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The forest and forest products form one of the most important basis for the transfer to a bio-based economy in Sweden. About 75% of the area covered by forest in Sweden is used industrially to produce raw material for the wood-refining industries. Every year, this cluster uses 75 million m3 of roundwood and has an export value of €12 billion. This review paper is devoted to the wood mechanical industry, i.e. the industry which turns the forest into sawn timber, packaging, construction wood, furniture and interior fittings. The sawmills consume about half of the volume of softwood which is felled, and about two-thirds of the sawn timber go to export without any further refining within the country. Nevertheless, in spite of the relatively low degree of refinement in the sawmill and the fact that the sawmills in general over time have a very low profitability, they are responsible for 70–80% of the forest owners' profits on the sale of timber. An increased upgrading of the sawn timber within the country is desirable from a national economic viewpoint – increased employment opportunities, increased export income, etc. It should then in the first place be for products with a higher added value, such as furniture and fittings. Today, the refinement value is 15–20 times higher for products from joinery and furniture industries compared to that of the sawn timber, and the added value of the wood within the building industry is only about 1.5 times.  相似文献   


Despite a large literature that addresses the gendered structure of forestry occupations in Europe and the USA, relatively little attention has been paid to these issues in Canada. In this paper, it is argued that policy makers and academics have used outdated statistics about forestry employment to shape policies and programs of government and industry. Use of these data has been to the general disadvantage of women working in the forest industry and in forestry communities. This paper draws mainly on three studies, spanning the mid-1990s to the mid-2000s. Each study relied on secondary sources such as Census data, government and industry documents, as well as primary sources such as interviews or questionnaires. On Vancouver Island, British Columbia, analysis of land reallocation policies and transition strategies for displaced workers in the 1990s did not consider women as forestry workers or consider how job losses and opportunities for retraining might vary between men and women. Consequently, gender-neutral transition strategies were more accessible for men than for women. A study of female forestry workers in Saskatchewan revealed there was very little knowledge about employment conditions for women in forestry. Women reported that they missed out on training and advancement opportunities because they lacked networks, childcare support or other benefits that might encourage them to improve their circumstances. Finally, a survey of forest sector advisory committees across the country revealed a very low rate of participation by women, even though those who did participate had some significantly different viewpoints about forestry than their male counterparts. In combination, these efforts suggest that improvements in the understanding of forestry employment would benefit forestry workers, both male and female, and ensure that all workers made lasting contributions to the industry.  相似文献   

With the expected rising temperatures, outbreaks of insect pests may be more frequent, which can have large consequences on forest ecosystems and may therefore negatively affect the forestry sector. In order to be better able to predict where, but not if, outbreaks may occur in future we investigated the potential future (2070) geographical distribution of 30 prospective insect pest species (Coleoptera and Lepidoptera) by applying species distribution modelling. We also assessed the geographical extent to which the boreal forest in Sweden may be affected. We found that numerous species may experience large increases in their potential distribution in future, which may result in outbreaks in “new” areas. It is therefore likely that more trees will be infested by pests in future, which may have large implications for the Swedish forestry sector.  相似文献   

The paper sets out to examine the characteristics of support for innovation processes in Non-Wood Forest Products (NWFP). The typical enterprises and start-ups which emerge in this sector tend to be small-scale and family owned. We claim that there is a large unused potential for NWFP to support rural development and increase incomes of land owners and rural enterprises. In this article, we study what makes selected and so far successful product innovations in NWFPs special and subsequently what were the factors that supported their development and marketing? These questions we study at hand of four empirical innovative case studies in four European rural areas. We come to the conclusion that the entrepreneurs show some common features in the ways they started their business. However, they have applied individual strategies for the realisation of their own ideas. In line with recommendations from recent literature on creating innovations, all of them have used some “external” support, but at very different levels: They range from monetary support and consultation of effective support organisations to personal non-monetary exchange-relationships in social networks within a communal area. Our results contribute to an understanding of entrepreneurial behaviour as a very individual and context-specific undertaking on the one hand and as a “universal” activity with common features and attributes on the other.  相似文献   

Politics increasingly introduces initiatives supporting a shift toward a bioeconomy aiming at a society relying strongly on renewable biological sources while achieving economic growth efficiently and sustainably. However, the agenda of bioeconomy comprises different “shades of green,” in the sense that different actors stress different aspects of the concept, when embracing it in communication. This conceptual paper aims to present policy and socioeconomic theoretical frameworks and research areas relevant for a more holistic understanding of the bioeconomy concept applied to the forest sector, and identify a core set of potential contributions from social sciences for enhancing the bioeconomy in the forest sector. The paper focuses on studies within policy analysis, economics, and business administration disciplines. Thus it presents diverse disciplinary perspectives on the forest sector in a bioeconomy. Furthermore, innovation and sustainability have been identified as issues relevant to be approached across these disciplines.  相似文献   

近年来,三亚市林业产业发展迅速,取得许多可喜成绩.但是,三亚市林业还存在许多不健康因素,对此,笔者从促进三亚林业产业健康发展的角度出发,提出了一些想法和建议.  相似文献   

The focus of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the global forest sector has shifted from developed to developing economies (currently accounting 73% of total) during the past two decades. China has been the main global driver with its annual FDI soaring from USD 130 million in 2002 to USD 550 million in 2010. In light of international economic and business theories, choice of foreign entry mode is considered the most critical issue in corporate expansion strategy, which, however, has not been empirically studied in the forest sector. To fill this gap, our paper focuses on modeling two equity-based entry mode choices (i.e. wholly owned subsidiary or joint ventures) of foreign investment projects in China based on data from 109 activities of the Top 100 forest, paper, and packaging industry companies. By using logistic modeling, the main determinants of corporate entry mode choice are found to be cultural and geographical distance between the corporate home country and China, duration of corporate presence in China, and spatial concentration of local-level forest industry. Instead, investment project size and local resource availability are found to have no significant impact on corporate entry mode choice in China.  相似文献   

以登封国有林场为试验对象,开发了国有林场森林资源信息管理系统,并得到应用。基本上实现了登封国有林场森林资源管理的信息化,为森林资源的科学管理和决策,以及可持续发展提供了技术支持。  相似文献   

The different sectors of the economy, and the forest sector in particular, must create innovations in order to survive and to be competitive. Scientific knowledge should be introduced and institutionalized into the forest processes, but also knowledge derived from other sources such as user producer relationships and others should be incorporated. A new concept is emerging that considers that the economy should learn not only from the new scientific knowledge but also from the rest of the processes. This concept is National Systems of Innovation (created in 1985 in the Scandinavian countries), however, here the concept is broadened of a Sustainable System of Innovation. This approach of sustainable systems of innovation (SSI), considers that the sources for innovation towards development, particularly sustainable development, are formal organisations (universities, research centres, or so), the productive structure (the economy), the institutional set-up (patterns of behaviour), the economy–ecology relationships (potential and limitations of the ecosystem for production) and the policies of the sector. Each one of these factors interact and feed each other. They cannot be seen independently nor static; on the contrary, they are dynamic and evolutionary, without any doubt including the ecosystem. Then, the process of learning from all these sources, which is the base for SSI, may produce ‘greener’ innovations, greener technologies and greener institutions. Innovations related to forest services from Costa Rica will illustrate these ideas.  相似文献   

Despite high expectations of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) as project partners in bilateral-aid community forestry (CF) projects in Nepal, it remains unclear whether the NGO involvement favored by donors is efficient. This study examined the influence of NGOs on local people's perceptions of CF management by using a quantitative analysis based on a questionnaire survey. Three different forest user groups (FUGs) supported by the Nepal Swiss Community Forestry Project were selected from the Dolakha and Ramecchap districts: an FUG supported by another FUG acting as an NGO, an FUG supported by an NGO specializing in CF, and an FUG without NGO support. A structured survey examined the perception of CF management based on satisfaction, involvement, and self-reliance in 244 selected households belonging to the three FUGs. Knowledge of CF and personal information was also surveyed and analyzed. The results showed that NGO involvement influences factors such as self-reliance and knowledge of CF. FUG members who were supported by an NGO or an FUG had a significantly higher perception with respect to self-reliance and knowledge than did members without such support. This indicates that experienced FUGs can serve as adequate service providers for the CF formation procedure, in a manner similar to that of NGOs. On the other hand, the limited support from NGOs or FUGs during the formation process seemed insufficient to fulfill the expectations of aid agencies with respect to the enhancement of satisfaction and active participation on the part of FUG members. If aid agencies expect NGOs and FUGs to enhance the satisfaction and participation of members, these intermediary organizations should be assigned to support more CF activities than just the formation procedure. Aid agencies should take responsibility for strengthening the capabilities of NGOs and FUGs, as needed.  相似文献   

With a changing climate, storm and wind throw is becoming an increasing risk to forest. However, Swedish forest management practices have so far involved relatively little consideration of adaptation to climate change. This study examined resistance and alternatives to “business as usual” forest management, drawing upon material obtained in interviews with individual forest owners who spontaneously identified and discussed storm and wind throw as a risk to their forest. They thereby expressed a logic differing from that of the forest industry in Sweden, which has largely normalised storm risk rather than considering it in climate change adaptation work. The present analysis illustrates the broad and largely concerned position of individual forest owners, in contrast with a more established industry position on storm as an accepted and existing risk. Overall, the study highlights the diversity, agency and power relations within Swedish forestry and the forested landscape – aspects that are vital to better understanding processes relevant to forest and climate change adaptation.  相似文献   


Several uncertainties are associated with the future development in Russia. The aim of this study is to analyse the effects of some of them on the forest sectors in Russia and the European Union. In particular, we examine the impacts of increasing prices set on atmospheric CO2 emissions and the changing investment climate in Russia on the use of forests in the EU and Russia as well as on the export of forest products from Russia to the EU. In the analysis, we use a numerical forest sector model, EUFASOM. The results suggest that a more intensive utilisation of the vast forest resources in Russia call for rapid improvements in the investment climate. Otherwise, the growth of pulp and paper production in Russia would mainly be directed at satisfying the domestic demand. It is hard to penetrate the EU markets which are suffering from excess capacity and a slow demand growth. Russia's importance as a supplier of energy wood to the EU is likely to increase, unless for instance export tariffs or tighter climate policies in Russia hinder such a development. The results demonstrate large differences in the harvesting and use of wood in the EU and Russia across the alternative future scenarios.  相似文献   

阐述了洞口县林业有害生物社会化服务的发展历程,总结了发展过程中所取得的成效,指出了发展过程中所面临的困难和问题,并对今后的发展提出了建设性的意见。  相似文献   

As the collective forestry property system in China has developed in recent years, the difficulty faced by forestry households (the main managers of Chinese forests) in securing loans has received extensive attention. To address this problem, we should follow the bottom-up principle and undertake effective measures based on a clear understanding of forestry financing. Based on the results of a questionnaire, this article investigates and analyzes the credit demand in forestry households, lending channels, scaling, time limits, loan usage, and cost structures. Studies have shown that funding deficits contribute to the intense demand for loans. The salient characteristics of foresters’ credit demand indicate that such demand is typically large-scale and of long duration—particularly when compared with the credit demand of common farmers. Loans to foresters are used for production purposes and mainly come from formal financing. The structural dislocation of current forestry loan products has resulted in a demand for forestry farming credit that is difficult to satisfy. Therefore, improving the quality of credit services and optimizing loan product structures would help foresters and the Chinese forestry industry.  相似文献   

简要阐述了林业科学研究的地位与作用,就林业科技发展现状、特点、趋势与前沿问题等进行了分析。并结合林业生态建设的需求,从内蒙古林业科学研究的学科优势、特点和研究重点领域等方面分析了林业科技发展的相关问题,并提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

The species composition of wood-inhabiting fungi (polypores and corticoids) was investigated on 1138 spruce logs and 992 pine logs in 90 managed and 34 natural or near-natural spruce and pine forests in SE Norway.Altogether, the study included 290 species of wood-inhabiting fungi. Comparisons of logs with similar properties (standardized tree species, decay class, dimension class) in natural and managed forests showed a significant reduction in species number per log in managed spruce forests, but not in managed pine forests. The species number per log in managed spruce forests was 10-55% lower than on logs from natural spruce forests. The reduction was strongest on logs of large dimensions. A comparison of 200-400 spruce logs from natural and managed forests showed a 25% reduction in species richness corresponding to a conservative loss of ca. 40 species on a regional scale.A closer inspection revealed that species confined to medium and very decayed spruce logs were disfavored in managed forests, whereas species on early decay classes and decay generalists were unaffected. Similarly, species preferring large spruce logs were disfavored in managed forests. Forest management had strongest impact on low-frequent species in the spruce forests (more than 50% reduction), whereas common species were modestly affected. Corticoid fungi were more adversely affected than polypore fungi.These results indicate that wood-decaying fungi in pine forests are more adapted to forest disturbances than spruce-associated species. Management measures securing a continuous supply of dead wood are more important in spruce forests than in pine forests.  相似文献   

通过1997、2007、2017年长株潭3市土地利用矢量数据、Landsant卫星影像数据以及湖南省森林资源调查数据的收集,运用归一化植被指数(NDVI)、植被覆盖度和差值植被指数(DVI)等三个参数的计算和统计结果来揭示长株潭城市群1997—2017年的森林植被生长状况变化、植被覆盖度变化以及植被主导发展趋势变化情况。结果表明:1997—2007年间,长株潭城市群的植被生长状态下降,植被覆盖度降低,植被主导表现为退化趋势。2008—2017年间,该区域的植被生长状态回升并超过上一时段,植被覆盖度升高,植被主导表现为明显的改善趋势。基于此,以建设长株潭国家森林城市群为契机,本文提出了优先保护现有森林资源,重点建设城区绿化,加强城市绿线和生态红线保护,平衡保护与发展关系的对策。  相似文献   

The growth of nature-based tourism has raised the need to better understand tourists’ expectations towards outdoor recreation environments. There is little knowledge, however, of international tourists’ attitudes towards forest management practises or of their effect during winter. This study investigated how commercial forests correspond to the environmental expectations of international nature-based tourists and how the season affects tourists’ landscape preferences. Altogether 750 foreign visitors to Finnish Lapland responded to a survey and evaluated photographs presenting various types of forest landscapes in summer and winter. Beautiful scenery was the most important motive for the choice of travel destination and for participating in outdoor recreation. The results highlight the strong impact of seasons on the perceived quality of the landscape in commercial forests. Seasonal differences are largest in regeneration areas as snow cover mitigates the effects of forestry operations. Even-aged, middle-aged and mature forest stands were considered to be suitable for tourism in both summer and winter. There is a demand for adapted management regimes in commercial forests targeting year-round nature-based tourism. In conclusion, forestry and tourism can coexist in the same area with good planning and with management actions that take visual quality and recreational values of the environment into account.  相似文献   

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