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Extensive evidence exists on the benefits provided by urban green space (UGS) but evidence is lacking about whether and how socio-economic benefits accrue to all residents or disproportionally depending on their socio-economic status or residential location. We model joint effects of socio-economic and locational attributes on attitudes and use of UGS in Brussels (BE). The analysis is based on a survey conducted along an urban–suburban continuum with respondents sampled across non-park public space. Patterns of use are depicted by the frequency and the distance travelled to the most used UGS. Attitudes are analyzed along three dimensions: willingness to (i) pay for UGS, (ii) trade off housing for green space and (iii) substitute private for public green. Our results stress the importance of separating effects of attitudes from socio-economic and locational effects to quantify UGS use, and suggest endogenous effects of green space with residential sorting.  相似文献   

Green exercise, the combination of exercise and nature exposure, is known to benefit physical and mental health. However, there is a lack of quantitative evidence to support the psychological advantage of green exercise over non-green exercise. Also, it is unclear if there are psychological differences between green exercise in wild environments and urban greenspaces. Therefore, we conducted a systematic literature search for outcomes concerning measures including the Profile of Mood States (POMS), Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), Semantic Differential Method (SDM), Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS), and Restorative Outcome Scale (ROS). Nineteen studies with 1662 participants were included in a meta-analysis to examine the advantages of green exercise and compare them in the two types of natural environments. The results indicate that green exercise may lower negative affect, including anxiety, tension, anger, depression, and fatigue. Meanwhile, green exercise may lead to higher positive moods and emotions, including vigor, comfort, natural feeling, and relaxation. Nevertheless, the effect on overall positive affect was not statistically significant. The comparative results suggest that wild environments may be more effective than urban greenspaces in improving vigor and comfort during green exercise. In conclusion, our findings support the advantages of green exercise over non-green exercise, meanwhile implying potential psychological differences between exercises in wild environments and urban greenspaces. Due to the limited number of studies and high heterogeneities, a future review is warranted to re-examine the psychological benefits.  相似文献   

Effective urban planning, and urban green space management in particular, require proper data on urban green spaces. The potential of urban green spaces to provide benefits to urban inhabitants (ecosystem services) depends on whether they are managed as a comprehensive system of urban green infrastructure, or as isolated islands falling under the responsibility of different stakeholders. Meanwhile, different urban green space datasets are based on different definitions, data sources, sampling techniques, time periods and scales, which poses important challenges to urban green infrastructure planning, management and research. Using the case study of Lodz, the third largest city in Poland, and an additional analysis of 17 other Polish cities, we compare data from five publicly available sources: 1) public statistics, 2) the national land surveying agency, 3) satellite imagery (Landsat data), 4) the Urban Atlas, 5) the Open Street Map. The results reveal large differences in the total amount of urban green spaces in the cities as depicted in different datasets. In Lodz, the narrowly interpreted public statistics data, which are aspatial, suggest that green spaces account for only 12.8% of city area, while the most comprehensive dataset from the national land surveying agency reveals the figure of 61.2%. The former dataset, which excludes many types of green spaces (such as arable land, private and informal green spaces), is still the most commonly used. The analysis of the 17 other cities confirms the same pattern. This results in broader institutional failures related to urban green infrastructure planning, management, and research, including a lack of awareness of green space quality (e.g. connectivity) and benefits (ecosystem services), and the related political disregard for urban green spaces. Our comparison suggests that a better understanding of green space data sources is necessary in urban planning, and especially when planning urban green infrastructure.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of green space health on local flooding based on the analysis of eighty-two watersheds in four Texas metropolitan statistical areas: Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, and Austin. The runoff records in October 2007 and October 2012 were selected for the assessment. The study met the methodological challenge posed by comparison by using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) datasets produced based on the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) imagery of the 250-m resolution as a proxy to represent the health of green space. Two linear regression models were employed to explain the variation in mean daily runoff depth in 2007 and 2012, while controlling multiple contextual variables.Results indicate that watersheds containing healthier green spaces were likely to generate lower amounts of runoff in both periods. Standardized coefficients of green space health also show that the NDVI is a powerful and significant predictor to explain variation in runoff. These findings illustrate the important role of urban green spaces in attenuating local flooding and may provide planners and decision-makers with a method to consider, using this kind of objective greenery index in further developing local and regional green infrastructure and land-use plans.  相似文献   

Having access to and visiting urban green space (UGS) improves liveability and provides considerable benefits to residents. However, traditional methods of investigating UGS visitation, such as questionnaires and social surveys, are usually time- and resource-intensive, and frequently provide less transferable, site-specific outcomes. This study uses social media data (Twitter) to examine spatio-temporal changes in UGS use in London associated with COVID-19 related lockdowns. It compares georeferenced Tweets posted in a 3 month period from 23 March to 23 June for 3 years covering the first lockdown in the UK in 2020, with Tweets for the same period in 2019 and 2021. The results show that (1) the land-use type of Public Park and Garden was the most frequently visited type of UGS, which may be correlated with these UGS areas remaining opening during the lockdown period; (2) the usage of UGS decreased in central London and increased in other areas during lockdown, which may correlated with working from home restrictions; (3) activities were positively associated with Physical activities maybe as a result of allowing people to take a single daily exercise, and (4) people spent more time in UGS areas on weekdays than weekends compared to pre-lockdown. This is the first study to examine social media data over consistent time period before, during and after the lockdown in relation to UGS. The results show that the findings and method can inform policy makers in their management and planning of UGS, especially in a period of social crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic.  相似文献   

The presence of green spaces has been associated with improved physical health and better mental health and wellbeing. In contrast, the presence of gray features including build-up areas might have a negative impact on the health and wellbeing of citizens. To date, the available evidence on the health effects of green and gray spaces have mainly relied on 2-dimensional (2D) indicators of these spaces such as land use maps or, more recently, satellite derived indices (e.g., green space indices such as normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) or gray space indices such as imperviousness). Although they are acceptable proxies of these exposures, 2D indicators could have inaccuracies when characterizing diverse set of vegetation types in combination with different types of gray spaces, which is typical of urban environments. To overcome this gap, we developed a set of three-dimensional (3D) indicators derived mainly from airborne LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) acquired in 2008 and 2010 over the metropolitan area of Rome (Italy). In particular, we extracted volume of green features such as shrubs and trees (Green volume [m3/ha]), volume of buildings (Gray volume[m3/ha]), a novel index called Normalized Difference Green-Gray Volume index (NDGG) as well as indicators of the tree count. We compared the 3D indicators with two widely used 2D indicators for characterizing green and gray spaces (i.e., NDVI and imperviousness) in different buffers around 79140 address points in the city. For the green indicators, we found that the Pearson correlations between NDVI and Green Volume were 0.47 (50 m buffer) and 0.33 (300 m buffer) while the correlations between NDVI and number of trees were 0.56 (50 m buffer) and 0.58 (300 m buffer). For gray indicators, the correlations between imperviousness and gray volume were 0.62 (50 m buffer) and 0.79 (300 m buffer). For NDGG, the correlations were higher with both NDVI (0.76 and 0.83 for 50 m and 300 m buffers) and imperviousness (−0.75 and −0.83 for 50 m and 300 m buffers). Our results showed that the use of 3D indicators can have potential benefits, especially regarding green features which can be highly heterogeneous in complex urban landscapes such as the city of Rome.  相似文献   

As the impact of green space shrinkage in urban centers becomes obvious, local and regional authorities must adopt environmental planning policies that can help create new green areas to ensure a good quality of life for citizens, along with the rehabilitation of the natural environment. One approach is the promotion of green infrastructure on buildings, including multi-dwelling apartment buildings. In order to effectively promote green infrastructure on buildings, it is essential to comprehend public attitudes toward green infrastructure, so that suitable and effective strategies can be implemented by policy makers. In this study, eight hundred respondents were asked to provide their views on green infrastructure on buildings, on construction that should take place on blocks of apartments in order to accommodate green infrastructure and on the related benefits that may arise from creating green spaces on buildings. A structured questionnaire and stratified sampling were used for the interviews, which were conducted with apartment owners in two regional units of Athens. The results showed that most citizens are willing to proceed with the installation of a green roof, trellis or vertical garden, in order to improve the aesthetics and functionality of the building they live in. Most of the respondents are not familiar with the energy savings that may occur from the installation of a green roof, vertical trellis or garden and wish for a subsidy from the state in order to implement green building solutions. To conclude, the participants in our study are not environmentally aware, since they are not interested in energy conservation but only about the aesthetics of their building; furthermore, they expect to receive financial support from the state in order to make any changes to their home.  相似文献   

Urban greening has rapidly emerged as a key urban climate change adaptation strategy. Urban greening is thought to confer manifold socio-ecological benefits upon residents in towns and cities. Yet proponents of urban greening have seldom considered how people’s support for greening policies may be shaped by weather and climate. This paper reports the results of exploratory research examining public expectations of adverse weather changes and people’s attitudes toward the functional benefits of urban trees and green space. Results of a questionnaire survey of 800 residents of Hong Kong indicate a positive relationship. Respondents tended to rate functional benefits as more important if they anticipated adverse weather changes in the near future, namely, rising temperatures, more tropical cyclones and prolonged rain. This subjective weather effect is more salient when these weather changes are perceived as a threat to one’s daily life. We found urban greenery is assigned a higher value by individuals concerned about exposure and vulnerability to climatic stressors. Affinity for greening appears to be related to how weather and climatic variability is perceived. This observation is informed by a broader geographic perspective, which construes weather and climate as part of the spatial environment in which urban nature is apprehended and comprehended. An explanation for our findings is that increasingly volatile weather can potentially reshape urban residents’ interactions with nature, based on perceived relief and/or protection from climate-related threats.  相似文献   

Substantial studies have revealed that exposure to green spaces (GSs) yields a variety of health benefits. However, daily GS exposure scenarios are multidimensional, and relevant analyses require a comprehensive framework that assesses GS exposure from overhead- to eye-level perspectives, focusing on GS attributes from quantity and proximity to quality. Moreover, GSs are often unevenly distributed across cities, resulting in green distribution injustice. To this end, this study aimed to systematically evaluate multiple GS exposures considering two-dimensional (2D) spatial exposures (i.e., quantity-based availability, distance-based accessibility, and quality-based attractiveness) and three-dimensional (3D) visual exposures (quantity-based street GS visibility and quality-based street GS perceivability). It then examined the inequalities in GS exposure among socioeconomically disadvantaged groups. Housing prices were employed as proxies for socioeconomic status. Local indicators of spatial association(LISA) were employed to examine the existence of bivariate statistically significant spatial clusters of housing prices and multiple GS exposure. Furthermore, the spatial lag regression model was used to determine inequities in GS exposure among urban residents living in communities with different housing prices. The Nanjing metropolitan area, one of the most densely populated cities in China, was selected as the study case. Residential exposure to GS was comprehensively assessed using a 15-min walkable zone lens. The results suggest that: 1) the spatial cluster of ‘low GS exposure – low housing price’ occupied the largest proportion; 2) all five types of GS exposure were positively associated with housing prices, indicating that the affluent groups are more likely to have access to various GSs; and 3) GS exposure inequalities are more pronounced in measurements of quality(and proximity) than quantity in both spatial and visual exposure metrics. These findings can inform the development of environmental planning and policy strategies for more effective, efficient, and equitable GS provisions that address health issues and green injustice in rapidly urbanizing cities.  相似文献   

We present a new spatial model to quantify and map health-related impacts of urban green space (UGS), with the aim to address major shortcomings of existing models and to meet the needs of urban spatial planners for quantitative, spatially-explicit assessment of both the health benefits and burdens of UGS. This GIS-based model uses publicly available high-resolution geospatial data to estimate street-level values of five major determinants of urban health that are significantly influenced by urban spatial design (including UGS): unattractive views, heat stress, air pollution, perceived unsafety and tick-bite risk. We also describe a potential major application of the model for urban spatial planners, a so-called hotspot analysis for a set of five urban design-related health problems, which can assist in setting spatial priorities in urban greening strategies as well as in designing effective greenspace interventions. Hotspots are areas within a city where urban design-related health problems are the largest. An analysis for Maastricht (The Netherlands) showed that in hotspots UGS was mostly a net burden, but also that redesign of UGS could make its role more beneficial for human health.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the types and structures of small green spaces (SGs) that effectively reduce air temperature in urban blocks. Six highly developed blocks in Seoul, South Korea served as the research sites for this study. Air temperature was measured at the street level with mobile loggers on clear summer days from August to September in 2012. The measurements were repeated three times a day for three days. By analyzing the spatial characteristics, SGs within the six blocks were categorized into the four major types: polygonal, linear, single, and mixed. The result revealed that the polygonal and mixed types of SGs showed simple linear regression at a significant level (p < 0.01). It indicated that the blocks’ urban heat island (UHI) mitigation (ΔTRmn) increased in a linear fashion when the area and volume of these two types of green spaces increased. The area and volume of a polygonal SG with mixed vegetation, over 300 m2 and 2300 m3, respectively, lowered the ΔTRmn by 1 °C; SG with an area and volume of larger than 650 m2 and 5000 m3, respectively, lowered the ΔTRmn by 2 °C. The results of this study will be useful to urban planners and designers for determine the types and structures of urban green spaces to optimize the cooling effect, as well as how such green spaces should be designed and distributed.  相似文献   

With this paper, we enrich the environmental justice debate by investigating differences in the provision of parks in Lodz, Poland, at three levels: availability, accessibility, and attractiveness. A park is ‘available’ when it exists within a suitable distance from where we live; it is ‘accessible’ when we feel that we are welcome there, and we can freely reach and safely use this park; it is ‘attractive’ when we willingly want to use it and spend time there. Our research hypothesis is that the most vulnerable groups of inhabitants concentrate around parks whose provision is affected by the largest number of barriers at each of the three levels, while the least vulnerable benefit from the vicinity of parks that are the least affected. Apart from the statistical analysis – the correlation between the indicators that represent the three levels of park provision and those that represent the most and least economically vulnerable using Pearson’s coefficient – we scrutinize three case study parks. The results confirm that there are inequalities at the level of attractiveness for the most vulnerable groups; meanwhile, no statistically significant results were recorded for the least vulnerable groups. The differences would probably be more explicit had socioeconomic segregation been higher in Lodz. The results may also be influenced by the unique postsocialist and postindustrial legacy of our city. The ongoing revitalization of the city center and the increased activity of developers may exclude the most vulnerable inhabitants and deepen segregation.  相似文献   

The attribution of economic value to landscape resources is fraught with technical and methodological difficulties. Little is mandated in UK planning policy explaining how economic value should be established. As a result landscape resources have been undervalued, underfunded and marginalised in favour of larger grey infrastructure development. The UK NEA however outlined for the first time a national scale economic evaluation of environmental resources. The Valuing Attractive Landscapes in the Urban Economy (VALUE) Interreg IVB project examined this issue by establishing a toolkit of economic evaluation methodologies for green investments across North-West Europe. Focussing on the returns that investments in green infrastructure can deliver to cities and city-regions, the VALUE project identified economic values that can be used to influence future policy-making. This paper presents an analysis of VALUE street tree investments in Manchester, UK. Using a contingent valuation survey preferences for green investments and associated willingness to pay (WTP) for them were generated. Analysis suggests that willingness to pay is directly related to the size and greenness of the proposed investment and participant perceptions of added value. 75% of respondents were WTP for investments in green infrastructure. Analysis indicates increased WTP and a marked preference for larger and physically greener investments. Payment values ranged from £1.46 to 2.33, a 59.5% variance, between the preferred investment option and the status quo. The paper concludes that although green investments vary in size and function, respondents consider the specific and wider value of green infrastructure resources when asked how much they willing to pay to fund and maintain such investments.  相似文献   

Research mapping is a method of organising research information as part of a process of formulating a research policy in a specific area. A research mapping project was undertaken in the UK, which aimed to map existing and future research into public and green space, to identify gaps in order to help set priorities for future research, and to develop a freely accessible and searchable database of this research. The mapping was structured around two axes. The first axis was of research themes based on The Value of Public Space but developed further and broken down into sub-themes. The second axis was a typology of green and public space based around Planning and Policy Guidance Note 17 (PPG17) with elaboration from Green Spaces, Better Places. Research dating back to 10 years was collected together with information on recently completed, ongoing and planned UK research. Only research meeting specific quality criteria was included. Some information was also collected at a seminar where attendees from a range of organisations were invited to offer their perspectives on where research priorities should be directed. All the material was analysed and the main trends were identified. Three key cross-cutting themes common to much of the research were identified. These are the general lack of baseline surveys against which to assess progress over time; methodological issues, especially the need to standardise data collection methods and techniques; the classification of social groups, currently considered to be too crude.It was found that most research has been undertaken on physical aspects, such as planning and on biodiversity. Economic values have also been a focus, but on a smaller scale. Social research is quite well covered but very patchy. Management is better covered than maintenance. By far the weakest area represented in the research is health and well-being, both in terms of social groups and types of green space. Priorities for further research were then identified.  相似文献   

Nature experiences and active mobility both deliver well-being and health benefits but have rarely been investigated together. Conceptualizations of nature experiences largely focus on intention, and the planned motivations for visits. However, nature experiences can also be perceived incidentally, if daily living activities like trips are encouraged towards green spaces. In a public participation GIS (PPGIS) survey of five local districts in Copenhagen, 517 respondents mapped 688 places along their walking or cycling shortcut trips through green spaces. This study investigated what types of green space provide opportunities for such shortcuts, what incidental nature experiences can be perceived there and the different responses of pedestrians and cyclists. This study also explored the relation between incidental nature experiences and green space characteristics in the form of tree cover density. Lastly, this study explored whether frequent short trips through green spaces relate to nature connectedness. The results show that public green spaces and urban cemeteries in Copenhagen allow for such shortcut trips. Enjoyment of pleasing views is the most perceived incidental nature experience. Pedestrians are found more prone to experience surprise, inspiration and emotion, while cyclists prefer shortcuts close to water, which they value highly. The study suggests that high tree cover density is key to delivering incidental nature experiences. Furthermore, the study shows that people who make frequent trips through green spaces have higher levels of nature connectedness, indicating that incidental nature experiences during shortcut trips trigger the reconnection of people and nature. The study’s results support a synergistic approach to integrating green spaces and active mobility in planning and management practice, where incidental nature experiences should be emphasized.  相似文献   

The urbanization has resulted in significant changes in the water balance. Urban Green Infrastructures (UGI) have become a promising method for reducing reoccurring floods whilst providing additional social and ecological benefits. However, there are several challenges to successfully implementing UGI in already developed areas, such as accounting for retrofitting UGI scenarios and pre-existing use of spaces. Accurate estimations of the potential of UGI in reducing flood-causing at the watershed scale are therefore important. This study investigates the influence of site-specific constraints on the effectiveness of UGI in reducing flood-causing runoff at the watershed scale. In particular, this study takes urban fabric characteristics in the development of UGI implementation strategies for different types of residential and industrial neighborhoods into account. Furthermore, it applies a hydrological simulation-based approach to estimate the runoff reduction potential of these strategies for a case study in the Metropolitan Area of San José, Costa Rica. The results indicate that UGI implementation potential depends on urban fabric characteristics and modelling different UGI implementation scenarios shows differing hydrological performance. In residential areas, either permeable pavement or infiltration trenches and street planters lead to the highest runoff reduction. In industrial areas, only permeable pavements lead to the highest runoff reduction. Overall, industrial areas enable more potential for UGI and reduce runoff generation. The findings of this study can guide the development of retrofitting UGI scenarios and upscaling strategies under heterogeneous settlement characteristics.  相似文献   

Due to its potential to help mitigate current societal challenges and provide ecological, social, and economic benefits, urban green infrastructure (UGI) is an important investment for cities. However, its planning and implementation may be challenging due to the limited application of the conceptual foundations and the often-unknown character of the ways how the results of public consultations were integrated into the implemented UGI design. Using five Romanian urban areas as model system, we developed an evaluation protocol to assess 177 written comments submitted during the public consultation processes for 13 public UGI planning documents, along with the formal responses to these comments. Our results show critical comments towards the planning proposals (86.2 % of the comments) and a discussion of the shortcomings of the planning process (60.8 % of the comments). The analysis revealed that the UGI as it is developed and implemented currently in Romania has little public support as in 52.2 % of the comments none of UGI planning principles could be identified. Furthermore, we found a relatively low level of public comment consideration into the approved version of the planning documents as only 7.6 % of the comments were included, most of them being delegitimized by the responses of public officials/municipal administration. Thus, our results highlight that UGI consultation process is characterized by a lack of both genuine conceptual aspects and public participation substance.  相似文献   

Noise pollution has been recognized as one of major threats to the health of urban residents. Increasing green space availability can create a natural buffer to the adverse effects of living in an urban environment. These positive effects of urban green space can be directly related to an objective reduction of noise levels and – indirectly – to the subjective perception of noise exposure. In our study carried out in Lodz, Poland, we explored the relationship between objective noise levels and the subjective perception of noise exposure by urban residents in relation to urban green space availability. We refer to objective noise exposure expressed as GIS modelled Lden derived from noise maps (compliant with the Environmental Noise Directive, 2002/49/EC), and subjective (self-reported) perception of noise exposure as declared in a questionnaire-based survey. We compared the percentage of green space in a buffer, the objectively measured noise level, and the perceived exposure to noise to find the most appropriate radius of the green space buffer. We decided to choose the green space coverage which is not correlated with an objective noise level to avoid potential multicollinearity in regression models. This contrasts with most studies, in which the radius of the buffer is set a priori. We thus compared the selected buffer of green space coverage – 300 m (representing green space availability) – with perceived noise exposure. We used the spatial error probit model to differentiate the impacts of objective and subjective noise indicators, at the same time including also the factor of green space availability. We found out that the direct effect of objectively measured noise levels, education, the presence of noisy neighbours, and building characteristics were the most important variables influencing the self-reported perception of noise by urban residents. The indirect effect of green space availability on noise perception was not strong, yet statistically significant. Although our study does not provide clear-cut evidence, it indicates that the indirect, psychological effects of urban green spaces can positively affect the life satisfaction of urban residents.  相似文献   

The rapid growing urbanization is one of the main threats to urban biodiversity and the ecosystem services (ES) that they provide. Pollination is one of the most affected ES in urban areas mainly due to the decline in urban green areas (UGAs) and other factors derived from urbanization itself. Considering this and the already existing global pollinator crisis, the aim of this work is the evaluation of urban green infrastructure as an opportunity for pollinator conservation. For that purpose, the ornamental vegetation of a medium-sized Mediterranean city (Granada, south-eastern Spain) was determined. The floral origin, phenology and floral traits of the conforming species and the pollinator species that they attract were analysed. Additionally, NMDS analysis were performed in order to determine if the “Pollination Syndromes” are a useful tool to actually predict the pollinator group attracted to a certain plant species. It was found that UGAs have huge potential for pollinator conservation as the major part of its ornamental species have an entomophilic pollination strategy. However, there is an imbalance in the availability of flower resources throughout the year. Hence, the addition of species flowering out of the main flowering season would be advisable in order to get a continuous supply of floral resources for pollinators. A current disproportion in the potentially attracted pollinator groups was also found out, being bees the predominantly attracted ones. However, results showed that the “Pollination Syndromes” are a tool with limitations at the moment and needs to be used with considerations. Thus, the specific plant-pollinator relationship should be determined through field work in each case-study. Further studies considering key factors such as urban connectivity and fragmentation would be desirable to ensure a comprehensive management for urban pollinators.  相似文献   

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