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<正>犬瘟热是一种危害宠物饲养业、野生动物保护业,以及水貂、狐狸、貉等毛皮动物养殖业的重要传染病,发病率和死亡率较高。本文从临床病理学、细胞受体等方面对犬瘟热病毒的研究进展进行了综述。犬瘟热(Canine Distemper,CD)是由犬瘟热病毒(Canine Distemper Virus,CDV)感染引起的犬科、鼬科和其他食肉目动物的急性或亚急性、高度接触致死性传染病,对当前养犬业、特种经济动物养殖业和野生动物保护业危害巨大。1905年卡尔(Carre)发现其病原为一种病毒,所  相似文献   

犬瘟热(Canine distemper,CD)是由犬瘟热病毒引起的犬科、鼬科和浣熊科的一种急性高度接触性败血性传染病.是当前对养犬业、毛皮动物养殖业和野生动物保护业危害最大的疫病之一.在此,从犬瘟热分子生物学、致病机理及诊断与防治方面进行综述.  相似文献   

犬瘟热病毒当前研究进展   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
犬瘟热(Canine Distemper)是由犬瘟热病毒(Canine Distemper Virus,CDV)引起的多种动物共患的传染病。在自然条件下,CDv能够感染犬科、鼬科、浣熊科、大熊猫科、猫科等多种动物,对我国养犬业、经济动物养殖业、动物园观赏业、野生动物保护业以及实验动物等危害极大。近几年来,在患Paget’s疾病的病人组织中检出了CDV核酸,因此其潜在的公共卫生学意义也已受到广大国内外学者的关注,开展的研究涉及病毒的病理学、免疫学、分子流行病学、检测等方面。  相似文献   

犬瘟热(Canine Distemper,CD)是由犬瘟热病毒(Camne Distemper ⅥruS,CDV)感染而引起的一种急性、高度接触性传染病.动物感染CDV后,发病率高,死亡率也很高.  相似文献   

犬瘟热(Canine Distemper,CD)是由犬瘟热病毒(Canine Distemper Virus,CDV)感染而引起的一种急性、高度接触性传染病。动物感染CDV后,发病率高,死亡率也很高。据不同报道,本病死亡率为30%~90%以上,  相似文献   

<正>犬瘟热(Canine Distemper,CD)是由犬瘟热病毒(Canine Distemper Virus,CDV)感染所引起的急性、高度接触传染性疾病,病死率可达30%~80%[1]。犬巴贝斯虫病是一种蜱传性血液原虫病,由巴贝斯科(Babesiidae)巴贝斯属(Babesia)虫体寄生于犬红细胞内引起。根据其宿主特异性和  相似文献   

犬瘟热病毒(Canine Distemper Virus,CDV),是负链单股不分节的RNA病毒,属于副粘病毒科麻疹病毒属,是当前对我国养犬业、毛皮动物养殖业的野生动物保护业危害最大的病原之一,经常引起大批犬、貂、狐等动物发病、病死率30%-80%^[6],雪貂高达100%^[4],经济损失惨重。近年来,包括大熊猫、小熊猫以及狮、虎、豹等食肉目所有8个科、偶蹄目猪科、灵长目的猕猴属和鳍足目海豹科等多种动物,均有CD自然发病的报道,甚至人也有CDV感染的病例,并且CDV自然感染的动物范围还有不断扩大的趋势,其危害也越来越大。由于CDV呈世界性分布,敏感宿主种类广泛,且可在大量的不相关动物种类中交叉感染^[8],靠种间传播,消灭CDV是不容易的,但可使用疫苗来控制。  相似文献   

犬瘟热目前在我国经常引起大批犬貂狐等动物发病,病死率30%-80%而且该病经常引起混合感染,如与传染性肝炎、冠状病毒、细小病毒及集继发感染,死亡率可达80%.因此犬瘟热是当前宠物饲养业、经济动物养殖业危害最大的疫病之一,往往给经济动物养殖业和动物观赏业带来巨大的损失,故对该病的诊断和防治尤为重要.  相似文献   

犬瘟热流行特点与诊疗   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
犬瘟热(CD)是由犬瘟热病毒(CDV)感染引起的急性、高度接触性传染病。本病在世界范围内流行,尤其是在免疫工作稍差的发展中国家,是当前世界养犬业至毛皮动物养殖业和野生动物保护方面危害最大的疾病之一。  相似文献   

犬瘟热(Canine distemper)是由犬瘟热病毒(CDV)引起,主要危害幼犬的一种急性传染病。1991年夏秋季节,某警犬队犬群暴发犬瘟热,由于并发犬冠状病毒感染,发病率和死亡率明显高于以往历次发病。应用犬瘟热免疫血清进行被动免疫和治疗,取得满意效果。现将犬瘟热免疫血清  相似文献   


During the past few years the problem of canine disease has been a very real one in New Zealand as “distemper syndromes” have been encountered in many districts in epidemic proportions, and the mortality rate has sometimes been high. Not only have unvaccinated dogs been affected, but a small percentage of those previously inoculated by the simultaneous serum-virus method or the egg-adapted virus vaccine has contracted disease. I have been asked repeatedly whether, in view of the factsthat some vaccinated dogs develop symptoms suggestive of distemper, and that the syndromes vary from district to district and from one year to the next, hard pad and distemper, should be regarded as separate disease entities. Also, I am asked whether the Laidlaw-Dunkin virus causes encephalitis in dogs, and, if so, if it is the only virus other than rabies which does so.  相似文献   

Canine distemper virus.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Vaccine-based prophylaxis has greatly helped to keep distemper disease under control. Notwithstanding, the incidence of canine distemper virus (CDV)-related disease in canine populations throughout the world seems to have increased in the past decades, and several episodes of CDV disease in vaccinated animals have been reported, with nation-wide proportions in some cases. Increasing surveillance should be pivotal to identify new CDV variants and to understand the dynamics of CDV epidemiology. In addition, it is important to evaluate whether the efficacy of the vaccine against these new strains may somehow be affected.  相似文献   

Canine distemper virus-induced thrombocytopenia   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Effects of canine distemper virus (CDV) infection on circulating platelet values were studied in gnotobiotic dogs inoculated with R252-CDV. Thrombocytopenia (less than 200,000 platelets/microliter) was present on postinoculation day (PID) 5 and persisted through PID 15. Peak thrombocytopenia occurred on PID 10 (less than 85,000 platelets/microliter). Thrombocytopenia was accompanied by lymphopenia, neutropenia, and monocytopenia. Platelet membrane-bound CDV antigen and IgG were present from PID 7 onward; neither the third component of complement nor IgM was detected on platelets from CDV-inoculated dogs. The mean number of megakaryocytes per unit of bone marrow surface area was unchanged. Megakaryocyte infection was present in dogs euthanatized on PID 4 (0.33%), increased slightly in dogs euthanatized on PID 8 (3%), and increased sharply in dogs euthanatized on PID 9 and 10 to 17.8% and 8.3%, respectively. Phagocytosis of platelets by stellate reticuloendothelial (Kupffer's) cells in the liver was prominent in dogs euthanatized from PID 5 onward. Seemingly, CDV-induced thrombocytopenia was mediated by virus-antibody immune complexes on platelet membranes. Decreased platelet production after PID 8 resulting from direct viral infection of megakaryocytes was a likely contributing factor and occurred against a background of profound virus-induced dysfunctions of all hematopoietic cellular elements.  相似文献   

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