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Inter-patch connectivity can be strongly influenced by topography and matrix heterogeneity, particularly when dealing with species with high cognitive abilities. To estimate dispersal in such systems, simulation models need to incorporate a behavioral component of matrix effects to result in more realistic connectivity measures. Inter-patch dispersal is important for the persistence of capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) in central Europe, where this endangered grouse species lives in patchy populations embedded in a mountainous landscape. We simulated capercaillie movements with an individual-based, spatially explicit dispersal model (IBM) and compared the resulting connectivity measure with distance and an expert estimation. We used a landscape comprising discrete habitat patches, temporary habitat, non-habitat forests, and non-habitat open land. First, we assumed that dispersing individuals have perfect knowledge of habitat cells within the perceptual range (null model). Then, we included constraints to perception and accessibility, i.e., mountain chains, open area and valleys (three sub-models). In a full model, all sub-models were included at once. Correlations between the different connectivity measures were high (Spearman’s ρ > 0.7) and connectivity based on the full IBM was closer to expert estimation than distance. For selected cases, simple distance differed strongly from the full IBM measure and the expert estimation. Connectivity based on the IBM was strongly sensitive to the size of perceptual range with higher sensitivity for the null model compared to the full model that included context dependent perceptual ranges. Our heuristic approach is adequate for simulating movements of species with high cognitive abilities in strongly structured landscapes that influence perception and permeability.  相似文献   

Individual movement is a key process affecting the distribution of animals in heterogeneous landscapes. For specialist species in patchy habitat, a central issue is how dispersal distances are related to landscape structure. We compared dispersal distances for cactus bugs (Chelinidea vittiger) on two naturally fragmented landscapes (≤ 4% suitable habitat) with different matrix structures (i.e., vegetation height of nonsuitable habitat between suitable patches). Using mark-release-recapture studies, we determined that most transfers between cactus patches occurred during the mating season. Dispersal distances were reduced by > 50% on the landscape that had reduced structural connectivity due to relatively high matrix structure and low patch density. An experiment with detailed movement pathways demonstrated that greater matrix structure decreased mean step lengths, reduced directionality, and thus decreased net displacement by > 60%. However, habitat edges between two matrix elements that differed substantially in resistance to movement were completely permeable. Therefore, the difference in distributions of dispersal distances between the two landscapes mainly reflected the average resistance of matrix habitat and not the level of matrix heterogeneity per se. Our study highlights the merits of combining estimates of dispersal distances with insights on mechanisms from detailed movement pathways, and emphasizes the difficulty of treating dispersal distances of species as fixed traits independent of landscape structure.  相似文献   


Functional connectivity is vital for plant species dispersal, but little is known about how habitat loss and the presence of green infrastructure interact to affect both functional and structural connectivity, and the impacts of each on species groups.


We investigate how changes in the spatial configuration of species-rich grasslands and related green infrastructure such as road verges, hedgerows and forest borders in three European countries have influenced landscape connectivity, and the effects on grassland plant biodiversity.


We mapped past and present land use for 36 landscapes in Belgium, Germany and Sweden, to estimate connectivity based on simple habitat spatial configuration (structural connectivity) and accounting for effective dispersal and establishment (functional connectivity) around focal grasslands. We used the resulting measures of landscape change to interpret patterns in plant communities.


Increased presence of landscape connecting elements could not compensate for large scale losses of grassland area resulting in substantial declines in structural and functional connectivity. Generalist species were negatively affected by connectivity, and responded most strongly to structural connectivity, while functional connectivity determined the occurrence of grassland specialists in focal grasslands. Restored patches had more generalist species, and a lower density of grassland specialist species than ancient patches.


Protecting both species rich grasslands and dispersal pathways within landscapes is essential for maintaining grassland biodiversity. Our results show that increases in green infrastructure have not been sufficient to offset loss of semi-natural habitat, and that landscape links must be functionally effective in order to contribute to grassland diversity.


Habitat availability—or how much habitat species can reach at the landscape scale—depends primarily on the percentage of native cover. However, attributes of landscape configuration such as the number, size and isolation of habitat patches may have complementary effects on habitat availability, with implications for the management of landscapes. Here, we determined whether, and at which percentages of native cover, the number, size and isolation of patches contribute for habitat availability. We quantified habitat availability in 325 landscapes spread across the state of Rio de Janeiro, in the Atlantic Forest hotspot, with either high (>50 %), intermediate (50–30 %), low (30–10 %) or very low (<10 %) percentage of native cover, and for six hypothetical species differing in inter-patch dispersal ability. Above 50 % of native cover, the percentage of cover per se was the only determinant of habitat availability, but below 50 % the attributes of landscape configuration also contributed for habitat availability. The number of patches had a negative effect on habitat availability in landscapes with 50–10 % of native cover, whereas patch size had a positive effect in landscapes with <10 % of native cover. The different species generally responded to the same set of landscape attributes, although to different extents, potentially facilitating decision making for conservation. In landscapes with >50 % of native cover, conservation actions are probably sufficient to guarantee habitat availability, whereas in the remaining landscapes additional restoration efforts are needed, especially to reconnect and/or enlarge remaining habitat patches.  相似文献   

In fragmented landscapes, the likelihood that a species occupies a particular habitat patch is thought to be a function of both patch area and patch isolation. Ecologically scaled landscape indices (ESLIs) combine a species’ ecological profile, i.e., area requirements and dispersal ability, with indices of patch area and connectivity. Since their introduction, ESLIs for area have been modified to incorporate patch quality. ESLIs for connectivity have been modified to incorporate niche breadth, which may influence a species’ ease in crossing the non-habitat matrix between patches. We evaluated the ability of 4 ESLIs, the original and modified indices of area and connectivity, to explain patterns in patch occupancy of 5 forest rodents. Occupancy of eastern gray squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis), North American red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsconicus), fox squirrels (Sciurus niger), white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus), and eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus) was modeled at 471 sites in 35 landscapes sampled from the upper Wabash River basin in Indiana. Models containing ESLIs received support for gray squirrels, red squirrels, and chipmunks. Modified ESLIs were important in models for red squirrels. However, none of the models demonstrated high predictive ability. Incorporating habitat quality and using surrogate measures of dispersal can have important effects on model results. Additionally, different responses of species to area, isolation, and habitat quality suggest that generalizing patterns of metapopulation dynamics was not justified, even across closely related species.  相似文献   

Animal response to landscape heterogeneity directs dispersal and affects connectivity between populations. Topographical heterogeneity is a major source of landscape heterogeneity, which is rarely studied in the contexts of movement, dispersal, or connectivity. The current study aims at characterizing and quantifying the impacts of topography on landscape connectivity. We focus on ‘hilltopping’ behavior in butterflies, a dispersal-like behavior where males and virgin females ascend to mountain summits and mate there. Our approach integrates three elements: an individual-based model for simulating animal movements across topographically heterogeneous landscapes; a formula for the accessibility of patches in homogenous landscapes; and a graphical analysis of the plots of the simulation-based vs. the formula-based accessibility values. We characterize the functional relationship between accessibility values and landscape structure (referred to as ‘accessibility patterns’) and analyze the influence of two factors: the intensity of the individuals’ response to topography, and the level of topographical noise. We show that, despite the diversity of topographical landscapes, animal response to topography results in the formation of two, quantifiable accessibility patterns. We term them ‘effectively homogeneous’ and ‘effectively channeled’. The latter, in which individuals move toward a single summit, prevails over a wide range of behavioral and spatial parameters. Therefore, ‘channeled’ accessibilities may occur in a variety of landscapes and contexts. Our work provides novel tools for understanding and predicting accessibility patterns in heterogeneous landscapes. These tools are essential for linking movement behavior, movement patterns and connectivity. We also present new insights into the practical value of ecologically scaled landscape indices.  相似文献   

Loss of connectivity is one of the main causes of decreases in habitat availability and, thus, in species abundance and occurrence in fragmented landscapes. It is therefore important to measure habitat connectivity for conservation purposes, but there are several difficulties in quantifying connectivity, including the need for species movement behavioral data and the existence of few consistent indices to describe such data. In the present study, we used a graph theoretical framework to measure habitat availability, and we evaluate whether this variable is adequate to explain the occurrence pattern of an Atlantic rainforest bird (Pyriglena leucoptera, Thamnophilidae). The playback technique was used to parameterize the connectivity component of habitat availability indices and to determine the presence or absence of the study species in forest patches. Patch- and landscape-level habitat availability indices were considered as explanatory variables. Two of these were landscape-level indices, which varied in terms of how inter-patch connections are defined, using either a binary or probabilistic approach. This study produced four striking results. First, even short open gaps may disrupt habitat continuity for P. leucoptera. Second, the occurrence of P. leucoptera was positively affected by habitat availability. Third, proper measures of this explanatory variable should account for the landscape context around the focal patch, emphasizing the importance of habitat connectivity. Finally, habitat availability indices should consider probabilistic and not binary inter-patch connections when intending to explain the occurrence of bird species in fragmented landscapes. We discuss some conservation implications of our results, stressing the advantages of an ecologically scaled graph theoretical framework.  相似文献   

Metapopulation models are frequently used for analysing species–landscape interactions and their effect on structure and dynamic of populations in fragmented landscapes. They especially support a better understanding of the viability of metapopulations. In such models, the processes determining metapopulation viability are often modelled in a simple way. Animals’ dispersal between habitat fragments is mostly taken into account by using a simple dispersal function that assumes the underlying process of dispersal to be random movement. Species-specific dispersal behaviour such as a systematic search for habitat patches is likely to influence the viability of a metapopulation. Using a model for metapopulation viability analysis, we investigate whether such specific dispersal behaviour affects the predictions of ranking orders among alternative landscape configurations rated regarding their ability to carry viable metapopulations. To incorporate dispersal behaviour in the model, we use a submodel for the colonisation rates which allows different movement patterns to be considered (uncorrelated random walk, correlated random walk with various degrees of correlation, and loops). For each movement pattern, the landscape order is determined by comparing the resulting mean metapopulation lifetime Tm of different landscape configurations. Results show that landscape orders can change considerably between different movement patterns. We analyse whether and under what circumstances dispersal behaviour influences the ranking orders of landscapes. We find that the ‘competition between patches for migrants’ – i.e. the fact that dispersers immigrating into one patch are not longer available as colonisers for other patches – is an important factor driving the change in landscape ranks. The implications of our results for metapopulation modelling, planning and conservation are discussed.  相似文献   


Conservation for the Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis), a federally endangered species in the United States of America, is typically focused on local maternity sites; however, the species is a regional migrant, interacting with the environment at multiple spatial scales. Hierarchical levels of management may be necessary, but we have limited knowledge of landscape-level ecology, distribution, and connectivity of suitable areas in complex landscapes.


We sought to (1) identify factors influencing M. sodalis maternity colony distribution in a mosaic landscape, (2) map suitable maternity habitat, and (3) quantify connectivity importance of patches to direct conservation action.


Using 3 decades of occurrence data, we tested a priori, hypothesis-driven habitat suitability models. We mapped suitable areas and quantified connectivity importance of habitat patches with probabilistic habitat availability metrics.


Factors improving landscape-scale suitability included limited agriculture, more forest cover, forest edge, proximity to medium-sized water bodies, lower elevations, and limited urban development. Areas closer to hibernacula and rivers were suitable. Binary maps showed that 30% of the study area was suitable for M. sodalis and 29% was important for connectivity. Most suitable patches were important for intra-patch connectivity and far fewer contributed to inter-patch connectivity.


While simple models may be effective for small, homogenous landscapes, complex models are needed to explain habitat suitability in large, mixed landscapes. Suitability modeling identified factors that made sites attractive as maternity areas. Connectivity analysis improved our understanding of important areas for bats and prioritized areas to target for restoration.


This study investigated the efficacy of linear landscape elements in fragmented landscapes as corridors for perennial grassland species with short-range seed dispersal. Corridors are assumed to be essential for the persistence of metapopulations in fragmented landscapes, but it is unclear to what extent linear landscape elements such as ditch banks and road verges can function as corridors for those species. The principal factors that determine the rate of migration through corridors include the width and habitat quality of patches within a corridor (expressed as the population growth rate λ) and the dispersal capacity of plants (expressed as the slope α of the relationship between seed number and log-distance). A cellular automation model was used to simulate the effects of the principal factors on the rate of migration. Simulations with different levels of the principal factors showed highly significant and positive main effects of dispersal capacity, habitat quality and width of corridors on the migration rate. Significant interactions existed between dispersal capacity × width and dispersal capacity × habitat quality (p<0.0001), indicating that the effects of width and habitat quality depended on the dispersal capacity. In narrow corridors most of the dispersed seeds were deposited outside the corridor, which significantly reduced migration rates, especially for species with long-range dispersal (α=−0.4). In wide corridors (up to 20 m), seed losses were much smaller and migration rates approximated those of continuous habitats. The contribution of the few long-range seeds to the rate of migration was significant when habitat quality was high (population growth rates up to 2.5). However, in all simulations migration rates were very low,i.e.<5 m/yr. It is concluded that linear landscape elements are not effective corridors in fragmented landscapes for plants with short-range seed dispersal, because migration rates are low (<5 m/yr), landscape elements vary in the percentage of high quality patches, and refugia and suitable habitat patches are frequently several kilometres apart, making a cohesive infrastructure of corridors for plants elusive. It is argued that the best way to conserve endangered plant species that encounter dispersal barriers is to harvest seeds from nearby source populations and introduce them as suitable habitats.  相似文献   

Predicting the vulnerability of landscapes to both the initial colonisation and the subsequent spread of invasive species remains a major challenge. The aim of this study was to assess the relative importance of sub-patch level factors and landscape factors for the invasion of the megaforb Heracleum mantegazzianum. In particular, we tested which factors affect the presence in suitable habitat patches and the cover-percentage within invaded patches. For this purpose, we used standard (logistic) regression modelling techniques. The regression analyses were based on inventories of suitable habitat patches in 20 study areas (each 1 km2) in cultural landscapes of Germany. The cover percentage in invaded patches was independent from landscape factors, except for patch shape, and even unsatisfactorily explained by sub-patch level factors included in the analysis (R 2 = 0.19). In contrast, presence of H. mantegazzianum was affected by both local and landscape factors. Woody habitat structure decreased the occurrence probability, whereas vicinity to transport corridors (rivers, roads), high habitat connectivity, patch size and perimeter-area ratio of habitat patches had positive effects. The significance of corridors and habitat connectivity shows that dispersal of H. mantegazzianum through the landscape matrix is limited. We conclude that cultural landscapes of Germany function as patch-corridor-matrix mosaics for the spread of H. mantegazzianum. Our results highlight the importance of landscape structure and habitat configuration for invasive spread. Furthermore, this study shows that both local and landscape factors should be incorporated into spatially explicit models to predict spatiotemporal dynamics and equilibrium stages of plant invasions.  相似文献   

It is generally assumed that large patches of natural habitat are better for the survival of species than the same amount of habitat in smaller fragments or linear elements like hedges and tree rows. We use a spatially explicit individual-based model of a woodland bird to explore this hypothesis. We specifically ask whether mixtures of large, small and linear habitat elements are better for population performance than landscapes that consist of only large elements. With equal carrying capacity, metapopulations perform equally or better in heterogeneous landscape types that are a mix of linear, large and small habitat elements. We call this increased metapopulation performance of large and small elements “synergy”. These mixed conditions are superior because the small linear elements facilitate dispersal while patches secure the population in the long run because they have a lower extinction risk. The linear elements are able to catch and guide dispersing animals which results in higher connectivity between patches leading to higher metapopulation survival. Our results suggest that landscape designers should not always seek to conserve and create larger units but might better strive for more variable landscapes with mixtures of patch sizes and shapes. This is especially important when smaller units play a key role in connecting patches and dispersal through the matrix is poor.  相似文献   

Classical metapopulation models do not account for temporal changes in the suitability of habitat patches. In reality, however, the carrying capacity of most habitat types is not constant in time due to natural succession processes. In this study, we modeled plant metapopulation persistence in a successional landscape with disappearing and emerging habitat patches, based on a realistic dune slack landscape at the Belgian–French coast. We focused on the effects of the variation of different plant traits on metapopulation persistence in this changing landscape. Therefore, we used a stage based stochastic metapopulation model implemented in RAMAS/Metapop, simulating a large variation in plant traits but keeping landscape characteristics such as patch turnover rate and patch lifespan constant. The results confirm the conclusions of earlier modeling work that seed dispersal distance and seed emigration rate both have an important effect on metapopulation persistence. We also found that high population growth rate or high recruitment considerably decreased the extinction risk of the metapopulation. Additionally, a long plant life span had a strong positive effect on metapopulation persistence, irrespective of the plant's dispersal capacity and population growth rate. Plant species that invest in life span require less investment in offspring and dispersal capacity to avoid extinction, even in dynamic landscapes with deterministic changes in habitat quality. Moreover, metapopulations of long-lived plant species were found to be much less sensitive to high levels of environmental stochasticity than short-lived species.  相似文献   

Persistence of wildlife populations depends on the degree to which landscape features facilitate animal movements between isolated habitat patches. Due to limited data availability, the effect of landscape features on animal dispersal is typically estimated using expert opinion. With sufficient data, however, resistance surfaces can be estimated empirically. After modeling suitable prospecting habitat using an extensive dataset from the federally endangered red-cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis), we used data from over 800 prospecting events from 34 radio-tagged birds to identify the best relationship between habitat suitability and resistance surfaces. Our results demonstrated that juvenile female P. borealis prospecting for new territories beyond their natal territories preferred to traverse through forests with tall canopy and minimal midstory vegetation. The non-linear relationship between habitat suitability and resistance surfaces was the most biologically relevant transformation, which in turn identified the specific forest composition that promoted and inhibited prospecting and dispersal behavior. These results corresponded with over 60 % of dispersal events from an independent dataset of short-distance dispersal events. This new understanding of P. borealis prospecting behavior will help to identify areas necessary for maintaining habitat connectivity and to implement effective management strategies. Our approach also provides a framework to not only estimate and evaluate resistance surfaces based on species-specific responses to intervening landscape features, but also addresses an often-neglected step, selecting a biologically relevant function to transform habitat suitability model into a resistance surface.  相似文献   



The umbrella approach applied to landscape connectivity is based on the principle that the conservation or restoration of the dispersal habitats for some species also can facilitate the movement of others. Species traits alone do not seem to be enough to identify good connectivity umbrella species, showing the need to investigate the influence of additional factors on this property.


We test whether the potential of a species as a connectivity umbrella can be influenced by landscape composition and configuration.


We simulated movement routes for eight hypothetical species in artificial patchy landscapes with different levels of fragmentation, habitat amount and matrix permeability. We determined the effectiveness of the connectivity umbrella of the virtual species using pairwise intersections of important habitats for their movements in all landscapes.


The connectivity umbrella performance of all species was affected by the interaction of fragmentation level and habitat amount. In general, species performance increased with decreasing fragmentation and increasing habitat amount. In most landscapes and considering the same dispersal threshold, species able to move more easily through the matrix showed higher umbrella performance than those for which the matrix offered greater resistance.


The connectivity umbrella is not a static feature that depends only on the species traits, but rather a dynamic property that also varies according to the landscape attributes. Therefore, we do not recommend spatial transferability of the connectivity umbrella species identified in a landscape to others that have divergent levels of fragmentation and habitat quantity.

Studies on the distribution of mammalian carnivores in fragmented landscapes have focused mainly on structural aspects such as patch and landscape features; similarly, habitat connectivity is usually associated with landscape structure. The influence of food resources on carnivore patch use and the important effect on habitat connectivity have been overlooked. The aim of this study is to evaluate the relative importance of food resources on patch use patterns and to test if food availability can overcome structural constraints on patch use. We carried out a patch-use survey of two carnivores: the beech marten (Martes foina) and the badger (Meles meles) in a sample of 39 woodland patches in a fragmented landscape in central Italy. We used the logistic model to investigate the relative effects on carnivore distribution of patch, patch neighbourhood and landscape scale variables as well as the relative abundance of food resources. Our results show how carnivore movements in fragmented landscapes are determined not only by patch/landscape structure but also by the relative abundance of food resources. The important take-home message of our research is that, within certain structural limits (e.g. within certain limits of patch isolation), by modifying the relative amount of resources and their distribution, it is possible to increase suitability in smaller/relatively isolated patches. Conversely, however, there are certain thresholds above which an increase in resources will not achieve high probability of presence. Our findings have important and generalizable consequences for highly fragmented landscapes in areas where it may not be possible to increase patch sizes and/or reduce isolation so, for instance, forest regimes that will increase resource availability could be implemented. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Assessing landscape connectivity is important to understand the ecology of landscapes and to evaluate alternative conservation strategies. The question is though, how to quantify connectivity appropriately, especially when the information available about the suitability of the matrix surrounding habitat is limited. Our goal here was to investigate the effects of matrix representation on assessments of the connectivity among habitat patches and of the relative importance of individual patches for the connectivity within a habitat network. We evaluated a set of 50 × 50 km2 test areas in the Carpathian Mountains and considered three different matrix representations (binary, categorical and continuous) using two types of connections among habitat patches (shortest lines and least-cost paths). We compared connections, and the importance of patches, based on (1) isolation, (2) incidence-functional, and (3) graph measures. Our results showed that matrix representation can greatly affect assessments of connections (i.e., connection length, effective distance, and spatial location), but not patch prioritization. Although patch importance was not much affected by matrix representation, it was influenced by the connectivity measure and its parameterization. We found the biggest differences in the case of the integral index of connectivity and equally weighted patches, but no consistent pattern in response to changing dispersal distance. Connectivity assessments in more fragmented landscapes were more sensitive to the selection of matrix representation. Although we recommend using continuous matrix representation whenever possible, our results indicated that simpler matrix representations can be also used as a proxy to delineate those patches that are important for overall connectivity, but not to identify connections among habitat patches.  相似文献   

How should we measure landscape connectivity?   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The methods for measuring landscape connectivity have never been compared or tested for their responses to habitat fragmentation. We simulated movement, mortality and boundary reactions across a wide range of landscape structures to analyze the response of landscape connectivity measures to habitat fragmentation. Landscape connectivity was measured as either dispersal success or search time, based on immigration into all habitat patches in the landscape. Both measures indicated higher connectivity in more fragmented landscapes, a potential for problematic conclusions for conservation plans. We introduce cell immigration as a new measure for landscape connectivity. Cell immigration is the rate of immigration into equal-sized habitat cells in the landscape. It includes both within- and between-patch movement, and shows a negative response to habitat fragmentation. This complies with intuition and existing theoretical work. This method for measuring connectivity is highly robust to reductions in sample size (i.e., number of habitat cells included in the estimate), and we hypothesize that it therefore should be amenable to use in empirical studies. The connectivity measures were weakly correlated to each other and are therefore generally not comparable. We also tested immigration into a single patch as an index of connectivity by comparing it to cell immigration over the landscape. This is essentially a comparison between patch-scale and landscape-scale measurement, and revealed some potential for patch immigration to predict connectivity at the landscape scale. However, this relationship depends on the size of the single patch, the dispersal characteristics of the species, and the amount of habitat in the landscape. We conclude that the response of connectivity measures to habitat fragmentation should be understood before deriving conclusions for conservation management.  相似文献   


Black bear connectivity studies are scarce in the southern distribution where the species is endangered. The identification of corridors is a strategy to promote conservation in human-modified landscapes.


Assess and validate long-distance corridors in the southern black bear distribution using resistance models, occurrence records, and radio-telemetry of an individual that dispersed between the Sierras Madres of Mexico.


We acquired black bear occurrence records from several sources and telemetry records from one dispersal individual in northern Mexico. We generated ensemble habitat suitability models and resistance landscape surfaces to generate cumulative resistant kernel and least-cost paths to identify connectivity core areas and corridors of importance through Natural Protected Areas. Finally, we assessed long-distance corridors.


We developed three habitat suitability models for black bears southern range; one matches the current distribution of the species. When including radio-tracking records, the landscape resistance is reduced to arid sites with low habitat suitability. We used least resistance connectivity surfaces to merge subpopulations within each Sierra Madre. The long-distance corridor models indicate narrow routes that require individuals with plastic behavioral dispersal capacity. Almost 20% of the connectivity core areas are within Natural Protected Areas. These are the first large-scale corridors using resistance layers in the southern black bear distribution.


Corridors can be functional for a range of temperate and dry habitat species. Landscape connectivity models should include the monitoring of dispersal individuals to identify the plasticity of organisms and the tangible barriers for them.


Although landscape ecology emphasizes the effects of spatial pattern on ecological processes, most neutral models of species–habitat relationships have treated habitat as a static constraint. Do the working hypotheses derived from these models extend to real landscapes where disturbances create a shifting mosaic? A spatial landscape simulator incorporating vegetation dynamics and a metapopulation model was used to compare species in static and dynamic landscapes with identical habitat amounts and spatial patterns. The main drivers of vegetation dynamics were stand-replacing disturbances, followed by gradual change from early-successional to old-growth habitats. Species dynamics were based on a simple occupancy model, with dispersal simulated as a random walk. As the proportion of available habitat (p) decreased from 1.0, species occupancy generally declined more rapidly and reached extinction at higher habitat levels in dynamic than in static landscapes. However, habitat occupancy was sometimes actually higher in dynamic landscapes than in static landscapes with similar habitat amounts and patterns. This effect was most pronounced at intermediate amounts of habitat (p = 0.3?0.6) for mobile species that had high colonization rates, but were unable to cross non-habitat patches. Differences between static and dynamic landscapes were contingent upon the initial metapopulation size and the shapes of disturbances and the resulting habitat patterns. Overall, the results demonstrate that dispersal-limited species exhibit more pronounced critical behavior in dynamic landscapes than is predicted by simple neutral models based on static landscapes. Thus, caution should be exercised in extending generalizations derived from static landscape models to disturbance-driven landscape mosaics.  相似文献   

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