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Canine extraskeletal osteosarcomas are extremely rare tumors. Over a period of 25 years at the Animal Medical Center, approximately 1,000 cases of skeletal osteosarcomas have been diagnosed. During the same period 11 cases of extraskeletal osteosarcomas and three extraskeletal chondrosarcomas were diagnosed. Tumors of the mammary gland were excluded. Extraskeletal osteosarcomas were found in the adrenal gland, eye, gastric ligament, ileum, kidney, liver, spleen, testicle, and vagina. The chondrosarcomas were found in the mitral valves, lungs, and omentum. The mean age of the dogs with extraskeletal osteosarcoma was 11 years, and the mean age of the dogs with extraskeletal chondrosarcoma was 14 years. The The sizes of the tumors ranged from 3 cubic centimeters to 8,315 cubic centimeters. Osteoblastic osteosarcomas were the most common histologic type (7/11, 63.6%); there was a single case of each of the following: fibroblastic, fibrous histiocytic, chondroblastic, and mixed osteo-chondroblastic osteosarcoma. Two of the dogs with chondrosarcomas had mesenchymal chondrosarcomas involving the lungs and omentum. The remaining dog had a regular chondrosarcoma involving the mitral valve. Distant metastases were present in seven of 11 dogs with extraskeletal osteosarcoma and in none of the dogs with chondrosarcoma. In contrast to human beings, in which most extraskeletal osteosarcomas occur in the soft tissues and the extremities, most canine extraskeletal osteosarcomas develop in the visceral organs.  相似文献   

Non-infective polyarthritis in the cat is classified into erosive (feline rheumatoid arthritis and feline periosteal proliferative polyarthritis) and non-erosive (feline systemic lupus erythematosus, feline idiopathic polyarthritis) forms. Criteria are used to identify each group. Clinically, all forms are similar. Affected cats are stiff, unwilling to move and may resent any form of handling. Joints are usually swollen and painful on manipulation. Some cases are pyrexic and inappetent. Radiography demonstrates destructive changes within joints in the erosive forms and also the periosteal new bone, characteristic of the periosteal proliferative form. Soft tissue thickening is also demonstrated. Tests for the autoantibodies rheumatoid factor and antinuclear antibody are important in the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus. Treatment is with anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive agents (prednisolone, cytotoxic drugs). Cats with the rheumatoid and periosteal proliferative types do not recover but some manage to cope with the lameness. Cats with idiopathic polyarthritis can make a complete recovery although cases associated with myeloproliferative disease have a hopeless prognosis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To identify a cohort of cats with clinical osteoarthritis and to report on the clinical signs, the frequency of joints affected and the possible aetiopathogenesis within this population. METHODS: Inclusion criteria for this prospective study were presence of historical evidence and/or clinical signs of osteoarthritis, together with radiographic evidence of osteoarthritis. Patients showed clinical improvement within four weeks of analgesic administration and were free from other disease processes, which might explain the clinical signs and/or their response to analgesia. RESULTS: Twenty-eight cases were included in the cohort. The elbow (45 per cent) and the hip (38 per cent) were the most frequently affected joints. Seventy-one per cent of cases had primary/idiopathic aetiology. Alterations in both the ability to jump (71 per cent) and the height (67 per cent) of jump (lifestyle changes) were the most frequent signs of disease. Sixty-one per cent of owners felt that their pet had made a marked improvement following administration of an analgesic/anti-inflammatory drug. There were statistically significant improvements in the ability to jump (P < 0.001), the height of jump (P < 0.001), lameness (P = 0.03), stiff gait (P = 0.04) and the activity level (P = 0.02) when compared with the start and the end of the study period. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Osteoarthritis is a clinical problem in cats, but overt lameness is not the most common clinical feature.  相似文献   

Eight cases of feline plasma cell pododermatitis, collected over a 3-year period, were studied using histological (haematoxylin and eosin), histochemical (methyl green-pyronin) and immunohistochemical (antibody against lambda light chains of immunoglobulins) techniques. No sex, breed or age predisposition, or paw predilection was observed. The disease began as a swelling of the footpads, followed by ulceration. Histologically, lesions were characterized by the presence of a large number of plasma cells in a predominantly perivascular pattern. Binucleated plasma cells and mitotic figures were observed. Clinical follow-up for over 1 year revealed total remission of the lesions both after glucocorticoid therapy in four cases, and total surgical excision in two animals. Follow-up studies were not possible in one case.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to characterize the signalment, clinicopathologic data, and diagnostic imaging of cats with urate urolithiasis, as well as the salts of uric acid present in the uroliths. A retrospective analysis of feline urate uroliths submitted to the GV Ling Urinary Stone Analysis Laboratory between 2000 and 2008 was included. From these data, records were assimilated from referring veterinarians (143); furthermore, all recorded cases from within the William R Pritchard Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital (16) were included. Median values for the complete blood count and chemistry panels available were within the reference intervals, when provided, with only a few outliers present. Of all cases evaluated, seven had a portosystemic shunt (PSS). Cats with urate uroliths and a PSS were younger than cats without a PSS (2 years vs 7 years). The pathogenesis of urate uroliths in cats is poorly understood. Most cats were not completely evaluated for a PSS, however, clinicopathologic parameters indicating hepatic dysfunction were seldom noted; more sensitive diagnostics such as serum bile acids were rarely performed to confirm or negate the presence of a shunt. Studies are warranted to evaluate pathogenesis of urate uroliths to tailor proper management and breeding strategies.  相似文献   

Three soft tissue tumors from 2 female hedgehogs were examined microscopically and immunohistochemically. Two tumors involved haired skin and the third one was vaginal. Microscopically, the cutaneous tumors had features of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor (MPNST), whereas the vaginal tumor was classified only as a spindle cell sarcoma. Immunohistochemically, all 3 tumors were strongly positive for vimentin and strongly to moderately positive for CD10 and neuron-specific enolase but did not stain with antibody to S100 protein, an antigen typically present in human MPNST The cutaneous tumor from hedgehog no. 1 was examined ultrastructurally and the neoplastic cells resembled fibroblasts. Hedgehog no. 1 was euthanized at the time of the biopsy. The outcome of the other hedgehog was unknown.  相似文献   

Pyothorax was diagnosed in 27 cats between 1983 and 2002. In 21 (78%) of the cases, pleural fluid culture and/or cytology was consistent with a mixed anaerobic bacterial infection of oropharyngeal origin. In six cases (22%), infection was caused by unusual pathogens or pathogens of non-oropharyngeal origin, including a Mycoplasma species, Cryptococcus gattii, Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium and Staphylococcus aureus. The overall mortality rate was 22%. Treatment was successful in 18 of 19 cases (95%) where closed thoracostomy tubes were inserted. One case resolved only after thoracotomy. Actinomyces species were isolated in three cases and in contrast to dogs where thoracotomy is recommended, they were resolved with tube thoracostomy. Mechanical complications occurred in 58% of the cats with indwelling chest tubes. Probable mechanisms of pleural space infection were identified in 18 cats (67%) including haematogenous infection (n=1), direct inoculation of bacteria into the pleural space (n=1), intrathoracic oesophageal rupture (n=1) and parapneumonic extension of infection (n=15; 56%). Of the latter, perioperative aspiration was suspected in two cats, parasitic migration in two and antecedent upper respiratory tract infection was implicated in seven. Parapneumonic spread of infection after colonisation and invasion of lung tissue by oropharyngeal flora appears to be the most frequent cause of feline anaerobic polymicrobial pyothorax and contests the widespread belief that direct inoculation of pleural cavity by bite wounds is more common.  相似文献   

Thirty‐four cases were reviewed in this retrospective study for information on clinical presentation, prognostic indicators, survival time and response to various therapies. The most common presenting clinical signs were weight loss, decreased appetite, vomiting, palpable abdominal mass and diarrhoea. Metastatic disease was confirmed in 11 cats. The overall median survival was 97 days. The median survival times for patients who received chemotherapy or had their masses surgically removed was 165 days. Those patients who had an abdominal effusion present at the time of diagnosis survived a median of 30 days. Cats that received non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory drug therapy had a median survival of 26 days. This study confirms that exocrine pancreatic carcinoma in cats is an aggressive tumour with a high metastatic rate and poor prognosis, although three patients survived over 1 year. Fifteen percent of the patients were diabetic, which raises the question as to what the link between diabetes and pancreatic cancer in people and cats may be.  相似文献   

The hematologic, biochemical, and light and scanning electron microscopic features of eperythrozoonosis in four llamas are described. One female and three male yearling llamas were presented for evaluation of chronic weight loss. Three of four llamas had historical evidence of chronic inflammatory conditions. On examination, multiple clinical problems were apparent, including poorly to non-regenerative anemia, inflammatory disease, and hypoproteinemia. Coccoid- and ring-shaped basophilic organisms were present on the erythrocytes of all the llamas. On scanning electron microscopy, individual, pairs, and clusters of coccoid-shaped organisms were present on the erythrocytes. The organisms measured 0.4 to 0.6 micron in diameter and caused no marked deformation of the erythrocyte membrane. A rare organism could be found that produced a slight indentation into the erythrocyte membrane. The light and scanning electron microscopic morphologic features suggested that the organism was an Eperythrozoon. Serial evaluation of serum iron concentrations of the llamas showed a decrease serum iron in all animals, with a concurrent decrease in the total iron binding capacity and percent transferrin saturation in two of the llamas. Common abnormalities seen on serum electrophoresis included a decrease in albumin and beta serum fraction in all llamas and a decrease in the gamma globulin fraction of two individuals.  相似文献   

Hepatobiliary neuroendocrine carcinoma was diagnosed in 17 cats in a period of 10 years. Seven tumors were of intrahepatic origin, one of which was a composite containing components of epithelial and neuroendocrine carcinoma. Nine tumors were of extrahepatic origin, and one tumor was located in the gall-bladder. The cats were adult and geriatric, and the male : female ratio varied according to tumor group. Hepatomegaly, anorexia, weight loss, and vomiting were the most common clinical signs observed in the cats with hepatic neuroendocrine carcinoma. The cats with extrahepatic neuroendocrine carcinoma showed these signs plus icterus (5/9) and high concentrations of hepatic enzymes. Histologically, the hepatic neuroendocrine carcinomas had two patterns, one with acinar structures separated by vascular stroma lined by cuboidal or columnar cells and the other solid with groups of anaplastic cells separated by vascular stroma. The composite tumor consisted of both bile duct carcinoma and neuroendocrine carcinoma. The extrahepatic neuroendocrine carcinomas and the gallbladder neuroendocrine carcinoma were characterized by solid sheets or groups of round to oval cells with vascular or fibrovascular stroma. Immunohistochemical examination of 10 of the neuroendocrine carcinomas revealed that all 10 stained with neuron-specific enolase; one bile duct carcinoma and the gallbladder carcinoma stained with chromogranin; four of five bile duct carcinomas and the gall bladder carcinoma stained with synaptophysin; and one bile duct carcinoma stained with gastrin. One cat with hepatic carcinoma had duodenal ulcer; in this cat, ultrastructural studies showed neurosecretory granules leading to the diagnosis of Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. In four cats in which necropsy was permitted, carcinomatosis (4/4), lymph nodes (4/4), lungs (2/4), and intestines (1/4) were the metastatic sites. Fourteen of the 17 cats were euthanatized during or immediately after surgery.  相似文献   

The dentinal tubules of 20 permanent equine incisors were investigated by scanning electron microscopy. Occlusal surfaces and longitudinal fracture planes of both etched and undecalcified teeth were examined. Three different types of structure were observed inside the dentinal tubular lumen. Odontoblastic processes could only be visualized in the circumpulpal parts of the tubules. The more peripheral parts were empty or housed cylindrical structures that probably correspond to the laminae limitantes. Collagen fibres were frequently observed in the tubular lumina and were most numerous in the circumpulpal parts of the tubules.  相似文献   

The objective of this open pilot study was to evaluate the efficacy of topical tacrolimus ointment for treatment of plantar fistulae in German shepherd dogs. Seven dogs (four males, three females) were included. All subjects had a 6-month to 2-year history of plantar fistulae involving the plantar aspect of two to four metatarsi/metacarpi. No other skin lesions were present and the dogs appeared otherwise healthy. Before treatment with tacrolimus, all dogs received antibiotics for 4–8 weeks. Hair was clipped to visualise the lesions. The presence of erythematous papules, oedema and fistulae was recorded for each foot. All dogs served as their own controls. Dogs with four legs involved had one front and one hind leg treated. Dogs with two to three feet affected had only one foot treated. Tacrolimus 0.1% ointment (Protopic®) was applied twice daily onto the site of lesions. Partial improvement of treated lesions was seen in all cases within 3 weeks. After 6 weeks, treated lesions were in complete remission in four dogs, while the other three subjects had palpable but invisible lesions. Signs had not improved on the untreated legs. Follow-up varied between 4 months and 2 years. Lesion remission persisted in six dogs with the intermittent application of tacrolimus. Adverse effects of treatment were not seen. In conclusion, the application of topical tacrolimus seems to provide a safe and effective treatment option for plantar fistulae in German shepherd dogs.
Funding: Self-funded.  相似文献   

A case of olfactory neuroepithelioma was investigated electron microscopically and immunohistochemically. The tumor mass was found in the nasal cavities of a 10-year-old female dog, which showed epistaxis, nasal discharge and facial swelling. The tumor tissue consisted of tubular structure of cuboidal to columnar cells and compactly arranged nests of small cells surrounded by a fibrovascular stroma. Mitotic figures were frequently observed. Immunohistochemically, the tumor cells frequently showed positive for neurofilament protein, synaptophysin and/or carnosine in addition to keratin. Ultrastructurally, tight junction was observed between the tumor cells. No dense-cored secretory granules were shown in the tumor cells. These findings indicated that the present tumor had neuronal and epithelial features probably originating from the olfactory epithelium.  相似文献   

Paranasal meningiomas were diagnosed in ten dogs based on gross and light microscopic examinations of tissue specimens, and, in one case, electron microscopic examination. Seven of ten dogs were female (average age was 13 years). Most dogs (7/10) had seizures on examination. Two dogs with meningioma located in the nasal cavity had nasal discharge, and one had epistaxis. Tumors originated in the nasoparanasal region (eight) and frontal region of the cranial cavity (two). The histologic types of meningioma included psammomatous (two), transitional (three), meningotheliomatous (two), fibroblastic (two), and angioblastic (one). Tumors were malignant and extended to the brain in eight cases. These tumors differed from intracranial meningiomas mainly in their more anaplastic nature and aggressive behavior.  相似文献   

Chicken anemia agent: an electron microscopic study   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Particles of chicken anemia agent (CAA) negatively stained with uranyl acetate were found to be 26.5 nm in diameter. The surface detail evident on the particles indicated that the virus capsid was composed of 32 structural subunits arranged as in a class P = 3 icosahedron with a triangulation number of 3. Using mouse monoclonal antibodies to CAA and a gold-labeled goat anti-mouse IgG, CAA-specific structures were observed by thin-section electron microscopy in infected MDCC-MSB1 cells and in thymic lymphocytes from experimentally infected chicks. These consisted of electron-dense, granular, non-membrane-bound nuclear inclusions, which were often ring-shaped, and cytoplasmic accumulations of microtubules. Aggregates of virus-like particles were sometimes observed in the nuclei of infected MDCC-MSB1 cells. The nucleolar involvement that is characteristic of the morphogenesis of parvoviruses was not observed with CAA.  相似文献   

Armadillos are ancient mammals important as models for biomedical, evolutive and ecological studies, because they have adaptive and primitive morpho-physiological characteristics. In this work we study the splenic microarchitecture of the 'Patagonian Piche', Zaedyus pichiy, as an attempt to understand the relationship between the organizational plan of the organ and the particular features of this species. The organ samples were classically processed for light and electron microscopic study. The microanatomy of the organ as well as its different cell types are studied. The spleen is non-sinusoidal, with the typical arrangement for storage functions. White pulp is well defined. Red pulp is a meshwork of circulating, immunocompetent and haemopoietic cells. The general structure of the organ agrees with the semi-fossorial habit and the adaptability of the species. Comparative aspects with other armadillos or other less specialized groups are discussed. Persistence of haemopoietic spleen activity in the adult suggests the existence of specific inductive functions of the stroma. Better knowledge of spleen structure and function in ancient mammals may give important information about their phylogeny.  相似文献   

Twenty-three feline cutaneous fibropapillomas with histologic features similar to equine sarcoids were diagnosed. They were characterized by dermal fibroblastic proliferation with overlying, often ulcerated hyperplastic epidermis. Electron microscopic findings supported the fibroblastic nature of the neoplastic cells. The 23 tumors came from 20 cats and were submitted from veterinary clinics in Wisconsin and Minnesota. These tumors occurred most commonly in young cats and were found primarily on the head, neck, and digits. Fifteen of the 17 cats for which breed was reported were domestic shorthair cats. In 11/20 cases, there was confirmed exposure to cattle. Local recurrence of the tumor following surgical excision was reported in 7 of the 18 cats for which follow-up information was available. Metastasis was not documented in any of the cases. Two of the 19 tumors tested by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) had no amplifiable DNA. The remaining 17 were positive for papillomavirus by PCR. No papillomavirus DNA was detected in three other feline skin tumors (cutaneous mast cell tumor, malignant lymphoma, and fibrosarcoma) that served as controls. This is the first report of detection of papillomavirus in feline tumors that have clinicopathologic features similar to equine sarcoids.  相似文献   

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