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不同产地山药氮磷钾吸收规律研究 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
选同一山药品种在不同产地栽培,研究不同产地对山药N,P,K的吸收特点,分析不同生育时期的植株不同器官中N,P,K含量.结果表明,不同产地山药中N,P含量均以根茎膨大盛期前后最高;山药生长期内对N的吸收量最高,K次之,P最低;不同产地山药根茎对N,P,K的总吸收量最高,其次为叶、茎。 相似文献
[目的]为马铃薯脱毒种薯在生产上应用提供依据。[方法]以陇薯3号和LK99为研究对象,通过田间试验比较不同脱毒世代陇薯3号和LK99的生育期、病害情况、植株性状和经济性状、地上干物质含量与产量、种薯品质。[结果]陇薯3号和LK99的生育期均随种薯世代的增加而缩短。随着脱毒世代的增加,陇薯3号和LK99感病率和腐烂率增加,商品率下降。陇薯3号和LK99原种的分枝数和株高均极显著高于原原种,而其他各级种薯随脱毒世代的增加而减少。陇薯3号和LK99原种和原原种间产量与干物质含量差异不显著,但其与其他各级种薯差异极显著。陇薯3号干物质和粗淀粉含量较高,Vc含量较低。[结论]在生产上,应用马铃薯脱毒原种或一级种。 相似文献
高梁出勒后25d内干物质积累较少,25d后积累迅速增加,50-100d达到时高峰;高梁对氮磷钾养分吸收高峰在出苗25-50d,积累强度分别达氮2.12dmg/株.d,0.87mg/株.d和钾1.84mg/株.d,50d以后高梁对吩的吸收逐渐减少。 相似文献
红花对氮磷钾的吸收与分配规律研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
【目的】研究红花(Carthamus tinctoricus L.)对氮、磷、钾的吸收特征,为红花科学施肥提供依据。【方法】在大田条件下,以红花3个株系(2-3、H-7、BH-1)为材料,采用完全随机试验设计,研究幼苗期、花蕾期和成熟期红花不同器官对氮、磷、钾的吸收与分配规律,并分析氮、磷、钾累积量与产量的关系。【结果】幼苗期氮素以叶中较高,磷素和钾素含量均以茎、叶较高;与幼苗期相比,花蕾期根、茎、叶中氮、磷、钾含量下降,转移到花和蕾等器官中;成熟期根、茎、叶中氮、磷、钾含量持续下降,养分转移到种子和苞叶等器官中,氮的分布特征表现为种子叶苞叶根茎,磷的分布特征表现为种子苞叶叶根茎,钾的分布特征表现为苞叶种子根茎叶。同一生育期,不同红花材料的氮、磷、钾累积量有明显差异。苗期氮、磷、钾累积量较低,花蕾期迅速增加,成熟期持续增加。从花、籽粒中氮、磷、钾累积量占花蕾期、成熟期对应养分累积量的比例可知,红花花对磷、钾的需求量大于氮;红花籽粒对磷的需求量最大,其次为氮和钾。【结论】植株体内养分含量随红花的生长而变化,养分累积量表现为钾氮磷,干花和籽粒产量与氮、磷、钾累积量有明显关系,花蕾期对磷钾需求量大,成熟期对磷氮需求量大。 相似文献
The aim of the study is to investigate the absorption laws of nitrogen,phosphorus,and potassium,and proper nitrogen application in Chuanxiangyou 9838 under no-tillage cultivation. Five nitrogen application treatments were designed to analyze the absorption laws of N,P and K,and to discuss the effects of different N fertilizer application amounts on yield and yield composition factors of Chuanxiangyou 9838. The results showed that gross nutrient absorption in Chuanxiangyou 9838 was greatly varied at different developmental stages under rice-rape rotation with no-tillage. The maximum N absorption in Chuanxiangyou 9838 appeared at jointing stage followed by heading stage,thirdly the tillering stage; the P absorption in Chuanxiangyou 9838 presented the consecutively slight increase during seedling stage and mature stage; the K absorption in Chuanxiangyou 9838 was mainly conducted from jointing stage to heading stage,during which K absorption accounts for 73.4% of the total absorption in whole developmental stage. Consequently,N fertilizer should be applied earlier (before jointing stage),P fertilizer is suitable as base fertilizer and application of K fertilizer should be preferably conducted at early-middle period. When the yield reached 11 t/hm2,the optimal N application amount in Chuanxiangyou 9838 was about 165 kg/hm2. 相似文献
Study on Absorption Law of Nitrogen,Phosphorus and Potassium and Proper Nitrogen Application in Chuanxiangyou 9838 under No-tillage Cultivation 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
SUN Xi-fa TU Shi-hua QIN Yu-sheng FENG Wen-qiang LIAO Ming-lan ZHOU Xian-long . Soil Fertilizer Institute Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences Chengdu 《(《农业科学与技术》)编辑部》2008,(2)
The aim of the study is to investigate the absorption laws of nitrogen,phosphorus,and potassium,and proper nitrogen application in Chuanxiangyou 9838 under no-tillage cultivation. Five nitrogen application treatments were designed to analyze the absorption laws of N,P and K,and to discuss the effects of different N fertilizer application amounts on yield and yield composition factors of Chuanxiangyou 9838. The results showed that gross nutrient absorption in Chuanxiangyou 9838 was greatly varied at different developmental stages under rice-rape rotation with no-tillage. The maximum N absorption in Chuanxiangyou 9838 appeared at jointing stage followed by heading stage,thirdly the tillering stage; the P absorption in Chuanxiangyou 9838 presented the consecutively slight increase during seedling stage and mature stage; the K absorption in Chuanxiangyou 9838 was mainly conducted from jointing stage to heading stage,during which K absorption accounts for 73.4% of the total absorption in whole developmental stage. Consequently,N fertilizer should be applied earlier (before jointing stage),P fertilizer is suitable as base fertilizer and application of K fertilizer should be preferably conducted at early-middle period. When the yield reached 11 t/hm2,the optimal N application amount in Chuanxiangyou 9838 was about 165 kg/hm2. 相似文献
The aim of the study is to investigate the absorption laws of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, and proper nitrogen application in Chuanxian-gyou 9838 under no-tillage cultivation. Five nitrogen application treatments were designed to analyze the absorption laws of N, P and K, and to discuss the effects of different N fertilizer application amounts on yield and yield composition factors of Chuauxiangyou 9838. The results showed that gross nutrient ab-sorption in Chuunxiangyon 9838 was greatly varied at different developmental stages under rice-rape rotation with no-tillage. The maximum N absorption in Chuanxiangyou 9838 appeared at jointing stage followed by heading stage, thirdly the filleting stage; the P absorption in Chuanxiangyou 9838 presented the consecutively slight increase during seedling stage and mature stage; the K absorption in Chuanxiangyon 9838 was mainly conducted from jointing stage to heading stage, during which K absorption accounts for 73.4% of the total absorption in whole developmental stage. Consequently, N fertilizer should be applied earlier (before jointing stage), P fertilizer is suitable as base fertilizer and application of K fertilizer should be preferably conducted at esdy-middle period. When the yield reached 11 t/hm2, the optimal N application amount in Chunnxiangyon 9838 was about 165 kg/hm2. 相似文献
利用无钾、低钾、中钾和高钾的液体培养基培养3种外生菌根真菌28d,研究了外生菌根真菌的生物量、氢离子的分泌状况以及真菌菌丝体内氮、磷、钾含量。结果表明,外生菌根真菌在中钾的条件下生长最好,无钾、低钾或高钾时生长受到抑制;在无钾和低钾时分泌氢离子的速率最高,有利于土壤中无效钾的活化;钾的供应水平对真菌体内氮、磷、钾的含量有不同程度地影响。 相似文献
研究了日光温室冬春、秋冬2个栽培茬口不同温光环境下,番茄干物质和氮、磷、钾的积累及其在各器官中的分配。结果表明,2个栽培茬口的干物质及全N、P2O5、K2O的总体分配趋势一致,均表现为果实膨大期前,以向茎叶分配为主,进入果实膨大期之后以向果实中分配为主。但温光环境影响了干物质和氮、磷、钾的累积量及其在番茄各器官的分配比例。秋冬茬番茄干物质和氮、磷、钾的累积吸收量分别为冬春茬番茄的84%、78%、65%和78%。秋冬茬番茄干物质及全N、K2O 、P2O5在采收初期和采收中期向果实中分配的比例高于冬春茬,而向茎叶中的分配比例降低。 相似文献
食用向日葵氮磷钾肥肥效试验初报 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
固原市原州区清水河流域是食用向日葵的主栽区。近几年食用向日葵种植面积逐年扩大,现已发展到近1.33万hm^2。通过对食用向日葵施氮、磷、钾肥肥效试验。得出食用向日葵一生中对养分需求最大的还是氮肥,氮、磷、钾配合施用效果更好;氮、磷配合施用优于氮、钾配合;氮、钾配合施用优于磷、钾配合;在原州区北部川水地食用向日葵生产中,在中等肥力土壤,生育期阅最少有两次以上灌水条件的地块.氮、磷、钾都施的处理与施氮、钾的处理选到显著水平.产量达246.04kg/667m^2;与施磷、钾和不施肥处理达到极显著水平。 相似文献
5年生五味子不同生育期叶片中N、P、K含量的变化 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
[目的]研究5年生五味子不同生育期叶片中N、P、K含量的变化。[方法]采用重铬酸钾容量法-外加热法测定土壤中有机质;采用碱解扩散法测定碱解氮;采用浓度0.5 mol/LNaHCO3浸提-钼锑抗比色法测定速效磷;采用NH4OAC浸提-火焰光度法测定速效钾;采用H2SO4-H2O2法消煮植株样品;采用蒸馏滴定法测定全氮;采用矾钼黄比色法测定全磷;采用火焰光度计法测定全钾。研究5年生五味子不同生长发育期叶片中N、P、K营养元素的含量动态变化。[结果]5年生北五味子叶片在全生育期内对N的吸收能力最强,其次为K,P的吸收量最少;植株叶片展叶期N、K的含量较高,从开花期至植株枯萎N、K的含量有所下降但较为平缓;展叶期、浆果生长后期至果实成熟初期的含P量较高,果实成熟后期下降很大。[结论]人工栽培五味子需施足底肥,浆果生长期要追P肥。 相似文献