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With the objective of controlling the day of ovulation, 40 mares were assigned to a control or three treated groups: A3d, A4d, and A5d. The treated groups received antarelix (Teverelix 0.01 mg/kg, i.v., twice a day) for 3, 4, or 5 days from the day the dominant follicle (F1) reached 28 mm (=D0), and one injection of hCG (1600 IU, i.v.) on D1, D2, or D3, respectively. Control mares received one injection of hCG when F1 reached 35 mm. Plasma LH, FSH, progesterone, and total estrogens were assayed. In the A3d, A4d, and A5d groups, 9 (90%), 6 (60%), and 5 (50%) out of 10 mares, respectively, ovulated on the expected day (i.e. between 24 and 48 h after hCG injection). In the control group, 7/10 (70%) presented the typical response to hCG. For 3 mares in both the A4d and A5d groups, the dominant follicle at the time the treatment was started did not ovulate and ovulation was postponed for between 11 and 15 days after the end of treatment. In the treated mares, the LH surge was abolished, and total estrogens were depressed during the preovulatory peak but the concentrations of FSH were not modified. Endocrine parameters were not altered in postponed cycles. Fertility did not differ in treated and control cycles. These results demonstrate that in mares: (1) ovulation can be programmed on a specific day of a 3-day period, with a success rate of 67%, by a treatment associating antarelix and one injection of hCG; (2) nevertheless in 20% of cases the dominant follicle regresses and does not ovulate; (3) for these mares ovulation is postponed by approximately 2 weeks; (4) terminal growth of the preovulatory follicle only requires low circulating concentrations of LH but atresia induced by a GnRH antagonist is significant when this treatment is administrated for more than 18 h.  相似文献   

This was an observational study of 828 lactations in 542 mixed‐age dairy cows that calved seasonally in a single, pasture‐fed herd in New Zealand in 2008 and 2009. The study objectives were to: (i) document daily liveweight change (?LW) before and after observed oestrus for cows subsequently diagnosed pregnant or non‐pregnant and (ii) quantify the sensitivity and specificity of ?LW as a test for oestrus. The sensitivity and specificity of ?LW when combined with other commonly used oestrous detection methods was also evaluated. In cows that conceived as a result of service at detected oestrus, liveweight loss began 1 day before the day of detection and was greatest on the day of detection (?9.6 kg, 95% CI ?11.3 kg to ?7.8 kg; p < 0.01) compared with LW recorded 2 days before the day of detection. In cows that did not conceive to a service at a detected oestrus, the lowest liveweights were recorded 1 day before the day oestrus was detected (?4.3 kg, 95% CI ?7.7 to ?0.8 kg; p = 0.02) compared with LW recorded 4 days before the day of detection. The sensitivity and specificity of ?LW as a means of oestrous detection were 0.42 (95% CI 0.40–0.45) and 0.96 (95% CI 0.95–0.97), respectively. When ?LW was combined with tail paint and visual observation, the oestrous detection sensitivity and specificity were 0.86 and 0.94, respectively. Monitoring LW change holds promise to enhance the sensitivity and specificity of oestrous detection in combination with other oestrous detection methods.  相似文献   

Using a novel in vivo model considering a low developmental competence embryo (demi‐embryo) and a subnormal fertility recipient (lactating high‐yielding dairy cow), this experiment evaluated the effect of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) treatment at embryo transfer (ET) on embryonic size at implantation, embryonic survival and recipient plasma progesterone (P4) and bovine pregnancy‐specific protein B (PSPB) concentrations until day 63 of pregnancy. Embryos were bisected and each pair of demi‐embryos was bilaterally transferred to recipients (n = 61) on day 7 of the oestrous cycle. At ET recipients were randomly assigned to treatment with 1500 IU hCG or to untreated controls. Higher (p < 0.01) pregnancy rates on days 25, 42 and 63, and embryo survival rate on day 63 were observed in hCG‐treated cows with secondary CL than in hCG‐treated cows without secondary CL and in untreated cows. Pregnancy rates and embryo survival rate were similar in hCG‐treated cows without secondary CL and untreated cows. Embryonic size on day 42 was not affected by treatment with hCG, presence of secondary CL and type of pregnancy (single vs twin). Presence of secondary CL increased (p < 0.05) plasma P4 concentrations of pregnant cows on days 14, 19 and 25 but not thereafter and of non‐pregnant cows on days 14–21. Treatment with hCG and presence of secondary CL had no effect on plasma PSPB concentrations, which were higher (p < 0.05) in twin than in single pregnancies. In conclusion, secondary CL induced by hCG treatment at ET significantly increased plasma P4 concentrations, the survival rate of demi‐embryos and the pregnancy rate of high‐yielding lactating dairy cows. Embryos were rescued beyond maternal recognition of pregnancy, but later embryonic survival, growth until implantation and placental PSPB secretion until day 63 of pregnancy were not affected by treatment or presence of secondary CL.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of porcine luteinizing hormone (pLH) given at oestrous onset in gilts, by different routes and doses, on the interval between onset of oestrus and ovulation (IOEO) and reproductive performance using a single fixed‐time artificial insemination (FTAI). A total of 153 gilts were submitted to oestrous detection at 8‐h intervals and assigned to three groups: control – without hormone application and inseminated at 0, 24 and 48 h after oestrous onset; VS2.5FTAI – 2.5 mg pLH by the vulvar submucosal route at oestrous onset and a single FTAI 16 h later; IM5FTAI – 5 mg pLH by the intramuscular route at oestrous onset and a single FTAI 16 h later. More VS2.5FTAI gilts (47.1%; p < 0.05) ovulated within 24 h after oestrous onset than control gilts (25.5%) whereas IM5FTAI gilts had an intermediate percentage (31.4%; p > 0.05). The IOEO tended to be shorter (p = 0.06) in VS2.5FTAI (30.2 ± 1.4 h) than in control (34.7 ± 1.4 h) gilts, but there was no difference (p > 0.05) between control and IM5FTAI (32.8 ± 1.4 h) gilts. Farrowing rate was not different (p > 0.05) among treatments. Total born piglets (TB) was lower (p < 0.05) in VS2.5FTAI (12.3 ± 0.4) than in control gilts (14.1 ± 0.4), whereas intermediate TB was observed in IM5FTAI gilts (13.3 ± 0.4). Due to the advancement of ovulation, reduction of the hormonal dose and the ease of application, the vulvar submucosal route would be the best option for FTAI protocols, but their negative impact on litter size remains to be elucidated. Taking into account the good fertility results obtained in IM5FTAI gilts whose ovulation was not advanced, the possibility of a single FTAI without any hormonal treatment should be further investigated, to establish reliable FTAI protocols for gilts.  相似文献   

The study investigated, for cycling sheep, synchronizing protocols simultaneously to the standard “P” protocol using progestogens priming with intravaginal devices and gonadotropin. In November 2014, 90 adult Menz ewes were assigned to either the “P” protocol, “PGF” treatment where oestrus and ovulation were synchronized using two injections of prostaglandin 11 days apart or a “GnRH” treatment where the ewes had their oestrus and ovulation synchronized with GnRH (day 0)–prostaglandin (day 6)–GnRH (day 9) sequence. The ewes were naturally mated at the induced oestrus and the following 36 days. Plasma progesterone revealed that 92% of the ewes were ovulating before synchronization and all, except one, ovulated in response to the applied treatments. All “P” ewes exhibited oestrus during the 96‐hr period after the end of the treatments in comparison with only 79.3% and 73.3% for “PGF” and “GnRH” ewes, respectively (< .05). Onset and duration of oestrus were affected by the hormonal treatment (< .05); “GnRH” ewes showed oestrus earliest and had the shortest oestrous duration. Lambing rate from mating at the induced oestrus was lower for “P” than for “PGF” ewes (55.6% and 79.3%, respectively; < .05). The same trait was also lower for “P” than for “PGF” and “GnRH” ewes (70.4%, 89.7% and 86.7%, respectively; < .05) following the 36‐day mating period. Prostaglandin and GnRH analogue‐based protocols are promising alternatives for both controlled natural mating and fixed insemination of Menz sheep after the rainy season when most animals are spontaneously cycling.  相似文献   

The present study was performed to test fertility in single‐ovulating and superovulated dairy heifers after insemination with low dose sex‐sorted sperm under field conditions. Some parameters, including the dosage, deposition site and timing, were assessed with the pregnancy rates after artificial insemination (AI). Moreover, the use of oestrus synchronization in combination with sorted sperm was evaluated. Besides that, we also improved the embryo production efficiency in superovulated dairy heifers by optimizing the timing of inseminations and repartitioning the sexed sperm dosage among multiple inseminations. The conception rate (52.8%) in heifers after low dose (2 × 106) insemination with sorted sperm deep into the uterine horn did not differ (p > 0.05) from that (59.6%) of conventional AI (1 × 107 non‐sorted sperm) and that of deep insemination with low dose non‐sorted sperm (57.7%). There was also no difference (p > 0.05) between conception rates after single (51.7%) and double (53.8%) deep insemination with sorted semen. Heifers inseminated with sorted sperm at synchronous oestrus had a lower pregnancy rate (48.1%) than heifers at spontaneous oestrus (53.6%), but this did not reach statistical difference (p > 0.05). The average number of transferable embryos collected in vivo from heifers inseminated with sorted sperm (4.81 ± 2.04) did not differ (p > 0.05) from that obtained from heifers after insemination with non‐sorted sperm (5.36 ± 2.74). Thus, we concluded that the pregnancy rate after deep intra‐uterine insemination with low dose sorted sperm was similar to that of non‐sorted sperm, which was either also deposited at a low dose deep intra‐uterine or into the uterine body. Sychronization of oestrus can be beneficial in combination with sorted sperm to optimize the organization and management of dairy herds. The results from superovulated heifers demonstrated that our insemination regime can be used to obtain a comparable embryo production efficiency with sorted sperm than with non‐sorted sperm.  相似文献   

Crossbred cows (n = 1073) from five locations had oestrous cycles synchronized with 100 μg of GnRH IM and insertion of controlled internal drug release device (CIDR) on Day 0 followed by 25 mg of PGF IM and CIDR removal on Day 7. Kamar® patches were placed on all cows at CIDR removal. Cows were observed three times daily for oestrus after PGF administration. In the Ovsynch‐CIDR group, cows detected in oestrus (n = 193) within 48 h after PGF were inseminated using the AM–PM rule. Among these cows, 80 received and 113 did not receive a second GnRH at 48 h after PGF. Cows (n = 345) not detected in oestrus received a second GnRH at 48 h after PGF on Day 9, and fixed‐time AI 16 h after the GnRH on Day 10. In the CO‐Synch‐CIDR group, cows detected in oestrus (n = 224) within 48 h after PGF were inseminated using the AM–PM rule. Among these cows, 79 received and 145 did not receive a second GnRH at 64 h after PGF. Cows (n = 311) not detected in oestrus received a second GnRH on Day 10 at the time of AI, 64 h after PGF. The AI pregnancy rates were not different between the Ovsynch‐CIDR and CO‐Synch‐CIDR groups (p = 0.48). There were no differences in the AI pregnancy rates for cows inseminated at a fixed time (p = 0.26) or at detected oestrus (p = 0.79) between the treatment groups. Among cows inseminated in oestrus, there were no differences in the AI pregnancy rates between cows that received or did not receive the second GnRH (p = 0.47). In conclusion, acceptable AI pregnancy rates can be achieved with or without inclusion of oestrus detection in the Ovsynch‐CIDR and CO‐Synch‐CIDR protocols. Among cows detected in oestrus, cows that received a second GnRH yielded similar pregnancy rates when compared with cows that did not receive the second GnRH.  相似文献   

Lactating dairy cows (n = 667) at random stages of the oestrous cycle were assigned to either ovsynch (O, n = 228), heatsynch (H, n = 252) or control (C, n = 187) groups. Cows in O and H groups received 100 μg of GnRH agonist, i.m. (day 0) starting at 44 ± 3 days in milk (DIM), and 500 μg of cloprostenol, i.m. (day 7). In O group, cows received 100 μg of GnRH (day 9) and were artificially inseminated without oestrus detection 16–20 h later. In H group, cows received 1 mg oestradiol benzoate (EB) i.m., 24 h after the cloprostenol injection and were artificially inseminated without oestrus detection 48–52 h after the EB injection. Cows in C group were inseminated at natural oestrus. On the day of artificial insemination (AI), cows in all groups were assigned to subgroups as follows: human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (O‐hCG) (n = 112), O‐saline (n = 116), H‐hCG (n = 123), H‐saline (n = 129), C‐hCG (n = 94) and C‐saline (n = 93) subgroups. Cows in hCG and saline subgroups received 3000 IU hCG i.m. and or 10 ml saline at day 5 post‐AI (day 15), respectively. Pregnancy status was assessed by palpation per rectum at days 40 to 45 after AI. The logistic regression model using just main effects of season (summer and winter), parity (primiparous and pluriparous), method1 (O, H and C) and method2 (hCG and saline) showed that all factors, except method1, were significant. Significant effects of season (p < 0.01), hCG and parity (p < 0.01), and a trend of parity and season (p < 0.1) were detected. A clear negative effect of warm period on first service pregnancy rate was noted (p < 0.01). The pregnancy rate was the lowest in the H protocol during warm period (p < 0.05). Treatment with hCG 5 days after AI significantly improved pregnancy rates in those cows that were treated with the H protocol compared with saline treatments (41.5% vs 24.8%; p < 0.01). O and H were more effective in primiparous than in pluriparous cows (46.1% vs 29.9%; p < 0.1 and 43.6% vs 24.6%; p < 0.01). First service pregnancy rates were higher in primiparous hCG‐treated than in pluriparous hCG‐treated cows (57.9% vs 32.3%; p < 0.01). The pregnancy rate was higher for the hCG‐treated cows compared with saline‐treated cows during warm period (37.9% vs 23.6%; p < 0.001).  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of hCG administration 5 days after breeding on plasma progesterone (P4) concentration and reproductive performance of oestrous-induced nulliparous dairy goats. A total of 59 nulliparous goats (36 Alpine and 23 Saanen) received intravaginal sponges with 60 mg medroxyprogesterone acetate for 9 days plus 200 IU equine chorionic gonadotrophin (eCG) and 22.5 microg d-cloprostenol 24 h before sponge removal. After detection of oestrus (day of oestrus = day 0) and breeding, 49 females were randomly assigned, according to the breed, into two treatments (T1 and T2). In T1 (n = 25) and T2 (n = 24), animals received intramuscular injection of 1 ml of saline solution (control) or 250 IU hCG, respectively, 5 days after breeding. Plasma P4 concentration (ng/ml) was determined from blood sampled on days 0, 5, 7, 13, 17, 21, 28 and 45 after breeding. Animals were scanned by transrectal ultrasound (5 MHz probe) on days 35 and 70 after breeding for detection of pregnancy. Plasma P4 concentration did not differ (p > 0.05) between treatments in all days, but it was increased (p < 0.05) in Saanen than in Alpine goats from days 13 to 45. Pregnancy and parturition rates, litter size and gestation period were similar (p > 0.05) to treatments and breeds. Results of this study indicate that human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) administration 5 days after breeding did not significantly alter reproductive performance in dairy nulliparous goats and that plasma P4 differed between Saanen and Alpine goats.  相似文献   

Five hundred and twenty‐eight newly weaned pigs were given four treatments, with eight replicates per treatment. Sixteen to 18 pigs were assigned per replicate and were fed diets supplemented with 0 or 3% medium‐chain triglyceride (MCT) and 0 or 40 ppm colistin sulfate (CS) in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement for 2 weeks. The results showed that dietary supplementation with MCT improved the gain‐to‐feed ratio during days 3‐7 and in the overall period (P < 0.05). Dietary supplementation with MCT decreased coliforms counts (C) in colon and rectum content (P < 0.05). Dietary supplementation with CS decreased C and lactic acid bacteria plus C counts (L + C) in cecum (P < 0.05), and C, L + C (P < 0.01) and ratio of L and C (P < 0.05) in colon and rectum contents. The lack of interactions between MCT and CS indicates different modes of action and additive effects between the two supplementations. In conclusion, supplementation with MCT in diet with or without CS could improve the intestinal microbial environment and the feed utilization efficiency of newly weaned pigs.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the control of ovulation by the administration of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) or gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) at the onset of estrus. Thirty-three multiparous sows housed under tropical conditions and showing standing estrus within 5 days after weaning were included. The sows were allocated to three groups, spontaneous ovulation (control group, n = 10), induced ovulation using 750 IU hCG (hCG group, n = 10), and induced ovulation using 50 μg GnRH (GnRH group, n = 13). The hormones were given at the onset of estrus and the occurrence of ovulation was monitored every 6 h by transrectal ultrasonography. Data for weaning-to-estrus interval, onset of estrus-to-ovulation interval (EOI), and the length of estrus were recorded. All sows in the control and hCG groups ovulated, while 3 out of 13 sows treated with GnRH developed cystic ovaries (did not ovulate). Of those sows ovulating, the EOI of the hCG (40.2 ± 1.7 h) and GnRH (37.5 ± 3.3 h) groups were shorter than that of the control group (63.6 ± 9.6 h; P < 0.05). In conclusion, the administration of either hCG or GnRH at the onset of estrus can control time of ovulation but, at the dose employed, sows receiving GnRH may develop ovarian cysts.  相似文献   

本文就同期发情的不同方法进行了比较 ,以寻找适合本地环境的同期发情方案。 15 3头健康经产的中国荷斯坦牛分为 3个组 ,用 3种不同的方法进行同期发情处理。第 1组 :注射 1次氯前列烯醇 ;第 2组 :注射 2次氯前列烯醇 ;第 3组 :注射促排 3号 -氯前列烯醇 -促排 3号。结果表明 :第 1组、第 2组和第 3组发情率分别为 32 6 5 % (16 4 9) ,4 5 5 9% (31 6 8)和 91 30 %(42 4 6 ) ,第 3组的发情率分别显著高于其它两个组 (P <0 0 5 )。结果提示促排 3号 -氯前列烯醇-促排 3号可能是较适合中国荷斯坦牛的同期发情方案。  相似文献   

Group housing is claimed to possibly provide horses with a species-appropriate movement possibility, and hence, better welfare. Thus, this study analyzed the daily walked distances of 51 horses held in one group in a “HIT Active Stable” (Hinrichs Innovation + Technik) in Northern Germany by using global positioning system (GPS) technology during a 7 ½-month time span. The daily walking distances of the whole group, as well as newcomers, were investigated. The horses traveled an average of 8.43 km/day. Linear mixed models were applied. The observation day had a significant effect on the daily walking distances (P < .01) due to season and the available area per horse. The age as covariate also had a significant effect (P < .01). The breed had no significant effect (P = .96). No significant differences were found in sex (P = .69), which can be explained by the fact that only mares and geldings were investigated, which do not show increasing locomotion caused by sexual behavior as stallions do. On six of the first nine days, new horses moved significantly more compared to the remaining 24 of the 30 observation days directly after individuals’ inclusion. This is probably due to more exploration and rank-fighting behavior. Similar walking distances were seen among the horses on the single observation days because all horses had to travel the same distance to reach resources. Further, it is suspected that not all horses can sufficiently live out their urges to move, especially in winter, when pasture is inaccessible.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine possible links between steroidogenic activity of single ovarian cysts and response to intramuscular treatment with 20 μg of buserelin (GnRH‐analogue) after cyst emptying, in pluriparous Friesian cows bearing a singleton cyst treated not earlier than 55 days post‐partum. Progesterone, 17β‐estradiol and testosterone were determined in cystic fluids collected by needle aspiration of the cyst. Of the cows, 75.6% began ovarian cyclicity within 30 days after treatment with a conception rate of 64.7%. In this study it was found that as progesterone concentration in cystic fluids rose, the number of positive responses to the treatment fell.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of progesterone receptor (PR) in the utero‐tubal junction (UTJ) of sows at 24 h after intra‐uterine insemination (IUI) and deep intra‐uterine insemination (DIUI) compared with conventional artificial insemination (AI) in pigs. Fifteen multiparous sows were used: AI (n = 5), IUI (n = 5) and DIUI (n = 5). The sows were inseminated with a single dose of diluted semen during the second oestrus after weaning at 6–8 h prior to ovulation (AI: 3000 × 106 spermatozoa, IUI: 1000 × 106 spermatozoa and DIUI: 150 × 106 spermatozoa). The UTJ was collected and subject to immunohistochemical staining using avidin‐biotin immunoperoxidase technique with mouse monoclonal antibody to PR. In the oviductal part of the UTJ, the intensity of PR in the tunica muscularis and the proportion of PR‐positive cells in the surface epithelium after DIUI were lower than AI (p < 0.05). The intensity and the proportion of PR‐positive cells between AI and IUI in all compartments of the UTJ did not differ significantly (p > 0.05). When comparing between tissue compartments, prominent staining was observed in the muscular layer of the UTJ. It could be concluded that the expression of PR in the UTJ prior to fertilization after DIUI with a reduced number of spermatozoa was lower than that after AI. This might influence sperm transportation and the fertilization process.  相似文献   

A diet consumed by pigs provides the nutrients for the production of a large number of metabolites that, after first‐pass metabolism in the liver, circulate systemically where they may exert diverse physiologic influences on pigs. So far, little is known of how feeding elicits changes in metabolic profiles for growing pigs. This study investigated differences in plasma metabolites in growing pigs at several intervals after feeding using the technique of metabolomics. Ten barrows (22.5 ± 0.5 kg BW) were fed a corn‐soybean meal basal diet and were kept in metabolism crates for a period of 11 days. An indwelling catheter was inserted into the jugular vein of each pig before the experimental period. Plasmas before and 1, 4, and 8 hr after feeding were collected at day 11 and differential metabolites were determined using a metabolomics approach. Direct comparison at several intervals after feeding revealed differences in 14 compounds. Identified signatures were enriched in metabolic pathways related to linoleic acid metabolism, arginine and proline metabolism, lysine degradation, glycine, serine and threonine metabolism, and lysine biosynthesis. These results suggest that plasma metabolites of growing pigs after feeding were modulated through changes in linoleic acid metabolism and amino acid metabolism.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to investigate whether a treatment with hCG 4 days after AI could reduce pregnancy losses in lactating dairy cows. Cows of a dairy herd presented to the veterinarian in a fixed reproductive management protocol were treated with an Ovsynch protocol if no corpus luteum (CL) could be palpated per rectum (Group OV). Cows with a CL received cloprostenol (0.15 mg). After 2 days, these cows were treated with buserelin (0.01 mg) and received timed AI 16–20 h later (Group PG). In both treatment protocols, cows were assigned to two groups to receive 2500 IU of hCG i.v. 4 days after AI or to serve as untreated controls (Groups OV‐hCG, OV‐Control, PG‐hCG and PG‐Control). Pregnancy diagnosis was carried out 27 days after AI via ultrasonography and 39 days after AI by rectal palpation. Pregnancy losses were defined as cows being pregnant on day 27 but not pregnant on day 39 after AI. Pregnancy rate (PR) by day 27 did not differ among the four groups (35.4, 35.0, 37.0 and 38.0% for Groups OV‐hCG, OV‐Control, PG‐hCG and PG‐Control, respectively). Pregnancy losses between day 27 and day 39 after AI were smaller in hCG treated animals in summer but not in autumn and spring. Pregnancy rate by day 39 after AI was higher in PG than in OV groups, but independent of hCG‐treatment. In conclusion, treatment with hCG 4 days after AI did not significantly increase PR on 39 days after AI. A positive effect of hCG on pregnancy losses during the summer months warrants further investigation.  相似文献   



The Precision Xtra® meter is a promising low cost electrochemical point‐of‐care unit for measuring blood glucose concentration ([gluc]) in cattle blood. The meter uses an algorithm that assumes the intra‐erythrocyte [gluc] equals the plasma [gluc] on a molal basis, and that the hematocrit is similar in humans and cattle.


The primary objective was to determine the accuracy of the meter for measuring plasma [gluc] in dairy cattle. Secondary objectives were to characterize the influence of hematocrit and sample temperature on the measured value for [gluc].


A total of 106 periparturient Holstein‐Friesian cattle.


Blood and plasma samples (1,109) were obtained and Deming regression and Bland–Altman plots were used to determine the accuracy of the meter against the reference method (plasma hexokinase assay). Multivariable regression and linear regression were used to determine the effect of hematocrit and sample temperature on the plasma [gluc] measured by the meter.


Intra‐erythrocyte [gluc] was 18% of plasma [gluc] on a molar basis. Sample temperature had a significant linear effect on plasma [gluc] as measured by the meter for 3/5 plasma samples when measured [gluc] > 160 mg/dL.

Conclusions and clinical importance

The meter utilizes an algorithm that is optimized for human blood and is inaccurate when applied to bovine blood. Until a cattle‐specific algorithm is developed, we recommend using plasma as the analyte instead of blood and calculating plasma [gluc] using the equation: [gluc] = 0.66 × [gluc]p‐meter + 15, where [gluc]p‐meter is the value reported by the meter. If blood is measured, then we recommend using the equation: [gluc] = 0.90 × [gluc]b‐meter + 15.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of applying a progesterone‐based oestrous synchronization protocol at 51–57 days postpartum in high‐producing dairy cows. The data analysed were derived from 1345 lactating cows. Cows between 51 and 57 days postpartum were assigned to the groups: control, PRID (receiving a progesterone‐releasing intravaginal device for 9 days, and prostaglandin F 24 h before PRID removal) or GnRH–PRID (the same as the PRID group plus GnRH at PRID insertion). Oestrus was detected by using pedometers and confirmed by examination of the genital tract at AI. Oestrous and conception rates before days 71–77 postpartum, pregnancy loss in early pregnant cows or the cumulative conception rate registered on day 120 postpartum were considered as the dependent variables in four consecutive logistic regression analyses. Based on the odds ratios, the oestrous rate increased by a factor of 1.73 in cows showing oestrus before treatment for each unit increase in the number of previous oestruses; decreased by a factor of 0.44 in the control group with respect to the treatment groups; and by a factor of 0.61 in cows without luteal structures at treatment with respect to cows with corpora lutea. The conception rates of cows inseminated before days 71–77 postpartum remained similar across the groups, whereas the likelihood of pregnancy loss for cows becoming pregnant during this period was 0.11 times lower in the PRID group than in the control. Based on the odds ratio, the likelihood of a higher cumulative conception rate on day 120 postpartum: increased in cows showing oestrus before treatment by a factor of 1.41 for each unit increase in the number of previous oestruses, was reduced 0.56‐fold in control cows compared with treated cows, and was also reduced by a factor of 0.98 for each kilogram of milk production increase recorded at treatment. In conclusion, although oestrous synchronization programmes performed in this study did not improve fertility, cows treated with progesterone could be inseminated earlier than untreated cows, such that the treatments increased the cumulative pregnancy rates determined on day 120 postpartum. In addition, fewer pregnancy losses were observed in early pregnant cows in the PRID group than the GnRH–PRID group.  相似文献   

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