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Managing urban population and environment has been one of the most important challenges recently. This paper attempts to assess the existing practices, people's perception, gaps and ways forward for participatory urban forestry and aims to help promote UF through identifying the current status, future prospects for and peoples’ perception about UF in two cities of Nepal. The study was conducted in Pokhara sub-metropolitan city and Bharatpur municipality of Nepal. Total numbers of plants in the effective green spaces are estimated as 285,500 in Pokhara and 213,250 in Bharatpur, and the number of tree species was 62 and 52 respectively. The religious tree species – Ficus bengalensis and Ficus religiosa are the most common and hazardous in both cities. The urban people have preferred small, less branchy and attractive tree species. However, the choice of existing species is inappropriate and not according to the people's interest. Therefore, urban people are unsatisfied with the existing species and their frequencies. The municipal authorities and other related organizations do not have any specific plan, programs and activities nor is there any public involvement to promote urban forestry. Regular coordination, cooperation and monitoring are required for the involvement of various stakeholders such as municipality, government office, community organizations and urban people. Analysis further shows that people's perception on urban forestry is encouraging as most of them agreed that the urban forests are useful for addressing the challenging urban environment. Adequate institutions and financial resources coupled with effective cooperation and coordination among concerned organizations could ameliorate the urban environment as urban community forestry.  相似文献   

Increasing tree species diversity has become a key underpinning for communities to improve resilience of urban and community forests. Increasingly, urban forestry researchers are examining physiological traits to aid in selecting trees for urban sites. Knowledge of physiological responses also has implications for understanding species’ resilience to increased stresses associated with climate change. Here, we compare growth, leaf SPAD chlorophyll index, water relations, and gas exchange of seven genotypes of shade trees planted in two locations in downtown Detroit, MI, USA. Genotypes included Redpointe® maple (Acer rubrum ‘Frank Jr.’), Flashfire® maple (Acer saccharum ‘JFS-Caddo2′), Pacific Sunset® maple (Acer truncatum x platanoides ‘Warrenred’), Emerald City® tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera ‘JFS-Oz’), Chanticleer® pear (Pyrus calleryana ‘Glen’s Form’), swamp white oak (Quercus bicolor), and Emerald Sunshine® elm (Ulmus propinqua ‘JFS-Bieberich’). Trees were planted in either Lafayette Plaisance Park (Park), a large urban greenspace, or on the median of St. Aubin Avenue (Median), a nearby major thoroughfare. Tree height growth and leaf SPAD index were higher for trees planted in the Park location than on the Median. However, genotypic variation was larger than the effects of location or the interaction of Genotype × Location for most traits. Across measurement dates, midday leaf water potential was lowest for Pyrus trees and highest for Ulmus and Liriodendron trees. Pyrus and Quercus trees had relatively high rates of net photosynthesis (A) and stomatal conductance (gs) while Liriodendron, Acer saccharum, and Ulmus trees had low rates of A and gs. Liriodendron trees closed their stomata rapidly as leaf water potential (Ψw) declined (isohydric response), while Pyrus and Quercus trees maintained gs across a range of leaf Ψw (anisohydric response). Liriodendron trees also had the highest relative growth rates, suggesting that drought stress avoidance through isohydry is a viable drought tolerance mechanism in urban trees.  相似文献   

The ability of plants to tolerate stress is determined in part by the carbon allocated to their reserves. We studied two common urban tree species in northeastern North America, Acer saccharinum (Silver maple, native) and Acer platanoides (Norway maple, exotic), to assess the dynamics of non-structural carbohydrate (NSC) concentrations immediately following a maintenance pruning of 30% of the tree crown. NSC concentrations were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography in branches, main stems, and root tissues for both pruned and un-pruned trees at three intervals during the growing season. NSC concentrations in tree organs of A. platanoides were 75% higher than in A. saccharinum. Maintenance pruning did not have any significant depletion effect on carbohydrate concentrations in the tissues of either species. Yet, there was a significant increase in the NSC concentrations in un-pruned branches of pruned trees of A. platanoides at the end of the growing season, but no effect was observed in A. saccharinum. Higher levels of carbohydrates after pruning in woody plant tissues suggested that A. platanoides may have compensatory mechanisms that allow this species to respond better to maintenance pruning than A. saccharinum.  相似文献   

Dispersal limitations contribute to shaping plant distribution patterns and thus are significant for biodiversity conservation and urban ecology. In fleshy-fruited plants, for example, any preference of frugivorous birds affects dispersal capacities of certain fruit species. We conducted a removal experiment with fruits of Ilex aquifolium, a species that is currently expanding its range margin in northern Europe in response to climate change. The species is also a popular ornamental tree and naturalization has been observed in many parts of its range. Fruits of native I. aquifolium and of three cultivars were offered to birds at the expanding range margin in urban habitats in eastern Denmark. The four fruit types were removed at different rates and red fruits were preferred over a yellow cultivar. Small fruit diameter was positively related to fruit removal, and removal was faster under tree canopies compared with open habitats. The preference for red cultivars compared with native I. aquifolium may contribute to naturalization and potential invasion of garden escapes. Preferential foraging under closed canopies indicates trees and shrubs as recruitment foci for fleshy-fruited plants in urban landscapes. The results should be included in urban forestry and planting of potentially invasive ornamental species.  相似文献   

A greenhouse experiment was conducted to assess the performance of biochar obtained from pyrolysis of conifer wood as a substrate component for growing potted Rosa rugosa plants. Rose plants were grown with different mixtures of sphagnum peat and biochar (100% peat, 75% peat–25% biochar, 50% peat–50% biochar, 25% peat–75% biochar; v:v). Increasing the biochar content from 25% to 75% increased the air content, bulk density, electrical conductivity, and K and Na concentration in the substrates. The addition of 25% biochar to the substrate showed promising potential for R. rugosa when compared with 100% peat given the similar growth performance, water-use efficiency, and ornamental quality (number of flowers and leaf colour). The Ca and Na concentrations in leaves and roots as well as the Mg content in roots increased as the biochar percentage in the substrate increased, whereas an opposite trend was observed for P and K concentrations. The best performance and ornamental quality of R. rugosa grown with 100% peat and 75% peat–25% biochar compared with 50 and 75% biochar treatments were attributed to a higher degree of photosynthesis, Soil Plant Analysis Development index, and pigment content. Overall, adding 25% of conifer wood biochar as a substrate component could be applied for economic purposes without detrimental effects on the yield and quality of potted roses.  相似文献   

Trees with root systems established well below grade due to deep planting or soil disturbance are common in urban landscapes, yet the long term effects of buried trunks and subsequent remediation strategies, such as root collar excavation are poorly documented. We evaluated the consequences of deep planting over a 10-year period on tree growth and stability, with and without root collar excavation, for red maple [Acer rubrum L. Red Sunset® (‘Franksred’)] and Northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) planted at grade or 30-cm below grade. Sleeves to prevent soil-trunk contact were installed around trunks on a subset of deep trees. Root collar excavations were made during the 6th growing season for both species and trees were grown for an additional 4 and 3 growing seasons for red maples and Northern red oaks, respectively. Within two weeks of root collar excavations, pulling tests compared the effect of treatments on stability of red maples. Deep planting generally slowed growth of red maple but had no clear effect on Northern red oak. Root collar excavation had no lasting effect on growth of either species. Approximately 55% of deep red maples and 33% of deep Northern red oaks had roots crossing and in intimate contact with buried trunks, suggesting a potential for future girdling roots. Approximately 25% of deep maples had substantial adventitious rooting. All deep Northern red oaks had new roots emerging just above the first original structural roots but none were clearly adventitious. Trunk sleeves had no effect on growth for either species. Neither deep planting nor root collar excavation resulted in a loss of tree stability compared to trees planted at grade, although failure patterns varied among treatments. Overall, the biggest long term concern for deep-planted trees is the potential for girdling root formation.  相似文献   

Peat moss is the most used soilless substrate in the production of container plants in floriculture. Nevertheless, the drainage of peat bogs due to the peat extraction has increased the necessity of seeking products that could replace the peat that is used in plant production. Therefore, a comparative study was conducted to evaluate the effect of a biochar (B) - vermicompost (V) mixture, as a partial substitute for peat-based substrates, on the morpho-physiological characteristics of ornamental plants. Different blends containing B and V were compared to a baseline peat-based substrate (S) as control in the cultivation of two ornamental bedding plant species that are widely used in urban areas: geranium (Pelargonium peltatum) and petunia (Petunia hybrida). Plant growth and physiological parameters were assessed. Results showed that it is possible to grow container plants of these two species with commercial quality, using a peat-based substrate mixed with biochar and/or vermicompost (up to 30% V and 12% B). Plants in these substrates showed a similar or enhanced physiological response to those grown in the control using commercial peat-based substrate.  相似文献   

Trees provide multiple ecosystem services in urban centers and increases in tree canopy cover is a key strategy for many municipalities. However, urban trees also experience multiple stresses and tree growth can be impacted by urban density and impervious surfaces. We investigated the impact of differences in urban form on tree growth in the City of Merri-bek, a local government area in metropolitan Melbourne, which is the temperate climate zone. Merri-bek has a gradient in population density and urban greenness from north to south, and we hypothesized that tree growth in the southern areas would be lower because trees were more likely to have less access to water with high levels of impervious surfaces. We selected three common native evergreen species, Eucalyptus leucoxylon, Melaleuca linariifolia, and Lophostemon confertus that exhibit differences in climate vulnerability and assessed the tree canopy expansion in four urban density zones in Merri-bek between 2009 and 2020 using aerial image analysis. The differences in urban form did not significantly influence tree canopy growth and all species showed similar canopy expansion rates. However, smaller trees showed a greater relative canopy increase in the ten years, whereas larger trees had a greater absolute canopy growth. Thus, older and larger trees should be protected and maintained to achieve the canopy expansion. Our study indicated that differences in urban form are unlikely to have major impacts on the growth and canopy expansion of well adapted native tree species in open, suburban centers.  相似文献   

Amelioration of global warming presents opportunities for urban forests to act as carbon sinks, and thereby could possibly be included in the potential future carbon trade industry. The City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality provided a strategy in 2002 to plant 115,200 indigenous street trees in the period 2002–2008. These trees hold a monetary carbon value in their potential future growth. In order to calculate the carbon sequestration potential, the growth rates of Combretum erythrophyllum, Searsia lancea and Searsia pendulina were determined. Combined species growth regressions of C. erythrophyllumS. lancea and S. lanceaS. pendulina are also presented. Combretum erythrophyllum has the fastest growth rate while those of S. lancea and S. pendulina are slower. The results from growth regression relationships were used in a generic allometric biomass regression to calculate the carbon sequestration rate of each species, which was extrapolated to determine the total quantity of carbon to be sequestrated by the street trees over a 30-year period (2002–2032). It is estimated that the tree planting will result in 200,492 tonnes CO2 equivalent reduction and that 54,630 tonnes carbon will be sequestrated. The carbon dioxide reductions could be valued at more than US$ 3,000,000. But this estimate should also be viewed in the context of the limitations presented in this study. This illustrates that when future carbon trade becomes operational for urban forests these forests could become a valuable source of revenue for the urban forestry industry, especially in developing countries.  相似文献   

Cities contain a diverse range of habitats that support plant establishment and persistence. This study focuses on a particular vertical artificial habitat: masonry retaining walls in Hong Kong. We explored the diversity and co-existence of different plant growth forms, synoptic assessment of habitat conditions, and relationship between habitat factors and vegetation occurrence. Some 270 walls with notable plant colonization in old districts were studied. We surveyed intrinsic wall fabric, extrinsic site condition, tree species and abundance, and other types of plant cover. The data were evaluated with the help of principal component and multiple regression analyses. A wide assemblage of species and growth forms have established spontaneously on walls. The tree flora is dominated by Moraceae (Mulberry family) members, genus Ficus (figs or banyans), and particularly Ficus microcarpa. Trees with strangler characteristics pre-adapted to grow on the vertical habitat are strongly favoured, followed by ruderals and garden escapees. Natives outnumber exotics by a large margin. Multiple wall attributes could be condensed into four factors, classified as water-nutrient supply, habitat connectivity, structure-maintenance, and habitat size. The action of habitat factors on vegetation occurrence hinges on plant growth form and dimension. The occurrence of diminutive lichen-moss is related to the fundamental sustenance water-nutrient factor. The bigger mature trees are more dependent on the larger-scale habitat size factor. The medium-sized plants, including herbs, shrubs and tree seedlings, are contingent upon the dual influence of water-nutrient and habitat connectivity. Spatial contiguity with natural ecosystem can secure continual supplies of seeds, water, nutrient, genial microclimate, and clean air to foster wall vegetation growth. The conservation of walls and their companion flora could avoid degrading or reducing these critical enabling factors. The urban ecological heritage deserves to be protected from unnecessary, misinformed and harmful impacts.  相似文献   

We examine the potential role of perennial woody food-producing species (“food trees”) in cities in the context of urban sustainable development and propose a multifunctional approach that combines elements of urban agriculture, urban forestry, and agroforestry into what we call “urban food forestry” (UFF). We used four approaches at different scales to gauge the potential of UFF to enhance urban sustainability and contribute to food security in the context of urbanization and climate change. First, we identified 37 current initiatives based around urban food trees, and analyzed their activities in three categories: planting, mapping, and harvesting, finding that the majority (73 %) only performed one activity, and only 8 % performed all three. Second, we analyzed 30 urban forestry master plans, finding that only 13 % included human food security among their objectives, while 77 % included habitat for wildlife. Third, we used Burlington, Vermont as a case study to quantify the potential fruit yield of publicly accessible open space if planted with Malus domestica (the common apple) under nine different planting and yield scenarios. We found that 108 % of the daily recommended minimum intake of fruit for the entire city’s population could be met under the most ambitious planting scenario, with substantial potential to contribute to food security even under more modest scenarios. Finally, we developed a Climate–Food–Species Matrix of potential food trees appropriate for temperate urban environments as a decision-making tool. We identified a total of 70 species, 30 of which we deemed “highly suitable” for urban food forestry based on their cold hardiness, drought tolerance, and edibility. We conclude that substantial untapped potential exists for urban food forestry to contribute to urban sustainability via increased food security and landscape multifunctionality.  相似文献   

Having an aesthetic form is one of the desirable aspects of trees used to create or reforest urban green areas, which is often achieved by procedures that require a great effort. The understanding of factors affecting the architecture of plants in natural conditions may be useful to promote a desirable shape during the growth process. Under the hypothesis that trees in high luminosity conditions have a more aesthetical growth, in this study we explore the relationship between plant shape and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) in Bursera fagaroides, a characteristic species of the tropical dry forest and xerophytic shrub-lands useful for urban green areas in semiarid environments. To evaluate trees shape we calculate a symmetry index (IS) by using two diameters of the crown, perpendicular to each other, and the total height. Measurements were made over three periods (before, during and after the growth period); and PAR was also measured for each tree. Linear regressions were used to analyze the relationship between the symmetry of trees and PAR received during the growth period. The post-growth symmetry of trees showed a positive relationship with the PAR received by trees during the growth period, suggesting that PAR effects can be harnessed to develop post-germination strategies for the production of trees with a more aesthetical growth in the studied species. Effect of PAR on the shape of plants may represent a practical option to promote aesthetical growth of trees and shrubs with importance for creation and restoration of urban green areas.  相似文献   

The knowledge of the rate at which trees grow in urban areas is an important aspect to consider as it can influence our quantification and valuation of the ecosystem services provided by an urban forest. This study investigates growth variations in diameter and height for four common urban tree species (Acer pseudoplatanus, Betula pendula, Fraxinus excelsior and Quercus robur) across five cities in Great Britain (GB) and how the typical radial growth of two of those species (F. excelsior and Q. robur) changes with climate. Dendrochronology was used to identify tree age and changes in ring width and diameter at breast height (DBH) and tree height were measured in-situ at the time of coring. Results indicate a substantial variation in the mean annual growth rates and the relationships between DBH and age or height and age of each species across different cities. However, the multiple factors affecting tree growth seem to influence different species in different ways, with for example A. pseudoplatanus trees showing overall the fastest growth in Peterborough but B. pendula ones showing the slowest. Precipitation and temperature had an effect on radial growth of F. excelsior and Q. robur trees in GB, but the strength and direction of influence varied with time of year, species and city. In particular, low precipitation at the start or during the growing season was found to be a significant factor limiting radial growth. A trend towards a reduction in ring width increment was therefore identified in hot and dry years, primarily in south-eastern cities but in other cities too. This highlights the risk that a changing climate may have on the growth and, consequently, on the ecosystem service provision of healthy urban trees.  相似文献   

An analysis of tree health in urban greeneries exposed to winter road salt contamination was carried out in the cities of Alytus and Kaunas, Lithuania, during spring and summer 2009–2014. Trees were assessed for crown dieback, crown defoliation and foliage discolouration. In addition, the prevalence of saprotrophic pathogenic fungi that cause sooty mold disease was assessed in street and recreational plantings. Tilia cordata Mill. (small-leaved lime) was found to be the most common tree species among urban deciduous trees. Summarising the tree foliage results, saprotrophic fungi were detected on 16 species plants belonging to 13 genera. Three species of fungal pathogens belonging to two genera, two families, two classes, and two divisions, and 12 species of anamorphic fungi from nine genera were isolated and identified from Tilia cordata leaves. The most frequent sooty mold disease agents were Aspergillus brasiliensis and Cladosporium herbarum. Nonetheless, a weak correlation between salt contamination and lime tree damage by sooty mold was found.  相似文献   

Horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) is a common urban tree species in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. This area is forecast to experience a general reduction in precipitation and an increase in temperature, which increases water demand in plants. Because A. hippocastanum is known for its drought vulnerability, the question of the future suitability of this urban tree species in Ljubljana has arisen. To investigate how climate has influenced A. hippocastanum radial growth and how trees responded to extreme climatic events, standardized precipitation-evapotranspiration index (SPEI) was used as a proxy for water demand. Climatic signal and its stability through time were calculated using Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Additionally, to investigate whether the trees had a common response to extreme climatic events, pointer years were calculated using Cropper values. We sampled 19 trees that were growing in Tivoli Park in Ljubljana. After successful cross-dating of 15 trees, the ring count showed that the trees had up to 201 tree-rings and had 130 on average. Climate-tree growth analysis showed that in July, 3-month SPEI had the strongest influence on radial growth, but its influence on radial growth decreased over time, possibly due to the die-off process of trees. The narrowest tree-rings were a result of unusually dry periods at the time of cambium activity and/or new cell growth. With the forecast of longer, more frequent summer drought periods in Ljubljana, soil moisture stress will increase, and as a result, a decrease in radial tree growth of A. hippocastanum trees from Tivoli Park is expected.  相似文献   

The information of urban tree species resources is of vital significance to the planning and design of urban green spaces. Tree organs, such as the bark are used as the primary features of identifying tree species. However, traditional tree identification methods need to consume a lot of manpower and time costs. In addition, the application of machine image recognition technology to tree species recognition still has problems such as heavy data preprocessing workload, small number of tree species images, uneven distribution of categories, and low recognition accuracy. In order to promote the intelligent management of urban forestry and solve the above problems, it is necessary to establish an automatic image recognition model for urban greening tree species. We captured bark images of 21 urban afforestation tree species in their natural environment and constructed a dataset that was divided into a train set, validation set, and test set in the ratio of 7:1:2. Combining Channel Attention Module (CAM) with algorithms such as Spatial Pyramid Pooling (SPP) and Mixed Depthwise Dilated Convolutional Kernels. The core algorithm is Mixed Convolution Kernel (MK), and a CAMP-MKNet Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is constructed as a bark image classification model for urban greening tree species. The overall accuracy of the generic models ranged from 41.06% to 82.03%, whereas the overall accuracy of the experimental CAMP-MKNet model was 84.25%, with lower prediction cost. Our study shows that the CAMP-MKNet CNN model with better prediction performance and computational cost and can provide crucial insights and technical support for developing automated urban tree species image recognition systems.  相似文献   

Tree planting has been favoured in many North American cities, including Montreal which aims to increase its canopy from 20% to 25% in 2025. However, the mortality rate of street trees is especially high in the first few years after planting. Studies have shown that variables that are intrinsic to the tree and those related to its location, the urban form and the socio-demographic characteristics of the surrounding environment are significantly associated either with trees’ survival rate or with vegetation cover. In this research we examine variables that have statistical associations with tree growth, which is the diameter at breast height divided by the number of years on the ground, for approximately 28,000 street trees in Montreal. Independent variables were nested into three spatial scales: the tree (species and physical variables), the street section (urban form variables), and the census tract (socio-demographic variables). Multilevel models reveal that 65.51% of the growth variance is potentially explained by the species and planting physical conditions such as the east and north sides (positive associations with the growth), signage as an obstruction (negative association). 28.54% of the grow variance is potentially explained by the urban form, in our case building age (convex relationship with the growth), mixed zoning (negatively) and residential zoning (positively). At the neighbourhood level, although none of our variables is significant, 6.95% of the growth variance is be potentially explained by other missing variables. New planting programs should hence consider the urban form in order to improve tree growth.  相似文献   

Tree growth equations are an important and common tool used to effectively assess the yield and determine management practices in forest plantations. Increasingly, they are being developed for urban forests, providing tools to assist urban forest managers with species selection, placement, and estimation of management costs and ecosystem services. This study describes the development of allometric equations for Fraxinus americana and F. pennsylvanica growing in Oakville, Canada. With data collected from 103 ash trees, five allometric models were tested to develop equations estimating diameter-at-breast-height (dbh), tree height, crown width and crown height, using age and dbh as explanatory variables. Mean annual growth rates are presented to demonstrate species growth performance and were not significantly different over the first 40 years of growth for the two species. Of all the tested random coefficient models for both species, the cubic with weight 1/x provided the best fit for estimating dbh from age. The best models for other parameters were the loglog for crown height from dbh, the quadratic for crown diameter from dbh, and the linear for tree height from dbh for F. americana. Model types showed more consistency for F. pennsylvanica with linear providing the best fit for crown diameter, crown height and tree height from dbh. The number of model types suggests the difficulty of fitting any single model to the vast array of conditions affecting plant growth in urban areas where management practices and environment can significantly influence tree size and growth. These models may be used to estimate the growth of ash tree populations in Oakville and communities with similar climate, soil, planting, and management environments.  相似文献   

Forests provide key ecosystem services (ES) and the extent to which the ES are realized varies spatially, with forest composition and cultural context, and in breadth, depending on the dominant tree species inhabiting an area. We address the question of how climate change may impact ES within the temperate and diverse forests of the eastern United States. We quantify the vulnerability to changes in forest habitat by 2100, based on the overall pressures of community change from an aggregation of current and potential future habitats for 134 tree species at each of 149 US Department of Defense installations. To do so, we derive an index, Forest-Related Index of Climate Vulnerability, composed of several indicators of vulnerability for each site. Further, a risk matrix (likelihood × consequences) provides a visual cue to compare vulnerabilities among species (example from Pennsylvania) or among sites [example for Acer saccharum (sugar maple) in Vermont vs. Kentucky]. Potential changes in specific ES can then be qualitatively examined. For example in Pennsylvania, the loss of the provisioning services (wood products) of Prunus serotina (black cherry) and Fraxinus americana (white ash) habitat projected for the future will not likely be compensated for by concomitant increases in Juniperus virginiana (redcedar) and Pinus echinata (shortleaf pine) habitat. Taken together, this approach provides a conceptual framework that allows for consideration of how potential changes in tree species habitats, as impacted by climate change, can be combined to explore relative changes in important ES that forests provide.  相似文献   

Urban forestry is generally defined as the art, science and technology of managing trees and forest resources in and around urban community ecosystems for the physiological, sociological, economic, and aesthetic benefits trees provide society. First mentioned in the United States as early as in 1894, the concept underwent a revival during the 1960s as a comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach to the specific challenges related to growing trees in urban environments. Later, urban forestry evoked the interest of scientists and practitioners in other parts of the world. However, harmonization of urban forestry terminology has been complicated by, for example, the involvement of different disciplines and translation difficulties. In many European languages, for example, the direct translation of ‘urban forestry’ relates more to forest ecosystems than to street and park trees. Efforts in North America and Europe defining ‘urban forest’, ‘urban forestry’ and related terms are introduced. A comparative analysis of selected urban forestry terminology in both parts of the world shows that urban forestry has a longer history in North America, based on traditions of shade tree management. Moreover, urban forestry has become more institutionalized in North America. Urban forestry in Europe has built strongly on a century-long tradition of ‘town forestry’. In both parts of the world, definitions of urban forestry and urban forest have become more comprehensive, including all tree stands and individual trees in and around urban areas. Agreement also exists on the multifunctional and multidisciplinary character of urban forestry. These similarities offer opportunities for international harmonization of terminology.  相似文献   

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