay coatings next to fragmented clay coatings prove a subsequent Holocene clay illuviation. Clay illuviation must have occurred at least in warmer phases of the Late Glacial, together with the already accepted pedogenic processes of decalcification, organic matter accumulation (Ahb horizons), podzolisation and silicate weathering (Bwb horizons) on sites not influenced by groundwater.  相似文献   

探究现代气候环境下古沉积地层上土壤发生学特征,对丰富古土壤学理论具有重要意义。以成都"褐色黏土"发育的土壤为研究对象,采集土壤样本,测定其粒度组成、磁化率、常量元素、微量元素、稀土元素等理化性质,探讨了晚更新世土壤理化性质特征及其与环境变化的关系。结果表明:表层土壤的粒度组成、粒径分布特征与其下伏母质一致,现代气候环境下成土作用对颗粒改造不明显,不同土壤剖面间粒度特征存在的差异是母质沉积时期环境差异决定的;成都"褐色黏土"磁化率较低,而其上发育的土壤磁化率相对较高,表明现代成土环境对磁化率有增大作用;元素地球化学特征表明成都"褐色黏土"具有较强的风化强度,表生环境对母质CIA值及稀土元素分馏特征影响不明显,但硅铝铁率和微量元素Sr、Ba对现代环境具有较强的响应。  相似文献   

Hematite is an important iron oxide mineral in loess–paleosol sequences in northwest China. Samples containing hematite and related minerals in the loess and paleosol units from Chinese Loess Plateau were investigated using powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and high resolution transmission microscopy (HRTEM). The results show that there are at least three genetic types of hematite in Quaternary loess–paleosol sequences of northern China: (1) Weathering products of Fe-bearing silicate minerals, such as chlorite and biotite, that precipitated as aggregates of hematite nano-crystals on mineral surfaces; (2) oxidation products of eolian magnetite grains with hematite nano-crystals closely associated with magnetite; (3) coarse (silt-sized) hematite grains present in the fresh loess. Hematite with a nanoporous texture indicates that dehydration of iron hydroxide ferrihydrite is the main mechanism for the formation of hematite coating during chemical weathering of Fe-bearing silicates. It is proposed that nano-phase hematite is primarily responsible for the red color of the paleosol units. Paleosol layers are also characterized by higher magnetic susceptibility and increased oxidation of eolian magnetite. It is proposed that the major contribution to magnetic susceptibility is from the nano-phase magnetite that may be related to microbial activity. This research demonstrates that the study of mineral characteristics, formation mechanisms and the relationship between hematite, other iron oxides, and Fe-bearing silicate minerals helps to understand better the geochemical process in loess, both before and after dust deposition. In addition our study helps to explain the correlation between magnetic susceptibility and paleoclimate in northern China during the Quaternary.  相似文献   

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