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SUMMARY A jetting fluid containing 7.5% w/v ivermectin, which was diluted to 0.03 mg/mL in water and applied using a standard hand jetting technique, was assessed for its efficacy in treating blowfly strikes on Merino sheep. Strikes were induced on sheep held under insectary conditions using laboratory-reared Lucilia cuprina. All struck sheep jetted at 28,48 or 72 hours after exposure to flies were successfully treated. All 1st, 2nd and early 3rd instar larvae were killed within 24 hours of treatment.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Merino sheep, which were hand jetted with ivermectin jetting fluid, and untreated sheep were challenged with larval implants of Lucilia cuprina, Lucilia sericata, Calliphora noclva and Chrysomya ruflfacles at intervals of about 2 weeks from 6 to 16 weeks after treatment. Both Lucilia species produced strike rates of about 90% in untreated sheep; the respective rates were lower for Chr rufifacies (55%) and C nociva (60%). Strike rates for the treated group were about 17, 11, and 9% for L cuprina, L sericata, and Chr rufifacies, respectively. Only 1 implant site in the treated group was struck by C nociva. Treated sheep had significantly (P < 0.01) longer time to first strike than did untreated ones for each species of fly. L sericata, Chr rufifacies, and C nociva larvae implanted on treated animals had significantly (P < 0.05) longer time to first strike than did L cuprina larvae.  相似文献   

SUMMARY An ivermectin-based jetting fluid was assessed for its efficacy in the prevention of blowfly strike and treatment of lice in long-wooled sheep. The ivermectin concentrate was diluted to 0.03 mg/mL and applied via a standard hand jetting technique. In insectary studies, using laboratory-reared Lucilia cuprina, sheep jetted with ivermectin were protected from induced breech and body strikes for 18 weeks after treatment. Merino and Corriedale sheep were equally protected, as were sheep subjected to 25 mm simulated rainfall at 1, 3 or 6 hours after jetting. Naturally occurring infestations of lice, Bovicola (Damalinia) ovis, were successfully treated with ivermectin jetting fluid in Merino and Corriedale sheep using a standard hand jetting technique. In addition, the efficacy of treatment was not affected by simulated rainfall at 1, 3 or 6 hours after treatment.  相似文献   

The efficacy of an ivermectin jetting fluid against the sheep body louse, Bovicola (Damalinia) ovis, in long-woolled sheep was investigated in three field trials. In all trials, louse populations in hand-jetted sheep were reduced to non- detectable numbers within 2 weeks of treatment. By comoarison, shorn and unshorn control sheep maintained detectable infestations for the duration of the trials.  相似文献   

The efficacy of an ivermectin jetting fluid against the sheep body louse, Bovicola (Damalinia) ovis, in long-woolled sheep was investigated in three field trials. In all trials, louse populations in hand-jetted sheep were reduced to nondetectable numbers within 2 weeks of treatment. Bv comparison, shorn and unshorn control sheep maintained detectable infestations for the duration of the trials.  相似文献   

The use of fly-traps for the control of sheep blowfly strike was examined on 12 commercial sheep farms in south west England in 2003. Two flocks acted as controls, with no prophylactic blowfly strike control. Four flocks of lambs and three flocks of ewes were protected only by blowfly traps, seven of the flocks of ewes and six flocks of lambs were protected by blowfly traps but also had proprietary insecticides applied to them at some stage. There was no difference in the abundance of L. sericata at the various sites. The highest incidence of strike was seen in the two control flocks where 10.9 and 5.8% of the ewes and 10.1 and 9.2% of the lambs were struck. Strike incidence in the flocks that used trapping only and flocks that used trapping plus a chemical preventive was on average five times lower than in the control flocks, but the percentages struck on the sites in the trapping only and trapping plus insecticide groups were not significantly different from each other. The results of this study show that traps can make an effective contribution to blowfly strike control on individual farms.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the efficacy of ivermectin in an intraruminal controlled-release capsule (CRC) against blowfly strike.
Design Pen and field trials with controls.
Animals Pen studies: Two breech strike trials involving 60 Romney and 60 Merino sheep. One body strike trial using 100 Merino sheep.
Field trials: Eight trials in New Zealand used 1000 Romney and Romney-cross sheep. Fifty Merino lambs in one trial in Australia.
Procedure Pen studies: Sheep were allocated to two equal groups. One was not treated, the other sheep received a CRC that delivered ivermectin at 20 μg/kg/day for 100 days. In the breech strike trials, each animal was given an oral laxative 2 days before exposure to adult Lucilia cuprina . In the body-strike trial, the sheep sheep were kept wet to increase susceptibility prior to the release of blowflies.
Field trials: Fifty or 200 sheep allocated to equal groups of nontreated or treated with the CRC and grazed at pasture exposed to natural blowfly challenge.
Results Pen studies: Breech strikes developed in 24 of 60 controls but in none of 60 CRC-treated sheep. There was a 35% reduction in the number of CRC-treated sheep struck on the body.
Field trials: The average number of breech strikes in CRC-treated sheep was reduced by 86% (P < 0.001). The number of body strikes in the treated groups was a reduced by 27% (P < 0.05).
Conclusion The ivermectin CRC is a useful aid in controlling breech strike, but provides only moderate reduction in the incidence of body strike.  相似文献   

The distribution of a parasite population within its natural host population can have a significant influence on the dynamics of both the host and parasite populations. The majority of parasite species are typically distributed in an aggregated manner within the host population, leaving most hosts lightly infected and a few hosts supporting very large parasite burdens. This paper presents a consideration of the effects of aggregation on the incidence of ovine cutaneous myiasis caused by the sheep blowfly, Lucilia sericata (Meigen). Using simulation analysis, the mechanisms causing larval aggregation are included in the model, allowing the consequences for control to be investigated. By explicitly incorporating host susceptibility, it becomes apparent that early in the season, strategies targeting the blowfly population may prove more effective in suppressing strike levels, whereas later in the season, treatment of the sheep population may be more beneficial. The analysis also shows that the greater the degree of aggregation, the fewer sheep that become struck and, hence, suggests that increasing the heterogeneity in susceptibility amongst a flock of sheep restricts strikes to relatively few sheep. Providing the highly-susceptible sheep could be identified, concentrating strikes on a low number of sheep would allow fewer sheep to be treated, leading to a more efficient means of controlling the blowfly population and suppressing strike.  相似文献   

Four trials including 11,266 sheep were conducted in South Africa to evaluate the efficacy of the systemic parasiticide ivermectin against field outbreaks of sheep scab (Psoroptes ovis) when two doses of approximately 200 micrograms/kg were administered subcutaneously seven days apart (days 0 and 7). As sheep scab is a notifiable disease in South Africa, it was not possible to include an untreated control group. The prevalence of clinically affected animals in the four treated flocks varied from 0.4 per cent to 99 per cent before the two treatments. After the treatments, there were no signs of active clinical infection in any of the sheep between days 28 and 30, or at subsequent examinations. P ovis mites were recovered from scrapings from 114 of 127 indicator sheep before the treatment but no mites were recovered from them between days 28 and 30 or 42 and 58 after the treatments.  相似文献   

The association of dermatophilosis with body strike of sheep caused by Lucilia cuprina was studied in a controlled environment. When sheep with areas of wet normal fleece and areas of wet fleece containing scabs induced by infection of the skin with Dermatophilus congolensis were exposed to gravid L. cuprina the files oviposited only on dermatophilosis-affected areas. In wet dermatophilosis-affected fleece, naturally oviposited L. Cuprina eggs hatched and the larvae developed to the second instar stage. Artificially implanted L cuprina eggs hatched in both wet dermatophilosis-affected fleece and wet normal fleece. In wet dermatophilosis-affected fleece the larvae from implanted eggs developed normally but in wet normal fleece they did not develop past the first instar stage. It was concluded that wet but otherwise uncomplicated dermatophilosis lesions are attractive to L. cuprina and provide sufficient protein to allow larval development to take place.  相似文献   

The reported occurrence of blowfly strike in 57 sheep flocks in Queensland, Australia, was investigated for time-space clustering in an exploratory study using Knox's method. Flystrike occurrence peaked in late spring and early summer, with an additional late-autumn peak in southern-Queensland flocks. A total of 1596 case-pairs was examined. Significant clustering (P = 0.07) was only detected for case-pairs occurring within 3 months and 150 km of each other; 164 case-pairs were declared close compared to an expectation of 151. We suggest that factors common to a district (such as rainfall and temperature) are responsible for clustering of flystrike in Queensland.  相似文献   

A simple technique, which allows sheep to be rendered temporarily susceptible to fly attack, is described and used to examine oviposition rates of Lucilia cuprina under field conditions. Oviposition rates are shown to be related to both fly activity and fly density. The question of Hobson's 'live sheep factor' in attracting L. cuprina to sheep is re-considered.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess a ready-to-use formulation of dicyclanil to prevent blowfly strike on coarse and fine woolled sheep under New Zealand conditions. DESIGN: Randomized clinical field trials. PROCEDURE: In a first field trial, coarse wooled sheep treated with a ready-to-use, 5% dicyclanil formulation were compared with untreated control sheep for up to 21 weeks. In a second field trial, fine woolled sheep, treated with the same dicyclanil formulation, were compared with untreated sheep for up to 19 weeks. Efficacy was assessed by calculating the aggregated cumulative strike rate. RESULTS: For trial 1 (coarse woolled sheep) the aggregated cumulative strike rate at the end of the trial at week 21 after treatment reached 3.9% and 19.1% for treated and untreated sheep, respectively. For the treated animals the aggregated cumulative strike rate reached the 1% and 2% benchmarks between weeks 11 and 12. For trial 2 (fine woolled sheep) the aggregated cumulative strike rate at the end of the trial at week 19 reached 0.6% and 7.5% for treated and untreated sheep, respectively. Wool length at the time of application did not substantially influence the efficacy of dicyclanil. CONCLUSION: Under New Zealand field conditions, a ready-to-use 5% spray-on formulation of dicyclanil protected coarse woolled sheep for at least 12 weeks and fine woolled sheep for at least 19 weeks.  相似文献   

Four groups of five Romney lambs were treated by plunge dipping with one of four registered organophosphorus flystrike preventatives. Untreated lambs acted as controls. The sheep were challenged at weekly intervals with larval implants of organophosphate-susceptible and -resistant strains of Lucilia cuprina. All four treatments provided 19-21 weeks protection against susceptible larvae but chlorfenvinphos provided the longest protection (16-17 weeks), followed by propetamphos (15-16 weeks), dichlofenthion (10-13 weeks) and diazinon (9-13 weeks), against the resistant strain.  相似文献   

The age and/or physical condition of mulesing wounds had a significant effect on both the oviposition response of L. cuprina and the ability of the wound to support a strike. Up to 48 h after mulesing, untreated wounds elicited a strong oviposition response in contrast with chemically treated wounds, although subsequent larval development was negligible. Seven to 9-day-old wounds, however, regardless of the wound treatment, were highly attractive oviposition sites, which subsequently developed into strikes; the D3 formulation of Defiance*S, however, significantly depressed strike development and shows promise as a mules wound treatment. A marked improvement in the wound healing 14 to 16 d after mulesing coincided with a significant decrease in oviposition. Only those sheep whose wound scabs remained broken, exposing pus and raw tissue, attracted oviposition; subsequent development of the eggs into strikes was negligible.  相似文献   

Fifteen controlled field trials were conducted to evaluate the efficacy against gastrointestinal nematodes and safety of ivermectin when applied topically to cattle in Australia. Three hundred and fifty-one cattle received ivermectin, and 88 were untreated controls. The trials were conducted in 3 States and included a variety of cattle breeds and environmental conditions. Faecal samples were collected before treatment and 11 to 14 days after treatment for nematode egg counts. Data from these trials show that under Australian conditions, ivermectin applied along the mid line of the back from the withers to the sacral region at a dose rate of 500 mcg/kg body weight, effectively controlled gastrointestinal nematode infections, and did not produce unacceptable adverse reactions in the animals.  相似文献   

Ten field trials were conducted in the North and South Islands of New Zealand to evaluate the anthelmintic efficacy and production responses attributable to treatment of weaner lambs with an intra-ruminal controlled-release capsule formulation of ivermectin. A total of 800 Coopworth, Perendale and Romney lambs weighing on average 20.8-34.8 kg were used. Lambs were either untreated or treated shortly after weaning with an ivermectin controlled-release capsule which delivers ivermectin at 0.8 mg per day for 100 days (minimum dose rate 20 microg/kg/day). Bodyweights, faecal nematode egg counts and dag scores (assessment of faecal soiling in the breech area) were determined before treatment and at about 4,8, 12, 14 and 16 weeks after treatment. Sheep treated with the Ivermectin capsule gained significantly more weight (11.6 kg) over the 16 weeks of the trials compared to untreated sheep (7.3 kg) (p < 0.01). Before treatment, faecal strongylid and Nematodirus spp. egg counts were equivalent (p > 0.10) but, at each time point thereafter, egg counts in ivermectin capsule-treated sheep were significantly lower (p < 0.01 or p < 0.05). Dag scores were not different at the start of the trial (p > 0.10), but at the end of the trial control sheep had significantly greater dags (p < 0.05) than sheep treated with the ivermectin capsule. These findings indicate that treated animals contributed significantly fewer nematode eggs to the contamination of pasture and therefore pasture contamination should be significantly reduced for at least 112 days. The productivity of the ivermectin capsule-treated sheep over the I6 weeks of the trials was also significantly increased compared to salvage-treated controls. Furthermore, the presence of dags, which predispose sheep to blowfly strike in the breech area and result in production losses due to the costs of dagging and downgrading of breech wool, were also significantly (p < 0.05) reduced in the ivermectin capsule-treated sheep.  相似文献   

The prevalence and control of blowfly strike in England and Wales was investigated by a postal survey of 2451 sheep farmers, divided into five regions, who were asked about the blowfly seasons of 1988 and 1989. These were important years for the control of blowfly strike because the number of compulsory dips for the control of sheep scab was reduced from two to one in 1989. The response rate was 74.2 per cent. A larger proportion of farmers in the south west and south east reported strike (90 per cent), than in the north of England (60 per cent). The proportion of sheep with strike showed a similar regional variation (0.7 per cent in the north of England to 2.8 per cent in the south west). Dipping was the most common method of blowfly control, followed by tail amputation, dagging, spraying and cyromazine. Twenty per cent of farmers reported reducing the frequency of dipping in 1989, and of those 20 per cent increased the frequency of spraying and 20 per cent used cyromazine.  相似文献   

Sheep which have been bred for resistance (R) or susceptibility (S) to fleece rot and blowfly strike, were tested for intradermal inflammatory responses to excretory and secretory products of Lucilia cuprina larvae. R rams and lambs gave significantly larger skin weals than S animals. In addition, R and S rams were infected with L cuprina first instar larvae and wound exudates were collected. In the first 12 hours of infection R rams released significantly more exudate protein at the wound site than S rams. Correlations suggested that exudate production was stimulated by both larval burden and inflammatory responses, however, in the R group the inflammatory correlation was positive while in the S group it was negative. The results imply that inflammatory responses may play a role in innate resistance to L cuprina. The difference in inflammatory responses suggests genetic differences between the flocks and therefore could show some potential as a trait for indirect selection for resistance to fleece rot and body strike.  相似文献   

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