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Cortical atrophy has been identified using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in humans and dogs with Lafora disease (LD). In humans, proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1HMRS) of the brain indicates decreased N-acetyl-aspartate (NAA) relative to other brain metabolites. Brain 1HMRS findings in dogs with LD are lacking. A 6-year-old female Beagle was presented with a history of a single generalized tonic-clonic seizure and episodic reflex myoclonus. Clinical, hematological, and neurological examination findings and 3-Tesla MRI of the brain were unremarkable. Brain 1HMRS with voxel positioning in the thalamus was performed in the affected Beagle. It identified decreased amounts of NAA, glutamate-glutamine complex, and increased total choline and phosphoethanolamine relative to water and total creatine compared with the reference range in healthy control Beagles. A subsequent genetic test confirmed LD. Abnormalities in 1HMRS despite lack of changes with conventional MRI were identified in a dog with LD.  相似文献   

Cattle are a monotocous species, despite naturally conceived multiple births are sometimes observed. Although the number of twins has consistently increased, triplet and quadruplet pregnancies represent 0.015% and 0.004% of the total births, respectively. Multiple births are the result of multiple ovulation and/or the spontaneous cleavage of one fertilized oocyte, which is known as monozygotic (MZ) twinning. In cattle, approximately 5% to 14% of all twin births are MZ, and births with more than two MZ calves are extremely rare. Monozygotic animals are genetically identical, and those derived from two or more zygotes are genetically different. Furthermore, the presence of placental vascular anastomosis can result in foetal chimerism. Notwithstanding, animals born as single calves can be chimeras when one of the foetal twins dies undetected in utero. Here, we used DNA testing to study the zygotic condition of an unusual female quadruplet born from a Braford cow bred in a multi-sire natural mating system without hormone stimulation. Two tissues with different embryological origin were sampled to test zygosity and possible chimerism. The results showed an identical genotype, confirming they all originated in an MZ pregnancy and suggesting the lack of chimerism in all animals. The use of MZ twins in breeding and selection systems provides an alternative to the conventional progeny testing. Some works have suggested a genetic background of MZ twins in humans. This female and her daughters could be the founders of a lineage to study the possible inheritance of MZ multiple births in cattle.  相似文献   

犬是人类最好的朋友,同时它们也是科学家进行科学研究和追求知识的最佳拍档,在现代科学发展史上留下了它们的爪印.它们中的一些榜样曾帮助科学家得出一个又一个重大发现,在此过程中,一些犬还献出了它们的生命.  相似文献   

采用荧光抗体试验(FAT)对甘肃省1只疑似狂犬病伤人犬进行实验室诊断,结果为狂犬病病毒阳性,流行毒株命名为GSHSD14。采用PCR方法扩增该毒株全长G基因,并上传GenBank(序列号为KT221103)。该毒株与2011年分离自陕西的犬源毒株ShaanxiRa007同源性最高,为99.8%,氨基酸同源性为99.4%。系统进化分析结果表明该毒株属于亚洲1群,同时提示甘肃省狂犬病病例是犬狂犬病流行为主的疫区传播结果,而非临近省份野生动物狂犬病溢出所致。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to describe magnetic resonance (MR) imaging features of histologically confirmed necrotizing encephalitis in four Pugs and to compare those findings with MR imaging characteristics of necrotizing encephalitis in other breeds. All dogs had the following common findings: lesions restricted to the forebrain, both cerebral hemispheres diffusely but asymmetrically affected, lesions affected gray and white matter resulting in loss of distinction between both, most severe lesions in occipital and parietal lobes, lesions were irregularly T2-hyperintense and T1-isointense to slightly T1-hypointense, and no cavitation. There were various degrees of contrast enhancement of brain and leptomeninges. Asymmetry of lateral ventricles and midline shift was seen in one dog each. Two dogs had brain herniation, which may have contributed to the progression of neurologic signs. Hyperintensity on T2-weighted and fluid attenuated inversion recovery images in the hippocampus and piriform lobe was consistent with excitotoxic edema, whereas similar imaging features in other forebrain areas corresponded to areas of inflammation or liquefaction on histopathology. In comparison with necrotizing encephalitis in other canine breeds, Pug dog encephalitis has some unique MR imaging features. Therefore, these characteristics cannot be applied to other breeds, nor should imaging features of necrotizing encephalitis of other canine breeds be used for interpretation of MR images in Pug dogs.  相似文献   

犬中暑是炎热季节常发的一种急症,重度中暑一旦发生,往往来势急剧,如抢救不及时或措施不力,可导致病犬很快死亡。近年来,各地因犬中暑而造成死亡的屡有发生,尤其是训练作业犬多见。  相似文献   

Four cows from North-West Germany have been diagnosed with tick-borne fever (TBF) based on the demonstration of morulae in neutrophilic granulocytes in their blood smears, positive signals in real-time PCR specific for Anaplasma phagocytophilum using DNA extracted from their buffy coats, and demonstration of specific antibodies in their sera using a commercially available immunofluorescence assay. Clinical findings included high fever, decreased milk production, lower limb edema with stiff walking, eye and nasal discharge, and depression. These signs developed about a week after the animals had been brought to the pasture for the first time in their life. All cows recovered after 5-15 days, although DNA of A.phagocytophilum could be detected by real-time PCR up to 6 weeks after onset of the disease. Considering the known prevalences of A.phagocytophilum in ticks in Germany and its detection in dogs and horses, we think that underdiagnosing of TBE in cattle is highly likely. Therefore TBF should be taken into account as differential diagnosis in case of high fever and/or a sudden decrease in milk production in pastured animals.  相似文献   

Brachyspina syndrome is a congenital inherited lethal defect in Holstein cattle. Although cases have previously been reported from Europe, the first confirmed North American case is reported herein. This case was genetically related to the European cases, but pedigree analysis indicates that the founder may be more remote than previously expected.  相似文献   

A five‐year‐old, entire female mixed‐breed dog was presented with corneal oedema and episcleral hyperaemia in the left eye. The ophthalmological examination revealed the presence of a free‐swimming nematode in the anterior chamber. Circulating microfilariae were not observed by a modified Knott test nor were adult antigens detected in serum by a commercial ELISA. The parasite was surgically removed from the dog's eye, but its anterior end was damaged during the surgery. Based on the morphology of the posterior end, the nematode was preliminarily identified as a male Dirofilaria immitis. The species identification was confirmed by PCR amplification and sequencing of the mitochondrial coxI and 12S rDNA genes, using a DNA barcoding approach. Although other cases of ocular dirofilariosis by D. immitis have been previously recorded in Australia and the United States, the case reported herein is the first in a dog from Europ.  相似文献   

A case of neurofibromatosis in the dog   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 6-month-old male Great Dane had suffered from regular bouts of vomiting ever since it was a pup. Pathological investigation disclosed tumours, classified as neurofibromatosis, in nerves of the neck region and in the heart.  相似文献   

A 6-year-old dog was presented for draining tracts associated with both mandibular first molar teeth. Radiographs of the affected teeth showed periapical bone lysis. Surgical tooth extractions were performed and the tooth segments were submitted for histopathologic examination. Microscopic evaluation of the teeth showed in folding of the enamel and dentin consistent with a diagnosis of dens invaginatus. Examination performed 13-months following the extraction procedures indicated uncomplicated healing at the extraction sites and no other visible evidence of endodontic disease.  相似文献   

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