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Urbanization and climate change are endangering the sustainability of public spaces through increased land artificialization, ecological fragmentation, reduced resource availability, and limited accessibility to natural and seminatural areas. Properly managing Green Infrastructure (GI) can contribute to mitigating these challenges by delivering multiple provisioning, regulating, supporting and cultural Ecosystem Services (ES). This would facilitate the implementation of strategically planned GI networks in cities for urban regeneration purposes. In this context, this study developed a systematic review on the ES provided by GI using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement. The analysis of 199 eligible articles indicated that more efforts should be made to address more ES at once, which connects to the need for conceiving GI as a strategically planned network of areas aimed at delivering diverse benefits. Based on the methods used in the items reviewed, geoprocessing tools and multi-criteria decision analysis are proposed to develop systems of indicators capable of accounting for multiple ES. These systems should also rely on multidisciplinary and participative procedures to encompass various facets of GI and represent the priorities of all relevant stakeholders.  相似文献   

The study and assessment of ecosystem services through remote sensing has increased substantially over the last two decades, as evidenced by the publication of studies that have applied it. The technological development of satellite images has improved in terms of spatial, spectral, radiometric, and temporal resolution, allowing the space-time observation, classification and monitoring of vegetation on the surface of the Earth. However, there are remaining methodological challenges for assessing ecosystem services due to the diversity of applications, the resources used, and its study in complex environments such as cities. This systematic review is based on identifying and analysing the variety of methods concerning the application of remote sensing for the assessment of ecosystem services provided by vegetation in cities, through a classification of these methods according to the data collection source (passive sensors, passive and active sensors and the fusion of other data sources with sensors). The classification of methods has been applied to a selection of existing articles in indexed scientific databases based on a non-statistical meta-analysis that make a direct reference to the topic of interest. The results show the approaches found in every method classified, their relationships with the geographical scale and the image resolutions used, and the advantages and limitations from the data processes that comprise remote sensing. We conclude from this analysis with three key factors to consider in the selection of remote sensing methods for the assessment of ecosystem services provided by urban vegetation: the definition of the approach(es), the urban scale to be assessed, and the image resolution available.  相似文献   

Urban green infrastructure, including street trees, plays a key role in providing ecosystem services to urban residents. However, to fully understand the effective role of trees in the urban context, it is also necessary to evaluate the disservices that they can produce in the development of their functions if not managed in an adequate and integrated way. This contribution aims to demonstrate an approach to assess three disservices (pavement damage, aesthetic damage, likelihood of tree failure) of street trees at the municipal level, starting from the existing municipal tree inventory. In this case study, from the street tree population, a sample of approximately 5% of the trees was drawn by stratified random sampling, where the strata were composed of groups of tree species. In particular, a sampling scheme is adapted in which the probability to select a tree in the sample is greater for bigger trees, under the assumption that the bigger the trees the greater are the disservices caused. In this way, a greater precision of the estimates of the considered disservices for the population of urban trees is expected. The results show a high variability of disservices provision among species groups. The results also confirmed a positive correlation between the considered disservices and tree diameter at breast height, while other tree attributes such as total height and crown diameter were found to be positively related only to pavement damages. Finally, severe pruning can lead to a high level of the aesthetic and functional disservices even for shorter and younger street trees.  相似文献   

Studies document degradation and loss of publicly owned urban woodland area following adjacent residential development due to residential encroachment. Residential encroachment is the negative impacts of housing land uses within both rural and urban green infrastructure networks. Prevailing planning, design and management approaches in Southern Ontario municipalities in Canada indicate planning and management tools have been developed to remove and impede encroachment impacts; however, many are infrequently implemented. This lack of implementation contributes to a high prevalence and spatial area of encroachment within Southern Ontario municipal woodland edges with adjacent housing. Long interviews were conducted with the planners, landscape architects, woodland managers and bylaw enforcement staff of six Southern Ontario municipalities to determine the barriers to implementation of municipal encroachment tools. Results indicate key barriers to policy implementation that reflect a lack of awareness of, and priority placed on addressing, residential encroachment impacts, and impacts following the point of development in general. Barriers include: (1) insufficient community and municipal access to information regarding residential encroachment and their significance relative to other development impacts; (2) lack of clarity of goals by municipalities and between departments; (3) insufficient municipal leadership and commitment to limiting encroachment; (4) lack of sufficient means within municipal departments to prevent and address encroachment; and (5) ineffectual dynamics of enforcement. Recommendations for overcoming barriers to the development and implementation of effective approaches for addressing encroachment are provided.  相似文献   

Environmental and urban forest managers in cities located in highly biodiverse regions may need to balance biodiversity conservation with the provision of ecosystem services to people. However, striking this balance is not easy and many competing factors influence the decision-making process. Set in the Perth Metropolitan Area, located in the global biodiversity hotspot of the Southwestern Australia Floristic Province, this study aimed to understand: (i) the extent to which a benefits-oriented approach is used by local governments to optimise biodiversity and human wellbeing urban forest outcomes, and (ii) what other factors influence the decision-making process shaping urban forest composition. Using a social-ecological framework, we conducted semi-structured interviews with 29 local government practitioners. We found that biodiversity conservation is actively considered in the planning and management of urban forest in natural areas and parks, but rarely in streetscapes. Maximising shade and cooling, and to a lesser extent enhancing sense of place, were the key benefits actively sought in streetscapes. Parks appeared to straddle the middle ground as areas with most flexibility to accommodate multiple biodiversity and human wellbeing benefits. Yet, benefits were only some of a multitude of social-ecological factors influencing the decision-making process shaping urban forest composition. In particular, streetscapes were affected by a large number of social and political factors (e.g., perceived risk and nuisance, ad-hoc decisions by elected members), many of them leading to suboptimal urban forest outcomes. For a benefits-oriented approach to prevail in complex and contested urban spaces it is important that the decision-making process is evidence-informed and capable of handling the challenges and conflicts that are likely to arise. Reactive decision-making results in a conservative, “safe” species palette that over time defines streetscapes by what they do not do (creating disservices) rather than what they do (delivering multiple biodiversity and wellbeing benefits), which ultimately is not a desired outcome in the context of an increasingly urbanized world.  相似文献   

Understanding how different ethno-cultural groups value urban nature is important to understand the role of ethno-cultural diversity in urban ecosystem management. Based on a systematic literature review, this paper summarizes the empirical evidence on how different ethno-cultural groups use, perceive, prefer, and assign meaning to urban nature. I use the urban forest, defined here as all the trees in a city, as a proxy to understand this process. The 31 studies reviewed here differ widely in their lines of inquiry, research methods, urban natural setting, and conceptualizations of ethno-cultural identity. Most studies take place in the US and Europe, where the most common definition of an ethno-culturally diverse group is a person of non-European/non-White background. Most studies focus on what these groups like about a particular urban natural setting, such as an urban park; and whether they like more or less trees in a specific context (e.g. urban park). These groups usually prefer passive and social uses of urban natural areas, and more manicured/functional natural landscapes with less trees. The most common meanings associated with urban natural settings dominated by trees are social interaction and integration. The most common explanations on why these differences occur involve theories on socio-economic marginality, collectivist vs. individualist cultures, urban vs. rural lifestyles, and landscapes of origin. Future research on the topic will benefit by differentiating race from ethnicity, capturing intra-ethnic variation, capturing immigrant identities, exploring the different social, cultural, and economic factors that influence values and/or preferences, and focusing on concrete aspects of urban nature, such as urban forests.  相似文献   

The knowledge of the rate at which trees grow in urban areas is an important aspect to consider as it can influence our quantification and valuation of the ecosystem services provided by an urban forest. This study investigates growth variations in diameter and height for four common urban tree species (Acer pseudoplatanus, Betula pendula, Fraxinus excelsior and Quercus robur) across five cities in Great Britain (GB) and how the typical radial growth of two of those species (F. excelsior and Q. robur) changes with climate. Dendrochronology was used to identify tree age and changes in ring width and diameter at breast height (DBH) and tree height were measured in-situ at the time of coring. Results indicate a substantial variation in the mean annual growth rates and the relationships between DBH and age or height and age of each species across different cities. However, the multiple factors affecting tree growth seem to influence different species in different ways, with for example A. pseudoplatanus trees showing overall the fastest growth in Peterborough but B. pendula ones showing the slowest. Precipitation and temperature had an effect on radial growth of F. excelsior and Q. robur trees in GB, but the strength and direction of influence varied with time of year, species and city. In particular, low precipitation at the start or during the growing season was found to be a significant factor limiting radial growth. A trend towards a reduction in ring width increment was therefore identified in hot and dry years, primarily in south-eastern cities but in other cities too. This highlights the risk that a changing climate may have on the growth and, consequently, on the ecosystem service provision of healthy urban trees.  相似文献   

Urban greenspace is vital in fulfilling people's nature needs. Informal urban greenspace (IGS) such as vacant lots, street or railway verges and riverbanks is an often-overlooked part of the natural urban landscape. We lack a formal definition of IGS and a comprehensive review of knowledge about IGS and its role for urban residents. This paper advances a formal definition and typology of IGS that can be applied globally. Based on this definition, a total of 65 peer-reviewed papers in English (57), Japanese (7) and German (1) were reviewed. We analyzed this literature for its temporal trends, spatial patterns, studied IGS types, methods used and key authors, and summarized the individual research papers’ findings concerning IGS. Results show IGS plays an important role for urban residents, but also highlight limitations and problems in realizing IGS’ full potential. Research papers focused on perception, preferences, value and uses of IGS. Residents could distinguish between formal and informal greenspace. They preferred a medium level of human influence in IGS. The analysis of patterns in the literature reveals: a marked increase in publications in the last 20 years; a strong geographical bias towards the USA; and a lack of multi-type IGS studies including all IGS types. Publications outside of scholarly research papers also make valuable contributions to our understanding of IGS. Our results suggest IGS is emerging as an important sub-discipline of urban greening research.  相似文献   

Edible landscapes provide a series of benefits for the sustainable development of a city, and therefore, in recent years, their development has become a fashion which has stimulated research. However, there is a need for a comprehensive, integrated, literature review, to increase people's knowledge of edible landscapes for a sustainable future. Therefore, this paper conducts a systematic review through the Preferred Reporting Initiative for Systematic Evaluation and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA). This study was conducted using Web of Science and Google Scholar, and 41 eligible articles were selected from the 2004 articles originally identified from the years 1975–2022. These articles were related to the topics of (1) ecology, (2) food safety, (3) social, economic and healing benefits, (4) construction, and (5) understanding, motivation, and evaluation. The findings suggest that, first, the creation of edible landscapes in different urban areas of the world can have different effects, with most studies showing that the creation of edible landscapes in urban areas can increase ecological diversity. Despite this, some individual studies draw different conclusions. Secondly, most studies show that the development of edible landscapes in urban areas is beneficial for increasing food production and thus improving urban food security, provided that the land is not contaminated. Again, some studies have found that developing edible landscapes in urban areas has social and economic benefits. However, without a reasonable management mechanism, this process is prone to contradictions and thus unproductive. Therefore, urban land policies, land contamination, and management issues in different countries have limited the further development of urban edible landscapes. This study suggests that future research on edible landscapes can be conducted in the areas of land policy, land pollution control, and management mechanisms to solve these problems and promote further development.  相似文献   

Several studies from the Nordic countries show that cemeteries not only fulfil an important societal function as places for the disposal of bodily remains; they are also recreational landscapes that people visit to reflect, experience nature or perhaps go for a walk with the dog. In this comparative study, based on PPGIS data collected between 2018 and 2020 from residents in Copenhagen (Denmark) and Helsinki (Finland), we explored the extent to which residents use urban cemeteries as everyday recreational landscapes. We also assessed users’ characteristics and the values they attached to the cemeteries. The results show that several of Copenhagen’s cemeteries were actively used for recreation, while those in Helsinki were used much less frequently for this purpose. Of the total 7276 mapped visiting points in Copenhagen, 16.5% were located within cemeteries, compared with 1.9% of the 4298 mapped visiting points in Helsinki, hence conclusions from Helsinki should be drawn with caution. Physical activity and experiencing nature were the most common values attached to cemeteries in Copenhagen, whereas social interaction, spirituality and tranquillity were most common for Helsinki cemeteries. The results also revealed that younger Danes were particularly inclined to use cemeteries for social interactions, physical activity and spirituality and tranquillity. In the discussion, we elaborate on spatial differences between the cases, such as the availability of other green spaces, the size of cemeteries or people living in proximity to a cemetery, as well as on differences in policies and practices, including how Copenhagen stands out in actively promoting municipal cemeteries as recreational landscapes.  相似文献   

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