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仔猪断奶是目前养猪业生产中一个非常重要的环节,是制约养猪生产效益的重要因素,随着养猪生产水平的提高,仔猪的断奶日龄逐渐提早。但由于仔猪消化系统尚未发育成熟,因此能否配合出既经济又能减轻"早期断奶腹泻综合症"的日粮,使仔猪能顺利完成从母乳到断奶日粮的过渡,同时又能维持最大的生长速度。通过使用价格较低的工业氨基酸,降低蛋白原料的用量来满足动物氨基酸需求,即在生产中配制低蛋白质日粮成为一种现实的可能。目前,低蛋白质日粮在养猪业中的研究已相对成熟,但在实际应用中也需要注意一些相关的问题。  相似文献   

杨金宝  陈波  王捷 《畜禽业》2007,(2):18-20
<正>我国目前集约化生产的养猪场仔猪一般在3~4周龄断奶。仔猪断奶是养猪生产过程中一个重要的环节,直接影响以后的生长发育。断奶时将仔猪和母猪分开,仔猪的饲料由全乳日粮变为干饲料或颗粒料,此时断奶仔猪处于强烈生长发育时期,但消化机能和抗病能力又不够强。日粮的变化、环境的变化,对仔猪产生强烈的应激。  相似文献   

王石瑛 《畜禽业》2005,(12):34-36
现代养猪生产中,仔猪早期断奶技术已被越来越广泛地采用,即从过去一般的28d断奶提前至21d甚至21d以下断奶。仔猪早期断奶不仅可缩短母猪的哺乳时间从而提高母猪的繁殖率和年产仔数、提高分娩舍利用率、降低仔猪的生产成本,而且能阻断某些传染病的传播。然而,伴随着断奶日龄越来越小,机能不健全的早期断奶仔猪发生腹泻病已变的越来越普遍,其危害也日趋严重。据调查,目前我国仔猪腹泻全年平均发病率约为46.5%、死亡率达10.3%,有些猪场的仔猪的腹泻率甚至达到700k-800k、死亡率达15%~20%。即使在养猪业较发达的美国,早期断奶仔猪因腹泻造成的死亡率也达15.5%,荷兰为11.5%~14.2%。早期断奶仔猪腹泻已成为全球养猪业中普遍和高发的疾病,给养猪生产者造成了极大的经济损失。  相似文献   

猪生产中最关键的是仔猪生产,特别是早期断奶仔猪生产,早期断奶仔猪饲养效果的好坏将是决定猪全期生长效果的基础。决定猪生长效果的因素很多,其中仔猪消化率是一项重要指标。日粮中的能量、蛋白源以及抗营养因子都会影响断奶仔猪的消化率,因此,采取措施提高断奶仔猪的饲料消化率对提高断奶仔猪的生产性能和养猪的经济效益有重大意义。  相似文献   

<正>(上接第9期)9仔猪的早期断奶、营养和管理仔猪生产是整个养猪生产过程中最重要的环节。当今养猪科学的一大革命便是为了提高母猪的繁殖利用率而推行的仔猪早期断奶新技术。欧美养猪业中,21日龄断奶已很普遍,2周龄断奶也已在积极推广中。但是,随着  相似文献   

仔猪死亡是养猪生产中的常见现象,也是导致养猪业效益低下的重要原因之一,作者结合多年的实践经验,分析了仔猪成活率低的原因,科学的提出了提高仔猪成活率及断奶重的综合技术措施。  相似文献   

吕景智 《畜禽业》2002,(3):Y002-Y003
仔猪是养猪生产的基础,是保证养猪经济效益的前提。随着养猪业集约化程度的提高,以及仔猪早期断奶等技术措施的普遍实施,加上仔猪具有物质代谢旺盛,但消化机能差,缺乏先天免疫力和体温调节机能不健全等生理特点,使得仔猪易受到各种病因的侵袭。目前,仔猪腹泻仍然是我国仔猪生产中损失量大的病症。因此,不仅要对某些传染性疾病如仔猪黄白痢、仔猪断奶后全身性消瘦综合征等做针对性防治,更要全面提高饲养管理水平和疫病诊断水平,把好仔猪初乳关、断奶关,从整体上提高仔猪成活率和生产性能,获得理想的经济效益。本期专题讨论编发的一组文章,希望能对生产者有所帮助。  相似文献   

在目前的养猪生产中,断奶仔猪的腹泻严重威胁到养猪生产者的经济效益。引起断奶仔猪腹泻的主要原因有断奶应激、断奶仔猪消化及生理机能缺陷、饲料因素、病原微生物感染等。要想防控好断奶仔猪的腹泻病,就必须坚持"预防为主、治疗为辅、防治结合"的原则,主要做好这几方面工作:加强饲养管理、减少断奶应激、调整日粮成分、用药物预防和治疗、搞好免疫接种。  相似文献   

<正>1断奶仔猪发生腹泻的原因和危害仔猪断奶是猪在生长过程中的必过之关,而断奶仔猪腹泻是养猪生产中的的常见病和多发病。断奶仔猪腹泻通常发生在断奶后的3~10d,第七天达到高潮,一般形成粥样或水样腹泻,内夹杂不消化的食物,如不及时发现和治疗,很快就会因脱水而死亡。目前,我国仔猪的断奶日龄一般在21~28d,而一些养猪业发达的国家已开始  相似文献   

我国养猪业的历史悠久,随着养猪技术的发展,传统养猪方式已被集约化养猪生产所代替。也成为了农村经济收入的支柱。种猪生产的经济效益则取决于仔猪培育的成败。而断奶仔猪腹泻越来越成为仔猪培育的绊脚石。断奶仔猪腹泻是一种复杂的疾病群,是集约化养猪生产条件下的一种典型的  相似文献   

报道规模化猪场爆发PCV-2的病例。重庆忠县某猪场有经产母猪88头,断奶仔猪182头。2007年以来,坚持自繁自养,猪场稳定,猪只健康,全场发病率(包括仔猪)小于3%,死亡率低于1%。2009年4月,该场开展对外免费授精服务,9月3日种公猪发病,1周后断奶猪发病,病死猪血清和淋巴结中PCR检测PCV-2阳性。病死猪脾脏和淋巴结为病料制成灭活苗,全场紧急接种,并配合药物治疗,至10月底病势得以控制,统计本次发病,断奶猪发病86头,发病率为47.3%,死46头,死亡率为25.3%,种公猪发病后治愈。  相似文献   

随机选取体重相近的12头断奶仔猪,分别采取仔猪断奶时,断奶后第七天、第十四天和第二十八天的血液进行抗氧化功能指标的测定。结果发现:断奶应激对仔猪血清SOD的活性影响不大,而血清GSH-Px活性第七天和第十四天的极显著低于断奶时的和第二十八天的(P<0.01)。第七天的MDA含量高于断奶时、断奶后第十四天和第二十八天的差异显著(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

Early weaning in spotted sand bass larvae, Paralabrax maculatofasciatus, was evaluated, testing a combination of two weaning times, 17 and 22 d after hatching (d.a.h.), and three different microparticulate diets. Protein in diets was mainly from sardine meal and from 15% squid meal, beef blood meal, or fish protein hydrolysate. Anatomical (standard length), histological (gut development), and biochemical (highly unsaturated fatty acids) parameters were measured in larvae, as well as survival and resistance to a stress test measured 40 d.a.h. For larvae weaned at 17 d.a.h., the best growth and survival were obtained with diets containing fish protein hydrolysates; for larvae weaned at 22 d.a.h., best results were obtained with squid meal and fish protein hydrolysate. Growth and survival were significantly lower when using beef blood meal in both weaning treatments. The best relative and total survival were for larvae weaned at 22 d.a.h. After the resistance test, 100% survival occurred in larvae fed on any microparticulate diet and either weaning treatment. No significant differences in arachidonic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid, or docosahexaenoic acid concentrations in fish fed on any diet occurred. Results suggest that weaning at 22 d.a.h. with diets containing fish protein hydrolysate or squid meal is preferred by this species.  相似文献   

The fundamentals of paramunization are briefly discussed to provide better understanding of paramunization of pigs. Veterinary practice and experimental studies demonstrate the usefulness, efficacy and harmlessness of paramunization of pigs. Mortality, morbidity as well as weight gain in piglets are used to evaluate the effect of the inducers PIND-AVI and/or PIND-ORF on piglets which have been treated shortly after birth. The therapeutic effect of paramunization has been studied in herds with enzootic pneumonia. Paramunization is especially suitable in stimulating the immune system, in treating immune deficiencies, in the prophylaxis of the stress syndrome (e.g. induced by transport, weaning, changing stalls, etc.) and in treating pluricausal, multifactorial infectious diseases such as enzootic pneumonia, rhinitis atrophicans, "crowding" disease. Paramunization of pigs is discussed, using PIND-ORF as an example of a biological inducer. Paramunization as a biological method to stimulate immunity provides a new concept of prophylaxis and therapy opposed to the uncontrolled use of chemicals in pig production.  相似文献   

The growth and survival of 290 mg sole, Solea solea (L.), during and after weaning onto diets containing varying amounts of hydrolysed fish protein concentrate (HFPC) were determined. Survival ranged between 75.5% and 42.5% (91% with a control diet containing polychaete and mollusc meals) during the weaning period and was positively correlated with the level of HFPC in the weaning diet. After weaning, when the fish were ~ 940 mg in weight, no significant correlation was found between growth rate and the level of HFPC in the diet over a period of 22 days. Diet digestibility and its importance during weaning is discussed in relation to the digestive physiology of sole. Weaned sole were fed exclusively on a formulated diet in a sand-free tank at an average temperature of 16.5°C for an 18-month period, achieving a final average weight of 133.1 g ± 40.1 SD (217.5 mm ± 19.1 SD).  相似文献   

Problems of limited number of dry feeds as supplement or replacement of live feeds have led to poor larval nutrition in many species of fish. Therefore, the suitability of co‐feeding 8‐day‐old African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) posthatch larvae using live feed (Artemia salina) and formulated dry diet containing freshwater atyid shrimp (Caridina nilotica) during weaning was investigated. The experiment ended after 21 days of culture and respective groups compared on the basis of growth performance, survival, feed utilization and nutrient utilization. Larvae co‐fed using 50%Artemia and 50% formulated dry diet resulted in significantly (P < 0.05) better growth performance, food gain ratio (FGR), protein efficiency ratio (PER) and productive protein values (PPV) than other treatments. The lowest growth performance occurred in larvae weaned using 100% formulated and commercial dry diets. Better survival of over 90% was obtained in larvae weaned using 50%Artemia and 50% dry diet, while abrupt weaning using 100% dry diets resulted in lower survival (<75%). These results support a recommendation of co‐feeding C. gariepinus larvae using a formulated dry diet containing C. nilotica and 50% live feed when weaning is performed after 8 days posthatching period.  相似文献   

复方抗应激制剂对仔猪断奶应激的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本试验以新荣Ⅰ系35日龄断奶仔猪为试验动物,探讨复方抗应激制剂对仔猪断奶应激的影响及其机理。结果,血清总蛋白含量增加(P<0.05),血清尿素氮、血清皮质醇、血清葡萄糖下降(P<0.05).血清无机P、CI-、Na~+、K~+含量升高(P<0.05)。表明该制剂可通过这些途径或方面对仔猪断奶应激产生防治作用。  相似文献   

Marine Fish Larvae Feeding: Formulated Diets or Live Prey?   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
In the rearing of larval marine fish, any diet that reduces dependance on live prey production is of technical and economic interest. Weaning juveniles with a completely developed digestive tract to a conventional diet, (i.e., "late weaning") can be successful in any marine fish species. For example, weaning one-month-old sea bass (20 mg) to the study's reference diet, Sevbar, resulted in over 85% survival (40% from hatching) and 1.25 g fish at day 90 (at 19 C)
In contrast, "early weaning" of larvae to special microdiets during the first month is still difficult. The best way to reduce live prey utilization in sea bass is to wean larvae at about 3–4 mg in size (day 20). If weaning could be accomplished 15 days earlier, Artemia savings could be as high as 80%. However, this introduces risks relative to growth retardation (30% weight loss) and lower juvenile quality, including greater size variability and skeletal abnormalities. Similar results have been obtained with commercial microparticles (Fry Feed Kyowa) and experimental microbound diets (MBD) made from raw materials (alginate MBD) or preferably from freeze-dried protein sources (zein MBD).
Total replacement of live prey is still impossible in marine fish. Sea bass larvae fed formulated diets exclusively from first feeding (0.3 mg larval wet weight), or even from their second week of life onwards, exhibited low survival and poor growth. Better results can be obtained when formulated diets are used in combination with live prey from first feeding, although the optimal ratio of live prey to formulated diet is still to be specified.  相似文献   

Previous results show that weaning success of Ballan wrasse larvae greatly depends on the quality of the dietary marine raw materials. In the present study, six moist or agglomerated experimental weaning diets containing different combinations of high‐quality marine raw materials, being fish meal (FM), cod muscle meal (CMM), shrimp meal (SM) and krill hydrolysate (KH), were tested in a 2‐month weaning trial with Ballan wrasse larvae of 34.5 mg initial body weight. Larvae performance was good in all dietary treatments except those fed diet D1 containing only FM. The Ballan wrasse larvae fed weaning diets D4 and D5 containing FM and either SM or KH, respectively, had the highest final body weight (0.7 g) but also the highest mortality (50%). Best weaning survival (77%) was obtained using the dry agglomerated diet D3 containing CMM and SM. During the first month, fish survival correlated positively with dietary free amino acid and soluble protein levels and negatively with the combined levels of dietary lipid oxidation metabolites and ethoxyquin. During the second month, mortality rates were lower in all treatments. Fish larvae final body weight correlated negatively with total dietary fatty acids and positively with dietary cholesterol, phosphorous and DHA/EPA ratio.  相似文献   

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