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The provision of services related to green-space maintenance, such as grass cutting, tree pruning, litter collection, or weed control, is an integrated part of urban green-space management. Since contracting out has become common practice in urban green-space management, it is now a key challenge to develop well-functioning frameworks for managing the provision of outsourced green-space maintenance. With the public sector reform of the New Public Management, an emphasis on the four tenets of specification, pricing, monitoring, and enforcement of service provisions is now pervasive in the ‘standard framework’ for contract design and management. Based on an action research intervention, this paper puts forward an ‘extended’ framework for the design and management of green-space maintenance contracts that can help managers of urban green space to devise contract designs and management practices better adapted for green-space maintenance. The action research intervention took place as a part of efforts by the Danish Palaces and Properties Agency to improve green-space maintenance contracting in historic parks and gardens by implementing a performance management scheme. In addition to assessing the merits of the performance management scheme, the paper focuses on a new set of tenets related to the role of coordination, communication, motivation, and restraint of power.  相似文献   

Urban green infrastructure, including street trees, plays a key role in providing ecosystem services to urban residents. However, to fully understand the effective role of trees in the urban context, it is also necessary to evaluate the disservices that they can produce in the development of their functions if not managed in an adequate and integrated way. This contribution aims to demonstrate an approach to assess three disservices (pavement damage, aesthetic damage, likelihood of tree failure) of street trees at the municipal level, starting from the existing municipal tree inventory. In this case study, from the street tree population, a sample of approximately 5% of the trees was drawn by stratified random sampling, where the strata were composed of groups of tree species. In particular, a sampling scheme is adapted in which the probability to select a tree in the sample is greater for bigger trees, under the assumption that the bigger the trees the greater are the disservices caused. In this way, a greater precision of the estimates of the considered disservices for the population of urban trees is expected. The results show a high variability of disservices provision among species groups. The results also confirmed a positive correlation between the considered disservices and tree diameter at breast height, while other tree attributes such as total height and crown diameter were found to be positively related only to pavement damages. Finally, severe pruning can lead to a high level of the aesthetic and functional disservices even for shorter and younger street trees.  相似文献   

A working group within the European Union funded COST Action E12, “Urban Forests and Trees”, carried out a survey between 1999 and 2001 to study current tree establishment practice in European towns and cities. An extensive questionnaire requesting information on the urban area, selection of tree species, establishment and aftercare practices and the main damaging factors was sent to tree professionals in urban areas in each of 17 countries.Indicators such as the relationship between the urban population and the number of street trees were used to compare urban areas. While most central European cities have a ratio of 50–80 street trees per 1000 inhabitants, the tree density was as low as 20 street trees per 1000 inhabitants for Nice. Often only a few species are planted and this may give cause for concern, since species diversity is considered an important factor in increasing the resilience of the urban tree population to abiotic and biotic stresses.The planting of larger street trees of 20–30 cm circumference, usually with hessian-wrapped rootballs, is becoming increasingly common practice. However, some countries report the use of mostly bare-rooted stock of much smaller trees (less than 12 cm circumference). Establishment costs for street trees range from less than 200 Euro to over 1500 Euro each. Poor site conditions, and impacts such as utility trenching are considered to be major restrictions to healthy tree life. Vandalism affects up to 30%of newly planted street trees in some towns and cities.Overall, the survey reveals large differences in tree establishment and management practices among European cities. There is a need to provide urban tree managers with guidance on good practice for tree selection and establishment based on empirical information. The survey was a first step towards collecting the necessary urban forest information from across Europe.  相似文献   

Urban environments are often characterized by extensive paved surfaces, exacerbating the urban heat island effect. At the same time, limited root space due to underground infrastructure poses a challenge for planting new trees in these areas. Trees in planters have emerged as popular design elements, offering innovative and sustainable greening solutions, particularly in urban environments with limited rooting space. However, growing conditions in planters may strongly impact tree growth and the provision of environmental ecosystem services (ES). In this 3-year study, we analyzed tree growth and ecosystem services (cooling by shading, CO2-fixation) of London plane (Platanus x hispanica Münchh.) and small-leaved lime (Tilia cordata Mill.) in four planting treatments: in-ground (G), planters in the ground (PG), non-insulated plastic planters (P), and insulated planters (PI). We also recorded soil temperature throughout the experiment and implemented soil drought conditions by reducing soil irrigation for half of the trees after one year. Our findings revealed higher thermal fluctuations in soil temperature within non-insulated plastic planters (P), reaching a maximum of 45 °C, surpassing the critical temperature threshold for plant growth (>38 °C). In contrast, insulated planters (PI) effectively mitigated soil temperatures, staying below 33.8 °C. When planted in the ground (G), P. x hispanica exhibited a significantly higher stem diameter increment (52–66%) compared to other planting treatments, aligning with the provision of ecosystem services. However, T. cordata trees showed a more moderate response to planting treatments in terms of growth and ecosystem service provision. Furthermore, the implementation of soil drought conditions resulted in a reduction of up to 34% in stem diameter increment for P. x hispanica and up to 25% for T. cordata. Our results underscore the necessity of tree species-specific knowledge about growth responses to different planting treatments for effective urban planning perspectives, as the provision of ecosystem services may be influenced differently.  相似文献   

Across cities worldwide, people are recognizing the value of greenspace in ameliorating the health and well-being of those living there, and are investing significant resources to improve their greenspace. Although models have been developed to allow the quantification of ecosystem services provided by urban trees, refinement and calibration of these models with more accurate site- and species-specific data can increase confidence in their outcomes. We used data from two street tree surveys in Cambridge, MA, to estimate annual tree mortality for 592 trees and diameter growth rates for 498 trees. Overall tree turnover between 2012 and 2015 was relatively low (annualized 3.6% y−1), and mortality rate varied by species. Tree growth rates also varied by species and size. We used stem diameter (DBH) and species identity to estimate CO2 sequestration rates for each of 463 trees using three different model variations: (1) i-Tree Streets, (2) Urban Tree Database (UTD) species-specific biomass allometries and growth rates, and (3) empirically measured growth rates combined with UTD biomass allometries (Empirical + UTD). For most species, the rate of CO2 sequestration varied significantly with the model used. CO2 sequestration estimates calculated using i-Tree Streets were often higher than estimates calculated with the UTD equations. CO2 sequestration estimates were often the lowest when calculated using empirical tree growth estimates and the UTD equations (Empirical + UTD). The differences among CO2 sequestration estimates were highest for large trees. When scaled up to the entire city, CO2 sequestration estimates for the Empirical + UTD model were 49.2% and 56.5% of the i-Tree Streets and UTD estimates, respectively. We suggest future derivations of ecosystem service provision models allow localities to input their own species-specific growth values. By adding capacity to easy-to-use tools, such as i-Tree Streets, we can increase confidence in the model output.  相似文献   

Emerald ash borer is an invasive beetle causing significant mortality of ash trees (Fraxinus spp.) in North America and western Russia. The invasive range has expanded to more than half of the states in the United States since the initial detection in Michigan, USA in 2002. Emerald ash borer is typically managed with a combination of techniques including surveys/trapping, insecticide treatments, host tree removal, biological control, and public education/outreach. The insect’s rapid spread rate and cryptic life history and a lack of resistance among most North American Fraxinus spp. have limited opportunities to gather empirical data on how aggressive tree removal may slow population growth in isolated, satellite infestations if detected early. An early detection of an isolated population of emerald ash borer in 2009 in Minnesota, USA was managed by using a selective host-tree removal program (i.e., sanitation). Trees were preferentially removed based on the assumption that evidence of woodpecker foraging (i.e., pecking) was a good indicator of infestation by emerald ash borer. Extensive sampling and survey data on larval densities and the presence/absence of pecking on ash trees in a 6-km2 area for the Twin Cities, Minnesota were used to parameterize a model of population growth over the next four years. We found that removing ∼63% of the total trees across four years reduced the cumulative number of beetles produced in the core infested area by ∼54%. However, we also found that increases in efficacy, i.e., larger decreases in beetle production per removed tree, could be achieved by preferentially removing trees with pecking. The invasive range of emerald ash borer in North America and western Russia continues to expand via natural and human-aided dispersal. While silvicultural control tactics alone will not be an adequate management strategy, tree removal is an important component of both a broader pest management program and the systematic replacement of ash canopies in urban forests. Increasing understanding of the efficacy of different management techniques in slowing population growth of emerald ash borer will be useful to support decision–making by land managers.  相似文献   

Hollow-bearing trees provide habitat for diverse taxonomic groups and as such they are recognised for their importance globally. There is, however scant reference to this resource relative within urban forest patches. The functional ecology of habitat remnants along an urbanisation gradient plays an important ecological, social and economic role within urban landscapes. Here we quantify the impacts of urbanisation, landscape, environmental, disturbance (past and present) and stand variables on hollow-bearing tree density within urban forest patches. This was undertaken by surveying 45 forest patches on the Gold Coast, south-east Queensland, Australia. Sites were categorised as; urban, peri-urban or rural along an urbanisation gradient, with an additional five control sites. Historical logging practices were found to be the driving factor influencing hollow-bearing tree density along the urbanisation gradient; while the impacts of urbanisation itself are not as yet discernible. These findings highlight the significance of incorporating historical land use practise into current and future urban planning, as these will have continuing impacts on remaining urban biodiversity values. These findings, will benefit natural resource managers and urban planners when making decisions about where and how best to manage for hollow-bearing trees along urbanisation gradients.  相似文献   

Globally, there is growing recognition of the potential of road verges to contribute to urban greening and ecosystem service provision, beyond their original functions of utility provision and public access. Numerous, diverse stakeholders are involved in their management, yet their shared and diverging perspectives on verge greening are poorly understood. This research examined the perspectives on road verge greening by 30 respondents from eight stakeholder groups from the Perth Metropolitan Area, Australia. Stakeholders spanned local and state governments, developers, peak bodies, utility providers, environmental consultants, verge treatment providers and urban greening advocates. Semi-directed interviews and Likert scales were used to assess respondents' perspectives and perceived importance of urban verge functions and ecosystem services, risks and challenges associated with verge greening, and preferred verge vegetation composition. The most important ecosystem services for all stakeholders were temperature regulation (through the provision of street trees), those associated with water management and aesthetically interesting streetscapes. Perceived challenges included limited knowledge for the management of native species verges and streetscapes, organisational costs for verge managers and utility providers, and the need to engage with multiple local government authorities with widely varying management and financial valuation of verge vegetation. Stakeholders’ preferred verge reflected diverse uses, local characteristics, and was climate and water resilient (particularly ‘waterwise’). A majority of stakeholder groups felt greater attention to the ‘understorey’ of the ‘urban forest’ was warranted. An emerging perspective across four stakeholder groups identified the potential for verges to grow a local ‘sense of place’, through plantings emphasising local native species and highlighting local Whadjuk Noongar seasons. These findings support policies and programmes associated with urban greening, and assist in navigating the contestation often associated with new or transformative uses of land at the public-private interface.  相似文献   

There is scant research on Australian municipal tree managers’ motivations for street tree planting and the rationales for street tree species selections. Tree managers from 129 city councils across Australia were surveyed to address this knowledge gap. This paper presents the findings from 115 (89%) usable survey responses. Tree managers reported four primary motives for street tree planting: visual and aesthetic (97%), environmental (92%), socio-cultural and community (87%), and health (70%). In contrast, tree species characteristics (97%), management and maintenance issues (92%), visual and aesthetic benefits (89%), site environmental factors (80%) and problems caused by different species (70%) were reported to govern street tree species selection. In spite being the primary motives for planting, considerations for socio-cultural and community benefits (61%) and environmental benefits/ecosystem services (61%) had minor influence on street tree species selection. In absence of established research, Australian city councils’ institutional culture is biased by personal opinions on potential threats to city’s vital infrastructure posed by street tree, resulting in the mismatch between planting and species selection principles. Future research correlating species characteristics to specific ecosystem services/disservices might help Australian city councils to adopt an ecosystem services based approach to street tree planting and species selection.  相似文献   

Green Infrastructure (GI) connects different types of green features via various scales, thereby supporting urban biodiversity and service provision. This study presents a methodology capable of identifying multiple functions to assess GI in less-developed countries, where such methodologies are lacking. GI was assessed based on a high-resolution land use classification using both landscape metrics and spatial data within an urbanized region of San José, Costa Rica, at different scales (watershed, neighbourhood, object). Results showed highly fragmented green spaces (often <10 ha), typically unable to support high levels of biodiversity, along with a low amount of green space per inhabitant (<7.4 m²) within the watershed. Substantially higher tree cover (x6) and tree density (x5) were found in the greenest neighbourhood in comparison to the least green neighbourhood. Potential areas for new GI in the form of green roofs (4.03 ha), permeable pavement (27.3), and potential retention areas (85.3) were determined. Several green spaces (n = 11) were identified as promising GI sites with the potential to increase provision (18.6 m²/inhabitant). The adopted methodology demonstrates the potential of GI for increasing recreational green space access, runoff reduction, and flood retentions while supporting biodiversity, validating its utility in guiding decision-making and policy generation.  相似文献   



The recently introduced concept of ‘landscape services’—ecosystem services influenced by landscape patterns—may be particularly useful in landscape planning by potentially increasing stakeholder participation and financial funding. However, integrating this concept remains challenging. In order to bypass this barrier, we must gain a greater understanding of how landscape composition and configuration influence the services provided.


We conducted meta-analyses that considered published studies evaluating the effects of several landscape metrics on the following services: pollination, pest control, water quality, disease control, and aesthetic value. We report the cumulative mean effect size (E++), where the signal of the values is related to positive or negative influences.


Landscape complexity differentially influenced the provision of services. Particularly, the percentage of natural areas had an effect on natural enemies (E++ =?0.35), pollination (E++?=?0.41), and disease control (E++?=?0.20), while the percentage of no-crop areas had an effect on water quality (E++?=?0.42) and pest response (E++?=?0.33). Furthermore, heterogeneity had an effect on aesthetic value (E++?=?0.5) and water quality (E++ =???0.40). Moreover, landscape aggregation was important to explaining pollination (E++?=?0.29) and water quality (E++?=?0.35).


The meta-analyses reinforce the importance of considering landscape structure in assessing ecosystem services for management purposes and decision-making. The magnitude of landscape effect varies according to the service being studied. Therefore, land managers must account for landscape composition and configuration in order to ensure the maintenance of services and adapt their approach to suit the focal service.

The first International Conference on Urban Tree Diversity hosted in June 2014 by the Swedish University of Agricultural Science in Alnarp, Sweden highlighted the need for a better understanding of the current state of urban tree diversity. Here we present and discuss a selection of urban tree diversity themes with the intention of developing and sharing knowledge in a research area that is gaining momentum. We begin by discussing the specific role of species diversity in ecosystem service provision and ecosystem stability. This is followed by exploring the urban conditions that affect species richness. Having determined that many ecosystem services depend on urban tree species diversity and that urban environments are capable of supporting high species diversity, we conclude by addressing how to govern for urban tree diversity.  相似文献   

Urban trees provide a wide range of ecosystem services for city residents, with tall, mature trees with wide crowns generally regarded as preferable. The tree biomass which is responsible for shading, pollution removal, rain runoff retention etc. gets periodically reduced by the municipal tree management practice of pruning. This is a necessary activity, which reduces the risk of infrastructure damage and falling branches, but many estimates of ecosystem service provision in cities do not consider its impact explicitly. Tree mortality is also higher in cities, preventing trees from attaining and remaining at large sizes. This study used extensive field measurements of tree structure to estimate the impact of pruning on 8 tree species in two Italian cities: Taranto and Florence. Crown widths were reduced by 1.6 m on average, however there is large variation between species variation with branches more often being removed for thinning crowns resulting in larger gap fractions, which increased by 15% on average. No significant differences were observed for crown widths or gap fraction between trees pruned 3 and 4 years previously, suggesting that tree crowns structurally recover from pruning after 3 years. A deterministic model revealed that current urban forest pruning rates (every 6 years) and mortality (1%) may create a situation in which a city dominated by the species studied benefits from 93.5% of the maximum ecosystem services possible. This work will allow more nuanced estimates of urban forest services to be calculated.  相似文献   

Canberra, Australia's national capital, is a planned city established on grazing lands in the southern tablelands of New South Wales. Over the past nine decades it has grown into a garden city of 300,000 people. Landscaping was an early priority as much of the chosen site for the city was a treeless plain. Major tree planting began in the 1920's and today the urban forest on public lands contains 400,000 trees from over 200 species in streets and parklands. The species used have changed over time with exotic deciduous trees and conifers dominating early plantings. By the 1970's native species, mostly eucalypts, were planted. Today fewer species comprising an equal mix of native and exotics are used. Trees in the earlier plantings are now mature and given the harshness of the local climate many will come to the end of their ‘safe life’ in the early decades of this century. This provides new challenges for urban tree managers as to how to effect tree replacement that is aesthetically pleasing, ecologically sound and socially acceptable. To assist in this planning a tree data base and modeling system has been assembled. This system – Decision Information System for Managing Urban Trees or DISMUT – facilitates the development of forest-level management programs by allowing the projection of change and work requirements that the result from historical and current plantings over the entire urban forest.  相似文献   

Healthy and sustainable tree populations require a high diversity of genera and species. This study examined the occurrence and contents of tree inventories in Denmark's 30 largest municipalities. 59% of the municipalities had a tree inventory for street trees, but only about half of these were complete and updated. Only one municipality had a registration for trees other than street trees. Based on data from the tree inventories, the diversity of road side trees was analyzed at genus level and species level. A total of 82,072 street trees are part of the study. 11 different genera account for 92% of the total street tree stock, and 2–6 genera account for 40–80% of the street tree stock in the individual municipalities. Tilia was the most dominating genera (26%). 12 species account for 73% of the total street tree stock. The 6 most common species account for almost 50% of the total tree population. The species representing the largest numbers were Tilia × europaea (12%), Acer platanoides (10.9%), Platanus × acerifolia (7.2%), Tilia cordata (7.2%), Fraxinus excelsior (6.2%) and Sorbus intermedia (5.9%). The four most urbanized municipalities had a surplus of non-native species, but all municipalities apart from one had most street trees belonging to native species. The concluding recommendation of this study is that tree managers need to start working more strategic with their tree stock, in order to reduce the vulnerability, due to potential attacks from pests or diseases and climate change effects. A risk spreading system for the urban tree population is proposed, suggesting that no genera should account for more than 10% and no species for more than 5% of the tree population.  相似文献   

The knowledge of the rate at which trees grow in urban areas is an important aspect to consider as it can influence our quantification and valuation of the ecosystem services provided by an urban forest. This study investigates growth variations in diameter and height for four common urban tree species (Acer pseudoplatanus, Betula pendula, Fraxinus excelsior and Quercus robur) across five cities in Great Britain (GB) and how the typical radial growth of two of those species (F. excelsior and Q. robur) changes with climate. Dendrochronology was used to identify tree age and changes in ring width and diameter at breast height (DBH) and tree height were measured in-situ at the time of coring. Results indicate a substantial variation in the mean annual growth rates and the relationships between DBH and age or height and age of each species across different cities. However, the multiple factors affecting tree growth seem to influence different species in different ways, with for example A. pseudoplatanus trees showing overall the fastest growth in Peterborough but B. pendula ones showing the slowest. Precipitation and temperature had an effect on radial growth of F. excelsior and Q. robur trees in GB, but the strength and direction of influence varied with time of year, species and city. In particular, low precipitation at the start or during the growing season was found to be a significant factor limiting radial growth. A trend towards a reduction in ring width increment was therefore identified in hot and dry years, primarily in south-eastern cities but in other cities too. This highlights the risk that a changing climate may have on the growth and, consequently, on the ecosystem service provision of healthy urban trees.  相似文献   

Citizen engagement through urban forest tree committee volunteer service may aid in providing essential experience, ideas, and skills that support municipal tree management. Using semi-structured, research interviews with tree committee (TC) representatives from across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, this study addresses current knowledge gaps concerning the general composition, processes, and relationships of volunteer-led urban forest tree committees. Our findings indicate that TC representatives are typically motivated, passionate volunteers who generally desire to work cooperatively with the many associations, organizations, and agencies that comprise the local socio-political landscape. Our findings also indicate it is important that TC representatives make a sustained, concerted effort to work collaboratively with their local tree warden to advance the care of their community’s urban trees. Furthermore, it is also essential that municipal managers and decision-makers attempt to provide TC volunteers with appropriate training opportunities, resources, as well as demonstrate appreciation, to further encourage and solidify volunteer-engagement in urban forestry at the local level.  相似文献   

Natural ecosystems are life-supporting systems providing diverse ecosystem services (ESs) and benefits to human societies: e.g., food and clean water, recreation opportunities or climate regulation. The contribution of natural and semi-natural ecosystems to the provision of such services depends to a large extent on vegetation structure and composition, which, in turn, change as a result of interactions between human decisions about land management, and spontaneous biological and environmental processes. Rational management of these dynamic ecosystems requires an ability to predict short- and long-term effects of management decisions on the desired ESs. The vegetation then contributes to, and modifies, the products and services obtained from the land. We applied mathematical modeling to study these complex relationships. We developed a model for a Mediterranean ecosystem which predicts the dynamics of multiple services in response to management scenarios, mediated by vegetation changes. Six representative ESs representing different groups were selected, based on available scientific information, for a detailed study: (1) density of geophytes, (2) potential contribution to honey production, (3) energy density of fleshy fruits foraged by birds, (4) forage for goats, (5) forage for cattle, and (6) carbon retention in woody plants. Mean contributions to each service by different vegetation cover types were estimated, and the overall service provided by the site was calculated as a weighted mean of these contributions. Services were measured in their appropriate units and subsequently standardized to a percentage of the maximum value observed in the study area. We attempted to combine all studied ESs, despite their different nature, into one “ESs basket”. This paper presents the dynamics of simulated vegetation composition and values of services in response to management scenarios involving grazing, fire and their combinations. Our approach can help land managers to evaluate alternative management scenarios by presenting the “services basket” obtained from the entire managed area.  相似文献   

The success of urban forest management strategies is dependent on public support for and engagement with urban trees. Satisfaction with urban trees and their management, and the level of trust people have in urban tree managers, are useful for understanding public opinions. Yet these concepts, and the mechanisms leading to the formation of public opinions remain poorly explored in the literature. Here we explore how satisfaction with urban trees and with urban tree management, and trust in the agencies responsible for urban tree management, are explained by cognitive factors (values, beliefs, and knowledge) and socio-ecological contextual factors (tree presence/canopy cover, cultural diversity, and socioeconomic status) using an online survey of 16 local government areas in south-eastern Australia. Analyses of 2367 responses revealed that people’s opinions about trees in general (values and beliefs) were overwhelmingly positive, while their opinions about more contextualised measures such as satisfaction and trust were more mixed. Two distinct pathways that influence satisfaction were identified: one linked to beliefs about having trees in cities, and another one linked to trust in urban tree management. At the local government level, satisfaction was negatively associated with a measure of cultural diversity and very low levels of tree canopy cover, but not with socioeconomic disadvantage. Satisfaction with local trees could be improved by increasing the quality of ecological function of trees, such as habitat provision and tree diversity. Community engagement could also improve satisfaction and trust, particularly perceived procedural fairness of decision-making, reinforce positive beliefs about the outcomes of having trees in cities, and dispel negative beliefs. Engagement processes should recognise that people hold complex and diverse opinions about urban trees, and by incorporating these opinions into decision-making we can meet the increasingly complex and diverse expectations being placed on urban forests.  相似文献   

Based on re-measurements (1999 and 2001) of randomly-distributed permanent plots within the city boundaries of Baltimore, Maryland, trees are estimated to have an annual mortality rate of 6.6% with an overall annual net change in the number of live trees of –4.2%. Tree mortality rates were significantly different based on tree size, condition, species, and land use. Morus alba, Ailanthus altissima, and trees in small diameter classes, poor condition, or in transportation or commercial – industrial land uses exhibited relatively high mortality rates. Trees in medium- to low-density residential areas exhibited low mortality rates. The high mortality rate for A. altissima is an artifact of this species distribution among land use types (24% were in the transportation land use). Based on a new tree population projection model that incorporates Baltimore's existing tree population and annual mortality estimates, along with estimates of annual tree growth, Baltimore's urban forest is projected to decline in both number of trees and canopy area over the next century. Factors affecting urban tree mortality are discussed.  相似文献   

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