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不同种源栓皮栎种子形态和营养成分差异分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以28个栓皮栎种源种子为试验材料,对不同种源间栓皮栎种子的形态特征和营养成分含量差异进行比较分析。结果表明,不同种源间栓皮栎种子的长度、宽度和种子千粒质量以及可溶性糖、淀粉和蛋白质含量差异极显著。栓皮栎种子的长度和宽度变化幅度分别为1.56~2.38 cm和1.22~1.96 cm;种子千粒质量的变化幅度为1.45~5.45 kg;种子可溶性糖、淀粉和蛋白质含量的变幅分别为1.817%~6.325%、42.461%~80.274%和2.699%~9.694%。栓皮栎种子千粒质量与种子长度、宽度间呈极显著正相关,种子长度与宽度也极显著正相关;主成分分析表明,不同种源栓皮栎的差异主要是由种子千粒质量、宽度和长度决定。初步选出云南勐海、湖南城步1、安徽金寨1、重庆酉阳、山东蒙阴1、安徽旌德、安徽绩溪和安徽金寨2种源为优异种质资源。 相似文献
《Forest Ecology and Management》2006,221(1-3):63-71
The growth and development of Pinus pinea seedlings grown in different containers was followed through one growing season in the nursery and 3 years following outplanting in the field. The variables studied in the nursery were height, diameter, biomass of shoots and roots, nutrient uptake and root density. The measured field variables, height and diameter increment and survival, were correlated with the nursery variables. Container volume had the greatest influence on plant morphology. Containers with larger rooting volume had seedlings with larger height and diameter, greater nutrient content, and better field performance. Growing density was correlated with seedling morphology and nutrient concentration in the nursery. Among the variables that influenced container volume, the diameter of the container was the most important, while the depth of the container had a minor influence on seedling morphology.The best indicator of seedling development in the nursery was the ratio of container depth to container diameter, and the optimum ratio was 4. All containers produced seedlings with some root spiralling, including those containers with ribs. There was no relationship between either the number of spiralling roots or the angle of spiralling and container characteristics. Furthermore, root spiralling did not influence seedling performance following outplanting. Root density (root biomass/cm3) was inversely correlated with container volume but there was no correlation with either depth or growing density. The largest plants were produced with container volumes of 300–400 cm3, depth/diameter ratios of 4, and growing densities of 200–300 seedlings/m2. These growing conditions will result in larger Pinus pinea seedlings coming out of the nursery, which will increase growth following outplanting. 相似文献
[目的]探讨控释肥和灌溉方式对栓皮栎(Quercus variabilis Bl.)容器苗生长、养分含量、基质电导率(EC)及2年造林效果的影响,为培育高质量苗木提供参考。[方法]以栓皮栎容器苗为研究对象,采用双因素完全随机试验设计,设置5个施肥水平(以N元素含量为基准,5个施肥水平分别为:25、75、125、175、225 mg·株~(-1))和2种灌溉方式(上方喷灌(O)、底部渗灌(S)),测定栓皮栎容器苗形态指标、养分含量、根系生长、基质EC值及连续2年造林效果。[结果]表明:(1)施肥量和灌溉方式二者对苗木形态指标影响存在交互效应,225-O处理的苗木地径、根生物量、单株生物量最大,但根生物量、单株生物量在225-O、125-S、175-O处理之间差异不显著。225-S处理的苗高、茎生物量、茎根比最大,茎生物量在225-S与225-O之间差异不显著。(2)苗木茎、根的氮磷钾浓度和含量随施肥量的增加而增大,施肥量125、175、225 mg·株~(-1)处理之间的根氮、磷含量及单株磷含量差异不显著。(3)增加施肥量促进苗木根系的生长,施肥量为125、175、225 mg·株~(-1)处理之间的根系表面积、体积差异不显著。(4)基质EC值随施肥量的增加而增大,底部渗灌显著提高了基质上层、下层的EC值,基质上层、下层的最大EC值分别为4. 69、0. 56d S·m-1,没有对苗木生长产生不利影响。(5)和上方喷灌相比,底部渗灌显著地促进造林第1年幼树的树高、地径生长;造林第1年、第2年的树高和地径均随施肥量的增加而增大,造林第2年,施肥量125、175、225 mg·株~(-1)处理之间的树高、地径差异不显著。[结论]底部渗灌提高了栓皮栎容器苗体内的养分含量,促进了造林第1年幼树树高、地径的生长。施加控释肥有利于苗期苗木质量的提高及造林后苗木的快速生长。综合考虑苗木质量、经济效益、环境利益,培育栓皮栎容器苗可选择底部渗灌和控释肥量为125 mg·株~(-1)的组合(以N元素含量为基准)。 相似文献
为探索植物生长调节剂对栓皮栎幼苗生长及光合特性的影响,在移栽前分别用GGR 6号和“施丰乐”溶液进行浸根处理,并对移栽后的苗木进行“施丰乐”溶液的叶面喷施,研究幼苗的生长量和光合特性。结果表明,几乎所有处理都对苗木生长量都有很大的促进作用。处理后,地径较对照增加了11.56%~245.07%;苗高增加了58.01%~434.66%;叶面积增加了28.52%~432.13%。而对其他指标,作用效果有所不同。其中,10 mg/LGGR的溶液浸根能有效提高苗木的净光合速率,而40 mg/LGGR的溶液浸根对提高苗木水分利用效率效果最佳。 相似文献
基质配比和容器规格对杉木容器苗生长的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
以1年生杉木裸根苗为试验材料,选用3种基质类型、13种配比、4种容器规格,重复3次,20株小区的析因试验设计,研究基质配比和容器规格对2年生容器苗生长的影响。结果表明:基质配比和容器规格对苗高生长有显著影响,泥炭比例在80%的范围内,随着泥炭比例的增大苗高逐渐增加;容器直径在14 cm范围内,苗高随着容器规格增大而增加,容器直径超过14 cm,苗高差异不显著。综合考虑苗木高度和容器苗生产成本,2年生杉木容器苗培育的最佳基质配比为:18%的黄心土+73%黑龙江泥炭土+3%菜枯+3%糠灰+3%珍珠岩,最适容器规格为高20 cm,直径14 cm。容器苗生长不仅受基质配比和容器规格主效应的影响,其主效应之间还存在交互效应。因此,要根据容器苗培育年限相应的调整容器规格和基质配比,以达到低成本生产杉木优质容器苗的目标。 相似文献
中条山栓皮栎材种出材率表的编制与应用 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
根据中条山森林经营局当地市场情况,将栓皮栎材种分为规格材、非规格材和薪材废材三类,编制了材种出材率表,采用理查德方程和二次多项式分别拟合规格材出材率、薪材废材出材率与胸径的关系,相关系数分别为0.9448和0.9416,并用“100%-规格材出材率-薪材废材出材率”获得非规格材出材率。已将此表运用于中条山森林经营局的营林设计和生产中 相似文献
We tested the effects of exponential nutrient loading and springtime carbon loading during nursery culture on the field performance
of black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.). Seedlings were grown from seed with a conventional, fixed dose fertilizer (10 mg N seedling−1) or an exponential nutrient loading regime (75 mg N seedling−1). The following spring, seedlings were exposed for two weeks to either ambient (370 ppm) or elevated levels of CO2 (800 ppm) and then planted in the field; seedling growth was followed for the next six years. Exponential nutrient loading
increased seedling height, stem diameter and leader growth, with the largest increases in height and leader length occurring
in the first three years after outplanting. Carbon loading increased seedling height and leader length, but only in seedlings
that had been exponentially nutrient loaded. A combination of carbon and nutrient loading increased shoot height 26%, stem
diameter 37% and leader length 40% over trees that received neither treatment. These results demonstrate that the growth enhancement
seen under exponential nutrient loading is maintained under field conditions for at least six years. Carbon loading just before
outplanting was a useful supplement to nutrient loading, but was ineffective in the absence of nutrient loading. 相似文献
秦岭南坡不同生境条件下栓皮栎伐桩萌芽特性 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以陕西省佛坪县的栓皮栎伐桩为研究对象,分析2种生境条件下栓皮栎伐桩直径和高度与萌苗数量、萌苗生长的关系,并通过2年跟踪观测研究伐桩的萌发能力。结果表明:1)阳坡伐桩上的萌苗数量多于阴坡,但阴坡的萌苗生长量(基径、高度和冠幅)优于阳坡;2)萌苗数量随伐桩直径增大先增加后减少,直径在15~25cm间的伐桩萌苗数量最多,萌苗生长量随伐桩直径增加先减小后增加;3)伐桩高度与萌苗数量的关系不明显,随着伐桩高度增加,萌苗生长量增加;4)萌苗基径随萌苗数量增多而减小,萌苗高度与之相反,阳坡萌苗数量与萌苗生长量的关系比阴坡密切;5)砍伐2年后,伐桩萌发能力和萌苗生长量均出现降低趋势。栓皮栎伐桩的萌苗数量不仅受到光照条件的影响,也受到伐桩直径和砍伐后时间长度的影响,但萌苗的生长则受到环境条件、伐桩直径、伐桩高度以及萌苗数量的共同影响。因此,择伐栓皮栎次生林中基径为15~25cm的个体最有利于林地快速恢复,在随后的经营管理中控制伐桩的萌苗数量并疏伐过密的萌苗丛有利于萌苗生长。 相似文献
美国栎属种源引种、变异研究:种子及苗期生长变异 总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8
对从美国3个州(宾夕法尼亚、纽约和田纳西州)引进的栎属3个树种北方红栎、柳叶栎和红栎的21个种源进行了两次播种和容器育苗试验。初步掌握了栎属种子砂床播种、芽苗移栽、容器育苗的关键技术。对栎属种子的发芽、芽苗和苗木的生长过程等有了一定的了解。发现栎属不同树种间和种内种源、家系间在种子体积、千粒重、发芽率、30d萌叶率和苗高生长等性状均存在极显著变异,试验数据表明种子体积北方红栎为大(其中宾夕法尼亚州家系172最大),其次是红栎和柳叶栎。千粒重以北方红栎为重(其中宾夕法尼亚州家系172最重),其次是红栎和柳叶栎。发芽率为北方红栎最高(其中宾夕法尼亚州家系191为100%),其次是红栎和柳叶栎。30d萌叶率和苗高生长以柳叶栎为高(田纳西州种源9701TN最高),其次是红栎和北方红栎。在种间和种内不同种源、家系间种子千粒重与年终苗高生长相关不显著。 相似文献
《Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research》2012,27(7):631-641
The low availability of nitrogen (N) is believed to be one of the major limiting factors of forest regeneration in Iceland and frequently under Boreal conditions. Lutz spruce (Picea x lutzii Littl.) seedlings were nutrient loaded using four fertilization regimes in the end of nursery rotation in autumn 2008 and planted in the following spring, with or without a single dose of fertilizer, on two treeless sites in N-Iceland with contrasting soil fertility. Measurements were made after one growing season. The highest loading level without additional field fertilization increased new needle mass by 122% and 152%, for the poor and more fertile site, respectively. The highest loading level with field fertilization increased new needle mass equally, by 188% and 189%, for the poor and more fertile site, respectively. Retranslocation of N, from old needles to current needles, increased with more loading. However, it was clear that nutrient loading could not replace field fertilization, as the seedlings generally showed an additive response to field fertilization and nutrient loading; doing both always gave the best results in seedling performance. As the study only covers field establishment during the first year, the long-term effect of nutrient loading of Lutz spruce cannot be predicted. However, it was concluded that loading might provide an additional input for faster plantation establishment during the first growing season after planting. 相似文献
It has become apparent that some interventions are required to aid the regeneration of woody species in the Sudanian savanna. Direct seeding has been ineffective, thus planting high quality seedlings may be a viable alternative. In this study, we examined the stock quality of two valuable Sudanian savanna species, Acacia macrostachya and Pterocarpus erinaceus. Different nursery production periods were tested as well as the species’ field performance under well-watered and stressed conditions. The results showed that older seedlings (9-month) were morphologically distinct from younger ones (3-month), particularly in the case of P. erinaceus. Eighteen months after planting out, survival and growth of seedlings were not affected by initial seedling size; this was the result of the high root to shoot ratio of seedlings in all age groups at the time of planting. Seedling mortality as high as 30% was observed and attributed to both drought stress and other factors such as herbivory. Regression analyses revealed that initial shoot height was a poor predictor of field performance for both species, but initial root collar diameter accounted for 25% of the variation in diameter of P. erinaceus in the field. We conclude that initial seedling size does not affect survival and growth in the field provided that all sizes of seedling have a high root to shoot ratio at the time of planting. The prediction of field performance could be improved by developing a model that incorporates a wide range of root collar diameter. 相似文献
林业苗圃地连作和轮作对苗木生长及土壤肥力影响的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
研究了林业圃地连作与轮作培育杉木、酸枣、厚朴等苗木的生长状况及土壤肥力的变化。结果表明:用水稻等作物与杉木轮作后,杉木苗生长状况改善,土壤有效养分和速效养分增加。 相似文献
Zhang Gang Jaana Luoranen Heikki Smolander 《中国林学(英文版)》2007,9(4):262-266
In Finland, under nursery conditions hybrid aspen may continue their shoot growth until early September. Thus, frost hardening is usually delayed. To solve this problem, we used a three-week period of short-day (SD) treatment between late July and mid-August. During autumn after frost exposure, frost hardiness (FH) was assessed three times with a stem-browning test. The re-sults showed that after SD treatment shoot growth ceased and FH increased when compared to untreated hybrid aspen. Furthermore, the height of SD-treated hybrid aspen varied much less than that of the control plants. We conclude that SD treatment in the nursery during the growing period can be used as a supplementary method for producing well-hardened and uniform hybrid aspen plants. 相似文献
美国栎属种源引种,变异研究:幼树年高生长节律和物候期的变异 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
对定植在江苏省林业科学研究院苗圃(南京)内的美国栎属3个树种,19个种源、家系(包括柳叶栎9个种源、家系,北方红栎6个家系,红栎4个种源)的2年生幼树进行了年高生长节律和物候期(包括展叶期、叶变色期和落叶期)的定期观测(分别每3~15d观测1次)。结果表明:(1)3个树种在南京年高生长节律差异显著。柳叶栎在生长期内抽梢次数较多,在5次以上,基本呈连续生长趋势。生长节律呈快(5月)-慢(6月)-最快 相似文献
Grass interference limits resource availability and reduces growth of juvenile red pine in the field
The effects of competing grasses on resource availability, growth and ecophysiological characteristics of 3-0 red pine (Pinus resinosa Ait.) seedlings were examined the first two years following outplanting in Anoka County, Minnesota, USA. Equal numbers of seedlings were planted into suppressed and undisturbed grass communities in a sandy soil. Grass suppression was maintained throughout the first growing season, but partially discontinued thereafter on the site. During the first field season interference from grass reduced pine seedling root collar diameter, needle length, number of new root tips, and lateral root length by over 40%. Mean pre-dawn needle water potential was 0.55 MPa lower in undisturbed grass plots during a brief drought in year one, but otherwise water stress was not significantly (p=0.05) influenced by grass interference. The presence of grass also reduced, up to 50%, the photosynthetically active radiation reaching the seedling canopy. At the end of year one, total biomass N, P, K, and Ca content were significantly (p=0.05) less in seedlings growing in the undisturbed grass community. Nitrogen was deficient in seedlings growing in grass. After two growing seasons, seedling shoot length (p=0.03), root collar diameter (p=0.001), and needle length (p=0.001) were significantly less (40, 54 and 20%, respectively) for seedlings growing in undisturbed grass. Seedling growth reductions induced by grass competition were associated with multiple environmental stressors in the field and not restricted to water stress as was observed in earlier studies with pine species at low and mid-latitude sites. 相似文献
Patricia Martins Luis Sampedro Xoaquín Moreira Rafael Zas 《Forest Ecology and Management》2009,258(7):1429-1436
The low nutrient availability of the acidic and sandy soils of Galicia (Northwest Spain) is probably the main environmental factor limiting forest primary productivity in the area. These particular edaphic conditions could have imposed selective pressures on maritime pine populations leading to specific local adaptations.We first assessed the nutritional status of 22 young contemporary Pinus pinaster plantations in Northwest Spain, and then analysed the response to fertilization in three family × fertilization trials, and how this response varied across sites and genotypes.Growth of P. pinaster in Northwest Spain appeared to be largely limited by nutrient availability, where most of the plantations showed severe nutrient deficiencies, especially in P and Mg. According to these deficiencies, a strong positive response to nutrient additions was observed in the three trials, with height increments of up to 30% compared with the unfertilized control. However, the response to fertilizers was very variable from site to site, and in some cases did not agree with the foliar nutritional diagnosis. The response to fertilization was also significantly affected by pine genotype, suggesting that the plastic response to nutrient additions within each environment was under genetic control. However, the family response to nutrient availability was not consistent across sites, and no significant differences among families were observed for the RDPI plasticity index – a single index that summarizes the phenotypic change in multiple environments – when analysed across environments.The strong environmental component modulating phenotypic responses to fertilization could impose an important obstacle to evolve specific adaptations to the local edaphic conditions, as well as to artificially select genotypes adapted to different environments and silviculture regimes. 相似文献
《Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research》2012,27(6):484-490
Abstract A field trial of cuttings and seedlings of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) was measured after 1, 2, 9 and 10 years. Growth-related and stem form characteristics of rooted cuttings were compared with those of seedlings of the same origin. The cuttings were shorter than the seedlings throughout the experiment, but the difference became smaller with age. The ranking of cuttings and seedlings by average height was already the same after one growing season regardless of the differences in planting heights of the cuttings, indicating that the genetic origin affected the height more than the initial planting height. The growth patterns of the cuttings were similar to those of the seedlings. The bole straightness and stem taper after 10 years in the field were similar in both plant types, but not stable, indicating that the use of cuttings for stem quality selection at an early age has no advantages over the use of seedlings. In conclusion, the consistent performance of cuttings compared with seedlings of the same origin indicates that performance of cuttings is a valid measure of their genetic potential and that cuttings can be used to speed up selection in breeding programmes with Scots pine. 相似文献