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The housing industry, as a new economy growth point and hot point of consumption in our national economy, has huge potentials for its development. Because of the underdevelopment of the commodity housing market in our country, there are some unhealthy tendencies, such as low level of development, poor quality of housing, waste of resources, large deviation between housing function and its price, and so on. So there is urgent need to take measures for avoiding these unhealthy phenomena. It is one of the strongest measures to evaluate the economy of the commodity housing. In this paper the meaning, principle and method of the evaluation on economy of the commodity housing were discussed. It will play a positive role to promote spreading this work.  相似文献   

A robust method for determining the component safety factor and structural safety factor of steel truss bridge is developed based on elastic modulus reduction method (EMRM). A procedure of two-level safety analysis and structural optimization is presented by means of the linear FEA iteration and the generalized yield criterion to take multiple internal forces into consideration. The strategy of elastic modulus adjustment is derived according to the principle of conversation of energy. The element bearing ratio (EBR) in every step can be obtained, and the first and last EBRs are employed to determine component safety factor and the structural safety factor for two-level structural safety evaluation of steel truss bridge. Those components with higher or lower EBR than the referenced EBR can be identified. By taking the quantitative relationship of the two level safety factors, a structural optimization scheme with better distribution of the EBR and saving material consumption can be achieved by adjusting the sectional strength of components with higher and lower EBR. Numerical examples show that the proposed method is promising with satisfying accuracy. The analysis of structural safety and optimization can be implemented by using the linear iteration while complicated nonlinear analysis in classical scheme is avoided.  相似文献   

以商丘市各县区为例,通过选取不同角度的评价指标,分为利用强度、增长耗地和产出效益3个准则层,建立多因素综合评价法模型,将极差标准化法和层次分析法相结合,应用到数据处理中,提高计算准确性,以期为节约集约评价提供参考。结果显示,商丘市下辖9县区建设用地节约集约利用水平不一,得分区间位于0.1~0.7不等,经济发达地区的建设用地节约集约利用水平整体优于经济发展条件较劣的地区。其中,梁园区、睢阳区和永城市节约集约水平较高,接近0.7分,虞城县、宁陵县和民权县利用水平较低,最低仅为0.18,提升空间广阔。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the tenet of cost control for steel structure engineering in main construction. It expounds the idea and control ways of production cost, quality cost, time cost and risk cost in main construction of steel structure engineering. It puts forward a method of cost forecast and measures for production cost cut.  相似文献   

In order to realize the performance target of “no collapse under rare earthquake” based on the seismic design according to structural influencing coefficient, three moment-resisting steel frames have been designed with similar probability of collapse in accordance with Chinese Seismic Code. The structural influencing coefficient of steel frames were determined through the incremental dynamic analysis method, and within equal collapse design rule. This paper proposed a method to define structural influencing coefficient can provide reference for determining the design seismic force of steel frame reasonably.  相似文献   

河南省黄楼村村庄规划中土地节约集约利用研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
土地的节约集约利用是缓解土地供需矛盾、保障新时期社会经济稳定发展的必然选择。笔者以河南省商城县双椿铺镇黄楼村为研究实例,针对黄楼村村庄建设现状,分析其存在的问题,根据村庄节约集约建设标准,将节地理念贯穿到整个村庄规划中,通过规划手段来实现土地的节约集约利用。结果表明,通过规划前后的对比,黄楼村建设用地节地效果显著,规划前村庄建设用地面积为41.35 hm2,人均建设用地面积为205.52 m2/人;规划后建设用地面积为19.14 hm2,人均建设用地面积为88.55 m2/人,建设用地面积减少了22.21 hm2,人均建设用地面积减少了116.97 m2/人,土地节约集约利用水平大大提高,为同类村庄规划及土地节约集约利用提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

为了评价成都“1+7”经济区的土地集约节约利用度,促进经济区土地集约节约利用,从土地投入水平、利用强度、产出效果、利用持续性4个方面构建了土地集约节约利用评价指标体系,采用层次分析法、德菲尔法确定指标权重,用Matlab软件对2009年经济区的土地集约节约利用度进行模糊综合评价。结果表明:城市土地的投入水平和二三产业的发展水平直接影响到土地集约利用度,经济区土地集约节约利用总体水平较低,成都为中度集约,德阳为初步集约,绵阳、资阳为低度粗放,乐山、遂宁、眉山、雅安为中度粗放。笔者有针对性地提出了优化和调整产业结构,将集约利用的重点放在建成区现有土地的开发和挖潜改造上,尽可能地增加单位面积的土地收益,走内涵式发展道路等对策建议。  相似文献   

辛承松  唐薇  魏乐海 《棉花学报》2003,15(2):104-108
在自然条件下,安排了以灌水为主区、盖膜为副区的裂区试验,研究了灌水与盖膜处理对滨海盐渍土水分、盐分含量变化、棉花生理生化和生长发育的影响。结果表明,在不盖膜与盖膜两种条件下,土壤含水量均随灌水量的增加而增加,而土壤含盐量随之降低,由此形成了"土壤脱盐淡化层";棉花生理生化和生长发育均受水、盐胁迫的影响,但灌水量1500m3·hm 2与2250m3·hm 2处理间无显著差异;从节水和高效角度考虑,以地膜覆盖度50%、灌水量1500m3·hm 2处理最佳。  相似文献   

城市绿地系统社会服务功能所具有的重要价值已在世界范围内引起了人们的普遍关注,有关城市绿地系统社会服务功能及其评价的研究也取得了较大的进展。但通过文献综述发现,这些研究对城市绿地系统社会服务功能与城市绿地的规划、建设、保护和管理之间的相互关系探究极少且深度不够,使得这些研究的实践意义不大。而在有关城市绿地系统社会服务功能评价的研究上,也存在着诸如评价指标少且未形成体系、研究范围较窄、研究的深度和广度不够等不足,以致不能真实、综合地反映出城市绿地系统多元的社会服务功能。为此,为了全面、客观地反映出城市绿地系统社会服务功能所具有的价值,应坚持综合性、层次性、独立性,可操作性、易获得性等原则,并构建定性与定量相结合的指标体系。  相似文献   

This paper described in detail the construction proposals and construction technology of steel plate pile cofferdam used for the construction of off-shore pumping house of the highest foundation in Asia, as well as the construction method and technical analysis of treatment of 'exposed foot' of steel plate pile cofferdam.  相似文献   

徐硕 《中国农学通报》2014,30(32):308-313
以中国渔政管理指挥系统作为评价对象,将该系统的信息化建设的长远目标和近期目标、内在组织流程和外部影响因素等诸多方面结合在一起,基于AHP层次分析法和模糊综合评价法构建中国渔政管理指挥系统管理信息化绩效评价模型和多层次、多维度的评价指标体系,实现对中国渔政管理指挥系统管理信息化绩效的客观评价。通过对管理信息化绩效评价的研究,将为渔业管理部门提供系统实用的信息化评价方法和工具,帮助渔业管理部门明确在信息化需求和实施绩效方面的优势和薄弱环节,便于管理决策层及时掌握当前的信息化实施状态。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the tenet of quality control of steel structure engineering in main construction work and investigates the course and way of quality control.  相似文献   

通过大量文献梳理,采用文献资料法、对比分析法、归纳总结法,重点围绕高标准农田建设背景与现状、建设适宜性评价、效益评价、影响因素解析4部分内容进行研究。对比分析当前研究中评价指标的设置方向以及研究方法在原理、优缺点及适用性等方面的差异性,最后进行整体总结与展望。结果表明,当前高标准农田建设工作已取得显著成效;在项目建设前的适宜性评价研究中,评价指标的设置更侧重于区域耕地的自然禀赋条件;在项目建设后的效益评价研究中,从早期注重经济效益评价逐渐发展为经济、社会、生态效益评价并重;在影响因素解析研究中,当前研究仍较为薄弱,对不同建设区域效益提升水平存在差异的解释仍较少。针对研究方法,未来研究应综合考量不同方法的优缺点及适用性。本研究能为科学推进高标准农田建设提供有益参考。  相似文献   

土地利用总体规划后评估的指标体系构建   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
笔者主要采用文献资料法和系统工程分析法,构建土地利用总体规划后评估的指标体系,旨在通过土地利用总体规划实施情况评估、规划实施效益评估、土地资源节约集约评估等建立规划后评估体系,全面分析和掌握现行土地利用总体规划的实施情况和效益情况,确认规划的合理性,提高土地利用规划编制的科学性和权威性,促进社会经济全面协调发展。  相似文献   

Based on "Setting up and Evaluation on Index System of Aged Life of Quality in China" and with the more(item) need to be inputed and the inquiring and statistics changing frequently,this paper introduces how to use components of databases of Delphi to design and implement system of evaluation for aged life of quality.  相似文献   

野三坡地质公园旅游资源评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旅游资源评价是对旅游资源有效保护、合理开发和旅游规划的前提。为更好的保障以地质遗迹为基础的地质公园旅游的可持续发展,建立了适用于地质公园旅游资源的评价技术体系.该体系包括3个类,11个亚类,31个指标,并划分为四个旅游资源等级。利用该体系从定性、定量两方面对野三坡地质公园的旅游资源进行了评价。结果表明:野三坡地质公园旅游资源丰富,加上良好的交通区位条件.开发潜力非常大,适宜扩大开发生态旅游、地质旅游。并根据评价结果.提出野三坡地质公园开发的一些对策:坚持以保护为前提,与周边景区合作开发区域旅游产品,打造旅游品牌,实现生态、社会、经济的最佳效益。  相似文献   

上海市青浦区生态用地建设评价指标体系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生态用地是生态环境的载体,其在生态环境保护和农业的可持续发展中具有重要的意义。采用频度分析法筛选指标,应用AHP-Delphi法确定各指标的权重,并根据上海市青浦区2020年的规划目标确定了一些基准值,在此基础上建立了上海市青浦区生态用地的综合评价指标体系,并对研究区生态用地建设的现状进行了综合的分析与评价,结果表明:该区评价等级处于Ⅲ级,具有很大的建设优化潜力,与实际调查情况相符。文中的分析指标体系具有极强的针对性和可靠性等特点。  相似文献   

The value-at-risk(VaR) model is a statistical model to estimate and control financial risk,and used to measure the most probable loss on the next deal stage of financial asset portfolio.Based on the principle of the value-at-risk,in this paper the value-at-risk is to be applied to the risk evaluation of construction project.Assuming the sub-project prices abide by the BQ model are random variable which conform to normal distribution,this paper has built up the portfolio of project according to biding and quoted price of construction project,and adopted the variance-covariance method to measure the value-at-risk of the biding and quoted price in order to provide a feasible risk analysis tool for the evaluation of construction project bidding.  相似文献   

As a single system of evaluation, both neural network (NN) and traditional expert system (ES) have many limitations. Developing evaluation system integrating NN with ES is an available way to offset their weakness. With black-box module, a new frame of evaluation system is developed in relative independent method. Then, a way of programming and realizing evaluation system, which is more close to human thinking, is put forward.  相似文献   

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