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以交联羧甲基淀粉为原料,分别加入不同种类及比例增塑剂,制成不同性质的淀粉基可降解薄膜,确定增塑剂的最佳组合为:三乙醇胺0.4%,甘油0.4%,聚乙二醇0.6%。结果表明,短链增塑剂能提高膜的断裂伸长率,长链增塑剂会增强膜的拉伸强度,3种增塑剂共同使用时增塑效果更加明显。  相似文献   

不同材质地膜对花生产量及土壤中增塑剂含量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2013年在位于山东省胶州市的青岛农业大学试验田中,应用3种不同材质地膜(分别为普通白膜、黑色地膜、生物可降解地膜)覆盖种植花生,对其产量及土壤中增塑剂含量进行研究。产量结果表明,普通白膜处理>生物可降解地膜处理>黑色地膜处理,与普通白膜相比,黑色地膜、生物可降解地膜处理花生产量分别减少17%,9%;通过气相色谱测定土壤中6种美国国家环保署(EPA)优控增塑剂的总含量,生物可降解地膜处理最高,黑色地膜处理次之,白色地膜处理最少,差异明显,其中DMP,DEHP,BBP在生物可降解地膜覆盖土壤中含量最高,表明生物可降解地膜的使用存在一定的环境风险。3种地膜覆盖土壤中DEP,DMP,DBP含量均已超过美国土壤污染物控制标准。  相似文献   

农作物种子检验是种子质量监管和解决种子质量纠纷的重要手段。结合工作实际,对影响农作物种子检验结果的因素进行科学分析,归纳总结出以检验人员、仪器设备、检测方法等为主的9个做好种子检验工作的要素,切实加强实验室质量控制,保证对外出具的、有证明作用的数据科学准确。  相似文献   

种子水分测定值的偏离和控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
种子水分是影响种子劣变速度的最重要因素之一.是种子质量判定的重要依据。在种子水分测定过程中,常常由于不正确的方法和不严格的质量控制而导致水分测定值偏高或偏低,给用户造成一定损失。因此,应注意种子水分控制,以确保种子水分测定值的准确。  相似文献   

小麦种子质量控制关键技术的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以连麦2号和烟农19小麦种子为试验材料,考察了小麦种子质量控制的主要影响因素,探讨了小麦种子质量全程控制技术。结果显示:采用育种家种子、施用纯氮240kg/hm2、乳熟期去杂等技术有利于小麦繁种质量,烘干前发芽率与烘干后发芽率降幅呈负相关,烘干前含水量与烘干后发芽率降幅呈正相关。  相似文献   

房业英 《种子》1998,(4):49-51,80
蔬菜品质与产量的综合性状.不但受环境因素的影响.列受遗传因素的决定。以往人们对蔬菜的研究多集中于商品菜的生产栽培及优良品种的选育.而对生产高产优质的种子研究较少,只赁模糊的经验生产.这样,造成蔬菜种子产量低、质量不稳。按照山东大学张颖清教授全息生物学理论,蔬菜作物种子的生理异质性除受其遗传特性决定之外.还与该作物株型所特有的结构及种子在种株上的着生部位有直接关系。应用这个理论,对提高蔬菜种子质量和产量将起到很大作用。只有重视和加强这方面的研究和推广,才能逐步实现种子质量标准化.加速蔬莱种子产业化…  相似文献   

丁钢 《茶业通报》1996,18(4):18-20
论茶叶质量与质量控制丁钢(芜湖茶厂241000)茶叶作为商品,就其质量与质量控制,从广义上讲应包括以下七个方面:1.标定质量;2.加工质量;3.包装质量;4.卫生质量;5.储运质量;6.销售服务质量;7.茶文化及宣传质量。这七方面有机结合,相互依存。...  相似文献   

赵建刚 《种子科技》2006,24(4):31-32
产品连续10年被国家质量监督部门抽检100%合格的屯玉种业,始终坚持“质量第一”的观念,把种子质量放在一切工作的首位,推行全员质量管理,走出一条由质量产生效益的发展道路。  相似文献   

即食冷冻水产品加工过程卫生质量控制的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以即食冻熟螯虾仁为对象,研究了即食冷冻水产品加工过程中的环境、人员、产品接触面等的卫生状况,对从原料、半成品到成品整个加工过程的细菌总数、大肠菌群和金黄色葡萄球菌进行了跟踪检测,分析了加工全过程的微生物消长规律和污染来源,重点分析了剥虾仁过程中的二次污染状况,并根据HACCP原理,提出了冻熟螯虾仁生产过程卫生质量的控制策略。  相似文献   

The on line hot treatment can not only boost the strength but also gain lower cost. It is usually called tempcore which was developed greatly these years. The process of tempcor art is introduced and the core subject mathematical models is studied. According to the heating exchanging property of screw rod in cooling after rolling.Two mathematical models including beginning cooling model and cooling water amount model are obtained by analysing, deducing theoretically and simplifying mathematically. Its structure is simple and practiced .The parameter of model is obtained from measuring data of work site. It is able to suite the change of work site, so it can be used in practiced controlling.  相似文献   

This paper provides a theoretic basis to analyze the mechanism of control rod dropping and a solution method to solve the process of dropping. The authors analyze the effect of different forces acting on the control rod in detail. A mathematical model is built and a program is written to solve the process of downward motion. Finally, the model and relative coefficients of the model are modified according to the experimental data. The modified model can well simulate the process of dropping of the control rod, which gives a powerful proof to the accuracy of the model.  相似文献   

In this paper, a predictive control approach using neural networks for active power filter is proposed. The control system of active power filter using this method make using of the internal model control technology based on neural networks, meanwhile, to solve its questions such as lag because of calculating using neural networks, a predictive model based on neural networks is introduced. Simulation analysis shows that this control approach can compensate the lag of system and take advantage of self-adaptive characteristic of neural networks. Good result can be obtained.  相似文献   

This paper presents a three-phase four - wire active power filter based on one-cycle control. This method need not sense the three phase load currents or the three phase voltages, need not use any multipliers. It has simplified circuit , and the controller is composed of four integrators with reset along with several flip-flops, comparators and some analog components. The main circuit switching frequency is constant, which is desirable for industrial applications. Analysis and simulation are carried out with the four-arm inverter, the simulation results verify that the APF with one-cycle control can dynamically and effectually compensate the harmonics, reactive current and zero sequence current.  相似文献   

With polynaphthalene sulphona, lingosulphonate based plasticizer, Sodium gluconate, Mortar plasticizer, C18H29SO3Na, C15H34ClN, the performance of alkali-activated slag mortar was teseed. The results show that lingosulphonate based plasticizer and polynaphthalene sulphona have some plasticizing effect for alkali-activated slag mortar, and the effect of the former than the latter obviously. Plasticizing effect of polynaphthalene sulphona compound mixed with air-entraining agent than single-doped polynaphthalene sulphona obviously. Plasticizing effect of polynaphthalene sulphona compound mixed with lingosulphonate based plasticizer than single-doped super plasticizer obviously. When the same amount of water, lingosulphonate based plasticizer can increase the early strength of alkali activated slag mortar, polynaphthalene sulphona can reduce the early strength. The incorporation of slag in the mix of alkali and super plasticizer can increase the strength of alkali activated slag mortar. Lingosulphonate based plasticizer on the setting time of alkali-activated slag have a greater impact,alkali-activated slag mixed lingosulphonate based plasticizer fluidity smaller through time.  相似文献   

In the civil industry, quality is a key factor, so quality management and quality control play decisive roles in construction especially. At present, the main method of construction is quality controlling that engineers and technicians consult the standard and norm concerned, then check them one by one, and supervise the construction. It is not only inefficient but also easy to make mistake. Using computer technology in the quality control of construction will promote quality control level and improve management measures. Through the research of the quality control of construction,the system of quality control in construction is studied and developed, the structure of the software and its developed technology are expounded.  相似文献   

为探索适用于小微型企业测定邻苯二甲酸酯类塑化剂含量的方法,将邻苯二甲酸酯类转化为单过氧邻苯二甲酸镁(Magnesium monoperoxyphthalate,MMPP),采用荧光法测定MMPP含量进而计算出邻苯二甲酸酯类化合物的含量的方法。单因素试验及响应曲面法结果表明,测定MMPP荧光强度的最佳工艺参数为光照时间0.78 h,加热温度75.09℃,恒温时间2.5 h。该方法设备投资少、操作简单、作业时间短,适用于小微型企业。  相似文献   

The theory of control chart, the key part of Statistical Process Control(SPC), has been an important tool in quality management. The state of process can be analyzed and judged by using control chart that adopts mathematical and statistical methods. The Embedded Quality Management Device has been developed to meet the needs of field quality management through the integration the theory of control chart with the embedded system. The Embedded Quality Management Device is an integrated one by integrating data acquisition with statistical analysis. Data writing, data storage, data disposal and creation and display of control chart are the main functions and so it is necessary to be studied separately. The paper deeply studies and realizes the contents above, and resolves the questions about the Embedded Quality Management Device. The results above make preparations for on-line real-time quality management.  相似文献   

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