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Chicken (Gallus gallus), duck (Anas platyrhynchos), turkey (Meleagris gallopavo), guinea fowl (Numida meleagris) and quail (Coturnix japonica) are the common poultry species consumed as meat throughout the world. In this work, a molecular technique has been developed for identification and differentiation of meat originating from these species. This tool helps in detection of misrepresentation of different poultry meats. The technique involves the extraction of DNA from the given sample, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene using universal primers, restriction analysis with selected restriction enzymes, followed by identification of meat species based on restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) pattern. In this study, we used HinfI, Mph1103I, MvaI, and Eco47I to identify and differentiate to poultry species referred to above. This species identification technique has also been applied successfully to processed meat products including those cooked at 120C for 30 min. Simplicity of interpretation of results combined with versatility makes this a convenient and appropriate technique in the hands of meat analysts for identifying poultry meat species.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to evaluate and compare the risk distribution of human cases of West Nile virus (WNV) disease in Ontario in 2005 to 2012. The objectives were to: map the risk distribution of WNV in 2005 and 2012, identify clusters of human WNV disease and determine whether the clusters are significantly different between the years 2005 and 2012. West Nile virus surveillance data were used to calculate empirical Bayesian smoothed estimates of disease incidence in southern Ontario for 2005 and 2012. Choropleth maps were generated to visualize the spatial risk distribution, and the spatial scan test was performed to identify clusters of disease. Following identification of clusters for 2005 and 2012, a Poisson model was applied to the 2012 human WNV incidence adjusted for the smoothed human WNV incidence rate from 2005 and the scan test was repeated. Two significant clusters were identified in both the year 2005 and 2012. In 2005, the primary cluster was located in the Windsor‐Essex and Chatham‐Kent public health units (PHUs). For 2012, the primary cluster was identified in the Golden Horseshoe area. A cluster analysis for 2012 adjusted for those identified in 2005 resulted in one significant cluster in the Windsor‐Essex PHU. In 2012, the Windsor‐Essex PHU remained as a high‐risk area for human WNV disease when compared with the rest of southern Ontario. Although overall risk may change from year to year, public health programming should be employed to decrease the relative risk of WNV in this area.  相似文献   

Human epidemiological observations and studies of experimental animals have shown that low birth weight is associated with adult phenotypes characterized by abnormalities in cardiovascular, metabolic, and endocrine function. In human populations, these changes can lead to overt degenerative diseases such as hypertension and type 2 diabetes. Because fetal growth depends primarily on the nutrient supply, the associations between birth weight and adult phenotype have been linked to poor nutrition in utero. The fetal supply of nutrients and oxygen depends on both the availability of these substances in the mother and the functional capacity of the placenta to supply them to the fetus. This review takes a comparative approach to examining the nutritional programming of adult physiological phenotype in mammals with emphasis on the horse where possible. It considers the role of maternal nutritional state and placental function in these processes and discusses the cellular and molecular mechanisms operating in utero that are responsible for the epigenetic regulation of phenotypical diversity.  相似文献   

The prevalence of bovine mastitis has been reduced over the past 25 years due to the implementation of a five-point control plan aimed at reducing exposure, duration and transmission of intramammary infections by bacteria. This has markedly reduced the incidence of bovine mastitis caused by bacteria which show a contagious route of transmission, but has had little effect on the incidence of mastitis due to bacteria which infect the gland from an environmental reservoir. Streptococcus uberis is one such bacterium which is responsible for a significant proportion of clinical mastitis worldwide.The inadequacies of the current methods of mastitis control have led to the search for additional measures, particularly vaccines to prevent intramammary infection by this bacterium. Such an approach requires detailed knowledge of the pathogenesis of intramammary infection. Our understanding of this area has grown in recent years but a lack of information still hampers disease control. Both live vaccines and, recently, crude sub-unit vaccines have shown promise against bovine mastitis due to S. uberis. Vaccines against mastitis must, however, be able to control infection without the participation of a marked inflammatory response. This review provides an overview of the recent advances which have been made in our understanding of host-pathogen interactions which promote infection and disease and highlights areas for strategic research aimed at controlling this bacterial infection.  相似文献   

Tendon injury is one of the most common causes of wastage in the performance horse; the majority of tendon injuries occur to the superficial digital flexor tendon (SDFT) whereas few occur to the common digital extensor tendon. This review outlines the epidemiology and aetiology of equine tendon injury, reviews the different functions of the tendons in the equine forelimb and suggests possible reasons for the high rate of failure of the SDFT. An understanding of the mechanisms leading to matrix degeneration and subsequent tendon gross failure is the key to developing appropriate treatment and preventative measures.  相似文献   

Migrating bats have increased mortality near moving turbine blades at wind farms. The authors evaluated competing hypotheses of barotrauma and traumatic injury to determine the cause. They first examined the utility of lungs from salvaged bat carcasses for histopathologic diagnosis of barotrauma and studied laboratory mice as a model system. Postmortem time, environmental temperature, and freezing of carcasses all affected the development of vascular congestion, hemorrhage, and edema. These common tissue artifacts mimicked the diagnostic criteria of pulmonary barotrauma; therefore, lung tissues from salvaged bats should not be used for barotrauma diagnosis. The authors next compared wind farm (WF) bats to building collision (BC) bats collected near downtown Chicago buildings. WF bats had an increased incidence in fracture cases and specific bone fractures and had more external lacerations than BC bats. WF bats had additional features of traumatic injury, including diaphragmatic hernia, subcutaneous hemorrhage, and bone marrow emboli. In summary, 73% (190 of 262) of WF bats had lesions consistent with traumatic injury. The authors then examined for ruptured tympana, a sensitive marker of barotrauma in humans. BC bats had only 1 case (2%, 1 of 42), but this was attributed to concurrent cranial fractures, whereas WF bats had a 20% (16 of 81) incidence. When cases with concurrent traumatic injury were excluded, this yielded a small fraction (6%, 5 of 81) of WF bats with lesions possibly consistent with barotrauma etiology. Forensic pathology examination of the data strongly suggests that traumatic injury is the major cause of bat mortality at wind farms and, at best, barotrauma is a minor etiology.  相似文献   

This review examines the most commonly reported treatment options for ocular squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) and periocular squamous cell carcinoma (POSCC) in horses and proposes to conclude on the most viable method based on available published studies in terms of treatment outcome, known side effects, advantages, disadvantages, and reliability of available evidence. After a literature search for peer-reviewed published articles, seven most commonly reported on treatments for OSCC and/or POSCC were identified: surgery, photodynamic therapy, carbon dioxide (CO2) laser ablation, radiofrequency hyperthermia, cryotherapy, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. Combination therapies were supported as a most successful recommendation; however, when considering site-specific outcomes, the following conclusions may be drawn: limbal squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) was most effectively treated with surgery and adjunctive therapy including CO2 laser ablation, mitomycin C, and brachytherapy; third eyelid SCC reported good outcomes when treated with surgery alone (clear margins) and in combination with brachytherapy for unclear margins; eyelid SCC, surgical resection was usually limited and most reports supported the use of adjunctive brachytherapy, although photodynamic therapy appeared to be a promising new treatment. It was deemed unreasonable to conclude on the best treatment for cornea, conjunctivae (palpebral and bulbar), and medial canthi in isolation because of lack of evidence. A consistently favored treatment for OSCC and/or POSCC in horses does not currently exist. The presentation of data in the literature and its lack of consistency make it impossible to statistically analyze and make comparative conclusions on treatment outcomes. This review provides a basis for further research to establish a best-practice protocol.  相似文献   

Influenza A viruses circulate in swine and can spread rapidly among swine when housed in close proximity, such as at agricultural fairs. Youth who have close and prolonged contact with influenza‐infected swine at agricultural fairs may be at increased risk of acquiring influenza virus infection from swine. Animal and human health officials have issued written measures to minimize influenza transmission at agricultural exhibitions; however, there is little information on the knowledge, attitudes, and practice (KAP) of these measures among animal exhibitors. After an August 2016 outbreak of influenza A(H3N2) variant (“H3N2v”) virus infections (i.e., humans infected with swine influenza viruses) in Michigan, we surveyed households of animal exhibitors at eight fairs (including one with known H3N2v infections) to assess their KAP related to variant virus infections and their support for prevention measures. Among 170 households interviewed, most (90%, 151/167) perceived their risk of acquiring influenza from swine to be low or very low. Animal exhibitor households reported high levels of behaviours that put them at increased risk of variant influenza virus infections, including eating or drinking in swine barns (43%, 66/154) and hugging, kissing or snuggling with swine at agricultural fairs (31%, 48/157). Among several recommendations, including limiting the duration of swine exhibits and restricting eating and drinking in the animal barns, the only recommendation supported by a majority of households was the presence of prominent hand‐washing stations with a person to monitor hand‐washing behaviour (76%, 129/170). This is a unique study of KAP among animal exhibitors and highlights that animal exhibitor households engage in behaviours that could increase their risk of variant virus infections and have low support for currently recommended measures to minimize infection transmission. Further efforts are needed to understand the lack of support for recommended measures and to encourage healthy behaviours at fairs.  相似文献   



In UK law, allowing an animal protected under the Animal Welfare Act 2006 (AWA 2006) (as devolved) to suffer ‘unnecessarily’ may render the person responsible for it to prosecution. The act does not define suffering, although ‘case law’ suggests that suffering encompasses more than pain. Clinicians responsible for animals under their care in the intensive care unit (ICU) are likely to also be responsible in law for the welfare of those animals, and may be called upon to justify why any suffering was necessary, or more likely, why they did not act to end any suffering when it became ‘unnecessary’. As animals are considered to be ‘property’ in law, the legal requirement to prevent ‘unnecessary suffering’ may conflict with the owner’s property rights. Additionally, professional conflict may arise between the clinicians whose opinion of where the border between ‘heroic treatment’ and ‘futile treatment’ lays. Different types of suffering that might be relevant to clinical and ethical decision making for patients in the ICU are discussed, with suggestions for how these might be categorised, measured and recorded, so that objective data is available on which discussions about the animal’s actual and projected welfare can be held with the animal’s owner, and other clinicians involved in the case.


The development of ‘welfare scoring systems’ for the ICU may assist clarifying the point at which heroic treatment is becoming futile, and therefore suffering becoming unnecessary, and place veterinary anaesthetists in an even stronger position to act as ‘advocate for the animal’ in their care.  相似文献   

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