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Results of laboratory experiments revealed that the total development period (egg to adult emergence) of the common green lacewing Chrysoperla carnea lasted for 19.15, 19.35, 19.95, 20.15, 20.60 and 22.50 days when the larvae were fed with Bemisia tabaci, eggs of Corcyra cephalonica, Heliothis armigera, Aphis gossypii, Amrasca biguttula and neonates of Heliothis armigera respectively. Larval development was rapid on eggs of C. cephalonica (8.20 days) and prolonged on neonates of H. armigera (11.10 days). Pupal development period was quicker on B. tabaci and A. biguttula (7.40 days) and prolonged on neonates of H. armigera (8.40 days).During development each larva of C. carnea consumed an average of 732.35 eggs of C. cephalonica, 662.53 eggs of H. armigera, 419,18 A. gossypii, 409.55 neonates of H. armigera 329.70 pupae of B. tabaci and 288.45 nymphs of A. biguttula. In all the cases, the third instar larvae consumed the major portion of the total number consumed (60–80%). The most suitable preys, resulting in rapid development, for C. carnea were pupae of B. tabaci and eggs of C. cephalonica.With 2 tables  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung 1. Das erstmalige Massenauftreten des Schlehenspinners in Fichtenwäldern Süddeutschlands bot Gelegenheit, im Walde und Labor Beobachtungen an diesem seltenen Forstschädling und seinen Parasiten anzustellen. In warmen Gegenden und Jahren durchläuft er zwei Generationen (Bionomieformel: I = 67–78/ 9 + 9, II = 9,5–46/6 + 67).2. Die Altraupe hat Brennhaare. Längeres Arbeiten mit den Puppenkokons verursacht ein heftiges Nesselfieber (Urticaria).3. Gradationen des Schlehenspinners in mitteleuropäischen Forsten treten in 50–60jährigen Intervallen auf. Eine Standortgebundenheit ist nicht erkennbar. Die Altraupe verschont die Knospen, ein mehrjä hriger starker Fraß in denselben Beständen ist selten, er verursacht nur einen Zuwachsverlust. Die Gradation findet meist im Innern geschlossener Bestände statt.4. Im Untersuchungsgebiet, 7 km nördlich von Bad Wurzach, ermittelten wir an der 2. Generation des Jahres 1971 einen Weibchenanteil von 48,4% und eine Puppenmortalität von 4,4%. Die Zahl abgelegter Eier war im Zentrum geringfügig höher als im Randgebiet.5. Häufigste Parasiten waren der PuppenparasitCoccygomimus turionellae (L.), der LarvenparasitPhobocampe crassiuscula (Grav.) und der EiparasitTelenomus dalmanni Ratz. Die Besatzdichte der vorgenannten Schmarotzer wurde im Zentrum und Randgebiet untersucht.6. Systematische Stellung, Wirtsspektrum, Lebensdauer, Sexualindex und Parasitierungsverhalten vonTelenomus dalmanni Ratz. werden beschrieben.
Summary 1. The first appearance in large numbers ofOrgyia antiqua in the spruce forest of Southern Germany offered the possibility of observing this insect pest and its parasitoides under field and laboratory conditions. In warm regions and years this insect has two generations (Bionomic data [Bionomieformel] I = 67–78/9 + 9, II = 9,5–46/6 + 67).2. The older larva has poisoned hairs. Extended handling with the cocoon causes a heavy kind of feaver (Urticaria).3. The outbreak ofOrgyia antiqua in middle-european forests occurs in intervals from 50 to 60 years. A preference of special areas could not be seen. The older larva doesn't attack the buds. A high population over several years in the same stands is very seldom. This high population density causes only a loss of increment. The outbreak mostly takes place in the center of closed forests.4. In the study area (about 7 km north of Bad Wurzbach, Baden-Württemberg) we found 48.4% females for the second generation. The mortality of the pupa was 4.4 %. The number of eggs laid was found to be higher in the center than in the peripheral zones.5. The most important parasitoides wereCoccygomimus turionellae (L.) (pupae),Phobocampe crassiuscula (Grav.) (larvae) andTelenomus dalmanni (Ratz.) (eggs). The density of population of these parasitoides has been studied in heavy infested areas as well as in scarcely poculated zones.6. Systematics, host-species, duration of life, sexual index and the behavoir of the parasitoidTelenomus dalmanni are described.

Als Stipendiat der Alexander v. Humboldt-Stiftung am Institut für biologische Schädlingsbekämpfung tätig.  相似文献   

Effect of Dimilin prohibiting the moulting of insects on larvae of Yponomeuta ssp. and their parasites Field and laboratory studies made in 1974 showed that Dimilin [1-(4-chlorophenyl)-3-(2,6-difluorobenzoyl)uera] prohibited the moulting ofYponomeuta larvae and caused 100% mortality of L1-L3 at a concentrration of 0.06 ppb. Compared with this the L4 and L5 were very less susceptible.All of the pupae growing out of L5 treated with Dimilin in the field died. But from these puape a considerable number of parasitic Hymenoptera and Diptera emerged, in the course of which the spectrum of species emerging, from treated and unterated hosts was nearly the same one.  相似文献   

On Hymenoptera parasitizing the Syringia Moth, Gracilaria syringella F. (Lep., Gracilariidae)During an outbreak ofG. syringella onFraxinus excelsior in 1973 and 1974 near Munich 12 species of Hymenoptera parasitized the larvae if this pest. There were 3 chief parasite spezies;Apanteles gracilariae Wilk.,A. dilectus (Hol.) andTeleopterus sp. (probablyT. erkias Walk.) which came to nearly 90% of the whole population of parasites in each of the 4 host generations. The whole parasitization of theG. syringella larvae amounted to 12,5% (1973, 2. gen.) ot 31,2% (1973, 1.gen). Teleopterus sp. deposites the eggs int those of the moth and the full grown parasites larvae leave the young host larvae (L2) within the leaf mines. The two species os genus Apanteles deposite their eggs in the mining larvae and their full grown larvae leave the old host larvae within the leaf rolls.  相似文献   

目的 黄杨斑蛾田猎姬蜂是园林主要害虫大叶黄杨斑蛾预蛹和蛹期的专性外寄生蜂,寄生率高,控害效果突出。为充分发挥该蜂的生物防治潜能,填补国内外有关该蜂个体发育特征及生殖特性的空白从而开展本研究。 方法 以河南新纪录种黄杨斑蛾田猎姬蜂为对象,通过野外采集,结合室内恒温饲养和观察,对其个体发育过程、生殖系统构造及生殖行为进行系统研究。 结果 该蜂完成胚胎发育需48~50 h,幼虫有4个虫龄,预蛹和蛹期经历形态剧烈变化和色素的沉积,成虫具明显的性二型现象,一个世代历经23~27 d。雌蜂卵巢管9~11根,属多滋式,雄蜂1对精巢融合,输精管细长。雄蜂通过扇翅和触角拍打进行求偶,由雄蜂主导交配行为,雄蜂可交配多次,而雌蜂一生只交配1次,该蜂日产卵量可达7粒,一生可产20粒卵,存在过寄生行为。 结论 黄杨斑蛾田猎姬蜂为大卵型、卵育型外寄生蜂,寄生能力较强,具有保护和利用价值。这些基本生物学特性研究可为更好地保护和发挥黄杨斑蛾田猎姬蜂对大叶黄杨斑蛾的控害潜能奠定基础。  相似文献   

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Lypha dubia (Fall.)(Dipt.: Tachinidae) as a Parasite of the European Pine Shoot Moth,Rhyacionia buoliana (Schiff.)Lep.: Eucosmidae) in Europe

Zusammenfassung Lissonota dubia verbringt als biophager Endoparasit neun Monate in der Leibeshöhle der Larve seines WirtsEpiblema tedella. Die Larvenentwicklung von Wirt und Parasit verläuft nicht synchron, da während der vier bis fünf Monate währenden Winterruhe die Wirtslarve sich schon im Vorpuppenstadium, der Parasit dagegen erst im 2. Larvenstadium befindet. Die Weiterentwicklung zur Vollwüchsigkeit vollzieht dieLissonota-Larve nach der Überwinterung sehr schnell, so daß die Parasitimagines nur etwa drei Wochen später erscheinen als die Wirtsimagines.Die erwachsenenEpiblema-Larven treten im Herbst in Diapause, die jedoch offensichtlich schon im Februar in einen Quieszenz-Zustand übergeht. Im Gegensatz dazu begibt sich ein großer Teil derLissonota-Larven im Herbst nicht in Diapause, sondern nur in Quieszenz, und kann deshalb jederzeit unter geeigneten Temperaturbedingungen die Entwicklung fortsetzen. Ein anderer Teil derLissonota-Larven weist allem Anschein nach im Herbst eine festere Arretierung der Entwicklung auf und verhält sich ähnlich wieEpiblema. Diese physiologische Heterogenität derLissonota-Population könnte als eine zusätzliche Sicherung der zeitlichen Koinzidenz angesehen werden, da sie eine weitere Streuung der imaginalen Schlüpfzeiten zur Folge haben kann. Ein solcher Sachverhalt muß fürLissonota von Vorteil sein, zumal die zeitliche Koinzidenz der Parasitenweibchen mit dam 1.Wirtslarvenstadium nicht durch einen hormonalen Synchronisationsmechanismus, sondern nur durch die Temperatur der Bodenstreu gesteuert zu werden scheint.
Summary Lissonota dubia Hgn., a biophagous endoparasite ofEpiblema (= Epinotia) tedella Cl., stays for nine months in the body cavity of its host larva. The development of the larvae of host and parasite do not proceed simultanously, since theLissonota larva is still in the second stage, when the host larva has reached the prepupal instar at the time it enters the litter for hibernation (Fig. 1). Although after hibernation the development of host and parasite stars from very different instars, the adult ofLissonota appears only three weeks after theEpiblema moth.Under laboratory conditions the interval between the emergence of the host and the parasite depends on the duration of natural hibernation temperatures before laboratory treatment. If suitable feeding conditions are given continuously during autumn to the fullgrown host larvae, the larvae ofLissonota partly develop to adults without any diapause, while the development of the host is blocked, except for some specimens, which emerge some time afterLissonota (Fig. 2 Tab. 1 and 2). As Figure 3 demonstrates, the posthibernation development ofLissonota is not accelerated after cold treatment by temporary exposure to low hibernation temperatures, but inEpiblema a dependence is evident.From these results it can be concluded that the fullgrown host larvae have a diapause, which seems to change into a quiescence state in February. A great number ofLissonota larvea (orLissonota hosts) stay only in quiescence and are able to continue the development at any time, when suitable temperatures occur. The otherLissonota larvea seem to be retarded in their further development during the first weeks of the hibernation period and therefore to react similar toEpiblema.This physiological heterogeneity of theLissonota population could provide additional security to the temporal coincidence, because it can prolong the emergence period of the parasite. It must be a useful principle, since the temporal coincidence for the parasitization ofEpiblema byLissonota is not controlled by a hormonal mechanism — as it seemed earlier, but mainly (perhaps only) by the soil temperatures in spring.

Studies were made on two species of gall midges,Plemeliella abietina Seitn. attacking seeds of spruce, andResseliella skuhravyorum Skrzypcz. attacking seeds of larch. They were parasitized byAnogmus sp. (Hym., Pteromalidae) andEupelmus pullus Rusch. (Hym., Eulophidae). The cones were collected in Lower Austria (Wienerwald) in 1981.  相似文献   

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Investigations on Natural Enemies ofOryctes Rhinoceros (L.)(Col. Scarbaeidae) in India

内蒙古额尔古纳国家级自然保护区野外监测时发现一紫堇属(Corydalis DC.)植物,拍照定点采集标本并室内解剖观察,鉴定为芍叶紫堇(Corydalis paeonifolia(Steph.)Pers.)。花淡紫色,长2.0-2.8 cm;花序1~3分枝,每个花序7~10朵花;复叶,薄纸质,小叶不对称;根绳索状,外皮易脱落;苞片戟形;花药黄色,雌蕊1,柱头近5裂。此次制作的凭证标本(20170714001)保存于内蒙古额尔古纳国家级自然保护区标本室。  相似文献   

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