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A 4-year-old female dwarf lop rabbit was presented with dystocia after mis-mating. Abdominal palpation, vaginal examination, and radiography confirmed that the doe was carrying 3 kits. Treatment for the dystocia consisted of gentle manual extraction of the fetuses and fetal membranes, and administration of oxytocin and calcium borogluconate.  相似文献   

A 6-year-old male cross-breed rabbit ( Oryctolagus cuniculus) was presented with lameness and severe swelling from the right shoulder to brachium. On 16-detector helical computed tomography images of the amputated right forelimb after being fixed in formalin, evident proliferative and destructive lesions of bone were observed. On histologic examination, the tumor was composed of proliferating neoplastic cells that resembled histiocytes, with abundant osteoid production. A large number of multinucleated giant cells were found throughout. This case was diagnosed as osteosarcoma by clinical, radiographic, and histologic findings. This is a rare case report of osteosarcoma in a rabbit consistent with canine predilection sites.  相似文献   

Deciduosarcoma is a rare, hormonally dependent neoplasm with features of malignancy, previously reported only in rabbits enrolled in chronic toxicology studies involving estrogens with or without progestins. An exploratory laparotomy was performed on a 6-year-old pet Dutch dwarf rabbit following palpation of a 6-cm-diameter abdominal mass. Grossly, the mass was fleshy and nodular, adhered to but not appearing to originate from the small intestine, with a smaller mass of similar appearance involving the uterus, and an effaced mesenteric lymph node. Histologically, the mass was characterized by spindloid cells and large epithelioid cells with abundant pale eosinophilic vacuolated cytoplasm and an infiltrative pattern of growth. Giant cells with large, bizarre, hyperchromatic nuclei were common. Cells were positive by immunohistochemistry for vimentin and progesterone and estrogen receptors and negative for pancytokeratin (AE1/AE3), cytokeratin 18, desmin, alpha-smooth muscle actin (SMA), and CD10. Based on histologic and immunohistochemical findings, a diagnosis of deciduosarcoma was made.  相似文献   

A seven-year-old rabbit was presented with a non-painful mass in the right upper lip. Tissue samples from the mass at three different stages of the disease process were diagnosed sequentially as an osteogenic sarcoma, a fibroblastic tumour with rudimentary osteoid formation and, lastly, a fibrosarcoma. No bone involvement or metastatic disease was found. The final diagnosis was of an extraskeletal fibroblastic osteosarcoma, which is, to the authors' knowledge, the first reported such case in a domestic rabbit. Without the first two tissue samples, an incorrect diagnosis would have been reached; therefore, this disease may be underrepresented in the literature.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of examination of 32 domestically bred rabbits, the breed Nederland Dwarf of Oryctolagus cuniculus, for the presence of Encephalitozoon cuniculi microsporidian species. The results of serological tests for E. cuniculi in 32 rabbits are reviewed along with other follow-up studies of clinical cases. Blood samples were taken from 7 asymptomatic rabbits and 25 rabbits showing neurological and ocular signs suggestive of encephalitozoonosis. In the asymptomatic group, 5 out of 7 rabbits were seropositive (71%). 16 rabbits with clinical diseases showed neurological sings, including torticollis, circus-like movements, loss of weight; 6 of them also showed ataxia, anorexia, asthenia of hind-limbs and 3 showed ocular signs. All 25 rabbits were seropositive. The spores of E. cuniculi were isolated from the faecal samples or kidneys and brain of an animal and subsequently were used for DNA isolation and PCR analysis.  相似文献   

In humans and animals, ossifying fibroma is a benign neoplasm that most frequently affects the mandible, often resulting in cosmetic deformities and malocclusion. It is considered rare in animals and most frequently affects young horses. A surgical biopsy of a solitary mass located beneath the gingiva in the right maxillary region, which had overgrown teeth and expanded the adjacent hard palate from a 6-year-old miniature Rex rabbit was submitted for light microscopic examination. The submitted incisional biopsy specimen was pale pink, firm, and nodular. Histopathologically, the neoplasm was composed of fibroblastic cells separated by abundant collagen. The neoplastic cells were interwoven with osteoblasts surrounding islands of mineralized, bony matrix containing few, widely spaced, often empty, lacunae. Minimal inflammation was present. Based on the histopathologic features, the tumor was diagnosed as an ossifying fibroma. To our knowledge, this is the first report of an ossifying fibroma in a rabbit.  相似文献   

IntroductionObesity reduces both the longevity and the quality of life of pet animals. For pet rabbits, there is a dearth of research focusing on obesity. This paper provides an overview of the available information on obesity in rabbits and discusses approaches to its prevention and treatment.MethodThe prevalence of being overweight/obesity in pet rabbits varies from 5.9% to 35%, depending on study origin and assessment method. Six potential risk factors for rabbit obesity are identified, namely age, breed, sex and neutered status, diet, housing, and owner characteristics.ConclusionObesity in rabbits has myriad consequences, including osteoarthritis, pododermatitis, hepatic lipidosis, atherosclerosis, insulin resistance, and increased risk of postanesthetic complications. Obesity in pet rabbits can be practically diagnosed with body condition scoring, but validation is needed. Prevention of obesity should be prioritized before treatment, but both involve facilitating more exercise, limiting concentrated calorie intake, and offering plenty of hay to pet rabbits.  相似文献   

Hamartomas of the liver and biliary system are extremely rare entities in both animals and humans. Biliary hamartomas in humans are usually multiple and constitute the von Meyenburg complexes. This report describes the presence of a large solitary mass arising from the edge of the right medial liver lobe of a domestic rabbit. Histologically, the mass was composed of an extensive network of large varying sized cystic structures lined by simple cuboidal to columnar epithelium within an abundant fibrous stroma. Within many of the cyst lumina were varying sized, pale white to greenish hard concretions identified as choleliths and were analyzed and found to be composed of calcium carbonate. This is the first known report of biliary hamartoma with cholelithiasis in rabbits.  相似文献   

A 5-year-old pet rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) died after a 3-day history of anorexia and depression. At necropsy, the stomach was distended with dough-like ingesta and hair consistent with gastric stasis syndrome. The lungs had multifocal, raised red nodules with circumferential hemorrhage. Microscopic examination showed pulmonary hemorrhage with intravascular fibrin thrombi and bacterial colonies, which were present in lesser amounts in the kidney, heart, and liver. Bacterial culture of the lung produced a heavy pure growth of Actinobacillus capsulatus. Acute septicemia is a novel presentation for this pathogen. This is the first documented case of A. capsulatus disease in the contiguous United States and may represent an underdiagnosed to emerging disease of lagomorphs.  相似文献   

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