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Late blight (Phytophthora infestons (Mont.) de Bary) has re-emerged as an important pathogen of the cultivated potato (Solanum tuberosum subsp.tubero-sum L.) in North America. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relative susceptibility of potato germplasm in the greenhouse in order to initiate a breeding program for resistance to the US-8/A2 mating type which is the more aggressive and prevalent strain of late blight. Whole plants of 147 cultivars and breeding lines were evaluated. Percent plant area infection was visually assessed. Seven days after inoculation, infection ranged from 0 to 100% and the overall mean was greater than 50%. Two-thirds of the cultivars and breeding lines tested were very susceptible to the US-8 genotype. The highest resistance was identified in the somatic hybrids betweenS. tuberosum andS. bulbocastanum and their backcross derivatives. Pike and Snowden were less susceptible than the other North American cultivars. Zarevo was most resistant among the European cultivars. Seven of the advanced breeding lines were equivalent to Zarevo in infection levels. The host plant resistance identified among the material tested in this study can be used by breeding programs to develop improved cultivars with resistance to US-8 genotypes of late blight.  相似文献   

Summary The medullary tissues of potato tubers affected by rust spot were embedded in resin, sectioned and stained for optical and electron microscopy. Under the optical microscope, the damaged zones were seen to have thickened and suberized cell walls, with cells partially or totally lacking starch. These features were confirmed by electron microscopy which revealed in relief the cell wall deformation and the characteristic presence, in the vacuole, of osmiophilic granules with a spongy appearance attached to the tonoplast, probable catabolic products of a disturbed metabolism. Separation and degeneration of the plasmalemma and the death of the cells were observed in tissues in the final stages of damage.  相似文献   

Summary Two potato (Solanum tuberosum L., cv. Irish Cobbler) Kunitz-type proteinase inhibitors (PKPI) were previously described to be present in the soluble fraction of proteins from tubers in the early stages of development. One of them became insoluble in mature tubers, being extractable from this material in presence of urea. Amino acid sequencing showed that the soluble and insoluble PKPI were identical to each other. Also, immunolocalization using the protein A-gold method showed that both proteins were present inside the vacuole in free (intravacuolar space) and aggregated forms. The density of PKPI in the vacuolar protein aggregates increased from developing to mature tubers. showing that the soluble-insoluble state of this protein is related to the aggregation levels. Purified PKPI precipitated in vitro. mainly in presence of high calcium concentrations and low pH, but this precipitated form was not as stable as aggregates found in vivo. Based on the results obtained, a model of PKPI insolubilization in vivo is discussed.  相似文献   

Changes in ascorbic acid levels were followed in apical and basal portions of Russet Burbank and Kennebec tubers during growth and development. Influence of nitrogen fertilization during growth and short-term storage on ascorbic acid level of the tuber was also studied. Changes in ascorbic acid content during growth showed two distinct phases, the first phase being characterized by an increase in ascorbic acid content with growth and development of the tuber, followed by a second phase which showed a decrease in ascorbic acid content with increasing maturity. The shift from the first phase to the second phase occurred earlier for Kennebec than for Russet Burbank. Increased nitrogen fertilization resulted in a delay of this shift from the first to the second phase. The apical portion of the tuber consistently showed higher ascorbic acid content than the basal portion. Kennebec tubers were higher in vitamin C content than tubers of Russet Burbank cultivar. High nitrogen fertilization resulted in less ascorbic acid content during growth. Storage of tubers for four weeks at 5.5°C also resulted in a marked decrease in ascorbic acid content of tubers. Nitrogen fertilizer rate during growth had no influence on the decrease in ascorbic acid content of tubers in storage.  相似文献   

Summary The shoot system of potato is a configuration of stems with terminal inflorescences. In this review, shoot development is quantified in terms of stem production, while stem development is quantified in terms of leaf and flower primordia production per stem, which are functions of the rates and the durations of primordia initiation. The effect of the position of the stem in the shoot system on number of leaves and flowers per stem is also evaluated. Flowering of individual stems is described by the ‘time to flower primordia initiation’ (expressed in number of leaves produced) and ‘flower production’ (a function of the number and the development of flower primordia). At warmer temperatures and longer daylengths the number of leaves and flower primordia per stem, and the number of stems per shoot increase by prolonging stem production and primordia development. Temperature and photoperiod also affect flower primordia survival by altering assimilate production and partitioning. The photothermal response of the number of leaves per stem is small compared to the response of stem production; at higher temperatures, flower primordia survival becomes the principal factor determining flower production. The similarity of the signals leading to flower primordia initiation and tuberization, and the relation between shoot and tuber growth are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Single and combined applications of three sprout inhibitors, maleic hydrazide (MH), isopropyl 3-chlorophenylcarbamate (CIPC) and isopropyl phenylcarbamate (IPC) mixed with CIPC in a commercial formulation coded AMK (Tixit-C, Sandoz, S.A.E., Barcelona, Spain; 2.0% IPC +0.7% CIPC) were tested on potatoes stored from March to June under ambient conditions (20–30°C, 30–80% RH), and in a store with passive evaporative cooling (16–30°C, 75–95% RH). All treatments were more effective in reducing physiological losses, sprouting, and sprout growth in the cool than in the ambient store. AMK, CIPC and MH+AMK caused most sprout suppression. All treatments increased tuber rotting but there were no significant differences in numbers rotted by MH, MH+CIPC, CIPC (single treatment) and the untreated control. Nevertheless, the treatments can usefully extend storage life of potatoes under non-refrigerated conditions.  相似文献   

Summary The severity of late blight tuber rot in five potato cultivars (Green Mountain, Sebago, Dorita, AC Brador and Island Sunshine) resulting from inoculation with US-1/US-8 combinations of Canadian isolates ofPhytophthora infestans was evaluated. In addition, the potential for mixed (A1∶A2) inoculations to result in oospore formation was examined. In studies conducted in 1996 and 1997, cv. Dorita (and Island Sunshine in 1997) developed the least amount of surface or internal necrosis relative to the other cultivars following co-inoculation with US-1 and US-8 isolates ofP. infestans. Differences also were revealed among isolate combinations used for inoculation. The combination of a US-1 isolate from Prince Edward Island with a US-8 isolate from New Brunswick consistently produced the least amount of necrosis in tubers of the various cultivars. There was no evidence of oospore production in any of the tubers examined. AAFC Contribution No. 919  相似文献   

Genotype X environment interactions were estimated for several traits in potato from a combined analysis of 11 genotypes grown at 3 locations for 2 years. Genotype X location X year and Genotype X location interactions were significant for the majority of the traits studied. Yield, reducing sugar content, dry matter content, leaf area, plant height and starch content should be tested over multiple locations and years in order to separate the genotype × environment interaction components from the total genotypic variance.  相似文献   

Summary Tests for resistance toPhytophthora infestans were done twice in each of 2 years on field- and glasshouse-grown tubers of ten cultivars. The cultivar rankings, were almost identical for the means of the four glasshouse tests and the means of the four field tests. However, for the field tests but not for the glasshouse tests there were cultivar x harvest date and cultivar x year interactions. It is concluded that resistance can be assessed on glasshouse-grown tubers and that such assessments should prove more consistent over years than those done on field-grown tubers. R.L. Wastie died 16.1.96  相似文献   

Summary A phytotron experiment with all combinations of two photoperiod (12 or 18 h) and four temperature (18/12, 22/16, 26/20 or 30/24 °C; 12h/12h) treatments was carried out to analyse quantitative effects on early tuber growth, dry-matter partitioning and number of tubers of two cultivars. Higher temperatures and longer photoperiod delayed the onset of expolinear tuber growth and the onset of linear tuber bulking. Higher temperatures also gave lower absolute tuber growth rates. Photoperiod did not affect absolute tuber growth rate at lower temperatures. Higher temperature and longer photoperiod gave lower relative rates of partitioning of dry matter to the tubers. Differences between treatments in numbers of tubers initiated were inconsistent. This quantitative analysis of the effects of temperature and photoperiod on characteristics of tuber growth should prove useful in potato modelling.  相似文献   

Summary The tubers on one potato stem vary greatly in size and their size distribution may be described by their number and their average size and its variation. These components are mutually and closely related. The variation is partly caused by stolon characteristics, including their date of initiation, position and size. Tuber size is therefore partly determined before tuberization. Tuber-specific factors, such as the position and activity of the tuber initial also play a role, but the date of initiation of an individual tuber is not crucial. Later on, during tuber bulking, the activity of enzymes involved in starch metabolism, the levels of hormones, the mineral composition and the turgor potential are associated with the tuber growth rate. The growth characteristics of individual tubers may also vary since they are exposed to different conditions because of differences in position or growing period.  相似文献   

Summary Stem cuttings with variable number and position of leaves and variable number and age of buds were used to study the preference of tuberization at certain buds when several potential tuber sites were present. These cuttings were exposed to different orientations of the cuttings themselves and/or their light source. Inverting the cuttings did not affect overall tuberization, but had significant effects on individual buds, probably by the interaction between the original basipetal patterns in the cuttings and gravity effects. A smaller angle to the horizontal and lighting from below increased the overall expression of the tuberization stimulus. Leaf and bud position or age affected expression in a complicated manner, but the distance between screened bud and light-exposed leaf was crucial; buds most distant from illuminated leaves showed the strongest induction. The basic pattern of tuberization was basipetal.  相似文献   

Stem cuttings from potato plants are frequently used in multiplication programs for disease-free cultivars. The survival of these leafy cuttings is often very poor, and thus various techniques were investigated which were designed to increase rooting and cutting survival. Stock plants of cultivars “Caribe,” “Jemseg,” “Keswick,” “Russet Burbank,” “Sable,” “Sebago” and “Shepody” were grown in the greenhouse under long days. Promoting growth of the axillary shoots was successfully achieved by shading the shoot apex with aluminum foil. Trimming the outer leaves of the cuttings was deleterious to both survival and rooting. A rooting hormone improved root initiation and development, and the use of shade cloth or intermittent mist increased survival by reducing wilting. A rooting substrate of vermiculite: perlite (1:1) provided sufficient aeration, support and drainage for the cuttings. Antitranspirants sprayed on the stock plants prior to the excision of cuttings and also on the excised cuttings did not improve rooting or survival. The addition of activated charcoal (1% w:w) increased rooting of the cuttings and improved vigor of potted plants obtained from the cuttings.  相似文献   

Volunteer potatoes are a major weed problem in potato rotations in regions with mild winter soil temperatures. Freezing dynamics of potato tubers in air have been previously reported, but freezing dynamics of tubers in soil may differ due to ice nucleation sites and soil water associated with soil. Laboratory experiments conducted in hydrated and dry soil columns and field experiments were conducted to determine cold temperatures required to kill potato tubers in soil. Potato tubers in air-dried soil columns exposed to decreasing temperatures typically supercooled to ?3 to ?7 C before exhibiting a distinct exotherm, which stabilized at ?1.4 to ?1.5 C, representing the freezing point of tubers. Tubers that were supercooled and removed from the cold environment before experiencing this exotherm were able to sprout and had no visual symptoms of freezing injury, whereas tubers that experienced the exotherm were nonviable and unable to sprout. Tubers in soil columns hydrated to 7% SWC supercooled much less than tubers in dry soil and exhibited an exotherm that stabilized near ?1.9 C. Tubers exposed to temperatures near the tuber-freezing point (?1.4 to ?1.9 C) for periods of 1 min to 24 h, but not undergoing an exotherm, exhibited varying degrees of injury, which increased with time of exposure. Tubers held at ?1.0 C for 4 to 24 h were unharmed and able to sprout similar to controls. In field trials conducted from 1993 to 1999 in the Columbia Basin of Washington, tubers buried at shallow depths (5 cm) were much more likely to experience lethal cold temperatures than tubers buried deeper. In general, when minimum soil temperature at tuber depth reached ?1.5 to ?1.9 C or lower, some tuber mortality occurred and when soil temperature at tuber depth reached ?2.8 C or lower, extensive tuber death occurred. Monitoring of winter soil temperatures by depth in potato- growing regions could be used to predict severity of volunteer potato for the subsequent growing season.  相似文献   

Physiological responses to drought stress were evaluated in the potato cultivars Raritan and Shepody. Under well-watered conditions, Raritan exhibited a higher transpiration rate than Shepody. This higher rate could be related to a lower calculated stomatal resistance on abaxial leaf surfaces. Under drought stress conditions, Raritan consistently demonstrated superior performance over Shepody in the following areas: leaf water retention, epicuticular wax levels, desiccation tolerance and root growth. The estimated relative water content at a leaf water potential of-1.0 MPa was higher for Raritan than Shepody regardless of leaf age and may indicate a greater drought resistance in the former cultivar.  相似文献   

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