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设置了5个氮素浓度梯度(N0、N1、N2、N3、N4)、3个PEG(P0、P1、P2)浓度梯度以及2个CO2浓度(370±50μmol·mol-1;700±50μmol·mol-1)水平的盆栽试验,探究了小麦幼苗生长、物质积累与分配以及植株水分条件的变化规律。结果表明:小麦幼苗株高、地上部干重、根干重、生物量以及叶水势的最大值以及高浓度CO2的最大刺激作用均出现在处理N1P0;而根长和根冠比的最大值分别出现在处理N0P0和N1P2,高浓度CO2的最大刺激值也分别出现在处理N0P0和N1P2;适宜养分条件下,高浓度CO2能够最大限度地促进小麦幼苗的生长,同时高浓度CO2通过提高小麦幼苗叶水势,一定程度上缓解了低浓度PEG胁迫的不利影响。因此,未来CO2浓度升高将对水肥条件好的小麦产生促进作用,可缓解轻度水分不足的不利影响,而对严重干旱胁迫下小麦的生长作用不明显。  相似文献   

针对宁夏设施土壤盐渍化严重,作物盐害加剧等问题,以嫁接黄瓜幼苗为试验材料,研究100 mmol·L~(-1)NaCl处理下,施用不同浓度CaCl_2对嫁接黄瓜幼苗光合和荧光特性的影响。结果表明:随着胁迫时间的延长,不同钙离子浓度处理下黄瓜幼苗叶片净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)均降低,蒸腾速率(Tr)、胞间CO_2浓度(Ci)先下降后升高,10 mmol·L~(-1)Ca~(2+)处理显著增加了植株的水分利用率;处理第11天,除10 mmol·L~(-1)Ca~(2+)处理外,其他处理初始荧光均呈上升趋势,10 mmol·L~(-1)Ca~(2+)处理的Fo值最低,仅为787.4,最大荧光(Fm)较高,仅次于CK,施入10mmol·L~(-1)Ca~(2+)可显著增加最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm),分别为其他5个Ca~(2+)浓度处理的17.69、1.33、1.66、2.82倍与1.22倍;当处理第11天,各处理qP值均出现上升的趋势,10 mmol·L~(-1)Ca~(2+)处理的q P为0.677且接近于CK,经不同浓度CaCl_2处理后,各处理间非光化学猝灭系数(qN)差异不显著,10 mmol·L~(-1)Ca~(2+)处理的光合电子传递速率(ETR)显著高于其他处理。综上所述,施用10 mmol·L~(-1)Ca~(2+)可显著缓解盐分对黄瓜幼苗的伤害,提高其耐盐性。  相似文献   

采用营养液砂培方法,研究了不同浓度NaHCO3(0、50、100、150 mmol/L和200 mmol/L)胁迫对黑麦草幼苗生长、活性氧代谢和渗透溶质积累的影响。结果表明:(1)随着NaHCO3浓度增加,黑麦草幼苗鲜、干重呈降低趋势,叶片超氧阴离子(O2.)、过氧化氢(H2O2)、丙二醛(MDA)和Na+含量不断升高,过氧化氢酶(CAT)、过氧化物酶(POD)活性和抗坏血酸(AsA)、谷胱甘肽(GSH)、K+含量及K+/Na+持续下降,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)活性呈先升后降变化,液泡膜H+-ATPase和H+-PPase活性在NaHCO3浓度为50~150 mmol/L时高于对照,NaHCO3浓度为200 mmol/L时低于对照。(2)碱胁迫降低了幼苗叶片中可溶性蛋白质和游离氨基酸的含量,提高了可溶性糖和脯氨酸的含量。表明活性氧代谢和Na+、K+平衡失调及积累有机溶质进行渗透调节需更多能耗等可能是碱胁迫下黑麦草幼苗生长受抑的重要因素。  相似文献   

多效唑和PVA对轻度干旱下多年生黑麦草幼苗抗旱性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
轻度干旱下,对聚乙烯醇(Polyvinyl alcohol,PVA)浸种预处理的多年生黑麦草(Lolium perenne L.)品种'旋风'的幼苗叶面喷施不同剂量(150、300、450 mg/m2)的多效唑,探讨PVA浸种及叶面喷施多效唑处理对多年生黑麦草生长及幼苗抗旱性的影响.结果表明:与对照相比,2%PVA浸种的多年生黑麦草成苗率提高0.13倍(P<0.01),叶片相对含水量提高0.03倍(P<0.05);2%PVA漫种 叶面喷施150 mg/m2多效唑处理的多年生黑麦草叶片相对合水量增加0.04倍,SOD、POD和CAT活性分别提高0.40、0.44和0.17倍,MDA含量降低51.58%.植株生长高度降低42.57%,差异均显著(P<0.05),且比单独喷施多效唑、单一2%PVA漫种的抗旱效果显著;2%PVA浸种处理下,300~450 mg/m2多效唑缓解轻度干旱对黑麦草的胁迫作用明显或显著降低.综合效应表明,2%PVA浸种预处理 叶面喷施150 mg/m2多效唑处理能有效减轻水分匮乏对幼苗的胁迫并廷缓植株生长,处理效果最佳.  相似文献   

氮素水平和形态对小麦幼苗叶最小导度的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叶最小导度反映了叶片气孔关闭后残余蒸腾的大小,因而是植物抗旱性的一个重要方面。采用水培试验,研究了不同氮素浓度(低氮:2 mmol/L;高氮:15 mmol/L)和形态(硝态氮、铵态氮和硝酸铵)对小麦叶最小导度的影响,试图揭示氮素营养影响植物抗旱性的生理机制。结果表明:铵态氮和硝态氮处理高氮的叶最小导度低于低氮,但硝酸铵处理两个氮水平下的叶最小导度无差异;氮素形态对叶最小导度无显著影响。氮浓度对与叶最小导度有关的形态和生理特征无影响,氮素形态对比叶片重、绒毛密度、蜡质含量和蜡质晶体形态结构和气孔特性亦无显著影响,对叶含水量有显著影响,铵态氮处理叶含水量低于硝态氮和硝酸铵处理。相关分析表明,叶最小导度与比叶片重呈显著正相关。本研究结果说明比叶片重的差异是导致不同处理最小导度不同的重要原因,氮素形态并未通过影响叶最小导度而对植物的抗旱性产生影响。  相似文献   

针对冬春季节西北地区设施栽培辣椒生产过程中出现的低温弱光逆境问题,本研究以低温敏感型辣椒品种‘航椒2号’为试材,开展不同浓度外源玉米黄质对低温弱光胁迫下辣椒幼苗缓解效应的研究。辣椒幼苗通过连续4d叶面喷施0(CK)、20(T1)、50(T2)、100(T3) mg·L-1的玉米黄质溶液预处理,后置于人工气候箱模拟低温弱光胁迫处理7 d,测定辣椒幼苗生长、光合和抗氧化酶相关生理指标。研究发现不同浓度外源玉米黄质预处理均对低温弱光条件下辣椒幼苗的胁迫有明显的缓解作用,其中以T2处理效果最佳。与CK相比,T2处理株高和茎粗分别增加5.52%和17.09%;叶片光合色素含量及净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)、蒸腾速率(Tr)均显著提高;渗透调节物质可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白分别增加22.35%和19.58%;抗氧化酶SOD和CAT分别增加19.23%和381.55%。此外,T2处理显著降低了超氧阴离子、丙二醛(MDA)含量和相对电导率。表明50 mg·L-1的外源玉米黄质能有效缓解低温弱...  相似文献   

不同逆境对玉米幼苗根系活力及硝酸还原酶活性的影响   总被引:44,自引:1,他引:44  
用等渗的15%PEG-6000、72mmol/L NaCI和72mmol/L NaHCO3溶液分别模拟干旱、盐和盐碱逆境来处理玉米幼苗。实验结果表明,经干旱、盐碱逆境胁迫处理后,玉米幼苗根系还原活力比对照分别提高8.4%、7.45和5.6%,根系硝酸还原酶活性分别比对照提高3.2%、69.7%和290.4%,叶片硝酸还原酶活性分别比对照下降67.7%、63.3%和59.3%。  相似文献   

磁处理对小麦幼苗抗旱性的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  

通过盆栽试验,研究了低水(W_1)、中水(W_2)、高水(W_3)三种土壤水分和不施氮(N1)、低氮(N_2)和高氮(N_3)三种施氮量对苹果、梨、桃树幼苗的生长、蒸腾耗水量和水分利用效率的影响.结果表明:三种果树苗耗水量有着明显的差异,在W_2N_1条件下单株耗水量桃树苗最大,在晴天,苹果、梨、桃树日蒸腾量占日总耗水量依次为:22.4%,18%,35.7%,较阴天依次提高了0.5%,8%,22.6%,三种果树苗在晴天夜间的蒸散量依次为:苹果3.26±0.37 g,梨树4.0±1.41 g,桃树4.63±1.8 g左右;在相同的处理下比较三种果树苗蒸腾速率,桃树苗的蒸腾速率相对较大.增施氮肥可以增加果树苗的累积耗水量,提高果树苗水分利用效率.株高、茎粗等生长量的累积幅度上桃树苗最为明显;水分、氮肥对果树干物质的量的影响也都达到了显著水平,干物质量随着土壤含水量、施氮量的增加而增加.在土壤含水量为田间持水量的60%~70%时,既可以保证果树苗正常的生理生长又可以提高水分利用效率.  相似文献   

Seeds of perennial ryegrass Lolium perenne treated with four fungicides, benomyl, captan, iprodione and metalaxyl, used singly and in all combinations were sown in soil in pots. The soil was maintained at a low moisture content to predispose the seedlings to pre-emergence infection by soil-borne fungi. Thirteen of the fifteen fungicide treatments significantly increased seedling emergence and all but one contained benomyl and/or captan. In another pot experiment, a combination of benomyl and captan was tested against four similar treatments, carbendazim+captan, thiabendazole+captan, thiabendazole+metalaxyl and thiabendazole+thiram and also drazoxolon. Only benomyl+captan and drazoxolon did not increase seedling emergence significantly. A natural infection of the seedlings by powdery mildew Erysiphe graminis was reduced significantly by all treatments except thiabendazole+thiram and drazoxolon. Only car-bendazim+captan significantly increased the dry weight of seedlings per pot 98 days after sowing. Benomyl+captan seed treatment significantly increased seedling emergence in 9 of 16 soils collected from widespread sites. One perennial ryegrass cultivar, Parcour, was used in the above experiments and in a comparison with 12 other diploid cultivars its response to benomyl seed treatment was about mid-range.  相似文献   

寄生于多年生黑麦草的Tilletia属腥黑粉菌共有4种,即小麦矮腥黑穗病菌Tilletia controversa(TCK)、黑麦草腥黑粉病菌T.lolii、T.vankyi、黑麦草粒腥黑穗病菌T.walkeri。本研究分析了黑麦草上冬孢子形态非常相似的3种腥黑粉菌的DNA序列差异,设计了TCK的特异引物,成功建立了TCK菌丝基因组DNA的特异PCR检测方法和冬孢子的套式特异PCR检测方法。  相似文献   

Sown field plots of thirty-five, mostly late-maturing, cultivars of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) were sprayed with three concentrations of dalapon under five management treatments in a factorial arrangement. Dalapon had a greater effect (a) on 47-day old than on older plots and (b) if applied on 47-day plots in August rather than June. Cutting 89-day old plots a week before spraying had little effect on susceptibility. The most tolerant cultivar, Barenza Pasture, yielded on average more than twice as much herbage as the most susceptible cultivars in the 12 weeks after spraying. Five of the six tetraploids tested were among the most tolerant cultivars. Certain inherently low-yielding cultivars, notably Station, were judged more tolerant when their yield after spraying was considered in relation lo their yield when unsprayed. The relative tolerances of the cultivars were independent of the dalapon concentration or management treatment. The practical implications of these results for maintaining leys of perennial ryegrass are discussed. Effet du dalapon siir irent-cinq culiivars de Lolium perenne Des parcelles, dans un essai au champ, ensemencées avec 35 cuttivars de Lolium perenne ont été traitées avec trois concentrations de dalapon selon cinq modes différents, suivant un dispositif factoriel. Le dalapon a manifesté un effet plus marqué: (a) sur des parcelles âgées de 47 jours que nil des parcclles plus âgées. (b) s'il a été appliqué sur des pajcelles de47 jours en Août plutôtqu'en Juin. La fauchaison de parcelles âhées de 89 jours une semaine avant le traitement n'a eu qu'un faible effet sur la sensibilité. Le cullivar le plus résistant. ‘Barenza Pasture’, a produit en moyenne une récolte plus de deux fois supérieurc à celle des cultivars les plus sensibies. 12 semaines après le traitement. Cinq des six tétraploides essayés furent parmi Ics cuttivars les plus résistants. Certains des cultivars à faible rendement, notamment Stadion. ont été jugés plus résistants lorsquc leur rendement après traitement a été comparé au rendemcnt sans traitement. La résistance relative des cultivars a été indépendante de la concentration de dalapon ou du mode de traitement. Les conséquences pratiques de ces résullats pour I'entretien des prâiries de Loiium perenne sont discutées. Die Wirkiing ion Dalapon an/35 Sorien ion Lolium perenne Gesäte Freilandparzellcn mit 35. meist spätreifenden Sorten von Lolium perenne, wurden nach fünf Verfahren in einer faktoriellen Versuchsanlage bewirtschaftet und mit drei Dalaponkonzentrationen gespritzt. Die Wirkung von Dalapon war bei 47 Tage alien Parzellen gröosser als bei den älteren (a) und bei Behandlung der 47 Tage alten Parzellen im August bcsser als bei Behandlungen im Juni (b). Schneiden von 89 Tage alten Parrellen eine Woche vor der Spritzung. beeinflusste nur geringPOgig die Empfind-iichkeit. In den 12 Wochen nach der Spriizung brachte die tolcr-antcste Sorte. Barenza Pasture, verglichen mit emplindtichen Sorten, im Durchschnitt mehr als das Doppdtc an Grüner-trag. Fünf der sechs geprüften tctraploiden Sorten. zählten zu den lolerantesten. Bestimmte, von Natur ertragsschwache Sorten, besonders die Sortc Stadion, können als tolerantere Sorten angesehcn werden. wenn man den Ertrag aus der Behandiung mit der Ertragslcistung von Unbehandelt in Beziehung setzt. Die relativen Tolcranzcn der Sorten waren von der Dalaponkonzentratton und der Bewirtschaflungsart unabhängig. Es werden die praktischen Folgerungen aus diesen Ergebnissen für. L. perenne-Feldgrasweiden diskutiert.  相似文献   

Small plots of Lolium perenne were treated between February and September 1979 with benomyl, triadimefon and chlorothalonil and the incidence and relative abundance of sporulating filamentous fungi measured on distinct lesions and senescent areas of leaves.
Benomyl reduced the levels of most saprophytes but increased the levels of the two Drechslera species present. Triadimefon reduced levels of Drechslera species but allowed an increase in levels of Phoma and Epicoccum and in the number of naturally senescing leaves devoid of obvious filamentous fungal growth. In chlorothalonil-treated plots, levels of all filamentous fungi except Epicoccum were reduced and, by controlling Drechslera species, the number of healthy leaves increased.  相似文献   

苇状羊茅内生真菌和多年生黑麦草内生真菌曾给一些国家的畜牧业造成巨大损失.为防止内生真菌随进境草籽传入我国并在中国扩散危害,我们对该2种进境草籽内生真菌的带菌率进行了研究.首先通过分离培养,得到了苇状羊茅内生真菌和黑麦草内生真菌,然后采用染色法对1998年以来收集到的从天津口岸进境的部分苇状羊茅和黑麦草种子进行了初步检验,经检验,37份苇状羊茅样品中有18个品种带菌,34份多年生黑麦草样品中14个品种带菌,带菌率最高可达86.7%.早熟禾、剪股颖等其它禾本科草籽目前尚未发现带有内生真菌.  相似文献   

The interactions between Drechslera dictyoides and Lolium perenne resulting in the development of the net blotch lesion were examined using light and electron microscopy. Following appressorium formation a reorganization of the network of cytoplasmic strands in underlying epidermal cells resulted in the accumulation of cytoplasm and the migration of the nucleus towards the appressorium. Successful penetration was followed by extensive colonization of the invaded epidermal cell. Abortive penetration attempts often resulted in the formation of hyphae within the epidermal cell wall. During lesion development, advancing hyphae came into contact with unmodified host cells which responded with the production of wall appositions. Hyphae were sparsely distributed within the developing lesions and their sparingly branched, predominantly linear pattern of growth resulted in the formation of discrete net lesions. Prior to the commencement of sporulation, the density of hyphae increased and the invasion of moribund cells of the senescent host tissue was observed.  相似文献   

The effects of asulam applied in September 1970 at 0.55, 1.12 and 2.24 kg a.i./ha on Rumex obtusifolius (L.), Lolium perenne (L.), Other grasses and Trifolium repens (L.) growing in two swards in Wales were investigated. Good short-term control of Rumex was achieved by all rates of asulum although regeneration was occurring by the spring following treatment. Dry matter yields of L. perenne were slightly lowered by 2.24 kg a.i./ha 6 weeks after spraying but production in the spring following treatment was substantially greater than on untreated plots. Poa trivialis (L.) and Agrostis stolonifera (L.) were substantially reduced but invasion of the bare spaces by P. trivialis and P. annua (L.) seedlings tended to mask the success of this control. No harmful effects on T. repens were recorded.  相似文献   

A sugarbeet field experiment was conducted in 1999 and 2000 to measure beet yield where Sinapis arvensis or Lolium perenne were growing in the crop row at 2, 4 or 8 cm from the beet plants. The weeds were removed by cutting once in the growing season in either late May, mid‐June or early July. The number of neighbouring beet plants to every target beet plant was recorded. Projected leaf cover of a subset of the data with non‐cut weeds was analysed by using image analysis to investigate whether this could be used to predict beet yield loss early in the growing season. Increasing the distance between beet and weed from 2 to 8 cm increased the beet yield significantly by an average of 20%, regardless of weed species. The dry weight of non‐cut and re‐growing weeds at harvest time decreased when cutting was postponed to the period between mid‐June and early July. The number of neighbours described a sigmoidal yield decline of the single beet plants. Results from image analysis showed that approximately 33 g of beet yield was lost in October/November for each per cent relative projected leaf cover of the weeds in May, despite variation in growing conditions. The results are discussed in relation to potentials for robotic in‐row weed control.  相似文献   

A cultivar of Lolium perenne L. (Causeway) selected for tolerance to foliar-applied paraquat was shown also to be tolerant at seed germination and establishment. When seeds were germinated in paraquat solutions (1, 3, 9, 27 ppm), Causeway was more than ten times as tolerant as a normal cultivar of L. perenne. When germination and survival were studied in a soil which had been sprayed with paraquat (0.0, 0.3, 0.9, 2.7 kg/ha) before sowing, Causeway was nearly three times as tolerant as a normal cultivar. Holcus lanatus L. was about equal to normal L. perenne, but Poa trivialis L. was less tolerant. Phytotoxicity was greater in a 10.5% organic than a 4.8% organic soil. It is concluded that the mechanism of paraquat tolerance operates in the non-photosynthetic tissues of germinating seedlings as well as in the photosynthetic tissues of older plants, although the degree of tolerance varies according to the mode and stage of application of the herbicide. There might be advantages in using a paraquat tolerant cultivar of L. perenne when direct drilling grass after sward destruction by paraquat.  相似文献   

The relation between the ectoparasitic nematodeTylenchorhynchus dubius and the growth and production ofLolium perenne during the first month after sowing, was studied in pot experiments at several temperatures, and moisture levels.The nematode reduced the growth of the grass, mainly as a result of activity during the first weeks after seeding. The percentage decrease of dry matter yield was smaller when temperature was more favourable for plant growth. Decreased moisture content of the soil enhanced the effect of nematodes at 10°C.Samenvatting De relatie tussen de ectoparasitaire nematodeTylenchorhynchus dubius en de groei en produktie vanLolium perenne gedurende de eerste maand na inzaai werd bestudeerd in potproeven bij verschillende temperaturen en vochtgehaltes van de grond.De nematode veroorzaakte groeireductie die vooral een gevolg was van nematoden-activiteit in de eerste weken na inzaai. Het procentuele effect op de droge-stofopbrengst was kleiner naarmate de temperatuur dichter bij de optimumtemperatuur voor de groei van de plant lag. Bij 10°C versterkte een lager vochtgehalte van de grond het effect van de nematoden.  相似文献   

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