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调查了毛乌素沙地沙漠研究中心樟子松、油松人工林的生长状况,选取可能影响其生长的气候因子并运用双重筛选逐步回归的方法,对樟子松和油松高生长与气候因子间的关系进行了逐步判别分析.结果表明:影响樟子松树高生长量的主导气候因子依次是前一年的降雨量、≥10℃积温、年蒸发量;影响油松生长的气候因子主要是前一年降雨量与当年降雨量;该区樟子松的生长表现明显好于油松,并且在干旱年份表现出更强的抗旱特性,所以该地区的气候条件更适合樟子松的生长.  相似文献   

杉木幼林年生长规律及气候因素对生长的影响,是合理制订杉木产区区划,改善杉木造林规划设计布局,正确实施经营管理措施的基础。 本项研究,将全国杉木西部试区的四川高县作为试验点,从1985~1988年,连续4年在5~8年生不同密度林分中,作了胸高直径及树高生长的旬期定期观测。经对这些实验数据作均值处理,聚类分析,关联分析和多元回归分析结果表明:对生长在中国杉木中带西部产区,处于中亚热带湿润气候区环境条件下的杉木幼林年生长规律的论证及对影响生长的主要气候因子的分析判断和预测,具有可靠性和区域代表性。  相似文献   

对日本冲绳岛北部相同土壤条件下的琉球松纯林及其混交林的土壤氮素及有机碳素、地表凋落物量、枯枝落叶量以及土壤氮素矿化速率进行了比较研究。结果表明 ,琉球松纯林的地表凋落物层氮、碳平均贮量分别为133kg·hm- 2 和 7199kg·hm- 2 ,混交林则分别为 10 5kg·hm- 2 和 6 14 3kg·hm- 2 。然而 ,混交林地表 10cm矿质土层的氮、碳贮量则显著高于纯林 ,氮素比纯林多 4 93kg·hm- 2 ,碳素多 5 5 5 4kg·hm- 2 。在 30d的实验室培养实验中 ,混交林表层土壤的氮素矿化速率高于纯林 18% ;而且 ,混交林的落叶和土壤的碳氮比值亦明显低于松纯林。混交林土壤的年平均矿化氮素 (NH4 NO3- )浓度高于纯林 2 2 %。与松纯林相比 ,混交林通过枯枝落叶年平均氮素归还量多 4 3 7kg·hm- 2 ,碳素归还量多 16 5 5kg·hm- 2 。混交林具有较高的氮素归还量 ,主要是混交林的针叶含氮含量较高以及大量的高含氮量的阔叶落叶所致。上述结果充分说明针阔混交导致了林分氮素循环的变化。  相似文献   

不同密度油松飞播林灌草多样性与林分空间结构关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林下植被是森林生态系统的重要组成部分,物种多样性和林分空间结构是评估森林生态系统功能和林分经营质量的关键指标。本文以44年生油松飞播林为研究对象,通过典型样地调查,运用单因素方差分析和相关分析,分析林分密度对油松飞播林灌草多样性和林分空间结构的影响。结果表明:(1)林分密度对灌草多样性指数影响差异显著,灌草多样性指数均在低密度的样地中达到最大值。(2)混交度和密集度受林分密度影响显著,而林分密度对乔木胸径和树高的影响体现在林分水平上,而非空间结构单元中。(3)林分空间结构与灌草多样性之间有密切联系,影响林下植被多样性的最主要因子是乔木层混交度。因此,未来在飞播林经营活动中,调整林分密度的同时,应综合考虑林木分布格局,兼顾灌草多样性保护。  相似文献   

研究湿地防护林水文生态效益与气候环境因子的响应是湿地生态保护与经营管理中的热点问题。本文通过自然降雨径流小区定位观测试验,定量研究了黄河三角洲湿地刺槐林地及其采伐迹地的产流产沙效果和土壤水分动态变化规律。刺槐林地与采伐迹地相比,一场降雨的径流量减少53.9%~150.8%,泥沙量减少172.8%~387.1%;刺槐林地降雨径流洪峰峰值比采伐迹地低0.8L·s-1,且径流洪峰值出现的时间比采伐迹地滞后25min;刺槐林地和采伐迹地土壤含水率随年内降水量变化分干湿两季,呈周期性变化,刺槐林地年平均含水率比采伐迹地高23.3%~25.6%,特别是雨季其含水率比采伐迹地高24.3%~29.8%。应用逐步回归分析理论和方法,建立了刺槐生态防护林高生长量与气候环境因子的回归模型,影响该地区刺槐林高生长的主导因子是光照因子,其次是水分因子,再次是热量因子。该项研究可为黄河三角湿地刺槐防护林的更新改造及其生态水文效益的定量评价提供科学依据。  相似文献   

用解析木资料对阳坡和阴坡二坡向的湿地松(Pinus elliottii)胸径、树高及材积逐年生长量与气候因子进行相关分析,结果表明:①阳坡向湿地松胸径生长主要受≥10℃积温、日照时数和前一年降水量的影响,复相关系数为0.935;阴坡向湿地松胸径生长只与相对湿度相关,复相关系数为0.901;②两坡向湿地松树高生长模型中入选的气象因子均为均温、日照时数、相对湿度、前一年降水量,复相关系数分别为0.827和0.882,其中光照因子为主导因素;③两坡向湿地松材积生长主要受均温、≥10℃积温、日照时数、相对湿度影响,复相关系数分别为0.749和0.723,其中温度因子为主导因素。  相似文献   

Understanding how tree species respond to drought in their natural environment is needed to predict forest adaptation and management practices under global environmental changes. This study was carried out to determine and compare physiological and biochemical responses to variations in environmental conditions during summer drought of mixed natural stands of Pinus nigra Arn. subsp. pallasiana(Lamb.) Holmboe and Pinus brutia Ten. Midday xylem water potential(■), water relations,photosynthetic pigments, total soluble sugar and proline contents were investigated during the growing season. ■ followed a similar seasonal trend in both species but P.nigra subsp. pallasiana had higher ■ than P. brutia. The ■ gradually decreased from June, reached its lowest value in August, and then increased again. Gradual decreases in the osmotic potential at turgor loss point(■) were observed during the summer. Generally,■ was lower in P. brutia. Total soluble sugars decreased from April to June for P. brutia, then increased and stayed relatively constant August to October. Similar changes were found at lower values in P. nigra subsp.pallasiana. Prolin accumulation and photosynthetic pigments were higher in P. brutia. The results indicate that physiological and biochemical responses of both species against changing environmental conditions were in different degrees but followed similar trends. P. nigra subsp.pallasiana is more sensitive to summer drought than P.brutia in their natural environment.  相似文献   

The relationship between eco-hydrographic benefit of forest vegetation and climatic environmental factors is one of the focuses in the research on environmental protection and ecosystem countermeasures in Wetland. The runoff, sediment and soil moisture rate dynamics in Robinia pseudoacacia plantation and its clearcut area were investigated in the natural runoff experiment plots in Yellow River Delta Wetland, Shandong Province, China. The correlation of height increment of R. pseudoacacia with nine climate factors such as light, water, heat, etc. was analyzed by stepwise regression analysis. The results showed that the amounts of runoff and sediment in clearcut area of R. pseudoacacia were 53.9%–150.8% and 172.8%–387.1% higher than that in Robinia pseudoacacia plantation, respectively. The runoff peak value in R. pseudoacacia stand was obviously lower than that in clerarcut area, meantime, the occurrence of runoff peak in R. pseudoacacia stand was 25 min later than in its clerarcut area. The soil moisture rates in R. pseudoacacia stand and its clearcut varied periodically with annual rainfall precipitation in both dry season and humid season. The annual mean soil moisture rate in R. pseudoacacia stand was 23.3%–25.6% higher than that in its clearcut area. Meanwhile, a regression model reflecting the correlation between the height increment of R. pseudoacacia and climatic factors was developed by stepwise regression procedure method. It showed that the light was the most important factor for the height increment of R. pseudoacacia, followed by water and heat factors. Foundation project: Subsidized by the National “11th Five Year” Plan of Science and technology (2006BAD26B06, 2006BAD03A1205) and Ecological Restore Project of Water Resources Ministry of China (2006-2008).  相似文献   

不同起源沙地樟子松林结构与生长比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
樟子松已成为三北沙区防护林主要乔木造林树种,但是,最早于20世纪50年代在科尔沁沙地引种的沙地樟子松却出现了生长衰退、枯梢直至死亡的现象,而天然状态的樟子松在该阶段却正处于旺盛生长期。为了比较沙地人工樟子松林与天然林的林分结构、生长特点及所处立地的生态因子的异同,对辽宁省彰武县章古台(最早引种沙地樟子松区)和内蒙古自治区红花尔基(天然樟子松分布区)的樟子松林进行了综合调查。结果表明,Weibull分布函数可较好地模拟人工林树木直径分布,正态分布函数可用于模拟天然林树木直径分布。基于树干解析的树木生长模型(Chapman-Richards)分析,人工林胸径、树高与材积的相对生长率与平均生长率的最大值比天然林分别提早11、22年,6、18年和35、59年。人工林材积的生长加速度高峰值出现在14年,而天然林则出现在33年;人工林的数量成熟龄为43年,天然林为102年;因此,可以推断天然林的寿命比人工林要长近60年。这一结果可以归纳为以下综合作用:1)两种起源地生态因子的巨大的差异,主要包括:人工林区的纬度、平均气温、降水量、蒸发量、海拨高度等较天然林区高;2)人工林的林分密度较天然林大;3)人工林区的干扰强度较天然林强。图4表6参23。  相似文献   

马尾松林土壤呼吸对去除和添加凋落物处理的响应   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  

IntroductionOur world is changing in the way and at the speedthat are describable, but we are unable to predictthese changes with any degree of accuracy. Radioactive and chemical properties of the atmosphere,global climate, and global ecology are dynamic andmeasurable, but they also linked to each other incomplex and poorly understood ways (Rayal andRamanathan 1989). While many of the physical andbiological sub-processes are understood and modeled in detail, predictive capabilities are poor i…  相似文献   

红松苗木高生长与气象因子相关关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用固定样方和定期观测的方法研究红松苗木高生长和气象因子之间的关系,并进行相关分析。结果表明:红松2 a生和3 a生苗木的高生长与气温、土壤温度和空气相对湿度之间有良好的相关关系,相关方程通式为:Y=a bX cX2,最小的相关系数R为0.86005。2 a生红松苗生长的适宜气温为17.5℃~22.5℃,地温为27.5℃~32.5℃,相对湿度为75.0%~80.0%;3a生红松苗生长的适宜气温为20.0℃~25.0℃,地温为27.5℃~32.5℃,相对湿度为77.5%~82.5%。  相似文献   

The relationship between ectomycorrhizal development and mortality from pine wilt disease was studied in an artificial Pinus thunbergii Parl. stand on a slope. The development of ectomycorrhizae and the survival of the trees showed the same tendency, which suggests a correlation between mycorrhizal development and resistance to pine wilt disease. The development of pine roots and mycorrhizae was greater in the upper part of the slope. The ratio of mycorrhizae to the total of mycorrhizae and fine taproots was also higher in the upper part of the slope. Tree mortality was clearly biased and more trees survived in the upper part of the slope than in the middle and the lower parts. There was no significant difference between the upper and the lower part of the slope in the number of feeding wounds made by the pine sawyer beetle, which demonstrates the opportunity of infection with this disease. There was no clear correlation between the development of mycorrhizae and the composition of the soil substrate such as total carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus. The abundant mycorrhizae in the upper part of the slope, which mitigate drought stress, may also have decreased the rate of tree mortality.  相似文献   

Forest recruitment is the outcome of local- and regional-scale factors such as disturbances and climate. The relative importance of local- and regional-scale factors will determine the spatial scale at which temporal pulses of recruitment occur. In seasonal tropical forests, where the annual dry-season is a critical bottleneck to seedling survival, multi-year periods of relatively cool, wet dry seasons may be required for successful tree recruitment. Consequently, when such conditions are present, region-wide synchronisation of recruitment may occur. To examine the case for regional synchronisation of forest dynamics in the seasonal tropical pine forests of northern Thailand, we investigated forest age structures at three spatial scales: stand, site and region. We compared forest age structures with instrumental climatic records beginning in 1902. We found significant statistical evidence of synchronous recruitment at the stand- and site-scales, but not at the regional-scale. While correlations between recruitment and climate were not statistically significant, recruitment success was often linked to favourable climatic conditions. For example, recruitment at all sites was associated with multi-year periods of cool-wet dry seasons. The lack of significant correlations between recruitment and climate appears to reflect complex interactions among local disturbance history, regional climate variability and pine recruitment.  相似文献   

利用47年生马尾松成熟林,分别对3个径级组的产脂量和3个不同密度未采脂林的生长量进行了研究。结果表明:随着密度增加,胸径、树高和材积年均增量皆呈减少趋势,但差异不显著;随着径级组增加,单日产脂量、产脂力和矫正产脂力呈增大趋势,且差异皆显著;采脂林与未采脂林比较,生长量差异皆显著,说明采脂对生长有较大负向影响。综合分析采脂与木材收益,可知采脂林总体收益更高。本研究可为马尾松大径材林的定向培育提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

为探索冀北山地油松与落叶松径向生长与气象因子的关系,选取承德围场地区立地条件相似的油松与落叶松2个样本作为研究对象,研究二者的生长规律,并结合该地区降水与气温2个主要气象因子,研究气象因子对油松、落叶松径向生长的影响。结果表明:1)冀北山地油松、落叶松2个树种生长与气温和降水都有较为显著的相关性,其中2、3月份的气温与油松径向生长呈显著正相关,而6月份则呈显著负相关;2)上年12月份的降水与其显著负相关,当年6月的降水与其显著正相关;3)落叶松方面,2、5、6月这3个月份的气温与落叶松径向生长呈显著负相关,上一年11月、当年的3、8、9月的气温与落叶松径向生长呈正相关,但不显著;4)该地区降水与落叶松径向生长总体呈正相关,其中3、5、6、7月份的降水与落叶松径向生长呈显著正相关;5)松径向生长与上一年12月份至当年4月份的气温总体呈正相关,与5—10月份的气温整体呈负相关,与上一年10—12月份的降水呈负相关,与当年4—10月份降水呈正相关;6)落叶松对气象因子响应程度略大于油松,落叶松与降水因子整体呈正相关,与气温呈负相关,说明该区域内气温是落叶松径向生长的限制因素。  相似文献   

The study was undertaken to evaluate form factors for Pinus kesiya growing in the three Zambia Forest and Forestry Industries Corporation (ZAFFICO) plantations – the Ndola, Ichimpe and Chati groups – under different rainfall (900–1 500?mm) and soil conditions (pH 4.0–5.5). Trees were sampled from the three plantation groups and 10 sample plots were established in which 10 trees were randomly sampled for cutting. Height and diameter at breast height (dbh) were the main variables that were measured and constituted the collected data. The trees were then felled and cut into segments of 0.5?m from the bottom to the top of the tree and segment diameters over bark were measured at both ends. The form factor for each tree was then calculated by dividing the sum of the volume of the tree segments by the estimated cylindrical volume of the standing tree. The results showed significant differences (p-value<0.05) in form factors among the three plantation groups. The study further showed a significant difference in form factor when the three plantation groups were compared with a fixed form factor (0.4) used by ZAFFICO plantations, indicating that the form factors are site specific. Therefore, for the benefit of customers and plantation owners, it is important that area-specific form factors should be used for each plantation group, as these groups are affected by different factors such as soils characteristics and rainfall, which have a direct effect on the form factor.  相似文献   

油松人工林不同大小林隙环境因子差异性比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】油松Pinus tabulaeformis是我国北方地区主要造林树种。旨在阐明油松人工林抚育间伐24 a后形成的不同等级林隙间环境因子的差异,探讨林隙的形成对环境因子的影响以及环境因子间的相关关系。【方法】在油松人工纯林选择4种等级的林隙,即林隙直径和冠层平均树高(即林分平均高)之比分别为L-Ⅰ(0.75 H)、L-Ⅱ(1.00 H)和L-Ⅲ(1.25 H)(H为冠层均高)和对照(CK,林冠下),测量了生长旺季的环境因子(光合有效辐射、空气温度、空气湿度、土壤温度和土壤湿度),在此基础上,分析了不同林隙等级间和林隙内不同区域的环境因子的差异性以及环境因子间的相关关系。【结果】1)不同等级林隙间光合有效辐射和土壤温度均达到了显著差异(P <0.05),最大差值分别达到了167.94μmol/m^2s和0.7℃,且随着林隙面积的增大而增大。2)3个面积等级的不同区域间光合有效辐射均表现出了显著的差异,土壤温度仅在L-Ⅱ面积等级林隙中达到了显著差异(P <0.05),在林隙中心区域光合有效辐射和土壤温度具有最大值。3)除了L-Ⅲ面积林隙等级外,其余的林隙等级和对照内光合有效辐射与土壤温度之间均有显著的正相关性(P <0.05)。【结论】在油松人工林内,抚育间伐24 a后,间伐产生的不同等级林隙和林隙区域会对光合有效辐射与土壤温度产生显著影响,对其他环境因子的影响不大。  相似文献   

We measured respiration of 20-year-old Pinus radiata D. Don trees growing in control (C), irrigated (I), and irrigated + fertilized (IL) stands in the Biology of Forest Growth experimental plantation near Canberra, Australia. Respiration was measured on fully expanded foliage, live branches, boles, and fine and coarse roots to determine the relationship between CO(2) efflux, tissue temperature, and biomass or nitrogen (N) content of individual tissues. Efflux of CO(2) from foliage (dark respiration at night) and fine roots was linearly related to biomass and N content, but N was a better predictor of CO(2) efflux than biomass. Respiration (assumed to be maintenance) per unit N at 15 degrees C and a CO(2) concentration of 400 micro mol mol(-1) was 1.71 micro mol s(-1) mol(-1) N for foliage and 11.2 micro mol s(-1) mol(-1) N for fine roots. Efflux of CO(2) from stems, coarse roots and branches was linearly related to sapwood volume (stems) or total volume (branches + coarse roots) and growth, with rates for maintenance respiration at 15 degrees C ranging from 18 to 104 micro mol m(-3) s(-1). Among woody components, branches in the upper canopy and small diameter coarse roots had the highest respiration rates. Stem maintenance respiration per unit sapwood volume did not differ among treatments. Annual C flux was estimated by summing (1) dry matter production and respiration of aboveground components, (2) annual soil CO(2) efflux minus aboveground litterfall, and (3) the annual increment in coarse root biomass. Annual C flux was 24.4, 25.3 and 34.4 Mg ha(-1) year(-1) for the C, I and IL treatments, respectively. Total belowground C allocation, estimated as the sum of (2) and (3) above, was equal to the sum of root respiration and estimated root production in the IL treatment, whereas in the nutrient-limited C and I treatments, total belowground C allocation was greater than the sum of root respiration and estimated root production, suggesting higher fine root turnover or increased allocation to mycorrhizae and root exudation. Carbon use efficiency, the ratio of net primary production to assimilation, was similar among treatments for aboveground tissues (0.43-0.50). Therefore, the proportion of assimilation used for construction and maintenance respiration on an annual basis was also similar among treatments.  相似文献   

Micromorphological change of the epicuticular wax structure in Pinus pinea needles was analysed by scanning electron microscope and the relationships between the rates of wax weathering over seasons and the pollution-climate at one urban and two rural sites arediscussed.  相似文献   

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