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To stop the spread of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus (COVID-19) governments around the world implemented lockdowns restricting public travel. In the Australian state of Victoria, this included limiting permitted reasons for leaving home and restricting movements to within a 5 km radius of one’s home. In 2020, we conducted a state-wide survey (N = 1024) of Victorians that coincided with a lockdown. We asked respondents where they had spent time in nature and how they perceived lockdowns affected the amount of time they spent in nature. We then considered demographic and spatial predictors of spending more or less time in nature. Women, younger people, and those living in areas with higher socio-economic status were likely to report spending more time in nature. Closer proximity of residents to parks and waterways and higher proportional area of native vegetation within a 1-km radius were also associated with more time in nature. Understanding how different groups were affected by restrictions on access to nature can help improve government management of crises like pandemics, including through urban planning for green space, supporting improved individual and societal resilience. We discuss the implications of our findings for improving access to nature during lockdowns as well as opportunities for a post-pandemic relationship with nature, particularly in urban settings. 相似文献
Gradual or abrupt? An algorithm to monitor urban vegetation dynamics in support of greening policies
While greening becomes a more and more popular strategy to address multiple urban challenges and to enhance wellbeing and human-nature connectedness, there is an increasing need for usable methods and indicators to monitor its implementation. Earth observations produce a wealth of data on vegetation dynamics, but their use for monitoring urban greening policies is still limited. In this article, we develop and test an algorithm for the analysis of urban vegetation dynamics based on NDVI time series. Specifically, we focus on yearly greenest pixel composites that illustrate the maximum value of NDVI during the year (“greenness”): a key structural attribute to monitor urban ecosystems in the European Union. The algorithm is inspired by earlier examples of segmentation algorithms but fits the specific requirements of the targeted use in urban areas. It takes the series of NDVI values associated to each pixel, detects existing (multiple) break points, and quantifies related abrupt changes, as well as significant gradual changes that occurred during a selected period. We tested the algorithm on a 30-year Landsat series in Berlin and partially validated the output through a comparison with infrared ortophotos. The results reveal a net increase in NDVI between 1988 and 2017 in 84% of the pixels, with an average change over the whole city of + 0.096. Around 20% of the pixels show at least one abrupt change. Most abrupt changes (71.5%) were positive, but the negative ones had on average a greater absolute value (−0.170 vs +0.085). However, considering the cumulative impacts during the whole period, 97% of the total change is attributable to gradual changes. The validation proves that abrupt changes successfully capture variations in the extent of vegetation due to land cover changes (e.g., vegetation removal or new greening interventions), while gradual changes can be associated to vegetation growth or decline. We discuss the strengths and limitations of the proposed algorithm, and how the spatially- and temporally-explicit results can be a step forward in the interpretation of urban vegetation dynamics towards an effective monitoring of the impacts of local greening policies. 相似文献
A gradient analysis of urban landscape pattern: a case study from the Phoenix metropolitan region,Arizona, USA 总被引:78,自引:1,他引:78
Landscape Ecology - Urbanization is arguably the most dramatic form of land transformation that profoundly influences biological diversity and human life. Quantifying landscape pattern and its... 相似文献
The urbanization has resulted in significant changes in the water balance. Urban Green Infrastructures (UGI) have become a promising method for reducing reoccurring floods whilst providing additional social and ecological benefits. However, there are several challenges to successfully implementing UGI in already developed areas, such as accounting for retrofitting UGI scenarios and pre-existing use of spaces. Accurate estimations of the potential of UGI in reducing flood-causing at the watershed scale are therefore important. This study investigates the influence of site-specific constraints on the effectiveness of UGI in reducing flood-causing runoff at the watershed scale. In particular, this study takes urban fabric characteristics in the development of UGI implementation strategies for different types of residential and industrial neighborhoods into account. Furthermore, it applies a hydrological simulation-based approach to estimate the runoff reduction potential of these strategies for a case study in the Metropolitan Area of San José, Costa Rica. The results indicate that UGI implementation potential depends on urban fabric characteristics and modelling different UGI implementation scenarios shows differing hydrological performance. In residential areas, either permeable pavement or infiltration trenches and street planters lead to the highest runoff reduction. In industrial areas, only permeable pavements lead to the highest runoff reduction. Overall, industrial areas enable more potential for UGI and reduce runoff generation. The findings of this study can guide the development of retrofitting UGI scenarios and upscaling strategies under heterogeneous settlement characteristics. 相似文献
Nature’s contributions to people (NCP) include the regulating, material, and non-material benefits of urban vegetation that improve well-being. It is increasingly important to plan cities that provide multiple types of NCP equitably to all residents of the city. However, due to historical legacies and planning policies, it is common for the most socially and economically vulnerable urban residents to suffer reduced access to the benefits of urban ecosystems. Previous studies of urban NCP have drawn attention to inequity in one or several types of NCP, but few have analysed a broad range. Here we analysed inequity in nine diverse forms of urban NCP across an index of economic and social vulnerability designed specifically to characterise vulnerability to environmental pressures. Furthermore, we used spatial analysis to map co-variance in vulnerability and a composite indicator of urban NCP, thus highlighting priority regions for future investments in green infrastructure. We applied this approach to the city of Christchurch/ Ōtautahi in Aotearoa/ New Zealand, which provides a valuable case study due to its multicultural population and recent history of widespread damage and regeneration following the 2011 earthquake. Overall, the distribution of urban NCP is inequitable to the disadvantage of more vulnerable residents. Residents of more vulnerable neighbourhoods experienced reduced provision of carbon stock, runoff retention, air quality enhancement, shade, educational green space, public outdoor space accessibility, private green space, and bird biodiversity contributions. Conversely, more vulnerable neighbourhoods had greater provision of erosion mitigation (although negligible in magnitude). The wide range of indicators used and assessed in response to vulnerability, coupled with an assessment of the type of vegetation cover (i.e. grass, tall trees) provides greater insights into how inequities in urban NCP can be addressed in future redevelopment. 相似文献
Many organisms persist in fragmented habitat where movement between patches is essential for long-term demographic and genetic
stability. In the absence of direct observation of movement, connectivity or isolation metrics are useful to characterize
potential patch-level connectivity. However, multiple metrics exist at varying levels of complexity, and empirical data on
species distribution are rarely used to compare performance of metrics. We compared 12 connectivity metrics of varying degrees
of complexity to determine which metric best predicts the distribution of prairie dog colonies along an urban gradient of
385 isolated habitat patches in Denver, Colorado, USA. We found that a modified version of the incidence function model including
area-weighting of patches and a cost-weighted distance surface best predicted occupancy, where we assumed roads were fairly
impermeable to movement, and low-lying drainages provided dispersal corridors. We also found this result to be robust to a
range of cost weight parameters. Our results suggest that metrics should incorporate both patch area and the composition of
the surrounding matrix. These results provide guidance for improved landscape habitat modeling in fragmented landscapes and
can help identify target habitat for conservation and management of prairie dogs in urban systems. 相似文献
Despite the many benefits of vegetation in urban settings, inner-city areas often are sparsely vegetated or devoid of plants. This suggests substantial opportunity for improving provision of ecosystem services in densely populated areas, through retrofitting of urban environments with plants. This paper introduces the concept of ‘biological potential’ – the pragmatic potential for urban areas to be retrofitted with suitable green infrastructure.This paper demonstrates a method for making a quantitative, spatially explicit estimate of the biological potential of walls in the CBD of Melbourne, Australia. The results of this study represent an estimate of how much wall space could be home to green façade plants (i.e. creepers and climbers). The methodology is also spatially explicit – it estimates where the best locations in the city are for this kind of greening, recognising that not all walls have suitable physical characteristics or local microclimates. Employing a combination of GIS and microclimatic modelling techniques, this study estimates that over 16 ha of wall space has potential for greening in Melbourne's CBD, with 1.8 ha showing optimal characteristics. 相似文献
A person’s health and wellbeing are contingent on the amount of social support that they receive. Similarly, experiencing nature has been shown to improve people’s health and wellbeing. However, we do not know how relationships between social cohesion, nature experiences and nature connection could interrelate and vary across different types of urban green spaces, and in non-Westernised cultures. We conducted a study on 1249 residents in Singapore, a tropical city-state, and measured three dimensions of social cohesion (i.e. general social cohesion; trust and sense of community; and social interactions), various types of nature experiences (i.e. amount of green space around one’s residence; frequency and duration of urban green space visits; frequency and duration of visits to gardens), and three dimensions of one’s connection to nature: self-identity with nature, desire to experience nature, and environmental concern (using the nature relatedness scale). We found that people who strongly identify with nature, who enjoy being in nature, and who had more frequent gardens visits were more likely to have a stronger sense of social cohesion across two dimensions. However, those with stronger environmental concern reported an overall weaker sense of social cohesion, possibly due to the perception that society’s contributions to conserve environmental problems was insufficient. Further, people who gardened more frequently were also more likely to visit green spaces, self-identify with nature and exhibit a stronger desire to experience nature. We propose that strategies targeted at encouraging people to engage in nature-related, collaborative activities at the local community level, such as spending time in local gardens, will increase urban residents’ daily nature experiences and its associated benefits such as improving social cohesion. 相似文献
The use of spontaneous wild vegetation (SWV) in the plans for urban greening in many cities is beginning to be discussed. However, little is known about how it is perceived and valued by citizens. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of SWV on landscape preferences. An online questionnaire was designed and given to a sample of 708 people in Latin America. The results show that they prefer more formal green spaces to those dominated by SWV. Once informed of the benefits that SWV brings to the city, preferences change, with wild vegetation spaces being more appreciated than formal ones. However, this pattern of preferences changes after 30 days. Preferences return to their initial point, with formal green spaces being appreciated again over wild spaces. The analyses show the importance of environmental education in urban greening strategies to communicate clearly, repeatedly and participatively the benefits of using SWV in public green spaces. 相似文献
Landscape pattern in topographically complex landscapes: issues and techniques for analysis 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
Ecological research provides ample evidence that topography can exert a significant influence on the processes shaping broad-scale landscape vegetation patterns. Studies that ignore this influence run the risk of misinterpreting observations and making inappropriate recommendations to the management community. Unfortunately, the standard methods for landscape pattern analysis are not designed to include topography as a pattern-shaping factor. In this paper, we present a set of techniques designed to incorporate the topographic mosaic into analyses of landscape pattern and dynamics. This toolbox includes adjustments to classic landscape indices that account for non-uniform landscape topography, indices that capture associations and directionality in vegetation pattern due to topographic structure, and the application of statistical models to describe relationships between topographic characteristics and vegetation pattern. To illustrate these methods, we draw on examples from our own analysis of landscape pattern dynamics in logged and unlogged forest landscapes in southwestern British Columbia. These examples also serve to illustrate the importance of considering topography in both research and management applications.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Aude Ernoult Sylviano Freiré-Diaz Estelle Langlois Didier Alard 《Landscape Ecology》2006,21(5):631-639
This landscape study was based on the sampling of 20 replicated landscape sites (1 km2 each) that were located within the floodplain of the river Seine. For each site, 13 landscape variables were measured at
three dates (1963–1985–2000). The aim of this study was to investigate the overall landscape variability through its different
dimensions (space vs. time) and to assess the relative importance of each dimension. We used a new statistical method, i.e.,
partial triadic analysis (PTA), which allowed us to assess both (1) the spatial variability of the floodplain landscape and
its dynamics in time and (2) the dynamic trajectories of the landscape variables for each site. The results showed, at the
floodplain scale, the same landscape pattern has emerged since 1963, although a major trend was observed which consisted in
a decrease in meadows resulting from an increase in arable crops. At the site scale, landscape sites, even if they were all
influenced by this general trend during the 40-year period, showed contrasting trajectories. These results suggest that similar
sites in 2000 do not necessarily share common histories and that contrasting sites in 2000 may have originated from similar
patterns in 1963. The issue of biodiversity surrogates is then discussed, suggesting that new landscape metrics should be
developed, emphasising spatial variability and (or) temporal dynamics. 相似文献
Noise pollution has been recognized as one of major threats to the health of urban residents. Increasing green space availability can create a natural buffer to the adverse effects of living in an urban environment. These positive effects of urban green space can be directly related to an objective reduction of noise levels and – indirectly – to the subjective perception of noise exposure. In our study carried out in Lodz, Poland, we explored the relationship between objective noise levels and the subjective perception of noise exposure by urban residents in relation to urban green space availability. We refer to objective noise exposure expressed as GIS modelled Lden derived from noise maps (compliant with the Environmental Noise Directive, 2002/49/EC), and subjective (self-reported) perception of noise exposure as declared in a questionnaire-based survey. We compared the percentage of green space in a buffer, the objectively measured noise level, and the perceived exposure to noise to find the most appropriate radius of the green space buffer. We decided to choose the green space coverage which is not correlated with an objective noise level to avoid potential multicollinearity in regression models. This contrasts with most studies, in which the radius of the buffer is set a priori. We thus compared the selected buffer of green space coverage – 300 m (representing green space availability) – with perceived noise exposure. We used the spatial error probit model to differentiate the impacts of objective and subjective noise indicators, at the same time including also the factor of green space availability. We found out that the direct effect of objectively measured noise levels, education, the presence of noisy neighbours, and building characteristics were the most important variables influencing the self-reported perception of noise by urban residents. The indirect effect of green space availability on noise perception was not strong, yet statistically significant. Although our study does not provide clear-cut evidence, it indicates that the indirect, psychological effects of urban green spaces can positively affect the life satisfaction of urban residents. 相似文献
Robert?C.?Corry "author-information "> "author-information__contact u-icon-before "> "mailto:rcorry@uoguelph.ca " title= "rcorry@uoguelph.ca " itemprop= "email " data-track= "click " data-track-action= "Email author " data-track-label= " ">Email author 《Landscape Ecology》2005,20(5):591-608
Landscape pattern indices are common tools of landscape ecologists, affording comparisons of different study areas, or the same study area at different times. Since the advent of popular index-calculating software, more landscapes can be analyzed in short amounts of time, yet the behaviour of landscape pattern indices can vary for different contexts or data characteristics, complicating interpretation. I applied a selected set of landscape pattern indices to fine-resolution (3 m) data representing a highly fragmented landscape – Corn Belt Iowa agriculture – to investigate the performance of landscape pattern indices. Indices measured pattern attributes that affect the viability of small mammal populations, namely habitat proportion and connectivity and landscape grain size and heterogeneity. Results showed that the performance of indices for fine-resolution data can be highly variable, depending upon data and contextual issues like the presence of linear elements and the amount of habitat. For these Corn Belt landscapes good habitat proportions and patch sizes were small (commonly less than 10% and less than 1 ha, respectively), and connectivity was variable depending on the measure. Aggregation and mean nearest neighbour indices performed better than other connectivity indices. Fine-resolution data representing highly fragmented landscapes can raise difficulties for indices of landscape configuration. Landscape pattern indices require improvement to perform better for increasingly available fine-resolution data representing common landscape types. 相似文献
There is a pan-European interest in increasing the amount of woodland cover, particularly in areas close to urban populations. However, in the enthusiasm for planting trees, is enough forethought given to visual aspects of woodland stand interiors? This paper conceptualises and assesses visual aspects of planting designs and silvicultural principles across three contemporary forest management paradigms: the commercial, the nature-based, and the urban paradigm. Planting design models and silvicultural treatments were conceptualised from a review combined with case studies. Using profile diagrams, we made visual representations of planting design and stand development, as basis for ‘expert’ assessment of four visual criteria: scale, diversity, naturalness and visual accessibility. The assessment was done for the young stage (0–25 years) and the mature stage (50–90 years) separately, using a qualitative three-step scale: limited, medium, and extended. Seven different planting design models were identified. Three of these originate from the urban paradigm: the seed source model, the density gradient model, and the habitat model. Another three originate from the nature-based paradigm: the natural succession model, the nature-based shortcut model, and the direct approach model. Only one model originates from the commercial paradigm: the monoculture model. The assessment showed that visual aspects vary considerably between planting designs and silvicultural systems. The monoculture model offers the splendour of the mature pillar hall with free views and movements, however, necessitating an obvious plantation stage in its youth. In contrast, models utilising succession and variation in species, age and tree spacing offers an extended experience of diversity and naturalness – even in the young stages. These visual qualities are discussed in relation to future perspectives for urban afforestation across urban woodland zones. 相似文献
Green and blue urban infrastructure (GBI) has many positive functions often not recognised by residents (e.g., microclimate regulation, water retention, etc.). The question for urban planners who are aware of these functions when planning new GBI elements or revitalising existing GBI is how much they need to account for the preference heterogeneity of locals, who typically consider only aesthetic and recreational value. This study uses data from a discrete choice experiment among residents of the medium-sized Czech city of Liberec to reveal which combinations of nature-based or semi-natural GBI and recreational facilities respondents prefer and how strong their preferences are in terms of their willingness to pay. Overall, study respondents preferred nature-based GBI to semi-natural ones. A mixed-latent class model identified two groups of respondents who differ in preferences, trade-offs, and socio-demographic characteristics: (i) mostly older educated women who prefer nature-based elements and enjoy park infrastructure; (ii) mostly less educated men who dislike urban gardens and semi-natural streams and do not value park infrastructure. Based on the results, we recommend that spatial planners and green space managers design and implement more nature-based elements in Liberec, which are in line with the respondents’ preferences. 相似文献
Leveraging the benefits offered by nature-based solutions (NBS) will be vital in addressing present and future environmental and social challenges as urban densification continues to exert pressure on cities. The greening of urban streets, in particular, provides many benefits in terms of livability, health, and biodiversity. While many studies have explored the suitability of NBS in a particular context considering the benefits they provide in relation to local environmental challenges (e.g. filtering the air in areas with high pollution, absorbing water in areas prone to flooding), this study focuses on residents’ perspectives on and their demand for NBS. This is particularly relevant given the importance of public acceptance of NBS measures for their success. The research presented in this paper is based on a mixed-methods study, combining an online survey and eight focus group interviews, which aimed to better understand which types of NBS people prefer, how much and what types of street space they are willing to exchange for street greening, and the opportunities and concerns they have regarding varying degrees of street greening. Findings suggest that respondents are overwhelmingly in favor of greening their street with NBS, yet preferred NBS and opinions on where to implement them vary among participants. Further, street greening was thought to come up against other understandings of how streets should be used and for what purpose. These considerations should be taken up by planners to improve the uptake of NBS. 相似文献
Freshwater research and management efforts could be greatly enhanced by a better understanding of the relationship between landscape-scale factors and water quality indicators. This is particularly true in urban areas, where land transformation impacts stream systems at a variety of scales. Despite advances in landscape quantification methods, several studies attempting to elucidate the relationship between land use/land cover (LULC) and water quality have resulted in mixed conclusions. However, these studies have largely relied on compositional landscape metrics. For urban and urbanizing watersheds in particular, the use of metrics that capture spatial pattern may further aid in distinguishing the effects of various urban growth patterns, as well as exploring the interplay between environmental and socioeconomic variables. However, to be truly useful for freshwater applications, pattern metrics must be optimized based on characteristic watershed properties and common water quality point sampling methods. Using a freely available LULC data set for the Santa Clara Basin, California, USA, we quantified landscape composition and configuration for subwatershed areas upstream of individual sampling sites, reducing the number of metrics based on: (1) sensitivity to changes in extent and (2) redundancy, as determined by a multivariate factor analysis. The first two factors, interpreted as (1) patch density and distribution and (2) patch shape and landscape subdivision, explained approximately 85% of the variation in the data set, and are highly reflective of the heterogeneous urban development pattern found in the study area. Although offering slightly less explanatory power, compositional metrics can provide important contextual information. 相似文献
One of the important features of cities is to provide high-quality outdoor environments for various groups of citizens. Although children are frequent users of green spaces, the knowledge and perspectives applied in planning and design of urban green spaces are mostly defined by adults. This results in spaces and practices that may limit the daily lives and creativity of urban children. Promoting child-friendly cities benefits from knowledge produced by children themselves, regarding their perceptions and experiences, as well as ideas and suggestions. This study provides empirical results concerning children’s needs and mental images for urban green spaces in two urban areas in two countries (Chengdu, China, and Ruhr Region, Germany). 765 children, ages 8–10 were surveyed through the method of empathy-based stories (MEBS). Participants were asked to use their imagination to write stories according to given scenarios. Our study shows that MEBS can be used to gather meaningful data with children, and that children are an important stakeholder group in urban planning, landscape design and management with an ability to express their diverse needs and preferences towards green spaces. Both designed green spaces (e.g. gardens, parks) and wild nature (e.g. forests, meadows) can offer a range of activities and experiences for children in their everyday lives: opportunities for play, socializing, contact with nature, aesthetic and restorative experiences, learning and exploration. Our findings include indications of children’s awareness of the diverse ecosystem services that green spaces provide, as well as of urban sustainability and livability. While we found German and Chinese children to have corresponding needs and expectations regarding urban green spaces and nature, we also found some variation. We suggest that the use of, and experiences in green spaces are linked not only to the landscape but also to conceptual-cultural contexts. 相似文献
Urbanization is one of the multiple factors leading to global insect declines. As urbanization grows, green roofs represent a nature-based solution that could provide habitat for plants and animals within cities. Several characteristics of green roofs could enhance insect biodiversity. Nevertheless, little is known about the effects of plant origin on insect abundance from a multi-taxa perspective. Thus, our main goal was to evaluate the effects of plant origin, local resources, and urbanization level on green roofs’ overall insect abundance, the abundance of different taxonomic orders, and community composition. Using experimental green roofs, we compared insect communities between native and exotic plants across an urbanization gradient, in Córdoba city, central Argentina. On the roofs of 30 houses, we installed two blocks of a modular extensive green roof system, with either native or exotic plant species (6 species each). In March 2019, we used yellow pan traps and pitfall traps (N = 360) to sample insects and measured flower abundance and plant cover at each plant treatment. The urbanization level of each house was estimated by the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), the Normalized Difference Built-up Index (NDBI), and the Land Surface Temperature (LST). A total of 35,257 insects from 12 orders were registered, with Diptera, Hymenoptera, and Hemiptera as the dominant groups. Native plants supported significantly higher total insect abundance on both types of traps, independently from the urbanization level, flower abundance, or plant cover of each roof. The abundance of most of the taxonomic orders was higher in natives as well, but particular effects of the covariables were detected for certain groups. In addition, plant origin was an important factor for insect composition. Our results highlight that green roof design should prioritize native plants to enhance insect conservation while achieving more sustainable cities. 相似文献
Ailian Chen X. Angela Yao Ranhao Sun Liding Chen 《Urban Forestry & Urban Greening》2014,13(4):646-654
Urban green spaces often form urban cool islands (UCIs), which are important for human health and urban sustainability. Previous studies have emphasized the cooling effects of urban green spaces on their surrounding areas at landscape level. Less attention, however, has been directed to effects of urban green space patterns on their own UCIs at patch level. In this study, we focused on the effects of spatial patterns of urban green patches on their own surface UCIs. The urban green spaces of Beijing, China, were extracted from one QuickBird image and were classified as Trees, Shrubs, Grass, Crops, River and Lake. Land surface temperatures (LSTs) were derived from four Landsat images, each in one season. The UCI was represented by the minimum LST of each urban green patch. Results showed spatial patterns of urban green patches had significant effects on their UCIs in four seasons. In detail, the size, edge and connectivity of urban green spaces all affected the UCIs negatively, and the influence was stronger in warm seasons. Shape of urban green space also had effects on UCIs, but the effects were stronger in cool seasons. Great differences were found between predictive values of metrics for different green types. Shape metrics were more important for indicating UCIs of River, Trees and Crops than were patch size and connectivity. However, patch size and connectivity metrics were more effective in determining UCIs of Shrubs, Grass and Lake than were shape metrics. Further, among shape metrics, only shape index was a good indicator of UCIs. The results of this study suggest that a combination of specific urban green types and pattern metrics are a prerequisite for analyzing the influence of urban green patterns on UCIs and for urban green design. 相似文献