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Reinforcement of skid trails with slash has been shown to reduce soil disturbances, but there have not been any studies documenting the mitigating effects following traffic of harvest equipment traffic on steep mountainous skid trails. The objective of this study was to quantify potentially mitigating effects of slash cover on soil compaction and rutting on skid trails in mountainous hardwood forests. The effects of the placement of no slash (bare soil), light density slash (7.5 kg m?2) and heavy density slash (17.5 kg m?2) in a skid trail following one, five, and nine machine passes on both gentle slopes <20% and steep slopes >20% in a downhill skidding operation by a steel-tracked skidder were studied. Bulk density and rut depth increased following harvest equipment traffic on both slope gradients. Compared to bare soils, soil bulk density was not significantly reduced by light slash density; however, soil bulk density was significantly reduced by heavy slash up to five machine passes on steep slopes. Light and heavy slash significantly reduced rut depth in both slope classes. The study revealed a high protective role of slash, particularly on steep skid trails. However, benefits of slash to mitigate soil compaction were limited to five passes, after which the slash deteriorated and only provided benefits against rutting.  相似文献   

The concept of a “harvesting system for unutilized forest biomass by a processor and a forwarder” is examined for the purpose of constructing a system to harvest logging residues (or slashes) as a new resource for energy. The rate of slash harvesting, α, and the energy input rate of hauling slashes,p (%), are defined as indices of the possibility of harvesting slashes and the utilization of slashes for energy, respectively. From an analysis of the field experiment, both the volume of logs hauled by the forwarder per day,E F (m3/day), andp are expressed as functions of the hauling distance,L(m). The productivity of the processor,E P (m3/day), andL were used to calculate α. Results showed that α was approximately 0.95 for the experiment site, indicating that almost all the slashes could be hauled. It was recognized that the energy utilization of slashes was feasible for this site becausep was less than 1 %. The hauling cost per unit weight of slashes was calculated as 15.4 yen/kg on an oven-dry weight basis. This high cost clarified that the cost must be reduced by taking measures such as enhancing the hauling efficiency of the forwarder. A part of this paper was orally presented at the 5th Annual Meeting of the Japan Forest Engineering Society (1998).  相似文献   

Forest soil is susceptible to changes in its top layers. These changes occur during ground-based forest harvesting and the rate of soil regeneration depends on the environmental conditions and the extent of the disturbance. This paper was focused on analyzing the changes of soil characteristics such as the depth of the erosion profile, bulk density of soil, its penetration resistance, and the subsurface concentration of CO2 in soils five years after forest harvesting. The study took place in four forest stands harvested by a skidder and a harvester/forwarder combination. Statistical analyses did not prove significant changes of the characteristics of the disturbed soil after the five-year period without machine traffic: the profile depth did not change significantly, except for one stand, where the ruts became deeper. Other characteristics, such as the bulk density of soil also did not show any significant regeneration (1.29–1.36 g cm?3 in the rut; initial measurements versus 1.34–1.38 g cm?3 in the rut; repeated measurements). The penetration resistance, as well as the subsurface CO2 concentration, were variable, and the results inconclusive. Our results suggest that five years was not enough time for soil to regenerate significantly after being disturbed by ground-based machinery.  相似文献   

The intensive nature of management practices in the exotic monoculture plantations of South Africa requires reliable decision support systems. Recent socio-economic developments, the need for optimal forest productivity, as well as increasing awareness of broader ecosystem values and environmental risks, highlight the importance of a unified approach to forest site classification and evaluation. This paper highlights the value of specific soil characteristics and its application value for a range of silviculture and management aspects related to site-specific forestry. A limited set of six soil variables are proposed for ecological mapping of forest landscapes at high-resolution operational-level scales. The variables proposed are parent material, soil classification, effective soil depth, depth limiting material, topsoil organic matter and topsoil texture. Each variable is discussed in terms of its significance as well as relevance to plantation forestry in South Africa. Shortcomings in our knowledge base and research requirements are highlighted, and the format of incorporation into a national forest site classification system is proposed. This paper will contribute to unity of purpose and understanding of forest site classification and evaluation in South Africa, and will promote management frameworks and decision support systems with desired environmental, economic and social benefits.  相似文献   

The assessment on key ecological factors affecting runoff and soil erosion and the usefulness of plot-level monitoring of soil erosion was conducted by collecting runoff and soil loss records from 14 runoff plots. The runoff plots were set up in two catchments in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, where conventional logging and Reduced Impact Logging (RIL) took place. Runoff plots were set up in forest areas with different levels of logging disturbances, i.e. harvesting areas (four plots), skid trails (six plots), and undisturbed/control areas (four plots). The magnitude of runoff and soil loss from skid trail plots were found to be the highest, followed by control plots and harvest plots. Canopy cover, sapling density, litter depth and woody debris appeared to be important ecological factors that determine the magnitude of soil loss. Tree canopy determines the size and erosive power of the raindrops. Sapling, litter layer, and woody debris protected soil surface, thus preventing soil detachment, and provided surface roughness that minimised soil particle movement down the slope. The roles of these ecological factors were less significant compared to rainfall in determining the magnitude of runoff.

Canopy cover, sapling density, litter depth and woody debris can be measured quantitatively or qualitatively without complicated equipment and methods. Furthermore, they are sensitive to logging disturbance which make them suitable verifiers of soil erosion. Forest managers need to limit disturbance to these factors in order to minimise soil erosion in their logging operation areas. Monitoring of soil loss using runoff plots was cost-effective and provided valuable information about soil erosion risks caused by logging operations. Runoff plots clearly demonstrated site disturbances where the plots are located. Monitoring allowed more direct linkages to be made between management practices and their impacts on runoff and soil erosion, thereby enabling forest managers to identify problems and take appropriate preventive measures to improve their management practices.  相似文献   

We examined an alternative natural regeneration practice with a scarification treatment, in which removed soil is replaced on the scarified area, in northern Japan. The effect of the soil replacement on tree establishment was quite obvious; the basal area of trees, composed mostly of Betula ermanii, in the soil-replaced site was about 150-fold greater than that of the normally treated site. The greater growth rates together with higher density, both of which seemed to be enhanced by improved (i.e., deeper, tender, and nutrient-rich) soil properties, produced the marked difference to the normally treated site. The expected enhancement of species diversity owing to utilizing buried seeds in the replaced soil was not found. The current study revealed that the soil replacement could substantially improve forest restoration management with emphasis on biomass production for large nonwooded sites.  相似文献   

The traditional, single-species approach to forest pest management is considered in light of the range of ecological strategies respresented in forest arthropod communities. Insect population growth and impact depend on host variables subject to silvicultural manipulation, especially during early stages of forest development, but silvicultural practices often induce undesirable responses from non-target insect populations. A suggested approach to forest pest management involves consideration of arthropod community structure, life history traits, and interactions among arthropod and plant species in order to anticipate insect responses and refine silvicultural recommendations accordingly.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the feasibility of a system to harvest logging residues (or slashes) as a new resource for energy in Japan. A harvesting and transporting system for residual forest biomass was constructed with reference to some European countries where the utilization of bioenergy is making steady progress and examined on the basis of field experiments in Japanese forestry. The feasibility of the system is discussed from the standpoints of cost and energy, and the system is compared with those of the European countries. With respect to the system proposed in this study, it is desirable that the process of chipper comminuting is incorporated into the system as early as possible, considering the trends of harvesting cost and fuel consumption per unit weight of residual forest biomass. Such a system is not particularly feasible in Japan from the standpoint of the harvesting cost per MWh of bioenergy. However, no specific problems are found from the point of view of the energy input rate, and it is clarified that it is possible for Japan to reduce domestic carbon dioxide emissions by utilizing biomass as an energy resource. A comparison with the European countries and a preliminary sensitivity analysis of the system demonstrate that the technical development to reduce the harvesting cost,e.g., improving the forwarding and transporting efficiency, and support from the government are essential for realizing bioenergy utilization in Japan. A part of this paper was orally presented at the 111th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Forestry Society (2000). JSPS Research Fellow. This study was supported in part by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Japan Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (No. 10460061).  相似文献   

Forest harvesting in eastern North America has been occurring for centuries but its effect on soil carbon storage and dynamics below 20 cm is not well known. This paper investigates age-related variations in carbon storage and dynamics in the organic layer and 6 depth strata in the top 50 cm of the mineral soil during ecologically important stages of post-harvest succession in a first rotation red spruce forest chronosequence that includes one of the largest old growth reference stands in northeastern North America. Storage of carbon reached a minimum 32 years post-harvest, at which time stores were approximately 50% of the intact forest. However, storage approached the range of the intact forest approximately 100 years post-harvest. Examination of age-related variations with depth revealed that concentrations of carbon below 20 cm may be driving the temporal trends in whole soil storage in these forests. Corresponding carbon isotope data were consistent with increased isotopic fractionation attributable to increased rates of mineralization post-harvest. Based on these results, we suggest that a greater emphasis should be placed upon examining storage of carbon below 20 cm in the mineral soil when evaluating the sequestration potential of intensive forest management, specifically rotation length.  相似文献   

International protocols, such as those of the Montreal Process (MP), specify desired outcomes without specifying the process and components required to attain those outcomes. We suggest that the process and its components are critical to achieve desired outcomes. We discuss recent progress in northwestern North America, on three topics that will facilitate development of and reporting in sustainability protocols: (1) common terms and comparable guidelines for soil disturbance, (2) cost-effective techniques for monitoring and assessing soil disturbance, and (3) improved methods to rate soils for risk of detrimental soil disturbance. Uniform terms for soil disturbance will facilitate reporting and exchange of information. Reliable monitoring techniques and tracking the consequences of soil disturbance for forest growth and hydrology are paramount for improving understanding and predictions of the practical consequences of forest practices. To track consequences, we urge creation of regional research and operations databases that can be used to: (1) address MP values, (2) define detrimental soil disturbances, (3) develop risk rating systems for operational application, and (4) improve best management practices (BMPs) and ameliorative treatments that avoid or correct detrimental disturbances.  相似文献   

Conifer dominated plantations in central and northern Europe are associated with relatively low ecological values, and in some cases, may be vulnerable to disturbances caused by anthropogenic climate change. This has prompted the consideration of alternative tree species compositions for use in production forestry in this region. Here we evaluate the likely biodiversity costs and benefits of supplanting Norway spruce (Picea abies) monocultures with polycultures of spruce and birch (Betula spp.) in southern Sweden. This polyculture alternative has previously been evaluated in terms of economic, recreational, and silvicultural benefits. By also assessing the ecological implications we fill a gap in our understanding of the range of socio-ecological benefits that can be achieved from a single polyculture alternative. We project likely broad scale changes to species richness and abundance within production stands for five taxonomic groups including ground vegetation, tree-living bryophytes, lichens, saproxylic beetles, and birds. Our research leads us to three key findings. First, the replacement of spruce monocultures with spruce–birch polycultures in the managed forest landscapes of southern Sweden can be expected to result in an increase in biological diversity for most but not all taxa assessed, but it is unlikely to improve conditions for many red-listed forest species. Second, modification of other aspects of forest management (i.e. rotation length, dead wood and green tree retention, thinning regimes) is likely to contribute to further biodiversity gains using spruce–birch polycultures than spruce monocultures. Third, the paucity of empirical research which directly compares the biodiversity of different types of managed production stands, limits the extent to which policy relevant conclusions can be extracted from the scientific literature. We discuss the wider implications of our findings, which indicate that some climate change adaptation strategies, such as risk-spreading, can be readily integrated with the economic, environmental and social goals of multi-use forestry.  相似文献   

Long-term effects of salvage logging on coarse woody debris were evaluated on four stand-replacing wildfires ages 1, 11, 17, and 35 years on the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest in the eastern Cascades of Washington. Total biomass averaged roughly 60 Mg ha−1 across all sites, although the proportion of logs to snags increased over the chronosequence. Units that had been salvage logged had lower log biomass than unsalvaged units, except for the most recently burned site, where salvaged stands had higher log biomass. Mesic aspects had higher log biomass than dry aspects. Post-fire regeneration increased in density over time. In a complementary experiment, soils heating and surrogate-root mortality caused by burning of logs were measured to assess the potential site damage if fire was reintroduced in these forests. Experimentally burned logs produced lethal surface temperatures (60 °C) extending up to 10 cm laterally beyond the logs. Logs burned in late season produced higher surface temperatures than those burned in early season. Thermocouples buried at depth showed mean maximum temperatures exponentially declined with soil depth. Large logs, decayed logs, and those burned in late season caused higher soil temperatures than small logs, sound logs, and those burned in early season. Small diameter (1.25 cm), live Douglas-fir branch dowels, buried in soil and used as surrogates for small roots, indicated that cambial tissue was damaged to 10 cm depth and to 10 cm distance adjacent to burned logs. When lethal soil temperature zones were projected out to 10 cm from each log, lethal cover ranged up to 24.7% on unsalvaged portions of the oldest fire, almost twice the lethal cover on salvaged portions. Where prescribed fire is introduced to post-wildfire stands aged 20–30 years, effects of root heating from smoldering coarse woody debris will be minimized by burning in spring, at least on mesic sites. There may be some long-term advantages for managers if excessive coarse woody debris loads are reduced early in the post-wildfire period.  相似文献   

A proper forest planning process includes the assessment of the decision-makers’ preferences concerning the future forest use. For some owners, it may be a difficult task to express their preferences exactly and in the form that is required for planning calculations. This study presents a new kind of approach for analyzing the effects of preferential uncertainty. The approach consists of examination of the differences in the actual decision variables in forest planning, i.e. selected treatments for stands between holding-level forest plans. In example calculations, the preferential uncertainty was examined from three different viewpoints: the uncertainty in the weights of the objective variables; the uncertainty in the partial utility function; and the combination of these two uncertainty sources. One thousand preference realizations were generated for each of these uncertainty sources. More than one treatment schedules are proposed for stands that are affected by preferential uncertainty. These stands were detected from among the resulting set of 1,000 forest plans. With this done, two potential decision-making strategies, an adaptive behavior strategy and a threshold proportion strategy, were applied as guides in decision-making for stands, which have more than one treatment alternative selected in the produced optimal forest plans. The adaptive behavior technique required that the forest owner select one treatment alternative for at least one stand that has more than one proposed treatment alternative. The treatment alternatives having frequencies exceeding the given threshold frequency were all accepted simultaneously in the threshold strategy. The main benefit of the approach is to present the effects of uncertainties in a way that can be easily understood by the actual decision-makers. It is a promising tool for practical decision-making situations because at least Finnish non-industrial private forest owners quite often focus on making stand-level forest management decisions. It is also suitable for examinations of other uncertainty sources such as timber prices or inventory data.  相似文献   

Regional model analyses of forest growth are critical for capturing global aspects of tropical rainforest carbon exchange. This research presents the development of a multi-model approach for assessing forest growth and biomass accumulation within the wet tropics bioregion (WTB) based on 10 years of available data and existing model parameter sets. The Tropical Rainforest Growth (TRG) model system employs the 3-PG and 3-PGS models to account for both old-growth rainforest and forest regeneration from seedlings in response to human-induced and natural disturbances. Above-ground biomass (AGB) stocks of the mature forest throughout the WTB for 2000 were estimated to be ∼202 t C/ha. Replacement of areas of old-growth with commercial timber plantations decreased overall AGB stocks to approximately 146 t C/ha. However, plantation carbon accumulation rates were higher than the mature rainforest, representing their potential to accumulate more biomass over a longer analysis time period. As tropical cyclones may significantly alter the carbon stocks of old-growth rainforests, the effect of tropical cyclone Rona on the WTB was assessed. The cyclone had a minimal impact on total AGB stocks within the region, yet these systems are an important factor to be considered in carbon and forest regeneration modelling activities in the tropics. The TRG system is an advanced modelling tool providing a rapid process-based assessment of biomass stocks and accumulation dynamics within Australia's tropical rainforest bioregion and has the potential for application in tropical forest ecosystems at both national and international levels.  相似文献   

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