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Canine elbow dysplasia encompasses four developmental diseases: ununited anconeal process, osteochondrosis of the medial part of the humeral condyle, fragmented medial coronoid process (FCP), and incongruity of the elbow joint. Four radiographic views per joint were used to evaluate 2693 Labrador Retrievers (LRs), 1213 Golden Retrievers (GRs), and 974 Bernese Mountain Dogs (BMDs) for the presence of elbow dysplasia between 2002 and 2009 in the Netherlands. The views were also graded for signs of osteoarthritis and sclerosis. FCP was diagnosed most frequently in LRs, GRs and BMDs, with an incidence of 6%, 5%, and 15%, and a heritability of 0.17, 0.24, and 0.06, respectively. Heritabilities were estimated using a sire model and all available ancestors. Sclerosis at the base of the medial coronoid process was the radiographic sign most strongly correlated with FCP (r=0.95, 0.92, and 0.95 in LRs, GRs and BMDs, respectively). The sex of the dog was significantly correlated with the presence of osteoarthritis in LRs, but not in GRs and BMDs. Male LRs were 1.7-fold more frequently, but not more severely, affected by osteoarthritis than female dogs. Age at radiographic examination was significantly associated with osteoarthritis in all three breeds. The heritability estimates in Retrievers were high enough to warrant including FCP findings in the breeding policy, but until the biomechanical and genetic background of elbow dysplasia are better understood, correct phenotyping with a sensitive technique is essential.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to estimate the genetic parameters, genetic trends and breeding values using linear model (LM) and threshold model (TM) for the development of hip dysplasia (HD) in Labrador Retrievers in the Czech Republic (n = 3151). The right and left hip joints were evaluated separately using the Fédération Cynologique Internationale scoring system. Four linear and four TMs were tested for the correct estimation of genetic parameters. All the tested models utilized fixed effects of sex, assessor, year of birth, regression of age at evaluation, random direct genetic effects and the effect of the animals' permanent environments. The models differed in the inclusion of the following effects: fixed effects of regression of inbreeding coefficient, random maternal effect and random effect of the maternal permanent environment. Compared to the TM, the LM provided lower coefficients of direct (0.25-0.29 versus 0.26-0.35) and maternal heritability (0.01-0.02 versus 0.03-0.05), repeatability (0.76-0.77 versus 0.78-0.83) and of the correlation between direct and maternal effects (-0.55 to -0.21 versus -0.80 to -0.27). In the tested models, no statistical significance was found for fixed regression of inbreeding coefficients or for the random effect of the permanent maternal environment. In spite of the similarity of the LM and TM results, the TM is recommended as the more suitable model for estimating genetic parameters and subsequent breeding values for HD in Labrador Retrievers in the Czech Republic.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the reliability of goniometry by comparing goniometric measurements with radiographic measurements and evaluate the effects of sedation on range of joint motion. ANIMALS: 16 healthy adult Labrador Retrievers. PROCEDURE: 3 investigators blindly and independently measured range of motion of the carpus, elbow, shoulder, tarsus, stifle, and hip joints of 16 Labrador Retrievers in triplicate before and after dogs were sedated. Radiographs of all joints in maximal flexion and extension were made during under sedation. Goniometric measurements were compared with radiographic measurements. The influence of sedation and the intra- and intertester variability were evaluated; 95% confidence intervals for all ranges of motion were determined. RESULTS: Results of goniometric and radiographic measurements were not significantly different. Results of measurements made by the 3 investigators were not significantly different. Multiple measurements made by 1 investigator varied from 1 to 6 degrees (median, 3 degrees) depending on the joint. Sedation did not influence the range of motion of the evaluated joints. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Goniometry is a reliable and objective method for determining range of motion of joints in healthy Labrador Retrievers.  相似文献   

Hereditary nasal dermatitis is reported in 14 Labrador Retrievers and 4 Labrador Retriever crosses. This appears to be a newly described inherited disorder for which an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance is suspected. The lesions were first noted between 6 and 12 months of age. Histopathological analysis revealed parakeratotic hyperkeratosis, often with marked multifocal accumulation of proteinaceous fluid between keratinocytes within the stratum corneum and superficial stratum spinosum. There was also a sub-basal lymphoplasmacytic infiltration within the superficial dermis. Immunohistochemistry staining for IgG (n = 4), distemper and papillomaviruses (n = 4) were negative, as were serum antinuclear antibody serology (n = 4) and fungal culture (n = 7). Electron microscopy revealed an altered cornification process: retention of nuclear chromatin, absence of lamellar bodies and marked intercellular oedema. Dogs did not respond to oral administration of zinc methionin (n = 3), cephalexin (n = 4), vitamin A alcohol (n = 1) or topical tretinoin (n = 1). Improvement of the lesions was obtained with topical vitamin E (n = 2), petroleum jelly (n = 2), and propylene glycol (n = 5).  相似文献   

The aim of this study was the analysis of environmental factors and estimation of genetic parameters for hip dysplasia in Labrador Retrievers. We analysed hip dysplasia scores of 2970 dogs from the official screening programme of the Labrador Club Deutschland (LCD) according to the FCI protocols. Traits evaluated were HD-Mit (average value of HD scores), HD-Max (higher score of both hip joints), HD-LI and HD-RE (HD score of the left or right hip joint). A linear animal model was employed to estimate heritabilities, additive genetic and residual correlations using Residual Maximum Likelihood (REML). Only inbreeding was significant after testing all non-genetic effects. Higher inbreeding coefficients were associated with higher HD scores. Heritability estimates and their standard errors were 0.38 +/- 0.04 for HD-Mit, 0.40 +/- 0.04 for HD-Max, 0.33 +/- 0.03 for HD-LI and 0.38 +/- 0.04 for HD-RE. The additive genetic correlation between HD-LI and HD-RE was 1. Heritability for female dogs was 0.31 and 0.30 for male dogs. The analysis of HD scores of Labrador Retrievers showed that the highest HD score of the hips should be used in breeding programmes, that heritabilities are not different among females and males, and that genetic components are much more important than environmental factors.  相似文献   

Familial reflex myoclonus in Labrador Retrievers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three 6-week-old male purebred yellow Labrador Retrievers were presented with intermittent stimulus-sensitive contractions of the appendicular and axial muscles. Five littermates were normal, although the grandsire of the affected litter had sired 2 previous litters containing similarly affected pup. Although alert and responsive, the affected dogs appeared decerebrate with extensor rigidity and opisthotonus during handling. During severe episodes, respiratory distress was observed. Generalized contractions were initiated by voluntary movements, but at rest the muscles relaxed. Neurologic deficits were not detected, although efforts to elicit segmental reflexes, assess muscle tone, or assist walking resulted in generalized stiffness. Electromyograms from the semitendinous muscles (musculi semitendinosus) had increased motor unit amplitude (up to 5,000 microV) with polyphasic action potentials. There were no myotonic discharges. A reduced interference pattern was seen. A single tactile stimuli of the distal limb resulted in 3 responses, each lasting less than or equal to 10 ms at latencies of 0 to 12 ms, 20 to 30 ms, and 35 to 40 ms, characteristic for reflex myoclonus. The motor nerve conduction velocities were normal for age (32 to 35 ms). Age-matched control dogs had motor unit action potentials of 100 to 200 microV and single compound motor unit discharges to single tactile stimuli. Therapeutic trials with diazepam and clonazepam produced minimal effects on the muscle contractions. Values of urinalyses, complete blood cell counts, and serum chemistries were within normal limits. Frozen muscle section biopsy findings, including enzyme histochemical assessment of muscle fiber types, were normal.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

This study summarizes the clinical and pathologic findings in 15 Labrador Retrievers with copper-associated chronic hepatitis (CACH). Our hypothesis was that this form of hepatitis is caused by a defect in hepatic copper metabolism, which most likely originates from a genetic defect. Affected Labradors consisted of 11 female and 4 male Labrador Retrievers. Eight family members of 2 of these patients were examined prospectively, as were 6 unrelated healthy Labrador Retrievers. All dogs were registered at the breed club. The average age at clinical presentation was 7 years (range, 2.5-10.5 years). All dogs were presented for anorexia, which was associated with vomiting in 8 patients. The diagnosis of CACH was based on histologic examination of liver biopsy specimens in all dogs, including semiquantitation of copper. A disproportionate increase in alanine aminotransferase (ALT) activity relative to alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, as well as the centrolobular localization of copper and the association of copper accumulation with hepatic lesions, suggested a primary copper storage disease rather than primary cholestatic liver disease causing copper accumulation. Mean hepatic copper concentration measured in related Labradors was 1,317 microg/g dry weight liver (range, 402-2,576 microg/g). Mean hepatic copper concentration of unrelated normal Labradors was 233 microg/g dry weight liver (range, 120-304 microg/g). Our findings support the hypothesis that a hereditary form of hepatitis occurs in Labrador retrievers and is caused by a defect in hepatic copper metabolism.  相似文献   

Canine Lyme disease is caused by the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi after transmission by an Ixodes tick, typically resulting in joint pain, fever and lethargy. Lyme nephritis is a poorly characterized syndrome associated with severe glomerular and tubular renal injury and poor clinical outcome in young to middle-aged dogs positive for exposure to B. burgdorferi. The aims of this study were to identify associations between natural exposure to B. burgdorferi and the presence of microalbuminuria in nonclinical young Labrador and Golden Retrievers and to compare two commonly used serologic tests available to document B. burgdorferi exposure: the Western blot and the commercial point-of-care C6 peptide enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) tests. Microalbuminuria was assessed using a commercial point-of-care ELISA specific for canine albumin. Blood and urine samples from 268 asymptomatic Labrador and Golden Retrievers were included. Of these, 18.7% were positive for B. burgdorferi exposure according to the C6 ELISA; 21.2% were positive for natural exposure to B. burgdorferi and 11.5% for vaccinal antibodies according to the Western blot. The agreement rate was 93% between the two tests (kappa = 0.78, P < 0.0001) for natural exposure. Urine from 6.1% of the dogs was positive for microalbuminuria. There was no association between microalbuminuria and exposure to B. burgdorferi based on results of a Western blot (P = 0.57) or C6 ELISA (P = 0.53). Microalbuminuria is likely not a consequence of B. burgdorferi exposure in young nonclinical Labrador and Golden Retrievers.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether age, breed, sex, weight, or distraction index (DI) was associated with the risk that dogs of 4 common breeds (German Shepherd Dog, Golden Retriever, Labrador Retriever, Rottweiler) would have radiographic evidence of degenerative joint disease (DJD) associated with hip dysplasia. DESIGN: Cross-sectional prevalence study. ANIMALS: 15,742 dogs. PROCEDURE: Hips of dogs were evaluated radiographically by use of the ventrodorsal hip-extended view, the compression v ew, and the distraction view. The ventrodorsal hip-extended view was examined to determine whether dogs had DJD. For each breed, a multiple logistic regression model incorporating age, sex, weight, and DI was created. For each breed, disease-susceptibility curves were produced, using all dogs, regardless of age, and dogs grouped on the basis of age. RESULTS: Weight and DI were significant risk factors for DJD in all breeds. For German Shepherd Dogs, the risk of having DJD was 4.95 times the risk for dogs of the other 3 breeds combined. In all breeds, the probability of having DJD increased with age. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results indicated that the probability of having hip DJD increased with hip joint laxity as measured by use of DI. This association was breed-specific, indicating that breed-specific information on disease susceptibility should be incorporated when making breeding decisions and when deciding on possible surgical treatment of hip dysplasia.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Hypothyroidism has been associated with a variety of neurologic signs, but the mechanism for this association is not completely understood. Hypothyroidism also is associated with hyperlipidemia that predisposes to atherosclerosis, increased blood viscosity, and thromboembolic events. OBJECTIVE: The objective is to characterize neurologic signs potentially associated with hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis in canine hypothyroidism. ANIMALS: This study used dogs referred to North Carolina State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital for evaluation of neurologic signs. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective study was conducted in which medical records of dogs with neurologic signs and a diagnosis of hypothyroidism and hyperlipidemia were reviewed. Details of the history, presenting signs, results of routine blood tests, thyroid tests, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis and diagnostic imaging, and response to therapy were compiled. RESULTS: Three Labrador Retrievers and one Labrador Retriever cross fit the inclusion criteria. All dogs were hypothyroid and severely hyperlipidemic. Neurologic signs included tetraparesis, central and peripheral vestibular signs, facial paralysis, and paraparesis. Two dogs had an acute history and rapid resolution of signs consistent with an infarct, the presence of which was confirmed in 1 of the dogs by magnetic resonance imaging. Two dogs had chronic histories of cranial neuropathies and paraparesis. One of these dogs had evidence of iliac thrombosis and atherosclerosis on ultrasound examination. All dogs improved with thyroid hormone supplementation. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Labrador Retrievers may be predisposed to the development of severe hyperlipidemia in association with hypothyroidism. One possible consequence of severe hyperlipidemia is the development of neurologic signs due to atherosclerosis and thromboembolic events.  相似文献   

Hereditary myopathy in Labrador Retrievers: clinical variations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Four cases of Labrador Retriever myopathy are described. These examples have been chosen to illustrate the variation in clinical signs which may be seen in this condition, and include the first example of a confirmed case of Labrador Retriever myopathy in which mega-oesophagus has been reported as a complicating feature. The implications of the clinical variations in diagnosis, management and control of the condition are discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To characterize a genetic component to cricopharyngeal dysfunction (CD) in Golden Retrievers. ANIMALS: 117 dogs. PROCEDURE: The CD phenotype was determined by videofluoroscopy, and dogs were classified as affected if the upper esophageal sphincter (UES) did not open, if there were morphologic abnormalities of the UES, or if opening of the UES was delayed for > or = 6 videofluoroscopic frames (0.2 seconds) after closure of the epiglottis. All survey radiographic and videofluoroscopic studies were reviewed by the same radiologist. RESULTS: Of the 117 dogs (47 males and 70 females) with a CD phenotype determined via videofluoroscopy, 21 dogs (18.0%) had abnormalities of the UES (affected). Of these 21 dogs, 9 were males (19.1% of all males) and 12 were females (17.1% of all females). The heritability of CD in a threshold model was estimated as 0.61, which established that CD could be passed from parent to offspring. Results of complex segregation analysis suggested that a single recessive allele of large effect contributed to the expression of this disease in Golden Retrievers. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The determination that CD is inherited in Golden Retrievers is an important step in providing information for veterinarians attending dogs with this disorder. Breeders also require this information to make informed breeding decisions.  相似文献   

Background: Copper-associated chronic hepatitis (CACH) recently has been recognized in the Labrador Retriever as an inherited disorder with a late onset of clinical signs. No studies have investigated dietary management for the long-term treatment of this disease or for its potential in delaying the onset of clinical signs in subclinical cases.
Objectives: To investigate the effects of a low-copper diet and zinc gluconate on hepatic copper concentrations in Labrador Retrievers with abnormal hepatic copper concentrations.
Animals: Twenty-four client-owned Labradors that were related to patients affected with CACH and that had been diagnosed with increased hepatic copper concentrations.
Methods: Hepatic copper concentrations were assessed before and after an average of 8 and 16 months of treatment. During this time, all dogs were fed exclusively a low-copper diet. In addition, dogs were assigned to 1 of 2 groups in a randomized double-blind manner to receive a supplement of zinc gluconate or placebo.
Results: Twenty-one dogs completed the study. Hepatic copper concentrations decreased in both groups at recheck 1 (n = 21; group 1, P < .001; group 2, P = .001) and at recheck 2 (n= 16; group 1, P = .03; group 2, P = .04). No difference in hepatic copper concentrations was found between the 2 groups before treatment ( P = .65), at recheck 1 or at recheck 2 ( P = .52–.79).
Conclusions and Clinical Relevance: Feeding low-copper diets to Labradors is effective in decreasing hepatic copper concentrations. Adjunctive treatment with zinc does not appear to increase the copper-lowering effects of dietary management.  相似文献   

Achromatopsia was identified in three Labrador Retriever littermates. The dogs demonstrated day blindness, negotiating obstacles under low‐light conditions, but apparently blind when outdoors. One of the dogs presented with immature bilateral diffuse posterior cortical cataracts and clinical signs of day blindness became apparent following cataract extraction surgery. Electroretinography demonstrated an absence of a cone photoreceptor response to a bright stimulus and a flicker response of 30 Hz in all three dogs. No fundic lesions have been apparent ophthalmoscopically in any of the dogs as the initial presentation of each case. No abnormalities were detected with DNA screening for known mutations of the CNGB3 gene in any of the dogs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the prevalence and distribution of types of cataract, investigate the effects of selective breeding on cataract development, and identify the relationship between posterior polar cataract and other types of cortical cataracts in Labrador Retrievers in The Netherlands. ANIMALS: 9,017 Labrador Retrievers. PROCEDURES: Records of 18,283 ophthalmic examinations performed by veterinary ophthalmologists from 1977 through 2005 were reviewed. There were 522 dogs affected by hereditary cataracts in 1 or both eyes without progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) and 166 PRA-affected dogs with cataracts. These cataracts were divided into 3 groups: posterior polar (triangular) cataract, extensive immature and mature cataract, and a miscellaneous group. Dogs with PRA were analyzed separately. RESULTS: From 1980 through 2000, the prevalence of hereditary cataracts was stable at 8%. The prevalence of cataracts in offspring of cataract-affected dogs was significantly increased, compared with the prevalence in offspring of nonaffected dogs. The distribution of types of cataract was significantly different between dogs with primary cataracts and PRA-affected dogs. Dogs with posterior polar (triangular) cataracts produced affected offspring with the same distribution of types of cataracts as the entire population of primary cataract-affected dogs. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Cataract development in the Labrador Retriever population in The Netherlands appears to be a predominantly genetic disorder. Posterior polar (triangular) cataracts appear to be related to other types of hereditary cataract. Although there is no conclusive evidence, it seems valid to continue exclusion of all Labrador Retrievers affected by any type of primary cataract from breeding.  相似文献   

拉布拉多犬(Labrador Retriever)与金毛猎犬(GOld Retriever)都是优秀的伴侣犬种与工作犬种. 1999年~2008年的统计资料显示:在美国和英国,最受欢迎的犬种是拉布拉多犬,金毛猎犬分别排名第二与第五;在日本,拉布拉多犬和金毛猎犬的排名分别为第三和第五.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the trotting gaits of Labrador Retrievers and Greyhounds to determine whether differences in locomotion are attributable to differences in their manner of moving or to body size and shape differences between these 2 breeds. ANIMALS: 8 healthy 5-month-old Greyhounds and 5 healthy Labrador Retrievers between 6 and 18 months old. PROCEDURE: A series of 4 force platforms was used to record independent ground reaction forces on the forelimbs and hind limbs during trotting. Values of stride parameters were compared between breeds before and after normalization for size differences. Standard values of absolute and normalized stride period and stride length were determined from linear regressions of these parameters on relative (normalized) velocity. Forces were normalized to body weight and compared at the same relative velocity. RESULTS: Greyhounds used fewer, longer strides than the Labrador Retrievers to travel at the same absolute speed. After normalization for body size differences, most measurable differences between breeds were eliminated. Subtle differences that did persist related to proportion of the stride that the forefoot was in contact with the ground, timing of initial hind foot contact relative to initial forefoot contact, and distribution of vertical force between the forelimbs and hind limbs. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that apparent differences in the trotting gait between Labrador Retrievers and Greyhounds are mainly attributable to differences in size, and that dogs of these 2 breeds move in a dynamically similar manner at the trot.  相似文献   

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