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为了提高诱杀剂对柑橘大实蝇的诱杀能力,本研究以柑橘大实蝇Bactrocera minax(Enderlein)成虫为供试对象,通过Y型嗅觉仪试验,利用均匀设计(Uniform Design,UD)和支持向量回归(Support Vector Regression,SVR)对优化配方的柑橘大实蝇成虫诱杀剂进行了筛选与研究。经过两轮室内筛选优化,柑橘大实蝇成虫诱杀剂对柑橘大实蝇雌虫的引诱效率由之前的50%提高到了76.7%,提高了26.7%,优化效果明显。通过单因子效应分析发现,引诱成分中,柠檬烯、柠檬酸、乙酸对柑橘大实蝇雌虫的引诱有更加重要的作用。其单位配方(按100mL水溶剂算),最适的量分别为1.5 mL,1.0 g,1.0 mL。  相似文献   

在田间测定了点喷和瓶诱两种施药方式下柑橘大实蝇4种常用食物诱剂的诱杀能力与诱杀持续期,结果表明,果瑞特、桔丰和糖醋液对柑橘大实蝇成虫均有较强的诱杀活性,其点喷施药的诱杀持效期为5-8d,并以6月中旬施药时的持效期最长,但挂瓶施药的持效期与施药时期相关,前(6月上旬)、中(6月中旬)、后期(6月下旬)施药的持效期逐渐缩短。建议在进行柑橘大实蝇成虫诱杀时,前期以挂瓶诱杀为主,中后期以点喷诱杀为主。  相似文献   

2011年,在三峡库区兴山县“纽荷尔”脐橙上进行了果瑞特(柑橘果实蝇专用引诱剂)和常规药剂(糖醋酒液)防治柑橘大实蝇的对比研究。结果表明,果瑞特挂瓶处理对柑橘大实蝇成虫引诱效果明显高于常规糖醋酒液,且防治效果也明显高于糖醋酒液,可显著减少柑橘大实蝇为害柑橘果实,果瑞特诱捕数量和防治效果分别为糖醋酒液的2倍和1.6倍,且两种药剂喷施药效果均好于挂瓶处理。果瑞特在各柑橘产区试验后可用于防治柑橘果实大食蝇,生产安全、无公害和绿色柑橘果品。  相似文献   

本文综述了柑桔大实蝇农业防治、化学防治和物理防治等技术及要点。农业防治技术包括处理“三果”、 翻土灭蛹、高接换头、消灭混杂;化学防治技术包括糖醋毒液诱杀成虫、全园喷雾药杀成虫、地面封杀成虫;物理防治技术有释放辐照不育虫,二是频振灯诱杀 并分析了柑橘大实蝇防治失利的原因及进一步提高防治效果的研究方向。  相似文献   

2009-2016年收集柑橘大实蝇为害的落果,进行室内化蛹及成虫羽化后人工饲养,模拟柑橘果实设计不同形状、大小、颜色的球体及不同的引诱物,筛选最佳组合的诱杀球体及引诱物。在湖北省荆门市、武汉市和宜昌市等3个试验点,对所研制的柑橘大实蝇诱杀器进行了田间试验。结果表明,室内与田间结果一致,直径75mm绿色椭圆型的诱杀器诱杀效果最佳。  相似文献   

2010-2011年,在海南省热带果园进行了甲基丁香酚和蛋白饵剂添加不同杀虫剂诱杀橘小实蝇效果的比较试验。结果显示,甲基丁香酚10ml添加45%马拉硫磷0.8ml诱杀橘小实蝇雄成虫的效果最好;而添加3%甲氨基阿维菌素苯甲酸盐0.8ml的效果次之,但二者差异性不显著。蛋白水解液(45%假丝酵母20?.0g 水350ml)不添加任何杀虫剂诱捕橘小实蝇两性成虫的效果最好,而添加45%马拉硫磷1.5ml后与前者相比,尽管诱捕虫量略低,但杀雌的效果明显优于前者。综合诱捕效果、安全性和环保等因素,3%甲氨基阿维菌素苯甲酸盐可作马拉硫磷的替代药剂与引诱剂甲基丁香酚混配使用;采用麦克菲尔式或相类似的诱捕器进行橘小实蝇监测和防治时,蛋白饵剂可不添加杀虫剂进行使用。  相似文献   

本文介绍了柑桔大实蝇防治的一种新技术。该技术的关键是,在成虫羽化期于桔园及其周围杂草上喷施诱杀剂,诱杀刚羽化出土的成虫,使用药剂为自配糖醋敌百虫诱杀剂,防治效果达99.81%,新技术的防治效果显著优于常规防治技术树冠诱杀所采用的点喷和挂瓶方式的防治效果,常规树冠诱杀使用药剂分别为:果瑞特、猎蝇、诱粘,防治效果分别为61.67%、59.53%、57.47%。  相似文献   

为筛选一种对桔小实蝇具有较好引诱效果的昆虫信息素引诱剂产品,在福建对比了3种不同配方实蝇双性引诱剂对桔小实蝇的引诱效果,并在广东、广西和云南对比了6种实蝇引诱剂产品对桔小实蝇的引诱效果。田间结果显示,实蝇双性引诱剂SYSXYYJ02对桔小实蝇的引诱效果最佳;柑桔小实蝇引诱剂对桔小实蝇诱捕量最高;柑桔小实蝇引诱剂、果蝇颗粒剂和聪绿?果实蝇饵剂对桔小实蝇雌成虫基本无引诱效果;实蝇双性引诱剂对桔小实蝇具有雌雄双诱效果,且诱捕雌虫占比达58.84%以上。柑桔小实蝇引诱剂在桔小实蝇监测上极具推广价值,实蝇双性引诱剂对桔小实蝇引诱效果稳定,雌雄双诱,在防治上极具推广价值。  相似文献   

食物诱剂诱杀成虫是目前防治柑橘大实蝇的最主要措施,但是效果受施药期间的天气制约,周边山林多的橘园防治效果不稳定,5月下旬加挂诱蝇球,能够弥补其不足,提高防治效果。示范区加挂诱蝇球后,大实蝇虫果率显著下降,基本上达到防治标准。  相似文献   

摘要:为巩固发展云阳优质柑桔支柱产业,探索诱杀柑桔大实蝇成虫的环保药剂,结果表明,参试的6种药剂防效均达80%以上,绿色防控药剂0.1%阿维菌素果瑞特果实蝇诱杀剂、0.1%阿维菌素糖酒醋液防效分别达98.7%、97.68%,优于敌百虫、乙基多杀菌素、毒死蜱和阿维菌素;食物诱杀药剂防治柑桔大实蝇成虫,应在果园监测到成虫开始取食或羽化出土始期给药,并持续于整个羽化、取食、产卵期,喷洒颗粒液体诱杀效果显著。  相似文献   

Trapping sheep blowflies using bait-bins   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A bait-bin designed to attract and kill sheep blowflies is described. It is composed of a garbage bin plus lid, attractant and insecticide-treated offal. Fly entry holes are covered with differentiator wire to increase selectivity of kill. Placing bait-bins in preferred habitats of blowflies to optimise kill is outlined and temporal insecticide strategies to increase effectiveness of kill and reduce blowfly resistance are suggested. Preliminary data supporting the effectiveness of bait-bins in reducing blowfly numbers and flystrike in combination with good management practices to reduce sheep susceptibility to flystrike in the arid zone of New South Wales are presented and cost-effectiveness of bait-bins is analysed.  相似文献   

Three studies evaluating various aspects of the performance of pyriprole against the cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis, on dogs demonstrated that 12.5% pyriprole applied as a spot-on provides rapid, long-lasting efficacy against adult cat fleas, even under severe flea challenge. Speed of kill data indicate treatment with this product can interrupt an already established adult flea infestation, whereas monthly treatment can prevent reinfestation. Pyriprole disrupts the flea life cycle by killing adult fleas before they lay eggs for at least 30 days after treatment. The residual effect of pyriprole on debris from treated dogs (dander, hair, scales, and flea feces) resulted in a decreased ability of cat flea larvae to complete development to the adult stage for 2 weeks after application. Based on the results of these studies, 12.5% pyriprole represents a valuable new tool in the control of the cat flea, C. felis, on dogs.  相似文献   

通过研究不同天气条件、不同时段果蝇的活动规律,为果蝇成虫诱杀技术的研发与应用提供理论依据。以果蝇为研究对象,设置不同处理,在现场研究果蝇在晴天、阴天、雨天及一天内不同时段的活动规律。在供试的6种成熟水果中,香蕉、蓝莓对果蝇的引诱效果显著高于其他4种水果(P<0.01),绿如蓝牌果蝇引诱剂的引诱效果显著高于香蕉(P<0.01)。在晴天,果蝇的活动更为频繁(P<0.05),晴天诱捕到的雄果蝇数量明显高于阴天和雨天(P<0.01)。诱捕到的果蝇种类主要是黑腹果蝇、斑翅果蝇、伊米果蝇、海德氏果蝇、筋果蝇等。一天内不同时间段果蝇的活动明显不同,8:00~10:00和16:00~18:00是其活动的两个高峰期。天气条件对果蝇活动有很大影响,一天内果蝇活动存在两个高峰期,分别是8:00~10:00和16:00~18:00,利用绿如蓝牌引诱剂可对果蝇成虫进行有效诱杀。  相似文献   

The most effective odour attractant for G. brevipalpis Newstead, namely a combination of octenol released at c. 9.1 mg/h, 4-methyl phenol released at c. 15.5 mg/h and acetone released at c. 350 mg/h, when used together with the smallest recommended colour target (as determined in previous studies), namely a 1.75 m wide x 1 m high black/pthalogen-blue/black target, was evaluated for the control of G. brevipalpis and G. austeni Newstead. This combination increased the catches of G. brevipalpis by 3.5 fold when compared to the number of those caught on a 1.5 m wide x 1 m high black target baited with a synthetic ox-odour as was used in a trial to control this species in the Hluhluwe-Umfolozi Game Reserve in 1992. There was an indication that odour (olfaction) plays a far more important role in attracting G. brevipalpis than does colour (vision). For G. austeni visual attraction appears to play the major role as the odours used were relatively unattractive to them. The odour-baited target should, however, attract G. austeni in sufficient numbers (visually) to achieve control to the fly.  相似文献   

柑橘黄龙病(Citrus Huanglongbing,HLB)是柑橘生产上的毁灭性病害,在田间主要通过柑橘木虱(Diaphorina citri Kuwayama)传播,目前尚未有有效防治柑橘黄龙病的药剂。通过搭建防虫网室种植柑橘是目前国内多个黄龙病高发区用以防控柑橘木虱及黄龙病的新型种植方式,但有关网室栽培技术在柑橘木虱及黄龙病等主要柑橘病虫害上的防控效果并未有系统评估。本研究以黄龙病流行区(广东惠州)的柑橘果园为实验地进行防虫网覆盖,通过对网室栽培区与露天区柑橘的树势、柑橘木虱与黄龙病的流行状况及其他害虫发生情况进行系统比较,分析其差异。本研究发现,搭建防虫网室种植柑橘有利于增长其树势,一定程度上能够减少柑橘害虫的种类和数量,特别是柑橘木虱,同时黄龙病的病情也有所减轻。但网室内的相对湿度会在秋季降低,进而引起柑橘红蜘蛛(Panonychus citri McGregor)的爆发。搭建防虫网室的种植方式对柑橘生长及黄龙病的防控有重要的作用,但也会引起部分柑橘红蜘蛛和粉虱的泛滥。  相似文献   

Spot-on formulations of metaflumizone and a combination of fipronil-(S)-methoprene were evaluated in adult cats to determine the duration of 24- and 48-hour efficacy and short-term speed of kill against adult cat fleas, Ctenocephalides felis felis. Speed of kill efficacies (at 12, 18, 24, and 48 hours) were assessed against existing (day -1) infestations and against infestations at day 7, and efficacy was assessed 24 and 48 hours after weekly flea infestations through day 42. Cats treated with fipronil-(S)-methoprene had significantly (P<.01) fewer fleas than those treated with metaflumizone at 12 and 18 hours after treatment (day 0) and on the day 7 infestations. Fipronil-(S)-methoprene-treated cats also had significantly (P<.05) fewer fleas than metaflumizone-treated cats for all 24-hour counts from initial treatment on day 0 through infestation day 42 and for the 48-hour counts on day 28 through day 42.  相似文献   

本试验对24头恶丝虫病阳性犬的成虫选用硫砷酰胺钠进行驱杀,60d后再用左旋咪唑对幼虫进行驱杀,并设对照组。结果5个月后只有1头犬呈阳性;10个月后再次用ELISA检测,对照组有2头呈阳性,试验组仅1头呈阳性。表明硫砷胺酰胺钠杀灭犬恶丝虫成虫的效果比较好,有效率高达95%,但不能杀灭幼虫;左旋咪唑在该使用条件下能够有效杀灭幼虫。  相似文献   

宜都市柑桔产业快速扩张,带来过去一些次要害虫上升为主要害虫。从2006年开始,柑桔 吉 丁虫类的溜皮虫、爆皮虫局部地方为害渐趋严重。通过2年的防治试验,对其防治方法进行了探讨和改进,取得良好效果。  相似文献   

The efficacy of ivermectin (0.08 per cent w/v oral solution) at different dose levels was evaluated against induced infections of adult Haemonchus contortus (21 days old) and Trichostrongylus colubriformis (21 days old) and fourth stage larvae of Oesophagostomum columbianum (17 days old), Ostertagia circumcincta (five days old) and Strongyloides papillosus (five days old). Twenty-five Boergoats (mutton goats) were randomly allocated by bodyweight within each sex to an untreated control group and four ivermectin treatment groups; ivermectin was administered at either 25, 50, 100 or 200 micrograms/kg orally, once. The goats were killed and processed for worm recovery 25 to 27 days after treatment. At 25 micrograms/kg the efficacy of ivermectin varied from 43 per cent for adult T colubriformis to more than 99 per cent for fourth larval stage O columbianum. Ivermectin at 50 micrograms/kg or higher was 99 per cent or more effective against all induced parasite infections with the exception of ivermectin at 50 micrograms/kg against S papillosus (97 per cent). For all parasites there was a statistically significant (P less than 0.05) difference between the control group and the pooled treated groups. No adverse reactions to ivermectin treatment were observed in the goats.  相似文献   

The capacity of hematogenous polymorphonuclear neutrophilic leukocytes (PMNL) to kill Rhodococcus equi was compared in horses of various ages. A radioisotope bactericidal assay was used to determine the capacity of PMNL to kill R equi. Assays were conducted on PMNL from horses in 3 groups: group I, 13 foals with a mean age of 3.3 days; group II, 10 group-I foals at a mean age of 35.7 days; and group III, adult dams of group-I foals. Bacteria were obtained from the lungs of a foal with R equi pneumonia and opsonized with fresh adult equine serum that contained R equi specific antibody. The mean peak percentage of R equi killed by PMNL was 78.9 for group I, 90.1 for group II, and 87.9 for group III. There was no significant difference (P greater than 0.05) among groups; however, 15% of foals in group I (2 foals) had a mean peak percentage of 30.5 killed, which was significantly (P less than 0.05) lower than the percentage for other foals in group I. The results of our investigation indicated that the capacity of PMNL to kill opsonized R equi is similar in neonatal, young, and adult horses. However, some neonatal foals have a substantially lower capacity to kill R equi, which may be an important factor in the pathogenesis of R equi infections.  相似文献   

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