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在宜昌改传统秋季腹接换种为春季切接换种,将原来需要分步完成的接芽绑缚、套袋保湿、新梢支撑为一步完成,改变破膜露芽为抽梢后打开保湿袋,可以有效提高嫁接成活率、促进新梢生长、省工、方便管理。  相似文献   

对陕北实生桑生态园林采用以简易芽腹接为主的品种改良试验,即为“⌒”形芽腹接和“T”形芽腹接。试验表明,简易芽腹接具有成活率高、嫁接速度快而简单易学,同时省工、省料等特点,便于大规模推广普及,非常适合黄土高原沟壑区劣质桑园的大规模改造和苗木繁育。  相似文献   

草坝属亚热带气候,气候温和,年平均气温18-19℃,年降雨量800mm左右,空气相对湿度72%左右,土壤易板结,降水分布不均匀,5-8月降水充足,在冬春季的11月至次年4月降水特少,晴天日数多,风多强度大,是一年中最干旱的时期,空气相对湿度不足60%,但此时正是桑树嫁接的最适时间。普通袋接育苗也不适应现存的恶劣气候环境,寻找一种便捷、高效的嫁接方法替代现存模式就显得更为深远重要,我们从2007年起采用袋接体育苗技术进行了大量的试验,现将有关试验隋况分述如下。  相似文献   

高接换种是以成年树为基础实施的一种品种改良技术,具有易成活、恢复快、周期短的特点。根据湖北三峡地区柑橘产区高接换种实践表明,一般采用高接换种的成年树,都可达到“第一年嫁接,第二年恢复树势,第三年丰产”的目标[1]。采用延迟锯砧高接换种技术,延迟一年清砧锯砧,在高接换种基础上,可明显减少一年恢复期,而当年产量不减产,只需一年抽梢恢复期,效益明显提高。  相似文献   

设施栽培下柑橘煤烟病的发生日趋严重,连续3年的观察和试验,明确了发生原因,采用农业防治、生物防治、适时运用针对性的杀虫剂混合广谱性的杀菌剂防治试验,有效控制了柑橘煤烟病。  相似文献   

花鲈饲料中的营养成分不但能保障花鲈的基本生长需求,也对花鲈机体的各个器官起着调节作用。营养饲料在花鲈的肠道、细胞、免疫机体中都发挥着重要作用。目前,随着花鲈养殖规模的扩大,各种病害频繁发生,病害的防治越发受到重视。越来越多研究者开始从营养免疫学的角度对病害防治进行研究,采用营养饲料可以提高花鲈的免疫力与抗病力,减少鱼病的发生。本文综述了氨基酸、多糖、矿物质、维生素等对花鲈的营养作用,和近些年研发的花鲈营养饲料产品,以及花鲈营养饲料存在的问题和发展前景。  相似文献   

Citrus thrips Scirtothrips aurantii Faure is a serious economic pest in southern Africa. It is indigenous, breeding on many wild hosts as well as on citrus. In this northern Transvaal lowveld study, bush containing known host plants of S. aurantii was not the source of early infestation of a navel orange orchard by adult citrus thrips during September and October. Early-season damage therefore resulted from the activities of citrus thrips which had overwintered in the orchard. In contrast, S. aurantii populations on wild hosts could possibly boost orchard populations later in the season and contribute to late damage on the fruit. This is because, in one of the years, adult thrips numbers were higher in the bush than in the orchard during November and December.  相似文献   

本文对柑橘无核机理研究的进展进行了综述,并提出现有研究中存在的不足及未来的研究前景。  相似文献   

为改善有刺黄龙果在引种地区的生长势,提高其抗逆性,本研究探讨了不同砧木和嫁接方法对有刺黄龙果嫁接育苗的影响,以期筛选到适宜有刺黄龙果的砧木和嫁接方法。结果表明,不同砧木和嫁接方法对有刺黄龙果的成活率、出芽率和新芽长势有显著影响。嫁接30天时,芽接、楔接、套接和平接法的愈合率显著高于插接和靠接法。嫁接45天时,平接、靠接和楔接法的出芽率较高,分别是76.7%、76.7%和66.7%。嫁接苗田间定植2个月时,平接、靠接和楔接法嫁接苗长势较快。其中楔接法嫁接效率高,适合工厂化批量嫁接。白肉品种‘无刺黄龙’和红肉品种‘金都1号’、‘富贵红’是有刺黄龙果嫁接的优良砧木,嫁接2个月时出芽率分别为86.7%、90.0%和86.7%,且新芽高度和宽度均大于其他砧木。综上所述,适宜有刺黄龙果规模化嫁接育苗的嫁接方法是楔接法,砧木是‘金都1号’、‘富贵红’和‘无刺黄龙’。  相似文献   

We investigated the expression of gustducin in chicken taste buds using molecular biological, biochemical and immunohistochemical techniques. Expression of a gustducin‐like sequence was detected by RT‐PCR in the tissues containing taste buds, and corresponded to the predicted gustducin gene in the chicken. Expression of this sequence was not detected in the brain, heart, liver, pancreas, intestine, kidney and testis of the chicken. The expressed sequence had a high specificity for oral tissues that contained taste buds. These results suggest that the detected sequence was the chicken gustducin gene. Next, we generated a polyclonal antiserum against the chicken gustducin protein to observe its localization in the oral tissues. The results revealed that the chicken gustducin was specifically expressed in the taste buds. It is suggested that the chicken has a gustatory system mediated by gustducin, and chicken gustducin is a reliable marker for taste buds or taste cells. This is the first molecular biological, biochemical and immunohistochemical demonstration of the presence of gustducin in the chicken.  相似文献   

锌是柑桔生长发育必需的微量元素之一,具有重要的生理功能和营养作用。本文就有关锌影响柑桔光合生产性能、产量、柑桔生长发育等的研究进行了综述,并提出了今后对锌研究的主要方向。  相似文献   

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