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Increasingly, public land managers face decisions about using fruit-bearing perennial plants (including fruiting trees, shrubs, and vines) on public lands. While public trees provide many positive ecological, economic, and community health benefits, fruit-bearing perennials provide similar benefits and more. Expanded benefits include enhanced pollinator habitat, increased food access, unique educational opportunities, and ways for residents to interact more deeply with public vegetation. Despite the benefits of fruit-bearing perennials, their use and incorporation into public spaces vary among cities, resulting in an uneven and often inequitable distribution of public services. This study aims to better understand public land managers’ decision-making processes by exploring what factors are considered when deciding to plant, or not plant, fruit-bearing perennial vegetation. Specifically, interviewees (n = 12) described what they perceive as the most significant benefits and barriers to establishing fruit-bearing perennials in public spaces. Respondents reported using fruit-bearing perennials to augment species diversity, community engagement, wildlife habitat, and public education. Barriers cited included limited time and financial resources for management, lack of specialized training, fears associated with liability, limited public awareness, and competing urban forestry goals. This study contributes to the literature on public land manager decision-making which has not previously focused specifically on fruit-bearing perennials. The findings inform vegetation decision-making and urban natural resource planning by outlining key risks and rewards of adopting fruit-bearing perennials.  相似文献   

Santiago, Chile's semi-arid climate and urbanized environment poses a severe limitation for the establishment and maintenance of urban forests. Municipalities, or comunas, are the main stakeholders in the management of Santiago's public urban forests. A tenable hypothesis would be that as the socioeconomic level of a comuna increases, the better the condition of a comuna's urban forest. Unfortunately, there is little comprehensive information on management, public expenditure, and structure of Santiago's public and private urban forests. To examine this hypothesis, Santiago was divided into socioeconomic strata, then using air photo interpretation and stratified field sampling, urban forest structures were quantified by socioeconomic strata. In addition, interview surveys were used to determine municipal urban forest management and expenditures for different public urban forests based on socioeconomic strata. Urban forests in the high socioeconomic strata had fewer public trees, greater tree cover, tree and leaf area density, and leaf area index than lower socioeconomic strata. The percentage of total municipal budget allocated to public urban forest management was consistent among strata, but the total public urban forest budgets were greater in the high socioeconomic strata. Public urban forest structure is related to the socioeconomic strata of Santiago's different comunas.  相似文献   

Urban tree cover is inequitable in many American cities, with low-income and non-white neighborhoods typically having the least coverage. Some municipal and non-profit tree planting programs aim to address this inequity by targeting low-income neighborhoods; however, many programs face lack of participation or resistance from local residents. In this study, we aimed to uncover the economic, social, cultural, and physical barriers that community leaders face in planting trees and fostering engagement in a neighborhood with low tree canopy. In collaboration with an urban greening nonprofit in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (US), twenty in-depth interviews were conducted with community leaders in a low canopy neighborhood, North Philadelphia. Half of these leaders were already involved with local tree planting programs, while the other half were not. Findings reveal that despite broad appreciation for trees and greenspaces, there are concerns about the risks and costs residents assume over the course of a tree’s life cycle, the threat of neighborhood development and gentrification associated with trees, limited plantable space, and limited time and capacity for community organizations. Additionally, these barriers to participation may be amplified among low-income and communities of color who face the legacies of historical tree disservices and municipal structural disinvestment. Addressing community concerns regarding the long-term care of trees beyond the initial tree planting would likely require further programmatic support. Overall, this research highlights the complexity of addressing inequities in tree canopy and the importance of integrating resident and community leader perspectives about disservices and management costs into tree planting initiatives.  相似文献   

In urban areas, the pattern of trees is often a result of municipal policy, built form, neighborhood socioeconomic conditions, and the actions of local actors. Recent research has focused on the role of neighborhood socioeconomics, and begun to explore the underlying causes of uneven distributions of urban forests associated with different socioeconomic groups. To date, little work has explored property-level tree conditions in relation to disaggregated household characteristics and actions, yet the household is the scale where most decisions about residential tree planting and care are made. This study examines the role of property-level built conditions, household socioeconomics, and residents’ actions and attitudes in relation to property-level canopy cover and tree density. The study area is four neighborhoods in the City of Mississauga (ON, Canada). Regression analyses were conducted to explore significant variables related to the two tree measures for all properties together and separately by neighborhood. The results indicate that property conditions and residents actions are more important in relation to tree variations than socioeconomic factors. Additionally, several significant factors have opposite relationships with percent canopy cover and tree density. These results highlight the need to consider property-level built conditions, residents’ actions, and multiple measures of the urban forest to better understand the patterns of trees in cities.  相似文献   

Tree diversity is one of the most important components of urban ecosystems, because it provides multiple ecological benefits and contributes to human well-being. However, the distribution of urban trees may be spatially segregated and change over time. To provide insights for a better distribution of tree diversity in a socially segregated city, we evaluated spatial segregation in the abundance and diversity of trees by socioeconomic group and their change over a 12-year period in Santiago, Chile. Two hundred vegetation plots were sampled across Santiago in 2002 and 2014. We found that overall abundance and diversity of urban trees for the entire city were stable over 12 years, whereas species richness and abundance of native tree species increased. There was segregation in tree species richness and abundance by socioeconomic group, with wealthier areas having more species and greater abundance of trees (for all tree species and native species) than poorer ones. Tree community composition and structure varied with socioeconomic group, but we found no evidence of increased homogenization of the urban forest in that 12 years. Our findings revealed that although tree diversity and abundance for the entire city did not change in our 12-year period, there were important inequities in abundance and diversity of urban trees by socioeconomic group. Given that 43% of homes in Santiago are in the lower socioeconomic areas, our study highlights the importance of targeting tree planting, maintenance and educational programs in these areas to reduce inequalities in the distribution of trees.  相似文献   

Little is known about urban forest planning, management and its benefits in emerging countries. The uneven distribution of tree canopy cover and parks in urban area is related to environmental justice, especially with disadvantaged socio-economic and marginated communities. However, the inequity of urban forest in many cities of emerging countries where often found irregular and unregulated land use patterns and social and socio-economic inequities, is hardly highlighted. This study explores the inequity of distribution of tree canopy cover and public park in Cali, Colombia. Utilizing the traditional socio-economic indices, the stratification, linear regression analysis is conducted to describe relationship between total tree canopy cover, tree canopy cover of various land use types, number of parks and park area per capita. The result demonstrates that lower income communities have lower tree canopy cover, fewer parks and smaller park area than higher income communities. This paper discusses importance of accounting for urban forests and ecosystem service in city planning efforts and better strategies of reducing inequity in emerging countries. Addressing the inequity of urban forest could be a better strategy to create resilient, sustainable, safe and livable cities in emerging countries.  相似文献   

Cities around the world are diverse. People’s perceptions of urban forests may vary according to urban contexts and people’s diverse identities. A better understanding of these diverse perceptions is critical to support stewardship initiatives, inform urban tree decisions, and guide community engagement, among other key management and governance processes in urban forestry. This study examines the values and beliefs that diverse people living in a variety of urban contexts associate with urban trees. Using an urban gradient approach, 2009 responses were collected through an online panel survey conducted in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) to understand variations in values and beliefs of urban forests across municipal types (inner core, suburban, peri-urban, and regional cities). The GTA has an ethnoculturally diverse population, allowing us to also explore perceptions held by people with various identities. The study uses analytical techniques, such as means differences and linear regression models, to segment the diverse meanings people attribute to urban trees by municipal types and people’s identities. The results show that, while people value the urban forest very highly, people’s value orientations vary depending on their context and identities. For example, respondents who speak European or South Asian languages tend to hold value orientations related to cultural, social, and identity issues. Respondents living in inner municipal types tend to hold values related to identity issues, whereas respondents living in outer municipal types and regional cities tend to hold values related to natural issues. The results also show that people’s beliefs about urban forests are primarily positive. Urban forests managers and stewardship initiatives should recognize the diverse set of values and beliefs that people associate with urban forests, incorporating these perceptions into policy and programs. Additionally, since specific value and belief orientations may depend on personal identity and urban contexts, tailored messaging may also help generate support for policy or stewardship initiatives across different communities and in varied urban contexts.  相似文献   

The urban forest provides our communities with a host of benefits through the delivery of ecosystem services. To properly quantify and sustain these benefits, we require a strong baseline understanding of forest structure and diversity. To date, fine-scale work considering urban forest diversity and ecosystem services has often been limited to trees on public land, considering only one or two green space types. However, the governance of urban green spaces means tree species composition is influenced by management decisions at various levels, including by institutions, municipalities, and individual landowners responsible for their care. Using a mixed-method approach combining a traditional field-inventory and community science project, we inventoried urban trees in the residential neighbourhood of Notre-Dame-de-Grȃce, Montreal. We assessed how tree diversity, composition and structure varies across multiple green space types in the public and private domain (parks, institutions, street rights of way and private yards) at multiple scales. We assessed how service-based traits – traits capturing aspects of plant form and functions that urban residents find beneficial – differed across green space types, with implications for the distribution of ecosystem services across the urban landscape. Green space types displayed meaningful differences in tree diversity, structure, and service-based traits. For example, the inclusion of private trees contributed an additional 52 species (>30% of total species) not found in the local public tree inventory. Trees on private land also tended to be smaller than those in the public domain. Beyond patterns of tree richness, size, and abundance we also observed differences in the composition of tree species and service-based traits at site-scales, particularly between street rights-of way and private yards. While species composition varied considerably across street blocks, blocks were very similar to one another in terms of mean service-based traits. Contrastingly, while species composition was similar from yard to yard, yards differed significantly in mean service-based trait values. Our work emphasises that public tree inventories are unlikely to be fully representative of urban forest composition, structure, and benefits, with implications for urban forest management at larger spatial scales.  相似文献   

Trees provide multiple ecosystem services in urban centers and increases in tree canopy cover is a key strategy for many municipalities. However, urban trees also experience multiple stresses and tree growth can be impacted by urban density and impervious surfaces. We investigated the impact of differences in urban form on tree growth in the City of Merri-bek, a local government area in metropolitan Melbourne, which is the temperate climate zone. Merri-bek has a gradient in population density and urban greenness from north to south, and we hypothesized that tree growth in the southern areas would be lower because trees were more likely to have less access to water with high levels of impervious surfaces. We selected three common native evergreen species, Eucalyptus leucoxylon, Melaleuca linariifolia, and Lophostemon confertus that exhibit differences in climate vulnerability and assessed the tree canopy expansion in four urban density zones in Merri-bek between 2009 and 2020 using aerial image analysis. The differences in urban form did not significantly influence tree canopy growth and all species showed similar canopy expansion rates. However, smaller trees showed a greater relative canopy increase in the ten years, whereas larger trees had a greater absolute canopy growth. Thus, older and larger trees should be protected and maintained to achieve the canopy expansion. Our study indicated that differences in urban form are unlikely to have major impacts on the growth and canopy expansion of well adapted native tree species in open, suburban centers.  相似文献   

Natural parks are comprised of preserved forested natural areas that are undergoing natural ecological processes. These areas can offer a refuge for local biodiversity and contribute substantially to ecosystem services in both rural areas with relatively low population densities, as well as high-density urban areas. Forested natural parks located in urban areas should experience more stressful environmental conditions than nearby rural areas, yet we know relatively little about how urbanization impacts tree communities within these important natural habitats. To better understand the impact of urbanization on forests, we investigated the species composition, abundance, and diversity of midstory and canopy trees as well as tree seedlings in urban and rural natural parks in and around Cleveland, Ohio. We found that both urban and rural natural parks have similar tree abundance, but midstory and canopy trees as well as tree seedling communities in the urban natural parks included higher abundances of stress-tolerant species compared to rural parks. In addition, this pattern was driven by changes in native tree species, as we observed low abundance of invasive species. More stress-resistant native species in urban areas include Quercus rubra and Prunus serotina, in contrast to rural natural parks which are dominated by Acer spp. and Fagus grandifolia. Lastly, we show that urban and rural natural parks have similar species diversity within plots, but we found higher variation in community composition among urban natural parks compared to among rural parks. Furthermore, Q. rubra and P. serotina were significantly larger in rural natural parks, indicating that both environmental stress and successional stage could drive compositional differences. Thus, we show that urbanization can have unexpected effects on plant community composition and diversity. Our study refutes the idea that these are degraded habitats, highlights the need to conserve them, and suggests that characterization of local variation in self-assembled urban tree communities will provide the most accurate picture of their management needs and potential ecosystem services.  相似文献   

Tree ordinances can be an effective means of preserving urban forests in the face of development pressures. Despite this, they also have the potential to be divisive among the public - especially when applied to privately-owned land. In this study we surveyed 1716 Florida urban residents to understand how they value regulation and management of the urban forest. Specifically, we asked about: tree protection ordinances, incentive programs to manage or plant trees, justification for tree removal, and development. Most respondents supported tree protections, even when applied to trees on their own property or when they had the potential to limit development activities. Additionally, there was limited support for removing healthy trees for development. Respondents supported the use of funds for urban forestry efforts – particularly at the local or state level.  相似文献   

In order to meet comprehensive planting goals, tree-planting campaigns must plant on private properties, in residential front and backyards. Successful engagement in these kinds of neighborhood plantings requires an understanding of residents' decision making. Through surveys with past recipients of free 1″-caliper trees, past neighborhood leaders of tree-planting recruiting, and door-to-door canvassing in a pilot neighborhood, this study shows the top factors for accepting free trees and main reasons for declining. Surveys asked past tree recipients their main motivations for accepting a free tree, and three reasons rose to the top: trees provide beauty, trees help the environment, and trees keep people healthy. Top barriers for declining a free tree included not desiring more trees than they had, concerns about maintenance, and a language barrier. These results can inform tree-planting campaigns and tree-focused organizations in order to improve messaging and neighborhood engagement – all to ensure that more trees are planted and canopy is increased.  相似文献   

Residential lands constitute a major component of existing and possible tree canopy in many cities in the United States. To expand the urban forest on these lands, some municipalities and nonprofit organizations have launched residential yard tree distribution programs, also known as tree giveaway programs. This paper describes the operations of five tree distribution programs affiliated with the Urban Ecology Collaborative, a regional network for urban forestry professionals. We analyzed the programs’ missions, strategies, and challenges as reported through surveys and interviews conducted with program staff. The programs were led by nonprofit organizations and municipal departments in New York City, NY; Baltimore, MD; Philadelphia, PA; Providence, RI; and Worcester, MA. These organizations focused their tree distribution efforts on private residential lands in response to ambitious tree canopy or planting campaign goals. We assessed these programs through the framework of urban forests as social-ecological systems and discuss the programs’ biophysical, social and institutional contexts. Programs face principle-agent problems related to reliance on individual tree recipients to meet goals; their institutional strategies meant to ameliorate these problems varied. Differing organizational and partner resources influenced the programs’ abilities to perform outreach and follow-up on tree performance. Programs attempted to connect with diverse neighborhoods through free trees, targeting areas with low existing canopy, and forging partnerships with local community groups. Given tree recipients’ demand for smaller flowering or fruiting trees, as well as lack of resources for tree survival monitoring on private lands, program leaders appeared to have turned to social measures of success − spreading a positive message about trees and urban greening − as opposed to biophysical performance metrics. We conclude with suggestions for outcomes monitoring, whether those outcomes are social or biophysical, because monitoring is critical to the sustainability and adaptive management of residential tree programs.  相似文献   

Declining urban tree canopy cover in the United States underscores the importance of elucidating factors that influence the distribution of urban trees. This is particularly relevant as most urban trees are located on private property while their canopies maintain ecosystem services that constitute public goods. Thus, municipalities establish institutions in the form of canopy cover goals and various policies to incentivize private actions to meet those goals. However, urban land use, as governed by municipal zoning policies, plays a role in the abundance, distribution, and potential future location of urban trees independent of policies meant specifically to manage canopy. For instance, previous research finds that lands zoned for residential and park development have the highest canopy cover relative to other land uses. Yet, little research has explored whether this conclusion holds across scales of analysis and how it might influence our understanding of potential canopy cover and relative canopy cover. Thus, we ask, does the nature of the relationship between zoning and canopy cover change between aggregated and disaggregated zoning scales and how might this knowledge improve the sustainability of urban forest management? To answer this question, we classified high resolution National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) images of Bloomington, Indiana land cover and compared existing, potential and relative canopy cover across aggregated and disaggregated zones. Results demonstrate an important exception to the oft-cited theory that residential lands have higher canopy cover, a conclusion that our data supports only at the scale of an aggregated interpretation of zoning. At a disaggregated scale, residential high density zones are significantly different than all other residential zones and more akin to commercial zones in terms of all canopy metrics. For urban forest managers and urban planners, this suggests the relevance of fine-scale variation in land-use policies and related canopy cover policies.  相似文献   

The demand for sound scientific information and public participation is particularly great in urban forestry. Urban society's manifold perceptions, preferences and demands for urban forest goods and services need to be considered, indicating the necessity for socially inclusive planning processes. Successful policies can only be formulated by establishing close links with, for example, urban planning and municipal policies. Inherently, this means that close ties between research and policy are required. This article discusses the outcomes of the NeighbourWoods research and development project in which a wide range of tools for public participation were tested in six urban woodland case-studies across Europe. A distinction was made between characteristics of the specific participatory tools and those of the communication process between the facilitators (scientists) of the participation process and the end-users of information (local policy-makers). Public willingness to participate depends on factors such as existing controversy, emotions attached to the forest, and perceived dangers, e.g., in terms of threats to the status quo. Policy makers’ willingness to involve themselves depends on political interests, on prior experience with public participation processes, and on their trust in the facilitators of the public participation process. Findings confirm that a set of tools comprising a step-wise process from informing the public in an attractive way, collecting information on public opinion, towards fully participatory approaches such as direct involvement in decision-making is most likely to ensure socially inclusive planning. Communication with policy-makers requires a high degree of openness, clearly explaining every phase of the process, being open about each other's expectations, in short, by developing relationships based on mutual trust.  相似文献   

The resilience of Christchurch, New Zealand's urban forest has been tested during a year of major earthquakes and aftershocks. Tree loss has resulted from mass soil movement, soil liquefaction, rockfalls, and land slips. At the time of writing, only 384 trees have been documented as removed, however, thousands more are scheduled for removal. Additionally, the changes to the soil environment resulting from liquefaction will require existing trees to adapt quickly to their new soil environment. Their fate will not be known for years. Though the total number of trees removed is unlikely to reduce city-wide canopy cover appreciably, it is important to recognize that spatial patterns of tree loss were highly localized and thus local canopy cover has been drastically reduced in some areas. Short-term management of the urban forest in the aftermath of the earthquake focused on removal of trees deemed unstable or unsafe. In the medium-term, attempts have been made to monitor the health and stability of remaining trees using an asset management system, though some difficulties related to consistency and ubiquity of its use have been identified. Though short and medium-term management have been largely effective, long-term management of Christchurch's urban forests will largely be dictated by government policy, which will be informed by public consultation and land ownership. Many of the benefits provided by urban forests are well understood. However, trees and greenspaces provided additional benefits during earthquakes and in the aftermath. Planted trees in the hills surrounding the city prevented rockfall from damaging infrastructure and human life downslope, while greenspaces were used as a base for search and rescue staff during rescue and recovery operations, and as temporary living spaces for residents who lost their homes.  相似文献   

Interest in planting urban food trees (UFTs) in public spaces is growing in popularity as a form of urban greening and a potential food source. Currently there is minimal research on the governance and policy aspects of integrating food trees into cities. To fill this gap, we investigated the characteristics of UFT site governance and how it compares to current urban forest governance. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with relevant municipal officials in Calgary, Edmonton, Toronto and Victoria about their perspectives and involvement with UFT sites in their city. A scan of policy documents was completed to supplement the interviews. The interviews were analyzed using a deductive coding framework based on the Policy Arrangement Approach. We found that key actors at the UFT sites were local organizations and site champions, with minimal municipal engagement. Most site resources provided by municipalities were in-kind. There are also basic knowledge gaps about how to care for UFTs. Currently municipal by-laws prohibit the harvesting and removal of plant material, and are at odds with the purpose of UFT sites, with few municipalities fully integrating UFTs in policies. The primary discussion around UFTs centre concerns for public health and safety, management, and use of public space with limited discussions of benefits. This research demonstrates the value of co-governance models to support UFTs, while a shift in focus from risks to benefits could encourage additional resources and policy integration. Further, including UFTs into policy would also support foraging and food tree maintenance in public spaces, and more fully reflect the plurality of urban forest engagement.  相似文献   

The level of tree species diversity in urban tree populations can have serious implications for urban forest resilience and has a direct impact on ecosystem functioning at the local level. Few studies have measured the relationship between tree species diversity and vulnerability in UK urban forests. This study analysed the species composition, species diversity and the vulnerability to pests and diseases of 10,149 public trees in the London borough of Westminster across three land use types: housing, parks, and highways. Tree species diversity was significantly different across these land use types (Shannon’s diversity index (H) was 2.47 for housing sites, 1.63 for parks and 0.83 for highways) and we found that higher diversity appears to result in reduced vulnerability, evidenced by negative correlations between tree species diversity and susceptibility to pests and diseases. A stronger negative correlation was found between vulnerability and species richness than between vulnerability and Gini-Simpson’s diversity index. Our study reinforces the role of biodiversity indices in establishing and monitoring baseline levels of UK urban tree diversity. Our findings may inform future tree planting projects, help to ensure that development does not negatively affect urban tree diversity and inform proactive strategies for urban trees to contribute to wider biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Urban street trees provide many benefits to surrounding communities, but our ability to assess such benefits relies on the availability of high-quality urban tree data. While these data are numerous, they are not available in an easily accessible, centralized place. To fill this gap, we aggregated public and private data into a single, comprehensive inventory of urban trees in California called the California Urban Forest (CUF) Inventory. These data are offered to the public (aggregated to ZIP code) via an online data portal, which at the time of publication contained over 6.6 million urban tree records. In this study, we first describe the assembly and utility of the inventory. Then, we conduct the most comprehensive assessment of the diversity and structure of California’s urban forest to date at statewide, regional, and local spatial scales. These analyses demonstrate that California’s urban forests are highly diverse and among the most diverse urban forests in the world. We present a new and intuitive metric of species diversity, the top diversity or TD-50 index, which represents the cumulative number of species accounting for the top 50 % abundance of trees in an urban forest. We used species abundance data from 81 well-inventoried cities to demonstrate that the TD-50 index was a robust metric of diversity and a good predictor of comprehensive metrics like the Shannon Index. We also found that small-statured trees, such as crape myrtles (Lagerstroemia cv.) dominate California’s urban forests. This aggregated inventory of one of the world's largest urban forests provides the data necessary to assess the structure, diversity, and value of California’s urban forests at multiple spatial scales. The inventory’s presentation to the public and the information that can be gained from its analysis can be a model for urban forest management worldwide.  相似文献   

Spatial patterns of tree structure and composition were studied to assess the effects of land tenure, management regimes, and the environment on a coastal, subtropical urban forest. A total of 229 plots in remnant natural areas, private residential, public non-residential, and private non-residential land tenures were analyzed in a 1273 km2 study area encompassing the urbanized portion of Miami-Dade County, USA. Statistical mixed models of structure, composition, location, and land tenure data were used to analyze spatial patterns across the study area. A total of 1200 trees were measured of which 593 trees (49%) were located in residential areas, 67 (6%) in public non-residential areas, 135 trees (11%) in private non-residential areas, and 405 (34%) in remnant, natural areas. A total of 107 different tree species belonging to 90 genera were sampled. Basal area in residential land tenures increased towards the coast while private residential land tenures and natural areas had higher species diversity than non-residential areas. Tree height, crown light exposure, and crown area might indicate the effects of past hurricane impacts on urban forest structure. Land tenure, soil types, and urban morphology influenced composition and structure. Broadleaf evergreen trees are the most common growth form, followed by broadleaf deciduous, palms, and conifers. Exotic tree species originated mainly from Asia and 15% of all trees measured were considered exotic-highly invasive species. We discuss the use of these results as an ecological basis for management and resilience towards hurricane damage and identifying occurrence of invasive, exotic trees.  相似文献   

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