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Interest in the climate and an awareness of the beneficial cooling influence exerted on it by biologically-vital areas is growing, as climate change progresses, hot weather is more frequent as well as the urban heat island more intense. It is necessary to protect existing greenery in the cities and to introduce new planting. However plants in a warmer climate can produce larger amounts of pollen and are more readily able to initiate an allergic reaction among those prone to them. That means—not every greenery is advantageous for humans in the cities. In the research two housing estates built at different times and differ in type, density and age of buildings, as well as in the composition and the percentage of biologically vital area and the species planted were examined. Detailed inventory of tall greenery entailed the trees and shrubs and next their assumed allergenic potential was made. Cooling effect likely is derived from the difference in greenery, but the other factors such as differences in the density of buildings and spatial organization of the estate could also influence it. The older estate with the ratio of biologically vital areas of 54.3% is characterised by more favourable local climate than the newer estate, with the ratio of biologically vital areas equals 40.7% and young vegetation. On the newer one the perceptible thermal conditions did not differ significantly compared with the city centre. Unfortunately, on Koło Estate trees creating mild thermal conditions are also the trees promoting allergies most severely: birches, poplars and limes. And they are planted usually around playgrounds and kindergarten. The trees of high allergenicity should be partially removed, even risking small worsening thermal conditions.  相似文献   

Having an aesthetic form is one of the desirable aspects of trees used to create or reforest urban green areas, which is often achieved by procedures that require a great effort. The understanding of factors affecting the architecture of plants in natural conditions may be useful to promote a desirable shape during the growth process. Under the hypothesis that trees in high luminosity conditions have a more aesthetical growth, in this study we explore the relationship between plant shape and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) in Bursera fagaroides, a characteristic species of the tropical dry forest and xerophytic shrub-lands useful for urban green areas in semiarid environments. To evaluate trees shape we calculate a symmetry index (IS) by using two diameters of the crown, perpendicular to each other, and the total height. Measurements were made over three periods (before, during and after the growth period); and PAR was also measured for each tree. Linear regressions were used to analyze the relationship between the symmetry of trees and PAR received during the growth period. The post-growth symmetry of trees showed a positive relationship with the PAR received by trees during the growth period, suggesting that PAR effects can be harnessed to develop post-germination strategies for the production of trees with a more aesthetical growth in the studied species. Effect of PAR on the shape of plants may represent a practical option to promote aesthetical growth of trees and shrubs with importance for creation and restoration of urban green areas.  相似文献   

Urban parks form the largest proportion of public green spaces contributing to both physical and mental well-being of people living in urban areas. CO2 sequestration capability of the vegetation developing in parks of four historical residences (Villa Pamphjli, Villa Ada Savoia, Villa Borghese and Villa Torlonia) in Rome and its economic value were analyzed. Villa Pamphjli and Villa Ada Savoia having a larger vegetation extension (165.04 ha and 134.33 ha, respectively), also had a larger total yearly CO2 sequestration per hectare (CS) (780 MgCO2 ha−1 year−1 and 998 MgCO2 ha−1 year−1, respectively) than Villa Borghese (664 MgCO2 ha−1 year−1) and Villa Torlonia (755 MgCO2 ha−1 year−1), which had a lower vegetation extension (56.72 ha and 9.70 ha, respectively). CS was significantly correlated with leaf area index (LAI). The calculated CS for the four parks (3197 MgCO2 ha−1 year−1), corresponding to 3.6% of the total greenhouse gas emissions of Rome for 2010, resulted in an annual economic value of $ 23537 /ha.  相似文献   

The availability of pollen in urban-rural landscapes is an essential factor that influences the population dynamics of insect pollinators. The amount and diversity of pollen play a pivotal role in the foraging ecology of pollinators for their growth and health, but investigations on the spatio-temporal patterns of foraged plants remain rare, especially in cities as neo - ecosystems. Here, we explored the temporal foraging habits of a highly pollinator (Apis mellifera L.) in Tokyo, including different landscape classes from rural to urban areas. Mixed-pollen samples in each month and each location (N = 17) were analysed using DNA meta-barcoding to identify plants visited by honeybees. The results showed that the landscape class (rural, suburban and urban areas) explains spatial variations in pollen source-plant composition foraged by honeybees, but not in taxa richness. Furthermore, pollen diversity and pollen source-plant composition showed a strong seasonal dependence. A higher plant richness and foraged woody taxa was found to occur in spring, which was mainly dominated by the genera Prunus and Acer. In summer and autumn, the genera Trifolium and Plantago of the herbaceous stratum were the most visited plants. The Fabaceae, Rosaceae, Brassicaceae, Plantaginaceae, and Onagraceae plant families were the most frequently observed in all combined samples. The present study contributes to a deeper understanding of the foraging ecology of A. mellifera colonies across urban-rural gradient surrounding mega-cities such as Tokyo.  相似文献   

Biodiversity in urban green areas has been widely explored in several bird studies because birds are known to be important bio-indicators. Many studies have investigated the different responses of bird communities to urbanization and land use changes in urban environments. However, there are still important knowledge gaps related to the impacts of the heterogeneity, spatial structure, and connectivity of green areas on avian diversity. Such information is needed for sustainable urban planning. In this study, we focused on the comparison of bird communities between urban parks in the heritage city of Olomouc and hardwood floodplain forests in the vicinity of the city. The results of the study indicate the high importance of urban parks for the maintenance of bird diversity even though urban parks are man-made habitats. The results highlight the importance of some native vegetation structures in urban parks (old trees, bush ecotones) for maintaining urban bird biodiversity. Some implications of the results can be widely used as a decision support tool for the management of urban green areas and for the planning of ecological networks in urban landscapes.  相似文献   

The maintenance and improvement of current natural carbon sinks, as well as the creation of others, are presently considered among the main strategies by which to address global climate change, and are pursued in parallel to the implementation of policies of carbon emission reduction. To date, this approach has been applied mainly to forest areas, obtaining relevant results that help to identify areas of weakness in the strategy and to design appropriate management measures. Nevertheless, under the current situation, and at territorial level, urban areas and infrastructures, in which urban green systems play a significant role, present opportunities for contributing towards carbon sink potential. Various studies conducted by our research group have emphasized the role of urban green systems as natural carbon sinks, including research conducted under initiatives from European authorities (“Climeport project/Mediterranean Ports’ Contribution to Climate Change”), regional government (Andalusian Strategy against Global Climate Change) and Andalusian universities (Andalusian University Rectors Climate Change Pact). Through these projects, we have assessed entire systems, identifying the species of urban trees and shrubs with the greatest sink potential under different climate scenarios, proposing garden management schemes, and providing a basis for the creation, design, management and improvement of natural carbon sinks in the cities.  相似文献   

Urban green spaces (UGS) are increasingly acknowledged for their importance for the well-being of urban populations. However, studies are lacking the consideration of the demand and use of UGS by different population groups and connecting UGS with social infrastructure. In an era of worldwide urbanization and ageing, this European study sheds light on the role of UGS for care facilities for elderly. 126 care facilities from 17 cities in Austria, Germany, Norway, Poland, Romania and Slovenia took part in an online survey. Administrations of care facilities gave insights on the (1) importance of gardens related to care facilities for the quality of life for the seniors, (2) importance of UGS outside of care facilities for the quality of life for the seniors and (3) the consideration of natural and age-friendly designs and management of ecosystem disservices of UGS. The results emphasize not only the importance of UGS for the quality of life of seniors residing in care facilities, but also for the staff and visitors. UGS contribute to physical activities, recreation, and social interactions. The study found that in particular facilities with an own garden are highly aware of the benefits UGS provide. The study holds important lessons for UGS planning, management and design not only to focus on the quantitative supply of UGS, but also to consider age-sensitive amenities in and access to UGS of high quality for seniors.  相似文献   

The urban green space is an important inducer of pollen allergy. In recent years, the incidence of pollen allergy in China has increased from 5 % to 17.8 %, and it still rapidly increases. However, only few assessment methods of pollen allergy risk have been developed and applied in the urban green spaces. The feasibility and the accuracies of the assessment results of these methods has been unknown. Therefore, in this paper, the two best-known methods, total pollen concentration monitoring method and urban green zone allergenicity index (IUGZA) method, were both used to assess the pollen allergy risk of the same urban park (the People’s Park of Chengdu City, China). The impact factors and prediction consistency of both models were compared. The results showed that the proportion of medium and highly allergenic tree species reached up to 75.93 % in People’s Park. The total IUGZA value of this park was 0.69. A total of 36,171 pollen grains were collected here. The average pollen concentration of this park was 125.88 grains/cm2 per day. Both methods showed that the pollen allergy risk of the People's Park was the highest in spring. Correlation analysis showed that no vegetation characteristics of this park were correlated with IUGZA values and total pollen concentration. However, pollen concentration was extremely significantly correlated with air temperature and solar radiation in autumn and winter. Kendall’s concordance coefficient identified a super high consistency between total pollen concentration and IUGZA values in this park. This result means that both methods for assessing the risk of pollen allergy are effective. Based on the total pollen concentration, a polynomial formula was established for succinctly calculating the IUGZA. A three-step greening strategy is proposed to minimize the volume of allergen production and increase the well-being of users of urban parks in Chengdu City.  相似文献   

Urban green areas, due to their high plant diversity, can be supportive as floral resources (nectar and/or pollen) to wild and managed pollinating insects. This research aims towards understanding the contribution of ornamental ground cover perennials as a food source for urban pollinators. We compare floral phenology and abundance, nectar and pollen production, and insect visitation to flowers of Geranium macrorrhizum, G. platypetalum and G. sanguineum, planted in the botanical garden of Lublin, SE Poland. The investigation revealed that the studied hardy geraniums exhibit many features valuable for pollinators, including large floral display (G. macrorrhizum and G. platypetalum), extended flowering period (G. sanguineum) and ample nectar and pollen reward (G. macrorrhizum). They can supply urban pollinators with a high quality food during spring and early summer time, i.e. the period of high food demand by many bee species. Moreover, hardy geraniums might be valuable plants for urban beekeeping as they are eagerly visited by honeybees. The investigated ground cover plants could therefore be considered in future city plantings.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore different components of avian diversity in two types of urban green areas, parks and cemeteries, in four European countries in relation to environmental characteristics. We studied bird species richness, functional diversity and evolutionary distinctiveness in 79 parks and 90 cemeteries located in four European countries: the Czech Republic, France, Italy and Poland.First, we found no significant differences between cemeteries and parks in bird diversity. However, in both parks and cemeteries, only: two community metrics were affected by different environmental characteristics, including local vegetation structure and presence of human-related structures. Species richness was positively correlated with tree coverage and site size, functional diversity was unrelated to any of the measured variables, while the mean evolutionary distinctiveness score was positively correlated with tree coverage and negatively associated with the coverage of flowerbeds and number of street lamps.Our findings can be useful for urban planning: by increasing tree coverage and site size it is possible to increase both taxonomic richness and evolutionary uniqueness of bird communities. In both parks and cemeteries, the potential association between light pollution and bird species richness was negligible. We also identified some thresholds where bird diversity was higher. Bird species richness was maximized in parks/cemeteries larger than 1.4 ha, with grass coverage lower than 65%. The evolutionary uniqueness of bird communities was higher in areas with tree coverage higher than 45%. In conclusion, the findings of this study provide evidence that cemeteries work similarly than urban parks supporting avian diversity.  相似文献   

The objective benefits that humans derive from natural ecosystems and their enduring manifestation in urban green spaces (UGS) is well-know. Nevertheless, citizens’ preference, and perceived necessity of UGS is not always evident and therefore often not accounted for, especially in the context of urban planning decisions, where it could positively influence the effectiveness of greening strategies. This information is especially important in the Mediterranean islands, due to their unique character. Here we address these aspects, including the way they are affected by UGS perceived adequacy, accessibility, maintenance, distance, and other self-reported obstacles using a questionnaire completed by 703 residents of the Island of Crete, Greece. To integrate results, main covariates are compiled into the newly developed public UGS approval index. Survey results show that, 87.82 % of the participants consider public UGS highly necessary for their wellbeing, while only 69.22 % consider private UGS equally necessary. Nevertheless, private UGS were the most frequently visited green at 16.3 ± 0.7 days/month. Public UGS is considered more necessary for female respondents, under 35 years, living in an apartment in the city. However, it emerged that despite the significantly higher need for public UGS in the urban centers of the island, residents consider UGS inadequate and often inaccessible for people with mobility problems. Integration of the results in the new approval index, shows that citizens of Crete, are on average neutral or disapprove of local public UGS. The outcomes can be used for targeted interventions at existing and strategic planning in new UGS.  相似文献   

The pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) at the beginning of 2020 has restricted the human population indoor with some allowance for recreation in green spaces for social interaction and daily exercise. Understanding and measuring the risk of COVID-19 infection during public urban green spaces (PUGS) visits is essential to reduce the spread of the virus and improve well-being. This study builds a data-fused risk assessment model to evaluate the risk of visiting the PUGS in London. Three parameters are used for risk evaluation: the number of new cases at the middle-layer super output area (MSOA) level, the accessibility of each public green space and the Indices of Multiple Deprivation at the lower-layer super output area (LSOA) level. The model assesses 1357 PUGS and identifies the risk in three levels, high, medium and low, according to the results of a two-step clustering analysis. The spatial variability of risk across the city is demonstrated in the evaluation. The evaluation of risk can provide a better metric to the decision-making at both the individual level, on deciding which green space to visit, and the borough level, on how to implement restricting measures on green space access.  相似文献   

As cities become more densely populated, urban green spaces (UGS) are increasingly important due to the environmental and social benefits they provide. Cities are confronted with the challenge of equitable supply of high-quality urban green that meets the demand of residents. This is particularly relevant in lower-income neighborhoods, which tend to suffer from the lowest supply of (high quality) UGS. In this paper, we perform spatial analysis on the responses of an online user survey to explore how UGS frequency of use, choice, and satisfaction differ by use pattern and place of residence in the Brussels Capital Region. Additionally, we identify the “push-pull” factors of individual UGS by identifying the desirable (pull) and undesirable (push) qualities that may attract or repel the use of a UGS. We find that use pattern is related to choice and experience of UGS. Compared to people who use UGS for social purposes, those who use UGS for nature-oriented reasons more often choose to visit UGS that are substantially farther from their home but are more often satisfied with the UGS they use. Our findings also show that respondents living in areas with higher proportions of disadvantaged groups tend to travel substantially farther to reach their UGS and are more often dissatisfied with the UGS they visit. Finally, our push-pull analysis indicates that characteristics that are important to nature-oriented users, such as quietness and calmness, are often more negatively experienced in dense city center UGS. Our research thus demonstrates the need to bring more green, particularly green that elicits a feeling of “naturalness”, to areas of the city where low green space quality and quantity overlap with areas inhabited by vulnerable populations.  相似文献   

When planned coherently, urban green spaces have the potential to provide cities with a range of unique ecosystem services that support ecosystem and human health. This paper draws on existing green space planning literature to argue that the integration of community gardens into standardised and previously under-utilised public park landscapes represents an innovative approach to providing ecosystem services. Particular focus is given to the challenges facing green space planning in Perth, Western Australia. At an individual level, community gardens provide a venue for an alternative and more accessible form of physical activity – gardening – and a restorative park environment that is a more attractive destination for neighbourhood walking. At the community level, gardens can facilitate bridging interactions between different social groups, whilst providing opportunities for local residents to participate actively in green space planning processes. Perhaps most importantly, community gardens can provide unique opportunities for environmental education that lead to enhanced local ecological outcomes. The paper concludes with a brief overview of the main challenges likely to be faced with this integration, and some strategies that may allow them to be overcome. It is hoped this paper will provide a background for future case studies, and a catalyst for increasing integration between formal green space planning and community garden development.  相似文献   

Following the increasing public health concerns related to physical inactivity in the population, the relationship between outdoor recreation and public health has been increasingly acknowledged over the last decades. To improve public health, planners and policy-makers aim to provide good accessibility to recreational landscapes to facilitate outdoor recreational activity. At the same time, they are facing development pressure due to urban growth. In order for planners and policy-makers to secure people access to urban and near urban recreational areas, there is a need to map and measure access in a way that is adequate as a basis for decision-making in planning and design processes. Access is often defined as distance, or proximity, from residents’ homes to recreational areas. This paper explores different ways to map and measure distance to recreational areas, and aims to provide better decision support for planners and decision-makers. Moss municipality in Norway serves as a case study. We begin by addressing the meaning of the term ‘recreational landscape’ and how the choice of definition affects the results when mapping recreational areas. We also discuss who we are measuring distance for, and how different user groups will have different thresholds or critical distances affecting their frequency of visits to a recreational area. Last, we explore different methods for measuring distance within a GIS environment. The paper shows how the purpose of the analysis must be decisive when defining recreational landscapes and choosing methods for measuring access to recreational landscape, in order to provide valuable input to planners and policy-makers aiming at enhancing the possibility for outdoor recreation for people.  相似文献   

Urban foresters are addressing the challenge of urban biodiversity loss through management plans in the context of rapid urbanization. Protecting the integrity of the urban ecosystem requires long-term monitoring and planning for resilience as well as effective management. The soundscape assessment has attracted attention in this field, but applying the soundscape assessment in urban ecological monitoring requires a protocol that links soundscapes to the impact of resource management on biodiversity over time. The effective processing and visualization of large-scale data also remains an important challenge. The aim of this study was to better understand the relationship between soundscape and physical environment, and examine the feasibility of this innovative soundscape approach in highly urbanized areas. Soundscape recordings were collected for 20 urban parks twice on 4 consecutive days in Spring. A total of 691,200 min of sound material were automatically obtained. In order to track the spatio-temporal patterns of a soundscape and determine its potential suitability for ecosystem monitoring, our study characterized soundscape information by adopting 4 widely used acoustic indices: acoustic diversity index (ADI), bioacoustic index (BIO), normalized difference vegetation index (NDSI), and power spectral density (PSD). Daily patterns of PSD have provided a potential connection between soundscapes and bird songs, and 1–2 kHz presented a similar pattern that was linked to human activity. Through further modeling, we tested the relationship of soundscapes to physical environment characteristics. The results showed the importance of habitat vegetation structure for acoustic diversity. More vertical heterogeneity, with an uneven canopy height or multilayered vegetation, was associated with more acoustic diversity. This suggests that clearing ground cover may have a significant negative impact on wildlife. Our results suggest that soundscape approaches provide a way to quickly synthesize large-scale recording data into meaningful patterns that can track changes in bird songs and ecosystem conditions. The proposed approach would enable regular assessment of urban parks and forests to inform adaptive planning and management strategies that can maintain or enhance biodiversity.  相似文献   

In this short communication, we discuss European urban green space (UGS) research from an environmental justice perspective. We show that European UGS scholarship primarily focuses on functional values and managerial aspects of UGS, while paying less attention to equity in the enjoyment of and decision-making around UGS. On this basis we discuss potentials for European urban green space research to take up a more explicit environmental justice framing to shed much-needed light on injustices in European cities and inspire change in policy and practice.  相似文献   

Urbanization is an important driver of global insect decline. Yet, recent studies have demonstrated the potential of greenspaces in cities to promote biodiversity conservation. One of many factors negatively affecting arthropods in urban areas are unsuitable habitats, as non-woody greenspaces predominantly consist of manicured lawns. Maintenance practices such as high mowing frequencies, can have direct and indirect negative impacts on the local flora and fauna. The present study examines the effects of different mowing regimes on arthropod abundance and diversity by conducting meta-analyses of studies assessing the effect of mowing on arthropod abundance (46 datasets) and taxa richness (23 datasets) in urban environments. Due to a geographical bias in the literature, only data from the temperate, northern hemisphere are analyzed. While our meta-analysis on arthropod abundance showed a medium positive effect (effect size: g = 0.54) of reduced mowing, the cumulative positive effect of reduced mowing on arthropod taxa richness was large (g = 1.25). Grouping the studies not only resulted in lower heterogeneity, but also showed that manicured lawns disproportionately favor the abundance of “pest” species as well as ground-dwelling arthropods. There was also a significantly higher abundance of winged insects on sites with reduced mowing as compared to arthropods without wings. Overall, the findings of the present meta-analysis strongly support the notion that a reduction in mowing frequencies in urban greenspaces benefits insect biodiversity.  相似文献   

Urban green spaces, and green infrastructure more generally, provide multiple benefits that can enhance urban livability and sustainability. These range from the mitigation of air pollution and urban heat island (UHI) effect, to multi-dimensional benefits to human wellbeing and biodiversity. However, the expansion of urban green spaces is not always feasible in many cities. In such urban contexts, there have been proposals to utilize rooftops as green roofs in order to gain some of these benefits. This study spatially identifies areas where roofs have the potential to provide different types of benefits associated with urban green spaces if they are retrofitted with green roofs. Through a GIS-based approach we catalogue available roof space in Sumida ward in Tokyo for green roof implementation, and subsequenlty evaluate the potential of each roof patch to offer four types of benefits if retrofitted with a green roof, namely UHI effect mitigation, air pollution mitigation, and benefits to subjective wellbeing and biodiversity. Approximately 25% of the total roof surface in Sumida ward can potentially be used for green roof implementation. Furthermore, about 5.2% and 59% of this area has a respectively high and moderate potential to provide all four benefits if retrofitted with green roofs. This could increase the extent of green spaces by 10% and 120% respectively across the Sumida ward. In this sense, green roofs can become a major element of green infrastructure with ripple positive effects for urban livability and sustainability through the provision of UHI effect and air pollution mitigation, and benefits to subjective wellbeing and biodiversity.  相似文献   

Neighborhood green space is closely related to the lives of every city dweller. However, some evidence showed that residents in disadvantaged neighborhoods do not fully use the green space due to quality, safety, and distance issues. Therefore, it is essential to understand how disadvantaged groups interact and use green space in these communities. However, there is still a lack of comprehensive evaluation. This research systematically sorts out the relevant literature and collects various attributes of the use, constraints, and preferences of the residents of disadvantaged neighborhoods on the green space through a systematic review method from the perspective of social ecology. Through a literature review of 4 databases (Science Direct, Scopus, web of science, and CNKI), 42 articles (N = 42) were finally included. This article concerns peer-reviewed papers published between 2008 and 2021. The research results showed that residents of disadvantaged communities' use of nearby green space are affected by personal, social, physical, and other attributes. Finally, a conceptual framework for the use, constraints, and preferences of disadvantaged neighborhood green space is proposed to help planners and designers design and improve community green space more effectively and ultimately achieve a harmonious living environment that meets various needs.  相似文献   

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