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The intensity of deer herbivory, rather than simply the deer population density, directly affects the forest ecosystem, but a linear relationship between these two factors has generally been assumed. To assess their relationship, we investigated deer population density and tree sapling vegetation in six forests with different deer density on Yakushima Island, Japan. The feeding frequency was used as an index of deer herbivory. Palatable saplings showed high feeding frequency and became rare in deer-abundant areas, while unpalatable saplings showed low feeding frequency and increased with increasing deer density. In addition, feeding frequency on sapling vegetation did not continue to increase with increasing deer population and was limited to only 0.24-0.32 in deer-abundant areas (more than 20 deer/km2). These data suggest that deer shift their main food items from living palatable saplings to other alternatives such as litter fall rather than living unpalatable saplings. Clearly, the nonlinear relationship between deer density and deer herbivory on forest vegetation could result from a change in the food eaten by deer, and it is therefore necessary to assess the impacts of deer based on not only the size of the deer population but also the intensity of direct herbivory.  相似文献   

Habitat structure in Oku-Nikko, Japan, has been substantially modified by the overabundance of sika deer (Cervus nippon). A deer-proof fence (15.0 km and 900 ha) was constructed in 2001 to conserve vegetation. Although the understory inside the fence is dominated by Sasa nipponica (hereafter, Sasa), an important forage plant for deer, that outside the fence is dominated by Aster ageratoides leiophyllus (hereafter, Aster), an unpalatable plant to deer, and, partly, by bare floor. In this study, we examined the effects of deer on ground-dwelling insects and earthworms, the primary food resources of raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides), and, thus, the bottom-up cascading effects of the herbivore on the omnivorous carnivore. Between July and September 2008, we examined the abundance of insects and earthworms by pitfall trapping and hand-sorting methods, respectively, both inside and outside the fence. The abundance of earthworms and insects (Scarabaeidae and Rhaphidophoridae) was higher on forest floors with Aster and/or bare floors outside the fence than on those with Sasa inside the fence. These results indicate that the increasing deer population in this area probably increased the number of these invertebrates outside the fence by modifying understory vegetation and/or depositing dung. Furthermore, the sighting rates of raccoon dogs obtained by spotlight counts were greater outside than inside the fence, suggesting that deer probably exert bottom-up cascading effects on raccoon dogs, at least during May to November, when the invertebrates are predominantly fed on by the omnivorous carnivore.  相似文献   

The study aimed to investigate the relative significance of effects of climatic variability and human disturbance on the population structure of the threatened species Afzelia africana Sm. ex Pers. in the Republic of Benin in West Africa. Forest inventory data such as regeneration density, tree diameter and total height were compiled from A. africana forest stands under different disturbance regimes in the three climatic zones of Benin. Multiple generalised linear models and non-linear diameter–height equations were fitted to contrast the individual effects of categorical variables, such as climatic zone and disturbance level. Results revealed significantly higher scaling coefficients in less drier regions and low-disturbance stands. The diameter–height relationship was more controlled by the climatic zone than by the disturbance level. Accordingly, the disturbance level contributed only to the intercept of the diameter–height model, whereas the climatic zone significantly influenced both intercept and slope. In addition, when climatic zone and disturbance level were considered as sources of variation in the diameter–height model, the former explained the greater marginal variance. It was concluded that climate has the greater effect on population structure of A. africana in natural stands.  相似文献   

The age structure of the natural Zoysia japonica clonal population at Qipan Mountain in Huishan Scenic Spot of Shenyang,Liaoning Province, China was studied using the morphological method in 2003 and 2004. The dynamics of leaves were recorded and the dynamics of tiller and rhizome in the growing season were observed. The results indicated that the rhizomes formed in different years changed in color and rigidity. Its internodes produced in autumn became shorter. The number of naked nodes changed with the tiller age.Rhizome and tiller characters were used as a foundation for judging the ages of modules in this study. The longevity of tiller and rhizome was 3 years at most. At the beginning of the growing season, 2-year-old tillers and rhizomes predominated. Then I -year-old tillers and rhizomes increased rapidly and became dominant in July. The proportion of buds to tillers on quantity was stable at about 30% in the mid-phase of the growing season and rose to about 50% in autumn. The seasonal dynamics of tiller, rhizome and bud was very important to guarantee the sustained existence of the Zoysia japonica population. The turnover of modules was the mechanism of sustaining the rejuvenation of the Zoysia japonica clonal population.  相似文献   

An understanding of forest carbon budgets, such as the factors that influence different levels of carbon accumulation, is one of the first steps in protecting and restoring areas of plant cover. Univariate and multivariate regression analysis was applied to evaluate the influence of climate variables (Rainfall, and mean maximum and minimum temperatures) on intra-annual above-ground carbon accumulated in tree species of the Caatinga. Above-ground carbon accumulated in the trees was 0.06 Mg ha?1 month?1. Carbon allocation in the aerial parts of the trees increased significantly with rainfall. Maximum and minimum temperature had little influence on carbon storage; however, variations in carbon accumulation are best explained when minimum and maximum temperatures are added to the regression model for rainfall, thereby demonstrating the simultaneous effect of these variables, and better explaining the carbon increase.  相似文献   

Based on the data of stand investigation and stem analysis, the effects of climate factors on the poplar protection forest increment in the riverbank field of the Dalinghe and Xiaolinghe rivers of Liaoning Province, China were studied by stepwise regression procedure and grey system theories and methods. A regression model reflecting the correlation between the height increment of poplar protection forest and climatic factor was developed. The order of grey relevance for the effect of climatic factors on the height increment of poplar protection forest is: light>water>heat, and it could be interpreted that the poplar increment was mainly influenced by light factor, water factor, and heat factor. This result will provide scientific basis for the intensive cultivation and regenration of the poplar protection forest in riverbank field in similar regions in China. Foundation item: This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30270250), and a key direction project (No. C12MC-SCMS013) Biography: LI Hai-mei (1975-), female, Ph. D, department of Landscpe Architecture. Art. Laiyang Agricultural College, Shandong Qingdao 266109, P. R. China. Responsible editor: Song Funan  相似文献   

The article deals with the implementation of an innovation system (IS) in the forestry sector in the Czech Republic. The aim is to analyse characteristics of selected elements (forest owners, forest policy documents, support measures, related institutions) of that system since 2000 and evaluate all three main functions proposed for IS. The conclusion is that the sectoral IS for Czech forestry is established but the IS does not fulfil all three main functions completely — it provides sufficient supportive functions but the information function fulfils only partially and the conflict management function performs poorly.  相似文献   

Understanding how multiple disturbances affect species population structure is crucial for designing a better conservation strategy of threatened species. In this paper, we assessed the disturbance patterns and evaluated their effects on the population structure of Afzelia africana, in two different bioclimatic zones of the Republic of Benin. The main disturbances in the studied area included branch pruning and debarking. Individuals of medium size (20–40 cm) were mostly pruned and debarked. The percentages of pruning and debarking were similar at population level across the two studied bioclimatic zones (t = ?0.04, p = 0.96; t = 0.73, p = 0.48). Examining this at individual level, pruning was similar but debarking was higher in the Sudanian zone (12.14 ± 0.93%) than in the Sudano-Guinean zone (7.44 ± 0.88) (W = 40859, p < 0.001). Population structure was bell-shaped in the Sudanian zone regardless of the disturbance level. In contrast, in the Sudano-Guinean zone, mildly disturbed populations showed an inverse J-shaped structure, whereas those highly disturbed were bell-shaped. This underlined the climatic (dryness) and disturbance effects on the establishment and recruitment of small trees into the next life stage in tropical savanna ecosystems. Good regeneration pattern and the largest individuals were found within the protected areas, demonstrating the prominent role of protected areas for the species conservation. Therefore, we suggested that conservation efforts should be extended to populations outside the protected areas. Forestry department should establish firebreaks networks to protect small individuals and facilitate their recruitment, as well as the regulation and enforcement should be improved on the sustainable use of the species.  相似文献   

Ireland has implemented a large afforestation program in recent decades, with much of this taking place since the mid 1980s. This presents Ireland with the opportunity to offset carbon emissions through carbon sequestration in forests, as the latter are known to sequester a large amount of carbon into the tree biomass. However, the effects of afforestation on soil organic carbon in the Irish humid temperate climate are not well understood. In this study we use the paired site methodology to assess the impact of afforestation on the soil organic carbon density (SOCD) of 21 * 2 sites across Ireland. We found that afforestation of Irish soils (0-30 cm depth) resulted in no significant change in SOCD. However, the low number of sites within the study is a source of uncertainty and more work must be done to assess SOCD change before any firm conclusions can be made. This work provides baseline data and future work estimating soil C changes due to land use or management changes should use the equivalent soil mass (ESM) correction method instead of the volume based method. The latter can over- or underestimate SOCD change due to variability in soil bulk density after afforestation. The large afforestation programmes to be implemented in Ireland in the next decade provides an opportunity to greatly improve estimates of Irish SOCD change. We suggest implementing a large number of resampling studies, measuring the change in SOCD following afforestation for a number of factors for a number of years.  相似文献   

Plant distributions are thought to be controlled by climate at large scales, and by non-climatic factors including soil conditions, topography and biotic interactions at smaller scales. However, not all plant distributions are explained by the current environment. Lags between current plant distributions and suitable environment for them are suggested to exist, which is often called empty habitat. To identify the existence and cause of lags between current climate and the distribution of Tsuga diversifolia, climatic conditions for the species distribution were clarified and potential habitats under current and the last glacial maximum (LGM; 21 ka) climates have been projected. The relationships between T. diversifolia distribution and climatic variables were explored using a classification tree model and a generalized additive model based on high-resolution (ca. 1 km) climatic data and a nationwide distribution database. The models were highly accurate. We revealed that T. diversifolia requires high summer precipitation even in humid Japanese environments. Areas with cool and wet summers were classified as potential habitat. Empty habitat for the focal species was identified in Hokkaido. Meanwhile, no potential habitat was projected in Hokkaido under the LGM. Additional experiments that varied temperature and summer precipitation during the LGM showed that the potential habitat was projected in Hokkaido irrespective of temperature decrease if summer precipitation increased nearly equal to the current climate. These results suggest that T. diversifolia vanished from Hokkaido, where fossil evidence indicated its occurrence until the late Neogene, during the glacial periods of the Pleistocene because of increased summer dryness.  相似文献   

European Journal of Forest Research - The natural regeneration of disturbed forest sites is becoming increasingly important due to climate change. Following disturbance events affecting large areas...  相似文献   

We studied temporal changes in the genetic structure and diversity of a naturally regenerated Picea abies (L.) Karst. (Norway spruce) population in the Bia?owie?a Primeval Forest, Poland. The analysis included five age classes of trees: newly germinating seedlings (in laboratory conditions), seedlings up to 3 years old, young trees 4–10 years old, middle-aged trees 11–100 years old, and trees older than 100 years. We conducted genetic analyses of 26 allozyme loci using dormant buds from 405 individuals and 100 embryos. The results showed that the naturally regenerating Norway spruce population is genetically heterogeneous across the studied age classes. As determined by Chi squared tests, there were statistically significant differences in frequencies of alleles and genotypes as well as Wright’s index values (F) among the five age classes. The level of genetic differentiation (pairwise FST = 0.5–2.3 %) among the age class groups was equal to levels previously determined for various populations of this species. The Ewens-Watterson test for neutrality showed that one or two loci across different age classes of Norway spruce were affected by the selection process. The distinctiveness of embryo and seedling classes was confirmed by the number of detected alleles, the number of private alleles, the level of observed heterozygosity, and Wright’s index value. The results obtained in the present study indicate there are interesting dynamics of adaptation processes occurring in the natural age-diverse population of Norway spruce in the Bia?owie?a Primeval Forest.  相似文献   

In fire-prone regions, understanding the response of species to fire is a major goal in order to predict the effects on biodiversity. Furthermore, postfire management can also model this response through the manipulation of environmental characteristics of the burnt habitat. We have examined the taxonomic and functional response to fire and postfire management of a Mediterranean snail community affected by a summer fire in 2003. After the fire, the area was logged, leaving wood debris on the ground, and three alternative practices were implemented in several plots within the burnt area: subsoiling, removal of trunks having branches, total removal of trunks and branches, as well as one area not logged. Our results indicated that fire exerted a major impact on the snail community, strongly reducing diversity and species richness, particularly for forest species living in the humus and having European distribution ranges. By contrast, we found slight differences within the postfire practices, presumably because of the strong initial impact of fire and subsequent xerophilous postfire conditions. However, the area with only trunk removal showed a positive response of generalist snail species, probably due to moist microhabitats provided by the accumulation of wood debris on the ground. The effects of postfire management should be further explored due to the expected increase of fire risk associated with climate change and land-use histories.  相似文献   


This study examines price dynamics in roundwood exports from Russia to Finland, the largest international roundwood trade flow within Europe. The analysis covers six main timber assortments; sawlog and pulpwood dimensions of pine, spruce and birch. The study period, starting from the devaluation of the rouble in August 1998, was characterized by a drastic increase in the volumes of Russian roundwood imported into Finland, and a coinciding structural change in the timber assortment distribution of the Finnish roundwood imports. A basic hypothesis of economic theory, the law of one price, was tested by using quarterly time series and methods of cointegration analysis. According to the cointegration tests, the prices of Finnish and Russian spruce sawlogs have moved closely together. Furthermore, the changes in the prices of spruce sawlogs in the Finnish roundwood market are reflected in the Russian prices and not vice versa. Regarding other timber assortments, price co-movement and consequent market integration was not detected.  相似文献   

  • ? In this study we analyzed heterogeneity in nutrient cycling induced by trees in Mediterranean annual grasslands, comparing years of higher and lower than average precipitation and analyzing the effects of two different solar radiation scenarios.
  • ? Organic matter and consequently upper soil N, K, Ca and Mg were significantly greater in those locations receiving the highest levels of solar radiation, and as expected from many other studies in the literature, there was an increase in all macronutrients (except P) as well as pH below the canopy.
  • ? Contrary to what was expected, plant nutrient concentrations did not directly reflect those found in the soil, with the exception of K. The studied grassland responded to increased nutrient availability by enhancing growth and changing botanical composition rather than by increasing plant nutrient concentrations. Hence, the total amount of accumulated nutrients in the ecosystem was larger below the tree than outside it, although this is mainly a consequence of plant growth enhancement. The levels of Ca, Mg, and Na in plants decreased during the driest year, and the N content was mostly determined by the composition of the grass.
  • ? Temporal nutrient variability, particularly within-years, explained most of the variability in plant nutrient concentration, while spatial variability induced by trees was determined to be of secondary importance. These results are significant for ecosystem nutrient modelling.
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    Silvicultural treatments creating large canopy openings failed to restore regeneration of balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.) due to browsing pressure from white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus Zimmermann). Consequently, we tested two alternative silvicultural treatments aimed at improving balsam fir establishment on Anticosti Island (Québec, Canada). In 1998 and 1999, we set up shelterwood seed cutting using three harvest intensities (0, 25 and 40% of basal area) and strip clearcutting with scarification using three different strip widths (15, 30 and 45 m), both with fenced and unfenced regeneration plots, in balsam fir stands. After 8 years, shelterwood seed cutting did not allow the establishment of new balsam fir seedlings, nor the development of unbrowsed balsam fir seedlings. In the strip clearcutting, deer browsing suppressed growth of palatable species in all strip widths. This favoured the development of unpalatable species, especially white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss). Our study demonstrates that the use of silvicultural treatments alone is unlikely to restore balsam fir regeneration on Anticosti Island, as long as the deer population remains higher than 20 deer/km2.  相似文献   

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