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Four skin grafting procedures were performed on both sides of the chests of 12 dogs to evaluate the effect of wound drainage on the survival and cosmetic appearance of the grafts. The techniques evaluated were a sheet graft, (control), continuous low level suction, piecrust incisions, and nonexpanded mesh graft. Graft viability was assessed on the 10th postoperative day by visual inspection. The mean survival rate for all grafts was 90%. No significant difference between graft types was observed.
Hair growth on each graft was assessed 3 months postoperatively as "normal" (resembled that on the surrounding skin), "moderate" (thickness of hair growth was less than normal but would nearly conceal the underlying skin), "sparse" (a few hairs were present and the skin below was easily visible), and "none" (no hair growth). No statistical differences in categories of hair growth were detected within types or between types of grafts. Hair growth also was assessed as "acceptable" (those areas having normal and moderate hair growth) and "nonacceptable" (hair growth sparse or none). No difference between graft types was noted. All types exhibited a significantly greater area of acceptable than nonacceptable hair growth.  相似文献   

The skin of 100 dogs undergoing clean or clean-contaminated surgical procedures was prepared with povidone-iodine (PI) or 4% chlorhexidine gluconate (CG) with saline or 70% isopropyl alcohol rinse. Skin bacteria at the incision site were quantified with Replication Organism Detection and Counting (RODAC) plates immediately before and after skin preparation in the preparation room, in the operating room, and postoperatively. The percentage of bacterial reduction, negative cultures, cultures with more than five colony-forming units, and skin reactions for each technique were calculated for each sample period and analyzed with the analysis of variance and Fischer tests. The percentage of bacterial reduction for all techniques was significant and comparable with results of a previous experimental study. There were no significant differences in percentages of bacterial reduction between PI and the CG techniques for surgical times up to 8 hours. There were fewer negative cultures and more cultures with high bacterial counts with PI than with CG and saline after the cleansing scrub. There were fewer negative cultures after surgery with CG and alcohol than with the other two techniques. Duration of the surgical procedure did not significantly affect the culture results. Significantly more skin reactions occurred with PI. The authors conclude that PI and 4% CG with a saline rinse are equally effective in antimicrobial efficacy under clinical conditions. However, 4% CG with a 70% isopropyl alcohol rinse may be inferior in residual antimicrobial activity.  相似文献   

Postmortem macroscopic examination of the gastrointestinal tract and plastic moldings of the gastrointestinal communication were done in 29 dogs which had been subjected 3 to 4 weeks previously to one of the following gastric drainage procedure: (1) Fredet-Ramstedt pyloromyotomy (FRP) (6 dogs); (2) Heineke-Mikulicz pyloroplasty (HMP) (6 dogs); (3) Finney pyloroplasty (FP) (6 dogs); (4) Jaboulay's gastroduodenostomy (JG) (6 dogs); and (5) antral gastrojejunostomy (AG) (5 dogs). Plastic moldings were also done in nine normal dogs of similar size for comparative measurements. Postmortem examinations and plastic casts of the antropyloroduodenal segment and antrojejunal communication showed significantly widened pyloric canal or large gastrointestinal communication compared to control dogs in all groups except for the FRP group. Almost complete healing had occurred at the myotomy site in FRP dogs, and the pyloric lumen was not significantly larger (less than 0.05) than the pyloric lumen of the control dogs. The lumen of the gastrointestinal junction was increased approximately 4.5 times in the HMP group, 12.0 times in the FP group, 7.2 times in the JG group, and 10.0 times in the AG group.  相似文献   

Four chlorhexidine diacetate (CHD) antiseptic wound lavage preparations were evaluated in vivo to determine their effects on second intention wound healing in the dog in vitro to determine their relative antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus intermedius. Chlorhexidine was diluted to 0.05% in sterile water, 0.9% sodium chloride, lactated Ringers solution (LRS), and LRS that was allowed to form a precipitate with CHD. Control solutions included sterile water and LRS. There were no significant differences in wound contraction or epithelialization. All 0.05% CHD preparations provided 100% bacterial kill.  相似文献   

Abstract— Three local anaesthetic preparations (one per cent lignocaine, one per cent lignocaine with 1 in 100 000 adrenaline, both administered by subcutaneous infiltration, and a novel topically-active eutectic mixture of lignocaine and prilocaine called EMLA cream) were assessed for their effectiveness as analgesic agents for skin biopsy in each of 25 dogs with skin disease. One dog would not accept application of the EMLA cream but otherwise all three agents were well tolerated. While the lignocaine and lignocaine/ adrenaline combination gave comparable and effective results in all dogs, analgesia using EMLA was assessed as good, moderate or poor in 37.5, 37.5, and 25 per cent of cases respectively. Blanching of the skin was seen in six dogs with EMLA and surface keratin was lost from EMLA-treated sites in two dogs. The inclusion of adrenaline with lignocaine caused vasoconstriction of otherwise dilated blood vessels, obscuring the presence of circulating eosinophils, in two dogs. Swelling of dermal collagen fibres as reported in man with lignocaine/adrenaline combinations was not seen. Subcutaneous infiltration of one per cent lignocaine appears to be the local analgesic agent of choice for skin biopsy in dogs. Résumé— Trois préparations anesthésiques locales (lignocaïne à 1%, lignocaïne à 1% avec adrénaline au 100 000 ème, les duex administrés par infiltration sous-cutanée, et un nouveau mélange eutectique topique de lignocaïne et de prilocaïne appelé EMLA crème) ont étéévaluées pour leur effet d'agents analgésiques lors de biopsie cutanée chéez 25 chiens atteints de maladies de peau. Un chien n'accepta pas l'application de la crème EMLA mais par ailleurs les 3 agents furent bien tolérés. Alors que la lignocaïne et le mélange lignocaïne/adrénaline donnèrent des résultats comparables et efficaces chez tous les chiens, l'analgésie par l'EMLA fut evaluée comme étant bonne, modérée, ou mauvaise dans 37,5, 37,5, et 25 pour cent des cas respectivement. Le blanchissement de la peau fut observé chez 6 chiens avec l'EMLA et la kératine de surface disparut des zones triatées à l'EMLA chez 2 chiens. L'adjonction d'adrénaline à la lignocaïne provoqua une vasoconstriction des vaisseaux sanguins par ailleurs dilatés, masquant la présence d'éosinophiles circulants, chez 2 chiens. L'oedème des fibres de collagènes dermiques qui a été décrit chez l'homme avec l'association lignocaïne/adrénaline n'a pas été observé. L'infiltration sous-cutanée de lignocaïne à un pour cent semble être l'agent analgésique local de choix pour la biopsie cutanée chez le chien. Zusammenfassung— Drei Lokalanästhetika (1 %ige Lignocainlösung und die Kombination mit Adrenalin 1:100 000, die beide subcutan infiltriert wurden, und EMLA-Creme, eine neue, örtlich aktive eutektische Mischung aus Lignocain und Prilocain) wurden auf ihre Wirksamkeit als Analgetika bei der Entnahme von Hautbiopsien bei 25 Hunden mit Hauterkrankungen untersucht. Ein Hund ließ die Applikation der EMLA-Creme nicht zu. Ansonsten wurden alle drei Substanzen gut vertragen. Lignocain alleine sowie die Kombination Lignocain/Adrenalin brachten vergleichbare und effektive Resultate bei alien Tieren. Die Analgesie durch EMLA wurde in jeweils 37.5% als gut bzw. befriedigend und in 25% als schlecht beurteilt. Eine Bleichung der Haut wurde in 6 Fällen und eine Lösung des Oberflächenkeratins in 2 Fällen an den mit EMLA behandelten Hautbezirken gesehen. Der Zusatz von Adrenalin zu Lignocain verursachte eine Vasokonstriktion von den ansonsten dilatierten Blutgefäßen, was das Vorkommen zirkulierender Eosinophilen bei zwei Hunden überdeckte, Die beim Menschen beschriebene Schwellung der dermalen Kollagenfasern bei der Anwendung von Lignocoin/Adrenalin-Kombination wurde nicht beobachtet. Die subcutane Infilatration mit l%iger Lignocainlösung scheint das Mittel der Wahl zur Lokalanästhesie bei der Entnahme von Hautbiopsien beim Hund zu sein. Resumen Se estudian las propiedades analgésicas y su aplicación en la toma de biopsias cutáneas de tres preparados anestésicos locales (lignocaina al 1%, lignocaina al 1% con adrenalina al 1/100.000, estos dos productos administrados via subcutánea y una mezcla de lignocaina y prilocaina denominada ELMA, de aplicación tópica). Estos tres agentes se aplicaron en 25 perros que presentaban diferentes enfermedades cutáneas. Un perro no toleró la aplicación de la crema EMLA pero en tódos los demás casos los tres agentes se toleraron sin problemas. Mientras que la lignocaina y la combinación lignocaina/adrenalina daban unos resultados, efectivos y muy parecidos en todos los perros, la analgesia que producía la EMLA se calificó de buena, moderada o mala en el 37,5%, 37,5% y 25% de los casos respectivamente. En 6 perros tratados con EMLA se observó una palidez de cutánea en la zona de aplicación, en dos animales también tratados con la crema EMLA se apreció una pérdida de la queratina superficial. La aplicación de adrenalina con la lignocaina producía una vasoconstricción en los vasos cutáneos que antes del tratamiento estaban dilatados, ocultando la presencia de polinucleares eosinófilos circulantes, en dos de los animales. La tumefacción de la fibras de colágeno dérmicas que se ha descrito en medicina humana después de la aplicación de combinaciones de lignocaina/adrenalina no se observó en estos perros. La infiltración subcutánea de lignocaina al 1% parece ser la forma de analgesia local de elección para la toma de biopsias en el perro.  相似文献   

Gastric drainage procedures are commonly used in veterinary medicine, particularly in dogs in attempts to prevent recurrence of gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV). The following five different procedures have been most commonly described: the Fredet-Ramstedt pyloromyotomy (FRP); Heineke-Mikulicz pyloroplasty (HMP); Finney pyloroplasty (FP); Jaboulay's gastroduodenostomy (JG); and antral gastrojejunostomy (AG). These surgical procedures have not been compared in a controlled study. This first article of a series of three describes the gastric drainage procedures performed in 30 normal dogs for a comparative study. The FRP and HMP were the fastest and easiest procedures to perform. The degree of difficulty was found to be increased but similar for FP, JG, and AG. No complication occurred during or immediately after surgery.  相似文献   

Thirty dogs with spontaneously occurring malignant neoplasms were treated monthly with carboplatin (CBDCA) given as a 30-minute intravenous infusion in a dose escalation study. Twenty-eight dogs were considered evaluable for toxicity. The maximally tolerated dose of CBDCA was conceptually defined as that dose, determined by logistic regression analyses of toxicity data, resulting in a 50% incidence of moderate toxicity (MOD50) or a 5% incidence of severe toxicity (SEV5). Each designated maximally tolerated dose was calculated for the first course of treatment only and for the first and second courses of treatment combined to estimate cumulative drug toxicity. The MOD50 and SEV5 for the first treatment course were 340 and 278 mg/M2, respectively. MOD50 and SEV5 values for the first plus second treatment courses were 327 and 231 mg/M2, respectively. The nadir of neutrophil and platelet counts occurred approximately 14 days after treatment. The mean neutrophil and platelet values for all dogs experiencing myelosuppression during the first two treatment courses were 1541/μL and 62,600/μL, respectively. Nonparametric pharmacokinetic analysis of plasma CBDCA values suggested that half-life (T1/2), area-under-the-curve and total body clearance (CLb) were not dose dependent. Volume of distribution (VDss) significantly increased with dose only between 100 and 150 mg/M2, not between 150 and 300 mg/M2. Dose-independent serum CBDCA pharmacokinetic disposition indicates that detailed investigation of tissue CBDCA distribution would be warranted and may identify novel dosing strategies that could improve the therapeutic index of CBDCA by minimizing toxicity. (Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 1993; 7:235–240. Copyright © 1993 by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine.)  相似文献   

Premeasured, clipped areas of skin on both sides of 30 adult dogs were prepared with povidone-iodine (PI), chlorhexidine gluconate (CG) with a saline rinse, or 4% CG with a 70% isopropyl alcohol rinse. Skin bacteria were quantified with Replicating Organism Detection and Counting (RODAC) plates and cultured for identification before, immediately after, and 1 hour after skin preparation. The percentages of bacterial reduction immediately and at hour 1 and the percentages of negative cultures, cultures with more than five colony-forming units (CFUs), and skin reactions were analyzed by analysis of variance and chi-square. The percentage of reduction in skin bacteria for all techniques was significant and comparable with that reported in humans. There were no significant differences between PI and CG results except that acute contact dermatitis was observed more frequently after skin preparation with PI. The authors conclude that for similar application times, PI and 4% CG rinsed with saline or 70% isopropyl alcohol are equally effective for up to 1 hour in the preoperative skin preparation of dogs.  相似文献   

Fifteen previously untreated dogs with histologically confirmed, high-grade multicentric lymphoma were entered into a phase I study to evaluate combined doxorubicin and whole-body hyperthermia (DOX/WBH). Groups of three, four, and eight dogs were treated with whole-body hyperthermia and concurrent doxorubicin at 12 mg/m2, 24 mg/m2 and 30 mg/m2, respectively, after one doxorubicin induction dose at 30 mg/m2. Plateau temperature (42 +/- 0.1 degree C) was maintained for 90 minutes using a radiant heating device. A total of five DOX/WBH treatments per dog were planned, and these were given every 21 days. Treatment-related toxicity was not seen in the 12-mg/m2 doxorubicin dose group. Tumor progression prohibited administration of more than three DOX/WBH treatments to any dog in the 12-mg/m2 group. Premature ventricular contractions developed after the fifth treatment in one of the four dogs treated with 24 mg/m2 of doxorubicin. Two dogs (25%) in the 30-mg/m2 dose group had treatment-related toxicity. One dog experienced acute serious myelosuppression 1 week after the third treatment. This dog received all planned DOX/WBH treatments. Asymptomatic cardiac toxicosis consisting of decreased ejection fraction and fractional shortening developed in the second dog. This dog received only two DOX/WBH treatments. The three dogs treated at 12 mg/m2 had partial responses of short duration (60-83 days). Four dogs treated at 24 mg/m2 had complete responses for 150, 164, 186, and 200 days. Eight dogs treated at 30 mg/m2 had complete responses with a mean and median duration of 241 and 190 days, respectively.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Objective— To report technique, surgical time, complication rate, and postoperative activity in dogs undergoing 2 intracorporeally-sutured total laparoscopic gastropexy (TLG) techniques compared with a laparoscopic-assisted gastropexy (LAG) technique.
Study Design— Randomized clinical trial.
Animals— Dogs (n=30) weighing >25 kg.
Methods— Dogs were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 groups. Two TLG techniques were performed using a median 3 portal technique. One of 2 suturing techniques was used to approximate corresponding incisions made in the stomach and body wall; using intracorporeal hand-suturing or a suture-assist device (Endostitch). In a 3rd group, a previously reported LAG technique was used. All dogs had an activity monitor placed for 7 days pre- and postoperatively. Linear regression analyses were performed to evaluate the association of surgical procedure on gastropexy time and the percentage change in activity counts.
Results— Median gastropexy time was 28 minutes (range, 20–41 minutes) for LAG, 48 minutes (range, 39–61 minutes) for the hand suture TLG technique, and 56 minutes (range, 30–90 minutes) for the Endostitch TLG technique. LAG was performed faster than TLG ( P <.05). LAG dogs had a greater decrease in postoperative activity than TLG dogs ( P =.005); however there was no difference in surgical time or postoperative activity between TLG techniques.
Conclusions— TLG can be performed safely and effectively in dogs and although it takes longer, it has less impact on postoperative activity compared with LAG.
Clinical Relevance— TLG techniques may have advantages over LAG as measured by a greater willingness of dogs to move around postoperatively.  相似文献   

Clinical signs of esophageal hiatal hernia in four dogs and one cat included regurgitation, vomiting, hematemesis, hypersalivation, dysphagia, and dyspnea. Thoracic radiographs, esophagram, and fluoroscopy were used to demonstrate cranial displacement of the esophagogastric junction and part of the stomach through the esophageal hiatus. Other findings included megaesophagus, esophageal hypomotility, gastroesophageal reflux, and pneumonia. Medical therapy failed to resolve the clinical signs. Reduction in size of the esophageal hiatus, fixation of the esophagus to the diaphragmatic crus (esophagopexy), and a left fundic gastropexy were performed. Surgical results were considered good to excellent.  相似文献   

为评价植物种植对土壤化学性质的改良能力,综合运用改良功效系数法、地统计学方法和层次分析法建立了定量化评价体系。对四种植物改良效果进行了评价,结果显示:改良评价值差异最大的指标是碱化度,最高和最低相差将近5000分,改良值相差1000~2000分之间的指标为pH值和Cl-含量,改良值相差最小的是速效P含量(86.7),其他值相差在100~999之间(改良值差值全盐量>CO23-含量>全P含量>Mg2+含量>速效K含量>有机质含量>Na+含量>全K含量>HCO3-含量>全N含量>碱解N含量>Ca2+含量)。籽粒苋改良能力最强的指标为全N含量(403.13)、碱解N含量(419.89)、碱化度(4910.23)、全盐量(986.07)、Na+含量(686.02)、Mg2+含量(950.61)、CO23-含量(929.97);披碱草改良能力最强的指标为全K含量(559.56)、pH值(1908.84)、HCO3-含量(731.40);小叶锦鸡儿改良能力最强的指标为全P含量(822.11)、有机质含量(641.75)、速效K含量(639.65)、速效P含量(89.26)、Ca2+含量(308.86)、Mg2+含量(1020.3)。改良能力综合评价值,籽粒苋(841.15)>披碱草(721.47)>小叶锦鸡儿(180.67)>千屈菜(429.77)。评价体系应用的地统计学方法使评价结果更加准确,区别了指标间权重差异,并综合所有指标的得分,对植物改良能力的评价更符合实际情况。  相似文献   

This study evaluates the cranial rectus abdominus muscle pedicle flap as the sole blood supply for the caudal superficial epigastric skin flap. This flap was composed of a cranially based rectus abdominus muscle pedicle flap that was attached to the caudal superficial epigastric island skin flap (including mammary glands 2 to 5) via the pudendoepigastric trunk. Selective angiography of the cranial epigastric artery in eight cadaver dogs proved that the arterial vasculature in the cranial rectus abdominus was contiguous with that in the caudal superficial epigastric skin flap. In the live dog study, three of six of the flaps failed because of venous insufficiency. Necrosis of mammary gland 2 occurred in two of six flaps. One of six flaps survived with the exception of the cranial most aspect of mammary gland 2. Angiography of the cranial epigastric artery proved that arterial blood supply to these flaps was intact. Histological evaluation of the failed flaps showed full-thickness necrosis of the skin and subcutaneous tissues, the presence of severe congestion, and venous thrombosis. Retrograde venous blood flow through the flap was inconsistent, and hence resulted in failure of this myocutaneous flap. Use of this flap for clinical wound reconstruction cannot be recommended.  相似文献   

通过皮下注射利血平复制犬脾虚证动物模型,观察犬临床体征、体重及部分血清生化指标变化情况,研究四君子汤对脾虚犬体重及血清生化水平的影响。结果显示,在犬出现脾虚证候后,体重与血清总蛋白(TP)、白蛋白(ALB)、球蛋白(GLO)水平均显著低于空白对照组(P0.05);用四君子汤治疗7 d后,脾虚犬体重与血清TP、ALB、GLO均恢复到与空白对照组水平接近,而未经治疗的脾虚试验组犬各项指标未恢复到与空白对照组接近,与空白对照组和四君子汤治疗组比较呈显著性差异(P0.05)。试验结果表明,通过皮下注射利血平可以复制犬脾虚证动物模型,用四君子汤治疗犬脾虚证具有明显的疗效。  相似文献   

A survey of 100 cases of oxyquinoline poisoning in dogs is presented. The disease, characterized by hyperexcitability of the CNS with convulsions as well as heart and liver injury, runs an acute course. The mortality (euthanized dogs included) was 30 %. Case-history data showed that the oxyquinoline treatment which preceded the disease was given because the dog had incidental diarrhoea. In most cases the drugs were administered for only 1 day before the dog fell ill. The median time from the last dose to onset of symptoms was 12 hrs. Old dogs were affected more often than expected and also showed higher mortality than did young dogs.  相似文献   

ADAM PRINK  DVM    KEI HAYASHI  DVM  PhD  Diplomate ACVS    SUN-YOUNG KIM  DVM  MS    JAMES KIM  DVM    AMY KAPATKIN  DVM  MS  Diplomate ACVS 《Veterinary surgery : VS》2010,39(1):65-70
Objective— To evaluate whether synovial fluid concentrations of an osteoarthritis biomarker in dysplastic canine elbows with medial coronoid disease (MCD) are elevated compared with unaffected elbows and to determine if these concentrations correlate to the degree of articular cartilage damage.
Study Design— Cross sectional clinical study.
Animals— Dogs (n=19; 35 elbows) with MCD and dogs (8; 16 elbows) with unaffected elbows.
Methods— Concentrations of a collagenase-generated cleavage neoepitope of type II collagen (Col2-3/4Clong mono, or C2C) in joint fluid from elbows were analyzed and compared between dogs with MCD and unaffected dogs. Correlation of C2C concentration with subjective grading of articular cartilage surface damage was also evaluated.
Results— Mean (±SD) C2C concentration from MCD dogs was significantly higher (112.3±24.8 ng/mL) than in unaffected dogs (76.1±16.9 ng/mL; P <.05). There was a moderate correlation between cartilage damage grade and increasing C2C concentrations ( P <.05, r=0.62)
Conclusion— C2C concentrations are elevated in the synovial fluid of dogs with MCD compared with unaffected elbows, and a moderate, significant correlation was identified between these concentrations and subjective grading of articular cartilage damage.
Clinical Relevance— This preliminary data suggest that C2C concentrations in synovial fluid may have potential as a biomarker for diagnosis of articular cartilage damage associated with MCD and as a means of objectively determining the degree of articular cartilage damage.  相似文献   

The nutritional efficacy of antibacterial feed additives in improving animal performance and reducing production costs has been studied extensively for over thirty years. Responses vary greatly with time and place and quantitative estimates thereof are required, with appropriate confidence limits for different circumstances, to assist efficient practical application of such performance promoters in animal production. Modern computers have facilitated multi-factorial analysis of dose-response relationships and the elucidation of the influence of diverse other determinants, such as level of animal performance and duration of supplementation. The objectives, underlying principles, methodology and future prospects of comprehensive assessments, in the format of algebraic models, are reviewed and are illustrated by examples drawn from the use of copper, tylosin and bacitracin in the nutrition of pigs, broilers and laying hens.  相似文献   

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