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养禽业正朝着集约化方向发展,省力、省时、无应激的非注射免疫法适应了群体免疫接种的需要,正被得到广泛采用。 一口服免疫法。它分为喂食免疫和饮水免疫两种。前者是通过供口服的疫苗用清水稀释后混于饲料中,家禽通过摄食获得免疫;后者将可供口服的疫苗混于水中,家用通过饮水获得免疫。 由于口服免疫省时省力,对家禽正常生长、繁殖等无干扰,特别适于大群家禽的免疫。不足之处在于家禽个体间吃食、饮水量有差异,因而入口的疫苗量不一致,产生的免疫抗体水平不够整齐。为了尽可能保证口服免疫的效果,应注意以下几点: 1免疫前,根…  相似文献   

l 疫苗使用前 ,应检查药品名称、厂家、批号、有效期、物理性状、贮存条件等是否与说明书相符。对过期、无批号、物理性状及颜色异常或不明来源的疫苗 ,禁止使用。2 疫苗的保存、运输应严格按说明书要求的温度、条件进行。如Ⅰ系、Ⅳ系等冻干疫苗应在 - 15℃以下保存 ,油乳剂灭活茵应在 2~ 8℃保存。3 一般疫苗接种前后 3d内 ,饮水中应加入抗应激类药品。特别是鸡群的产蛋期 ,如需接种疫苗 ,一定要用如欧多补、速补、维利素等药品 ,以减少应激反应 ,防止产蛋率下降。4 疫苗用量不要过度贪大 ,否则会因强烈应激反应 ,造成免疫抵制 ,影…  相似文献   

禽的健康状况取决于其免疫系统的功能与状况,而影响禽机体免疫力的因素很多,如遗传(品系)、年龄(日龄)、营养和各种应激等,其中营养是影响机体免疫力的一个重要因素,本文就营养与免疫之间的关系做一阐述。  相似文献   

禽的健康状况取决于其免疫系统的功能与状况,而影响禽机体免疫力的因素很多,如遗传(品系)、年龄(日龄)、营养和各种应激等,其中营养是影响机体免疫力的一个重要因素,本文就营养与免疫之间的关系做以阐述。  相似文献   

红细胞具有识别、黏附、浓缩、杀伤抗原、清除循环免疫复合物(CIC)的能力,参与机体的免疫调控,并且有完整的自我调控系统.目前,关于人类红细胞免疫性疾病方面的研究已经比较全面了,而关于动物红细胞免疫的研究则起步较晚,禽类红细胞的研究方向和方法还比较单一.本文针对禽类红细胞免疫的研究进展进行了简要总结.  相似文献   

免疫系统是动物执行免疫应答及免疫功能的重要系统。免疫应答是动物维持正常生命活动的必要条件,而异常的免疫应答会对动物造成不同程度的损伤。关于禽类异常免疫应答的综述性文章较少,本文从禽类的免疫系统组成,异常的免疫应答类型以及常见的禽类免疫异常疾病几个方面进行了简要的介绍。  相似文献   

多不饱和脂肪酸对禽类免疫功能的影响研究进展   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
作者综述了多不饱和脂肪酸对禽类免疫功能的影响研究进展,包括多不饱和脂肪酸对禽类免疫器官、体液免疫、细胞免疫和细胞因子的影响,及多不饱和脂肪酸调节免疫功能的机制。  相似文献   

维生素E与禽类免疫关地编译(沈阳市辽中化工总厂110200)维生素E是战胜疾病所必需的微量元素,它随着食物由口腔摄入并被同化,在小肠内被吸收。其在动物体内的主要功能是防止机体受细胞氧化的危害(特别是细胞膜)。在细胞呼吸酶系统中起重要作用,但其作用机理...  相似文献   

为了在宿主体内生存,病毒在进化过程中形成了一系列逃避机体免疫的能力,包括潜伏感染、抗原变异、干扰抗原加工和呈递、调节宿主细胞因子网络、调控细胞凋亡以及抑制补体抗体系统等.本文以禽病毒为例对病毒免疫逃避的机制进行了综述.  相似文献   

香菇多糖是从香菇中提取分离的一种活性多糖,具有较强的免疫活性作用。本文综述了香菇多糖的免疫调节作用及其在家禽中的应用效果。  相似文献   

The spread of rabies in terrestrial wildlife throughout the United States is primarily controlled through oral rabies vaccination. Relatively low bait acceptance and seroconversion rates by some target species have prompted investigation into an alternative to the RABORAL V-RG bait currently used. In Canada, ONRAB Ultralite baits are used to vaccinate raccoons (Procyon lotor) and striped skunks (Mephitis mephitis). Comparative studies between RABORAL V-RG and ONRAB found higher seroconversion rates among raccoons that ingested ONRAB, suggesting that it may be a suitable alternative. However, ONRAB has not been evaluated in many rabies reservoir species, including coyotes (Canis latrans). Vaccination of coyotes is a critical element in preventing reemergence of canine strain of rabies in the United States. We evaluated flavor preference of ONRAB Ultralite oral rabies vaccine baits by coyotes. Preferences among bait types differed (Friedman χ2 = 13.28; df = 5; P = 0.02). Of the 6 bait flavors evaluated, cheese ranked the highest, followed by fish, chicken, sugar-vanilla, egg, and bacon flavors. Pairwise trials among the top 3 flavors (cheese, fish, and chicken) showed no difference (Friedman χ2 = 3.00; df = 2; P = 0.22). Our research suggests that among the bait flavors we evaluated, cheese, fish, or chicken-flavored baits may be an appropriate flavor for delivery of ONRAB Ultralite baits to coyotes.  相似文献   

发酵饲料在家禽生产中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
饲料原料经过微生物发酵,可以降解抗营养因子和毒素,提高饲料利用率.发酵饲料对提高家禽生产性能、调节肠道菌群、维持肠道微生态平衡及增强机体免疫力具有积极作用.文章对发酵饲料的作用机理及其在家禽生产中的应用研究进行综述,对发酵饲料的应用前景进行展望,对发酵饲料与发酵工艺存在的问题进行探讨,为发酵饲料在家禽中的应用提供参考.  相似文献   

Less than 20% of the domestic dogs on tribal lands in the United States are vaccinated against rabies. One method to increase vaccination rates may be the distribution of oral rabies vaccines (ORVs). ONRAB® (Artemis Technologies, Inc., Ontario, Canada) is the primary ORV used in Canada to vaccinate striped skunks and raccoons. To investigate the potential use of ONRAB® ORV baits to vaccinate feral domestic dogs against rabies on tribal lands and beyond, we performed a flavor preference study. A total of 7 bait flavors (bacon, cheese, dog food, hazelnut, sugar-vanilla, peanut butter, and sardine) were offered in pairs to 13 domestic dogs. Each dog was offered all possible combinations of bait pairs over a period of 10 days, with each bait offered 6 times. The proportion of times each bait was consumed first by individual dogs was calculated and comparisons among dogs were conducted using the MIXED procedure in SAS (SAS Institute, Cary, NC). Pairwise comparisons between baits were performed using “contrast” statements with sugar-vanilla flavor as the default for comparison. Type 3 tests of fixed effects showed a significant treatment effect (F6,72 = 9.74, P < 0.0001). Sugar-vanilla was selected first during 14% of the offerings and exhibited the least preference among all bait types (F1,72 = 22.46, P < 0.0001). Dog food was selected first 56% of the time, and more frequently than all other bait types (F1,72 = 13.09, P = 0.0005).  相似文献   

Viral and bacterial diseases remain a threat to the poultry industry and countermeasures to prevent and control them are needed due to production losses. With the continued threat of exotic and emerging diseases and concern over the use of antibiotics in animal production, there is a serious and urgent need to find safe and practical alternatives to prevent or control pathogens. Identification of new tools for the design of new immunological interventions or therapeutic antimicrobials to reduce microbial pathogens in poultry is now required more than ever. Immunological interventions to reduce microbial pathogens in poultry would be of great value to the poultry industry and to the consumer. We have been advocating boosting immunity and encouraging the host to utilize its innate immune system to control and clear infections. Our research has addressed the use of innate immune mechanisms and components to develop new immune modulators (prophylactic and therapeutic) and the characterization and production of antimicrobial peptides as potential immune modulators in poultry. Dietary bioactive food components that interact with the immune response have considerable potential to reduce susceptibility to infectious diseases. With this premise, this paper asks and answers a series of pertinent questions on the utilization of avian immunity for increasing resistance to a variety of potential pathogens problematic in today's commercial poultry industry. Using experimental data to provide answers to these questions, we hope to stimulate a dialog between avian immunologists and nutritionists that results in coordinating and integrating their expertise into specific practical solutions that will benefit the industry and improve the well-being of commercial poultry.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine immune responses, and the localisation and persistence of Mycobacterium bovis bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) in gut-associated lymphoid tissues (GALT) and other organs in possums vaccinated orally with lipid-formulated BCG vaccine. To determine the duration of excretion and longevity of survival of BCG in the faeces of vaccinated animals.

METHODS: Possums (n=28) were vaccinated with lipid-formulated BCG (1 x 10 8 colony forming units (cfu) of formulated BCG) by the oral route. Control possums (n=17) were fed oral bait pellets containing formulation medium only. Possums were sacrificed at 3 days and at 1, 3, 6 and 8 weeks after vaccination or ingestion of bait. Proliferation responses to bovine purified protein derivative (PPD) were measured in lymphocytes from blood and mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN) and samples of lung, spleen, liver, MLN and Peyer's patches (PP) were cultured for the presence of BCG. The number of BCG organisms excreted in faeces and the duration of excretion were determined in eight vaccinated possums and eight control possums over a 3-week period. In a separate experiment, a further six possums were vaccinated with oral BCG vaccine (5–10 x 10 8 cfu BCG/possum) and their faeces collected over 48–72 h, for culture of BCG. The longevity of survival of BCG in these faeces was determined by storing faecal samples (n=12) under three different conditions: in an incubator (22.5°C), and conditions which simulated the forest floor and open pasture. A proportion (1–2 g) of these faecal samples was collected after storage for 1, 3, 5, 8 or 20 weeks, and cultured for BCG.

RESULTS: Possums vaccinated orally with BCG vaccine showed strong proliferation responses to bovine PPD in peripheral blood lymphocytes at 6–8 weeks post-vaccination (p.v.). Positive lymphocyte proliferation assay (LPA) responses to bovine PPD were first evident in MLN at 3 weeks p.v. BCG was cultured from MLN and PP in a proportion of animals at 3–8 weeks p.v. BCG was not cultured from sections of spleen, lung or liver at any time p.v. BCG was recovered in low to moderate numbers from the faeces of vaccinated possums for up to 7 days, and maximal numbers were cultured in faeces collected 48–72 h p.v. After storage for 1 week, BCG was cultured from all faecal samples placed in the incubator and from a proportion of faeces exposed to conditions similar to those on the forest floor and pasture. With the exception of one faecal sample stored under forest floor conditions which was culture-positive for BCG at 3 and 5 weeks, BCG was not cultured from any other faecal sample stored for more than 1 week.

CONCLUSIONS: Ingestion of oral BCG vaccine by possums was associated with the development of strong cell-mediated immunity in both blood and MLN. Following oral vaccination with BCG, the organisms were localised and persisted in GALT but did not spread to the spleen, liver or lungs. BCG was shed in low to moderate numbers in the faeces for up to 7 days p.v. The viability of BCG excreted in faeces decreased rapidly, particularly when faeces were exposed to an open pasture environment. Oral vaccination of possums with formulated BCG is unlikely to result in undue contamination of the environment with BCG.  相似文献   

植物化学物质存在于各种植物和真菌中,是一种非营养性化合物,对动物具有多种有益的生物活性。近年来,随着抗生素的限制,植物化学物质已被认为是家禽生产过程中应对挑战的首选。快速生长型肉用鸡品种在生长环境中受到应激时表现出较强的脆弱性,降低家禽生产性能的氧化还原平衡可能与免疫系统有关,因为氧化应激和炎症损伤是一个多阶段过程。本文首先讨论了氧化应激和炎症对家禽业的影响,其次综述了近年来植物化合物的抗氧化和免疫调节作用的研究进展。  相似文献   

郝生宏  杨荣芳 《饲料研究》2021,44(3):155-157
丁酸梭菌作为一种芽孢类革兰氏阳性菌,已被广泛应用于家禽养殖业,并表现出良好的促生长效果.丁酸梭菌可以改善家禽肠道结构和微生态环境、提高免疫力、提升抗氧化能力、改善畜产品品质.文章对丁酸梭菌在家禽养殖中的应用机制进行探讨,为在家禽生产中的应用提供参考.  相似文献   

This report describes a 16‐month‐old female, otherwise seemingly healthy, Siberian husky dog with severe oral papillomatosis that did not regress spontaneously and was refractory to surgical treatment over a 6‐month period. Regression of the papillomas was achieved by administering a series of experimental vaccinations starting at the time of the last surgery. The vaccine consisted of systemically administered canine oral papillomavirus major coat protein L1 that has been shown to self‐assemble into virus‐like particles. They cause a humoral response that has been shown to prevent the onset and development of papillomas. In this case, however, following unsuccessful surgical treatment, the vaccine acted therapeutically, causing the papillomas that had regrown to shrink. No side‐effects were noted.  相似文献   

作为一种替代抗生素的新型绿色添加剂,微生态制剂在畜禽养殖中主要用于维持畜禽健康、促进动物生长、提高饲料利用率.文章从调控动物胃肠道内微生物菌群、刺激动物免疫器官发育、分泌代谢产物激活动物自身免疫反应、改善养殖场环境进而改善动物健康状况等方面对现有的微生态制剂免疫机制进行综述.  相似文献   

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