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A simulation model was used to predict the spatial distribution of direct and diffuse photosynthetically active radiation below a heterogenous canopy of a Pinus sylvestris stand in eastern Finland. Seedling growth was related to both measured and predicted radiation. The model predicted rather well the overall pattern of radiation distribution beneath the canopy. All the growth parameters of Pinus sylvestris seedlings (height, current height increment and mean height increment) correlated positively with the amount of both measured and predicted radiation. The correlation between seedling growth and irradiance was better for predicted diffuse radiation than for total radiation. This was probably because diffuse radiation, being symmetrically distributed around trees, correlates more strongly than direct radiation with other factors affecting seedling growth.  相似文献   

The long‐term effects of lime application on fine roots of Norway spruce, Picea abies (L.) Karst, and Scots pine, Pinus sylvestris (L.), have been studied in five experimental forest stands subjected to different lime applications 5 to 18 years before the present study was undertaken. The effects of liming does not seem to significantly influence fine‐root development in forest stands in the long term. The only response to liming in measured root variables was a tendency to increased specific root length (SRL = fine‐root length/fine‐root dry weight, m/g). A correlation between increased SRL, decreased root biomass and increased stem volume growth was indicated. Changes in water extractable amounts of mineral elements—P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, S, Al and Fe‐in bulk soil and rhizosphere soil from the mineral soil layers were studied in a control area and an area treated with 3830 kg CaCO3 ha‐1. Few significant differences were found between treatments, and then mainly in the case of Ca.  相似文献   

Eleven permanent plots, established in central and northern Sweden during the years 1913–59, were repeatedly treated with single‐tree selection for between 30 and 67 years. The plots were all dominated by Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.), soil moisture was mesic, and the ground vegetation was dominated by Vaccinium myrtillus L. All trees higher than 1.3 m were numbered and cross‐calipered at the time of plot establishment, and at following treatments. In the study trees with DBH < 8.5 cm were excluded from the calculations. Stand densities generally decreased as a result of harvests and mortality together exceeding increment and ingrowth. The number of trees was generally declining over DBH at the time of plot establishment. Six plots maintained such distributions during the whole observation period. Changes in stand structure were mainly caused by the harvests being concentrated to trees with DBH less than 30 cm, and low levels of ingrowth. The low ingrowth was probably an effect of over cutting of saplings and small trees.  相似文献   

Roots of 1‐year‐old containerized seedlings of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) were experimentally frozen in December. The seedlings were then grown for 3 weeks in a growth chamber and evaluated with regard to root growth capacity (RGC) and shoot elongation. The subsequent RGC of Scots pine declined as root zone temperatures were lowered from ‐6°C to ‐11°C and from ‐11°C to ‐16°C. Almost no root growth was observed after exposure to ‐20°C. Shoot growth was also negatively affected by low root temperatures but less than root growth. Low root temperatures did not affect Norway spruce as much as Scots pine, although root and shoot growth of Norway spruce were reduced after exposure to the lowest test temperatures (‐16°C and ‐20°C). The length of exposure, ranging between 1 and 8 hours had no effect on subsequent growth.  相似文献   

The effects on seedling survival and growth of a new scarification method, inverting, were evaluated over 10‐yrs after planting lodgepole pine and Norway spruce on a 2‐yr‐oId clear‐cut in northern Sweden. Inverting, which provides planting spots containing humus turves covered in loose mineral soil without making mounds or ridges, was compared with ploughing, mounding, disc trenching, and no scarification. Subplots with high or low planting positions were used to assess small‐scale topographical effects. For both species, the treatment ranking according to stem volume production after 10‐yrs was inverting > ploughing ≥ mounding = disc trenching > no scarification. Inverting improved seedling height growth by approximately 35% compared with mounding or disc trenching and by more than 100% compared with no scarification. High survival rates were also found following inverting, but only the no‐scarification treatment resulted in a statistically significant reduction in survival rates (ca. 25%) for both species. Further development of the inverting technique might give environmental advantages compared with conventional mechanical site preparation.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to examine the cost, flexibility, and appropriate scale of mechanized microsite preparation (MP), in combination with mechanical direct seeding of Pinus sylvestris L. with orchard seed. This technique was tested at four boreal forest sites in Northern Sweden. Orchard and stand seeds were sown with and without MP. The use of orchard seed increased seedling establishment by 41% and the use of MP increased seedling establishment by 47%, respectively, after two years. The best substrates for sowing when using MP were OAh-, E- and BC-horizon, in ranked order. The use of orchard seed compared to stand seed increased mean seedling height by 25% after four years. These trials suggest that to obtain a density of 5,000 stems ha-1 four years after seeding, 61,000 viable stand seeds or 41,000 orchard seeds ha-1 should be sown if MP is not used. If MP is used, seeding rate could be reduced by about 32%. By using MP, and by further improving scarification technique so that all scarified area is thin OAh-horizon, we predict that only 32,000 stand seeds or 22,000 orchard seeds ha-1, i.e., half the dosage, should be needed. Under these optimal conditions, it would be necessary to sow about six and four germinable stand and orchard seeds, respectively, to ensure one seedling after four years. Furthermore, regeneration cost would be less than a third that of planting.  相似文献   

Self‐thinning models were developed to describe the relationship between the stem number and mean diameter of even‐aged and monospecific tree stands undergoing self‐thinning. The models were developed separately for Pinus sylvestris L., Picea abies (L.) Karst. and Betula pendula Roth. stands. Data from 41 unthinned permanent sample plots were used. According to Reineke's equation and the —3/2 power rule of self‐thinning, a log‐log plot of average tree size and stem density will give a straight, self‐thinning line of constant slope. According to this study, the slope of the line consistent with Reineke's equation varies for different tree species. Within tree species, the intercept of the self‐thinning line varies according to site index.  相似文献   

Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) needle litters were compared in terms of nutrient composition and its change during decomposition. Initial nutrient composition differed between the species, with lodgepole pine needle litter having significantly higher concentrations of P, Mg and Mn. However, no difference was found for concentrations of N, Ca or K. Increases in concentrations of N, P and K during decomposition were significant in both litter types. For Ca the pattern of concentration changes followed a quadratic function as decomposition proceeded. Concentrations of Mg and Mn decreased in lodgepole pine needle litter. In Scots pine litter there was also an initial decrease, but it was followed by an increase in most incubations. For both Mg and Mn, changes in concentrations during decomposition differed significantly between species. In the late decomposition stages, concentrations of Mg and Mn became similar in both litter types. Nutrient concentrations generated by the models were compared with those of the humus (F and H) layer in the stands. The model was quite accurate in predicting concentrations of N and P for both species and the concentration of Mg for lodgepole pine. By contrast, it was not accurate in predicting concentrations of Ca and Mn. Nutrient release was estimated for the two species using both measured litterfall data and long‐term estimates, and regression models were used to predict concentration changes. Rates of release of P, Mg and Mn in the lodgepole pine stands were found to be about twice as high compared with those in Scots pine. Calcium was also released to a greater extent although the difference was not significant.  相似文献   

Mongolian pine (Pinus sylvestiris Linnaeus var. mongolica Litvinov) as a valuable conifer tree species has been broadly introduced to the sandy land areas in “Three North” regions (North, northwest and northeast of China), but many prob-lems occurred in the earliest Mongolian pine plantations in 7hanggutai, 7hangwu County, Liaoning Province (ZZL). In order to clarify the reason, comprehensive investigations were carried out on differences in structure characteristics, growth processes and ecological factors between artificial stands (the first plantation established in ZZL in 1950s) and natural stands (the origin forests of the tree species in Honghuaerji, Inner Mongolia) on sandy land. The results showed that variation of diameter-class distributions in artificial stands and natural stands could be described by Weibull and Normal distribution models, respectively.Chapman-Richards growth model was employed to reconstruct the growth process of Mongolian pine based on the data from field investigation and stem analysis. The ages of maximum of relative growth rate and average growth rate of DBH, height, and volume of planted trees were 11,22 years, 8, 15 years and 35, 59 years earlier than those of natural stand trees, respectively. In respect of the incremental acceleration of volume, the artificial and natural stands reached their maximum values at 14 years and 33 years respectively. The quantitative maturity ages of artificial stands and natural stands were 43 years and 102 years respectively. It was concluded that the life span of the Mongolian pine trees in natural stands was about 60 years longer than those in artificial stands. The differences mentioned above between artificial and natural Mongolian pine forests on sandy land were partially attributed to the drastic variations of ecological conditions such as latitude, temperature, precipitation, evaporation and height above sea level. Human beings‘‘ disturbances and higher density in plantation forest may be ascribed as additional reasons. Those results may be potentially useful for the management and afforestation of Mongolian pine plantations on sandy land in arid and semi-arid areas.  相似文献   

Old provenance experiments with Scots pine and Norway spruce in Finland were used for assessing the long‐term effects of the projected climatic change on forest trees. The northernmost origins showed an increase in wood production when transferred southwards into a climate with an annual mean effective temperature sum close to that which is expected in northern areas as a result of the projected climatic change. A model is constructed with the estimated changes in wood production as a function of the annual mean temperature sum at the original location and the change in the annual mean temperature sum caused by the geographical transfer. The major changes in wood production are expected to occur in the northernmost areas of tree growth.  相似文献   

In single‐tree selection, trees removed by harvest or lost through mortality are replaced by ingrowth from the seedling/sapling bank. Because the level of ingrowth is governed not only by the recruitment rate of new seedlings, but also by mortality and growth rates within the seedling/sapling stratum, knowledge of how these processes are related to the tree stratum is important for successful application of single‐tree selection. Therefore, Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) regeneration (0.1 m ≤ height ≤ 2.0 m) was measured on seventy 100 m2 circular subplots at each of two sites in central and northern Sweden. Both sites had previously been selectively logged, but the time elapsed since the last harvest was at least 30 yrs. Basal area of trees of at least 2 m height within three different radii from the subplot centres was measured. Measurements on regeneration included height and leader length. Influence of local stand basal area on density and growth of regeneration was analysed by ordinary least‐squares linear regression for each of four height intervals. Regeneration was significantly aggregated at both sites, but number of Norway spruce seedlings and saplings per circular subplot was not correlated to local stand basal area. Out of 36 regressions, only eight showed a significantly (p < 0.05) negative correlation between seedling and sapling height growth and local stand basal area. In five of these cases, removal of one point (subplot) made p > 0.05. The results suggest that density and growth of Norway spruce regeneration in selectively logged uneven‐aged Norway spruce stands is affected more by ground conditions than by local stand basal area.  相似文献   

Incoming shortwave global radiation (Q g) and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR; Q pa as a fraction of full daylight, relative irradiance (%Q), were measured at the same time in young stands of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). Measurements were made on three levels above ground: 20 cm above ground and 50 and 15 % of stand height. Stands of three heights (75, 150 and 300 cm) were studied during two months. The stands were created by arranging young trees cut from natural stands, in nine quadratic spacings: 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.7, 1.0, 1.4 and 2.0 m. The leaf area index (L) was estimated. Differences in %Q‐values for Q pa and Qg in the same species and at the same stand height and level of light measurements above ground were significant only in 150 and 300 cm stands. In 75 cm high stands of Scots pine, the %Q was <60% at spacings <0.2 m and in 75 cm high stands of Norway spruce, the %Q was <60% at spacings <0.3 m. Only at 0.1x0.1–0.3x0.3 m, %Q was <20% in Norway spruce stands. In 150 cm stands %Q<20% was measured at spacings <0.7 m in Norway spruce and <0.5 in Scots pine. In 300 cm stands of Norway spruce it was measured up to 1.2 and in Scots pine <1.1 m. Light extinction coefficients, K and Kg for spruce and pine stands were 0.17–0.40 and 0.16–0.31 respectively. Some practical implications of the study are presented. Lack of light (%Q<10%) as a single factor of seriously suppressed growth and development of broad‐leaved plants and suckers by competition in young stands of spruce and pine only occur in dense stands 0.3x0.3 m‐1.1xl.l m (8000–100000 stems/hectare). Competition by light on a regenerated area generally occurs in the level of 50% of tree height (150–300 cm) and higher due to the rapid growth of broad‐leaved trees (sprouts) compared with planted conifers but the light intensity at these levels %Q>10%.  相似文献   

A. Kanzler  A. Nel  C. Ford 《New Forests》2014,45(3):417-437
During the last 20 years a program to develop and commercialize the Pinus patula × Pinus tecunumanii hybrid, as a replacement for P. patula, has been successfully implemented. The first crosses were initiated during the early 1990s and lead to establishment of field trials across a wide variety of sites. This work gained further impetus when it became apparent that Fusarium circinatum, was causing poor post-planting survival of newly established stands of P. patula. P. tecunumanii, has been shown to be tolerant to this disease and thus a second, more comprehensive hybrid testing phase was implemented. Improvements in controlled pollination techniques and propagation methods, as well as access to genetically improved parent-stock and the use of molecular marker technology for fingerprinting was effectively utilized to greatly improve the process during this second phase. The use of artificial inoculation trials have demonstrated that the hybrid, in particular when using the low elevation (LE) provenances of P. tecunumanii, had substantially greater tolerance to F. circinatum than P. patula and survival figures from field trials support these results. Four-year volumes also indicate large growth improvements, although frost damage on certain sites presents a challenge for deployment on colder sites; and this is being tackled through breeding and accurate mapping of frost risk. Large-scale controlled pollinations and vegetative multiplication are now utilized commercially to produce the P. patula × P. tecunumanii (LE) hybrid as an alternative to P. patula.  相似文献   

Precision and bias of a model designed to predict site index of Scots pine (P. sylvestris L.) from site variables in Sweden were tested using data from 1985 inventory plots. The model was biased and relatively imprecise (standard error = 3.7 m). A new model was constructed using a fitting subset of data, employing sums of mean monthly estimates of photosynthetically active radiation modified by local monthly climatic conditions as a primary independent variable. The best model used day-time temperature modifiers to calculate potential radiation-use efficiency. Modifiers for vapour pressure deficit and soil water did not improve the model. Elevation, distance to the sea, and phytometer indicators of nutritional fertility added small but significant improvements to the predictions. The final model had a standard error of 2.06 m for predictions of site index that ranged from 18 to 30 m at age 100. When applied to a validation subset of plots the model displayed a standard error of 2.09 m and very similar residual patterns to those observed during fitting. The new model represents a significant improvement over the older model, and further improvements may be feasible when historical climatic estimates and a higher resolution digital elevation model become available.  相似文献   


? Context

Biomass expansion factors (BEFs, defined as the ratios of tree component biomass (branch, leaf, aboveground section, root, and whole) to stem biomass) are important parameters for quantifying forest biomass and carbon stock. However, little information is available about possible causes of the variability in BEFs at large scales.

? Aims

We examined whether and how BEFs vary with forest types, climate (mean annual temperature, MAT; mean annual precipitation, MAP), and stand development (stand age and size) at the national scale for China.

? Method

Using our compiled biomass dataset, we calculated values for BEFs and explored their relationships to forest types, climate, and stand development.

? Results

BEFs varied greatly across forest types and functional groups. They were significantly related to climate and stand development (especially tree height). However, the relationships between BEFs and MAT and MAP were generally different in deciduous forests and evergreen forests, and BEF–climate relationships were weaker in deciduous forests than in evergreen forests and pine forests.

? Conclusion

To reduce uncertainties induced by BEFs in estimates of forest biomass and carbon stock, values for BEFs should be applied for a specified forest, and BEF functions with influencing factors (e.g., tree height and climate) should be developed as predictor variables for the specified forest.  相似文献   

Multi-cohort management(MCM) that retains a range of stand structures(age and size class) has been proposed to emulate natural disturbance and improve management in the Nearctic boreal forest.Although MCM forests contain both single-and multi-aged stands of mixed tree sizes,little is known about how variable stand structure affects associated fauna and biodiversity.Here,we examine the relationship between ground beetle(Coleoptera,Carabidae) communities and stand characteristics across a range of forest structure(=cohort classes).Given that MCM classes are defined by the distribution of their tree–stem diameters,we ask whether parameters associated with these distributions(Weibull) could explain observed variation in carabid communities,and if so,how this compares to traditional habitat variables such as stand age,foliage complexity or volume of downed woody debris.We sampled carabids using weekly pitfall collections and compared these with structural habitat variables across a range of cohort classes(stand structure and age since disturbance) in 18 sites of upland mixed boreal forests from central Canada.Results showed that richness and diversity of carabid communities were similar among cohort classes.Weibull parameters from the diameter distribution of all stems were the strongest predictors of variation in carabid communities among sites,but vertical foliage complexity,understory thickness,and percentage of deciduous composition were also significant.The abundance of several carabid forest specialists was strongly correlated with tree canopy height,the presence of large trees,and high vertical foliage complexity.Our results demonstrate that variable forest structure,as expected under MCM,may be useful in retaining the natural range of ground beetle species across the central Nearctic boreal forest.  相似文献   

Three different LED lamps with continuous spectra were compared against commonly used fluorescent lights. The lamps were characterized by light output, energy consumption and spectral quality for plant growth. The biological effects of light quality were compared by pre-cultivating seedlings of Picea abies (L.) Karst. and Pinus sylvestris L. under each spectrum for 35 days in a growth chamber with controlled temperature, humidity and photoperiod. The seedlings were then transplanted and cultivated for one vegetation period at the nursery, then planted outdoors on a forest field trial and followed for three years. The seedlings showed similar growth performance for all spectra tested. LED lamps have several advantages to fluorescent light such as energy consumption, longer life span and adjustable light intensity. Regarding light intensity the effects on growth performance were studied for both species using the most promising LED spectra. The photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) was maintained at 50, 100, 200 and 400 μmol?m?2?s?1. Unlike energy consumption, seedling development did not display a linear relationship to light intensity. Instead, the results show an optimum light level between 100 and 200?μmol?m?2?s?1 for the shade tolerant Picea abies seedlings and a level of around 200?μmol?m?2?s?1 for the more shade intolerant Pinus sylvestris seedlings.  相似文献   

The field survival of Pinus patula seedlings in South Africa is frequently below acceptable standards. From numerous studies it has been determined that this is largely due to the pitch canker fungus, Fusarium circinatum. Other commercial pines, such as P. elliottii and P. taeda, show good tolerance to this pathogen and better survival, but have inferior wood properties and do not grow as well as P. patula on many sites in the summer rainfall regions of South Africa. There is, thus, an urgent need to improve the tolerance of P. patula to F. circinatum. Operational experience indicates that when P. patula is hybridized with tolerant species, such as P. tecunumanii and P. oocarpa, survival is greatly improved on the warmer sites of South Africa. Field studies on young trees suggest that this is due to the improved tolerance of these hybrids to F. circinatum. In order to test the tolerance of a number of pine hybrids, the pure species representing the hybrid parents, as well as individual families of P. patula × P. tecunumanii, a series of greenhouse screening trials were conducted during 2008 and 2009. The results indicated that species range in tolerance and hybrids, between P. patula and these species, are intermediate in tolerance to F. circinatum. Within P. patula × P. tecunumanii, large family variation exists when pollen from the high elevation source of P. tecunumanii is used. The results of these studies illustrate the importance of developing pine hybrid breeding programs to overcome the susceptibility of our pure species to pathogens such as F. circinatum.  相似文献   

Clonal material propagated as cuttings and control seedling lots of Norway spruce (P. abies [L.] Karst.) were compared in two series of clonal tests. Variance components, heritability and expected genetic gain were calculated for height based on measurements carried out in the tests at the age of seven and nine years. The mean heights of the clones were significantly higher than those of the controls in one of the test series, but there was no significant difference between these two groups in the other series. The variance due to clone sources was significant in both test series and accounted for 10 to 19% of the total variation. Broad sense heritabilities were 0.21 ± 0.05 and 0.23 ± 0.02 on the individual level and 0.75 ± 0.06 and 0.78 ± 0.02 on the basis of the clone mean for the respective series. Theoretical genetic gains were calculated based on the assumption that the tallest 10% of the clones would be selected and propagated for reforestation purposes. The expected gain in height was 13.1 and 19.1% in these test series. Utilization of this gain is, however, difficult due to the ageing of the clones.  相似文献   

Performances of Pinus taxa were studied to 10 years of age in two trials in each of Misiones and Entre Ríos provinces across the Mesopotamia region of Argentina. Taxa comprised 22 populations from sources in Argentina, Australia, Brazil and Zimbabwe including Pinus elliottii var. elliottii (Pee), Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis (Pch), their four, inter-specific hybrids (F1, F2 and backcrosses from F1 to Pch and to Pee—all as broadly based bulks); other Pee and Pinus taeda (Pt) comprised narrower or unspecified bulks. Variable numbers of taxa were missing at each site. Mean survival across sites at age 10 years ranged 53.2–91.3% averaging 74.2%. Analysis of variance of plot means indicated population effect was statistically significant (p < 0.05) for all or most growth and quality traits at all sites. However, significant differences from the nominated check seedlot at the Entre Ríos sites (Pee, Australia) were extremely rare, while quite common at the northern, Misiones sites (check seedlot a Pt population). In the Misiones trials, F1, F2 and both backcross hybrids showed better stem straightness than Pee and Pt from Argentina, generally with statistically significant differences (p < 0.05). Pt showed lowest forking scores (desirable). Taxon × environment interaction was statistically significant (p < 0.01) for growth traits only (p > 0.05). However, this interaction contributed an average of only 34.1% of the taxon variance suggesting a lack of practical importance. Taxa most suitable for deployment in the Mesopotamia region, Argentina are suggested.  相似文献   

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