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本文就海伦县农业现代化试点——保卫大队的自然、经济条件和农业生产结构进行了调查与分析,在此基础上简要地提出其发展农业机械化的必要性和有利因素。结合该大队的生产条件,估算并绘制了机、人、畜的作业量分配图表,为今后机器的合理配备提供依据。  相似文献   

影响农业机械使用经济效果的因素农业机械化是以机械作业逐步代替人畜力作业的过程。人们考核农业机械使用的经济效果时,自然地要将机械作业与人畜力作业加以比较: 1.增产效果反映机械作业质量及其对单位面积产量的影响。机械作业的增产效果=机械作业的单位面积产量-人畜力作业的单位积产量。上式的余数为正数,表示机械作业质量优于人畜力作业,取得了增产效果;余数为负数,则表示机械作业质量劣于人畜力作业,  相似文献   

近年来,我国甘蔗产量稳步增长,但在甘蔗种植作业过程中,种植作业的机械化程度很低,仍然主要依靠人工作业,在一定程度上制约了我国甘蔗产量的增长。因此,我国应全力实现甘蔗种植作业机械化,从而推动我国社会经济的快速发展。基于此,本文首先概述甘蔗种植作业机械化发展现状,其次找出制约甘蔗种植作业机械化发展的主要因素,最后针对我国甘蔗种植作业机械化发展中存在的问题提出解决措施。  相似文献   

文章介绍了适合当地水地土壤类型、气候特点和耕作模式的系列马铃薯机械化作业技术,详细分析了马铃薯应用机械化作业技术的效果及必要性。  相似文献   

本文试就海伦县生产实际情况分析了松嫩平原北部粮食产区经济上的主要矛盾,提出从调整生产结构、改造农村工业、实行多种经营、发展社以企业和社员家庭副业入手,促进集体经济农牧工副综合发展、社队企业因地制宜地转向农工商联合企业、逐步发展经济联合,从而提高平原粮食产区的生产水平和经济效果。  相似文献   

根茎类中药材关键环节机械化作业技术示范与推广   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过建立根茎类中药材关键环节机械化作业示范点,探索适合当地中药材机械化生产的发展之路,达到示范辐射带动中药材生产机械化作业水平,降低生产成本,显现先进的农业机械在发展现代农业中的效果和作用。  相似文献   

正森林采伐作业中的技术、经济与生态的关系成为近年来国际林学界研究热点,并逐渐形成一门新学科,即森林作业保护技术,旨在解决森林采伐作业带来的环境保护问题。近年来,在森林发达国家,森林采伐作业已从繁重的体力劳动转变为高度机械化作业,生产率提高了10-20倍。然而,机械化采伐作业也给森林生  相似文献   

马铃薯机械化高产栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马铃薯机械化栽培能够提高肥料利用率、减少人工投入、降低生产成本、增加产量和经济收入.通过采用优质脱毒种薯、药剂拌种、化学除草、肥水一体化管理、病虫草害综合防治、机械化田间作业、科学管理等措施,增产效果明显.经实地收获测产,130hm2大西洋品种马铃薯平均单产3006kg/667m2,纯收入2055.1元/667m2.该文较详细地介绍了马铃薯机械化高产栽培技术.  相似文献   

谷子机械化精少量种植工艺的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为提高谷子种植水平,加快杂粮产业发展,根据沁县谷子生产示范区的气候条件、种植制度和机械化作业技术条件,对谷子机械化精少量种植工艺和各作业环节作了详细的研究分析,提供了适合本地区的机械化种植方案。经过两年推广实践,种植工艺取得良好示范效果,显著提高谷子生产能力,为谷子机械化生产提供了有益参考。  相似文献   

机械化深松可以打破犁底层,使生土熟化,改善土壤透气性,提高抗旱保墒能力,有效降低水土流失,促进作物的根系生长和土壤中微生物的繁衍。作为保护性耕作体系中的一个重要环节,机械化深松的作业质量对保护性耕作整体作业效果有着较大的影响。而以项目模式对机械化深松作业进行管理,通过对几个关键因素进行有效管控,"抓重点带一般",对保证机械化深松作业质量稳定和保证作物高产增收具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This study uses 1990 data from seventy-three American Indian tribes to explore factors associated with the adoption of indi genous economic development plans on American Indian reservations. The analyses employing ordinary least squares analytical models posit that the existence of tribally owned and controlled businesses on or near the reservations and the presence of tribally owned farm and ranch operations are most critical in explaining the existence of such plans. A closer scrutiny of this result further suggests that the effect of tribal ownership and control of businesses is more pronounced than that of the existence of a tribally owned farm and ranch operation. The wider implications for comprehensive Indian policy are noted.  相似文献   

Since the turn of the century, the number of small-scale farmers in the U.S. and farmlands they owned have declined very sharply (structural change). Although the decrease in number is generally true for both white and Black farm operators, it has been more significant for Blackfarm operators than whites. The declining trend in the number of Blackfarm operators in the country is derived from individual state experiences that resulted from a combination of various political and economic factors. Using the census of agriculture data from 1900 to 1987, this paper gives a brief historical overview of Black farm operators in Maryland. The census data for the study period shows that at their peak number in 1910, there were 6,382 Blackfarmers in the state of Maryland. However, by 1987, only 371 of that number remained, representing a loss of 94 percent since 1910. According to the 1987 census data almost all Black operated farms in Maryland were not only small-scale but also in the lower sales class, less than $20,000 a year. Their household net family income is below that of non-metropolitan median household income. This concentration of Blacks in the lower economic class of farm operators in the state, for the most part, is closely related to their resource endowments, patterns of tenure, type of farm enterprises, and government farm programs and policies. On the average, Blackfarmers in Maryland have less land, capital and management skills than their white counterparts. Government policies and programs had, and continue to have, a devastating effect on Maryland Black farmers because they were tied to productive resources rather than farm income needs. Under conditions of low income, years of neglect by federal and state programs and policies, and limited resources Blackfarmers were unable to adopt capital intensive production practices and expand their farm operations. This resulted in most of them leaving agriculture, in the past and today, at a faster rate than whites. To avert or at least lessen the unfortunate situation of Black farm operators, projections and possible solutions are offered. This includes how the 1890 Land-Grant institutions because of their tradition, expertise and experience of research, teaching and outreach can take the leadership role in shaping the future direction of these farmers and their operations.Trained in agricultural economics, Ejigou Demissie is an Associate Professor in the Department of Agriculture at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore. His teaching areas include agricultural policy, farm business management, and agricultural marketing. Research interests center on small-scale agriculture and rural development. His recent book published by Westview Press is titledSmall-Scale Agriculture in America: Race, Economics, and the Future.  相似文献   

为考察经济林复合经营技术采用对农户家庭收入的影响及作用机制,明晰经济林复合经营技术增收效益的约束条件,本研究利用浙闽赣3省568户农户抽样调查数据,用计量模型进行实证分析。研究表明:经济林复合经营技术采用能显著增加农业收入,原因在于增加了农户农业劳动时间,尤其是对低禀赋农户的作用更明显。通过反事实估计发现,复合经营技术的增收效应在不同技术采用状态的农户家庭中均存在。对于已采用技术的农户,经济林复合经营技术的增收效应仅在高禀赋农户中产生。对于未采用技术的农户,经济林复合经营技术的增收效应在所有农户中均存在。本研究为理解经济林复合经营技术影响农户收入的作用机制提供了新的经验证据,也为进一步促进技术扩散提供了参考。  相似文献   

在大荔县,农户经营的农业机械已占有举足轻重的地位。本文对农户经营农业机械的经济效果从五个方面作了分析比较:即农户经营农业机械和其他经营形式的比较;独户与联户经营农业机械的比较;农户经营不同种类农业机械的比较;农户经营不同型号拖拉机的比较;农户经营小型拖拉机进行不同作业的比较。并根据该县15%左右的有机户在农机经营中出现的主要问题,就进一步提高农户经营农业机械经济效果的途径提出了两条意见:一是增加农田机械作业量,降低农田机械作业成本;二是做好农机管理和服务工作。  相似文献   

在推导出农机推广中机器替代人力的经济界限的基础上,提出了评价机器替代人力时除了考虑经济效益外,还必须考虑使用机器所带来的综合使用效果,从而提出用综合使用效果系数来修正使用新机器的费用后再与人力方案进行对比计算。依据这一原理,推导出使用机器与当地经济发展水平相适应的经济界限计算式和为农机设计者在设计农机产品时为适应当地经济发展水平一次性投资额的经济界限计算式,为使用者和设计者在选择农机和设计农机时作为技术经济分析的依据。  相似文献   

介绍了中小型养鸡场利用鸡粪进行微生物发酵的发酵原料与操作方法,并总结了发酵效果,以期为综合处理中小型养鸡场鸡粪、解决养鸡场污染问题以及提高经济效益提供参考。  相似文献   

 跨区作业既提高了农机利用率,增加了农民收入,又提高了农业劳动生产率,解决了家庭承包经营与机械化作业之间的矛盾,是现阶段农机服务产业化、社会化的有效途径之一。分析了跨区作业实践过程中出现的问题,就如何进一步搞好跨区作业,使之能够健康、稳步和持续发展提出了发展思路和具体措施。  相似文献   

农产品信息发布的效果直接影响到产品生产单位的经济效益、可再生产能力等.利用Internet网络进行农产品的信息发布是实现高效农业的重要途径.目前将信息发布到网络上的技术和方法形式多样,本文提供了3种策略,并对它们进行了系统的分析比较.  相似文献   

目前农场在收获作业中,大多以经验法进行收获机器系统的配备,从而导致因运载机械配备不合理而造成的收获作业延误情况.结合农场在收获作业中存在的问题,对收获机及运载机械相关数据进行实地测量,将农场的收获过程视作物流系统,运用系统仿真的原理,应用系统仿真软件对收获过程进行建模,查找实际生产中收获机与运载机械的配备中存在的问题,...  相似文献   

Conflicts have arisen between communities and operators of confined animal feeding as farms have become bigger in order to maintain their competitiveness. These conflicts have been difficult to resolve because measuring and allocating the benefits and costs of livestock production is difficult. This papers demonstrates a policy tool for promoting compromise whereby the community gets reduced negative impacts from livestock while at the same time continues to benefit from livestock jobs, taxes, and related economic activity. Public economic benefits and public economic costs of confined animal feeding operations are estimated for every farm and affected house in Craven County, North Carolina. The results show public economic benefits of $5.7 million and public economic costs of $5.7 million and public economic costs of 2.2 million, but that the ratio of benefits to costs for individual farm-house pairs varies in important ways across the 26 hog farms in Craven County.  相似文献   

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